Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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TowBiaad'a fox Bporttay OoJ.
LltfliMmr TlxtnxM BurgMM-OraRdaa.
Dl mon4 Baag;mB Biari, Xkolm.
Sara ftoot rrtnt It Mow rif.nn Pnu.
roprtr cared for. To rent property,
tee J. H. Dumcnt & Co., Keeline BM3
rdrl Jnrora Xxouaad Federal
court Juror wer excubed from further
disrvica, with the exception of twiv men
ilrawn to try a ctine ilondajr.
"Toaay'a Mori Frosrram," clanatfled
aectlon today. It appeara In The iiea ex
ciuaively. Find out what the varloua
moving picture theatere offer.
ThaoaopWoal tecture Burd F. Miller
will leotura at Theoeophlcal hall, Suite
701 Bee building, Sunday evening at 8
o'clock, on "The Unreality of the Thy
rj World." The lecture will del with
tlie promiaa occult aclence gives to
humanity In knowledge of the future.
Engagement Annoaooa 7h "trigax
meut of Mia Blanche A. Hwcct to Kruent
H. Freeman haa been announced liy Mr.
and Mr. J, B. Sweet, 194 South Thirty
fifth etreet. The wedding will he held In
the latter part of June.
Attends Vlpemakers' Contention John
Bulllvnn, manager of the I Wolff Manu
facturing company, has gone to f'hlrago
and eastern point. 'Wiillo In the east he
II . . , . I , ..
pipe manufacturer at Pittsburgh, He
was accompanied by Mr. Hull! van.
Diamond Presented to Steve Hansen
Hteve Hansen, president of the I.oyal
club, was presented with a dlsmond stud
by the nimnr of the organisation on
the occasion of his forty-fifth birthday.
Mr, Jfensen haa been president of the
club for one year and was secretary for
eight year.
Kiss Tlynn teolorse Elizabeth Our
Joy Flynn, who wag prominently involved
In the big; strike of textile workers at
Lawrence and 1 1'atorson, Is giving
fieriea of leoturea at 1301 DoiirIus atrent
every venln. Mlsa Klynn will continue
to make her dally lecture until the night
tit May U
Lincoln Apartment! told Carl Lire
coin of Pacific Junction, la., his sold
the Lincoln apartments, 21"2 C1iIckq
etreet, to H. P. and J, M. Hamilton, build
ers and owners of the Hamilton apart
ments. Twenty-fourth and Fartiam. The
consideration was The sale was
mad by Toiand & Trumbull, m lieu
Use "Tsx-TUe" blngles. Sunderland.
JTew Club Organised "The Patrlik
Henry Non-Partlaan Political Cltib" Is
the name of a new organization with the
following officers: Kdwrd Wnloh, presi
dent; John M. McOowan, first vice
president; Peter Boland, second vice pres
ident; Vr. J a mo P, Connolly, secretary;
James Mcleod, trnasurerj Amo K. Hen
ley, chairman of th executive committee.
It 1 announced that the club will he In
corporated. A club house I contemplated.
Students Plan
Gospel Campaign
Through State
Oospel teem and quartet ar being
nrKHnlzed through the work of Max
'iiirrlrifr. a freshman at Dellevue college,
They will soon begin on a campaign In
this prt of the state 10 enlist the eol
l''es on behalf of the prohibition me.nd-nn-nt
to be voted on this fall. Oerdner
has Interested some of the best speaker
ond mtislclang of the colkgo In hi scheme.
The team of two men each will be
composed of Walter K. Webb, Bclle.vuo
font ball captain lt fall and an expert
yrnced debater; Garwood Richardson,
member of this year' debating: team,
which defeated both Cotner and We,
loy&n; John Uloomqulst, a theological
etudent, snil Max Gardner,
A male quartet and a mixed nuartet will
accompany tha teams on their engage
ments'. Perry Johns, Lester Btewart,
Robert Walker and Ttaymond Ftcpp ara
1 ho members of tho male miartct, and
Pitmuol Klnmer, Kill alio Pagdag, Mis
Jcnnetta Goodwill, and a aoprano, will
nmpoeo the mixed quartet. Gardner la
getting the tent materia obtainable In
order to make hi work effective.
r.ngagcments are being made through
this part, of the state so that two meet
ings mny be held on the same evening.
