Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1916, Image 1

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    maha Daily
Call Tyler 1000
If You Want to Talk to The Be
or to Anyone) Connected
With The lice.
VOL. XLV-NO. 278.
On Train, at Hotel
Ww Itanda, te, M
; i
! " Showers ' :
President Diapleaied by language
of Note and Condition! Attached,
but Feeli Hii Demands
Are Met.
W.hii.tfon Probably Will Not
Reply, but Wait to See New '
Pledges Kept.
WASHINGTON. May 7. The prob
ability that a diplomatic break with
Germany baa been averted, at leam
temporarily, waa atrengthened today
when the official text of the German
note, laid before President Wilaou
and Secretary Landing waa found to
be slmoM Identical with the unof
ficial vemlon sent to the United
Btatea in preta dispatches.
Officials had indicated that should
the official text bear out the unof
ficial version they thought It im
probable diplomatic relations would
be severed, unless ''there should be
further attacks on merchant ship in
violation of the new pledgee given.
Uisippolntment ha been indicated,
however, over certain feature of the
German reply, and dome high official
believe that It at Ion it cannot be
eepteit unconditionally. The president
and Secretary banning studied the text
carefully today, going very minutely over
the phraieology and the ahade of meaning-
that might be attached to varloua
fiesta with rrraldenl.
Opinion whether the note required an
.newer aeimi divided. Peclilon rest
with the preildent, and until he ha
mad up hie mind it li unlikely that an
official expreirion of opinion would be
forthcoming. Bo far he hai not Indi
cated to any on hia final Judgment In
the matter.
It la entirely poaiibl that no reply will
be gent, for th preaent, at leaat, and
that the president will maintain complete
llenra for a time, allowing; Germany to
demonstrate on Its own behalf the good
faith of Its Intention to carry out the
policy indicated In It new orders to sub
marine commanders. .
Although the president realizes that the
promises given are the cardinal element
of the note, be Is understood to be dis
pleased over the'language ued and the
conditions apparently attached." "
hhould the note be accepted as satis
factory and a reply sent, It is expected
to lake th form of a notification to
Ormany that the t'nlted States lias de
cided not to sever diplomatic relations
a long as the new submarine orders re
main effective and are observed.
Screral Cabinet Stem be re Abirst,
Several member of the cabinet wer
not tn Washington today. Secretary
I-nslng left tonight to spend the week
end at Annapolis, taking with him an
official copy of the German note. II
expects to hav fully digested its state
ment by th time of his return Monday.
The only Indication regarding th per
onal attitude of ."resident Wilson waa
obtained from persons close to affairs
of the White House, He was described
as feeling himself In a position where he
could not question Germany' good faith
unless the declarations made by the
German government should not prov ef
fective. Count von Bernstorff, the Ger
man ambassador, returned to Washing
ton today from Ts'eW York. He gald he
had no instructions from his govern
ment to discuss the situation with Sec
retary Lansing and that he did not In
tend to go to the State department un
less ha should be so Instructed by Drr
lln or Secretary I.anaing should Invite
him to call. Officials would not be sur
prised, however. If the ambassador should
be Instructed to call on Mr. Ijinslng next
week after he and President Wilson
have had sufficient tlm to reach conclu
sions. Versions Nearly Identical,
The official tent of the Gorman not
wa made public today by the rUst de
partment. Ambassador Gerard, In trans
mitting th document, said he had re
ceded copiea In both German and Eng
lish, probably accounting for the offl
rial and unofficial version being so
r.'rlv Identical. A Slight different on
th teal occurs In that pirgiph where
the unofficial version aa that Germany
'has lie. Ide.t to nuke a further onrc
sum adapting th method .f submarine
warfare to th Interests of neutrals ' In
th official Hit th words "In adopting
nr-ar In i-l.e of il,. W...4 adanii...-
Another di(fru, 1st In ill miii,
mu.:n. ,, ( , ,,,, ,
i ah-1 ttai.inim tv
The Weather
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Naval Officials at Washington Talk
' by Wireless Telephone with
Vessels Far Away.
