r 1 1 1 : umaiia. sati ki'Av. may h. uhi;. COMPLETE TEXT OF GERMAN NOTE Kaiser Willing to Make Concessions in the Conduct of Subsea ' Warfare. j WHAT HE SAYS IN DETAIL' (Continued fn.iii fun' in. I ' with Inc. kpopiui principle uf vlalt ' nd Boarth and the dostructioa of men-riant vfasels woKni.ed by in-i tot national law, the koIh exception: Mnit the conduct or warfare ag.iinat nftiiy traili- earned on win) freight xhipH encountered In (he ar znn unrounding Great Ilrltain. With if.-1 Bard ti thete, no hkhii ranees have: ever been given to Uib government of 1 lie I'nited Htatcs. No aurh aa auranrea are contained in the decla ration of February K, lfllli. ' The Gentian government canno; admit any doubt that tliene orders were ftiveu or are executed in Rood faith. Krrora actually occurred. ; Jhey can In no kind of warfare be avoided, altogether. Allowance! mtiat be. made in the conduct of naval warfare agalnat an enemy re porting to all kind of ruuea, whether permiHfihle or Illicit. M ill I e aiiliiiiarlnri. "Hut ttunri from the ixmniliihty of errors, naval warfare, jtint like warfare on land, Impllea unuvold able danera for neutral peraona and Kooda entering tho fighting zono. lOven in ranee where tho na val artlon Is confined to ordinary forma of cruiaer warfare, neutral peraona and goods repeatedly coino to grief, "The liermtio government nan re peatedly and c xpllclt.ly pointed out the dangers from mlna that hare led to tho loaa of numerous fhlpa. rolral Auonr Hlaki. "The German government haa made eeveral proposals to the gov ornmcnt of tho United State, in or der to redue to a minimum for American travelers and gooda the In herent dangers of naval warfare. Unfortunately, the government of the 1'nited. States decided not to ac cept the proponals. Had It ac cepted, the government of tho I'nlted Plates would have been in trumental In preventing tho greater part of tho accidents that American citizens have met with in the meantime. "The German government all 11 elands by Its offer to come to an agreement along these lines. As tho German government has re peatedly declared, it cannot dispense with the ua of tho aubmarine weapon In the conduct of warfare against enemy trade. The German government, however, has now de elded to make a further concession, idapt.lng methods of submarine war -.o the Interests of neutrals. "In reaching this decision the German government Is actuated by "onaideratlont which are above the cvel of the disputed question. 5 Dictator of German Policy '. . 'V' ) V ' Vf" -w - If lift r? V . i' s - ; - r ' f? :K4 ' U . V .. "7-V-. . s- y v, ! ' -''' v., - . - v 1 J ? s X f " ...V .. , - . ; 4 lrv;i; X-' j'.V;'''7! ;--,vv V ' "; : KAISER WIUIKLM Pnli Blame on l.rrmt Rritaln, "The Gflrmnn itovenim-nt atta no 'ei lmportane to the iacred principles if huiiiBnlty than the Bovernment of the I tilted Stat. Tt again fully takes Into aucount that both governments for many earg e o-operated tn developlnn interna Uunat law In conformity with theae prln lpkt, the ultimate object of which haa alwaya been to confine warfare on lea thru i,t .,ihn,u,i,... u.rr... .... and land to armed fonya of l.elliernls