Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1916, SPORTS SECTION, Image 41

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    Pas Boys Surely Are Making Good on the Prospectus We Had
Oklahoma Pete Makes Wonderful
Catch of Line Drive Which Would
Have Tied Up Count.
Yorks Drop Another
Game to Men of Bean
town. Close
Oklahoma Pet Kllduff can now write
bin nam in capital letter and bold-faced
Oklahoma rU ttlncd everlasting fame
nd a or digit In th ninth tram of th
combat yesterday between Omaha and
fcloux City by nailing a liner from the
bat of Larry I.ejeun and thu prevent
ing tha Sioux from tying tha core.
With the teoret1 to 4 In the ninth, two
ci t and Connolly in third, Lcjoun caught
one of Thompson'! routhpaw slnnt n th i
beak and slammed It toward lift field
with three-base ticket on It. Connolly
ctarted to gallop for home and the faun
began to set ready to .tll! down for
an i xtra-ltiriln fray.
Maltri Flylngr l.rap.
liut It wai not to be, Kllduff leaped to
the left and In the air at the aaine time,
throw both hand! up and pulled down
tha ililc. It handcuffed brnve I'e'e, that
drive did, but the doughty little hoitstop
hunt; o to U until limp Mullen cal'ed
IJdun.i out. Then lie dropped the bull
end began, to mi ma hi liand which la
probably ! yet, Jxjeun (hrew hie bat
In the air, niaile weaHiIng remark about
the ancestry of Kllduff, himself, the ati-a
and the world In general, und the UcliluU
fen hiked for the car.
It vai ooine ball game and the l.W)
fane pro ie nt went home entirely satis
fled that our de luxe HouiUc are sumo
thletn. A number of cniallonal plays
were tagd by the Jtourk arid North
tow hi life to hi mate.
Hit Blous hit I.011 pretty hard, but nifty
support held them down until the alxtli,
when they broke loos fir a trio ol.tulli.
Marty Krug derrlcked North In the ".v
nth and Cecil Thompson cam forth to
'ubdue tha, Indian with hi moist ball
nd earn th victory.
Hoarkc Count Thrice.
Th gam breeced alone In tight ityle
'for thre atanze. Thin the Ilourkovln
Jn got to l)oe Watson, former 1'eleial
league (Ike-kick of Sherlock Holmes, and
drove In three counter.
"Kay Miller atartel the rally by pollnj
it drive to right, Kllduff added to hi
bonors by lammlng a double to left, cm
.which Miller t.lked to third. With th
Infield drawn up Johnny l'rlcst laced a
hit' through Cooney, scoring Miller and
Kllduff. North laid down bunt, which
ent I'rlest to econd, and Earl Pnilth
nt Tried horn with a two-ba knock
to right.
Heor I Tied,
In th lxth th Sioux knotted th count
by catching North when h wasn't look
ing. Cooney drew a walk to start It.
George Watson rolled a dinky tingle to
right Cooney cored and WaUon took
aecond on Connolly' hit to Smith gar
dent Leeune' hit scored Watson iinl
ent Connolly to th rd. Ilenallng's (quecno
bunt marked Connolly.
In th seventh North became wild galii
nd Thompson ws culled to do the reicue
net. "
Omaha won th gam In th final half
ef th seventh when Doo Watson blew up.
Two Korrd Home.
Thompson' got ft llf on Crosby' error.
Emlth beat out a bunt and Burg sacri
ficed. Gasper ordered Watson to pa
Krug. Hase filled. Watson then chucked
th pill Into ono of Cy Porayth' tender
ribs, forcing Thompson over th rubber.
Gasper Jerked old Watso and summoned
S'rlnc Gasklll from the bull-pen. Prince
went In and tried to terrify everybody
fcy a bunch of wild ferocious wind-up
Krueger popped ft short fly to ttejeune,
fcut Miller waited , 0v" uut and drew
a walk., '" Smith over the plat.
Kllduff alammed a drive toward second,
which Gasklll caught on the tip of h'
glove Just enough to caroom tho pill lo
Cooney, who made a one-handed stop
nd threw Kllly out Th drive had every
'Jloenso to be a safe one to Kllly cannot
be censored for having hi revenge by
robbing Loleune of a clout.
The Sioux put ono tally over In the
ninth. With Callahan and Cooney out.
