THE BEE: OMAHA, MAT 1916. 10 Want-Ad Rates e CASK WITX O-DKBt v per word each lurlio peclal Aatssi Farm and Hutch I-anls. Je per lint..... each Insertion (Count His word to t ho lino.) FOREIGN DVEKTIBLN(- UNDER AUENTC Oil HELP WANTED Cl-AHrilFlCATIONS; fe pr word., , on tlrn 1 He per word... three consecutive times battii So par line . .on tlm 7c per line three consecutive time (Count U word to the lln.) TO AO TAKES fOM l-M THAW A TOTAL Of ( OB Ull TBAB 10 rXB SAT. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH. AND FUNERAL NOTICEH; 10c per lln each In or Hon (Minimum chirp; 69 vents.) Monthly Rate for etandlng ads (no change of cony) 110 per lln (Count sis word to th lln.) Contract rata om appUoatloa, T'TK REE will not h responsIM for more then on Inrorrect Insertion of n advertisement ordered for mor than one time. AinT:RTIPP;nfl anmild rlln rerMpt (riven by Tha He In payment for Want Ada, as no fr-stak can t ratified without them, ri"J Tim Trr.KPTTOKT) ft yon rannnt conveniently bring or send In your ad, Aak for a Want-Ai Tnkar, and you will retire the ei:i mod ervtc en when delivering your ad at Ih offfr. wonp)Wlf.r inno. WANT-AP ror.TTMNS CI.OPW KVIVt KniTKiNH.,,,,,,. ,1" n. f, WORNINC! EDITIONS. :f)0 P, M. MOVIE PROGRAM Current offering of th beat Motion Picture Theater In Omaha, (Changed Dally.) IKeatirnn, .IPit. l-'.li It DOliliA "REALIZATION." Loie'i dn I gradual, but III (reap la aura. "Counterfeit Leva." Haul' Emlllng Writ," a able splitting Cmed)', tUiTVAhXmr iliO'ATtAMT Now th hous of features, orchestra and pipe organ. Today Present Robert Warwick end France Nelson in "HI'M A S DmFTW'OoD,'J a-'a, !i jTw' "iiaupen; '"" m .akna'm' Chaplin roinedv eveiy Monday and Fri day, Five reels, t cents. PIUNC ESa."' " "' i 3 1 7 -1 9 DO VQ LAST "THE BELOVED LIAR," three-reel' drama, featuring Thomas Jerf ergon, "ii of tha late Joseph Jef ferson. "When Hllm Was Mom fund." comedy, "Thief of th Desert, "' Western drama, Jforlb. 7-fii anITnneT iU AND, CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In her greatest aueceai, "TRILBY" In five wonderful acts AND A GOOD COMEDY. XTifuiiuv. iifu '. unnAOT. Dougla Fairbanks 1 it "His Pictures In the Papers," also "Fatty and Mabel In The BrlghtJ.lghts " BTTeRMAN "ib'tU AND nOUDCTTB "Romance of tlio Hollow Tie," i reel, "plotter and paper.'" t reel, "Girl and the On me." I reels. .onlti 2824 1 LEAVEN V51TU. APOLLO. Five reels of pictures. 6U LEVA fit). ilTTTeavisnworth. Monday at 7:15 and t:i. Paramount incline offer Henry Altialay In "tirother officer." a dramatic romance that will itGllLr "The Iron CInw" (Eighth Episode), and "The Isolated House,!' We!. monroe: jTsFFATtmr "A Law t'nto Himself," flve-rxirt Mu. tMtil MHterpltn:. with Orane Wilbur la a dual rule, and a good conx-dy. Mouth "tide," " BESSK", i4tii anETnT Robert Kdlson In "HI&- Jim Oartlty," UitPHEUM, 24TH M (he reels of aood Pli'turea, STAR FEATURES Wbai'lal Eatra Meet Featurea no appear fng t the following Thaaterei fcig Jim (lamty." nrruAXHDirii "wax's fcNWnfH "Biothvf Ofil era" i;MPtiF. uihasu tKVuarAI "I'Ml'eatln I t dwa la aiaauel, tbt I't grp la ! THfcj i Ai. Ail,""' UiV'rAaMAtf V i.ibrt Wsrwt k an! Fist,. Ns:oi) In H i.i.n'r(f(i,.l uAUPtN, " ' u.i rAtH.AVt i"ipjlit mel fifr '. uUaj r f. -' , lit, It a , I ,'.,(. 4.KA.lC " ""MU AND' IHNSX Cut Ki- t "i-l 1 b-r ti'.lnl IcIiUiMpr i tU ANU U'tiHtK.V g F"I.JUkt t I'lt I I I i i I!, I I Us 1U I'--.-,- ' t , l M,iei'!ta, l, I ;. W i a d-a4.. '- "ti' rue4 I ; ' ( !', fc-im-i-r." ii t-Htv.ii'Kttj 11 a - "' i 't - ii - j . . ( it -- ' " ." , as,.' '. . i h t . I l -i'i la-" t ! !. i t..., V I ! I ! ! I . ,. ( . I ,.a . - - " . , t . ' -. - (Ill - . lilt' ' ! " !-.. k Room advertising for March and April shows big gains over same months last year; 686 MORE ADS (over 80K gain)-Telcphone your room ads to The Bee and get them rented oKATH.i m oti. km. j A! V Kits A uuukt. e.ej SI years, May S I. .I4 Flori-IH c boulevard, survived by Mrs. Jennie GrmiWHll, MIIWRiikiic, Wis.; Mis. A. W. Nelerr, Milwaukee, WIh,; Mrs. Bn Martin, Moux City, la.; Mrs. II. llltinienthul, lrfm Atigi'lia, Cl.; Airs. Carrie Semptir, Fremont, NVh.s Mrs. Jar-k fprliiKer, ClibHiio, III.; Mrs. Ilnwcr, el, ), III ; Air. Hurry Myers, Moiuphla. Tcnu.; Mi. J, It, Myara. Mi'in Phis, Tenn.; .Mr. Fixl Mv,-rs, 'miKha; Miss Fnnnle Mycin, Ornulia; Mrs. M, Hexon, Omahn. Hervlies at lluffmnim'a filnernl home Tnemlny 2 p. m, interment, Pleasant Hill ecmeliTy. Auto M-rvlee. Hum Hunnen berK, H. Heyiiintl, Hilt Kalm, II. ItohMill, Jake Klein, Muyer Kltln will act a pnllbearora, j M K1(M Aiifure4 m yieara. May i, 101(1. at l."44 Florene iiotilevard, Wervlceii nt Huff mu n' fuimrnl h'ne Tuesday, 2 p. in. interment Pleasant Hill irinetery. JuiilAN fi- riiward 1 u, dlod Hund'ay rnnrnltia;, May t. Ftmernl will he Tuesday morning at o'clock from rlt. John's church. f i. oh la t a, rth.K'i wUAU'ry i:u'r nutwtcHtt or plants, Art (,'onihlnatlons, slilied every where. Kacellent service to our cus tomers In past year rei omnieiuis 1 1 cue MW'OHOUA, 14 1 IV Karriam Ht I' (Mrl. l.iltillT wHi :.JT.'i u'l flesh lowers, delivered or