THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Th Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. BEB BUILDING, FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH l.ntrd at umaha potoffc a eecond-c lm matter. TERMS OV 4iL'BHf:RTPT10 liy carrier By mail oer month or yr flatly and Sunday sac It.O'J iMily without bunuay. .......... .tso. 4. cm l.venlna ui'l Sunday 0e ......... . 00 Kveniiist without bunday. Zfic..... 4 ! eumlay Bee only 30c 2 it l.,aily and. Bunday bee, three years In advance, lit 09. ml nottv of change of addres or irregularity In ijeliveiy to Omaha Ijee, 'lieulation Depa-riment. REMITTANCE. j 'ftemit. by draft, expresa or postal order. Only two- lent etamp receiver! in payment or email accounts, :i Personal vhecka, except uti omaha and eastern 1 lisinre. not sccepied, offices. Omaha Tha Bee Uulldtn. rUiuth Omaha 231 ft N aireat. Council filiirfa 14 North Mala etrset. Lincoln M'S Mttls Building. Chios go till I'eonles Oa Building. New Vork Hoom 1 Jo, VS Hfth avenue, Ht. Loijia 603 New Bank if Commerce, Wsntilns-ton "25 Fourteenth t.ret, N. W. OnRRKflPONDENCF. .Mdre communication relating to ni and edi torial ma'ter to ninana Bee, rMltorial Department, APRIL CIIIOI LATION. 57,808 Daily-Sunday 52,223 . Dwlght William, rlmiUtlow manager of Tha B FuMiehioeJ company, being duly worn, aaya that tha average, clruulatiori for tha month of April, ll, was dally and M,?23 Kunday, IA'liHT WILIJAMH, Circulation Manager. , u!Vbl R T presence god sworn t before me thla M day of May, mi ItOUlillT HUNTER, Notary PuWld. Mubwribara leaving tha city temporarily should have The lie mallri to them. Ad. drew wl be changed ae often m request!. , Still Mr. Weatherman ought Dot to try to I hand iii the whole luoimtr season all at once. Tb lesson of what happened. In Dublin will pot be loat la Belfast whan home role cornea to Ireland, For reaaooa that are quite obvious the pros iure for convention tickets for St. Louie li not 1 nearly aa acuta as for Chicago, Katlonal bankers no doubt appreciate the fjfffcsiaJ bint for 'frequent vacations for em ployes. Te comptroller done not charge for It. Seeing that Omaba and Donglas county are graciously permitted to help elect the ticket, why deny the privilege of a voice In the nominations? The brad of tbe Boston health school ssys ! the dan km- of getting germs from kissing Is all I'jinmyrot. Thus does experience wsliop theory Cut of the ring. , Still, tbe Scott-Obregon treaty affords no as turano of peace from the Carranaa atock of bandits should tbe de factos lose favor. As things go In Mexico tbe winners of today may fcc the outlaw, of tomorrow. j Prejjaredness patriots down east insinuate i h.t the rcdblooded west considers Its blood too precious to pill. In which respect tbey era no i more economical than the east, where spilling 'hot sir is the preferred occupation. ! ' ; Warring cation, are now pushing ahead the -lends of the clocks. Twenty-one months ago i they turned back tbe hands of time. The later ! rhanre will not alter tbe reddened record of . history. i Aa a apeed promoter necessity upholda Its reputation. The latest proof Is seen In tbe de velopment of American dyestuff Industry - forced by the exigencies of war. In less than J two years tbe output of various dye products ", Increased from 25.000 tons to HS.OoO tons. U A professor wboae hobby Is ststlsttca re ! ports that the average man at 60 years of age ) has "eaten 16,000 pounds of meat, 17,000 ' rounds of vegetables and drank 7,000 gallons of liquid." Tbe reckoning hints at one cause i for tbe steady patronage of hillside rest cures. "Omaha boasta that 1,000,000,000 pansen ' gera pass through the city every year," says the Detroit Free Press, "but does Omaha mean by , this that watching the trains go by is Its chief sratieementt" Hardly, but It ss considerable advantage over nbuntlng visitors through a : esve. An eastern organization promoting quieter , pbservanca of the Sabbath, urges abandonment . of golfing and autoinoblllng on Sunday as a mains to that end. The noisy rharacter of both