ft. f A CRASHES INTO WALL TO AYOID SMASH Driver of Oil Truck Risks Life to Avert Collision With Speeding Roadster. WOMEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE A, B. Cranijiton, driver of a fire ton automobile truck of the Manhat tan Oil company, turned his big ma chine Into a building to nvold colli sion with two women raring In a roadster on the West Dodge street toad, The driver of tho roadster wan a w"ll-drexni(1 young woman, whose Identity as yii ban not been learned. It 1h agreed that she and her com panion etiraped serious Injury, and perhaps death, by the quick action of the operator of the oil truck. Mr. Crnmpton drove hla truck Into the Cinent houxe nf tha C. W. Hull com pany Thn i nr went through the wall end then craahed through the floor. The 11 truck wa rbirnaged, but the driver WHped Injury. Truck doing Slow. Tim oil truck proceeding cant on Tmdgn at red , nt Forty-fifth street, end wn moving at a alow speed. Tho rnad etrr wa nild to have horn speeding at a terrific! rate, Mr. C'rampton eald that the car wna going flutter than any automo bile he had obeervfd for many a day. "I Just revolved to aava that womnn'a Itfo. I took the only ctmnne I had to avoid a colllalon and perhapa fatal In juries." remarked the oil truck man. There la soma doubt whether the omnn driving tho roadster knew what recurred after ah ped hy in her mad chaac, It la an M tlmt the waa on the fcrong Hide of the atreet. Sunday Observed As the Centennial Bible Sunday Churches have been aWed te observe next. Sunday es Centennial 1'nlveraal Mble Biindsy, with appropriate services and sermons. The day will he on nerved In connection with the centennial celebration of Iho American Bible ao clety. A pageiint, "The Bible Among the Na tions," will he produced In the Conven tion hall, Washington, D. C, Bftturday. under the auspice of the aociety. There will be three performance; morning, afternoon and evening, preliminary to the more formal celebration of the cen tennial of the American P.IMa aociety, of which tbla pageant U a part Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock there la to be a puhlte meeting on the cast atepa nt the capllol, prealded over by Vice president Marshall. Addrraaee will be mado by the speaker of the house of representatives and Senator Jonca of Washington. At 4:90, in Memorial ball of the Daughter of the American Revo lution, tha crowning meeting of the cen tennial celebration will Ixv held, te be addressed by President Wllaon. fionator Cumndna of Iowa, and Bishop McPowell of the Mrthodlat Eplacopal church. Tuesday, May 8, meeting will be held at noon In the city haJU New Tork, Robert W. TWorest presiding, and at I o'clock In the evening at Carnegie hall, New York, Joacph II. Choate prealdtng, almllar In general character to the meet IriKa bld In Washington, the two acta of m'tltiga being thua cloaely connected. University Day in Omaha May Bring 2,000 Students Here Twtnty eeachea. It la estimated, will be - required to bring the atudent body of the University of Nobraaku to Omaha May 31, thn (lny on whleh tho atudenta aro to onie to Omaha on tho Invitation of tho bureau of public -it y to epend thn lBy touring over tho city and visiting points tit lntereot. Special trains will he required. Arrange ments have not been made iui to the ' T iraln eervii e. Mannger K. V, I'srrlsh of the hureaii of publlcllv la to go to Lin coln Saturday or Sunday to confnr with .. . Chancellor A very und other official of Din unlveinltv with regard to tho details. Thus far all estimate coining from tho campus are to the effect that S.niO aiu dcnU i!l he here on tli.it dav. New Books . ; vestor end guide the irrigation manager ' te a euceeesful anlution