Kiwugh Sunday evtnlng appointments
I ave been made to occtrpy the rest of
tlio hunday of the college year.
Siriie.t niceties tn Omalia will also bs
Academic Work
Will Be Feature
Of Summer School
ftecaune of the Increased demand for
summer work In the academic depart
ment f the t'nlMitly of Omaha, work
iilnng this line Is to be made one of the
features ef the eifclit-weck summer -.-lull
commencing June lfc. In view uf the
lin t Ihut H liuse number of hlHh school
xiiiilent are plmiiilitg t miike up grHilcs
111 luiii, Slid en.:o, the two
. ,. n of IiiIimi Hon si- t.i be made as
1 mriilc(e a jiosMI'le.
T'iri'e leaclH-r. Ill silIIUoii t the staff
. iiiplnynt III til" ib'Ptmenl St prernt.
I l ata lid 1 il- of Ihe i. a l nil ' wuik.
I new tnntiiirtus fur this department
.ul Im litir.iiliy nil r.f .enn ami
I iin ii..ihi M JIwik uf ('itmhn.
)i will .,.lnl.K he iiiiT-nsrv lt Imtil
!. it nl ruii, mil' III Hie fnieiHmii
,iul (In. niin In !( ttrun. Mii
'n.n Vinn ron. ieinr of the t nl.
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Committee Meet to Plaji for Big
Gathering; of Middle West
"Dough Mixers."
' n iLn 1
Tlie convention committee of the Trans
mlnslnslppl Master Hakers' association
held an Important meeting Friday evening
at the Now liigland bakery on North
Sixteenth street for the purpose of shap
ing up the untertalnme.nt to be provided
the visiting bakers from Iowa. Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota and fouth
Dakota on June 12 to IS, Indvalv.
There were about fifteen members of
the convention committee present. Mr.
Petersen, president of the Traiismissls
slppl Master linkers' awoclstloir, Jay
Mums, president of the National Master
linkers' association; Charles W. Ortrnon,
chairman of the exhibit committee;
Charles F. Krenier, treasurer; A. Bakke,
president of the Omaha Master nakera'
club; Gust Kuenne, Alex Tyberlng, J. J.
Markey, Osesr Holmes and others are con
fident that this convention will be largely
attended. Heveral traveling salesmen who
are In close touch with th leading bakers
throughout the Vransmlsslsslppl territory
were present mid slated that he bakers
were coming to Omaha to attend this
convention by the hundreds, snd they
urged the losl committee to prepare for
a big attendance and a lively bunch who
are coming with the "dough" and who
will tie here for business ss well s for
a good time.
Heveral subcommittee were Instructed
to make all necessary arrangement for
the decoration of the Auditorium, the trip
to the Ak-Bor-Jten Den on Monday night,
where the master baker will be given
the "dough" and several other things;
orchestral music for Tuesday, Wednesday
ami Thursday evenings at the Audi
torium; on athletic program for one eve
ning, a vaudeville and musical entertain
ment for another and motion picture and
dancing at the close of eouh evening at
the Auditorium,
Manr Knterfaloment r'eetares.
Arrangements were also provided for a
buffet luncheon and a visit tn th Houth
Hide, A special committee ha been ap
pointed to provldo tor the entertainment
of the wives and daughutr of the visit
ing bakers.