j rrtrcallona might be remedied by more subdued ' rlothes on tbe green and ditching the auto horn 1 for a day. Otherwise Joy may be uni'onfined, Samples of New York patriotism hsrdly Ju i t tf r h lhl, A motion to decorate city alder 1 n en w It b plug hats at the city's eipenae, for the ' tteparednei parade, brought forth objection I hl'h proved fstal. Municipal dignity humbled i "tth rommonplsce besdspar on a gresl occa i en mot'Vs profesalons of iftcriflce for the rum ; ti 'jn good. Thirty Years Ago This Day iu Omaha CtU4 tim Daa rtlag 1 1 ts :)!:h eiui.iaij a,t W fc. Ain ,r tfi .! I a'l' ' 'i ' In t liit .i i) I .:..!. .i.ltaul " ') h f.i.i.. I , -.(, in. t h. if t I.. . u, - ,.;H i It Mk i n ! ta Hf ti m.i.i i't tui,na. a-t m i.i.i, i,..i,a ii . . i .1 i -, n a V' r k mt IUi k.r, ,.n IH -n,, '.!! at I !. 4 It a (a.- in I tt 'v ".'! ,'Min. i t . ,1 n,im. The Moral Obligation. Thg attorney general of Michtgan ha said that under Ita presidential prefarence primary law tho foiir flelegatea-at-large are morally bound by tha general result of the primary, whlla the dlalnct dele. ai bound by the reaulu in their atatriuta. I'nder thla ruling Henry ford would get eighteen of the irate a deleKatea and William Alden Kmith twelve. Ford won In the atate hy a majority of 6,15 and carried aeven dlatrlctg to flte for Smith. -Hpringfield Republiran. In this reopect the Nebraska presidential preference primary law is exactly the same as that of Michigan and. by tbe same ruling, Henry Ford, although "nosed out" by Cummins In the state, Is entitled to the votes of the two dele gates from this congressional district in which he leads, with Hughes second and Cummins only third. The rule of the republican national convention make the district te unit 'or dis trict delegates and the state tbe unit for dele-rateg-at-large, go that if tbe delegate is morally bound by the preferential vote the obligation Is to bis own constituency. If be wants tc respect the preference vote, the wishes of bis district cannot be overridden by the preference of voterg In other districts of the state for someone else, any more than by the preference of the voters of some other state. Tbe two delegates from this Second Nebraska district, therefore, rightly belong in the Ford column until they are ready to vote for their own real choice. For them to start with Cummins Instead of Ford would be as much a repudiation of their "moral obligation" as It would be for the delegates-at-Isrge to start with Ford instead of Cummins. Another Centennial Anniversary. Tbe American Bible society yesterday cele brated Its centennial anniversary by special observation In most of the churches, and with pretentious demonstrations In Washington, Philadelphia and New York. From a very bumble, almost Insignificant start In 1816 the work of tbli organization has grown, until it Is on of the most extensive publishing houses In the world, and by far tbe largest tbat deals only with a single work. It bas translated the Bible, or portions of It, Into practically every known language, dialect or Idiom, and bas cir culated the sscred volume In every accessible quarter of the globe. No other publisher pushes his business with the unremitting xeal that has been characteristic of the American Bible society. Its Importance Is admitted, be cause It has been a factor in the advance of civilization, and It would be a bold man who would undertake to say to what extent tbe world is made fetter by the work of this society, which has placed the Book of Books w'thln the reach of all. It Is only three centuries since a king of Rngland gave to his people a version J of the Bible that all might read, and thus Im mortalized bis name. But bla work bad been far less fruitful were It not for aha American Bible society, now entering on tbe aecond cen tury of its great work, Ita founders will not be so readily recalled by the popular mind aa is King James, but their work has been ihe more productive, because tbey have made his of service to mankind everywhere. Sew Army Bill Held Up, The anticipated