Watson aint'led to crnted, and scored on
Connolly triple to l:ft. Then Connolly
was left on the runway howling for help
when Kllduff tagtd the enati n of thi
t'mp Minn 'Km.
All of the Rniirke played gum! line
ball. Kllduff pnstimed In l.l usual sto:lar
fsahlon and Is credited with an error
enly because Umps Andrews muffed one.
1 ete' throw to firnt w wide, but Miller
recovered In lllii lo touch the I ng before
the, runner, lint Andrew hart other
thought on Ills mind and wasn't Innlili.g
. he called th runner safe. I! an't
the only deetitin Andrei muffed ntir
lay. II butted shout ., on boih teams
In the matter of tonkin decldti im,
Karl rnUlh almost startled ("allahai
rut of h s normal mind bv a fir.iw t.i
the plate In lh third inn'iig Conn- lly
lifted a fly t l"'ft and Col, van on
hlnl. ttempted tn er aftr.r th cttcU,
tiuiltli limria a perfect peg to liUte .
li t Callahan fnuiol Kruetr salting fur ;
him fill in band. The lhnr i4Jhl t j
f ilt fiftteii feet f ! tha put-, an I j tn iii.i. l II in !
.r-i! i I bliti lm -. aa r rit.e lt.i t
the 111
MtV Kfi'g d t!l. i.h. titiimlf by
(.lutiif evtrl hud Mis In eeut.r ant
l-'ll ill I .:m I . l 1 . 11.)
Th U of the i e ill i'
(U . I tt I 14 Af tt-t .. !,..
t ". t. i.i. a p. . .ik.t i i l 1 1
Brisk Bettiiut n
Future Books for
Kentucky Derby
,.i., HV1I I tin 1 ' t .i.
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KJduff. SAori Siop
Cleveland Win from White Sox
and Goes Into First
CHICAGO, My . Ouy Morton's speed
was too much for Chicago batter when
hit would have netted run today and
Cleveland won h gain v from tho White
Box, i to 1, going Into first place. Ull
ting by Kinlth, Gianey.end WambHgRiiss
figured In the Cleveland scoring, while
the visitor aided Morton with tome
sparkling work in the field. A, poor
throw by Fpenkcr and three singles lit
the ninth gave Chicago It one run.
At). HO
Ortner, If... 4 1 t
a r.
OMurohr, it., i I t I
I.I r, ,llln. rf. I 1 I I
113 Callliin, tb 4 0 i I (I
l I'liiirnlrr, lb. I (111 I t
Turner, lb. ., I
lrlier. if., i
Umllh, rf..,. I
0 4
t I
1 a
1 2
; lb., it, 2b..
tlinhtis't. IS 4
O'Selil. 0.., 4
MortuH. S. ... I
i.U.kfon. If.. 4 14 4
liVHV'-r, St., 4
CM. -Mullen, ib 4
I UKiliallt. o.
0 I .!!. D. , . .
iiiuirortti. e.
10 tricitie, o..,.
'lA-UMi ...
1'otale 1! 1 ti
Keltch 1
Tm.U 4 17 II i
natted for fcott In the third.
Hutted for lianforth in the seventh.
United for Ch.otte In the ninth.
Cleveland 0 I 2 0 0 0 ' ?-
Chicago , 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Two-base hit: Hmlth, tiranoy. Jack
son. Tliree-tinno hit: Weaver, Kacririce
hlta: liandll I'ii, Morton, eacrlfico fllex:
iiur,i hmiHIi Hukp on errors: Clove-
land. 1. lluxcs on IihIIk: Off Morton, 1; I
off Hcntt, I: off nanforth. 1. Hit and
earned runs: Off Mutton, 9 hits, no tuns
In nine innings; nfT L'unrnnn. t mis.
runt In four innliigs; off ricott, 3 hits, Z
runs In tlirco Innings; off Clcutte. 2 hits,
t inn tn two lniiinKS. lilt by pitched
hall: ly rianforth, Hiioaknr. Struck out:
Hy Morton. 3; by 1'antorth, 1. Umpires:
lAaiis and Chill.
Out hit, But Victorious
AH. It. II. O.
Hmlth. If
4 1
Huiir. no i
lirlllf, rf 3
1'oreythe, rf 2
K riuxcr, v 4
Miller, lb 3
Kllduff, ss 3
rlest, 21.
