Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 8

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    J A
Many Important Contracts for New
Structures Listed in the
Week's Activities.
Hi.! are bclns received for a tM.WS
iiilck mill stone school building for Hi.
Patrick's church. The school In to va
tiuilt at Kievcnth ami Caatelar atrcftta
il U Im be two-story and basement,
rian have been completed and the lot
ting of the contract will be made soon.
t'.wry week lit bringing out new plan
Im new huiliilntf activities In Omaha,
ii nd exery wck 1 cIohIhk many con
tract for the conatruction of thorn fur
which plana have been out for some time.
The itvlsed bid on the Job of 1.011
alructuiK Ht. 1'etcr'a Tinman Catholic
ehurch, Thlrty-ccond and Pacific streets,
have now gone In, and It la expected
that this awarding of the contrail will
lie not delayed much longer. Consider
able delay haa already been occasioned
by the fact that revised hid were asked
for, with aomo rhiinifes In the plana In
volving the elininritloii of mu h of the
ton work originally planned upon, Thl
haa thraan the beginning of building
operation a few week uelilnd, hut It I
hoped to get aa much of the work a
possible done while the summer weather
It la tatimated that this building will
coat 1128,000. It la to be xl7 feet. '
E. Roknlck, 7710 Farnam street, la to
build a 112,000 fcakary plant at Twenty
savsnth and farnam street. The struc
ture la to he 19x90 feet. The general eon
tract haa been let to Alexander Heck. ,
V, P. Chlodo Is to build an apartment
house to coat IfiO.OW) at Twenty-fifth and
Marey atreeta. It la to be 70iH0 feet and
three stories high, with a basement, and
of brick and ston construction. Plana
are being drawn.
A rooming houas to coat SH.OOO 0 be
built at H17-8 Bomb. Thirteenth street.
Th strurtur Is to be 3x3o feet.
Twenty residences of moderate alxc
were among the pmpertte recently sold
by lha Oshoms y company. This
company haa been enjoying a nlca busi
ness during the last month. The follow
ing are among the sales made.
Four-mom cottage and two lots at 4214
( anidi'n avenue to Florence Vromnan.
Klve-rooin bungalow and one lot at iT.'i8
Kouth Thirty-fifth street to William
Five-room cottage and ona lot at 1312
Chimes street to Harry liowman,
Kit a-room collage and one lot at 87'
Air,M avenua to K. O. Oar pen tor.
Kim-room bungalow and ona lot at ZU,i
Ame avenue 'to 1 8. Kelley.
Five room bungalow and ona lot at M.Y
Laurel avenue lo Fred Miller,
hli-ioom houaa and three lota at M90
Muti. Fourteenth avenua to Edward
Willi maon,
fw room houaa and ona lot at Mnt
lhnde street to ham WsJker.
8c v-n-room houao and ona lot at 1414
Martha street to Cora, B. Tucker.
Five-room bungalow and one lot at 1K2
Jllrunl street to I.. Koaenateln.
Five room bungalow and ona lot at WU
Kitlitor at reel to The Heeae. t
Kite-room bungalow and ona lot at 2831
I'lin 'y street to Hannah Moluf.
Km lit-room houae and one lot at 2811
Woolwortli avenua to J. W. Vogel.
Four-rootn houaa and ona lot at SOW
Knward afreet to Iul Jrbena,
Four-room houae and one lot at UZ
Meieritth avenue to (ieorgo Mcsser
chmidt. Koir-room houae and three lota st KtU
North Thirty-fourth street to Mollla C.
Four mom houae and threa lota at MM
North Thirty-fourth street to Mollis C.
Four-room cottage and ona lot at 2104
North Twenty-ninth street to Andrew
Five-room oottaar. and ona lot at 4831
North Thirty-ninth atreet to John Brill.
Flva-room bungalow and ona lot at 42
1-cave nwortu atreet to H. Anderson.
Green Tells the ,
Realty Men What
TheyShould Do
TV. H. Green la back from California,
where lie again spent tha winter. Tas,
he told the Real Estate Exehang. that
ha was back at tha meeting Inst Wednes
day. He always announces htmsulf when
be returns. He always tall tha exchange
what It ahould do. Kven though ha was
chairman of some of tha exchange's spa
rial committee charged with specific
duties, ha stayed away many months, but,
nevertheless, he had some specific advice
to give to the exchange when he re
turned as to what to do and how hard
to work tha committee.
Hevcral of the recent meeting have
been given over to the discussion of
bright IdesM. offered by the various mem
er. Mr. litem suggested thai when ail
the bright idea are in, the exchange
elect the three brlghtPHt ami go tu work
on them to ctoinplih something.