Read flee Want Ads
them for results.
for profit U
Welfare Board
Patches Up Manv
Family Troubles
The family reconstruction work of th
Welfare board 1 growing so rapidly that
Superintendent Hrhrciber will during th
next few weeks bring before the board
the proposition of establishing a depart
ment with, a worker detailed to -these
Her ! a typical case the board ha
handled In several phase during the lat
few weeks: The wife of a painter com
plained that her husband become Intoxi
cated, beat her and doe not contribute
more than a pittance toward the support
of tlie family, t-'he ha three small chil
dren and I expecting the fourth. The
rent Is in arrears several month. The
man we arrested and sentenced by the
police Judgo. While he wa In Jail the
family had no support at all. Arrange
ment wa made to pay a stated amount
on the rent each week. The husband wo
released from Jail and told to got to work
and keep away from drink. Tho wife I
willing to co-operate to get her husband
on hi feet again. Bbe cay she will for
give and forget The Welfare board hope
to get this family re-established on a
proper basi.
On Faturday three new case of family
trouhels were reported to the Welfare
office, .
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkh&m's Vegetable
Compound. .
f ;
V -i- 11
Jamaica, N. Y. " I iuffered grpatly
with my head and with backache, wa
weak, dlizy, tier
v 0 u 1 , with hut
flatuVaand felt very
miserable, aa I wa
Irregular for two
year. On day
when I waa feeling
unusually bad my
lister-in-law came
In and said, 'I
with you would try
Lydla E. I'tnkhara'
Compound.' 80 1
began taking it and I am now In find
health and am rurd. I took the Coro
I'ound three times a day after meals,
am) on retiring tt night. I tlways ksep
a bottle In the housw," Mr. L. N,
llt'nNHAM.SMJ lube Ave., Jamaica, N.Y.
Women who recover their health nat
urally t"ll other what helped them,
riome write and allow their name and
I ho(cr h to l' iublUh4 with
miiitia'a. Many more tell their friend.
If jimnro! a iiMMllctuft for S'it
inru Alhnriit, try I.jtlU I'.
I'lii k htiil' Vrcltlir. '0111 wmuil.
Writ l.jdU i:, I'liiklium Mrtll
rln CNv ifoittliirntialli ff nj
iliiu: you nrU ta know itUuu
tttr Inmlilrs,
Gray Hair Restored
to its Natural Q)lor
la 1 it sew si '') (tesf
r ' t.i -") 'ilMkn lf t
Dr. Usher Is to
Talk to Nebraska
School Teachers
Ir. Roland O. Usher, principal speaker
at the fourth annual spring meeting of
the Nebraska History Teachers' asso
ciation, at Lincoln, May i.'-U, will be in
Omaha Maty 11, and apeak at the Unl-
veralty club on "International delations
of the I'nited States."
fir. I'sher Is esteemed by Kuropeart
writers as the best American exponent
of International affair. His 'Tan-Americanism."
t Is asserted, aUrscled wlde
spruod attention, and his 'Tsn-flerman-Ism,"
and "Th Challenge of th Future,"
also were received with favor.
Purine; the sfternoon of his visit hnre
next Tuesday Pr. I'sher will address the
public school teschers at the Central
High school building.
"Pan-Amerlcnnlsm" will b the general
them of the history teachers' meeting
st Lincoln next Friday and Haturday.
Mlsa Autumn lavlc of fVnlrat High
school of this city la president of the as
sociation. ' Among the speskers will be:
Prof. J, K. Leltosslgnol, Vrof. Kdwln
Mexey, I'rof. P. K. Terslnger snd Or. V.
M. Fling of Ihe I'nlverslty of Nebraska!
Mis Ella Rnoney, t'entral High achool.
Omaha: Ueiin H. II. Hsbn, Wayne Nor
mal; Silts. W. A. rhllllps. principal
Wayne High srhool; Miss Mil tie Allen,
prln' ipul Whlttler school, Mitcoln; Miss
(!) M. Chase, Houtli High arhooL
Omaha; Miss Kdlth Field, Cnlverslty
Place High school.
ire tour Bowels Hegnlnrf
Or. Kings New Ilre Pills will keep
bowel regulsr snd overcome constipa
tion, relieve indigestion and sick head
ache. 25c. All druggist. -Advertisement.