shipped anywher. IIKNriKIIHON I6ia Farnain t. X.TijN AiTTlT; iw " HaroayT I iou'sj t. Tit ItotlMI IMI4 enf'iM t U HIIITIIS JM IlKATIIH. Itlitha-Hultiuei and Mutllo itomniMuiii, "H .North Twenly thlrd, buy; lunl4 uiid Jannuta, Fox, 'iliil North horiicli, iftil; Anton and Kiln I'Mskaith, K Houth Tweiity-riiat, boy; Henry and llnaai Kroh, l'orty-nlntii and Vv, girt, (iuorge and Maria Peterson, riUth and Allan, boy; Albert and Flontnea lia Hoy, tVu Miiple, artrl ; Joaeph and Iiroiiu Wolf, 2ii)4 fiortli Twenty-fourth, boy; Henry H. nod Motile Moar, 44 ;il Hoiiili Tweniicth, airti 11 an and Ixnn pdleraon, lul l V In Ion, boy; l,eioy and Kniina WuodrliiK, boiilh Fllteenih, ahlj Anfelt ami llulila Peterson, Vtt't lovana, boy. neaths-Cai'inel Kewplo, S days, North rleveiiteentb: Peter H, OnwanK, II, 2nti North Nineteenth: Nora II. Inner, Hi, M Houth Twefity-nlMHi; John M, l'".d holin. 'i months, 'Mf Manileison; Ma thilda PhllbruoK. r,(i, 13)1", Kotyli Twenty seventh; John l'niUlet, , lilt Vinton; Wlllbiiii H, ('hutch, 11, hosplial; Aitlnir llowi'is, Jr., II days, lioapltal; MarKuret Traver, "'. 5lf' Kiwncer; Luulae KiaiP'la, i?4, hoapltiil; Fdward Neni, i'i, 114 NorUi Fifteenth; (eoife Hanovlti h, IX Twenty elKhth and Jt; Jennie cnfi..d, M, I. .ill Mlesourl avenue; Nd VV'SKlunif, 77, bos. i.lio i ; Joseph Kralbiiry, ,!,. KM Houth Twnnly-thlid; ravld llmer, K, 4liS Houth Nlncteenlb; Mrs. Ann Wadsworth Hnittb W, lioapllnl; Fred" M'olaon llutton, M. '.l'4 Vorlh HUty-flraf nvenue; August Wleg, W, hospital; Margaret Ann Wlillnmson, I year, bosnltal; Heorgo li,lrtle, 77, hos pltal; Freilerlek H0I1.I11, 47, SH4 Vinton; I'hllln F. Lambert, , hnnpllnl. m Hunat' i.t( vynv.n. J'ernilts to wed have been lssue(fTrtb following; Name and Jlelibnre, Age, William N. Cbrlstento'ii, De Moines,, 2S Fratifes I. lleggon, I 'e Moines 25 I'hllllp M. Wrl(!ltt. Omaha ,., 24 ftffte Qulnley, Oinalia 'M Frank ('. HilmlU, flarkson, Neb 27 fb-riha llurbiink, Clarkaon, Neb ,, 28 III ll,l)l0 PKIIMITi, Onboiue llenlty eonipany, 4.77 Ohio, frame dwelling, l!,)0. Oabome Iteaity eoinpariy, 4311 Miami, frame dwelling, LOST FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL. HM'FFH KTItKKt f(AIIWAy rOMPANr. Persona having lost aom article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha A Couiull llluffs Htreet Hallway company to ascertain wlistbsr they left It In Ilia atreet care. Many article each dsy ar turned In and the company Is anslous to restor them to tha rlgl.tful owner. Cell g YOU lfM surllilns u4 Kill I'MMIn II hrs, feu ll surelf warn It If fuunil li, s hv"1 bmttttn. livmiiSsble rivvsrlss sr biuuUI tH.ut everr Ar fluoagh tliis ruiums. Ill I.AW-i'n.ele mho ri nil lint srtlelss art Inlrair4 In knuelns (hsi ttis isi Is ar:at, Is reutrliig IUm to efh the ownar taruiiiti adven ittmunt sn4 oitisrwlss a4 iiii S failure l 4i m if same fan b pro ran, la voltes s saver serially. . TUB person who picked up package con- ul..l-., Alii. hn Ml,1e ear line between H and k 30 Friday a. m. kindly call Matthew'g book atoie. Doug. 3144. rteward. l.HT-Hliver" vanity ca'aerieftln jitney. Itcward. I'hone Harney p.ii. "5.N I'i gray" pony "(aki n iii; bruniled U, Hoy I'crkins, r.ast iniinna, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ""iFlirnilnre and llon.i Uoode. BP15CIAL ItLDUCKD PElCEij IN Ft'nNITVRE. . WE CAN 8AV13 YOU FROM TO to CH1ICAGO FURNITURH CO., 0-H JN. 1'lth HtJ Tyler UU. U1 fiirnlluie of nlnu-r Juiu houao ;i0. Phono Harney Dunt, OMAHA PIU.OW CO.-Felt and hair mattresses made over in new inns ai - half tha price of new one. Phone us for sample of icSt!g Mall orders filled. lT Cuming Hl;Ioiila!47 Foil S At. K Patented Ironbig board, neat Hint well built; w ill last a In', lime. Phone ua fur partl.'uliils. Doug. Ulk. Full HAI.IO Varlona article of liuuae- hold khUh; tirlvaie Sale; call at liniia. MondejorJuesdHyJilJN.IMli Ht N KV 8-uurner oli stova, uosi .'.fci. e3.". ei;Mll!.l(edJf, N-": V j-jHTrWr'""!! 'atove, f7, . Ib-I 6s llBme aad Meatpel lasleameMi. PI A M 14 FOU""mKNT." flood tiiakes, gmid cnuitlon. 3 W (Ml month new planus, 14 00 per month A. HOHI'tf CO, 1M-Iliiigle Ht. cTAMiSKT.'''lir 14 keveT 'four roHen, ei'elleii cloUllnii, I '.'! 4'.i glore and (ifllee Pi i were."" tiKeKH. sit fvs, ', iowraea. stis'v lug eto. W bur, sell ii'-, FUtJr A duppiy ('"., 4l )4 li . Uih. iHmg.. Jewels! T lUa"ds, w slehe. i' Ml 'I 'I , A A II I (. ' li k -l'hil Hugs ' ( lh and lN,,igl Hia " ' tlerdnare ana 'I rtla. FI'I.lT"!!'. tf canavlitaf ) and bai.le S tool at ! per rent rf.ll N.. lt't M. Tfrer ? aHe. ): W m. Mm I I ihs seme a rent, t,i par loo Kl.l W Iwlol I bu wt lil, i ii-l - .m f '4 l f,.. (pi,l bulla 'I , . iir k.ti'ei. Ill s) i i i ..oal.e. Ult'LAVD litini-iN AM? CARftO!! C rt-iisuieUlnt wbh (be ' ' w. . lit iu th . J ' t'iJd- Duul SiC, t . i .. .. f trg till i Mi di, ! eel re- !,',. d M-, si. l ie ier I I it f l I'eiiliil lU-eeniar (,. .(,.!. t kl"-.'- g i u.mi..i i ' a a. nil icuit. (.. . . l a. . I ,H . .'0". "'- . I.'.. ,, t iiai, I , 'e. Vk. l i !