WASHINGTON, May 7. A work
ing system of wire and wlreles com
munication aald by army and navy
experts to be unequalled by that
any other nation was effected today
by the Navy department as an
adjunct to the prr-paredncM program.
It was Inaugurated by a wlreles
telephone conversation, the first of
Its kind ever held, during which Sec
retory Daniels, seated Kt his desk In
the Navy department, gave Instruc
tions to a commander on the bridg
of a warship operating a sal not a
theoretical enemy far off the Virginia
capes, and received reports from
Talk with All stations.
Simultaneously, other officials of
the department were In telephone
communication with all the navy
yards and stations in the continental
United States.
The plan represent more then ft year
of continued labor by naval officer end
exports of the American Telephone and
Tilgisph company, who have been co.
I operating with the department on th In
I vlldtlon of Secretary Durilcls. tt was pro
I tioum-ed a thorough suci.-e by officials
who witnessed Its execution this after
noon. Tests of the pluti will continue,
however, until 8 o'clock Monday morning,
all business between the department and
stations In the United Slntes find the but
tleshlp New Hampshire, used for tho
wireless telephone communication, being
conducted either by telegraph, telephone
or wireless until that time.
Bishop Says Feeling
Against Americans
In Mexico Weakens
Antl-Amcrlcan cntlment In Mexico l
decreasing, In the opinion of Bishop
Francis J. McConnell of Denver, who re
ported to the Methodist Episcopal gen
eral conference tonight tho result of
missionary work In that country, over
which be has Kpls'Oyat supervision.
He vlsted the, Mexican churches fre
quently during the trouble there and
was in Mexico City at the time of the
Villa raid on Columbus, K. M, He w
escorted to the northern border by Al
fonzo Jfcrrera, a Carranza leader, who
la a member of a Mexican Methodist eon-i"
"Whatever may be ald of President
Wilson' Mexican policy," said the
bishop, "It la true that this policy has
don mor to convince the Mexicans that
the t'nlted State does not want Mexico,
than hav all our other pollcle put to
"Th stories of outrages upon Ameri
can a the result of anti-American
plrtt ar very greatly exaggerated."
Wage Campaign
On Dandelions
Ten thousand dandelion are being
pulled out of" lawns each day by the
pupil of Lothrop school. This I In ac
cordance wih tho plan of Principal Nora
It. Iemon. It I a part of the campaign
against dandelion which ha taken the
form of a contest In which the Harding
Ice Cream company in to award 200 gal
lon of Ice cream. Ills Leihon ha the
children coached to pull tm dandelion
each day apiece, making a total of Borne dully.
A Any thl week 1 to be devoted to a
(lRtidellon match between pupil of KranK
lln choil, under the direction of Prin
cipal Ann Hutchln.
Heventy-flv bushel of dandelion plant
have been exterminated by the pupil
of Prnld Hill school, which h but four
French Press Flays
Reply of Germany
PAPvia. May 7. - All th vnlng paper
dfvnte their prlmlpnl baders to the CJ-r.
man irplv and btttcrlv oiulemn It a a
"siiliirif. g " ." ('oliin"! ltoiit and other
nilliurv writer, declare tht letiwl
itivi areiuul Verdun aro tmtein.
t..rniiK.ii with th" M-I'l. lu or Iff la
give tlii-'t ff c
Th Journal J' t'clat c!nnf flwi
tl ii.ii moii'iuiont ef liiiputUnce
,, i: ! ml ' 1 1 v ft. d t't fklxt tt. 11 k.ii.'A
I rrnch avr difd bv tv tf
fi.IV of Hi lelt ll il",,v.r thrli
ti'Uul uH ar 'iri f . tlUlinn
1 1 S nut! I ' I eii I'Mt'.n ' tr-i
lK n. I in-ikt k t'once ln tn il ":i.t.
11 aitifj .'
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Natives Reported to Have Risen
"on British, Who Are Said to Be
FleeinfJ Toward the
Moslem Chief Has Force of Troops
and Eight Thousand
BUR UN, May 7. (Via Wlreleaa
to Rayville.) An upi'lalns against
the British In the Sudnn is reported
in dispatches from ('onKUiiitliiople
to the OWrseag News agency today.