Tted rice Want Ad for profit. V
shern for result.
Employes' Association Will Choose
Four Officers for Governing
Board Tomorrow.
Following an cxlnbluiied custom, the
Ilurvesi-Naslt Welfare iisioclalliin, will
hold It second annusl electlnn of nificrrs
to the governing bosrd tomorrow Tills
yesr four new members are to he elei te 1,
two men and two women
Booths will be Insialb'd In the employ'
locker rooms, where competent ib'tks
will furnish real bullot with tho runnln?
candidates' mime printed thereon.
This association Is composed entirely of
the ttnpbijee of the HurM''s-Nali com
pany snd whs organised to stimulute good
fellowship among the employes n well
as to give every stletition lo their wel
fare. Each employs pnys dues taito lle nxocl
gtlon In proportloh lo his or her salary.
In esse V f siikni'i's, esch Indivlilnal re
ceives half of his nr her salnry per week,
together wdh free niedlcul uid from the
asm-atlon doctor and fre- pre -rlpt Inns,
In adillllon to several hundred wlio hsve
bien given frie meillcnl slteiiilun fioni
their own 11 in I run In chttrge of ilie.r bos
pita room one hundred and tlilrty-sls
claims havo been paid during lite yeiir.
amounting to $1,771
Election ret ui lis will be received at the
Metropolitan hall, Twenty. tliird end Har
ney streets, where the Welfnre associ
ation lll give an entertainment, consist
ing of several tsuricvllle numbers, after
nhi'-h a il.inclng party will be given. It
lil he strictly n employes' Informal f-
or election arel
Hiram .Iotie
i;. A. Wrnthci
A. s. Iiuth
A lark
I1', McMshsn
A. i. I'uriie
Ktiy t'oiirty t
I'aul Schaye
TI.e . HlliUlhlt.'S
lis. WriKlit
Mr. Mursh
.Ml-s Mm Purr
Mls K In-r uni t
.Vr. liog' r
,Vls llill Ree
MiMe Nan V alflcn
W I Si llllllill
Low Insurance
Rating for Hotel
The liluckMcne i'ni:ly hotel, now n"ar
liiK t'liniplnlnii, bus obtained fln tn -nr -time
st a lower rating than any "liter
building In the Ut sliullurlv oi-' iijiUmI
snd not eiiulpjied with a sprinkler synlem.
This Is the ststeinent msdo by H. II.
l.ovell, numager of the Insiraiice depart
ment l the rankers Rculty 1 nv t riM-nt
cmniiHiiy, ilie concern having the archi
tectural and general controctlng Job of
Hie kiiil'lliiK
Ti e fire latmg olituliied for Ihls hulld
inn I J4 cents.
Mi. 1.1'vell ssys that this rating was
ninflrmed Friday by the Nebiaka in
iei;llou and luting bureau,
Mr. jA.vell made tlie following com
nn nt.
"If pl'inpcctiv e ownets of big buildings
would pny more attention to the character
of Hie tuildliig material lo be used,
snd Hie location of fire extinguisher
Slid stu udplpe cnunrctlnn, still besides
I would provide airangeineiit which will
kifi Inflfinminhle miitetlals out of ball
jiH end ele'.uior shalts, Hhn planning
tlielr hullillng. they would svold s rres'
big Item of opvintlr.g and maintaining
CKt.ense In the shape of Insurance pre
miums. "Ilulldlng owners i making more ex
acting demands for efficiency and
economy than ever before a a result.''
Wearing Quality
Thing that Counts
"To make a success In the automobile
business, from a dealer's standpoint, two
essentials are necessary. Welling quality
and wearing ouallty. The outward ap
pearance of the cur has a great deal to
do in nmklng the sale, and that Is where
we shine with the Allen. Its appearance
captivates the eye. and Ihe construction
appeals to th experienced motorist, but
this Is not all. We must have the wear
ing quality tn meke a lasting success, and
there nvaln is uhero the Allen stands
riKlit to the front," says a Unal auto
mobile dealer.
