'THK V,F,K: QMATTA, MONDAY. MAY S. Nebraska -nRHS mv to COMFORT SELVES Efforts to Find Solace in Primary Returns Do Sot Meet with , Saoceu. HOUSES WITH REPUBUCAira From a Btaff CdmuiDondent) UN'.XJLN, May T.-f8jlaI.)-Efforts of ataia RotiiM dnmoorata to tot comfort out or th. raaulta of tho primary era b,rln ning io r4 IntereatJng becatuo after numerous attempts to raimptn, add and subtract they find thamnolvca haok at tho starting point with a condition faring mem which doea not tend t add murh Joy to the orcnlon. Unfora election everything centered on fight by corUIn demor-rati'! leaders to 'lefoat W. J. Hrynn. Now that they huvo defeated him they are wonlorlnff what tney are going to do without him. The result of tho primary showed that tho republicans caot MJ,7iS vote, whlla tho democrat enst tin Mr.miii(nM liUn less than tho ropiibllran. Thoy attempt to secure comfort from tho fact that tho per cent cf democratic gain ovar tho primary voto of 1911 wan conaledrably larger than the. republican voto. How' erer, with aJI tho Inr.raaac In tho per rentage, tho fact atlll remains that with a primary vote, which In supposed to '-on nno voters to tho tlrkot of tholr own party, they fall far short of enough to win and furthermore with tho total vote out II Indicate that Nebraska la nor rnally from 20,000 to aimo republican, Pointing to tho punt In. order to bolster up oourao for tho future la an old tlsmo- cratlo trli k, nod whlln they may ho pooled to "Point wild prtdo to tho post and view with alarm tho preent," they cannot get away from tho focf that No- tirsska la normally a republican atat and with condition existing as they do at ttia present time may double Its normal majority at tha polls next. November. Another condition which appear lo five state houaa democrats courage I that majority of tho nominee of tha renub Mean party corns from Jongl and Lan caster counties. Thin la a condition for which no one la to lilaino but tho votera IhemMlves. Tho Inauguration of tha stale-wldn primary w for the very pur i To of letting (ho people Mlmt candd dated. H 1 n, condition not a (henry and tho theory whic h tho timid one aro put ting out that Toiik!ii and Ijincoater "hogged all (ho office" In order prejudice the rent of tho state "agal.rst tho two big counties ainnunta to nothing. In a alafo convention selecting cand deles, It la polnlo to put up a balancd , slate, but In a primary tho result of Hi into selection of candidate la nuthlng more thnn what mut bo cupcctei. Pougla and I-irt'aster countlea aro the two counties In iho atata which poll big mrijorllle and have Ihn largest rcpuli Mean population. It I ensy then to un dertnnd where a primary fight I close that unless these, two countlea would bo Important factor In tha outcome. The democratic parly haa no majorities In any county thnt will nnywhero near compare with tho two big Nebraska, count le, and a there were j very rloso fights be tween candidate the result was a It turned out, and th outcoma come solely from giving the peopla a chanca to vote without bringing location of candidates fnto conalderatlon. Hd Lancaster republlrans stood by fylr caivlldate for governor an Iioiigln county atood by It candidate ttia reault mlht hava been different. Had they not persisted In voting for tho Hougla county candldato Instead ot tholr own candidate lis would hava been nominated and It would have taken lesa than IA1 vote hanged to hate dono so. However, no body but tho democrat appear to ho very much wrought up about It and thin la olely beoaUBO they sen tho handwriting on tha wall and already foresee tho de fent of the democratic party In Ne.hr a. Nebraska !Wr('fMk eiia nlea, M'COOK. Neb., May T.