"ARRANZA AGREES TO PLAN OF JUAREZ First Chief Approve! Pact of Scott and Obregon Except for Few Minor Details. BEATEN VILLISTAS , Iff FLIGHT Eh PA80, Tex., May 7. First Chief Carranza sent a messace to Goner! Obregon tonlgbt informlnn the Mexican minister of war that he had found the agreement with the United SUtet satisfactory with tin exception of & few minor points. It is now believed that the final confer ence will be held tomorrow, when tbe protocol will be signed. General Jacinto Trevlno, com mander of the department of lb) northeast of Mexico, departed for his home In Torreon tonight. Fla lo Moenlalns. COLUMBUS, N, M., May 7. Afoot and without proper clothing or food, the tired, broken Mexicans who composed the band routed at OJoi Azulra Thursday by American cav alrymen are making their way to ward the mountains, according to re ports here tonlgbt. The bandits, acattered in email groups, were natd to be in tbe vicinity of Llanos and headed, apparently, toward Docoyna, near tbe terminus of the Kansas City, Mexico ft Orient railroad and about forty miles rfrom OJos Amies, Close on their heels are picked troops of the Eleventh cavalry, under Major Robert L. Howze, Herder Tips Off field. Further reports Indicated that Ma jor Howie's plan of surprising and making the entire band captives w frustrated only by the alertness of a goat herder. ' The cavalryman had already dismounted and were closing In on the enemy with their pistols drswn when the sheep herder Rave the alarm and too Mexican's bugles sounded the .retreat. The Americana seised a number of the Vllllftta mounts and a quantity of arms and equipment. Ten Mexicans have been killed In the last few weeks by American sol diers who caught them cutting th field telegraph wire. Railroad Work is To Be Pushed in Alaska This Year (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) BEWARD, Alsaba, ApHI M.The Alaskan Enirlneertnt commission la pre- paring to push work this summer on the ) aovernment railroad from this port to the treat coal fields of the MatsnuaUe river. , i The work of this summer will ke rtlvMel Into three section; the first to t the reconstruction ef tha old Alaskan Northern line from fewtrd to Mile Peventy-one en Kern ereek. The second i section will be new work on TurnsaaJn Arm from Mile Seventy-one to Anchor- age, and the third will be the completion of the line from Anchoress to Chlckaloon creek, In the mid-section of the Matanu eke eost deposits, which hae been found : best for naval purposes. In sddltlon to this work the eornmle ; lrn will extend the main line of the Hewtrd-Kslrbanks railroad, which In j reality la a separate project from the j canal road, la the Talkkeetna forks of I the Susltne river. ! Active work en the Alaakan Korthern i re(-riiitructlon has already commenced, nr1y a month ahead of the season, so ! urgent la the emeraenry . under which ! thla project Is being runhed to oomple tu.ii. F"Ke fet of froat Is In the around aiid at Itoaurreninn river tbe brtdse j hulldars are tliaeltia doen with atea , 1'ioinie. after the manner of placer j mtuers. to ilmi plllns for the btids. END OF LONE WOMAN TRAPPER Inlrrralln. ami l)Mrrloai bar. erlir f North Mil-Mann I Ul a. Mlae fiewa Train, knomn throiiahout tha mi'T ,niiswl aa "tlie mjniory woman f.t An Tiam," la de't In Mr !n'li tshin on th xlwre of Au Train ' t li'. I t. .ii an hermit, Wa as was f.UiMa-r t , nn aaa one of the uitcffnuns rhata't'r ef tha resmn ef Mani'i'iie alii 'tr conntli.a and a.-or ff t.ittrt eie ild of hr itrente ettrna id of hr, rie liuniar anil tii time ef li r itsih Mr life Iff.-i ,-. , a up her hoine nifml n4 b'lit the Inise l"S rain en laaa Aj 1'iui, )ar ag'i. l ni hte free hal f -oft lia, it I hra a' a ,-. I n!jr iiiaaf fa i f-'(i f h life i4 a ai ml ! aha i.e liae i u, !' v t.n.f(rflaa -t li atHt-i -ana t Hi1 V aa fvai tH tt !int '!' l-a l t e f' l uta in itn mil I ; ant l.t!i , a t t-a . t a I. I.. a,nt an I (. a t . a' t ar-aa a ' a a a Aft? a!a ia".t a f A 'I hr -;,-it'M I a'. a I"1 H if i" a a ft ta, t-'-.a f a m. -.. 