Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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f?, 191 G. 5 -
AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Realize Life's Ambitions When
Mrs. Anna Corrigan, One of Earliest
Settlers of County, Meets
They Own Their Own Hostelry
. -lei---3i
Mrs. Anna Corrigan, aged KS year, one
of th. threa earliest ecttl'ers of Douglas
cbunty and the South Sid, died at her
home, 45KS South Thirty-ninth treet last
evening at ;30 o'clock, following an ni
nes of two week. Death was due to
old age and pralyIs.
Since 1W6, when Mra. Corrtgnn and her
deceased husband, Patrick, took a liome
atead on the present property where the
4eth occurred, ahe had lived ateadlly
In one house. Moat of the Wct Q street
"hill'' haa belonged at one time or an
other to the aged woman and her hug.
band. Two living children, both daugh
ter, and thirteen grandchildren aurvlv. '
The Corrlgana first came to Omaha In
1V.4, coming from Canada, where both
were native. They were married In
Canada, Mra. Corrigan wa born In
IMO. For the last two year ahe had
been quite feeble, almost constantly un
der the care of a phycan. The two
daughter who aurvlve are Mra. Miiry
Weir of California and Mr.' Anna Con
roy of this city, at whose homo the death
Patrick Corrigan, the husband, died
many year ago afler an active, life. The
Corrigan family ha extenalv real estate
The funeral will be held Tuenday morn
ing at. 9 o'clock In St. Mary'a church.
Hurlal will he In St Msry'g cemetery.
Police Kay He I Wanted,
Investigation In the case of Bennle
Thonia, Kanaa City man, who waa ar
rested by Detective Mike Sullivan and
Officer Joe Baughman early yesterday
morning after being caught, It la aald, in
the act of raiding the automobile garage
of a North Side resident, haa developed,
according to the police, that the man
waa long aought. In 1509 Thotna wa ar-(
reated by Detective- Ed Fleming and
sentenced to four year In the atate peni
tentiary for robbing a big Omaha re
tail lion, It I Raid that he I wanted
at preent by central station police on a
charge of breaking and entering a North
Side drug tor.
Many Sooth lde Heath.
Mre. Anna, Anderson, aged 5 years,
wife of Martin Andcraon, BRI8 South
Twenty-hid street, died early Saturday
morning. The funeral service will be
hM nt the home thla afternoon at 4
o'clock, burial being made In Oraceland
Park cemetery, I
day afternoon at the home of hla aon,
Gust Oliver, 1HIH Hrexcl street. Short
services were held at the Hrewer chapel,
Twenty-fourth and M street, at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Rev. R. ML Wheeler
officiated. The body wa hlppd to
Holdrege, Neb., for biirla,
The funeral of Joseph Bradbury, pioneer
South Omahan, who died Thursday morn
ing, will be held at the Brewer chapel
thla afternoon at S o'clock. Rev. Ilornl
brook will officiate. Interment will be
in Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Mnarle City Gossip.
Special price en refrigerator and lawn
mower. See our complete line. Koutsky
Pllk. iflisse TMen Dennis and Sadie Roth
nolt and Paul Orchard attended a fra
ternity nd sorority danre at the tt.
univers'ly at Lincoln Friday evening.
' plain Rrigg. Iiel Pierce and a few
other of the well known fish agent of
the South Side, are planning a big llsnlng
trip to a local fish pond in tie 11-ar
The k-nlngton of Degree nf Honir
lodie, No 1M, will meet at the horn of
Mr. H. Swlngholm, KM Archer avenue.
Thursday afternoon. Mr. A. McCasklll
will assist a hostess. t
ricrence M nnna, Mexican, waji arrest I
last even ng at i:ft.i o'clock by CaptJi'n
Br ggs smd Officer Grace and Raugh
mnn. The woman wa fourd carrying1
roncf aled weapong t the corner of Wash
ington street and Railroad avenue.
Trlres In the skate con'est, held liot
week at the West SldV' Interdenomina
tional church at Thirty-eight and Q
street, were awarded last Krlday even
ing, Rruce Well won first prize a pair
of roller, skates; Vana McDonald, fi at
prize among the girls. Esther Farkhurst
won second prize In the Initial event.
A price of admlasinn that will admit
all bus been posted bv Manager Oorge
Alkln of the local Resse theater In hli
presentment nf the passion play. "The Life
of Our e-avlor" at hi show house this
morning. This morning the price of ad-
mirpioii wni ne reduced to trie normal o
that nil may attend with economy.