temjd wlih the .me irmth of feellna anu ariiard fnr a iMlWe non- to many inlllli.i, r,f womn and chlldr-m vxuiuaiania aKainti me norrora or war. Hut, although tlicne eoiiNlderatlona are of great welaht, thf-y alone yould not un der preaent clreumatniioa liave deter mined the attitude of the (It-rman ov niinent. Kor In anawi-r to the aiieal by the governnunt of tho fnltfd KitM on behalf of the aaered prtni lplea of hu manity and intertiatlonitl law, the Ger man government muat repeat once more Willi all emphala that It wan not the German, but the KrltUli government which ignored all accepted rules of In ternational law and extended thin terrlhlo war to the Uvea and property of non- eombatanta, having no reaard whatever no, arenrning iq he avowed Intention of the Diltldh government, nhall he ataned. and hn, hy auffprlna, shall force 1 1 uf vl'tnrlona armle of the cen tral pow'era Into Ignotnlnoua capitula tion, "Tlie Ocrman aovenimenl, In agree ment, v.lth the Herman people, fall! to wnd. ri-iri nil thla dla rluiiriallon, all the more aa It Ima repeatedly and explicitly d(."iiied it wfir ready to line thu aub marlnit wenpoi In el rl 1 conformity with the rule of International law, aa reoof nUed lii foie Die outbreak of the war, If On Hi Hrllulu likewise n ready to for the Intoreat and rlnlita of neutraia ! adept the conduct of werfuro to thee and non-comhatanta thet tlirouuti thla method of warfare have heen aeverely Injured. "la aelf-defenae aaalnat the llleeal con. duet of Brltlah warfara. while fighting al'npou the Mritlah government tn act Mttar atniaale for national exiatenju Oermany had to reanrt to the hard, rmt effective weapon of submarine warfare. Allrgea TUcrlmlontfon hy f. S. "Aa matters stand, the German gov ernment cannot but reiterate regret that the aentlmenta of humanity which il"1 government of the United Htalea extends with eucn fervor to the unhappy h: ruiea. More I harar Aaalnet llrltleb. "."everal afteinpta made by the govern ment of the Tutted Btaiei to prevail ac cordingly failed liecanse of flat refuaal or tin! part of the Biitlah government, t'oreover, Great Ilrlteln aaaln and again has violated International law, aurpaaa ing all bounda In oulrnglns neutral right". The latent meamua adopted hy Gn at Hrtialn. declaring bunker coal ron trahand nnd elnhll.-IilnK condition under whli-b KnKbali bunker coal alone la B'lpplKd to ucuiiuix lx nothing but an Re S2WERE HERE TO "GROW WITH GROWING OMAHA." gJJJl ATOM & 4 15 -17 So. 16" St. Omaha Home-Furnishing Headquarters New Arrivals in Quality Upholstered Furniture Phone D-335. r . ,K' ' . ' U 'S Yl '!'!'- j:iiU'U.' ii'aliu.usittiy M.i'a nt .'hair .i.-t!ir-i nk- m,. it-nl uf i tu-w til I !' ''' I'''''-"4 "'' ' lialltrtrl- .. vtl.lt,!. , mii ('.....tuU V li. f , ';,) ilC'it'l tin' Ilw.m .i,-- fni:M-'t-!it ith !i.n.il..' i.,rrr!i.t;lij.iii ":i l A -l!'l 't.';''. liU ''111, Ml (.1 1,m'.' All'lV.c Mnln-liHJil So I'd. a t.i till'. ,1 j.li.,i... ,.!... I I 5 ' ' g; ut'i i: .Ju.yttnv s 1 1 . vii, , I'.K'.lt'l t. .1 tit i Hit,,, t, ! I'.'un ,j , lour w ;;!, L.tif '"' CAO AA I' o - i I ! ; ' l! (f 11 t I i It In t H.f -t ,o1: hi- . X A Splendid Tapestry Davenport at $52.50 unl'i'Mid o aiifuHU tn e nl unci,,,, to f.u i-h nential ;oniii.' Intii ti.e km sic.. ! Hrnl.'li tied- si iif i nlted (tain Tlie lii-rmaii pe.ipie l,ni.. ;i n; ,.ir gOVellitlll'lll of the I ntl.'il SI .!,-, ,i Mm power to confute 'he n '( , Si ill nh-d l.ii.ea of the hidligerent . .omtiV. In Mi,- nitei . eftl of tot n im nil and ni-ilntviotnct oi in teiimtloluil liH. 