4 as fc - a "l la ai ia i lajia "" ea ti4a I "n iia aei'-t t t. . i .1 . m 1 ! at . a a I' a ,", ! a. f:, -' a i XI I .- af .. I ...a , t h a a a. ' t i a 1 1 tt . a .( ' 1 4 aaar i t'i 'l l-D I .-'tl I I...'. 1 . v 1 a 'i-a Hasx-u ai at att I a )' et ,!' I ai. I fa I a Caaea ia e l'fti taf TM. e U er i i-iti i-t !".', n,tK 'IV laj i a . -tv !!. -.-lav (,... ,.a . a, a e " "' ' '"' aa . .. ta la ., . l la M I v,'i .. l.'ia.aa Ihih ,i (,., 1 .! DR. ABRAHAM JACOBI, for whom guests attending a dinner in honor of his eighty-sixth birthday decided to raise to $1,000,000 the fund intended to complete the Hospital for Deformities and Joint Diseases in New York, with which he has been identified. GERMANS CAPTURE HOREJERRITORY Teuton! Win in Fierce Attack on Both Sidci of the Meuse on French Positions. GAINS ABE CONSIDERABLE PARIS, May 7. In fierce attacks on both banks of the Meuse today the German forrea gained ground from the French. They entered the French communicating trenches east of Mill 304 and gained a footing In the first Frenrh line between Hau- dremont Wood and Fort Donaumont over an extent of nearly a third of mile. Correspondent Says That Man Shortage Threatens England (Correspondence of the Associated Frees ) UJNPON, April 50,-"Jf the Ilrltlali em pire Is to be kept tosother, infant life must be preserved." This note of warn Ina from the head of the Birmingham Maternity hoapltal. In connection with this statement that "aa a result nf tha war there were between' and J.ooo fewer babies In Hlrmlnsham last year," has been re-echoed by the newepapers end the clerav throiiahout tha country. Attention of Rnillahmrn Is ssaln railed to the fort that the birth rate has fallen to the loweat flsures on record and that at the earns time the Infant mortality rate Is going up. A man atiortaae (reater than any Eng land baa known In Ita history Is threaten ing tha country, says the London Times' magical oorraapondent, who proceeds to compare the conditions bora with those In Onrmany, where, he adds, "owing to the far-alghtednees of the Oarmana the population Jumped from O.onrt.Oiio in 175 lo lAooft.MW In 'The world at thla hour la having an object leaaon In the meaning of birth etatlstlca," eontlnua the eorreapondant "The ilermana awelled their total popu lation not only by hlrtha, hut also by the prevention ef Infant death, which ta one of the greatest worke standing to the credit of a cleiitlfle people. ' "As e people we muat set our hmiaa In order lent In tha day a to come we find It tenantlcaa and ao become piev to foea ehn have shown a wiser foreelnht and a truer appreciation of valuea than our aelvea, No eaue man. knowing n. fcta, can doubt that our whole nail'Mial future la In Jeopardy." Chiucso Police Probo Drug Sales ti'nrreepon.trnce of Te Aaaoclau.) rteaa I I't'KlN'ii, Mv 1 Ten l eaalea ba bem ertwlnled by l! ti.ttp.'nn pe S b ra i ti tiitiia it-e-li, al r-lu- awl tee e'i"t of me ti. Inaa rl'rr I f . aa'e n Ilia Peking n a ket. I rr.,ia -i v linp. alna faalin llxi.a ail n n tea p'si-ln aan'nat ia.'kary a.i,d tm tb.. - tie aip..f if i i,lm we1t al bwia aal b-afii, 'i perpain1a f a t itir iHri'itl r-f n.t t cat t. at' it, t: e P f ,n t e al'aa. ' a a i f't l( i tn, BIG PROBLEMS FOR Y. M. C.OEETING Two Thousand Delegates Will At tend International Convention at Cleveland. BRANCHES IN NEARLY AIL LAND3 CLEVELAND, O., May 7 A num ber of important matters affecting tbe administration of the Young Men's Christian associations of North America will come before the inter national triennial convention the legislative body of the brotherhood which will be held in Cleveland May 12, continuing