3. K. WYANT.
The dream of a llfe-tlnie ha come
true for two young Omaha men. They
sre l.'harle Ya!l and J. K. Wyant, and
they hw their ambition of yearn le Iliad
yesterday, when they became proprietor
of tho Hotel Carlton at Fifteenth and
Howard streets.
Charles Vail ia perhaps the best known
hotel clerk In the middle west. Hla ha
been a familiar countenance, lw)
smllllng a welcome to stranger who In
the last decade have stopped at local
first-class hotels Wyant for the laet
seven year lia been associated with
Rome Miller n steward and assistant
njanager, lesterday afternoon these two
Dangeron Rrnnehlal fonarh.
Dr. King New Discovery will give
quick relief In bronchial Irritation and
bronchial asthma, allay inflammation,
cases sore spot. All druggists. Adver
tisement. ,
Wnjne Mate Normal rhool.
President Conn addressed a patrons
meeting at Ftosalie Friday.
.Mrs. V. S. Conn left Friday of last
week for a short visit with her mother
in Syracuse, Ind.
The advancer! student In Oernisn un
der the direction of Mies Marjorie Selleck,
bead of the. department, gave a Oerman
pipy in the auditorium Tuesday evening
Mlsa Anna F. Anihnny. assistant In the
department of commerce, mho lias spent
(ho year In an Illinois university, writes
that she will return to take lip her
work In the summer session,
1 nr acceptance oi i r. I., i '. t mini,
pastor of the First Preahvterlan church
of Lincoln, enmpleiei the plana for com
mencement this year. The commence
inent oration will be len by Hon John
I.. Krnni'dv. A ch of uiy mentbei.
Hi1 hireest In the hlstorv of tlie school
will rciejie diplomas on May X
A game nf chens hv wirel between
the Wayne Male Normal an. I Wesleyan
mil crMi y, hegim three we-k ago, Has
imiipleird Tueertay, Wayne being the
winot-r, VVsiean at once chsllerigefl the
mi oitil to autiirr Ireless t-hass nmi,
tie rhillena' was a'r'jtet and the new
Kniiie Marie, I on rtiiee(a of thla mel
l"ied of the aiuiiml reuni"n and hin
tiul, l"tl i i ,-t..f..r d'IOK ft'imnence
ih i'i Mm Irtnh F. ttee.'hrl, pi-
i ! el of tl'e Ab'iHiit asMocmiion, m
t Unri'-d a lt..nie..',inttftf f,f I rtly, June
! Ii' t hrone 4 hiadu Mguw nmo fc. lew ' sre lit -h the fifl e"4
nf luit et t,)rMllera tif lb Yft,MMt,ll
f.ii.t tt tMiiMelle I'i be piesrnt at the
Mlt t I
I'Htl'i I'.e ll week !! fllln4
u t' ii'ei .f tK r lae if.
it,t n,n, e lit e. it, r i t tn
hi e-txa f.irr. Kit..y ml I ii ( a K i .riii.iii
t i hn'i i I nttf yt vui..t a
v rl y. i. I. . ,.f HW . s . f,.-
' I l.l.t tt i. tt k f- -IJ ' i-f Ih
i 1. !. -.. 14 , 1 U"Ut
1 ' 4fc
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wjrtf ' .
young men stepped Into the Carlton hotel
as proprietor of the place.
"It has always hern unr ambition ,a
own a flisl-'las.i hotel in a flrst-clss
city," laughed .Mr, Vail, when friend
congratulated lilin. "We've been build
ing up other people hotels for a long
lime, here In Omaha. Now we're going
to show a burst of speed In our own
The Carlton hotel la a hotelry ef aboiil
Joo room, nd is a practically new place.
J. K. Rerends ha been operating It for
liut on
I. Vail
Miss Satan Hayden, sssoclate nrofpssor
of diswlng and pnliillnif, g-ne an cx-
Ihll on cf her work In Art bull last wek.
Hie showed n widn var.ely of suhje 'ts,
and her work whk received with greit
favor by the Lincoln art -loving public.
flower, landscapes, ttul-llfe plctuie
and pnrtrHlls In oil, wter color an I
raitcl wire Included n iho rxlillilt.on.
A peirtralt of Miss llavnn g'ster.
prie-wlnner at a chlingo exhlldtloii. m
among the most Interesilng. The pilot
ing, A I. ace Maker, ' nnna In Helglum;
The Vinery," completed In Knnand, iind
A Rural scene from France were
popular ninong the picture, us were dif
ferent landxcnpe scene done In America.