- '" - ' a4 tlaiklu,,, ! I,l., A '. I- t o.U k I t ' I i t ' 1 ' ' ' I H ' A Ml ll - I ' C' 1 4 ( , S M ' I ' , 'HM I , 4 'u t ti,ka K I ((! I 1 .!... H '.", It . VV i 4 US l I ) ...I.! '',.,, lSr. l -.I l. IS , lit--. . I 1 1, at, l e k ' j a. I . poR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Katraery, Seeds and I'laaia. J. VVKHTKOM NUHUKUV CO. I7lhml ,laekson. I'ltotio I oii,t!7. M. P. I'.VltO Nuraxry Co., IT'h ami OodgeT Office l Ilea , I'ulfas 4IHI. i-ver-bearlnit strawberry plants, home grown, IS tier lllinared, COir.ig J7. ii .m, aT.d, eoit Kp'b Ing iloii" VVehat'er 4i. aetvlsuc Markinra. Sewiag Machines We rent, repair, sell nemJle and pans Of all aewlng machlnee, MICKKL.H NK Ft HA UK A CfCI.B CO.. lfith and Harney Hts lioug 112. Illlll.ird end I'oeUf-i Tablr. hult ami seiiouii-liatid curom and poi ket bllilnrd tables ami bowling alley and aci-essorlea; send for rata, ingiie; eaey paymenta. The HiunHwb k-Welke-Ci.llender Co..407.4i H Pith HL I, H it. lie e n n d II o II d I n M I e rlH I a. iliAlIu red .fiiar leiii-a posts end amalT pole a'. I, direct to consumer In carload lots. Pay afier Inspection. Decker & Vogel, Clarks Fork, Idaho, 2,1-1, mikI lumbei kii'l klndllliK II ''It; III Const. Co., ..14 i 'iiuiiiiK. j yiera,i2. I'rlnllou aod (iff Ice Pai.pH,-a7 " Mb.lKiAL Dildh atlng Co., Circular letter, public steno. Addreaalng en v1om or i arils, etc, t ail It, :ii (AO I'axlou Hlk. OKT Ol II prices on Job printing;. CAMPAIGN CAKUB) A Bl-Ki JAlVrr. II. H. PT'I '''iiyilJKI J Jim wa'i KiTii-HATtMi Aiti"Ftg 'i;'oi,"iUMiiy (irliiiliiM Tel I long, 21(s. m H, 131 h Ht, 41 'aeellt, lieoiis. il fTigihisndrd of '11181177 wTiFb maintained; i tpjsrts of Old Fonlenelle whisky, boiled in bond. Henry Pollock mall order house. Doug, 7181 IM-124 K loth Ht LAlv!-;S!I)int;E CO FOlt !CK. PI10NK COLFAX tl. flen, office, i;nh and Manderson His. ALEX " J ETTEa" LIQUOH" UOUaE. Thirteenth and Daugloe. Pnltled In bond whisky, H'm. P.00, full ana. t. liold.-n West Whisky, 4 ftjlT uuarts bottled In bond. Prepaid. I'acklev Urn.. 'ImnliM. MA HUM" 22-rlfle7 i clieritcondltln,2 ehot, long or snort. i lotigiiis 4irr, I OH H A l,K- I'rsliie bay. W I It " WaTsoh May 4 'Oy J.nman.. Neb ..,. WANTED TO BUY V A NT F. D - H In i cli. as g u r ve y o r: a "Ira nsTtT an irtHtrumciit tnat IS aeaigueri ror gen eial land surveying as well as drainage work Prl.e must be rlghL Addrca ie, B"e. 'dekh, Desius Desks NW desks, used desk, bought, sold and trailed J, C, ftd,I207 Kamam. ItACIIMAN will pav you more ror fur" ull tire, clotl.en and ehoea, Web. filpl. Jllgliesl price ald for Ull -hand clothes, aitoes, ii unas. goiicti. . n, iai or i wra. lliil.MFH pays your price ror 2d hand clothes, shoes rind bale Well. t.',V. OLtTc'lyTli m '. old" h i io icy t We pay highest price. Webster 1724. Ve pay best pil;'is for nlifcloi lies". I7T 4- :-.'P l .'. : tf ANNOUNCEMENTS I ' VF oiilVr.o'r. YM i' a. in. FariT biiVi'liMJAAHIi H "el.n'ekv Wedding" flings" at llth and Douglas 8ta. Uniititimtri, CALLED for and delivered. Re' air work guaranteed. Haw flllng: 1'ouging 7is. Lawniiiowera sharpened. Darney6i79. Motor Hepaire. " CA HIM, ELFC. Cf).. Ue llldg. Ojm I aruaitfrrk and 4 i.ulructora. PRICK repairing and cement work of all kinds, ZXiJ cuinlitg. Harney 4ia. - Tin work' Central Tin Hlinli. I). iCM Repairing;, Jolit.liik, Mi'ieeiilng.Vy'eh. IfirT Iaeard '"ft" Hon l'4 'Capitol Ave," f7"Hli C. wrHokansonTyitft" "Lviiwth."tyTaw-j" nressiuaiiiua. Accordion, Bills. Isnlfo, Hog Pleating, t oy, notions, neinstitcning, reo. i-ieai-Ing ft Kin ton Co. 4:il 2 Paston Bik. H.4A42. I'rlces Hesiinable, Mr, it. A, Connolly, VM Pa ltd llldg., l.lh and Hougia. I'. ' VitaTaf Vlacher, ladies' tailored garmenl for all occasions ug K-iae Hldg. Ty. Maiiame Miluhael, Downs, suits. No. 4, Florentine Apt, riionn iiyngiaa jtzns. Fa.dilona bio d reeainn klng.Jfua 8. JlatAye, PLAIN aewlug, work gua rant eeil. ( 'ol, 144 1 . RV iawork guarantei'd. Wb. Wat SeiaieFsTi ireigmakiiig CulijmcUfJsmU Trry Dreaeniak'g coliege. Tli ft Farnam." llnlrarreslaia. IDKAL Hair Parlura-un Ralrd flldg. Maulcurliig, scalp, faclul and violet ray treatments. Tolletarllclea. D. Ulna. ' 1 leuuera ami" liyaira. BTATkl DRY CLKAMNU CO., , 129 N. 121 il 1st. j H . WVL Hats (iraued anil illucked. STRAW, Panama, all kinds bttta. cleaned and rehlocKedliilt-lfi2uHarney 8t. At.!. KINDS of hala cleaned and blocked. li,2l Faruutn Bt. Phuiio Red twa. F.verylliloa" for i Ullilreu, LKT MF. I imilie all kinds of clothea for children. "i".lt Lake. Wel.ater 2119. t'osioiue. THKATniCAl, gowns, full dress suits, for rnt. 29 N. 17th Ht. John Feldmaa. r'laao lasiraciioa. Ragtime piano playing positively ta'ljtht in 20 leaeuns, C2e Cutulng. Wl. S.t",l. " B.lri.-eloia", hploal AdluslmeBts. DK. Ut.KHOK.N, 4,4 Hose Rldg. O. M47. Palmer School erad, Consuiietton tree t're. HilllabaniT"WCrjightoi71'Ik.l. tint." Dr. J, C. Uawim-.l Ralrd Uldg. O-JW. ' "Porch a nd Wliidow goreeua. Flit IM faetorv tiivou, I 'hone Red 4'4I7. " lioHeet'leaaJuaj. F ECTRIC house ch-atilna, our work and prlr wilt pleas, you. I-et retnov your atoim windows and put In your ai-reene, Tyler I'D! J. Ileleellt r. I'llll. WINCKLI'.K 2il Hewey Ava), Hlrbtlv confidential H 67. JAM Al.i.A.N, Neville !tiu7E iCvf d-iue secured In all cesvi Tyler 111. F,httic aecwied. all ns airU'tiy confl lienti'il; cunsiillaitoii freii d.'it l'.