disagreement between the conferees over the new army bill has occurred. The house declines to recede from Its position on (be federsl volunteer force, holding out for Ihe Notional Guard as It Is now organized. And back of all this will be found the miserable politics that has prevented the formation of an efficient military force, either state or national, despite the money that has been lavished dn the establishment. So long as service Is voluntary, It doesn't much matter to the young man who goes Into Ihe ranks from conscientious motives, or through the spirit of adventure, whether he Is under state or national control, if he la as sured of fair treatment. Nor does It greatly concern the studious, earnest men who make up the personnel of the line officers, whether their commissions are signed by the governor of the state, or the president of the United States. But It doeg matter to the politicians, who have for years hampered tbe service by their Interference. At this moment, hard working and efficient officers of the Guard feel that tbey have been Injured by the opera tion of the political machinations that compli cate the question of national defense. What the thoughtful students of the problem desire Is the merging of the forty-eight little state armies into one organization of uniform quality and merit. If this can be accomplished with out destroying the distinctive attachment of each little army to Its home state, all well and good; It can not be accomplished so long as the military forces of the I'nited States are the playthings of politicians. Political Cane Railing. The Industry of cane raising in Louisiana Is not limited to cultivated fields. It resrheg into receptive political soil with results hardly Jus tifying the eneigy expended. A epecimen of tbe rrop raised in the latter way last year was exhibited before the I'nited Ststes supreme court recently, In the form of a Is requiring the Amerlisn Sugar Kefiittng company to pay as m u r b for Uniislans sugarcane as It pays for like raw material In any market In Ihl country. The huae refining pUttt f the company at New Orleaiia a declared a public utility and made aiticnatU to la a a monopoly should Ihe eoiu I'Stiy di riinlnste sgaiunt l.oulaistu ran In pr'r The la en to the limit of confisca tion by prut tiling for funi'il aala ahoiiU tbe refinery remain lH for snjr i'i fr one caf lha high tuurt, in a uuauluums opinion, prtv tb lew a llatin of lha r'tiurleanth amendment sn4 sent it to th legal rep heap I h iiiii'tni gin to hti tbat pi'liiii in are tint M'HaMe I. !ei of tt agrlt'ulluial tl('i? Washington Topics . t I'-. ' t !' -! I. 1 it ' I I a . I , 'I. Met '! I, a l4 ! of '!, ' M'4 ! tMvui g.t j i- . t ' 1 uv t ft h ,t n.ft 4 ; . ' i J i 5 l V-.vMlt l-M iV ti til U .... , j I ,,l , I.J ! ll I... : t. a- ra ; .( a, i , j a I-- i- m J'" ' t y ,tia "" ! ta4 -. ..! ,t Jl...(i l f. k " n.,- im t l , Vl j '-.!, ,;. if-'f ' ", " fi-e ,( I the tiiili'er of "ailMcrtla' tole for I bail t. II il - lit Hie V tn a pre).!? tttial (titnari I t n r- t' 1 be rl ! than l be eat. l.alr nw iv ll,.,hj aiole Hit' nii lit lib oit i. in tl tmnt lot ,r pi other "l !.. ran iiiii t- .-l si S'ih a anoaini ! t . 1 1 ii i i.i. , ' e 1 1 t.n r. et I t t n )'.( n t 'i tbe t t ti U 'i.f i '4 o a r 'ie o at .tit i . t ' ' sggar O. layda. The Baa'a Ipaolal Oorraapondtnt. I HAVE talked to fifty men from widely different neotlona of tha country in the laat week and hava found that the jentlment expressed In the Utrary Dlgeat, aa to Mr. Justice Hughes, that he haa preponderating bold upon the peopte of the I'nited Batea, Is entirely correct. Tha Eat. which for tlnni aeemed to be rather cold toward the aaeoHate Jiiatlee, Is rapidly warming toward him, notwlthatand- Ing tha rerent announcement made by friends of es Senator Root of New York that headauartera in Chi cago would ba opened In the very near futur and that the Washington end of the Root campaign for president would lie looked after by the Junior aenator from New Tork, James W, Wadaworth, Jr. There la undeniably a very pronouncad, a