North, p .f
Thompson, p. ..
Totnts JH 6 " 17 17 I
i hi oi'x crrr.
All. It. II. '1
' Hi 111 hllll . SS.
( Vioion , 'h, . . .
( i iileoii. rf.
Connolly, ,'H". .,
I,. teiine, el' ..
i illinium, if.
fri.any, l'i, ...
1 .IvlliiiHlotlo, v.
C S HlSHll, (1.
i.l,ill, p. ..
Totalt ;u
ID ?
KoraMhn out, lilt hy batted bull.
I imli -
IM.i. enojdftje'a
llllt I 1 0 tl t 1
.it,ii city-
It. ilia f tl 0 ft A 1 ft I t
Inn i I I e 1 9 i J-m
Thie-be lilt' 'i'imulty. Two !.
bus Mi luff, H'liHti ' ifi. a bit'
I. '1. S. l'.li, l) II.ii.IIiiiI I' ., I.
(' n . eiittliti 1, Ki'iifi. I II ''it
Ulinl.t, 4. l'i(, S Ilia
inf N utli. a lii si act i ilui.l KiiiiniH
tit Tlf.tii I ' I I" !' i"t I v ttit ,t
ll'ltll ,1 fl" C, Wt',.!! , hi tt Ml.' I ,)!.
I I ml. . a i-.'f it - I . n.. 11, i.u.i
, t la, . I , .... I a "I ,- bv
Si.illi I I., I' . U I !.. , 'i
Ii N..H . i.H i W.I..I, t
,,n .,... .:. I tl i , i l.v I I i t ,
4 - I, ..i.t III 1,1,. I t i..
ii,a l-u ttn.t aiil'tai
Brown Payroll Will
Run Over $100,000
I'M aM. ,.( t . I I f li, m . 1 r tn
t,vUi 4 lii'il Hat ft ! I
I ,f lit.) a.f i I ,(4 I
I i. t l i. . i. t i-m . 11.4b 1- 4 ! la i
,,. t ttt i... ,i.,. Hlit h UH
i pl, t a f ail ii 4t
i. ma, Hi- I'll it. hi tk
;4,Hi tl,,4H l.4 wf vllMtf i I H
ii. a i tn t.- t a a i, i i , a t . ' ,
4 1-4, I . I. t tt 11- " 1,1 i.H,
.h- tl .i . ', i a, H'.ta 14 I
t taaai4a t4itv ia4IV4
. a, t . i, , i , . l , , . f i... it t
1- e ( ..,-, i.', ,
Hi I ,
- . I
.it I ' ta t 4'
. .. t it 1 t
NK WYOrtK. Mny 6 New York lost
another close gitino hero today, Hoston
wlnnlnif, 7 to . The Oliinta scored five
eHrncd runs on Hudolph In the first ln
nlni, after which they could do little
with the llostou twlrler's delivery. Te
reau, who has won New York only
victories, was knocked out of tha box
in the second Inniiiur. Hoston won tho
Kame In tho sixth innhitf, wben Wllholt
walked nitd scored ou singles by Kuiict
chy and Kmltll. Score:
AH. H. O A I'. An il II A K
Maraniee. it 4 1 I oflnrns. H...4 111"
Kii. 2h..., 4 i i I 0IO.Irlin. rl 4 3 0 0
..lime II .. S J e 0 lllovli.. 21 4 114 1
Willi., II. rf.. I t I 0 I'hauff. of.... 4 t e
Iw.iimuiv. lb i I 12 (I Ol'l.'i. hr. n, 4 1 i i 1
Km 1 1 li. 31).., I I J (, liMrrkle, lb... 4 1 19 II
'illlnlon. I f, Jin" nil K. Il'l, 8b 8 t t t II, c,..,'r, t 4 4 irKallV 1 0 0 0 0
KU'ioltih, P . I 0 0 3 llltarldru. e., 4 I T J
, Inrrau, o. . 1 0 0 1 0
Telsts If linil.'lCerrtit. ...
I llouat'h .... 1 0 0 D
JWiiJeragtl. u 0 0 0 0
Tuials 11 r 15 1
Hatted fur McKechniii In .liliilh.
