tttt: m;E: omatta. motay. may r, 101 r. 9 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Went. NEW BUNGALOW 6-room, atttc, oak inilsn. nunt-in nooKcanea and outlet. IIa hnlU nn ...1.,,. .. .1 laini hto unjun wnni viiaiiiiri ami en minutcg from town. Will sell on easy terms. Don't rent, buv this. Sea It any evening, Phona Benson 202. i'OL'Ii-KuOM bungalow, lust being com pleted, tl.SQ. Only $' cash. Amoi Orsnt. T). Col. 4071. orfK . CHOICE, MOIJEJtN eottagw, S10 Huggies St., out of town owner. Will sell cheat). Easy terms. K. H. U.NDfcRYOlL 202 Nevlil Rlk. tta'ig. S74A 1X3 CLOSE AN ESTATE. Reduced from $1,750 to $l,50u. Now a letter authorising a price of 11,260. Five room house, business lot. Clitloa Hill. Great snap, OKORGH O. WALLACE. 14 Keeltne. Good Bomo Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large lot: fine shrubbery and fruit tree. Trice, $2,350. Located HOI Nortb 8Kb bt Norris & Norris, 40fl pee p,lrtg. Phone Oouglae 4279 IDtKljAIN If old l once; owner leaving rltyi dandy modern H-room bungalow: large lot: don't wait. Phone Walnut "Almost now, si room, combination sun room and sleeping porch, oak fln i.u ki.iu.ln huffc unA Ihfm kitchen inn, iruitt-M, ..- ' "7" full rjimjant haaninent with laundry equipment; nice lot, trees and shrubbery. Kasy terms. ... P A V N E INVKriTMENT COMPANY, r, 1781. 6th noor Omaha Nat. Pk. Bid. f-ROOM cottage, modern eareptXeat; one block from cut. mi N. 34tl Bt, Web. 7885, "Toulh. VROOM bunaalowTbrsnd I., all modi em, oak floors throughout: oak finish tn living and dlnlnir room: large, light, , wh He enamel bedroom : food location, restricted addition. A bargain at IS.Outt Eaav terma. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 42 paxton Blk. Deng. 1722. Hlurliin'oiu. ONLY $2,000 Tor a atrlotly modern 6-room cottage, three rooms downstair and two bed room end bath upstairs; good furnace and everything complete; good location, SCOTT AND HILL CO., n,,ni!u lOiifl. Ground floor McC'ague Bldg--- ' i i. i. t v n i ftrtT! FOR ItliLlA tfl.K ANU BA1TK KIR1C AN1J TOHNADO 1NBUHANCK O'NKIL'S K. B. & INS. AOENCT KM Brand-la Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. SPKC1AL UAROA1N. 3 lota corner, anutb and eaat front; one block from ear: -r, modern cot tnge. fine shade and fruit, $3,200. H. P. HOrtTWICK A HON, Tyler KM 300 Bee Bldg. , ' BccRfTirTtfiM Vi,w1t8M , A new five-room bungalow, oak fin ish, built-in bookcase, and colonnade openings: full cement basement; large lot. Price $2,800 on easy terma, or will discount for cash. PAY N H INVKKTMKNT COMPANY, I). 17SlBthFmoM)maJa JatJkBldg J'OTT SACK SumriH-r "cot tag at i.ale Manawa; lake front; cheap. Phone Harney 21, REAL ESTATE-UN1MPRUVED "frQti flALJi ACRKAOE. 4 aerea, 4-room houae, barn and other banding, near Fort Crook car line; It la a bargain at I1.A00 2 aorcji, unimproved, at ear atatlon on Fort Crook line $1,000, J. IT. Kopletg. 473 So. 24th St. KiVi-felGHT " "ji7erbTacit aoTTujIaTni lota on grade, eaat of and near ith and Bpatildlng. Albert Kdholm, Owner. Ponglaa 1863. oath. V 20 Acres Hear Fairacres. MUST BE SOLD BY MAY 15TH. High nd alKhtiy, with good Improve ment. For price and terma, call, TYLER 60. 24R-7-S Omaha Nt'l Bk 7Tlaoel1nneona. 1 Iiah6aIX.H In iaT eatatT and acreage. Colfax 10:.2, after U a. pi. "L&j-XWO "fTn'K BU'II,I.'tN0l LOTS. JAM KB I j. NBAU T41-743 Brandela BUIg. Phone Doug. 7072. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES I, .ni u i,L Vllit Ilk . ! l V.' II I want I 1 a. ., firm. We mav have Juat what vo ii witnt. We all or trade everything, anywhere, Chae. J. Smith. Tylor 16i. 12 l!h. J tlAVB parlv wTth"$2i.0( clear. ctnia In, , pi n.;r. Wants Income. Will put in $10,000 I'HabAbbott. 4 J'attcraon Block. iwll i:;XCliANGE-1.0,:0 acr.'ii clear, north Arkaneaa; want, mcichandlae or income Wll. Bench, Leslie, Ark, SrTT.iTnw Irrigated "Colo. land, clear. Wanted cicar UinHha. Improved. Mr. Hawer, 324 Ore ml Ave. Coif a Ihi. TVt')T'" wlaii" to exchange your city PtHierty or ltid, aee mo first. I I, 1 inRlP., Kccllne Bldg. T. 1710. E.r:HA Nftri'leaf " f araia for clear prop crt or mrchHtidUe. 