vary healthy and a very ateady drift to Charles K. Hughes and there will hava to be soma mighty strong mating to' prevent hla nomination if the convention ts ss aured of the Justice's acceptance of the tender at Chi cago neat month. At heart the Virginia delegate are for Hughe and Hi Maryland delegation will be for Hughes, too, although in both Instance the dele gate go unlnetructed, but not In a quarter of a cen tury, certainly not In my time aa a correspondent covering national conventiona will there assemble In the city of Oilcago a more representative body of American cltiien as the republican are sending as their delegate to perform the very serious business of naming a man who will be the next president of the I'nited Htslea. SJeeretary Redfleld of the ffepaitmene of Com merce has Issued a general apr"al to the housewives to save their old rag and old paper In order to cur tail sa far as poaeible the shortage of paper which Is becoming a very serloua problem. . Thla destruction of old rsg snd old paper I only one of the many Heme In whUh the American people are waatefully extravagant. Not long ago I heard a cigarette smoker sek an acquaintance to save the tin foil In which cigarette ere wrapped and was ad vised that periodically g rait would be made upon him for such foil he might aave. "What do you do with tt?" I saked snd he told me that the tin foil gathered In the city of Washington was shipped te Baltimore every month whore It Is sold for the benefit of the tuberculosa hospital and those little strip taken from cigarettes, chewing gum, candle and tobacco, bring In a sufficient fund to support two beds In that hospital. This aroused my curiosity and after an Investigation I found that tin foil such as described above brings about 25 cent a pound, on th average. The tin foil wrapping of an ordinary pack age of cigarettes weigh thirty grain and ss there are 7,000 grslna to the pound 234 packsge are required to produce 2t cents, Tbe substitution of bronze for gold In picture frame has bad a decided effect Upon the perquisites of the men employed In the frame making Induatry In thle city. Up to two yer sgo, according to the proprietor Of one of the foremost art stores. It wss tho custom In nil picture frame shop to carefully save all the sweeping from the rooms In which a-old leaf was laid upon frame. The sweepings were snt periodically to Philadelphia, where they were refined and the return amounted to aa much a S.1.Q0Q a year, whliji were divided among the employe a extra com pcmetlon. But gold leaf 1 out of date In frsme-maJc- Ing now, th bronse and other finishing having superceded the precious metal In th I respect. HI ill the sign painter use gold leaf very largely and they, too, conserve their sweeping for the benefit of their employe, and every three month there 1 a "clean up" day when the return from the refinement of these sweeping are received and distributed among Ihe sign painter. A conservative estimate Indicate that the receipt from thl source run from 175,000 to $100,000 each clean-up day for each sign shop In Wash ington. When ths new mint waa eatabtlahed In Denver th wash basin In the gold room were all drained Intd large vats or tank in the basement of the building. There la a cerisin amount of abrasion connected with tit, handling of virgin gold which results In th at traction of fine partlclea of the metal to tho hands ot tbe workers. When they wash their hande theae particle are carried Into the vat referred to. The washing are allowed to settle, then the water Is drawn off and the aedlntent la dried and refined. The refining Invariably result In the recovery of uf flolent of tbe metal to make up any shortnge existing between the original weight of the bullion and the weight of the coin produced, Rut not only are th washings refined, but all aprons snd cloths are periodi cally burned snd the ahc refined with like results. Pome year ago the iipcrintendent of a big pack ing plant In Omaha discovered that the creek running fmm the packing house Into the Missouri river had been