The annual Ivy day celebration will be
held Wednesdiiy of this week, when the
nl'iy ouoen will be crowned, tho Ivy
planted, the oration given, nnd the to
rment ard black manuues fojr the coming
rir chohen. The Identity nf the May
rfueen Is kept a aecret ui.lil TTe crowning
ceremony, but she wns selected by vote
of the senior girls several week ago.
fitly Chamber of Sidney will deliver tho
Ivy flay oration, i ne morning program
will be heM on the rlty canipu. nd the
afternoon and evening avenl will take
place at a local amusement park on the
edge of the city.
The eonceaelona for Ivy day afternoon
nnd evening celebration have been let ti
students, nnd Demons not i rnne'ted wl h
ti e university will n"t be allowed to m-k
money from the student celebration. Do-
Wltt Foster bd for the floating con
cession, nnd for the candy wheel wa ac
cepted, 'other ooncenMon were awarded
as follows: Refreshment; ' R Kenne:
fonfeltl. Ralph Thorpe: cheek stand.
Jnmes Giffen. John Celnar; fortune tell
ing, James uiffen, John ( ejnar. The
bowling alley, doll ' rark nnd ehootinsr
gallery concession will be awarded Mon
The Cosmopolitan banquet. f..r IMS was.
held Saturday night at the Lincoln hotel.
Thla Horitty, compose! of students of
every nationality represented In the uni
versity, Organized to study student nrno
lorn and promote friend!! r internitlonal
relatione, wa revived this year aftor a
few veara of inactivity, and C. H. Park
chonen president, l'rnf. 11. R. Alexander
acted as toatmaster at In bannuet.
and response were mad" bv Chancellor
Avery. Prof. Sarka Hrhkova, i . cetrus
eterson. .Mr. T. A. Williams, i-enntor
Phumway and Henry Chung.
Th wlrlM nt the nniversllv edited the
Dally Nebraskan last Frldav, Depart nj
from the usual custom of neglecting the
...,nl ,... a niicna artH nrll!nn Irm r
editorial discussions, the co-eds pnbiehd
a paper that was emcny a news bii?ci
rverv new evf nt of the riav before be nt
covered by a plrl member of the spiff.
Eva Miller of Fremont wits the ecjitor.
In chief of the paper. The reporters wer.)
Miss Jean Ruiroughs of Lincoln. 1
Vlvlenne Holland of Lincoln. M i Forn
Noble of Rolse, Idaho; Mlsa Ruth Mwmi
of Fort Wayne, Ind, nnd Miss Mar
guerite Kauffman of Hardy.
Fremont College.
Prof N. TV. Oalnes delleverd the gradi)
ting ddres at Cedar Rapid, Neb,, Fri
day evening.
Superintendent Cole of Arlington, with
eiulit of hi Normal trainers, visited Hi
model school May 3 Mr, Cole Is a I'll
classic, graduate.
Fmll Ahrens, who registered t the col
lege last term and w li ha been in a
hospital In oinnha for some time, i idled
st the coKege office Wednesday on Ins
r liitn hotmv
Word has been received from Mis, W.
II Clenmmna thst nh has left Tipton,
Ind, but will spend the week end In Chi
aii St th" h-une nf .Mrs fund before
returning tmme Mn Cundv will be r.
ineniheied niation at the K.i it ball t"r
.m f"iirten r
The gcdiH!li'g i'rei)te of the phar
macy clnK occur next wee The bt-a
lattrea'e sum. in at en bi l!e I
i-rt IU i !e t tits I I'-eci,- e .-in lY,
Uv t M ulv and c! fe.-ci-ltno M-ni
rty tent", Vlv , t r. i leet nd Mi
t l,nini"ll Cnliilliill emtllt I' gltot M JT
henlth, I rellrlng. Vail wa chief clerk
at the Carlton when Mr. Rerenda' health
broke and If" wa given first chance it
the place,
12. T J. Leary of Omaha will give the
A number of the students have been ap
pointed to position during the week
among whom are Frank lllesn drug
clerk at Irfiurel, Frank Hanks a prlnel
pal of Wann High school, Mis hla John
on, teacher of primary detriment at
Sutherland, Mir Anna (ialingner a a
slstant bookkeeper at the t'nlon cream
ery and Mlsa KaHpor a primary teacher
at Prague.
The operative pharmaceutical demon
st ration glcen in the laboratory Thursday
evening was largely attended, Method
of obtaining the actlte principle from
crude drugs, testing nf cream for butter
fat from a commercial atandpnlnt, dell-
et test for the presence nf fat In drug
making of face cream and tooth pastes
the extraction of oil from clove and the
rolling of pill were some of the moil In
teretlng feature.