Hutted for 1'crrltt In seventh,
Host on 2 II 1 0 I 0 0 07
New York S 0 I 0 0 0 M M
Two-base hit: Kuiiff, Three-bnae hits,
Morkle, Marnnvllle, Ilouhle iiI.ivh; tUniis
to Iturldeii, Onyln to f.lrKe hiile; Hmllli
to Konetchy, I'lriit on crmrn. liorlun, -'.
Ilnses on hulls; (Iff TeMvuu, off
rei'tltt, 1; off Anderson, I. Kits and
earned ruiis; f)ff Teereaii. M hlis D runs
In one ami one-third Iniiliiiis; off I'er
rllt. 6 lilts 2 runs u five niil tv.n-thirds
Iniilnsx; off Ariili tsnn 1 lilt no ri nr In two
1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 : off iiiiililph li runs. Hit by
pitched ball; Complon bv I'eriltt. titriiek
out: Hv I'errltt, 6; bv Ittidolph, 4. I'm
pin s: Uli. 1 1 r nod lluion.
High School Athletes '
Will Compete at the
UNnivcrsity of Iowa
IOWA CITY, I.. May 0 .-fHpne al.) -Two
hundred rthlete from nvire than
twenty-five Iowa hlnh solmols are to b
entertained at the university on Katur-
day, May 13, at i lie clKhlh annual Inlnr-
iciiolnstic Ira'k meet. Allhoutrh all tin
entries are not yet In, it I expected thitt
the meet this year will lo tho b g st l;i
the history tf tho annual stute daihic.
Ist year twenty-six schools and 19;
athletes competed In tho track meet,
which waa won by I'mvenport, with a
total of forty-three point. West IIIkIi,
(f Pe Molno., we second with forty-one
and on half poln s. Kast I. e M lines tnaa
tie wlnrer of tho meel t years ago ai d
also threo j'ears ago. Iowa City won
three of the other four meets and Cedar
Haplds ono.
rrellmlnnrlea for the eent sre to be
held t :39 o'clock on Katurdny moniln?
and tho final at 2 o'clock 1st (lie after
noon. At 12;i o clock all tho vislllin?
athlete will bo served at the armory with
ft training table lunch. Mednl are to
be awarded on the field Immediately
after the conclusion of th meet and a
band concert on, the eampu In the even
ing will conclude the day' event.
Wolves Defeated
By Kaws of Topeka
WICHITA, Kan., May 6.Topeka. had
everything- its way and easily defeatod
Wlchl'a today, 9 to 2. Bcore:
A a. R. If. PO. A
Toblin, If
. 4 0
, 4 0
. 4 0
. 4 0
. 3 2
. 4 o
tox, if
Unckson, ef...
Absleln, lh....
(irliton, 2li....
Hetllnif, 3h,.
I.ttschi, ss
'iray, c
J'eto. p
luirham, p....
Malarkey, p..
'Ko 'atner 1
0 u
27 n
Totals 32 2
All. 11. II. I'O. A
Anler, 1b 6 2 2 11
Cochran, ss 5 1 1 4 ?
fioodwln, Sli fi 2 S
Tydoman, rf 1 2 2 i
Kriiefjcr. cf 4 0 ? 1 0
I.Hitimori'. 2b 2 0 (I 2 B
bchweitzar, If S 1 1 1 0
Moiin e, c 4 o 4 0
I.iiinlicili, p 4 S I 2 1
Totals Si 9 It 27 hi 1
Hutted for Durham in aecond.
Halted for Mnlatkey In ninth.
To'ieiia 2212021 ft-ft
Wichita OlOoOOOOJ J
I fiiicilfc . hits; a Krceiter. I Jlitl'iiore,
j Hrltton. Jivkstin, Monroe, 'irsy. Tine...
laa.- hltt: Cuchran, Tdiiitni. Mil.-n
j buses: Aler t oclitfin tills: 'iff 1'ii'e,
3 In one luu'nu; i ff Imrham, 2 In to In
' ulna: off Mahirkey, It in aeVeli Itiii n :..
Di.iilile pint : laitinu'tc ti tic :rn ti
,Aitlir Mrufk tut, Hv I'ale, 1; bv
Iambi th. :t I'ane. on balls' Off 1 li'
'ham,' I, off IJtiiib'lh, !. 1 1 't ' k : l.diit'e h.
Mil i . Iiehi it tall ly Maliirl.,.4, I,m-
tuore, by Lambeili, l.lia In Time: l.l'.
tmpiri a; l'i ut,',t hi d A iiib i son.