of praetlaal prob- Icn.a. M tollpinna. IIEXTING A KIRMSHKP APART MENT. Pv ! Smith Htunlon. J. B. Oirllvle Publishing Company, 67 Rose Htnet. New York. $1. Thl volume la dedicated to thoaa who poaea ona of the grrateat bleaalng of thU life, a aenae of humor. Iliyaklana tell u that It la abaolutely neeeaaary. In order to obtain and retain K'od health, to hava a hearty laugh every day. If any page of thl little volume haa that dealred effect on the reader, the object of l'a production will be aeoompllahed. UtK CHEATKR THAQKDT. By Ilen Jamln Apthorp Guild. (V I'. Tutnama Horn, 2 Vet Torty-flflh Wreet, New V-ik. 1, Thl hook conalata of a eerlea of vig erow article by an American living In Canada and deal principally with the attitude of the Vnlttd Ktatea to the war, It I a cry for the old aplrlt of 1776 to aaert Itaelf and bring Into being in the world a greater and more widespread liberty and progreaa, JAI'AX, THE NKW WORT.n POWBR. By Hubert V. I'orter. Oaford Unlvar- nlty l'rf. New York. Thta la a detailed account of the proxrea and rlae of the Japaneae empire, with aeven oolored map. IJPIINMNfl UKiHT. Rv Nathaniel C. Fowler, 1r, New V'ork, Sully A Klein tei h, .173 fourth Avenue. IVtc, Thean article are written with all of Mr. FowleC uaual kern Inalght and common aenae and they cannot fall to be of alatane, not only te young people jimt entering butne life, but alao to experlenred traveler along the am road. Tini T'HINCiriyn Op'sUFPnAOB. Hy Nathaniel (', Kowler, jr. New York. Kully aV Klelnterh, 2T,r. The author treat auffrage from the atandpolnt of principle and preaentj roa- aona uneompromlalngly In favor of votea for women. Hy Jama A. Frederick A, Sorac Complete Returns from the Recent Election X a m mt l'HI'..-. 'h. VT I 'I Mi WHAT, tVIIaoii il" !.?' Clti : 1 1 I.VI Kill 1.1. li N. Foul H.t .' "! I tnniuiiii l l" . l.nlghn.i.1 ,l It' -elt, i,. . I.I ..ATI T t.Mtt.l'.- I'KM l.rvao i'l''i-.- ... . itl 1 l,.,nil. , V 'l.t'.am . .l '' I'mtti .. ' ii ; . ! t t.Miiii, t;t r , I . I i...ia' t ' 1 lat , ,, ,. I; i'ii'I" 4 ' I .i ... ' ' I-.I t-.'i' k I f i" '' ' S V t n iv ), i ,i,i tiTT. M A V M (Ti.ll I Ht M I' I I I M 1,1 i M... ' . it . I ' ' t S I i'Mi -T V I ' i N T" 't' t'l IHl.'i - a I' ....... . "I i 1 1 i 1 1 i t v ! i ti ti I r K i 1 1 '' ' ' PEV. F. S. SCHWARZ GOES TO CHURCH AT HICKMAN I i ... , I' , .if i r ' p- i i,v. ' 1 " ' ' ' ,,1, . a t r ". . " ' v " I rf i I . ii. i . . t.t. t t I . .-' - I ' "f I'. T" i ler. . ' ' to v : t t ." to I l 4 ' "' 1 What to Da for l irn4 THE JAPANEPP! CRTHlfl. H. f'herer. New York. Htoke Co, TAc. Hhall mutual mlaunderatandlng and dl truwt continue to increae the already beclouded laauea between America and Japan? Mr. Hcherer give an abolut)y fair pre.ntatlon of both aldea, with apeelal reference to the California land queatlon. inrtlOATlOV MANAOKMFVT. Hy Frederick Havne Newell, Naw York, I. Appl-ton A Co., 13. Thl book, by a former director of the United Htnteg reclamation aorvice, n awrra the qunallnna of the careful In- RFVTINQ A FCR-VISHKO APART MENT. By O. Smith Btanton. New York J. S. Pgllvle Pub. Cu., &7 Rose Htreet. THF. F.VF.S KPINX. Hy Annie Riley Hale, New Tork. t.K. A book dealing entirely with the auff rage Queatlon. TUB LAW OK HUMAN UPK By Eli jah V. Rrookehlr New Tork. (1. P. i'ulnam'a Sun. I2.S0. In thla volum the author lnlt that religion i not founded upon precept, or a creed, or any metaphyseal theala, etoept In outward aenae, but upon a law which I revvvled In the nature of the human aoul bnelf. SPANISH IN A WEF.K. By Teodnro 8. Homero. Pavld Mackay, I'ubllhr. Philadelphia. Km. The matter contained In thee pagea conalata of practical rule which can be eaally underatood and will guide the atu dent