All Dinar, the Imam of Darfour.
with a for?o of troops and 8,0CHi
camels, Is said to ho mulching
against .the British forces in north
ern Sudan. The British, according l
the jtdvices, are retiring hantlly to
ward the Nile. ,
I'mi'lalni Holy War.
. The Constantinople report Male
that All Ulnar has proclaimed a liol
war ualnft th British and (hut ho
Intends (o co-operate with tho
Scnusi'l tribesmen In their iipmatloii i
against the Britit-h forces.
Darftir has an area of alioni 1 60,
000 square miles and Ihio western
most state of (ha Anglo-Kgyptlaii
Sudan. The exact population is un
known, but estimates run from "60,
OOO to almost 4,000,000. Tho in
habitants are known as Furs snd aro
a mixture of negroes and Arabs. They
profesg the Mohammedan religion
and are said to bo somewhat fan
atical. Independent Till 17.
The province was independent tin
111 1875, when It passed under
Kgyptiafi rule. All Dinar, the pres
ent sultan, has been chief of the
province since Jk9. Ul-Kasher, ihe
capital, ban a papulation of about
10,000 and Is 500 miles went, south
west of Khartoum.
Mrs. Glaze Loses Her
Suit Against Fifty.
' Saloon Keepers
PIErtCE, Neb., May T.-'Speclal Tele
gram.) A verdict In favor of the defend
ant wa returned thl njomliig by a Jury
after a three hour deliberation in the
(35,000 damage stilt cs of Wis. Kstclla
Claxe against some fifty aloonkecpers
in thl vicinity. According to th Jury'
verdict, Mr, tilase will get no damage.
Of the forty witneisc examined In
behalf of the defense, all of them em
ployes of th defendant naloonkrepers,
the majority of them denied vcr selling
Intoxicant to Don Ulaze, th plaintiff's
Here is a Chance
For Someone to Be
Of Use to Someone
A new or second-hand tent of moderate
size can be placed to Rood advantage bv
the Associated Charities. Secretary Donna
explains she Is assisting an elderly couple
who Intend to travel W miles by wagon
to a tract of land they expect to culti
vate. The husband is 80 years of age.
First Case of Heat
Prostration of Year
The first esse of heat prostration of
th present summer waa reported je
terdsy from the Eolith Hide, Walter
Moggy MI unconscious at Twenty-eighth
snd Q afreets, due to the hrst, Ho wa
taken to a hospital. Illiggy, pliyslclan
y, will be ad right In a duy or two.
The highest temperature ef the dnr wa
degree above sero at S o ch k In the
Fall Kills Aviator
Who Loops -thc-Loop
' DAI-l.t. Te . Ms T -lli'ter Wlr.
! Vn, local aUtof, wa Wili' l near br
t,.ll I , I when his ere.liiti fni'nl to rlsht
llf ttr l-ol'inf the l "'I 'l pl'ingej
t the ground from a betkl. nf i fet.
ills !''!. a bii' . .t.
! dent f t t IVeertH te', of Afltn.
, t n, ,V , wMiin ie'i r I .f the
' .... ll-t I Ul'lM I fhtt h( f, U
t, f.-rwet'l ( ef ?''tiiN
fwr .. I"l ( - i ! . i.n t.f
i .. l I 'i. t " I M- a r I
.. pro. (W si l,. i n
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-IDofecftVc Shoots Policeman Who
n If
$ Pulling
N't W tiit-tv , I - le I et
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WAR NU' -Miss Esther Cleveland will start for Europe
in the simmer to become a war nurse. Mi3s Cleveland
at p is with her mother, Mrs. Thomas J. Preston, Jr.,
a brings, Va.
if i o. i
" .."ft-? (V
- ' ' r-"vhtn.4,
. & .!