-(e1peclBl,)--Thl evening, the d imp and appnach of ths American Meet (SiigHr company at- t ila place, on the HurUuBton line In the Mc Cook yard, was d'iniHKcd several hundrel dollar by fire, which presumably orgln ted with a pasHlng loc omotlvo. May wood Rood rnada bnoati r he Just completed the marking of the highway between McCook and North Platte, op erating two ganga over tho route on the same day-one to thl city and the other to North Platte, posts weie aet where necessary and painted, black at top nnd bottom and wl'h an eluht In h nh'te 'r p hetneen. ' nlenllnr olea, VAI.ENTINK. Neh, May 1. iHpeclal -The Juniors of the Valentine High ri-hnol f use tln ir ten'ilnr aimuiil bun iuet fur tii seniors I inlay nlM at Hie au!oruui. The room leauiifutlv decorated m t iirple and koI.I mat hflng the rolms of the renli.r :ths Th frirm house belougiiig to Henry I linnenwv, firrner, Vina binned in i ioiuhI I.i-I evening Ills !! r wtio wi t'te i.lK prriiou h'ne nl Ihe Inne, llsd tuili n fbe in He sli' lnn sin and eni i tit to IH. barn, an I np 'O inurniiiir, fo'in.l it, house It (Iihih FvnuMn; M . . I i . I Miihhrrt at mhrrl. ht Ar;l., fctb. Mil J -ie-.-lal Tel eiiantt n hiti. i il"llrn wmlti ! !li an) I) i ,.!, ..re i.! U!i, I l-v SI t -' Aoid-rl I'M l-)l it i n'.i 1 he l..r ii 1 1 t I by i'l li 1. I'm . i'4rn huni'i State College of Agriculture Will Visit County Fairs LINCOLN, Neb., May 7.-fBpcial.)-Two exhibit tents of tha College of Af rl ciltur will make tho rounds of tha county fair In tho statu th's fair saaaon so fnr as possible. They will contain Information on Nebraska agriculture and the work that Is being done at tha cot -logo and tha experiment station. Although twonty-alt application were received, but thirteen Could be filled. The following Is a Hat of the towns at which fair will be bell, together with the date; Oaeeola, Aujrtuit JJ to Septem ber, 1, Mate fair at Lincoln, September i to 5; Lexington, feptiyriber I! to lft : Kear ney, Kerrtember 21 to a; North l'latte, September, III to ?0; Ogallala, October 3 to 4; Kimball, providing proper dutca can bo arranged for; Stanton, Augist JJ to Hoptember 1; Hirriaon, September 7 to it, f'hadmn, .pteinber U to 14; trl-rtate dle- trlrf (sir at Crawford, Hepiember !0 lo 23; Madlaon, Heptember M to ?; Walihlll, October, 4 to 4. R&i'h of the two exhibit will be housed In large canvas tenta about Mxio feet In slzn, Tho display Inside ni l he enclosed In large glaa cane containing Informa tion ioncorning pr-tlcnllever) phase of agrcultiire taught at thr college. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County RBATrtlCK, Net May 7.