"Hy reiiion of lis rigid and simple con
struction, th Allen owner finds himself
after S.W. or ln,000 miles of service to
hsve a car that Is really belt-r than it
whs when he fltM tie.iht It, It Is just
beginning to do Its bct. That is wher
Ihe wearing Tsiatity ccnie in."
The Omaha -Manufacturers' association
la opposed to the Htevens bill pending
In congress, which seeks to allow manu
facturer lo fix the pilco of retail snie
of trsilwiiiai ked goods This w ss de
cided upon at the meeting held Halimlny
noon. The association went on record
favoring the bill In congress seeking to
establish vocational schools throughout
the country.
A son wss bmn yeeleidny to Mr and
Mrs Hum lloeiililtiin, Vint Houth Twenty
third street.
Mr and Mrs. K. II Wilkinson. HO
Houth Tenth street, have gone to Denver
for a few days' visit. They will return
hy way of I'olorado Pprlntia and other
Colorado points.
.f. 1.'. Larson, secretary of the Hernia
I'nrk I'tlstriet Improvement club, ntatea
that tlie meeting of the club next Tues
day evening tn Franklin school, will he
of Unusual Intercut. Among the subject
to be considered will be lights for th
boulevard, plygroundn In flemis park
and Improvement of I ho Walnut Hill
reservoir twt. All member of the cluh
and others Interculcd are earnestly re
quested to attend.
Fslaternity! f he "
Word of Words
!l U errlllen Inlo life's expectations that
motltcihood in the one sublime aocom-
pllhment. And If
there I anything, no
matter how simple,
liow apparently trivial
It may seem. If It can
aid. help, assiat or In
any way comfort the
eipeclatit mother. It Is
a bleastng. And such
Is a remedy called
"Mother Friend."
You apply H erer the
stomach mnscles. It I
gently rublied on the
surface, and makes
the muscles nllrnil-
lhl rellevea lh strain on ll:imcnt, natural
expansion take pluc without undue effct
u pun the nerves. And as lb llm ap
proaches, the mind tins gone through a pe
riod of repose, of grntle peetacy, and
this Iij an unqiimllniird Influeiic upon the
future child. Tint this Is true Is evidenced
hy the fact that three generallnns pt mothers
liif used and recommended "Mother1
Prlend." Ak your nearest druggist for a
It'll! of this splendid remedy. He will get
It for you. And tlirn write to Orsdfleld Reg
ufstor tCo., 407 I.smsr llhlg., Atlanta, Oa.,
for a most Intereatlng book of Information
tn nrnannrilvA motlmra. It im fnali,4 trwrn
Writ today. It la houk you will enjoy.
h m i A i f i
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tier of modern eleciricaflnclusii
A poor boy a strange inspiration one of the three greatest"
discoveries of modern times
and one of the world's most important industries
is born I Could romance hold more?
MICHAEL FARADAY was the son of a poor blacksmith. At four
teen he is apprenticed to a bookbinder. At night he reads books.
One day there comes into the little shop a dog-eared volume of a
work of vast learning seldom thought of as an inspiration to
youth the Encyclopaedia Dritannica.
It does not go outrof the shop until this eager-minded apprentice
has read the long articles on Electricity and Chemistry, and some
others. It is enough. The die is cast. Michael Faraday will
become a "natural philosopher," as he fondly used the term.
He became assistant to Sir Humphry Davy, then the most
brilliant experimenter of his day. (It was Davy who, more than
100 years ago, dazzled the world with
the first electric light. It shone only a
short time and was very expensive.
His source oi electricity was a Dattery awwaiww
of a thousand cells or more, such as we use for door-bells and I
I?ut it stirred the highly imnginativp boy. What if nn almost unlimited
source of this "subtle fluid," which could work such wondt rs, mititit be; found?
It was twenty years or more before Faraday found it; be did not live to
see the fruition of his tremendous discovery.