Cubs Win in Eighth
From Pittsburghs
IMT I'ilU Ittill, May - l.l as'i won t !
t, tlsiiHl lliuli.f holt. t,iy tin a "i1
t.i Kit- k, W tlllalna' Inln and ail lilt
at flint, .in I t,'l I'i'-I nili. ! to I
Ttttt t.i-iite 404 m-inf.l a ron In tf
f 1 1 h liniii.f by a uliiti'e br Uttmisr i, I
b an t liikft eifi.f- l'!.citrf tiwt
I m s.,.itf tn Ifitt fi.nttt en holtr a ntn.i.
a. i 'iiti I . Ii. ii.? hil b. tie
l 'I I ' 4 , I i tilt' l.'.il
4.1 It 14 1
tt 4 I I 1
4 1, li t a.
,rf li, 4 ! ." I
i i i i 4 it
I t t S a ,i
.4 I I
,'t I 4
' 4 I t
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Some Snaps at
. Lr , ITS
J , ,f Itmw lattaf atMsCyy'
'if -
111 KwJE
New Haven Defeats Princeton
Meet by a Large
NEW I1AVKN, Conn., May e.-Yale de
feated Princeton In their track meet to
day, l.'lnalo score: Yale, 6U'4; Princeton,
K'j. "
0110- mllo run: Won by Overton, Yale;
Colwell, Princeton, si-cond; t'tidcrwood,
Princeton, third. Time, 4.-.'li;.
440-yard: Won bv Uichaiiinon, Prince
ton: Copper. Vale, hcchiiiI. Jacket,
Princeton, third. Tline, 0;TiY
100-yard dach: Won h 'Headway, Yal:
Moore, Prliiccton, sccomi: rinuwdoti,
piiiiieloii, third. Time, 0:hi2i.
IJii-yaiii hurdles: Won by Karwell,
Yale; Crawford, i'rltueton, second; 1'hvis,
Vale, third. Time. 0;i;'0.
torc, lour events; Vale IS, Prince
ton 14.
hhoi put: Won hv Dradf, Yale; dis
tance, 4it lect. Ill Ini'lii'S. ilncllr, Prince
ton, second; I ki iiIk'T. Prim etou, thli il.
Polo vault: All pulnts ttun hy Yale
as Hin k, .lohnstone, lli-jl and Nnaoi
I led at H feet. 6 Inchon.
Twnnlle run: Won hy Youtijr, Y'ale;
Glover, i'rlucelon, second: i'tlsclmff,
Pl-incftni), third. Tlin. U.uTH.
111- li .lump: Won bv Oler, i ale, height,
6 feet. Second place tie bet ween Clifford,
Yale, .mil Daty, I'rlucelon,
Msi-yard run: Won oy overlon. Ynle;
Marker, Yale, second; Hair, Princeton,
I. iinl. Time. I:fi7n.
."core, nine events; Y'ale t'J1, Prlnce
lon llamiiior throw won bv Hrown, Yale,
tin-lance 141 feet 7't iiii-hes: Oeiinerl,
pitiiceliin, second; Maiden, lale, third.
Hruad lump won bv I lainj'ton, Yale,
dlMtaiuo :i feet It Inches; Maddeti, Prlnce
tini. fe.-i.iil, Nl.-hol.t, Yale, tfilffl.
:.'.i iiiiil hiir, Ht-s v. on by Cictafuid. Ill
Pi liio-toi! ; Knrttell, III, Vale, second,
ilfii.o. Pi liii-elnii, third Time, fl
" ii-Mitd tiaan 44-in t'V Mooie. Prlnt:et'in:
Tie.iii.tu', inli, ti.'.'iul, H:nrt, III,
Vale, tl ird Time.
I ii.,,1 w.t.ft.: m'.i' l.l, ,: I'rtnrelrtn r,l..
V.ilo t'.'i'i ten f.isis and I'rltu stun three.
Reds Land on Doak
And Defeat Cards
HT l i't'lH, Mny -4 hit Ioak
htnl tuility ami won from Ht. Inils, T to
3. I'ta.limatt get two, (nut In the t
mid ott baa Mi l..i!ia. n ii.U on Hi k t
Hill ll.i.iv, and a liiiaie !iitjlt
uiiti.l tht'in tin no in In ll.lid and
a lit-e mi IVW ,. ilttiibU by lltrtmi
end l.tnidnii add. I u..H,ir ! In Hi
.tt'-.. 'I I, tir lut run . list of!