atep by atep from the very begin ning THREK TUINGSrTVERY ROT ML'HT IUVE. Hy Charle H. Lyle. Hoclon. The Oorham Tre. 6o. Pr. I.yle baa brought together "Three Thing" In uch an attrgetlva way that what the "Three Thing" are cannot be gured by one peraon In lo.OO, After you have read the book you will ay with everyone who ha read It. "That I ex actly what ahould be given to every boy." TRACK AT ANY PRICK. Ry Porter Kmereon Browne, New York. I). Apple Ion A Co fte, Hera at laet I a preparedne program for peace loving people. And thla plan I a genuine and practical aa any that could be tried out, either for the benefit for thla or the future generation. QUIT YOUR WORRYING. Rv Genre Wharton Jame. I'aaadena. Cel. The Radiant Mfe Pre. 11.00. Thl book I written In a manly, t might forward faahlon o that even the wayfaring man, though a fool, aa wall aa everybody ele, may quit Ma worrying, CHILD AND COUNTRY. Py Will !v. Ington Comfort New York. George H. Iioran Co. tl. lit. Thla author, wearied of the life ef a great city, aought the quiet and repoa of the oountry, that he might th better proerute hla llfe'a work. There la a touch of Thoreau and Hawthorne In thla rich book of life and love and human ef fort. A-R-C OK At'TOMOHlUK PRTVTNO, Rv A. Hyatt Verrlll, New York. Harper A Ilro. Guc. The object of thl book I two-fold: Flrat, to teach beginnera how te man age an automobile, and. econd, to ahow those who know how to operate a car th proper way to drive in order to mini mi the danger of accident. BODT AND RPIRIT. Ry iohn . Quack enboe. M. I. New York. Harper A Tro. Il.d). Thla book on the auhlect of pycho therapy la written by a well known phy Iclan, who prove hi theory of the value of auggeettnn aa a curative force by nu neroua caeea obaenred in Ida own prac tice. A-B 4' OP COOKINa Ry Chrlatine Ter huna Herrlck. New ora. Harper A Itioa. h The detail of cooking told In a alm ple and Intereatlng manner eaay for the beginner to understand. THE WAY OP THE CROSS. Ry Iore hevltch. New York. U. V, I'utnain Hon. tiSf. Thl volum present a ternhly poign ant picture of the Rixatan and I'nltah fugitive! fleeing from the German In vader In th autumn of PUS. It I writ ten by a famoua Ruaalan joumallat, who wa an eye wltne of the cene and aufferlnga he ao vividly deeeribe. BUSINF-eW FTMPIflTMENTS. Rv Pred rick J, Allen. Rnton. Olnn A Co. II. Thla volum dlaoiiMe th opportunl tlea for employment In builneg. In tht book la oo 11 anted a large amount of In formation about the budnea of manu facturing, tha huatnra of trading and the bualnta of finance. RAILROAD VALUATION AND RATKH Hv Mrk Wymond. Chli'ago, V ymond A dark. n.eo. Thl book 1 Intended primarily u a treat lee on the principle of rate and their relation to valuation and rate reg ulation. ( THP. IX5NOBHOrTaN. By Ch R I tame. New York. Hnrvey Aaeoriato. Incorporated. In thl atory of the longshoreman are found some of the condition which have produoed and will produce, aa long a they are allowed to Continue, the dlatreaa and dtalooatlon of healthy community life which oame o forcibly to th front and o itlrred n In the year 1914 and lilt. PRTN'CIPJJM OP LA RO R LEOIBLA TION. By John R. Common LL, I., end John B. Adame. I'h. I. 12.00. New Y'ork. Harper A Bro. The gubject of labor legislation, which haa rapidly grown to be of the greatet general lntereat, 1 now eoncleely aim maiiaed In thla authoritative book. It la the principle of labor law, not th de tail a, which are emphaalaed. ENOM81f GRAMMAR SIMPLIFIBn. Ry .lame Fernald, L. If. I. New York, KSink A Wagnalla Co. Tfa Tbla book la dealgned a a complete mimrotry of Engllah grammar. It la not .JOHN A. 8WANSON,. I'llKSIDKNT. , WM, It. HOLZMAN, TREASURER. Spring Clothes Supreme For You Well-Dressed Men and Young Men Who Demand Value EK OUR nnw WINDOWS $15, $20, $25 Unequalled elsewhere at one-third more i than our prices compare. --! 