-e Tv '. """lll,,as a n.l I'liellua. M(l pleating, lieiiistlt. hlng and cov eted but tone. Van Amain Iocs Cleat log and iHittmi Co, J, Floor Ptun lulv 1'oi.g, S'l" "" ,ivrlslHa ... I -., At'cclil'luN. aide, kolle, sunburst, be pleating, cueied b ittun. all si(e ami tyles, lieiiistltiliMig, (.hot lgaig, era btotdeiy. hsaillug, tialbn.. c-iilliig, yel tut Wolk lUU.Iinuiea. , lm (Ft Al. lll!TIii: AM l.r At'iSU CU. !, luniela" tlHn'n l.. ..,., 11,4 Aet-Huaiiewia. E. A. DWUKAK. C. V. A. 4M 4f Ram I'blg Tsl l...ig'a "wa. Rstk. "'"' tiR PICNI'A-h-dpnr. Him at nl-. -r-rkiat liAtllS AND at tt-A. ,!. fog Itiel avie e.l i4iati"- ' Fa aiaiUwbt f- I i ici U lr . 1 1 Hi 1 a raieam. I'lotlie a ea !, Itt pat, l rshrrti, w.'itK -h !". ". lib, ..e I ,-i. I ' Ht M ' A - - Ok.-O lfl ' i nt ' f , R"-l t. g,ra I mm, amel,. W I'll (.i l. I ! s S t ' I'i- lb"? Mg a eH'tir r t.i e t''. J 1 ' 11. 1 1 r khtttt la rilt, I i r 1 ' -a uu' . l 1 i ;,, li tt MH, i t --i t K Ilee4 1 aaasti ,auA g, 1 ' ' vl a - k , o e 1111 f . ai t I ! '--C I kl,-a..-rfla.a i ii ) t ui a ,.- is i.ik H.4 J. il hI Ike re. II M fi 4 1 ll k tvt I . t IH d I. .1,11 v ! , -' I -4 -, t" W V I 't I li- eaa 4 it?'" i .!' it i-1 1 ' -t'tl-T AH4 7. i H - J- l.t v t It '.MNf H ! AKo , - t I H I JI.A4 4 a ANNOUNCEMENTS .1. Palming) huiI revering. Omaha Paste ty. "is SFil h P01 glas gift). Flit ores Had Wiring;. niTT?fv IV Electric waahbig machlhea, UU IVI li ,,.,.lrin ron and reading lamps, afflumlngr Ht. Diug 25l. " Tellorlog. H. MARCI H4, tftllor and cleaner, pregglng and repairing. 320 N. 18th Ht, 1), fc'A Oaleopillll Vh sIclHUa. Mrs. .1. II. Mustek. 4f2 Rose Kldg. Ty. tm. ItnUerles. CAT RH, pastry and r-ncy bakery good guppllc J to p.. riles, lodges and entertain ments .. H. Reeler. Iftal N IMh W.Mft " 'if 11 r uiicee' ii la it Tin a re. HOOFINU. furnace and general (lower. H. Ahrams, I N 2ith Ht. Web ftlPl "H A H KHe'l'IdVl C'iM HaiuHtcin, ry'iX WC llanelt.u Ac-aileiulp. DIC LUX ACAI.F.MVm B ISUi 8t Adverllalog Atevelllee. M F Hhafer Co. Itih-Farnam. I 7H Wrddlogs tallooery. WKDDINO aiinoiineemenu and printing. IiOI'dl.AW I'rlnllnir Co Tel. Doug. 44. Altuineya. C. T. Dlckjnaon Ml Paston Hlk. D. W4. llvnllals. ' Dr. Pradbury. Njo pain, id? W.o.W, Flldg. f afl (iiitTitTiw,reiTtwe Hldg. t. Ttll Tlirs'" "'l rlo.uiloga. Omaha TrWg Karbacn fllk, D22iM " Laveyere. FHANCIH MORGAN, 513 Re. D. 405?., sis. Ploa Alleider, 24 I4ee Plda Had tWaV " Hrass"iVri! Iruit roanilrtee. JPaston-Mltcliell Co., 2Jth and Marthajta We I eh gpvclallsl. Christ la nsen, 4UI lt..i. Hldg, It yr., egP VVInr as Liquors. Bl'Y your family Ibiuurs nt Klein Lluuor House, Ml N UUh Douglas 1WA SWAPPERS' COLUMN TTTlE whrta feitiale foil ""terrier, 1 yeiif old, first class wat''h dog; also one male pup, 7 weeks, almost while, both flue for (blldri n. What have you? Ad dress H. C. 1210, Hcc, XHOfioifGH'RRKD" Huff Ol 'tilngloa liena,' rnoaters, setilmt hens, mother with chtcka; will Ira do for davenport, It chest or what have you? Address H, C. 1 1 ill, Hei, IN7F11N A'iTu.N A I. engine, fif Jlorss power, and a Meadow waahlng ma chine. Will trade for a good cow. or what have ,voii? AildtsaH, C, lis, Ree. A f L 1 ' MAi 'ill NIC Will exchange for typewriter, pew ouk office furniture, good books, picture or what have you I Address H t'. HW", R'e. TWO beautiful brlndlis felnairT let'lstered Ib.ston hull lerrl r pupa; valmd Ci) eaih. What have you to swap? Ad dree H. c. 1U2, Pet;, WANTI'.li To swap 7Heglf X-Ray Incubator In good running order fur laying hens or what have you? Address 8, C. kiH... Ilee, . LAHfiK glieii""li unk to exchange for rocker or dining table or will it'll ehean. Web, 24MI. r iLMH DBVEDril'KD" KRKB when pr nti are ordered, Eiilargtnoute from any negallve, Kase -iiidb. tilth srtd Harney. f-ftOOM"ciTtUge,' firlco 12,900 swap'for a good autouiobllc. W. K. Crnlg, JIIIT Clly National XaiikPldg.;. Oiui.hil. FINK"bred a-yeor-old coll to trade rot Ford passenger or delivery, or what. have you r '.114 io, nun m. HAVE "lilgli-grad piano to swap for good automobile. Address H. l.JlSnyjIoe. Wil.l,' tnnie player piano and cltyTot for good t-pa stmng'P car. .BC.JKal Ilf with sniali iiou'se" for "trade for good Ford iiulo. VV'eh, 7W3. BUSINESS CHANCES C'AFK. Wanted, man to conduct Cftfo. All newly decorated and furnished. Will mako rent free, A fine business chance. HAVOT HOTEL, Fifteenth and Jackson, OROCBJIiy-One of Onriha'g best grocery and meat mutKcts; rine location; rca sonable rent; five years lease; receipts, over 70.0ii a year; stock and f Xlure above ,i00. H. e WJI.LIAMH Ho in 4U McCague litilldltig, ITith andDoiigo HU HAKFIIV FOR HALM, with lot at.d build" lug, lhree-doc.4 Hubert ovon. oiui-banel liay dough miner and other equip, ni.iiit, Cash sales Inst Haturday lln. No wholesale, all over the counter, i2! Leavenworth. , MOVIN'tt Picture Thealere, real burgalus" machine, repair, supplies, aocessorle. new and second-hand. Hee us. OMAHA THEATER 8UPPLV CO,, R a I r d Ji I d g. Dou g. ."I. Y()H Ha'LE 4Jood, cleun stock of hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Hood reason for selling. Re quick. Ad dress Y 21.7. Pee. ' L1HT WITH ME for uiilck results. Have live customer waiting. YOHNHMAN. rAfS1 NAT. RANK. DOCOL A3 14M. fiowd Sale aTid Auction Co.,,')mnha. have closed out more mdse. atonk than any other firmjn V. B. Write for term. t'HISAT KRB-Huy. lease or nell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater JC".. 