I-" i, nt I -t an
ill .i. hot a ri. -i
tt,.j at til a it". I -I.
I I -.1 I S 4 i
an It ii t a.
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.4-414 14
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,i . I , ,i,t 1 . , ;l
the High School Field
1 r.
'LV- !:'-1 f T'
- ; l
Wilbur TuUa-way dcarini
Boosters Hit Hard
In Early Frames
And Defeat Links
f I KB MOINKS, May B.-Ucs Moines hit
East lis id In early Iniilniis mid ilcfcaled
I.lncoln here today, 4 to i. Hcorc:
All. It. II. O. A K,
Carlisle, If ;t o ( I
lllnchuiaii, :b 4 it 0 I
Thomas, cf 4 0 2 0, rf , 4 12 4
hfeveusiin, St.; 4 II 0 'J
U IIIIhiiis, lb 3 0 i Vi
Moisn, 31 I U o
Itnluer, v .1 0 1
l;,ml, p I 0 t
Jnliiisoii I O 0 0
Oiirdner. p 0 O tl 0
Total SI 1 24
AH. it. It, O
llahii. If .
Hunter, cf....
.finea, lb
i'.. en. If,,..
1'imhr, c
(nlf,,.l. S.
I h....
I'lnliti, ;b
Haiti-, i.
ii.ttU ...
Halted fur Peat In l's elKhtli.
I Ihvi.ln , ...0 I M o 0
! a Mi'in-t .. tie too
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7, 101(1.
and Track Meet
9& 9inche
Preparing for Early Meeting!, tho
Hamens Nags Put in Good Licks
at Two Plants.
Hr ill sti l l, I'll 4:1.1'.
With tha tinea day' meetliit; at tit
Hanson eourso only a month away, ami
a Dei'iiratltui day racing incline
scheduled for th fast Kast Omaha oval,
hanieaa horsa aitlvttles at both of th
local tracks mada notabia stride during
tha Inst waek.
Track condition ars lootj at both the
circuit emirs at Itnnstni. Tha weatlie
man l hated nicely during llio last evi
data, trainers takliitf advantatta of th
tttilmy t'lituatto i-ondittiiiis ami Klvlm
their (hill tf.l luletittdy full tturkolltt, Il
fait, teal fast on. a, In taart. (h
! la time of th )ear.
Al 'I buii. I i iinlllii.i.', popular htif ts
loan vtl'li tb larf! t i rmii of harnf a-t
tlattbtt ait the lifiiat'li ttablt-t. ptluta.
Ilia "ill IjiI McKliinry ullli.l thai
li t. k d ull J Iria l.i .1 vt.-ilt lit : "ti 't hi,
. it If. .a li.t- it i f.. tlm rr hti t.t
at IUiii,ii Tha on).. Ilia- ,if l,.,atr tint a
, twtt,,.n, In ( 4, t. a t a a i..h actniiiilt e
; ttti-itiat-li us tt taea k t avtialiitt It Tbtn
j iti a'-.., it t n y li 'iai-i liali.11.4 at I.'..
e.. u Ml alajti'tl ia r fir Hit lit-tt tat-i
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Entries for Annual Nebraska Inter
Scholastic Cinder Path, Compe
tition at Lincoln Saturday
LINCOLN, Neb., May .-(Hpec!al.)
The biggest track and field moat of N
brntka li.tfli schools In th history of
tha EHuta asaoclatlon Is assured (or th
scond day' program at th University
of Nebraska field naxt Saturday, May
1.1, Ath.le.tio Manag'ir Guy IC Reed of
the (.'nrnhiisker announced that thlrty
tu Nebraska high school had already
sent In their list of entries with a pot
slblllty that a few more my eom in
before the final closing. ,
Tha action of th unlvertlty authori
ties In taklna; over th management ot
th bl( high ehool meet wa ut th
tonlo to revlv Intereit In n vent which
had become nearly a fire during; th last
lo years. In 1014 only fourteen high
school lent representative to th meet
and th showing wt even mora pl'Iful
In till
Heed believe ther will b fully tffl
high school athlete tak part In th
b'g meet next daturday. It will include
tha cream' of th track material of th
st te. ,
Hits r th chool which lta
tered the meoli
Hargent, Vork, Newetetle, Wllber, Talr
motit, Hardy, Osmond, Nelson, Broken
Itow, Hewitt, Msoh flty, Nwman
Orove, York College cademy, Nbrali
Clly, flsy Center, Ilsndolph, Hartlng
ton, Lynch, button, Omaha, BchTlrt
4f. IT.dward, fitanton, Kearney, Tdgar,
Olltnar, Illnnmfleld, Olfisnn, Nebraska
Central academy, falrbury, Hebron,
Hreenwood, Ilnt-oln, Restrle, Nebraska
Mllltsry aetdemy and Mitchell.