15ESIDES supreme value you see here all the new style developments, none are missing from our enormous selections of World 's Best Clothes. Hundreds of new models In thousands of distinctive fabrics stripes, checks, plaids, overplaids. New Grays, Blues, Browns, Blue Serges, Scotch mixtures, in every variation; rich, new weaves that are different from the ordinary. Most comprehensive showing of ultra fash ions from Rochester, N. Y. famous clothes creators. A wonder value achievement at $15, $20, $25 The mot rtltlnrtl atyle produce"! In year. Blip Into one of Iheae new neml belt model "Sport flutta" and fel the exhilaration that come with It, Meautl ful range f.f new wrarea. Slice up to 41 cheat For yxmg men and men who .tav young A eavlng uf IS to tin on lhee fine autta ie.lt you here at (, 1 " and SPORT SUITS $10-$15-$20 Hard-to-Fit" Men Motit Men, Tall Men, Phort Men, Ilif Men, we'll hnw vpiij a rar.grt of aiie that wt!l amate you We anectaliie. n "bard flta" e ihe fahlone of thi hour In your etie an.) your fciylii lure vrliig a ill at $10to$40 Lenders in Men's Shirts and Underwear The t t mt !! t.'n lu l'i ( of Men' ttprlM f't.iii. tr..iii mi. h (ai.iuu t..ar a Manhattan. IUe i ire. Vre ei. I etir own -rUaa mm hhihi !.. r iiin, Jai ..eM, I oMI. !,r r..l ?'s; ii I'ne'.i'Uitr.t !. i t $1.50 to $5 I nUr.il' Tola ator I undeniably th trader Nr bf' r o i.i .. ihieg f .r a rl r a aad mini! t fe V re,i tine ,f ar Be parlor, Orwlih. r'tatall, l.leei. M V, IV Ni en to the rang i'f '! ailea all pr1-e i rrwiia, r jeiau, i nn, - 50c to $5 Specials for Saturday St .0 Mer' NVfitU Bhtrti nt !)," St M Men's RlbW Union Suit. VuC $1 73 CulUr Atluhni ShirU 151.1 $2.W Men' l'mf Union Suit. N,!r.t,Vn IK. I Mat $:t.00 -! rn ui! Ilitn i.f the r of amell gremmer that ar mad brief hy leaving out bodily numer on Important matter, Mrerlty ha ben aeoirel by eliminating dlsoueelon and extended eplanatIorva. while retaining eery important tact. The bonk alo haa been dealgned te meet the ennatant de mand In the offlrw. the atuily, the hnme or the m'hool for a handy volume whloh may bo Itrpt llttrally "t hand." 1y whlrh to recover cjtili kty ome Item of correct innge, or to eaplnln It to another, or to anttle readily and purely any gram matical perpleiltlee or disputed matter a they may arlee. ARC .OLF Hy Jnhn Duncan Puna New York. Iturper St tiro. IA A complete book of lnnt ruction on the faeclnatlng getne of golf, told In a very Intereatlng and Instruct Iv manner. SMOKER TO BE GIVEN BY 2.000 CLUB ON THURSDAY The 2.00n club nf tho Commercial club I to hold a moker neat Thuradiiy night at the Commercial club room. The mem here of the Commercial club ere to be entertained a the gueat of the J.ouo club. Cat the Round Package Uaod (or Vi Century. (ZS Caution n aa Ask For and GET n ri isv usap fi n sen n bh Mcii,wiau.i.. THE ORIGINAL HALTED EViIE.SC Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt 1 louse under sanitary conditions. Infanta and children thrive on it. Agrett with tha wok ft alomach of tha invalid or tha ogad. Naada no cooking nor addition of milk. Nouriahea and euataine mora than tea, coffee, etc. Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu tritiou food-drink may be prepared in a moment. A glaeaful hot before retiring induce repealling sleep. Alao in lunch tablet form for buiineaa men. Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Price Tako n Package Homo H The World's Greatest Homef u rnishing Organization If you are furnlalilng a home for tho flrat time, If you eipeet to do ao within all months If you want to replace anything In your home our Mammoth Jew 1916 Hprlng and Hummer Stock offers the greatest opportunity In the United Mate today to do so. Complete outfit for sny number of rooms our specialty. Bno our famous complete outfits st $90, Four rooms completely furnlahed. All ready to start bousekeeplng. Only $6 u month, Inspection cordially Invited. IVmrenlent Monthly fmllt Terms AmuiKXl on Any rurrhaao If Itoalred. A S K I. BO ANT PlUNCKfirf liKKHriKU. Made on very l.rctiy lino with full gerpan tine front, f.aige elc Krencli bi'Vilcil plate mirror, t III n'lit atari'liii'de. Conatructed entirely of Amerlcnii quarter a a w a d Imitation oak. Very ape- dally quoted at only f III . : j if JilllB (li,.lrf ciin ourter $9.98 mahhivk ivn iiANit,n,.,i.;i,y rmsiosTn two- INCH CoNTINl'OI'H J'OHT A I.f. BTKKt, HKl in'" KIT. Ilnavy angle Iron, wire fabric ei'ilng and a well male aanltary cotton top mat tree, lied ciin be had In wlilt or Vrrola Miiitln enamel. Coiuplet out fit specially prlcao ric epnng an'i $10.98 NKW PATTERN TKll'ltl.K IKKilt HOMO (MIC CU'Jl'KB RiitliO. Oeuulne quarter kvwciI oak front, pollhed golden. Iloomy vtardrobe, fitted with all. ling coat and trnuac banger. Klght Individual dre'v- er l'rench bev eled plate mir ror. A remark. able value, only. niviuuai fiid'v- $18.75, EXCEPTIONALLY WELL MA DM TIIREE-PIECE DUO FOLD Ri;iTE. IIos genuine solid oak framn, finished In fumod. The entire set Is upholstered throughout In guaranteed flpanlah Imitation lea ther. Duofold offers a roomy settee by day and a comfortable sanUary bed at night. Exceedingly comfortable chair anil rocker to match. Complete set of three pieces, at. . . . get r n J! 6mt(i)!Ste ji i X $29. 75 T' Month .... 4-Too Wide, iniiiaaai'li -Oy --a wmm vpr wmy.wpv Lin of Meed and CI iroFvn uru.iui. atow oa IN splay. S .I I r'ri iPy.vp1 a i I :v- '?; J; A rtOOMV FVT'R-P A SiBKClBR LAWN HWINO. Made throughout of well aanned wood, thoroughly hrn.-ed and reinforced, nam etanda a feet lilgli. enameled red. Heata ar fl inches wide, nil ruhbed natural tlMlh. Will not he affected hv iin. Our low jirice .,! I Child's t wo-pneecnger lawn swing aieode f, feet hlgli. Like abov 1 1 1 Iratl.oi. only nnei ntturai $4.95 Two Specially Priced hi Bargains ft. J hy in ft. a, MONArt.1T Hf.iM nvn Kent eliul'-B lectl.in on I y ... . Tt Itl'S r.i of ae- 511.:. axil ft. H'Eavy VFI.Virr HUH. 8ea son s neweet design. Meant I ful color com bination. $1175 Special t .... I i PI U L (U.BO f " irv.n onn io i no Rnriuorcit- ATOR. Ma or wall aeasoneo nari wtiod. A guaran teed lc eeonom Ur. Nlokpel wire lldlng shelve Wall mineral smol llne.1. IH, lee eolty, rat nt KXrEPTrONAIXT 8 H R VTCIOABUD AND PPLI0V- dtit.t rtNiairrcD roRCir on RocKFm. Hunt of nie.il and flnlshsd nat ural. Ioubl rattan aeat. broad lat hpu-k. Our ei- ceptlonalwv 1 o w Iprlrt fur f h 1 1 i rocker la only. . . "ir .1 $2.69 j r d a r ' Belling (iit.'e, iioly. - mm - t i ii. im . m r a s i .. I J.l. . I' I . ' I I k ( I It I IIP. i!..j..r ar,n1 i i i i I'm... t .. p f i. ' ' ' 4 I , te t '.! ..'.! I P !. i I : ; , ti... He Vi Il' , t..i.(1,. r : leg . $1,119 . .. UK 'U- T : al i Mi' IMHtll l'i l.lir:1'l r IMlMi: 11 ItM-ltl l ,Tif a wm Ml If MM J 1414-iu-ia Douglas st. i. w aTTt.n S t i iM Nf T lloS r il'ICaItT IVhvh a('..i,1a ample ,. l.:lion a4li, .t kind an t rui n Ma a i .a' p..,.. I-a. , laf. h,i, i. I it m i p. i m .1 ,,,, ri.ar u ... i . o i,u,i iia melius A l'ii .M at fMa in t m . $7.00 tent tm&K imnif. -ar H.ji) f -'ajaMseaft. I'll hi I l . . -t n t .; I ft " " ' ' I ' !' ti ' ' ' Uif ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' I J i ' m ' a.. 1 p y 9Ic6ra6Piaefotf)in . i' ,. , ..... t - . i l ,.... ' !' ' , ,.,,...M':P'. a i v.. Up-