1 4tw Fsrnam. 1, ml. WlLLIAMH. eafablTglied 2""yeiiis. To buy or sell biMlnes see him. 411 MoOagu Bldg. Refevencir HNat. Bank. MOTION I'Prri'RE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film F.scha nge 10 tl. 14th S t &FFICK for real estate or insuranceT same floor aa Bee office; 13x21 feet; tW. T h Pee tt I d g.. Office Room 103. REST A I' RANT for auie, doing good bualncss: will sell cheap If taken aoun. Address Y 3s7.Ree. FOR" HALE-Rlack Hills dniR stored fn one of largest (own. Salt , $16 ') Ad dress Yns,Rea. ONLY mot la in town of l.kiio; partner ship disagreement. C, W. bliullze. I'loretieo. Neb, - Wick elearltit. tist and Hnaufdlng; ex change for diamonds. Address F i:S nee, TO H kTTTot uuy Huech A Rorghoff. a business, call on Frenser Hlk. D, Ml. TO TiC'i' in or out of business call on O A NO e"T A D4'.'; ReeJMIdir. jmug. S4r T"T7iicUiv sell or"tiiv tunlness writ JIM VRY, Ploux City, la. Ituouilngr Ilonse. MrST i,EAVE TOWN Sign, (feonfraet with circus people and will sell tny -room Hut. full .vomer , e'oen in. No reaiiinable offer 'efmed. Tn a li worth ititesigatlng, I'll .tie Tyler '4U I'l'H HALF. Famished win. Iiuce en DiHiglss. ebtae lit, big std I'I. one Donaln l. I I .hi I'.INN ' I- 1 1 v "equipped" roomrng and boarding liuuae fur ah, W eb I. C SITUATIONS WANTED "'""IfHLt' WAT?. I fetH I.ISC. a walk er busines adit tegular rea ill u a -.- i'l.ea one l ., ,. ...4-4 sat't. ei i llo i . tear etk Mule. t . t. ; 1, -t-.. a v ... 1 i . a I For i-.. :, 1 ttrfit r. 1 !'' iitiiM.-r. buv.iii a- ) a 4 to I 'it-' r. . It i I 1 IHv H. . tl-."Hi' k ,; it-, . It tt li. t, t - 1 a o ' ,i it-tt I. : i, I I t -t i. o Ml .-, wl.n t. I alii S -l i t I I ., , -ea ,n,l. I , t . t law in I la i a , . . -. t. i i- v , i. t , . a - 1 a - . .., t ,l . t la I '. I I li IW'i--ti t.i I .' ,.,w. , t -1,1 ,1 ' I i t M T V 's i--ifl- 1,1 ,. -. - VJ f. . lu. , t i -i a- a i-i- . a i I. -, k a m -U e-- t Ml .!, I I ,,wa-b A 4 C t. ... A .. . I i... - . I , ,.. , , .,. ,,.. l-t L -,. ,1 -1 ' I - V .- .. Hi SITUATIONS WANTED l..le. AFJF'KENT1CE In repair automobile shop wants position; small salary to start. Ih'J S. 27tli tit. Phone Doug las 7.VI2. ""in" ) ul.'M! man wnrita position aa chauffeur; can furnish references and will demon at rale. i2IJ ia.iiilltUfjHt. Walnut '.J4. Yoi"Nl! man wants work as chauffeur or In uuto repair simp: No. 2 mechanic. I'honi? J.miKlasj(427 Harney Kl. JAl'ANBHE waiits pofutlon as vhaufteur. cook or reiietal housework, in nlea prlvule family. Address Y 3H9. Bee. SlTlTAtio'V "wanted" by a "colored man cook. In or out of city. Address F 1221, Hee . WANTED-Job In garage or aa mechanic' helper; soma expairlence, J UK). Bee. LAIPiTii hoe wunis work of any kind Walnut. 431. - Hotels and Krainorauti. RELiARLB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 161(1 Davenport St. Douglas Headquartera for hotel help. Miscellaneous. F.t RMKltn-V. hen you want help wru or call Empire Labor Agency, !0 lilth. Phone Pong. lix. WANTED-llouseclealilng by Ibe da y relialilH colored man. Call Webster 2riH, W I NDtAViS wasfiedf. rul' "beaten, ereen repaired, whitewashing. Walni:t 2127. LA i" W;Tui7iw"d; h" secieatilng We1.,, 7I2 I j A 1 1 LINO "a she and' rubbish, Web'fyiail Ft-niaile. EXPERIENCED coiornd woman wants linsltlon on farm with 1 child, aa cook; can furnish good references. Phone Ty ler IU,,-W, or wiito Mr. D, Uoblngon. K4ii N. 27th Ht. WIDOW wit limit children wishes posi tion as housekeeper where she can iie full charge, ran fumlsn best of refer ences. Addregg K V', Pee, Oninhs, THE PEE charge for "Hituatlon ads" Is lower than any otlinr form of advr-llslng-not enough to rover cot of print In- . OTf desires position aa housekeeper; no objection ' to leaving the city. Ad dress A IMS, Hee. RELIABLE colored girl warrts chamber inald work or work at nights, Ho, 2'i7-), COO K, pi I v ate board iTiat" "htiuan. P. I1W. Laundry and Hay Work. NEAT SJiTrT-iMiri weantaTitty work of any kind. "a l Webster HlH, A njLaMJJchel WANT Ele-i'ositlon aa maijor'day work by experienced col, woman. Web, 70l9. T'i RHT-4-LA Hef Tuundrcs7""cleaiilng; by coloied woninn; best ofj-eL Web. 6,144. iiCNiLE or family washing called for .ft del, wk. guar; reaaotiable. Web, '.672. tiiiiiiiietwa'siiiiig, day work, or housekeep ing (limit ion, Mirs."Cumeron. Rd'W, UJMi"i.E" wasiiiiig, pice "work, lac cur tains; work l'argnleed.Webster J2' X'KF. VEE LAUNliKY,"T(.2li' California. Hand work called for i d delivered. CwLOKEI' girl wants house cleaning; references, Phone Harney W4. c'iTam h i; RM A I iTor cTii'y work. Web. ! Laundress, day work.jijackaon, i.WjDiit Cooking or'day w-"or"k7lM7lardrfyiar'lL FltiT class lailtidiees, day wrrk. II TcKP. laTiruiress ft tnen'w shirts. H. fr'li. 