through May 1. It is said that tbe meeting will be one of the most significant of any of the previous thirty-nine' meetlnga that have been held. There will be 1,000 guests at the convention, in addition to the 2,000 accredited delegates and many hundred of "corresponding members," The aesoclatlona eligible to representation include 700 city afinoclatlons, 2 B0 railroad, 800 col lege and 600 county or rural asso ciations, aa well as the army and navy branches, The convention marks its fiftieth an niversary of the establishment of the International committee, and the change In leadership of the committee from Richard C Morse, who for forty-el years was its generel sei-retary, snd who Is now retiring, lo John ft. Mott, re-oently-aleeted general secretary. Qaeatloa of gaperelalon. One of the questions lo be voted upon Is a proposal to Increase ths element of dnmoorsoy In the supervision of the brotherhood. On en Initiative resolution which has been approved by an over whelming vote of ths directors of the aaaoclatlons In all parts of the United ftiaiea and Canada, It Is proposed that the lay delegates will hereafter have a much larger proportion of the conven tion devoted to discussions from the floor, with fewer eddresses from the platform. While the large assembly ef the conven tion will be In Oray's armory, there will be this yesr a greater number of smaller sectional meetings, with a greatly In creased eppotunlty for discussion and legislation. The hall of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers snd various Cleveland churches will be the places of holding these sectional meetings. The Cleveland association Is also dismantling the second floor of Its large building te accommodate an exhibit of Young Men's Christian association buildings, equip ment and efficiency. The Importance of ths association's work with the smiles In Burope will have special attention. Hundreds of trained secretaries who have been sent over from ths United Btstes and Canada and who have been at work In the trenches ss well ss with ths prisoners on both sides of ths lines, wilt report on this phase of Toung Mien's Chrtstlsn ssso- cletton work, The question of the supervision of the saao!stlons In foreign Isnds such ss Chins, Koree, Japan, India,' Philippines, Cuba, Argentine. Brssit, "dine, Uruguay and other countries will also be consid ered. A special commission has been studying for three years ths tremendous expansion of the association movement abroad, end the findings of this commis sion will be presented by I.. Wilbur IWcater of Chlcego as chairman. ' Wll Dlaraaa Retirement Fnnd. The convention will be called upon to decide whether or not It will rapltallzs a retirement fund for secretaries, who hsvs practically completed their life time of aervtce. Thla commlealon la headed by F. W. Ayer ef Philadelphia, lie will probably ask that the fund be cap italised to begin with at sl.WVj.WO, per haps mors. It depends upon the actu arial studies which be Is now having made. This retirement fund will paral lel that provided by meny of the denomi nations for clergymen, by the Carnegie fund for professors In colleges, snd such retirement funds ss the Pennsylvania railroad, aa well as government services. fo far the Young Men's Christian aa aociatlon has hsd nothing of this kind Another Important dlscuaalon Is to be the extent to whlrh the susnclatlon should enter the educational field, IJke the publlo echooin, (t has Inaugurated sum mer Instltiitee for the training of le younger eeeretarlea and has boiieht prop erties In Katea Park. nar Colorado fpilne; T ake tieneva In Wisconsin, sil ver Bay on tke t'leorge, and P-isok Mountain In North Carolina, where II aeiiihri for training purposes Its lea etperlenced secreiarlsl candidates end "Ti?." Gladdens Sore, Tired Feet officers for systematic education snd training