-(Spr.lal.) The report of A. ft, Mer'andles, whb wa submitted to thr ymoro Conimer lal club the other night, showed that the; municipal lighting and water plant t that place wa being operated at lo of nearly 0,'0I annually. Htep will be taken to see If the plant canno) he put on paying hasls. Announcement wa teiehed bora yes lerdny of Ihe dentil of Mr, lou Powet formerly of this city, which occurred at her lmma at r'anta frn, Oil., May 1, Hh wa li yenr of age and leave hT liu band and one son Mr. Power wa for merly engager! In the real ctf bualnes at this p4iic. The town Of I'o Witt will be wet th coming year, lobn licences having been pranted to .1. H. Wltle and A. A, Oonk 'latonla, which hn been' wet th lust lonr, will be dry for thn ron that Will htm ObschliiKen wn nnnble to eeure the required number of algnei to hi ixtiiion for a loon license. NO MONEY TO INSURE N PROPERTY OF GUARD Baby Elephant Seen on the Lot When Circus Spends Sunday in Omaha Must Stop Making Sausage in Germany ("From a Htnff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, May 7.-(Kperat.)-Anolher evidence nf the penurious system which has marked the attitude of some, legl. Inture and especially the lt one, to ward Institution of (be tate wa eiiown todny When a bitter wa received by Adjutant fleneral I'hll Hall from the Wr department notifying him that all property of the government must now hn Insured, This la mde necessary berauan egl. lature have refused to aid tha National rjtifird of tho stato by appropriating funds which would enable tho different comTinle to have suitahlo n"rlers for tho property owned by the government, that It would not become llabln to daniflgn from fire and other condition. Mhny statea will not be required to Insure their property, because armories have been furnished thern where Ihe property I reaaonably safe from fire, but In Nebraska practically no protection ha hum made because of lack of fund, and now that the emergency ha arisen there aro not funda sufficient lo Insure the property. If there wa ny surnee that the next eglsltuie would be a little more bnslness-llke and look aftsr the property of the slate In the same way that a private Individual would look after hla on property, and appropriate fund fnr the premium, the matter could some how be arranged, hut in the face of actions of the last legislature nobody jeem willing to tnk a chance. otea from Went Point. Wf.ST POINT. Neb., May 7. Special News has reached here of the marriage at Vancouver, Wash., of Kdmund Krausn t Mis Julia Knapp of Wymore, Neb. Mr K reuse I a on of Mr. and Mr. Kd mund Krue of this place and haa llve. for some ear In Washington, where the ouple will make their borne. Mr, frnnces Yung, an Inmate of f-t Ineeph Home at West Point for the last elKbieen months, (lied in that Institution at the age of Hhe was n native of uslria and yie mother of tliree chll lrn. i iio suri'e lier. one of fthoiu is Mrs John Paul of N'ellgh, Hiruhtiid ion hengein and Mte Iter- tha llnwkivt were married lit Hi John's Lutheran church, on the cast Md on Wednesilai afternoon. They will r eie on ilielr own farm, soolb cf Wet Point The fuiieml of Mr. I.ro I'm-im ft,-,Mirred at Vii I'nint trstenlay Hbe wa. the wife of Leo t ocps. a farnn r of Ihe went aide, and the daughter of Mr nnd Mr tie .lie terin of this place, ,-lm hsd en rnsrriel i nlv a ir and r in her lenlv.ereil'1 yrsr Tha niaritage of Anton c;,,!.! nd Ml M lilllrl Llincr i'ielllil4e t at Ihv ' Jitholie ( imr-'h i f rivder on Tipm. fnoiiMi 1 i el t' iii i bid boar ) or nlr. b ll.e tleill. n of O r r, ., son st iellri,i e J iin i Hinin. rr!4tV Mi litfu( Ifeli of l'. n- d"' h ! Il ' tipr cf the 'blh and ttia cti-. t Jin t. t'l-H a iiimiler t ( ban cb-. f, tilt a v , i(t;r ow I riit -"A , ; V " J '' ' J .aiffufmi- $ kMsisisw s""1'11. A J -y Jp N f 'll J (I I ei " ima -e- Little 4-year.old mary swket and "little miracle," ltW-fUUJNU BAMY CF SELLS-rLOTO CIRCUB. Tllfl flicils is 'n town! j Hie Vpinlugly hoiinnd and oun otlier American youth tHlull. too. if i ci'vun "I"' P'rfl 'y t"iliig, urn thny'll ndn.lt lth.v thrilled at tho I 'It, !'