'I'll.- ! ,i inn. Ml ,.f Hie fnltrd Hiiti ! til It , no uf atlHIIIIttfc tlli- Mi l hliii i.(.tl , , Icrniiiu'd tn :i:Mnt auimi ilr. i: HMiniii on the ii'i "hi i iiimi tih'e n.l i,. .i t , , , . 1. . tl 1 Of t!le nenii tui' hH noi i : -I . ,-i.mil i in pin a I e illidel 1 hi- lilt-' -(jiivei nnii lit n" i in' I nil, d item, inline iii.i I i f oi i in rxlfit Hi e, fcii.iM nifiio I;,, . m. ., feel i .. It i H pin, o, M,r, p,,, Ml, i' I nil tin Mi drill, il, , , . ,M I, Inn Inti ioiiii e n i ( in i i ; i unfilled Ilea !) mel ncilM lid' ' If! Mm...,', it, the i v. h.it , oni. i e i ii h ..upplli d .i ill-, I i f l oni I he I ' nil. it "f Mic t'ultiNi Mturs. i i i c ,i mke 3 tin fi .mull t in i,r "nltut n'dliii.'n.ince of peace hnwi':i tin two nation eit unit r to aiiiintaclnee. 'A fnr n.i Ion with the ;oiinn fnv ei nuiioir. :i w iahe to prt veul thlnad fioni ; n ltij mich a couni'. The ilerman K" i" nini iil, iii'i"o i, 1 ptepaied to do in 'iimnii in iimi'lin- nieillen ef tlie Win- fnr Hie ril of in urn m inn to the f'uhtliiK fmifd of tlie belllgmenl, there hi nl.,, inJiiiii ji freedom of Hie eia, a tn m ill!,' 'in m ul.nh the (termioi toi n in- 'nl, in. Hi p..) . ii -. Wiiii. 'O. Ini ,in ef I - m' In th note piemented hv (li aovernineiit of the I'ldted S'a'e to ti.e Ttrltiyh Snv einiiint t'f emher ... 4 nd Not ember r.. p::. Il'ifrifi l llierli or li'llnn. ' Htiniild it tl n tn the am et uniciit of th I'lllted Ut. i not HIIKIIl Ibe ol.rl tt de!r, to hei.i the of humanity followed I'v all he!!ferM nilliin. th (ieimari government 'M"ild then he fee ine new nil n'lon In w.ijch It meat te ene to ltlf cmiplete Hberli of deelnimi "The underli,. d a v H U lilinnelf of tin einii i.iliiii'H. now lierni'F. tliat II ' ' '" 1 ' " " I in mm with the gm eminent of 1 "'"""'ler a.utpce of .lahet con- ft Mlf'l HI f't, ImI.' 'i Ii' if i ii mn gm i MMichi M'IM'mI ' V tin iilrj t)ii(ifl 1lt- ,;' ' i liiiH-liI if tU nil. '.f fiin'M II. ' .r'n-tii imt fnic- n (mvr i"tr.r1 fir f-'Mnu n1r: " I it ti'('"i tlti iM i- 1 1 H I b uf lie rn ! M-f tll'lfll Uf )lt), Hltl scHM'll MMI, t Ifnlriirlliiii it f iiiavrhiitf vmm)n n m I r rt l(ilartinHniifi I tmi, Mllt'tl tCMfl. twit It ilNln unit lih otii fh nrfii if4'lftriil n iimmI nur ; ..! atlinll mil l..t aultL tlhnr.1 ! VI-.(.M NMll MllhlMM MllDH hNIMM (KOrtJld illM Hf I UU Mn.nnMt Kit- II r ti it Iran (In iv lil ii nHfin nl I a Iim 1 1 ( nlU't Mn nit hit I mi m- N Lhi uliit Iihm l'tn illni lm i $r i'i mi ftn i ill;'- Says Collection Agency Beat Him Out of Four Jobs Keiiume of in. iii.iin of r l "d Ii llemli . "II will. Ihele the HIU'i ill i tn l tih-.it . 1 j Willi J 1 1 1 ill, I in w i ii iino; nieel lo i-;i in- 1 .'ei uniii p.