1-ealla Lend Co., icllf. Ark, la.sTt i' ir iacimr.) anyibing you hae Ii, ffr. C. J I'lnrni. MK aa'ie BWg. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PR0PTY t, r'KKT 1'h til-. $ Mka. fnm viaduct, H.6(i Mct'ague Inv . . 'i" ague Mldg. tU Ai'xTeture, Tow rent", "tn tf pnatoffice. li 1 , iitelibina, l'"i0 :iiir . REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Beaee. T,Uil' V"l H' Mtj; IN HfcXriuM I t V Till: I.OTI ii and l' l"' tnonth; price f ume !, ,!.; !. atid ti Ixiouat t. ana I'-trnnem, nl vvdih i-fi , ri m,:-i -h TWO Ai H fl AMI H N ilU W NVw t in!nw. lnrw .tg,t. Urge lain and c ..mii Ho . ! e aci r iu.,nl tn )' ' H" c.h. . !. lUf (ttl... J', J, ,, ., . 1 1... .t t t ti OauMee. l-uatf 1Sm'W'1.iw!N! n, loe i pl t, wtU 4, it i le i f -e IM .'.l.lfl'l ' t. I J(' I'lvSi i i int., f.ilu- l. tnil.i i n llei't k A Mr ),(,,,, i"U. I ? i't ' ! I , f lfU.ll'l 4.1 Ireaa, I . I -., l,vli , .t f lueee, 'I''..; S1ip (-'I ?'' It HUrtlUarDili. W I "t t' :i ' vl ' liSftt i-t. tt.eil ,!! I I k .'I-- i wl te vi' t .' it ' I a H . 1. ' ! W. 1 1 " ,il . ' . 4 -4t.fh4 1 ' ' . v ' i H V W-.-.-l Kg, fcv i ' ')n. REAL UTtC WANU0 ..! i 1 . ; 1 1 " t . .,. i ' iii 4 I'.. -.,tl t s.t l I m n I . .-.i , ,j v.", " -t U FINANCIAL Weal Kine I, nana, Mortgasra. KIONliY TO CO AjfON Apartment houjss, double brick houaea. alngle- houaea, bualneaa property and farm lands at i'.'t, &H''n and 6 W. H. THOMAS. jH8Kellne Bldg. Douglaa m. 5 TO 6 ior loana on beat "oTaaa city residences In amounts $2,(m0 up; also farm loana. Heaaonable onmmlaalona. PF.TKR8 TRI'ST 0., 1CT Farnam 8t TUREST. Thna. I,. McClarry, E;' 1 ItJ !!: Rd 4.44. OMA17a home, Eaat Nehraaka farmi" O'KEKFB REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nat. Phone ronglaa 271S. MONY to loan on Improved furma aii3 ranchea We alio buy pood farm mort gagee. Kloke Inv, Co., Omaha. NO DKLAT W, T. GRAHAM BKB RLPO. k6.s'ft KTT0l"N7 ror X yeara. on Improved propertlee. SHCEE5 co- l""'f im-. "ItONEY" onTTamOor city and" farm loana. ii. W. Binder, City atlonal Bang Ming, cTf Y aniTfarmToana, S, SVi', $ per cent. fiflO tlioi'' inuile"proiiiptly. ITb "Weail, weaq King , intn a no varnam ft a. QAliViNBHOiT fTniaha Nat l Bunk Kldg. 5 MU.NEy, HARRISON & NORTON. " tilt nmha Kit Rank ttlriir FKA'l K.Hf ATK Loans, tlx par cent. Tc D, H BtrOK A CO., 012 Omaha Natl. k. " T'liTanciaf Wanted, VANTRD--AioH 117" "im of ffOrom private party on flrt real estate mort gnge at 7 per cent. P l.liri. Bee. Mncha and Hondn I1.W0 MORTGAGE bearing 1 sfrnTan nual; aecured by property valued IS,?'). Talmage Looml Iny. Co., WajW Bldg. abalraeia of Title. flnnrBtirftA Abatraot Co. Wa can bring unaraniee aown rouP .h.trac,t on anon notice, h. t, raiTeraon rung, i ni rir lffl? title Ouarantee and Abstract '"'""fn., a I modern abstract office. V B. 17th t Tel. V. 64H7. 5KKD A UHT HACf Cfi: (irtest abalraut office In Nebraska. 204 Vandals Thea. FARM AND RANCh LANDS Arkansas Langi. BdRJ'IllSJN'J OHior'tJ'tiTui! for farmers! stock raiaeia and fruit growers, Horatio Land Co,, flora I to, Ark. Colorado Inoda FOP N U 8'0-acre uncial tned tiomf tmid; good soil; ample r&mraii; arteeian water; nar free timber. Price $S00, filing fee and all. J. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan, Colo FOR BALK ii20-acre relitiqulshmKnt, wheat land, good improvements. Wm. I,. McClalr, ftlerllng. Cnlo Iowa l.enda. IOWA BARGAINS If you want to buy an Iowa farm, sea us. ANNIS & ROHLING $9 PEARL ST. TEL. lot, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. Iowa l.a n le. FOR sAl.l.;-.iiil-a'7i linoiovtidi aim. R, F. Wklff. Iowa Falls, U. M If N I g a nlf d MICHIGAN LANDS. 