"Let u accomplish, three big thins
Hits ar, and nmke Unit the work of the
balance of the )eir,' he aaiit II will
lie belter to aecompllMi three thin titan
to ta Me a mm or mora and accompli)!
Ii. 'tiling. '
PAVILION AT MANDAN PARK Quiet spot on the South Side, where old and young
may gather on warm days to while away the hours An ideal spot for picnics.
J. ... A x
-; ' ' ' ! , V
tY .t ", ' , '
k i
1 I
-.1 s f l
A. I'. Tukoy, one of the olrlr-et real
Citti.te 111''!
011 Miy 1.
iii the illy, wan Beventy-nne
He attended the inciting ot
ili. Heal F.etate KjvHinnse laet v
day and wim given a rountntf chcr whet
he annoi n ed his hk Ce Introduc "
by P. evident llttrrl .cn hk the nestor of
tic cxihangc. Mr. Tuk. y told Iho b-yf
he was too old to inulvc epecches. Hill
tiica parsed the lnlmtlfin to ad Ircsi the
- ' . iwr-rr 'mrrii
at i . .. . .
t 3 : rt iti
I , 1 i I '-' 1 i .,!'
sassssssssssassBsBasssswa wn taiM ,. . 1
The new pavilion at MandiiM park.
'S'mith Hide, will be opened IikIhv. Thl
I a neat mid aei vlciihlc bulbllng of uf-
flclent (llrni'iinloim to uinet the demand
of this pretty riverside purk.
This Improvement mark the beginning
of a substantial development of tha Houth
Several Bi(r Dealt Are Closed Dur
ing: Week, While Other,
Hang Fire,
Eighth Irish Eebcl
Leader Executed
lil'IIIN, Mwv V - VI lnrt.vni-tl
was vrfu(.illv aonvue.d to-itv h
MJr J.'hn M 'l.iWr Hi. rillh leidr
ill II. h. ill I rut fr . l II tit l tr
llb hi feiOC at c'lirt-iuaitlsi, bus
1. l. 1 l 'ie iteitieiuy jvf 1 1,., tt.
ttutitvr ttt 't VV lllUlll 1 iitil, wa ttaie
I'll" ..l t itisllt ttH Ml.. M lln.l
rm v .I'i'O-'ii. 't ilt I'l'i'i iiniftc'i.i
Itm-i'ii 1 li tiS-f"! ni. a t f H. lu . rt In
!i 111 i 1 11 i..ii'i t .. h,.i.r rr(. 4
' 1 1 11. it'.i m Mm i'J Jf.i, .
1 v . . I it V !-,. !,
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H J I v t ! 1 "..1 .1 V Hull l
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With the purchase cf a location for
the new ("mm ha athletic club building
still a matter of the future, other big
real estate denla, iieverthcle. were nc
gntlnted lust week, lino was a trmis
actlon as Inrge aa that of acquiring a
site for the athletic club.
This was the ac'tulslt iton by the Over
land automobile people of tract of ground
st Thirtieth and Kamam streets for
what amounted roundly to J'W.OnO.
In the meantime other large denla are
pending. Home more For nam street prop
erty Is undergoing negot lotions thnt will
probably result In a dale of considerable
proportions somo lima this week,
Tha rtlslto Realty company la said to
have practically cloned Its denl for a
long-term lease on some Klxtcenlh street
property, where the company Is said to
be contemplating a large combination
movie theater and hotel, ,
Mark Competition,
Meantime much competition Is In evi
dence among real estate men and the
bualness men In an effort to swing Ilia
location of tha Athletic club to this or
that section of the city.
The southeast corner of fourteenth
and Farnam streets up to the prenent
time has tha largest and most substan
tial following of holsters who are will
ing to club together with a bonus so
substantial that this corner, although
valued at something like to,ono, would
occasion tha club an outlay of actual
caah not to exceed perhaps IO,(iO.
Other propositions aro being consid
ered, however, and real astute men with
good locations at their disposal aro
greatly Interested In the ultimata de
cision of tha executive committee of the
club with regard to the definite location.
Eight-Year Old Boy
Confesses Killing
Mother with Gun
PORTBMOUTH, O.. May B.-Qeorge Jor
dan, I years old, confesxed today, offi
cials say, that ha killed his mother with
a Shotgun. Last Wednesday he told offi
cials that his father, ftoy Jordan, killed
tha mother with a shotgun following a
quarrel bocause she did not get up early
enough to get breakfast.
Tha officials had brought Qeorge and
FYed, his S-year-old brother, before the
probate Judge, when Fred, pointing to hl
brother, said:
'Oeorge, what did you kill my mamma
George hung his head.
Asked It the accusation were true the
boy said It was. lie said he was plsylng
with tha shotgun and did not know It was
loaded, lie pulled tha trigger back and
tha contents of the gun were discharged
into his mother's head.