.!' f""l'""f " Hiking It easy. Here wa a clown who, six rinv of the week, cavort about tho land of Ihe aw dusl ring In chalk face and outlandish continue, writing lo the folk "bark home." Un ha a wife and two kiddle, and like oilier of the circu world who are legion, lias a love for home and Hi old f i lends Jlke any olher ordlnry nisr-t-il. Playlnu ( rlbiinur, The tattooed mnn w plrilng crlh loige with the 'fattest liunin In the world." and over In th corner of (he side show lent ihe "wild msn" from ome irngn land t on a trunk and down upon Omaha yrMordiiy morn-1 pl'ived "Annie Laurie'' on a harmonleon Ing - "d hi listener, snake charmer. Al ii whs roriu.iy, anu accoirinij,' to , n i. L,,f--i(inior(Mi uiisioni in me i'tt mi or trie tiiHRic of thosii words (or Rf-ncnitlonij and gpiicratlons. Kailons may rio (md fall; gicfit public (iuPHtion may octupy tho Krwator part of th llmcllKht; I hi movies nmy nmke their hid for pop. iilarlly; but tho arrival of a circus, he It in vlllago, town or cliy, nrivic lonra thn power of Ita ciicliiintincnl. Tho liU top find all It family of ttmnllfr tops, In thcmnnlvra a dietlnci Ivc Atnorlcan Inetittiilon. nwonncd 'big top," tho day of rest for (he Hells. Floto shows. Hut tho circus ground at Twenty-first and Pu streets waa a ene of bustling acllvliy, circus ground on the day the show arrives always "hustle wllli sr. tlvliy." In cirrus parlance, they have been "bustling with actlvlt)" from ttms Immemorial, "li , llnbe!" luen, roustabouts and other thn "hey rube" coillliigent, The lent cohort of Wfm busy all dny bringing the magic city of ' canvas, flaring banners and gaudy wagon Into existence. Clowns, bareback riders, ring men and Italian Futurists Launch New Theater (Correspondence of The A o idted Press) ROMB, May 3 -The Italian futiirla' dramatists liave launched a. "Synllieiic theater" here as a means of ials n money for war charllfe. Mere they produce fourteen drams of "con 'nitrate I Impressionism," shorn of conventional technln.ua Most of the plays are one art "rtn in raiser. The most popular tdav- 't haa no human actors, but only a dog In annher. only the rg nf the player? Ppear behind the half -falsi d i iiitalu blnns, ballyhoo men, et al, remained si- and with faraway looks In their ere In the inengere lent hlppopotamt, lion, tigers, elephant and all the rest of the "finest specimen of the wild beasts of the Jungle," grunted, roared and munched their food ns If Sunday 'a Just the sume to them as any oilier do y. (ill, yes; in the crowd that visited tho rlrcua grounds yesterday were hundrede of small boy Just a eager as ever to "cany wsler for the olcphnla" for Po to the big show. v Two performn(cea will be ataged today. The clrcu will make It usiiiil parade of the downtown atreet. leaving the c!r 'ua grounda at Kelt) this morning, I GERMANS CAPTURE FIFTEEN I RUNAWAY FOE BALLOONS ; BKftLIN, May 7.