60,000 acres, good hardwood lands lor sale at $20 per acre. Good fur fruit and general farming. Long time, per cent interest; fine water for stock. Land Dept., The Buckley & Douglas Lumber Co., Manistee. Mich.. Ulwiarl Iui1e. CHLAP Missouri 'tutnia, any size, easy tcriiai W. 8. FRANK, Neville fl k Omaha. f. "SelruSui"i.iM"i4a. 127-ACRK. wen miprov;d farm. "6 miles of Omaha. $0 per; no trade. Relyea & f!ifC.rrt ai Ramce Bldt.. Omaha. Neb. S6ACkT5S, fmpiovea, miTat be solii dilr- ft'orlh I)al.ta I.anrta, IVi ACRKU North Dakota, near Fargo. lYt miles from elevator. Mortgage $4,uiJ, (ii per cent. Cheap tor smallcash pay ment and second mortgage, drawer u, Hnahnell. 111. Oklahoma "il.anila. POSITIVELY a bargain. We have 2,2'i0 acres fine orchard land to aell at $3 per care, caHh, or $3.60 with time terma, j 11 Roccl I.lir. Co.. Howard, pkl. Wanblliglon Luiula. F)R SAL By awner, 45-ai re ranch, aJi ftood clear land, 2fi arrea of rich bottom and. all clear, potato and garden soil; small bouse, good big barn; good water; t close to school and poatoffice; well lo cated on corner of two good ro'ida; 4 miles from paved road;-some stock an I farm implement; 7Jc fare to Tacoma, 'bua twice dally, Price $5,000, half cash, balance at per cent Interest, and terms can be arranged to suit. Will also secure for lc or misfortune emiae, Bav your commission Homembcr, yon are dealing dlrei t with the owner. Write or call. John If. Thomas, Bl S. 7th St., Tacoma. Vah. l " Uconln i.nnila. THK best land tn WIhi-oiikIii, adjoining -h beat market In America: vary low price; enav terms, Arnol,'. Co., Superior, Wis Miscellaneous. El! VERS WITH THE HONEY , TOINVK3T. ' Farm lend ada tilamd In these col umns reach the alnd of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to invest tn lands. Q'laltty and Quantity are both found to THE P.B.E 8 country circulation. The subscription rate for The Bee Is much higher than any othor Omaha newspaiwr. Natur;"v The Bee Is read by a claaa of well-to-do (amtara (end 1 1 your ! and reach sum real buyers. "ItiK y"6TTg7i IS i'FTO" TT!YT Jl sY 1 If so. get a copy of our Journal first It has lands, city iucierty and stocks ef g'Htds adverilaril from Pearls" every Stute. So that you can find Just what rui wisfi In Its colui.ini Entabilstied II veais reaching i,m resdfis. Kend yv for una years subset ipiiun er $1 tor l e ti A I'M AND UK A I, M T ATH JOCRNAU lllAI H, IOWA, f XTtM.i! "v aoa vlty i.iuir f'. Sale and harign, . fl. t unit s liiri.M MlJg lig ri4. HORSES-LIVLiTOCK-VEHJCLES Fee e4e HTi"-i's " r.s, " t Ti!i T t t-,,., i a f. hi ) I r I ' i,l. i ' I ' I V lf . , II il V ": s i, ,, A t V,',' i. . ! N U POULTRY AND PET STCCK Ail K-t I flit'' 1 , m 1 . Sit. .i 1 - mn s 1 tu It 1 it , i' 1. f i" '" " I"' ' " I , l A W t . S f K - I W H i i A . tt ' -tart k- , f u4, .- krU4 ).!(,. t "'l I ag J 1 . I 1 t : 4 1 V ' ' 1 k $ ' v 4 I M r '"I '. 1 4-1 ' " M IM i'U i' 1 4 ' - f w4 wsjik.iH a AUTOMOBILES f0i SALt . i A - 1 4 A i f la - i. t t, 1 i.. 1 n i it i mi; 1 tt ; v 1 1 a n '. '1 . I '1 1- 4 O 4 I 1 avi ' .. u y s n . n -i t , , - .. 4 ui- s I - . i e 4 u 'til, in ' .. ' i"-- i t .. f ' ' 1 I I I ..... I A h t.' t M' i t 1 it. 'VI , . i's at 14 1 4 ' , t t 1 - ii l V. -i , , . . . I , .,v i v- . a, ..a It-. . . i - . 1.".'.4 t '. k . I w I I . . ( t Si. AUT0M08ILES-F0R SALE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE cm Farnam. Douglaa iuo. Carnation touring, $-T6. lain Ford touring, mechanically right. 1314 Ford touring, fine shape, litis, ffrird touring electrically ennlnneA THE A U 'i'O M LiBi LF W USD K H. Make a ton truck out of your Ford car. Everybody is buying this "Forro-a-Truck." It solves vour delivery prob lem and sells like wild fir. Agents wanted. For particulars aee or write IQHNHON-l'' ANFORTH CO.. 1W9 N. 16th. ISlfFORD t.Mirlng car; Ford roadster fl cvl. Overland, just used a little on demonstration; uuick truck, 1-ton ca pacity; Maxwell roadster. 