Neighbors found the body of Mrs. Jor
dan Tuesday afternoon. Four sou and
the futhcr were Immediately taken Into
Yesterday tha father was formally
charged with the murder.
Wile park syslem under the Greater
Oinnha regime.
t'lty t'ommlssloner Hummel believe
Mundsn purk has not received the at
tention It deserves. Heenically, It
Is the prettiest park of the, system. It
overlooks n commanding river view und
is In line for further Improvement. Mr.
Hummel Intend to build a strong wall
Banks Required to
Give Investments
in Foreign Bonds
WASHINGTON', May 9,-Th Comptrol
ler of the currency today Issued a call 10
all national banks requiring them to re
port to him their condition at the close
of bualneaa on Monday, May 1. In their
answera to this call nntlonal banks nra
requlrsd to Inform the comptroller of
their Investments In foreign securities,
particularly those of nations now en
gaged In war. The result Is expected to
show for the first time how muoh of
the loan to tha entente allies
o.imo directly or Indirectly from national
banks, aa woll as how much Oermany
or Austria may have secured through tha
same sources.
Pope Sends Message
' to President Wilson
WASHINGTON, May l.-Monlgnor
Giovanni Itouzsno, the apostolic delegate,
called at the White House today and
delivered a message to President Wilson
from Tope Benedict Ha did not sea the
president, hut left tha communication
with Hecretary Tumulty.
White House offlelal at first refusei)
to discuss the message, and so did tha
aposlollo delegate. Later It wag stated
that It bore on tha submarine Issue be
tween the United Btates and Germany.
It was understood It reflected tha appre
hension of the pone at the possibility of
a rupture between tha two countries.
The mrasaga was at once sent to the
president and officials explained their
refusal to discuss It by saying It was
Sarpy County Farm
Sales Are Made
The Oiln M Merrill ompany rp"ria
the sale of a neventi five a. tit turiii near
iietnii. itaipy unv , I., lunging tj
niaiiea t Keller Tb ptirvliT w.s
Hfritt AnaVrmm, who n Inn ni.nh
el nf Mi'l.ii'l Tha i.iii l inttun a
h"u l. Ifm i
A I. 1 litiu 1. 1. nit urn 1.1 ihv Mn
Nltm taltt'w Ivns mi ii.!:rs Writ ef
Mi'iiiigf'eM, Kttd l-r 4 ' "tt Th
pii.hp - I' I Vl. hu hvr
l.ei IhWril ef 'n, . 11 ! f tVU will
lltlOtv I!'. ItllM tt'itl.g tr
Can you find for investment?
HO MB m'lLDKRS' shares
have riHr-n in value after each
dividend. July 1st In the time
for distributing rash dividends.
the advantage of that increase?
Builders R
In nildltinn (he Increase In
value of shares may amount to
as much hh what the Govern
ment pity n on I'ogtHl Saving,
or what the hunks imy for Hav
ings gccoimts. Keep your
money busy. Keep It safe,
flume HuildiMs' protect you by
tiioriKHgca on new building
not on old imen,
Miiy we xeinl yny our plan?
(ilgii lo talk or write you.
Home Builders
Allii'l Iran Nwiirtty !',,
t Tilt A Ihiuglaa M., IMu.ilia.
along the embatiknirnt, which now In ;
guarded only by un old rail f' in e.
MhihIhh park f an Idenl spot for pic.
nlcs. It I not fur from the Albright 1
street car lino and In accessible by auto-
mobile. In arranging the band concert j
schedule fur the season this prk will
be remembered and houth Hlders will
Imve reason to appreciate during the
season the fsct thai they haw been con
solidated with the parent 'It y.
The new pavilion has accoiniiioiliitlons
for the caretaker and will afford shelter
for a goodly company of park visitors.
Cyclone Sanitary
Lawn Fence
Is the highest grade fence on tti't
market heavier, stronzer and
closer spaced than any oilier, t'ou
plete, erected on wood post, 25
cent per lineal foot nnd up.
We carry a full line of wire an.
Iron feneeg and gates, trelllgr-a for
rogea end vines, flower bed bor
ders, fence etay. gleel posts for
field fencing. Come In and ge'i
the line and get our low prices.
Bend for catalogue.
207 X. ITlh Kt.
i'lione lied Ml 4.
W W ALU' V&b
V V.. ..Li..
1 1 ' jn it e '
Douglas 1136
3 I ' "!
fyaWryMKae'''l'''e' f"i ; waweM.'j
.5 mr-
Djuglai 1136
Newest Styles
Largest Selection
Finest Quality
Best Service
Lowest Prices
Just phone Douglas 1136 now and our
dealer near you, who is an expert interior
decorator, will call, help you (select your
decorations to harmonize with your fur
nishings nnd make you estimates on the
work you want done. No obligation to you.