, Vv ' jf, -'i'f'l
Former Head of Institution Decides
to Accept Presidency of
Suburban College. '
That Dr. David It. Kerr will bo
president of Hellevue col,go next
year was definitely decided yesterdav
when l'rof. Wllllnm U. Nlchol, acting
president of tho Institution, received
a letter from Dr. Kerr In which the
former president announced that
"The die Is finally cast in favor of
Bellevue and Mrs. Kerr and myself
have decided to go back to nellcvue
once more." Dr. Kerr will bo at
Bellevue for tho meeting of the board
of trustees on Tuesday of commence
ment week and will assume active
charge of the college July l.
Slndent Will Hetnrn.
Th assumption by Vr. Kerr of the posi
tion he held or th twelve years from
190 to 1904 I expected to mean n Increase
In confidence In the collene. Many tu
dents have announced that they will re
turn to chool under the administration
of Dr. Kerr. Letters have been received
from men and women of nil denomina
tions all .over the state expressing tho
opinion that the return of Dr. Kerr will
mean an Increase In tho prestige of Delle
vua college. lie will nt one assume
charge t the work of rslsliig the IVOOO
endowment fund which ha been phinnod
by Financial Fecrctary Chat lea K. Hakcr
vllle, mor thun $'o,000 of which hn al
ready been pledged.
Tn I onilnt't Student (nun,
Tr. Kerr will asum charse also of
the g'.immer student canvas n soon a
ha arrive. The canvass ha already h"
gun In tlm sending oot of Mtei In every
I IkH 'hool graduate In th tate. Ath
letic Director K. Henjatnln and Prof.
W. A. Teter will esdi make a tour of a
section of the itste soon hi -h-ml Is
nut the first Week In Jun. Another csu
vser wi;i'ly alsn rsniis'gn a port
of the tat. I'reeiit pUu ste to iiiskn
the invs mor lin.u thsn vrr be Cecil Denies Charges
In the German Note
l'SI'V, Mil I tv. t,i,.,i li I uti
le. - I vn i-e i t fi'Si' ii'il u
i, ii , iovs.ln.t in li. icsii rtift
t H e..; in.1 in. .I.. 4 o. war
fl; l'i'l ll .it i ! i .,..ii.-i of mar
no l l t ii i i ni ! t
f..r f,,nim sf' i . m t ! f of the f . .
rln e''. e !).. eot il.iiin
'.'h He I'mm-i .i.m,l lii l tlf t lit.
1j l I I -1 il i.'i ,i II .i k i.t l .i
t t I . 1 ... I i i i ' i i
I I ll- .e -ii ef t ' ' e.if ' - -i 11
rft Mi Ff I f
Off a Mmuc Holdup
, can.'
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rsaajy fpmmmprmtwm wtrsit mum u mnm
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Minister Uses the Seemingly Para
doxical Word of Christ When He
Sent Forth Hii Disciples.
The noemlngly paradoxlcol words
riiltered by t'lirlst when He aent out
Ills disciples to preach the gospel
were used yesterday by Hov, Hugh
B. Bpeer as the text of his sermon at,
the Central United Presbyterian
church. '
"He that flndeth his Ufa shall lose
it; and lie that Inset h his life for My
sake shall find It."
The minister used these words to
show tho folly of drifting, the proflt
lessncss of taking the easiest way,
the character-enervating effects of
"In thl chptr Chrlt I giving; Hi
famous meege to go into the whole
world nd preach th gopol," ld Itev.
Mr. Speer. "He 1 lending forth twelve
men, uneducated nd poor, but twelve
men who were prepared to 'lose their
live' In order that they might 'find
them.' i
"Christ' massngs to the disciple Is a
model of candor, lie doe not dlsguljo
the hnrdshlp that they will encounter,
Poverty, persecution, discomfort, Buffer
ing, contempt, scorn all thee they aro in
"Th word of the Iird si a perpetual
challenge to true Christian everywhere.
They are a challenge to leave th seduc
tion of the world, to follow Christ, 'to
loe the worldly life' In order that they
may find a better spiritual llfo,
Vlelil In Kipedlencr.