Heed hs also hrd from Fall City,
which he a atrong track team fhl yr,
nd It Is fjuit llkaly that th Rlchrdon
county si)imd will tak part In th meet.
Keen In the balmiest day of th old
high action! league It was a rar event
for mor than twenty of th high chool
to lake part in th meet.
Omaha I Ihe farnrll.
Omaha I doped by the wist one tsj
run orf with the meet handily. Th
Omaha qud I the ume veteran aggre
uatlott which romped away with the
championship last year, but with the
greatly incrred entry list it I certain
that the boy from Ihe motropoll will
have no urh runaway till year.
Heed ha but very little dop on th
trrngth of th mall town iud, al
though Behuyler, Htsnton, Ilandolph and
Kearney ara reputed to hv good men
who will prov to bo Individual point
The niet will provld the cond dsy"
entertainment for tho hundred of Ne
braska high school studout expected to
visit the slate university on fete day,
ISvery precaution lifts been taken to pre
vent ny posslbl Injury to high chool
athlete and visiting .delegates. The
hummer throw, which for a tlm wa
barted from the list of events, will be
held In th morning and only the con
testing athlete admitted lo the grounds
with th necessary officials. All cosche
have been advised to permit no man to
enter more than throe event during th
The first day' program of the high,
school callj for th annual championship
debate, which will be held in Memorial
hall. FVaternltU' and ororllle. on th
lookout for new material, are planning
a gay round of oclul pleasure for th
high ichool boy and girl.
(Gophers Are Meat.
It ha beon a rather uneventful weelc
'In university athletic. Heed track
iiiid is rounding Into much bolter shape
and the Nebraska coach how figure ha
has an even chance galnt tho aeaionad
veteran of Minnesota, who com to Lin
coln for tho annual dual meet between
the two school next Saturday, Minne
sota still be Home of the track men
who hive been Instrumental In winning
the title for the Gopher institution during
the lust two car, but tha Nebraska
squad took better every day and Heed
ha tho nucloua for the best track team
the university ha had since 1311. After
the Minnesota meet the tfusker will
round In shape for tho Missouri Valley
meot and the All Western meet at Chi
cago. Bears Capture the
Third from Josies
Pl.NVHn. Colo., May 1-lClng, pitch
lug for Ienver, wa master of th Ht.
Joseph batamen and lh local won the
third gunie of th (erle today, t.i I.
II. una run by Iiulchtr and Juurdan feat
ured. The tenret
All. It, DM. ro. A. I"
, Sum-an, if. 4 11 a t 11 0
Mi ratie, ef tt 0 O A 1)
' Holier, cf 4 n 0 0 ; o
1 Mi Ul, am. if 4 0 1 1 0 0
l'ri v, 3ti 4 0 t 4 1
J. .nr. Inn. l. ,,, I It 0 fl
VMllUmt, lit. 4 0 t t S tt
r'usnair. 4 0 1 A 1
H. unman, p. I 0 0
lib" t I O II u
liiatitin, p t u a
Total ::t I u U 4
! iirsvru,
Alt II Ml. I'll, A y
I Miller, rf .... l I J I it I
! ht tll.rr, tt. 4 I O X tt t
, Hake. 1 1 ,.. ,4 I a tl
li'ti. l.i'T. If I I T at 11
I'tai. , I i I I tt
' ft. I I I 1 4 it
M l'l la 111, 4 11 t .1
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faaadtt ll)i . Itt .. !
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It aiit il . H it w,a,i i 1 1, r i
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It II l t H,1.4't vl I t t 'at
ta.ta ta treatl I a tt. ta t t a a . t
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