'l , AD Nl .14 Y "Ja n l 'jl a y work, Weh. a'd iVi"!N7)l,F,""wHshi"ng" ft day work VVeh."ii.1il. WsshliuV and lac curtains d'Uia. Ty. D44. HELP WANTED MALE Store aud Office. AN experienced uperlntci)dent for riajier box factory In eastorn clly; must be thoroughly familiar with the manu facturo of folding boxes, cartons and small round boxea of all descriptions, Salary no object; good man wanted. H 1339, Omaha H''0. HALEHMAN bond drawing account; sales man, real estate, A-l proposition; eten. and bkkpr, 175 to $5: stcno., good pen man, 176; stcno, and bkkpr., m; uteno., It. It. egp., I'i".; office clerk, $40; bkkpr., $lrt. Watts Kef. Co., Mo Rraiidel Tliea. F)fC a bigii-gMdo poaltlon, gee mi. NO FIL1NO FEE. only 60 cent for In vestigntlng references. , THE MARTI COMPANY, m W. OJW. Mldg, BT KNO'lR AP"ni:R. ... '. JTO-OO" PRIVATE HEC, (STENO.) 7S.0D HTENO. AND HO iN KEEPER S5.O0 THE rANl"AflENljr.Hl WEE RLDO. Y?)LrN7,"iiiaii"wltli some experience for position aa assistant bookkeeper. Must be good penman mid good at figures, $f.5-P':f. K l.H I, Omaha Hee, pr.,felona mill Trade. CAN use experienced meat cutter of good, clean habit. Apply In person Flasket stores' office, 511 Prandoia The ater Bblg. filH t'8 FOR PRTJO JOBS. CO-OPBRATIVE BEFERENCB CO.. Lslabllshed Ten Year. 1015-hlCllr National. Iirug store snaps, jobs. Knelst. hea Bldg. Halrgraen ana Solicitors. WANTED-Ilighly itcomn:ended. sub stantlal man to represent a large farm tractor company In Nebraska and west ern Iowa. Not necessary to open an Omuha orflce, but niuat bo In ptwltloo to actually acil farm tractor lo dcaleri In the territory. The right man will be backed with plenty of good fnrm paper advertising. Give references, past experience, etc, Addresa K 'Oltl. Hee, bAX7MENwaiiled to soil merchandise in Omaha, Nebraska, Dea Moines, Kloux Cltv and Waterloo, Iowa. Call 622 So. tfltli Ht.. Omaha. Nebraska, lie VDl! have selling ly a 7 VV. ard Hee. ft Inv. Co.. Wl O. VV.. Hldg., Oinahg; BO.METHlNtl extra good, big money for the salesman who la a buslnes getter. 1017 VV. O. W. WA NTEM-Two sulesmen, salary and commission paid. Call at meal hours, Tyler 34. HALEHMAN to travel In Nob. Htandard Hec and Inv, Co.. pi7 W. O. tv. llldg Trade aclauole. MOLEU'S BARBER COLLEGE Men wanted to learn th trade W have iirlglnaled a plan to leech It uuli'kly and earn bak tuition while learning. Tool Included. Open lo every, one, Writs for catalogue, l.i) Ho. 14th Hi,, Omaha, Neb, G(KU MEN WANTED, to ein auto work for th big spring man. pine training work on auto and trctr!c darting systems, AM-HtCAN AUIU COLLEiiK MS Finm HI. '!tithNb LK A US biitier trua. mor (nan m uur t' Irarioug. Ht tt tool liittuded. Job guriiited t ail or writs for tetaicgue, im4 D'i TRIiltV HAitHi it t i'i I .EOF, li KN eaii'a, la t i it loe I'Sl iar H 'lulUt.n I ,, ! t IM., loit tl.llt li lltliKt1 "l,l.r,tii; lll,-elMrvwa I i ti I 'I- llli.i t.l. I'MtlM Vl,4l(l . e 1 I i if.n.ia. t ! I lutil t-n, aa ff l "" ' "' " ' I i M ,i, , - , - .. i leinpcr! babit. h ", r4 .i ...- i... i -. , '. ' ' ' ' ,H '.... , i."- .t,- - - ..' i t- Army liitiaj . Win 4 It'dg a. . . -, , ... t V 1 i ' - II. .,. , i , ... i ..-.hi, ii . -..-.' in 1 t li' S i t . I. H 5 ,.,,... C M . c r- I l,.l'.t , t, a t." '.-'I I "! i .t a Hio . " -' ft.o-.rf elil. r. , t, a H wi' ' a l ' ,.,.,iii,rf s. - e t.-, -I ,, .- . i ,-- , i i-.t ,..'.l. 4 i , - . tl Is ti t - .a-v D' , i .. . I I, .- a .u " f l'-' , i - . t It, .1. t--''i- t, , (tnt-1 I I I I" I '"I t . . .t"iH ,,.--- i - . At , ... 1 . r - a I ":.'. I . i to, - i t I s 1 t I HELP WANTED MALE M lat-ellanet.aa. START honorable, profitable business at home. Write Savage, 40)1 Drexel, Chi cago. FIREMEN. PRA K EM EN, beginners, 1109 monthly; permanent poaitlon. Address V SSS, Pee. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Mores nnil unices. STENOO. and dictaphone opr., ITS. Htenog, and dictaphone opr., IW. ledger clerk and conipt. opr., PW. Comptometer opr., 145, Typist, out-of-town. 140. WATTS REFERENCE C'Q 84a Brandeia Theater Bldg. WANTED Young ladle. ia to H year, as wrappers, permanent position and guori salary. Apply - guporintenuciit, Uraiulels Htoreg. YOl'Nti lady with experience selling Vfc trolas ami records. This position will pay a good salary to a competent per son with the experience, (live age, ex perience andSttlary dejilredF 1342. Pee. feTENOUilA PH EH""one who a"Mliie: 'to do detail office work; must be good at figures, M-H. J12KL Omaha Hee. WANTEH An experionced auleswornan for stationery department. Miller Peine, Lincoln Ne'i AHrtiHTAN7!' bookkeeper; young lady, good penman, good al figures, 4o, C 1.".40,Oiriaha Hec, P. ii. X. operator and typist; must be experienced In both; salary !9. O. 126.', Omaha Hee. Fri.frssinii and Trmlt-s. WANTED-Olrls In flat work dept. Apply Evan Model Laundry llth and Douglas LEARN hslidreeamv at Tn ii.pniieim, galeavt omen nnd SoHcllora. tVANTED School- teacher in travel dur ing summer vacation and represent new educational movement; very pleasant work; salary