2427 Farnam, Lloug. iVt. FOK SALIC j-l 12-M. P. Caae traotlon cpglne; 1 1912 fcliehell tourtng car. Of red at bargain If taken at once. N'eola Au ' Co- Nenla, la. it'TO WtKnnViJ M.. M 6""lth' IL All kinds of repairing and parts for sals. Used cars bought and sow. D. 4442. wiTwIll Trade yyo a"new Ford for youi' old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAOK CO.. foth and Harney Ooug fl. CKMiliAL Motor Company truck, two ton cnpscitv, good roniiltlrin, Can be bom rlaht Call Douglas 2M. U8ED CA H BA fttii A 1 NS AT MURPHY O BRIKN AUTO CO. K14-1A-H Farnam flT VJiS WOODS " Kl.Hrlu. almost new; bar gatn; owner leavliig city, Call Ilootri 41H. FontenHle or Po'lgliis $41$, AaltWrMMTrtna end Pelnllns. NKHr KaiH"aTor Repair BervToe and nriies rtanr :'i B i'n ft it. Ildil rewanl for inagnsto we can't repafrl r'oiis repnirea Mnvsnorrr ,111 11111. V MI'lll'll V'-Aiit., rirualripg. 112 S. 17ih ft Tvicr ?t7 nlaht. K"d 7B4. ?7rri,'hii If'i.ll'illil 1 ii l i. A a to Tires anM euppllr. TIRES 80g$, $6,79 30x8'4, S T5 These are new, first grads tiros. Limited stock. Duruw tire co!, 2511 Farnam, D, 4tT. RFTBTIILT. $100 T B.OO. 0T?O TIRK CO., 111 Cliicsgo 8t. DON'T throw sway oid tlrea. tVe make one pew tlr from 2 old ones and save you 2 In 1 Vulcanlilng t:o 15H Davenport Bt,, Omaha, Neh. Doug, 2?H4; Oi'H $4 device "does away wlTK antra tires. Writs quick, Savage. 4J01 Dreael, Chicago. Rleotrle A ftoliHeis. Wi. er A t1O1.1s.1i1, "p't rn'g electric A nsttorles. KtoiHge. W Farnam. D. 4J1T. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES liAUi.l-jA VlbtiON' -i5t6rCTclE. Ilarguln In used machines. Victor lUios, bs Motorcycle Man."iKi Leavenwortlt. OMAHA SfAAKET. Wholesale Prlees for Prod ace ( barged by Omaha llralers. BUTTfclt No. 1 ufcamery, In cartons or tubs, 86c; No. 2, ICc. POl'LTK 1 Broilers, alive, under two lbs., 2,40c; hens. liltlUc; special roosters and slags, lie; springs, iioc; geese, 10c; ducks, lr, turkeys, 20e; old totns, HOo; is pons, itm; guineas, 2Ao; squabs, ll&v'J 4.041 psr dos.: pigeons, Wo per dog. CHKEBlCr- Imported Hwlaa, 4ic; domes tic, Stic; block, 2bc; twins, lito; dalaieo, c; triplets, 19c; Young America, 20c; blue label brick. lc; llmburger, JJc! Im ported French Roniiuefort, e.'c FISII-Fteah, per lb.i CgtfiaH ilo: carp, Sc: trout, ISc; rue shad, tKf: uallbut. Do; salmon, HfiSc; ahora codfish, .17c; buck shsd, 10c; Spanish mackerel, Uc; red snapper. Mo; yellow pike, l&c; flounders, ion, Froren, per lb.; Halibut, itc; herring, Hc; white, b-iilSc; pickerel. fc: pike, Ij.c; saugera, sc. Hmoked, per lb.: white, lie; Kippered, 17c; salmon, 17c; finnan bad dies, Uc. Frogs; Jumbo, pef do., $3.'0; large grans, K,c. Blitlmp. Peeled, per khI., $2.00; headless, $1.25. Crab meat, $2.00 p,.r gal.: ea scnllops. $'! ped gal. BICI'.F CUT-Rlbsi No. .1, WAoi No. 2. l.ic; No. 8. l.'VaC. Ilna: No. L i3!4c; No. 2, 'iiVCA No, 3, IS!:. Chucks; No. L 12c; No. 2, I2lc; No. 8, 12'4s. Rounds: Nfi! 1, ; No, 2, Win; No. a, lfce. Plates: No. 1, 10c.; No. 2, IHc; No. 8, BSC OYHTKIiS-i heimpciike, per gal.: Htand ards, 4l ; eelHcls, $l.(w: counts, $1.1. CF.LEHY Mammoth, Vm per doa. medium. 6(e per do.; small. 40c; Florida, per cram, $2.25. . , , , . Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Gilltiek v Fruit company; FRUITS Oranges, bni: Navels Valen cias. g 80s, I3.W; 126a, $2.25; KOs, Ma, 324a. 14.00; !la, lOOe, $276; 150s, $.'l.