-(Py Vlicea1o ,Sy j a f 1 If. i - A large numbe r of French rpt , 1 balloon broke loose owing lo a suddtn storm, say Ihe official statement ijed today st the tierman army hesdqusrtera and er dit'en over the Herman Hue Morn rhan fifteen were captured by the Teutons. Applications for Crulss Heversl s,n plications have been receded at the local navy recruiting office from men who are nU r-linimo inr- into enosrs n ie civilian cril. UHI UUriU J int. VVMd nUUitU ".Is cruise lasts ona month and Is for tha ;lnpos of giving clvllliins a tasta of Nprelheart ihmie Tutu "irr lllnl'a Tele. Hniimht The mi In Ihe I hiirch. ny lite. Men accepted must depoait t n for their board and pay their own ti.inepoitiitlon to and from th bnrd Hlilrlly b'lstnrn ie of the telephone Is all right, but hr ii a man cniuif lulu ih.. tore wluic i mi are nsuklng and usra the Icleplunic lo lilh 1. 1 oui Kilt tl H tune tn bri nk mm,-, Huns, .''uliiig in Loul I lutein. Jt iisn old t nsii'ln ml Menu I line mm harsrd Hli ass.mll d battery on each oihei . Vtlrit. n), be lu a store I ml In 1 pi'fln tirolher lulh Ihe t, Irl lion hell he n atlaekrd bv I inli-ln tin Id t p,itrin Ibreaiened bliu with a ("iihrr "!',' a ml ati,, bd lo otlier knur I p. (mm ilniird tbitsienini I., Hie ko in Malae for atrel Men. I NinvrnWN. a . Mav 1 ..Vnrtv iliousmid miner and enkewnrker of ine I' I r r 1 1 K I iiKe c..,i i i, y n nbdlarv ot the 1 nlii i K'a'ea (Sieel i nrpiirnilon were nolllleil tiMlsy cf a was hn tens of i. iii iu pt-f i rut, opiialiva May s IBS BECAM E ONE SORE ERUPTION I ,).. Ird I" his li I II! ..t t fill, rt e (h It jit, .11" (bill I Ihll.S 1 1. It 11,1 ihl't ni-llir li't,,, , l I '1 I'll ..', Mill .'In I have ...M-. i ISMi O'll leiel!!,!!!, j 1 I " es t A ri(fflff I c1 ' In nid I I tri a n aii I, . i ae t l;s it iji y i .. ! I it I bis lim'iif !, ie ".li I- e- nf M r In,. Il ,t j et II IS l..ll,.e i , .. i . I nl 1 '.I '1 I'..' nil , ,..lt, M- l-.t. f Ik- d'Htil 11.. lleKill I l i't I .'1:11' ' cit'.'l... H 'ill ll in ll I j t t I . 1. I CI , !' ( 1 C t 1 : 1 IH I J - l 1 I U l l .'11. ' I 1, I . An A f Infill. ! 'k It ' ' ' a-i . , 'st. - ' I' '4 I li'!' f i- I IS' ..V "i' . ft I !" 'i v w t I 1 I 1 ' .1 ' . . I II . .' I I . 1 an'-i-.' i ; llf f- m l.t I a 4 k ' i ' f 1 i - f ,'i 1 1 ' 1 - i . '. i i . ), . a I i li . i ' , .. i' .-...' 1 ' pi .lit.. . Irn 'in i 'lull , , ' 1 ' . . ., ' . . i I I. -..f I I 1 1 1 f - ' I , - . 1 S 'i - i i iv.i I'm l ' " I '. 1 ! ( I 'i : ) , . . . ! f , ., - 1 i , , A fc . . . ..... ... MbtMii riH km. .li iT SH , Mar f ' i - i 1,, V ijux-b I ' I I- I t iljt l.i'Ml'l I 4 l en m inh.f ii vs in ir.- tiii ni ii I 'i ! ..t . itlt -1 i,-ll'.V ' t' s mh ii i i' is i't an st.if t?r i M ,: It 'It It'!' ' '! f I - f"l 'el,.' ' I t I'll- i'.'l I,...,, I I. Tfv,, I I . ,' 1 I'l' I' 11 1", I !ii 41 1 1 t I-. I ill. u-g il'.II I h'n II I . r: tl V '"J in i i 1 i I I FRENCH AVIATOR HAS OECN nf MaiM.lt N V ti I - i' . 1! t ' f a i-i . ,.,i tnii H t'lii'i t hi , e . .-I I t , . g i IN SIXTEEN AIR COMBATS 1 1'-1 r I l i.i Kl ' "t'.ii I I I ' ' I t . s ' . 1 I $ . 4 , , . C h a Aim if, i t i ml ('t ,1 iaj ii f - "i I ; ' hit I I. l-ii': - li .! " J I ' " "g4g al a t4. i- t I I M III I .I l.i. H.f. 1 ' i It H. lOltl Vv 'I '' !' i''U' ..' 11,. 1 . . 1 V ' ' 1 ''' C ' ll ..'!., i ll Kf'i i f j i.. a-. 1. 1 I K i j (-.... t i. ." i-i it' : H I' I, l i,f i H M ' .. , I . I . t f i i t f - . '. A Broke Out in Small Pimplpi, Itching So Severe CoulJ Not Slfcp, Burned Badly. In 10 Da)i heaieoTycuticura soapand ointment ' I hat i i at p Mn tut m h.is id t ll ttwg l". ..t tutgll ,l,..rl 1' i i w la,,fc tut (n glfc4 tfmt, 't !'' Ill l4t t t jiiit'tsa li eete i,ua g,w gr ,. If i- !' In ! IU'4 .g I - " l I e,n mt tti gi lieg b'iriim g,t . i-S 1'. I .,,i-iip ta.a,i ' i git (mill ' iji a.g a . I t i -e I 'i-'v,.l i t" l fWU I . v g gg.