-o j ,1, - m oi here le m . . , . the lirrnmn m en reeolved to I n In II tepiona It hue 1 hy tlie fi h-ii'lii on enf.tina ii'itinni ii elm h I In t i,m whl'di Ihreati'iie n I it K 1 nl d U o i't 1 1 I i.-d I '"Mi i . H 'nil nl . llli lllom il.li' i ' I! ii I he t ii .I l'-i o-i.: li-ii il' 'lie u ' e I : lloniil hlh I ' . Il III., ll Kiil , i ! i ll ' Oil I y w n i hi atlO'll'l the I in I l 'i t Xlellded and pl'lllllliKe'l "The 'ierniiin ai' tine nl , mn, iom i of Germany ' elir-nalh. I i . . HIHihl tin1 Inn few luonlhl iinnoiiiii i'il li. rmi' lln mii Id It l enduiexH In hllil.e pi in i- on n Ihihk mi feu mi i dim; i.i'tninii' iliiil Inieienli. ilni Indiiuiiiia t Ii it 1 !i ii mil ij.-i nniiiy fmlll If pi m e p. Kllll him. In Id from ihe natlnii of Cnrope, The Ocnmiii uiivern nienl fnr In nil thu mine Junlillid In , clnrlna Diet i ' .tionililllt y unil'l n.d li horne liofiiie Ho- fioiitn of niniiMiid .ind In hleloiv, it nf!in t ii i-ut -one inniii lie of the wore dm u I inn, lln- mil'iiiHriiii. 'tueeilnn, under rlH.'UMien hetwien tin. 'ii rnuin K'U ornment and the no" enuuent chcHpr.or offer relletiee. I lie in lnl I an He (.nod, I: ,i Hi. lie i r ' l anin.t expect Hint j i! in'iiny, ''oni-il In fight for ( latence, j knin loi ihe oide of lie ill i u 1 1 1 1 ei i' at ' ii.iiih'. Hie '! o' en ('fee he epui, If the rnen'' peil.llllfd to totllllliie ; to ,IJI1 ,M lici no'! IiimIv of ttftlfl , t:nl..ttS inle nflnl'i tuMnnl la i fin h 1 a d-miinil n'iid he lie itimnHinlr with thv iIihibciii of ii"iiiiltty at iicl tli Uermun i;m ei ninenl ir i-oiii Inced Hint the goiem m ill i't Hi" I nileil (, linen not IhliiK of miitona h a demiind, knoHtng tint the ,ii . i ii, in 1,1 in ll i c I nl:.'.! Hllllen If-t.- il. ili '. !. I.i 1 1-4 Ihel It I ill-let mined In r eloir lln I'linclple to fieedmil of th? ..i, ii'iiti iviiiiieiet ipiHitet It haa hern vlnlnl.'d ' i i onltnili the am eniiinnl of Hrr in, hi j loidliletit tli.il In coiim-u 'eni of the new oideia tieiied to the neiel foice thu cm .1 mi mil of Hie t'inl"d Htnte mil iiIko iiom ii'ii.ldei nil Impediment li on, .il uiihii nmv loon lieen tn the ol miiliinl .((.. i a I Inn towiiid ii'Hlolii Hon m Hie lieeihmi of tlie ea during th vial, aunaenied In the not of July A I'd-., iitid It dnea not ilnuht. tliat th gov iinno'it of Ihe I nlted hhatea mill now ilenmid mid Ineinl the! the lirltleh a'"-' leieni tiiinlilon t n In i (j i , i I i e it In t ' 1 1 1l rout liv liie Lillet, in whli It he ami lite innit Inr n ile'. t .ui:,uii art'l lie ii.iiii in e 1 1 ,. iiii. aoiooiiiltig to I'i i pun of xl.l'li lie p.iii. In llt. III the cult of Hie Int. ,l n!r. Almiinli Jitdanienl em louiul a-'lii"i li'ni for It. ilU ni'ii uji iiNhe. .1 fni the ii'liount, ud noun II loud l.m lug ! Ill' ll'l lll loli'l ll II' ' linn iiaeiu innu money (hmi lln- in I. inn ilehl, ImI 1 1 it- v mill ilii.m lie o,i th.m j The him four Join" he h oi in i. utiii 'In ! violin lieere IMoH iiiutpen.v, Ihe H'-i'it'i; ! rrtlllp, ll1 , I', III. lll.mlinf u 1 1 1 1 the X' -! hllllku l Oil lie- rollipil '. ,ludl.e Ih'S I'm in, ml- 'I a lemi'.ii.Hi h - iliitinina cl''!, pi ci .