(0; 2"0a. 2Hs, 25fis, $4.25. Mediterrsnean Kweets, 12Ha, $3 01); i:fls. $3 2ft; Vils. $1W: 2o0s, 21s, $, $4 00: 2ins 3'.'4a, Mis, X'hj Lemona, bo; (lolden Bowl. $.VO0; silver Cord. $4. W, Orapcfrult. box: 3HS. $J.0ft; Ms. $3.50; 4a. I3 2f; Cle. .H4 0O; 70s, KOs. f-s, $4.00. Straw berries: Shipment Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday $2.75 rnw. Bananas, hunch: Medium aiae. P lk"31 7B; medium slue Jnmboes, $2 0W2.2i1; regular elza .lumbnea, r n0vif7fi; eictra large Jiimbcea $';.00'S87&, i'ammoth. $iwii$.7li. VKGFTAHLKP Onions: Crystal wag, IS.2A crate. Hermiiila, $175 crate; onion sets, red, $V4) hii., onion sets, yellow, $2.M bu. Carrots, beets, turnips, parsley, radishes, shallots, SO doe. Cabbage New, t-Vi lb , old, 5c lb. Rhubarb, I1.7R boa. Tomatoes, $'!,W crate, lettuce $l 0 hoe. Celery; Four dot., $" 00 crate; i ant., 2 78 crate, $ do", $2 W ciale Peppers, Mo tashet rotatoea. fed River 'hle, $t.P) In,; white to-k. $i,l(V'i$l,;,'i hu. 8wt potatoes. Hamper. $1 7; hamper; aesd sweet, $. M bid. llONi:v-Coinli, $1,75 case; Airline, $1.) (a. M,TPeanuta No, 1 raw, ' lb ! No, 1 roaatid. H . .'umo raw, Hj" It'.; Jumbo roasied, '1e in.. Fdtierta, 14? lb, 5 i. ai a, liWo It- ; l:Hng Jumbo, 17'o Iti ; mn. d piita, 'ae It). AU'Lli--IU n I -a via. 11 JS hbl,; Ben l avta Idaho, 41 M b Hi Roma Beauty, $1 Ml 1 1 bnk t oh ado IV W, reariualnea, $. TWi2 0 bis. f UK ACill 1 1 B TtH K M 4 H H KT ( atlle Mtsilr ll4 Wek lf gteatf . rilfCAGn. May 4'4TTl,F Re-elpts. tl b"-i, o'arael, 'fni, imilva bef trer !,., e . , Mi. f? 4i. iIk-uk and f .! i i, $ d . , act hfiif . $4 ..r4 ', i- " , . ir' ,.!. .V lie'l HiISt, f i., t ill, f i - 4 't l.i'ii 4 V .t ' '. I1" '!. . bee $" I- i.i"h. 1 1 ' i"s I. 'J" f am I v"l . nr'i. In I ,l t, -i.i ' t 1 1 ' ,t :'i i", me '"i. I . il -i see a 4 tit l mihIh Market 'M 1' ' I t ' T I't- . I' t 4 ' I ' . I- ) 9. ,. f ' . -I . ' ! , f. J I Ii'. , 'M II" I. . !'' fr. ' I ".' t ' il ni i S'l'is b4. i ' , ' i , . " i 1 4 ' , " t . . U'i II l set ..!, (. t , ,' I " 's t" '' .... a i i , t A i I lUfi in i i I i Ki I . . .' . t 4 ' " " et.le 4 "" I :- . I - (.. I lit I It Metk't g. ii v If i. l . 'u . till " t - . , i i. 1 i, t . i. ' ,. ' ' .- I J i . :... n 4- 1 ". tii't . 'Ii ,. ,!. -I I- , l I' , 1 .11- . I I'l' ' H - t", at rii I ' a ... K 4.i ! f i it V a 't, I' i Ms. V '. - I I'- - ' 1 4 1 ' t 1 ' V" '., l . il ,,.,, ... 1 i. "! .v I,, , J ... ... ( - . 4-4 . ' f i . ' 4 H ' I I ! I I .I . , 41 i i I . . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Brisk Demand Offsets Heavy Re ceipts of Wheat and Pricei Run Unchang-ed to Higher, CASH DEMAND FOR CORN SLOW OMAHA, May B. Grain receipts were very heavy- again today and thete was a general advance In prkea. Wheat receipt were exceptionally heavy fur (bis time of the year and theia was go active cash demand for thig cereal, The bulk of the No. 3 hrad Win ter wheat sold at prices ranging from $1.0$ to $1.07V, and a few cw of better quality brought Il.asffl.mi4.' Four hard wheat sold from IKo to $1.04, the bulk of the sales being made at advanoVI prices Tha wheat market was quoted from un changed to a half cent higher. The corn market waa aurong, but the Bales were light, There was a fair demand for oats and the market add from unchanged to a uuarter hlaher. Kye was (looted a cent up. Hurley advanced a cent. Clearances were: Wheat and flour unchanged; equal to l,4U?,0u0 bushels. Liverpool close; Wheat, corn, unchanged. I'Hmnrv a.-iMAt recalnta were 2ti,ow ousneis ana aiupmenia, vm. ii.'"""i aultit raceinia of rtirtOO buahels and shipments of 786,000 bushels last yar. Primary corn receipts were i4,'i bushels and shipments, 6SO,000 busnels. aaalnst recelnia of m.OXi bushels and shipments of 4tiH,0"0 bushels last year. t'rimary oats receipts were m, bushels and shlpnmiits. 1.12a,aK bushels sealnst receliits' of tlft.Oisf bushels and ahipinenta of I.Mh.OoO buaholg last year, CARLOT RKCKIPTH. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago o Mlnneaoolls 224 27 tit 1'uluili 22 Omaha 147 It tl 78 Kansas City ! ft. lyouls 72 Winnipeg W2 These sales were reported todayt WheatNo. 