and expenses furnished. Frank M .lohnson. SoJ (Junior Hldg., Lincoln, Neb. Hiinei'hol.l siul Munieello. WANTEJ7 A girl wbo will cpprwiaie a good home, have a nice pleasant room for you; will pay beat of wage to (he right psrty; smalt lamny. F'37 H. 83d Ht. Ha rn ey 3.' Oo'OD glrf wanted for light housework. A home to thn girl that nant one and the very heat of treatment. Fof full Jiartlculars address M-I2TI Bee NEAT appearing "while girl for general housework, email new apartment; three In family: house cleaning done. Apply 10!) B. 42d Ht. Harney 4M. WANTED 3ood reliable girl fur gen eral housework; good wage and a good home to tho right party, Call H arney 1797. COOK WANTED Woman cwik wanted at Christian Home Orphanage, N. "th St., Council Bluffs. Apply between k and 10 o'clock, mornings. GOOD experienced white glrTfor general housework; good pay; 4 In family. Mrs. It. K, Wilcox, telephone Walnut 264. Ciol California HI. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no -yaslilng or Ironing. Jlr. H, E. Patterson, 420 Douglas St. Wni n ut r.2 Mil)DL aged fody houselteeperr days each week; go home nights, inference required. Address t) 13)4, Bee. COMPETENT while girl or woman fot housework; no "washing: must hove good references. 22'4 F. Call 8o37 VV'ANTEt)-Jood girl for general house work, small family. Uood wage. House t'btanlnjrdone; Call Web 4Zo'J. WANTED A competent girl for genera. housework. Mrs- Kobert Dempster, 3r27 -HaiVY Pt Phone Hartley 209. VV ANTED Experienced white girl for general housework: good wuges; n , wasmii, i'honi'walnut 1002, WHITE girl for general housework; nc wasning; good wngng. lis s. aoth Av Phone Tlarney 8231. WANTED A white girl for general housework ; must be experienced. Phono Walnut W,X WANTED Obi for general housework, white or Colored, no washing. Call Wal nut SW, UIKL for general housework, no wash ing or Ironing; house cleaning t-jiie. Mrs, F4reckemldge,3ill Jackson. VANTEij-A conipcleiiL cook; relereuceg required. Apply 2(M H. 32d Ave. Har ney 20li. WANTED A good oook; only three in family. Mrg. A. I.. Peed. Phone Hon son 17S; W IliTIi (;bl for Rousewoii;, Phone liurney SSiD. Address llu X. 32u Avei WANTED Hood girl for housework; no washing. Mrs. lit rank Martin. Harney 3M1. GIRL for general housework, 3 in fam ily. Mrs. VV. II . Head, 128 S. 8th. Harney "t4. ' WANTED Girl for general housework, t In famlly.'good wages, (!olfa)t3'.S0. WAaSTED A girl to a'sslat with children and housework, ioltax Hbl WANTED A cortipctetit" glrlT In family. 1602 So. 32d Ave. Phono Harney 717. GOOD girl for general housework; go home nt night. 3119 Cuming. WANTED A good girl for general house- work at 4t'43 Dodge. WANTED-A .girl, for light housework. Apply 2ooi Harney Ht. VVANTED Houeemald. . I(W Davenport Harney 59. EDUCATIONAL business colleojb 8TU DENTS . BAVB MONE ON COOKSB. For aa.e with good reason for sell ing a variety of course in a reliable Buslnes School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. It vou ate considering taking a course Investigate thia at one, ainc Spring Term besini oon Call office, Omaha Fj"- , a PAY HCHOOU BOYLE COLLEGE NIGHT HftlUOL. (Tver? dsy Is enrollment day. nook keeping, Hhorthand, Htenotyiai, Typ wilting Telegraphy. Civil Hervlce-a'l Commercial and F,igHb branchea. Cat alogue free HOYLEH COI.LECF. IHh and Harney Ht Tel lioiigla lf.V 'TII-TvaN SANT St MOOL "TEN (Xi It A F 1 1 Y - lb). ) K K C i : I'I , U. Day Hclu.fl (or tuuiig Wcinert, Eto.ili.g tnhitol l..r Young Mn ant W oniei.. Katuiday nvtrntng ! in typewriting loi C, Duff?. 0er as.) Manager. kt H mn Ht I'maha H Ah I" --V. .? ler.u offer lo Mudenta beginning Al'lll Halts frHlah,. t t.yiie tafna'ta le-ljcne )"ilt. PERSONAL mi.lia ritSTULA Ct'HEl) i A. N Tins v i ft" ttd wtkaa iit til tt U' vl -alfl. ti ii-a t,ire ntMi' 4 .! h ' " " ' It Ml iiaaa )lb l l'.a-all (ill t B Ttkk) .- ' H.J 1 . . . L 4 I , . I -a- 4 4 ,.,(.,.! t ,-t ..- tat tU- I .aa t i.'K .'.- Jla.'M P4 a I PERSONAL PERSONAL Mi-ata otapiva and Hha fer. bath, electric treaiment. Open a. m. to p. m.; Sunday, II a. ai. to 1 p. m. Doug7l3.40l JVareBlk: To'TNii" women" coming to Omatia a tran;er grc invited lo vlalt the Youni Women a Christian aociauon building .T.ta ... ami e.r aaitrv atve.. wii... lug piece or owierwisw mb-iw,. w lor our travelers' guide at Ui Uuioo station. . THE ottlvatiuli Army Industrial horn o llclt your old clothing, furniture, mag aalnee. W collect. We dletrlbut. Pbjce Dougla 4I and our wagon will call. Call ana m;ct our new bom Uio-Uli-nit Dodge fct. Ull irr I! if"d!