You know what the discovery was simply that by rapidly whirling a bar
of soft iron in front of a magnet an electric current could tie generated.
The results are the huge cenerators at Niagara, the monster turbine
generators like that of the Waterside Station in New York City, requiring
tho power of liO.UMj hurses tu move them and electricity doing the heavy
work of the world,
A New Popular Issue
In I'uracjgv'i time th l''nryrliii'ttia tlritaniiita a it r'iiv U . So
I ihe; larijp ik "Cginliriilt; 1'iiivcraity tssnt uf Ihe new l it venlh I.1I1I11111.
It rout from VI to I.MH1 1 r
lint th inililiahcr hvf rnailc fur u a m-w ami .niiiliir tsuf at sk mIiih .iiih
reduction In lime, illt'l thu "lUlnly Volume" Issue, linw In liij; i!! rctl nil Ihe
rii't x)iiilti li-rins.
Tho ftttirfl i't 'f Votunirt U nl Um fitl 11 1 nl of (INK I K I . I Alt
After that fy niniithly fat minii tnr a short turn-
Tiles i Vuhiinr art l.lritlli ally th Mine, i nc h s the .) tiitumat
rtf th ' t'tntriiK;e t nivrrsily'' imiic, 1 -.t Uuil tii j't'c ii minlli-r.
Nut a linn hs l cit iiniitivil, nl a iii,?t i in l uln itlt:-'! l urlhH
hs iivt llthc r tun lln ir utiKiintili'i'i'l I'Usrsnli
It I IH rumi'li ti new, 'v !titJ, liiuUi'itlrd t,!vuii I 4,
, tiun uf Iho Cuiyli'citu 1'iiisui.i it
Not Mucli Ijonficr
P i ".' I' - 'I h 4 I i t I- Pf i ' f f
11 tt 4 1 1t ' lh l k 1 t If If 4 I tt i.i.-w. , 1 1 -it,-.,
M Hft It H ' I' I ' ' I 1 U I - 11 ; I i.j'
$'U- Hi- ti.i-,,J If . I . - e I as
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tn a h . i , I t hi V I t I f t I 4 .lo k
m -trk.U I ti It ' U f I" P ' HI I 1 ' 4 v" H. ( ti-irnl t a
iStt dcU and have urJrr l
lJ M ..
1" f ,
4m s
' " k " ' I
e.-ii.js " atfc- .' -. -,
The chance meeting with the volume of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica, the turning point of Faraday's career, occurred more
than a century ago. Do you imagine that such opportunities
n6 longer exist that genius can only get on with the aid of a
college education? .
' Turn, then, to that American whose career has closely followed
Faraday's our own Edison. lie, too, was a poor, boy, had no
college education. And he, too, became the "greatest experi-,
mental genius of his time."
And even this man "with a mind like an encyclopaedia" keeps
the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA always at his elbow.
So do many others who, without a college training, have risen
from obscurity to the highest positions in American life men
like James J. Hill, Charles M. Schwab and scores of others.
And the Encyclopaedia Britannica in its newest formjs far
of youth and genius than the edition
current in Faraday's time. The new
tiaiMiim-'Tiawiwiiiaitwmiff tar T i Eleventh hdition is as much more
wonucrlul than the old edition as our day i& more wonderful
than Faraday's. Even more than in that day it sums up in
compact space the highest knowledge and information which
men of science possess.
And far more than in his day it is a practical work, made not for scholars
and university professors alone not just for "high-brows" but for the
busy men and women f today and for the eager mind of youth.
Its splendid articles, not only m electricity and chemistry, but upon
every branch and division of .science and knowledge, form the finest ground
work for a broader education that could be found.
A 130-page Book Free
Tito piililishcn of tho KNL'Yt'I.OI'Ar.UIA llklTANNICA have prrprcd a richly
iMtiMnilcil hiHik uf :m nm- lo tell you all about thU ureat work nti! the tie "Handy
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