2 hard winter, 6 cars, $110; 1 car, $I.0H4; 8 cars, $1 Ott. No. 2 hard winter, 1 t:ar, $1.4';-4 rare, tM; 4 cara, $1.7W; 12 cars, $1.07; 1 car, $1,04: tears, $1.t4; 114 cars, II 0; 3 cars, tl; 4 cars. 1 0(i. No, 4 bard winter, a cars. $1 04; 1 car, $1,081; 8 cars, $1 ft cars, $1.02Hi 4 cars, 1112; 8 cara, $UHV; H'lj cars, $1,01; I car, $1 00H: I car, Ww; 8 rara, Use. Bam pie hard winter, 8 ears, Wa, No, 2 durum, I car, $1.0, No. 2 mined, 2 curs, $1,011, No. 4 mixed, 1 car. $1.02, Rya-No. 2, 1 car, 89Ho. No, 8, 2 cars, riarley-No. S, 1 car, 70c, Sample, 1 car, sic. Corn-No. 2 whlla: $ cars, 714a, ' No. 8 whits: ( cars, 714c; 4 cars. 71c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 70Hc: 1 car. 7oWc; No, 2 yel low: $ cars, 73c. No. $ yellow: 1 car, riVic; t car, nw, a cars, no. i r- low: 1 car. 7i4o. No. yellow: 4 car, 4c; 1 car, 4c; 8-5 car, io. No. 2 mixed: 10 curs, 714c. No. 2 mixed: 8 cars, I. vzc No. 4 yel- 74c; 2 cars, 7'4o. No. 6 mixed; 1 car, SQiic. No. mixed: 1 car. )e: 2-6 car. We, 1 car, 674c. Bample mixed: 1 car, 7Q. . ..... oats no. a wnite; s cara. ix, no. white; 2 cars, 414c,; I csrs, 414. flampla white: 1 car, 41o, 2 cars. 40c; 8 cars, 404n; 4 car, 4'ic; 1 oar, 2il4o. Omaha t asn r-rices: w near no, i c hard, $1.(W.110; No. 3 hard, $1.044ri.W; No, 4 hard, 4r7r"8$l 04; No. 2 aprlng, $1.04 1.53; No, 3 spring, $1.011,10: No. 2 durum. $1 .flgftl.OB; No. 8 durum, $1.07'ai OS, Corn-No. f white, 71714; No. 8 white, 704,7l4c; No. 4 white, 'cg704c; No, t wlilte, Ws'AfliiOHc; No, 6 white. vtfS0c; No, 2 yellow, 71V?r7So; No. $ yellow, Wl'-ir-No. 4 yellow, 70471 4": No. IS yellow, 34 f704c; No. 4 yellow, Si8i4c; No. i mixed, 7117714c: No. 3 mixed, fteVflfTft'io: No. 4 mixed. Mum1'.. No. t mixed, 6$ ttWa; No. 4 mixed, 870M59O. cats-No. 3 white. 44f4ite! standard. 42,3424cj No. 2 whlta. 41342c; No. 4 while, 41ff414o. M . Barley-Malting, Atr70c; ;?o, 1 feed, 69 (4t3o yNo. 3, OlMfflOWc: No. , ffWe Chicago oloslng prloes, furnished Tha Ree by lyiggn A Bryan, stock snd grain brokers, 314 Booth sixteenth street: Arfia"eT7IfnTTf"(ghTI.FcT ViTiciit' May. H34-44 I 1 14 1U4 774 744 .'. at 40 $410 V WO 28 U 1 U4 t 144 1 13 i 7644 7i4 J 144 1 18 1 144 1 124 l m; I 134 July IHAi-VW Hept. 1U4-4 Corn, May 7 11 77 74i July.m4' Sept. 7644l ,HP4. :7b4fl4i744W, Oat a May, 471404 474 !4r'4 47 43 394 23 90 23 Ift 3 36 18 024 12 00 18 07 4 July. 143444 1430434 434'il1 Brt. Pork. May. July Sept. Lard. May. 394 23 90 23 90 24 10 23 824 23 4 23 874' 23 40 23 W 13 10 18 01 18 18 18 48 1RO5024: 13 10 12 024 July. 1Soo,o,l 13 20 18 U Bept. 130741011317830 18 0741 Hi he. May. It 70 13 80 12 9 12 70 l207tT70 July. 16 Bl 14 a" I I no I IB II- 129718001 12 9241 12 S I 12 M0 12 8S 12 774 Kept 13 924 CHICAGO GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. . CHICAGO, May'4-C'rop damage from green huge and.hesslan fly took first place today In the attention of the wheat trade. Largely as a result prices closed strong, 24tt'2o net higher, with May at $1,144 and July st $1.14. Corn gained H'QWc, oats 4tf,o. ami provisions 4c to fc24c Although at tha outaet tha wheat mar ket appeared to be chiefly affected by the general confidence that a break with Germany had been averted, the fact soon became evident that the bulls were lay ing much more emphasis! on reports In dicating danger of wideapresd ravagea by pesla attacking tho already much di minished winter crop, A leading expert sent word that a n.iitiued tnorease of green Iiiik in Oktatmma uppeared llkely, atiil another nell known amhorltv wits reHpotiNlhli) for an assertion that Kansas was faring hesslau fly In twinty nlpn count lea, Missouri and Illinois advices also gave pi.. lumen. 'n to details of havoa by lies sisti fly. In the later trading the Kansas crop at nation became ncre am, ni"re a dfiii tnating Influence. It was Said an as. eepH inall) oci wet sesson .u'd be re qulre'l tu offset the flv etta. lt, Di weather complsi'its were numerous mean wlilie from NebranV. iVirn ,t'i ! nai i. se in svmpathv with wbaat Fr the innst bail, trading In i piii eras of a Ih nl character Onia a-ere helped upegrd by a lively shipping ,l.mtid here aed si Milwaukee 1 rniUli'li dei-tved S'rig(h ff.un bin. pig rllfil n n.l' s Tl .iki... tn the b- "ai Set had B'lte If any efni. pill II IIV - Alii, lower. tU l,ie I lief. ' itn'l IVt'-ea- - Wheal . N" ) -1 H,,,.,,,,.: N. r-t I' 14- 2 ir., $ I i, S'.i bsid. Ii ' ' S '" I f, l''l 4. . 