during the summer period. In sdlltton to this, the association has established Institutions of college grade at Chicago and Springfield. Mas which havs a very much larger attendance for example than any other theological school of this country and where not only sec retaries, but physical directors snd all sorts of gafiorliUInn epe'1altta are trained. The exlcnt to which the asso ciation ahall utilise the regular profee- slonal. colleges cf the country or shell! assist Jts own training agencies will be reported upon by a cnmmission or w nicn W. M. Hlrks of Montreal la chairman. Prominent Men Mill Speak. A remarkable group of men prominent In civic and religious life will address the convention. These will Include General Leonard Wood, Dr. John II. Jowett of New Tork City, Bishop William P. Mc Dowell of Chlfwgo; John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; President Garfield of Wllllama col lege, Raymond Roblna, the noted social worker of Chicago; Hon. N, W. Ilowell, leader of the opposition In Ontario; l'res- Ident Msckensle of Hartford Theological semlnsryi Secretary Franklin i, Roose. velt, Robert E. Bpeer and many others. ARIZONA REPUBLICANS EXCITED OVER-MEXICO BANK R0SDERS CARRY OFT MONEY AS0 CASHIER No puffed-up, burnirtgr, tender, Rchlnff feet -no corns er callouses. "MaaWf Kami lAw TU ' Mil iir. n ! , m i et . '"'!, l'e at e' !. -t eM.". i a a H f a f t -at4. a ' ' I It 'I t t , . . ., a ea n't I - i t 'a aai-., ..t l'....i. .aa t pi u .. e' w4 '' ! - i 14 na. t ai. Vi t , ! M....aa, , ku .,.) i i ( l-ai;a.t k , .aWr , -m ( a e . - I a t k i, jt l4 Sa la I YOUTH STRUCK DY CAR is seriously mm f- k.a t . , ,Mi . " ' ' .- a a l, tali a.' la ,-,. W wk. a a -t ...!, .., I -a ! . t i I i.at. k'l ia V ; I- at . a tlMkt. at I . I I . . a I iiiMiti kl la I - ' I i i. - - I ' t ' it i -. i . r , i knii -te- I TUCSON, Arti., M 7 -Mentlon of the Mexican situation by Temporary t'hnlr man Richard E. Hloan caused a fve mlnute demonstration at the republican state convention today. "We will undertake to Oan up this unsavory mess." said Bloan. "We are not too proud to fight when It is nec- sary that we should fight to protect qur Inherent rights." An unlnstructed delegation to Chicago waa named. flTG a!mo3t'noftirishind flour, food if Uneeda Biscuit arekWemost if I riorirlshiria of t5odafcracKers. Use . r i thwn at meals fur their food value. I tthembetwtireableca X VTATTAlf AT gift itrvi IV-MIAVU lis TATCriTIT COMPANY Get into business! via the "Business Chances' "tia -a tea a " t a. Uie a i'H a ll S ' " . et i e t. ..ae I a 4-t 't'-e - I it" ia , A I .a a i-a ' I y a.. ,( itan . e -t lial M.iar km - 4. I ,' ' I , , 1 . a k ' I -S I I - I t .1 lk -t aNj -,l ,,.(,.,. t-a la ' e . 1.. 1 t ( ,! t e-ei . (a. i I'" t-.-' iitna, ii aii ' ' ' '"' '' I -el t 1 . 1 1 , e ' 1 " ax 1 t 1 1 ) a ,i e ' !'' t- . an I. .a 'a, VI ifit"l a- I 1 . i 1 - a t .aa- a a S . i a. kf tari, aat di 4. , I l l"'l' I ! Il I 1. 1 t 1 t a Where Does the Other 53 Go? An authority on building matters, who states that only 4796 of the New Building Owner's money is spent for necessary labor and ma terial divi'des the remaining 53 as follows: 4.7 to the Architect 14.6 to Sub-Contractors 8.7 to General Contractor 10 to Uneconomical Design 5 to Unscientific Buying 10 to Unnecessary Delay TThile these figures may yary slightly in the cage of different individual buildings, they will serve very well to illustrate, in a general way, one of the most glaring faults of the methods of conducting the business of building, now so generally in use: and to point out what the prospective building owner will have to protect himself against in the shape of unnecessary expense in his new building. Every Prospective Builder should first fix on a good general idea of his requirements j then, he will have to be sure that his