dammed up by some enterprising Indi vidual whd waa found to be busily engaged In skim ming the top of the water shove the dam each morn ing. An investigation quietly carried on revealed th fait that thla enterprising citizen waa skimming th fat whic h floated on the top of the water each morn ing and It waa eventually discovered that by thl process he was cleaning up something Ilka 130,000 a year. The superintendent thereupon decided that this waste might be saved to his company and he therefore Installed great vats in the basement of the building Into which sit the washings from the floor were drained and by thla mean the fnta were saved to a very large extent and what had theretofore run Into the sewer and thence into the MIshoutI river was skimmed and a large amount of money waa saved to the company. But in splto of all that could be don the "gentleman of tbe dam" continued to maintain hi plant and at last accounts he was atlll "cleaning up" 110,009 or il,oe a year, and no doubt there la half as much more that escape even hie vigilance. In Chicago several years ago another big packing house found that It had In Ita glue works an enormous amount of waste product, which whs the drainage from the glue which waa dried Into sheets, and tt be ram necensnry to discover some means hy which this waata could be utlllied, ami, therefore, the super intendent of the ptttnt tiled running It over onto sheets of thick manila paper whith was subsequently crinkled with sand and tha atmortiant quslltlea of tie sand dried th slue which mould not solidify and sand paper became on of the by prodmts nf thla packing house. ItT, a the sand paper market grvw, there was a demand for emery paper, and, thtrefme, emery dust wa pur. based and eno-ry paper added tt th product of the ronrern ) ssriiis !piirlr. that there as a demand for a higher insult and lb eon.'lunna im.hrd that garnet I'H'fi might l' inrHiti A yusmiiv nf nw gt4 Isrnei a ere, therefore pui,-lir., and gurnet paper tre,afiee add'd to lb prnd oi ,.f ih i"inpn. Hut th eanr'e'af th si"l mines )unii4 lblr piltrS to 41 H a Jrr hl th llili'm,..,f, j. tidwt tht li.ey t arelr, an t lhr..f..,. ni an SS.-nl to l.xik ar.tund h tutiM a iinl t i. of nun,l.r In N lnaUnd i.l i..iibit It lor Ih tsmtyanr ahl-h h rrii,ni,4 I n n" I en in (tout or hm'Ihi . u o'u I ! .if tli means lil it t n ir hv I. ind lie Hi sevtog t n4 thee btiit t - I,, it, tiMtat of vitai HetiwM t.i th t me ,t 4ittii tb4t tltet 4til io. oiui i.i 1 1 . hir ! J thel i.! I -!(' M I' il.. ,.. ii 1,1.1 t r ti. the ii.anf r..t a ! i . i t 4 tl tf s'irwa4 see ti i lug hi ! ' XV 14. an n4 ,. t w-i i it ' tt uv tUI '! la tt.e 4i '4 .til f .1 .( ).M I lit ll I I I 't'n hi of iV- N i.Ji . f a t i in . 4 a it I to us I. ( - I I J.I its Hs i r ii.tifg i f )! ( .' Sl ollltMS l ' I . - I it t4 thu.tX lit)i MI'f'U' - S't-ltit ke ! loll leoiett'S of ttaMtioinnv ie t T4 llWI f't ' 1 1. s.e4 I 4i tk I alt at Sslm . of a i I' i-.l i i. i ii .it ie i . .tt gii J a t in, t ,l . ti ti.4 4 4 lt I I i-t t t' I ,tt 4 t A I ' i'lt I .in .. 1 lit! ( lb, ib li. 4 ill . ill. Uit.l i i . si- mm) ,it t ml r ... i ' ti I i i I r 4 I 4 Wl H T I 4 M'Ot- ' u , r a 4-H4S". VJ 4 ' 11. 4 ,. . t I th l - I 1 4t S4 4 Help that tame Handy. CUSVEJIND, O., May 4.-To the Editor of Th Bee: A you were kind nough to furnish our committee with In fomistlon helpful to our public hall cam paign, I thought you would be Interested to know the results of our efforts to pass a bond issue of U,0O,MO for a Cleveland auditorium, Tbe vote carried by an overwhelming majority and within a few dy w will begin th erection of a public halt on a desirable aite In our group plan. Irfd me thank you again for the Infor mation you furnished the committee. WILLIAM G ANSON ROBE, Chairman. Tear-tag l Paved Street. OMAHA, May .