-g I g. t -i h .ri'g I .. .(. ,., ....I j ll ' isi .f g I t H'itt u- g.t i !- .(. I t" . I i.,. tlt j l - ' gig-.b, I - ,Snii0 I aiIi I rrt lv Mrttl i Wi l l "'e I I -i rii S I ; 1 U f- . g-l ''I Htl, gig, h.gi. I, 1. I ll,' t-At I1(.-t'i..,t I..JI 'at, j , ' . l"l J f-.H B' I ' t ' ' . v t I 1 sa Nebraska ROMANCE HOVERS OVER js,flla' for ,hl3 h" an Haay - lA,'IWnV I nWPCniUIC Crunni I Banks, a oun mnn of the dltrlct, wcra fil ial kVllkWVIlll. VVIIUWt. Syracuse Electric Light Bonds Are Sold at Premium fiVrUfT fi.:, Neh., May T.-(Spee al l- Bids were opened Friday evenlnn for Ih isle of 1 fi, (sto electric Itsht bonds by the villa, I'll lit bid wet received from bnk snd bond house. The bet one was a bid of ld,ni by the (ierman-Amet;. Iran Trust company of Iienver, t'olo,, which was ' accepted. The nearest bid to this was that of an Omaha firm for IH.o.Vi. Th bids for ths construction of the plant will b received St the bo id meeting, June k. si which time tha con tract will be swarded, draduatlon eircla for tha flyrseue Mlsh school will t held May J'l, when a rls of twenty-six will rcte (heir dlplomn. Till I th largest class In the history of the school, Kelrlinri ew Noles. FAIItm HV, Neh., May 7,-lHpe"lnl )-. Vltli only wo weeks more of s 'ho d 111 I'slrbiirt, the sen'.or clas of the h li schocl . actively engnsed lit nnpirluc for coiiimetii emeni. lb g ad ist n i lsg this ear number fifty student T' n n on v I I stake a ! idty, ,t tl d 'I mij t upid ' at Hi npeia house on ! . day, May IS, fin the following fiin'av. Iliv, I, K, Khellenhf rg r of Hie Clrl tlm rlmich will tlellier the annual bc calaiirnnte sermon to Hie gradual, Tin alumni lanuuet will ink plin on Mon day, May ?1 The riininteneeruent exer clseg will be held Mrldny, May 21. f'llff t rook b deiir.1 for Nw Orlei.n tn refre.ent Ih Nebrask Htal futnll sfs clntifii, a deleiate to tia National t onvent on cf detail nro r, to be held I hi week, Mr. r'rook went tn ft. l.onl tl rail snd then donn Hi Mletlip in a boat lo New ('rleais With continued tT'd weatlir In thli roiin'.v. farmer r enssped In planting coin nnd t,l l wll probably finish lid work. Th elfalfs in slnady h'alt noiiidi to hi-'; a rabbit, Th summer band conceri will' corn. tm nc In thl city on Tiiefday iiilil and continue throt iih out Iha ununer. s the tax liny only pet mils w to le r'cd In this msriner, other menn will be iiavlo to inaltitaln tlie l-alrbury band. A number of business cltungi s In Ih? Utile town of llehcy, eleht miles north' west of Kslrbnrv, h lieen ronsum niHlid. Johnson pros, of Mw Khl, Kan, hat purchased the farmers rhatri Icink Harry Ilartinan, nishler, will be trans ferred to Ihe bauycr eMMle bank st Wc t 'in, May lli NelirasUa n,g, IIAI!TIiTii.-Tho fcilar county fair will convene bi-pteiuhcr tl to I. fTtOKTOV-Mrs. John Mlsrhke, who Willi her famllv moved to Colorado om lime ago, died t their Coloiodo home. HOVAI,A ball lein as orsfltilred here Willi p. ' Hiemhock . nianairer -ltd f'lltftird Ituti'pilsl si secrefsiy and ,,r-arir r, I'l.Af.VVJEW-nevlval luee'lua, started Friday night In the rnngiegnilonal church. He. F'fleld of Kansas ( My, Mo., I th evangel!1. fillOKTN-Tbe n.eniher of the Ton gregsiion! church rc I'lsnnln on th erection of a new pai'sonng adjoining th church In the near future, PKNMKR - Henry Itehllng and Miss I.oul Ton1e were married at Hi Her man Lutheran church aouth of her. They will make ihelr homo on a farm r.IHN-Tha bnimunlly clith h pur chased the opera house of Heymour Wolfe for V.Mi. and workmen are fs modellliig the building and making a number of Improvement. nHKHT-!Viikliii-thal a farmsr llv. ins Ihree mill southwest of here, wss kb ked In the fre by a mu, (he lion shoe lacerating hi fe badlv. 