'"There Is too mifh weak yielding to
expediency, too much diingeroiis drifting
nlth the tide, too little irong Kltncsxltig
of tho truth. Truth tmisl find enpresstoit
or It wMI Wither slid )le. These twelve
men ahum Jean sent out to nv. li the
roepel Itecitiiio greet by dt-elarlng the
truth. Tlinlr chsraeters were tnsde great
by privation end hsidnhlu. Tli'-lr -inli-a
Illuminate the rintirle he. o
they merged their early live In tins dolni
of (hrlut will, this tluirtln' th
words nf ihe tet, tho 'finding' thulr
, l.m that they lied Most' fur III ak
''Ihfl r.. life tue Ih.ll'fiteKt life, th
! ! al lifn in"r ill I soy )mil tn
I M l hodl .
j "Niithln j w ir in.lne I bv dilfiln
( Von i sil t ilitft lul l I hriittlmi '! '
i v.o esn t d"iH loin t'oiin or if.f.
' oiil ii.)m Udi, ii'i rent vn le. ft
j initi ii' i." . i . i 'I I... ii en will
j rut o rt III ist f f It lit
! ut-ler ! t io b wraiy n.iuH t i
I rv ). lent
I t !.. .i I. f e 1O14 I . f . I.
toll in I Hi. no I il U th ertii it'll U
tie t...w ti g 11 In 1 I 1 II. .)
t !, t ai . . inn ,. f.t p,it In I !
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I . i II, H ) I..'. I, 1,1 v,,
S, ,.. I! ..I -il. I . ,f , ,.f fl
1 1 1 i ,i 1 t.' 4 i.
TMnK, tlin Mi tn Will
uiiimii niunuui 11 ill
Depress tho Allies
t I: I
i t , I I Yl f ! ..
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Over Five Thousand Dropped in
Milk Pans at One Meeting to
Pay Expensci,
I Special Telegram.) "Billy" Hun-
day' revival l only a week old, but
It ha already smashed several rec
ord, has almoKt split ihe local t'om-
neMal cluh, and has preilpltaled aiScoU n(j Fungton Meet Qbregon
puuee cleanup ami iiiih itii" wnoiri
town thoroughly atirred. I
I The neweni achievement was the'
putting of f '.,276 In the milk l"""i
fur current expenses at Ihe meeting ,
last night. j'
j Tlie lotdl of tho iiillectlon wa.t
j handed to the revivalist on a slip at
the clone of hi sermon. i
"Vim have i ni , i,n , it 'if, toniaht," s
he snlil, "This t.neks the lUlllmor
I'eeotil of ,t,'.3 liken In nt one Uieetiiig."
(11 liter Tit 'Ihnnaanil,
"'s losl.e It nu rieii soma
one shooied. Thrmis uenl ohhiihI skuIii,
and the antount o r rsubtrrlbed l-Ti. !
The reilval started In lh rsln. A)
tolul of i'l.t'D people vlflled the In her-1
US' le In 1 n 1 ii,-. ni 1 e nnij liijile)' 11111I11 elhis
Ihe flist line Miner then the Inleiesti
hu never rlnMrd. The slten.hince for j lhroilKll lllil aoulhern limits Of HreW
slx dsis Is e.tlmntid to hw c,te, and S'er lounly, in the Dig fiend district
Ihoossnds hs. l.e tinned .,, es, I. j of q)()l)) nrt lMng )hre HUH
lilthl Ho great hits hern the nisnlfesls - ' . ,
no,, r i,e,,T. ,1,., the first ell f, ! selile.nenU near (he border-Glenn
"trail hitter" i espenni toinoiiow , ' Springs, Uoqtilllaa and Deemers
wMhiti a in or two i 1 he lenst, ! took plafo on Friday night and Pat-
In , pi.ter lody Humlsv e.l.l. un1()y ,,.!,, ,,, nf,wg of U fi not
"While no Itn Ilnlloii ha been gl .en, I , .
we know, O l.o.d, ihs! In their hearts , h'' ,,n,1l r.
theie ste liuiiilledH ready In take a slund Tronu Ordered In eene.
for I'lu Int." Within an hour preparntlon had b'en
beg in for gdequst etlon. Wnjir tlenrl
lleaiuip i.f oeili Side. Kr-.ilerhk tiinsloii ordered Ihst, In sll.