Ilellevue College.
Prof. Fdwln L. Puis, head of the ex
pression department, led Hie chapel serv-
IcesFrldny morning.
Harry Van Arnlm. lunlor at Council
Rluffa High school, waa the guest of
Paul Cummliig last Saturday.
The college glrla In the swimming
classes ar making rapid progress In
learning the various nwlminlng nd div
ing strokes.
.Seymour Smith, senior fn the edemy,
Inn of the Isle l,ee iSniith nf De Sola.
Neb., seed corn king, was forced to lev
cbool early to take charge of hi father
business at De Soto.
Rehearsal for the genlor pv re be
Inir held four times a week now. The
claaslhns decided to nresenl "The Mer
chant of Venice." aa It part of the com
mencement frsllvllle.
Many residents of th town nf Relle
vue have attended the Thursday morning
chanel talks at the college Prof, C. A.
Mitchell will give the regular talk next
Thursday. He will speak on anthroplngy
Mis Kleanor Ingersoll, formerly a mem
ber of the freslimnn clnss, who was
forced to leave college at I hrlslma be
cause of the sudden death nf her mother
attended Hie lunlor-fieghnian outing al
Coffin Springs Friday. ,
Rev. VI. K. dimming, pastor ef
the Retbanv Presbyterian church of
Council Rluffs. gave the chapel addrea
Thursday morning on "The Present Day
Phase of l.Hlior t nmnlam. Rev. Mr
Cummlnc Is the father of P. Wyckoff
Cummlngs. of the senior class and of
Mephen R. i ummings. of the freshman
Nebraska TVekleyan 1'nlversltr.
The geology classes of Prof. Rlshop are
at Weeping Water today on a field ex,
Roy W. Hudson, 'IR. ha ecepted a po
IHon as teacher of physic nd mathe
matlra in tho Holdrege High school.
Vocational talks were given this week
Prof, Jensen speaking on "Kiiglneerlng'
Wednesday and Prof Ijitlmer on "The
Civil Service" Friday.
Profs. Rose, Jensen and McPrnnd have
been elected member of th atliletl
hoard for the coming year. Prof. Jensen
waa made athletic manager.
I The undergraduate recital of Joseph
I Moore. In, waa given In the auditorium
Friday evening Mr Moore wis assisted
by Miss Clara I.leher. soprano. Mr. Moor
I ha recently accepted an npisilntntenl to
a poaiilon s missionary In the .Methodist
I schools in the Philippine.
t nrl College,
The date of 'he May day exercise has
been set for Miy fi
Denn ,h, iifi mil speak al lb dis
irlt meet lug wlibh is being held at Vn
tnil City.
'l'lmridiiN efteriionii Ibe fucnlly ami
I pcdi(nHri pUyed rt tie gnmr of bine
I'll1!. 1 to 1
President M'l.viillllll addirssed the
I V0U114 Mens hrislbiil n'lnM'n at lis
j weckH inctiiiK After Ihe ,,
I Pirt.t "'feed' we enhncd in Ihe doiiwstl
t teil e li'iuil
t l:ev t lot m .sin. klee u-s of (,t.w.
1 In the M!d"l t1 Itlf-lnV moinihif Me
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Omaha Gas Company
The Omaha Gas Company extends a
cordial imitation to its lady patrons to
visit the salesroom at the South Side Office,
4810 South 24th St, , Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, May Sth, 9th and Wth, at
which time there will he a demonstration
vf the Eclipse Gas Range,
A n Unqualified Denia
A report that is Basely False. To the effect
that the Maxwell Motor Company has joined
in a merger with several other motor car
companies, entailing change in the policies
and management of the company, has been
published in many newspapers throughout
the country. Any foundation for this report
is so utterly lacking, that we can only attri
bute it to the competitors who are trying to
use us as a tool to further their own interests'.
To Maxwell Dealers, To Maxwell Owners
and to the Public
' v
We wish to state that The Maxwell Motor
Company has not joined in any merger, that
no change in ownership has taken place, nor
has there been any change in their personnel
directing its policies.
Furthermore: No such changes in the
Maxwell organization are contemplated.
'We therefore, make an unqualified denial
of the ridiculous rumors of consolidations in
volving the Maxwell name.
Maxwell Motor Company, Inc.
Walter E. Flanders, President. '
Dfltnlt, Mich.. M 6lh, IM6,
.,- ' " ' ' ' ., I
of An Utterly False Report
' i - ft,-M -
V., f '
it - a.- '-' "iSfc-u. u-'g