'rt of the nose was tor.i lonss and a aerlou Inluiy Inflicted, IIAKTINIiT(lN--To lot hat been purchsed bv Ml s. Mry K, ,Mc.Nmr a nuise, and work wllli begin at once on Ihe erection of a hew hospital. Tha site I tost et of the parochial school. The building will be a frame structure, thirty by sluty, one and one-half tore high. AI,I,KVRev, HamU'l F. Merrill. dl tlngulkhed a the llrsi white person born In ht I now the slt of Nehrssks 't'ed r'und.-iv at I Angeleg. t'.l ...rf M r. delh being dim lo thm and h ft trouble, lie horn In a nptlt nnasion maintatneo hv bis father a mile south of Hellevue. and left the tsfe of NebraNka when S tears old. wedded In Lincoln. The bride Is from My T.- (Special ) Love ! Mouth Pnkota and cmiie to Nebraska to pet new and different, experience. In teaching. Khe brought new Idens to her school, nnd was a em resfiful teacher. KTKM.A. Neh and ronmticfj ttero lilcinbd thU car whlle Mb. i tiertrinle Mci llll taiiKht Windy I.one,inu reboot, a country dlntrht near f'1" 1 " ' "v ".T"J""'T"'f "Wi 'TcaACCO'J t IMWIi.rtrlH tg. iy r U M ds Jg'-' t., . ONEY must rest In the bank to draw fnt'rst'. VELVET never could have its age-mellowed smooth ness I( didn't rest "in the wood" two years. , inQ DEAD ON HIS FEET iiLI ViriDAl, Haarlem fill ',iil will lirlng new life nd iubkly rellete thnt stopped iip. rongeeted feeling They will Ihoroughlv climliae Mid ah nut the kidney grid hlmliier nnd gently carry off the ill effect of eeeseg if all kinds. The healing, southing nil ok right Into the all and lining of Ilia kidney, gni enpel the pnlauna tn your evstntn, Keen your kbltiey In good lin by dally use of (Ol,l MKfiAL Itnarleni oil Ogpsulcg nnd yioi will have ood health. Ilo to your druglt. at once and secure a package of thl time-honored, world-wide rem edy. It la not g "patent medicine." It I passed upon by L H. (lover nnient chernisia and declared pure before corn ing Into Ibis cniinirv. liAI.D MKIiAL I Hie pure, orlKlnl l(nrleni ml, (,, ported direct froni tlif ancient lhor toilea In llollend, nhern It Is the Nn. tlonsl honsehohl ri'iiu-ily of tlm liinl 1 Mitch, Look for the mini (iOLi' MKIAI on every bog, Ae, , slllute Vour drngglat will glsdlv re fund your money If nt as represented, Advei tlsement, AMI KHIM, MIIKMK.V!i, SHBsnAIg itXm h J,iiJif VhOBS I Dour, 44 Tin nr.sr or vai tir.viu.r nll V MATINRK . I 15 - KVKnr NKMIT I-! IT"- I Th, Mgiikiiff gi A mWm ,lrli Mlln I Isrb V.ritl i al,g I HXI0 tlicrl i'o, tlurrgv Miui.i r,M I ; rise 4 Intrare Cireh.um 1rv WVeg. . lr. I'tlil r. Msllnes, gall. re, joc , l,..i aeai, lagrapl HalurSat giig Kunsn Jlr. Nignla, e- ' Ur, t.0e gftif ; TONITE 8:20 NORTH BROS. "EAST LYNNE" Veroted to rllllant Mustoal Bitrlaxqn IU.H k II All V ALI, IfllUL UntLIt I WEBlt MAf. I00AY CHlCAOO i OWW STARS CARTER SI! 017 firtfn Ih Mti(ll"fnl H'sr 4 (lnr Tht r, Mittin and Hitlt-i m "ow V A U D E VILLE ' tS flrrar tlaluia ' CfitiY nf 111 t'gmiti.g Pllnllrig IVilliit, William, d llaiignr. Hams I'li-ll.la tt,,lrg 4 a, l'ai'i;pllv Vm:gllat: Th Zrf,wlla (llil, r 1 1 glil lltff lli AicU aiee IVrla A 1 Hllliian, einalaia. Sleriptala, 1 s II. lals II, glil iii. lii I Hawiica, west 1 to CHORUS Attractive .10 wHUIlU BEAUTY PK.AH KI'-APKII - If inu re i gpprs,alva ef g gvi4 att'iw a I sm of ieir Invally la Iha lit ila old ilacfi? gi in, p,t ,gaon, lhn rmi'll make ihia flniil aark i! leirU-aana Ihs lismirr ef all -anil ihal'll Im nelia tea gofat ter ilia ahftw. gMher K. L. J'lltNWlN, Mgr. ;aalr Cvsnlugs. llunday and Rollday Mttl. nss, ISo, 80c, 60o and 780. MATS. 15c and 25c I'liaw giun tf f'H Ilka t'll so arnoaliig i.ADirii' ngT mwEcK TICKETS DAY MATtBUfi ttnhT f:rrtir Osrag tn the Lobhy fc!V NEXT SAT. NITE 7 'snMiiuftua ll A M to II r M . AU W rtrst, ust only Charlie Ch2"lin Omaha showing of vildliie bllllil In lli gmtr-A't btirlaaiius on 'Tsrntan," "THSOWIXO TH8 BOLL," FUNNIEST PICTURE ?';Yrtom .V. EVER MADE '"! m -irsagi.r?rj WK. alaifi mat aggmn sral 'ta-..Jj 28 th and Farnam SPECIAL lUMMtl COUKIC, MAT Rtb TO JUMB 16th. Mr. Tnrpln tgachgg all tha Bw modern daacss. Too gt tha bast at onca. Class maatg Tuesday and Trldaya, 8 p. m. Fumlg can loin opening night, May t, or phona application, Harngy 6 1 4a. Term, most reasonable. paiVATB LESBOtta OITEkt AT AMY TIME. Tin j) in's School of Dancing Bell-aims Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all drucgistg. l They Dee d t 1 nave vouit S I 1 MSgigg, at .... . UlUo KcTOUCnEDi will maKc bcllcr Photo-Engraved Plafes Phnngi Tk tl.u I AAA uWlX&m v Ormjha.Nebr. i inaiTi gaiiig.ijg'"riwr' i lir'iii'i,' i'iEifJ' "ffgfWHsisrBa.fi ,ym.,mv,.l ,jmp-,t. ' ri ?ltl l Iff.' .,f , , fa.f, : ,,,,,, M ,m. .l;' Wj Master Feats of the Railroad World 1 mm fg3-W Fiva year ther waa completed th mrmf fTi nrnt liantcofitiiinital railroad buililirm ol history. Thla year itnrM an vr n mora notaUa hleva me nl the plttcin umlrr lmr al opfiatiun tl 4 10 milra o( muni linn at rosa Iha t'iml mental )vile. Doth master feaii are the wot k o( the jrn tl!4y. ll was th C. 5f.iy.vr. p. that k t a new mstk la railway ionstim tb.fi y Iniililinn m the remarkably shut! iwriisj of Ihrra years, a nrf steel tHiihwsy aiii.og the iilaiiis, mountains, ul.nuls ami vallrya lhat lie ln-tett 1 b Mintnuti Kivrr and I'ugct Sunitl, Hy a arnrttii hniliant engiiiariinu lrium lia Iha KMtl pushed tuiwgid ilnnlly lhnniK-li Ilia jirsct nl Ihe Kisliu-, llittrr K ( siul C ig. !-. As result Iha C. M tf .VI. P, Is tha ahf tt hit l i h rint North luasl, and Ira.l Ihimmh tha Iteateii r.triii t Uautilul numtitam aruriy oti Iha (initmrnt, A;ln - H l ihr. M W.VrMhsfdrfti.itrly ugh. ri m lh bew ti4 in iailn,li(g-ih etaol lhrU- . Ilk buliu.ti SUillo Sim fl l""IIH.l hstn Ud I HI iij and Mt i4.g In lill'orla ami let mm! - 11 1 1 thru Hn i,g In Iiait4tiiiiiii4iit4 rui.s - hgiilu g ithM Iti tnunliy 1 Ita'bv in I ID 4l I4in(itg n( b Ki k is. tin g gtssl itxkiitMfa t i'iatii'n, tliiitiiiatingi 4l lfH4t4hoi4(u4ii.t aiiJiiiaklug moun. lam daw) titan, and nuiuntiit liii glrir aiieu.o MihvnuliooASl.Paiil I t li 4v ,1. mt nl, Imutv ii.li !.,t, t J.n.lg y..ij ....f .l a 4IM, '!!, I . nti4 tl (il-rg Intel iiir.li tt in either all !! Il llil ' fht Miy'ii'MSt"!!! " I liWIIUH ' tlaa, tfli.4 faim (.l S.,11 efwig g 4 ktigg4 41 lUiatg gat.au, l.k-lt'lf.ag Ht lgg , tlMtllg ig, IH.IH I II L l.g..gl Afl i "iv,' 1 1 v -t- ., t. il. . fir' IM fl Ml g r- i' ll iN" ' 'Jt ... r agais- u )l i -,'.a, v- ,. - gg-Tasf-" . ' j,s 1 s S . . -a M v -In 1 mr am t .