The in, ,il IHoM.nti clc,,,,,., that the ,nUr ,,. of rav.,ry ,hnllM .cerd to
polio. fm,ecrr uu.e Ksnan City , ,,,,,, rlin tn ,.,.,,f,re small d"
teomlsed by II. W. ItsiiunH, chief of ,, m,lrnU hU.,,u on the cen front
police, This was demanded ,, ,e Snrlli ,,rlJI)(i Al)ll, ,, ohff poi,,,.. The..
Side booster, who were ln.i,eil by the ' ,rnop f0, mAr on)((h,, , aa,
pre...M e of the tshernacU, 1 Iheir -'i-, ,rI.a tha.lf the eslgenc e. of the c.s de
tret. Holding .tud have nee,, sppoinied ; 10lM ,,h hfy wn rro ,h
In ech district of ihe ,l.y and the prom-; imtlief , iiy fm dwn ,, dpM
Ise Is Ihst the chief may be held lespon- T,,y rm,M nt twt) ttwpn
lbl If the Joh Is not (iiotonch, J fif f(( mu)U CIIVKUy frnm vrt ,,,,
A Commercial .h.l, . whl. l. has M ,. lin,Ur Mb,0(. T. Jjl)1B.
left boll, Ihe .lull and the brewer In j ,,,,,, ,, ,w ,roo, of th, yWleenth
very uncomfoi table poxlUon is a dl.eet ,,, Vt)H und(.r ,.,,,,
oulgrowth of Wundsy s eomlng. Tderi,k W. ,bey, rommndr of th
Hun lluongli I led llacliliie. j Knurleentli.
i A ehiii) c)ed Coiiiimirclsl rliih dlrfelnrj 'I 'm twit deti hment r iected to
discoverer) thai llterstur ttii"klng Hun- detrain tomorrow morning, Major I.sng
day, mailed brosdeast throughout the 'home's si Alpine snd Colonel Kibley'i sr
City by the "t.llier League,'' had been ! Marathon, from these point thry will
run through th same uililrranograph aalmnrh outli ninety mile to th border,
his notice to attend a Commercial club i While military nvirit were developing'
meeting. He rained a row shout It, and', with such rapidity, th conferetn over
th Commercial irluu md a complete i "' co-operation of American nd Meal
dlsnvijwsl. Three btiwer member ron-jean aoldler In Meslco, which had bean
fessed to using the eluh's Machine. expec ted to reach a culmination point to-
That wa Hi ds ago. hlnce then,
fund)- hn never mentioned It,
"I will tear Into them," Is alt tlist Him.
dsy has said so far.
Irish Rebels Are Not
Doomed on Suspicion
IiCMU.W May 7. - tVIa Inmlnn.)
Justice i being dealt out to t It Hlnn
Kclner on the pure fads proved by In-
conleatlhln testimony regarding their ac
tive participation In the recent rebellion,
Husplclon Is not enough for a court mar
tial to condemn any man, and vengeance
for Ihe killing of soldier or the detruc-
lon of property doe not enter the mind
of the military Judge. There, I nu
"dragooning to death'' of th rebels.
Calls Irish Kising
Menace to America
PiaritOHUAn, May 7,-(Vla London. -Tim
1'ilrogiad clazeim declate that the
Irish rebellion wan a menace to the
I'nltod Mates, for bad the tiorinim sue.
needed lu carrying out their plan re.
KHiiltng Inland they would, the new a
paper believe, have repllnl in ('resident
Wilson latent note by a threat to start
the same kind of an uprising In America
In district thickly ctt led by Uerinitus.
Enrico Caruso, the
Singer, Off to Italy
M:W VOUK, M4v t- I nitio t'aiinn.