-To th Editor of The Bee; When Twenty-fourth street wss paved In eld Bouth Omaha It was the pride of the whole city, for It waa on of the beat paved (treat In thl part of the country; but It had not more than become settled when the process of tear ing tt up began and it ha been kept up more er lea ever since, and now the climax, bas come when It la being torn up from one end te the other by a public service corporation. It la about time we had some city en gineer who would be tip to date and devise some mean to prevent the tearing up of streets as fast as they are paved, for it 1 a well known fct that they ate never reiald a well as they were laid in the first place. In some cities no pavement is permitted te be torn up after it is laid, and it Is about time something waa don In that line In Omaha. Th talk of a "City Beautiful" will not avail much a long a th (treat are constantly disfigured by bumps and holes made by those who tear up the pave ment and fall to relay them as good as they were laid In the first place. I have heard a great many regret ex pressed by people In the last week over th mess th people who are tearing up 'our fine Twenty-fourth street pavement are making ef It. loma provision should be made by our elty engineer to make our pavements permanent In a real sense. Ths street of Omaha that are paved are torn up from th beginning to th end of each and every year. In the city ef Pari, France, I have been told that those who wish te lay underground pipe , and wire hsv to go under th streets snd sr never allowed to tear up a pave ment when one is Id, nd If w ever ex pect to have dty beautiful aome pro vision will have to be made by the city engineer to prevent the tearing up of pavement when they era once laid. I am not an engineer nor the son ef one, but It seem to me that there ought te be wise men smeng the engineers of the elty that esn devise a mean of sav ing the paved street from the bumps and hole that can be seen on every paved street In the city. FRANK A. AONBW. AeW Him Toorself, OMAHA, May l.-Te the Kdftor ef The Pee: I notice Judge Rear' attempt to aide-step hi "hoot In the ir" speech by referring to your quotation a "pretended rurm of come of my re mark," but b doe not say he did not y "shoot In the sir." Why does he not state what he did say or ssy whst he fries nt to say whn he used those wordsf If he does not think them Improper, what would he eall It If someone els had pub licly advised naturalized citizens to "shoot in th air" If they were ent to the front against their former country. menT OLD SOLDIER. Merer Safd AartMng gtad. COLUMBl'H, Neb., May .-To the Editor of The Bee: On the editorial pige of The Dally Pee of this day I find the following paragrspht wsllowlnr ell the bad things be aald shunt him, Edgar Howard la out pledglnir hie support to Neville. Of course, if "Edmar'' can favor the man he denounced o fiercely a puppet of the liquor In terests, he must be wining to accept me othsr fellow' upport for his own can didacy for lieutenant governor. Politic make strange bed-fellows: It Is true that I am supporting the can didacy of Kieth Neville, th democratic nomine for governor, but It I not true that Edgar Howard has ever written, spoken or printed any word of criticism ef Mr. Neville. During the late prlmnry campaign I did all possible to secure the nomination of Hon. Charles W, Bryan, but In all that campaign I did not uttor n unkind or uncomplimentary word or writing with reference to Mr, Neville. All the way, and on ail occasions, I apoka of him as a hlgh-type Nebraska gentleman, and o I regard Mm now. go certain I am of the fact that I have neither spoken nor written a denunciatory word about Kleth Neville that I now Challenge The Be to reproduce any auch Words, with my plede that If such can I produced ! will Instantly offer ap dogy to The flee for calling attention to ti apparent infraction of the rule In new. paper efflree forbidding misrepresenta tion. Both aa mun. and a candidate fiw- a rmlt'tcsl office, my only capital is my nam amons men. A great news paper, like The Itee, aheuld not employ it vast powr to despoil me of my prop erty. KIOAR WW ARIA, Vital leprtar ( Reel Saaar. TOPKKA. Kan. May iTe the Kdlior ef The he Imrlng the i losing daya of April. ! if ' aorih of raw sugar tCuban an? i loncentraied In New Turk. In-lit up thee hv order of the tiaid ii ftio r siting for , the "fre suir ' a t ti go Int.i rff. t The senate and him rm femes were it,4!. 