This h the eaxy, economical and sat
isfactory way to decorate. Phone today.
Omaha Wall Paper Co.
Douglas 1136
1113-1115-1117 Howard St.,
Let Them Grow With
Growing Omaha
leaiitirul stock of shade and ornamental , trees, shrubs and
hedgo plant at greatly reduced prices. Apple trees In 22 varieties,
three years old, only IOC-
Call at office end display grounds at 61st and Higgs Sis.,
Benson, or phone Iienson 5:14.
P. J. FLYNN, Prop.
Benson, Nebraska.
II Paint Your Property Now!
We have ready tntved house paint from $1.7,1 a gallon up.
(loud black scree., paint, per uuart T()
Wtioe paint, per gallon SI.ItTi
Ham paint, per gallon JSl.Iiri
I'ratt Uinibcrt'.i Hour Varninh. per quart JIO
Carter and houthdM White l.cml, Woodman I'ure Unseed Uit.
Barker Bros. Paint Co.
Douglas 47W.
3-r. j
r iT.T3 W4 T H J 'JVr I i & -a"- l'K
We Have a Book of
Great Importance For You
The only way we can get. your name so that we fan send
you a topy in through this advertisement.
This book deuls with a very Important subject one that
Ib Interes'ifiig to every pernon Intending to build a home, It
nmy be the means of saving you 30 on your fuel bill this
coming vln'er, and the pleasure and cniufnri of u cool home
next antiitner. II tells all about
We kImII bo pleaned to (tend you a eopy of thia Dn Luxe
Hooklet on receipt of your name and addreHH, und with it send
you a Hum pie of FlaxlHium. a board form of mutilation made
from flax fiber, which la thoroughly degumined and chemically
treated, making it rat and vermin proof. KUxllnum Is equal to
four solid Inches of back plaster and thirty thlcknemtcs of build
ing paper.
Flaxlinum in sold by:
0. W. Hull Company.
Chicago Lumbar Company.
0. V.. Diotz Itiimbar Company.
Oaorca A. Boaifland fc Company.
Bradford-Kennady Lumbar Company,
Oulon ft Ldwlc)i.
rsrmara' Lumbar Company,
Bullsrd, Hoag-land ft Bsnsdlot.
Missourt Rivsr lumbar Company,
K. I. Cady Lumbar Company.
Vpdlks Lumbar ft Coal Company,
Boyar-Tao Knran Lambar ft Coal Company.
Entsrprls. Lumbar ft Coal Company.
Klvstt Lumbar ft Coal Company,
Platnar Lumbar Company,
riorsnoa Lumbar ft Coal Company, riorano.,
Send for This
De Luxe Booklet
Northern Insulating Co.
1IW . t 'Diversify Ave.,
M. I'Httl, Minn.
Mh4u tjt a
Vegetable Plants
We have all the
popular named
The Nebraska Seed Co,
1613 Howard Street
li HI WW IMWWBWi 'ittiEsgflff 1
juor.r wnorfuuiuM to
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Heavy Hoisting
mZFirnimSt. Tel. D.353
I lC09lj rarnam.
Awnings of His Better Grades ..zn
Tiaas made for bulldins. for lifting a niorUage and for other
i.uriHxes If you own a lot and have, a portion of the co-t of bulld
InK, we can loan you the balance. No commission. No delay. Small
monthly payments,
Omaha Loan & Building Association
NnrtliMcM t'onier IXnlKe uml Fifteenth Streets.
i. W. MKtMlS, I'reident. W. . IAIU, .s.. A Trena.
13C2 W. 0. W. Building.
- r ! i i.
v ' ' ll,.
Nebraska Tent & km Ccrr.pany ';
i ft
v a h.,i)!iiii
U t r . .i a- F-i a tWa "
VmiaSMX-Mi.7Xi T -"- .Saaalm.; S' Ulaftillls1Mllaa1IMIIIII IMi
DOMlSCa f !GMTla
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utinirr ll 'Utfa
t ltm aihl Vllr
lite mm I ttt.Mirr lltl.llt
I r ltiiM i Ih t
Tel. Dou. mo
Our Fireproof Warehouse
..If.-.- at ei re istiiml l lnle fe .limine .. nuir fliiulliiii',
.' I tt iui .uitl otl.el ln.ii-ilii'lil fin MKlilniiv s.i,uiti liltisl
(tit.liia, tl ttjillll ll I"') '
4, ; i . VI
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ri t lAi i Air rrTT
n n aTTi r la via mm r
FUti y
Our fu'mtuf j Are Etfeili
,t)m ik.uth tth lrr'l