Architectural Service is right j and finally he will have to be sure that his Con tractor is capable and financially responsible. Architects and Engineers with little or no experience have been known to specify four times the weight of steel actually required,-" simply to be on the safe side," and this is only one example of many possible ways of wasting material, due to the lack of knowledge concerning Technical Building Requirements. ) . . It stands to reason, therefore, that the Architect and Bunding Engineer should be very oarefully chosen if the prospective builder wants to protect himself against uneconomical Architectural Design. Financial standing and experience-record should be the principal elements governing the selection' of the Building Contractor, if the prospective Building Owner expect to protect himself against unsci entifio buying, unnecessary delay and mistake. This Company's Modern Building Organization was built up for the specific purpose of cutting down the excessive costs of Building Construction as handled under the older-day system of building. In our Architectural Department are men whose training and experience place them in a position to devise plans for our customers that are baaed on definite knowledge, not guess-work. Our Architects have the constant advice of our widely experienced and technically trained Building Engineers, while plans are being made, thus guarding against plans and specifications that call for more building materials than are actually necessary, and while plans are bring made in our offices, the Architectural Department is constantly in touch with the Estimating and the Construction Engineers who will have actual charge of the building construction, and because of this advisory service we are enabled to submit plans to client promptly, that keep the proposed building within the limit of ex penditure planned. This naturally saves the revision so often necessary under other methods, resultant from bids which frequently exceed the architect's original estimate. When the plans submitted by this Company are finished, we are able to tell the prospective builder just what his building will coat him complete. Tbe price we quote at this time is not tha estimate of an architect, but is an actual quotation of the price at which a reliable and financially responsible business corporation will perform the work. When a Building Contract is signed by this Company, our Building Engineers take charge of the work. These men have been rhoeen to fill their important position because of thrtr wide and practical experience. Our financial position enables us to handle the purchase of all building materials in the moat advantage-one way powlhl. Back of the seniors of this rgnlatln tm.a an institution which takes the full responsibility for Hie satisfactory performance of the entire work. a. . v L . Our responsibility in h esse means not only the acknowledgement of an obligation, hot the finan rial and moral ability t efficiently discharge it. We are eapelaUy equipped to handle the deigning and erftinn of Hospital Building, u . v e e .aiw,1B - Btor Buildings Bank Building l Ap&rtmer.l Building Hotel BaU ltnst. Church Building- fkhool Buildings Oiuir. Him City Rldenees Or Other Large Build! ni of a Publlo or PrivnU Nature tnfunnat. concerning this Company's wcthM of handling tbe alft..t and erect,.,,, of buiMlntt ;JJm.r. tethrr with that coaming our f.u!itiee fof the rmdrnng t.f f.nancial at.nce It, the bj e of bui! dir. w t r'.mr iX wlU U "nX wr"n rtWl ffiaithrro llraltif 11nuri.t..mtt GJnmgamj w,jt Over Om Million Dollar) Architects and lHiildintf Contractors Office: Ground Hour, XUe WJg. Onuhik Nebraska Jt ta lbs potW ft thta Cvmrany t rufhase aH ef te "Mfite l "1 ruttding material .Me !, the e-v-rr.un'.tf fcre we wvtsrulie the tw'J-'ii of t bui'd'ng 3 V rcsw-" .