4 anil If lh' did nut ar Ktftir slay I thl i .u4 St tt'.i ' l.i i t. i, sit w t'lifd and th n-fliier ba-t to iV a sang litittt t In th tv t nuiintl Th tn.i.tent r. the of th r-"nl la ( ltnls of 1 1 4t If iKt b. .( i.i. l i a t I- t.t 400 a.inh ef ! intu thu t' t i r f 4 ' t , tt ) t .!,.. f t a.tu tt tit is t ..iiauiii, r lb t.tif Itt ef Mt I ."i i a u....i,4j h'iiii' At ll. l.i'it ! .' 1411. mi t.i. i4 ti ir 4i ,'it' it il . "' 1 1 In) to a 4 ti ti'itf ttf J ii a t. iti-t Tlti l te tm"ii'ii f'-t null.-:. , oi ! l , 4 4 l. ' t'4-lt - '' i4iif t- e .i I lift II aitl ,i, li ,n. 4l ( kt g i.ii i It .. w.n Ki f r .. tt i if. ,.ilt ,. f ear I 44l- rt lit In tiltit - Hwitl St t. i :,. , it,'a..t I lit Itt t .. 4 tl H. Hi- t. i. . I'.- ! I l ll ,4 4 k of t. f' t j J. t tkai tt- t.'.itfto . - to le4itl(t I 4..vt.t s, ff , a. It fcH , ii i I ;. .1 : ' , I tt I 4 '. ,i 11 la. ..i, ti i,,.h.. it, . 4v.....j tone it 4..io4ti- ...-.I . at .... v .,4 . -t a . . -l. i ,tl t! i. t t. ., l . i W4 -. I I l I l (I'-.i.l I, .,r., j 4 4 fait r , t,,..!!!!,, .. I, i tariff, then eleven of the factories ent into bankruptcy. , But if Senator Hardwick is riht. It i all tho more Imperative that the United Slate continue to protect our beet sugar Industry. We should not abandon it be cause Senator Hardwick has despaired of the Louisiana Induatry. England blockaded Kra'nee Jn lHi3-4-i and sugar went to tl a pound In the latter country. Thereupon Napoleon originated the beet eufjar induatry which, up to that tlmp, had been only an experiment. Suppose the United Mate should berom em broiled in war and had to depend solely upon the refiners; where would the price of sugar go? PHIL EASTMAN. Bat Da They f OMAHA, May .-To the Editor of The Ree: While It seem unlikely that any body of sane men would Injure so valu able an asset aa the household cat, there Is, In the proposed city ordinance licens ing eats, now afoot a movement to that end, and It Is In hope of attracting at tention to the folly of such a law that theae line are written. The taxing of cats would menn their almost extermination, for but few peo ples would stand the tax, and ths out come would be th legal dctructlon of the cat. In the great number of poor homes where cata are harbored principally for the amuiement of the children the tax would be resented s unjust, nor would It h paid, with the result that, having been deprived of their pets, thelr homes would soon be Infested with fnhe, thus causing much loss to those the least able to endure It and, as well, robbing child hood of Its best playmate. Ordinarily, If not always, tbe only freedom front mice It through cuts. The est hss Its good traits as well a Its faults, and to enjoy the benefit of the one wa must endure the other. There Is, of course, much objection to the night noise of the est, from which we all suffer at tlmca, and, while It Is very annoying, It is no greater a reat robber than the disturb ance of the crowing cock, the discordant roWn, the whistling paper boy or the noisy c and milkmen, and a an actlv nuisance la much more preferable than the practice of a music student, yet no one would ask for the extermination of these pests. Much can be said sgalnst, as well a for, the cat, but for the moment let ua conaider only the issue at present In th public mind, viz.: the cat a de stroyer of bird. But, do they? The wilier i emmmwy lima oi noin niru and cats and hss ever been a careful student of them. During a half century of observation b ha not aeen sn In stance of a cat destroying a bird, al though many times having seen It at tempted without success. Nor has he found smong th large number Inter rogated on the eubject a lngle peron but whose experience wa similar to his, all of which leads him to the conclusion that, while cats may destroy birds, the occurrence Is too rare to deserve atten tion. The oft-repeated statement that many of tha desirable birds avoid a locality