4 1 74 ' 'l Mi, i et.i'm 'Hati. i.iiii 4'i . . .,'....' t.4' .i ! Tl'TI ,0v, II',,..!':'. ,.ief $. . H i .' 4f.,vl mm( til -"-c' I 4 V A la . V:tpjvry .'it.jes I X 1 Z"j'y CHOriU pions: Tork, $J.W:4 10; lard. $18.10; ribs, 11'' iiit? '.''. HI TTER Ixiwer; creamery. r(f4e. , &H'. Receipts, S3.m cases; market pnebanged, Pi T A TOFB Higher! receipts. 80 egra. Michigan, W Isennain, Mlnneaot and Da kota white, sa'dttc; Minnesota and Da kota Ohioa, SeWAHc. P,W TOHIi lifKHAI. MAB.KF.T qnolallnna f the Day on VaHooa Commodities. NF7W YORK, May .-FIOTTK Quiet VHKAT-4pot ilrm; No. 1 dunim, $1 2'4; N. 2 hard, $1,344; No. 1 northern. iHiluth. $1 3ft. and No. 1 northern. Mani toba fl 32' i. o. p, 7ew mm. rmui"", firm: May, $1,224. , . CtRN-Ktot, steady; No. 1 yallow. hoc, c. I. f, New York. OATH-- pot market, firmer; standard. &2Vkfi363'iC. . , HOPS 4Jtjetj stare, oommon iv choice, 1914 crop, 13K'21c; 1914 orop. MJc. HA Y-Qulet; No. 1, $l.40H.4r.; No. t, $1 8U01.S5; No. . $1.061.10; ahlpplng. 90r7j nrnKrf-Flrm; Bogota, B3fiH4ci Central America, 33c. LEATHKR Firm: hemlocg firsts, teo; seconds, 8:t4c. , Tiiinu' firm! citv. IPUo. nominal: ooiintrv, 104l01ic; aperlal, 1oM. Bl'TTKIV Heceipia, l,.i mi.. erv extras. 314:0401 flrais, 4a31c; eo onds. 2930i',. 1,-anR-lrreaular: receipts, 88.744 eases; unchanged. . . CIIl'.l,.r"B--Firm. reiaijiis, ir, state held specials, 184019'sj.T. fresh spe . .i. .vi,il averaaa fancv. W$mi!l Wisconsin twins, held, 18 POPI.TRY-AHva, steady; h rollers. $of $o: fowls. 184W190I turkeys, 82c,( dressed. weak, unciiangea Mlnneapwlls Orsvln Msurket. MINNKAPOl.IM, May e-WITKAT-May. $1,304: July. $1.Sosil4. ash No. i bard, $1274,; No. 1 northern , i.V No 2 northern,. $1.19401234. FLOURFanny patenU, 46 80; first clears $5 10; other grades, unchanged. MARLFY-W.07&C,. UI&-ti1.Tfl. PRAN-$18.t19M, ,,. COHN-No. 8 yellow, T7HflTH. OATO-Nn- white. 4344-FlJlX-n$l.640l-,4. t.-.. nlr r. rm I n end Provision. KANBAFJ CITT. May TOAT-Nt. I hard. 1. U1.14 cto. J reu, ei.ti-u . $1 A; July. $1.07451 OS, Rocelpts, aeven- (ORN-No. 3 mixed, nyW'W ' white, 714c; No. 3 el(ow,237; May, OATn'- IiaVhet; le higher; No. t whlta, 4f.47e; No. 2 mixed, 40S42o, RYE di'C'OOc., as. I.nnla (iraln Market. RT. WX-HB, May 4-W'Hr.AT-Ne, t red, $1.3ltl 23; No- 3 hard, nominal; May, Il ott: jitiy, ii.ii'a- . ... May, 744o: July, H44. ' .., OAT-No, and No, 2 whlta, nominal. vi-i- n-i inv Harksl, KLGIN, III.. May . B UTTE K 100 tuba aold at m. Wanted-Roma Want Ads In trxehange for lots of answers. Thona Tha Pee. DOES RHEUMATISM . . BOTHER YOU? The. Port org Saj "I'm Mustr-role' Bo many gnfferera ha found rallgf In MUBTF.ROLB that you tmght W buy a small Jar and try It, t,.. ini-MA It on with tha fingers. Hub It In. 1rst you feel a tentla glow, then a delicious, eoouna; oomiorv MUHTEROLIO rout tha twinges, loosens iirr.nail Inlnta and muaoles. MUSTEROIK is a clean, whlta olnte ... i,v -il .1 M,,.l.,4 It ment, maas wuo vi "'" -i penetrate to tha seat of pain an arlvea It awgy, but doea not blister ina tsnasr aat akm. ' It Kikes tha $!" of tha rnoasy, 14 fashioned mustjud plaster. MUSTEROIJa is recommended for Bronchltia, Croup, Asthma. Plaurl, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Bpralns, Bruises, Rtiff Neck, Headaches and Ooldg ot tha Cheat (it often prevents pneumonia). At your druggist , in too and $0o jars, and a speoial large hospital alt for 32.80. Be aur you gat tha genuine MUfl- TTCROLB. Refuse Imitation get what you ask for. The Mustorola Company, Cleveland, Ohio. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Kyrry Kind Price Very Low. Over five hundred machlnsg to select from. Kent applied on purchase. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. ll0."i Farnam St rhon Iiiuk1ii 4121, You will wish you had begun with i it long ago Y-ii. (roi(isl er gnvee can gs4 ftutt Vt4iati4y."l llf'iMlsr llr bv lostril.m lit Do isr 2i r, i I sn inklixi Ij tHHStfti30C4 444 4MKrlla.C)ltCl44 J.i?:oiK w:i. t - 1 ". . . . , 1. . .- - . ' !j(; iliVj.U.., 1 'yJih UHOTIM1VS CO, Estimated True Value of All Property in Nebraska, $3,794,986,781. Tho Material Wealth of Nebraska is Increasing; Enormously. The Netbra Frospenty League , A 6 tate-Wide Non-Partisan Association of Taxpayers. Organized by prominent men, having no connec tiondirect or indirectwith the liquor traffic, with a charter membership of 400 men. The object of the League is to protect the state against the enactment of laws that would check the splendid progress in all branches of industry and agriculture, and in all lines of business enterprise. The League's Platform WHEREAS, the progress and development of Ne braska during the last twenty-five years has been un paralleled in the annals of western states, raising Omaha to the dignity of a metropolis and focusing upon our state and city the attention of the entire country; and WHEREAS, the taxpayers and responsible citi zenship look with disfavor upon attempts to foist sumptuary laws upon our state, firmly believing that such laws, if enacted, would be a costly economic blunder; would impair property and farm values; put a blight upon business enterprise, and be of incalculable injury to the moral and material welfare of our people; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this meeting of business men of the city of Omaha and state of Ne braska, that we believe the high license law regulat ing the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt beverages has yielded better results than prohibition would pro dace, and it is our opinion that regulation will bs bet ter in its ultimate results than law-made prohibition which never prohibits. List of Officers and Vice-Presidents (Mnbcrtblp being oJttended throughout the iUte.) rtoidwt L. F. Crofoot, AtXortief-t-Lw Tmiurtt - Y. J. Goad, Good Real Eatato Co. 64krrUi7 Jam en B. Bajmea, Publicity Campaign VICE-PRESIDENTS. 4 ' ,f Wen! ay P. Adkina, Transportation Co. Dr. a a Allison, Surgeon. i, h. lUker, Manufacturer. ChM. H. Brown, Real EsUt InreitmenU. W. J. Barge 8, Investments. ' Barry V. BnrUry, Printer. W. M. BtiftJunaji, Storggn. t Albert Ohkn, Manufacturer. E. L Fairfield. Heal EoUto JnveetmanU. Jotm K, Prnir. Real Kstaid Inteetments, Dr. It. Ollmoro. rhyalclsn and 8urgon. Ferdinand Haamuutn, Manufacturer. J. J. llanlghtMi, Contractor. FrM B. Hunker, Attn 'jr-at-Law, Wast Polat. Iank B. Johns4B, Omaha Trlnting Co. C. J. Kat baeh, Intmenti. Itranrhi' of the league are being form! in all counties of th statf. Friends of the movement are mufflM to h'lp swell the rapinbcrship. Write to any offitvr of tho Iif-tie, The League's Invitation Officers of th l,4-!iri' ,ttiid ft cortlial invitation to vry N t'rmkno who i opjxinl to Uto-widd pro Id lit ion to jin th crgnnijvtifni and help to tWomi tho pnnciplo of l.wal option high lkfn4 in rrsnilatinf the Uijucr trnffi-a tritl pliv, undor vhich No-!-riik hfcs j rt'!jvrt ImnsttauraMy, Sfii in your nim at one, sn n A a friend to tlo o. Addrrssj The Nebraska Prosperity League HraduAitrrt: OmartA Hitional Bank ButUia, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SKd. Frank B. Kennard, f 4 Capitalist, $ E. M. F. Itlaag, Capltallit, 17, O. W. Megeath, ' Coal Operator. Sophng F. Nebl i Publlaher. M J, J. O'Connor, Attorney. e ii Carl Rondo, ' 'XZg Retired Farmer, Columbog. ,1 John O. Roalcky, l" Pnbllaher. . J W. L UciiinoUw, Jobber. . O. E.Shnkert, f Manufacturer, if Paul Skinner, Manufacturer. A. F. Smith, Jobber. ,. A. 8pleiwger, Wholesaler. Robert O. Strehlow, , Contractor. A. Jf. Vierlinc f Manufacturer. ' R. N. Wolruark, jj Marrhant. Cirand Uland. Hon. Otto Znelow, Mgyor of Sthuyler. 4 It i . , . it., . 4 ' I- i - - -