-u-ceafully treated U I A U -V l-t without a surgical operation. Call of write Dr. Wray Sc Mathen.v. ' Bee Bldg li,lf'Hrii1V'3-dav drink and drug treat C UXV-iPiX m()n, it tet gnown cur; booklet free. THE Ft' R LEY, 11167 Far- nam. Omaha. - Phone He.rnfy ii.4i. HENRIETTA SfTTiRUGM A N, sclentlflo masseuae graduate. Prof Yhnell hool, Swedish massage. Baths, steam and elioweri3KarbchR EAllN big nuiiicyVbe a piiolograpner; easy to learn; complete course, J6. Emory School of Photography, 612 N. 1 " ' . ' I'bone Tyjerj4 f TJl-tS. JollNHTuN, Chiropractor, Vi'ia VV. O. W, Bldg. Dougla 829. Bouth Hldeofflce, 2407 N Bt. Houth 40111. PJFTY faihionable prin7ad"fipn calling catd. 16c; loo, 26c Modern Card Co., 2S61 8. L'ncoln8t., LVnve. Colo. WEm-ke""a epeclaRy of"aloii"t women and aurglcal corset. NU-IIONE Corset Hhop, Web-Sunderland plilg. Red, 4392. iAfesAGE AND"IJ bAHls, chiropody. Mlsse Cray and Head, 210- !14 Ralrd Hlk , 17lh and I -on-laa, D, -. LAiiiBH. if vou wish lo look yolir beet get our treatments, Indu Kosmelj hrn nt Hose Hide Ty'T, ,1:ii" giiiiriTREcT'to board and care t7. TSl 1 1 a rney Ht,. u pjrta I ra. P hone I 'oug. j77. iiAehAui'"--.tiisi vvebster, 61s I'axtoa" Bik. D. 22f7. Office Hniiral0 to t. MIH WILSON Ruths and manicuring; No. 2 DavJ(!gJJJk;irihone , L,oig;. l(7r.l PRIVATE home for ma'tariiity coses' Babies adopted. Colfax 2042. 4416 N, USth, WANTED Day or night nuraing by col ored graduate nurse. Call Weh. mi. BHEI,MAtiM treairiicces'sfiil7yj" ro" aulla u-uat-Htit'il. Dr. Hnwser. 314 Hee Bldg, MIHH HALLORANr HC'I E N TI I'TC M AH- KAHIi, 310 ftr.Vll.PIWUJUt, m BCrENTiFlC "ui-s'sagw. U ttet aWai. ' - FloUg' i 6.T72. - -.r .r.;rT,... .--- FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTER: If you fall to find the room you desire among (heae ails, call ai The Hee office for a Room List give complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all part of tb city. It more convenient phono the Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New list ar taeusd vrv week. . fctAR liOTHf-Single rooma iW; still..'.,",', h urtiisheii lirst class, hath mid hot water. Under new manaeme.ti , Tyler . , A FRONT southeast suite, an excep tional opportunity for refined couple. Garage If desired. I02H Park Ave. CLEAN, cool, strictly mod dm room, for. idshtd or unfurnished; ext client locu tion, "03H 31st Ave. Flgrney (. i fTiRN lHHEi rwin for light houee'i keeping at 27.12 Leavenworth Ht over office, 14 per week, Pnioi i7, FURMHilfiD room w7lh "board 111 mod ern apartment, business woman pre ferred. Phono Harney 27(i, FCRNThHED rooiii In bachelor apts., , use of complete flat; havo rooms for three j?antlmen. D,3r,ir7. lit " NO. "" .OTII Twelve-rooin flat liewiy furnished and decorated; strictly mod em; sleeping rooma only, i" LA RGE "robin"" In private family In Dunrico for uiisines woman: will give brea kfawt. Walnut 2T,M. HI'I.ENDID aeml-bas inont, everylliiiig fitrril-dicd, walking Uistunce, ghade. 6o4 H, 2Hlh. l.iGiif. airy sleeping rooms; !lose in, walking distance; 12 week up. 207 North 2'd. FI-HNThheD room In Dundee, one block from ear; private family. Walnut 8.'4.j. 4e21 Websier. NICELY furnished sleeping room; pil vale family. 107 N. 21t.h. DouglMM;. L A HO E, well l uitiTshed soiTtTi i oomini.ii vnte family; waJJlng i Istnnee. lied M 0 Nil 'ELV "furnished front room at lih and Farnam His Phone Douglas K7M LARGE parlor bed room; furnace, bath; ! fa). I72K H, 10th, Douglas W2, VM DOD'iE Hirlctly modern alaeplng rooms: private family: reasonahle, HTRNEYHT., 7il2 Large frmit rooTiiT private home. Tel. Harney 3;7. 4 PERFECTLY clean room, nultable for g or H nurses, I'hone Webster 71TS. HARNEY 2571 Front suite and two iu- g le rooms: one with pin no, D. 7913. 514 X. 27 3 or S nicely furnished rooms, WJL kRcheiielte: reii son -i bje. FOft" ItEr-'NTi-ely fuiiiisiied sleepli.g rooms Apply Harney Ht. TWO furnished rooms; 12.50 a -Dnuglaa 6707. ii(W N. 21st Ht. week. NKWLY furnished room In private fani llj l'L?'J,l",uilarJ!lSy. J' . NI(;Erooms. with breakfast. Call eve nings. 914 N. 42.L MCF;LY furmaiied room, cioac In; an mcdern. Ml W. 22 Bt. NlfATI.Y furnished rooms, bomellk. 6.0 10tli Ht. 2221 HCRTFront parlor, modern, ld a month. jF I'RNIS HEP room, front. Doug, "iUT.aT llonsrkrrplnu Itooui. TUB NOltTON. H, JSiTTSt.. haa a two-room and one three-room apart ment, exceptionally well-furnished and complete for housekeeping; references. Harney J .M0. , fit o"iiiceiv " t urnished' room for light housekeeping, in private faintly. hM,ie Welnter ll'tl TiT"iiice housekeeping rooms, reason. able, electricity, gas range. ;s.'2 Fai nam. iiaiViiport, ;v.;iibiislib' F-r. aid.," reFijT, elee. It., eaajraniie, klleh, e-ab, I3.S0 up, Uimrtl aoa nosjm, TWO luige airy roem In e wTTiri iVi residence. b"trd nptloiial. near 3 csr linea: near Mailer park, y erv dejlrsble, ffe.'n.-eS. t o'fs? 'is'.l. Ai.A"lt'lE trotit ruouVaitn t,.v. fur (wo gentlemen. In pri'ai famllv: fios In; y model a, i"i H ;,',ih A vs. ,t it'll ali i iioaul for i WoiKiUgnish, IV I e I ecta'a 4al. j nr. M.uii a v r -1 .WITTS " iW? tt aes BM an.i li-.,i.i." iu N?ith" L I Bfaralakral tl et.MHa. J I SH'UM-llr.U .tiu. l'J.h Ave t ' !' . !' I in i'AS-11'i'!." Ae. '.'.-Ui riuiitritt aa li H, an- I 1 v.c- t ; ( Ft t'VIHHKP .. at i' J "3i i, I" . ll ti I -a t I I I'I I- t. It V N .-..itl l t l I "r. i' 4 t It, " . r h I tied .1 i it lbs t i IivhiII itUI'l, h akn la - -a a-.t ,..-' e.-peaa -!--rd i-), t.-ia li,"" ',,1 1 v, i . i 1 I ',. 1 ! . V I t I j . .. ,. ...... HOTELS ' i - i 4 I . .. t' a I t.p t t-i II i ti. Il'ttl, !... .' ovt.iiib ittit s.lTil ifctrt' , i 4 t ia. J'i ;t e, 4 .,a, St- ... I' a . t., I'a tl -aa t