Infested with eat I also unsupported by the facta In my own case, for our home neighborhood with It bountiful supply of feline ha always had a large nutn fier of bird nesting of many kinds and a superabundance of the cheery, but filthy, sparrows with their penchant for clog ging th rslnsponts with their nests. Be cause a few people have an unratlonai dMike for cats Is not sufficient reason for their extermination, and that the cats' friends far outnumber Its enemies goes without .sflylntf. Let us hope tbat the bird lovers, which 1 practically all of us, and particularly the Audubon so ciety, will not bo led to pull the chest nut 'for the few, unfortunately, super nervous persona who "Just can't stand a cat," In this truly unwise crusade airalnst pne of the most valuable domes tic, animals we have. Confer with th city commissioners and acquaint them with the gravity of the situstlon. Pro test aaainat any taxation of cats. We need them to keep us fre of mice. A. HEATHEN. "I the GRINS AND GROANS., see that Mr. Wallaby Fiubduh Is house guest of his father. That seem an unnecessary expression. What expression?' "House guest." - "Oh, I don't know. Sometime I uea to be the guest of rnv father In th wood shed. 'Louie vll le Courter-J ournul, Head of Firm-How long do you want to lie sway on your wedding tripT lfawklne (tlmldly)-Well, sir-er what would you say? Head of Flrrn-How do I know? I haven't seen the bride. Kansaa City f?lar. bEAr MR.kABtBpte, bO WOMEN LIE ABOWTrlCI HuSBANbS' SALARY, VES, TWICE -ONCE TO HER FRICribS VWEr, SUES W AKP ONCE TO THE JltHjE WHEN SHE'S TPyW V) ALIMONY Mis Ottbble I think you were preaent when she remarked that I had a big mouth. M-lns Kute Yes, end X took occasion to set her right. .Miss O. That was very nlo of you. Miss K.l told hor your mouth wasn't really so big, it only seemed so bnoouwi u kept It open so constantly. Doston Transcript. "One of my ancestors ws a, tgner of the Declaration of Independence," "Indeed," reptled the haughty lady. "Well, an ancestor ef mtn ws one of the men who helped draw up the papnr and who told the others where to sign their names." Washington Htar, "Is lids land rich?" asked Ihe pros pective purchaser cautiously, "It certainly ought to be, ' replied the gent.lornnn-farmer, "J have put all the monev I had. Into It." Indianapolis News. I'LL TRY I llanr A. Ouest. In Detroit Free Press, When difficulties line his way, I like to bear a fellow say: I'll try! Confronted by a task tltfit's new, I'erlmn a dangerous mlnslon, too, Wherein eticues may be In rtoubt I Ilk to see Mm Ihlnk It nut, Hum uu Ills chances and reply) I'll try I There' something In the boy or man Who rule himself upon this plani ' 1 il "" . . Too manv ssys "I can't before j They've ever looked a problem e'eri l(euruilhllty they shirk, And itiiein to far unusual work, This la the phrase 0 do or diet I'll try I Would (here were more young man today VV'hrii Ant,- calls to th'em, who'd say I'll try! V On innrlula, and that mora were bold Jiold In their willingness to face , The teaks that are nut, To answer doubt With this reply! I'll tryl MsiiriI the easy way to heal sick skins Resinol Ointment, with Rejlnol Soap, usually stops itching instantly. Unless the trouble is due to some serious internal disorder, it quickly and easily heals must cases of ec zema, rash, or similar tormenting skin or scalp eruption, even when other treatments have given little . relief. Physicians have prtsenbed Resinol for over twenty years. Kesinnl Ointment, with th help ef Keainol Soap, clears away pimples snd dandruff. Sold by all druggiitt. For trial aiie free, write lu Dept. ll-R, Real, tiol, Baltimore, Md. (krmmiiSfule e yvwv v v .sts IS' a. 4 V J i I TW- Ate.- 'Vl Vf an... ,, t ii ma - a.i "e Cfas y f.r Brewed and Bottled by Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd. OMAHA, NEB. r.nUly VvaS. uiU4 t Waa. JetWt, 104 M it rest, rka Baagta m. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how (food advertising maybe in other respects, it must he run frequently and constant ly to he really successful.