Ihe tenor, sailed today on the steamer)
Kapiiug for Italy, hv av of I lame lie.
foie rnlllng He slider said he etptctcdi
to return to New York In Noieml-i-r If j
be I imt callid i pmi tn true In tlm I
linliaii aitnv,
Tlr DrnrrCT nDICC
! IWU rtnrtUI UAtSIti
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Bandits Raid Three Texai Bettle-
ments, Slay Child and Carry
Two American
and They Discuss Latest
KL PA HO, Tx May 7.Thre
American soldiers and s 10-year-o'd
hoy have lout their live and two
American cltlr.ens have been kid-
naped and carried aouth of the Inter-
natlonul boundary to almost certain
i death in another raid of Mexican
bandit that In ken rank with Fran
cliuo Villa's famous attack on Colum
I bus, N. M. Whether the marauders
ere VMHataa or Carranislstas Is not
now n,
The bandits' foray, carrying them
j day, cme to an abrupt halt.
lllieaM He eil It Held.
Generals rkolt and Kunston mt On
ers! ohregon and Juan Amador, Meil
fon aulj-cecietary of foreign affair, lit
th immigration station at the America-)
end of the International brldg ahorlly
alter II o'clock thl morning for wiiat
had been cspeoted to be their final con
flreni. It developed later, howcer, that
piattlcally tl only insttir dlaeuased w
th bandit raid at Glenn Spring.
What wa aid at th meeting was not
divulged. Jminodiately thl morning Oen
irsl Obrcgon, and Secretary Amadora
luirrlnd to JuareK, where they entered
(icneral Ubre.gon'a car and began a con
ference which lasted thre hour, Oen
ral Uavlta, commander of the Juarex
garrison; e'ineral Kanto and Andrasa
Unrein, Mexican consul In il Taso, tooK
art tn thl Cliciuislon.
Tonight General Obregon wsg In t'le
grtjihlc communication with Venut!an
Carranza and It wa understood he wa
acquainting the first chief with th new
development and suggested action that
would have to bo taken.
Three Are Killed.
soldier, (John, Cob c, and HoRer, and
one civilian, th young on of a mm
named Con p'.on, were killed In th hnnult
raid on Glenn Spring, nciurdlng to of
ficial report to 1'ort Kant lluuston from
I.leutensiil C. II. Norton, Fourteenth
ravalry, at Applue. Two soldier, Ililck,
and Pefcea, were wounded, lit adlttoii
three oldter.f and two civilian whose
names wei given a Comptoii and flovsi'n,
have been missing since the f'glit.
v..i.-rn v i w t i i v..h M.-T-Th.
repiibthan stt rnnventlnn her tod
ejeeted delegate In th tiatlnr.ttl mnvrii.
tlon, thniie . A. IVrkln vt Tcoma for
t national riniiinltlreman and lopt4 a
platfoim that eont.lowt r.u rrrnc ti
I ""' f""'i' Th. d.
! tsihiit not Instructed to rust It vol
! " tiHIeolsr Kiidl'li.
1 1 '
Yt lUiiw ulaalrs Hail.
W SMINIT", ,M T-i. Wart'
..l lit 'I'M M, ill. t lllll,) II ltiN
i In Nw J-ir Mas II iiun.l.,1 iy
I rii U.t llictt t"tn fcr tha 11. w f.,,
I 1 ! I till- ill .'l.i 1 1' 't.t t-1 I ... .
!! I I .1 I ! i K
I i". h f 1. 1 1. 11 Mi 1 mi ll a .MKni.
mil if. an l f. t I ell. 4 , eu.'.
In '
A Barometer
of Public Approval
1MO Moru; rA,D
I't'iJ Wa,,t-AiU for
Ut ffU, riulinif 5-6,
tltii, in iu Httkt Ut
) car.
I wtliiw llt lfn,l t'f ui
h ir l, t.l put
jnur Wtitl-Adi in TTI
, ,, , 11...11 . -ii,.,,. ... imM.i. ii. i.e I..... .,.,, .... ).:! .- , ,..,1 ,,, , i, - I... , r tl'.,
t In ,,!. 1 i .t...,, I i , , ,, m . . .in.., I 1. ,., ul ! . -n j. I i 11 t t,.l , h I ''
t. a t i a I i .