-nl loa ti ii Ke;i' I i inn f nl I h''t inle' h I ,11 1.1 u Otitil I 111' Vll"le II I I In niiignb lfl. d no ii 'I'I ' hi' Hied l 1" oi: I I I loll III ll I II he I' III GILDER'S "AN APRIL DAY" SOLD TO AN ICWA MAN "An April I'av" ft mil .lie hoiKh of lion.! ert I'', illldei, in a In. n nii In. -til i) ,1'iLu; ll, Colllne. e lorloddie, In , u M i oltertm' j The ton Hi' piiln'hia nl the Ullder I'innieiil .hull fnirhwllh olidetie tile i idea ,,lhil at the Inolint unlhii l'h. f of iniei'iielloiiiil law iinlieiaallv rf'o- Midi will lout'iiue oulv todn) end In nixt d tiefoie Ihe war. a are laid dnw t, mnrrow , menu .4.-.? YEGGS BLOW SAFE OF PAPER PLANT Professional Safe-Blowers Crack Both Vault and Safe of Danish Pioneer Company. MAKE AWAY WITH $140 IN CASH Sfc tilimoiM, wlnine expert crafts liinnalitp, lln jinlt :e aaaett, indicatea lliat tlipy ate profoaalonal yeKgtllcn, Clacked luitli Hip vault ami lite safp of Hio Iiatilnh I'tnnorr conipanv Thui ,iliij niKiil and toblmd tli snf oi I 1 5 in ciiMh, 'I'lm jim(rt Ruined ciiirHiico to (hf i iiliilill.iltnicnt liv pi'ilng upon I lie ('mil nl the nroms toiiin, TlH'V then I'iflli llltu tlie 111 H i ll officii uf lho l imit liy pi'ili'R llic diuir lict'M'cti tlie I'fflce and ll'o ptcin rnoin. 'I lie (lu.il of Mm' IH Ifllllt ill coin lete!v hhnl . off II, i lllote-i h Ihe nlllo Ull'i 't"!' pliut He 11,1-1 the d mi nf till- i.fe lln-lde the vault, Houli i.' ! lie, iiie-ldi-ni of th paper, ileihinil (hit inhi, mii . -1 1 ,.,!., I l, .miln nnihi v noil iHluahle paper with h he i n, I In till ili-ili. tie Ml o aitul lie had IkiiiIi"'! 'rinuil i iif'ei immi Ihe mutt of i,T'. whl' h hud pu t Iniialy repoeed In the inifo Htid tiiii'h I lif y.'Kai would ha imi!oiihieil) Imie Hlnlen luiil they hnen 'o ll'il .e ll eli i ieil lAein-edy II I K lit In -oe iil in Ti.ill - tt,i i u'alil Tie Mil'in-iv ori'ttiied hetween the hum oi i' m i-'.M u mldtiluht. when tli 1 ImiiI null ipill wml.. Blld 4 o'clock In Ihe irolEilna H no fi.lim ihe -mini, I of the eiplo "'in 1 . 1 pihiiii r-iKi, piipere and the liie ' nd tin I mil hiiiI eefe iloora, the i. hi... in in . i nHfnlly kept tlielr V lei r line, "d Hint ..nphii Ni-lile, who relde in tlie honec adjoining tlie plant, failed 'o dear any of the dl.it hi hence. Inn in f tin I unali mill I'nlil, Keefi not of dinfin, aield expoffure, e'jtl and Ihe liahiinnd inl-e in, King a New lUeioieii. in im,. mii forty jear. Ouar iiniee I All di iiggiaia,-Ad rtlenienl, ipr v sz&xz. 2E Berg SuHl Me We Are Showing a Spring Suit Assortment Supreme 1 5,000 New Suits New Models New Patterns More Suits to Choose From Than Any Other Two Stores Combined . A MAGNITUDE of flections for younjr men and men who hlny ymin from tin- worlil's bft known crflftiniitMi of Hiija;lifht, cIiih Immi Inildicil (ftnuciils, I'mni wnolonn Hint phow quality in evory llirciitl," and wIktc fvt'ry mini, im-spi'dive of size or weight, mil lie I'ittctl nt out' of Ihffc f ri1. $12 00 $1 eoo $ Id And Save From $3 00 to $5.00. Young Men's dJ C Special at . . P' The Greatest Lot of Suit Value3 Shown in Omaha. Several hundred new Halted Hark, Nor f o I k or J-'port ('out uitH, rum up to tin' laat tnitiut1 of atyle and rlaii.-i nrnti ili, Cheviot, I lonioiiiii, KiiKliali and S -oti li inUttiri'a and PlfoitH it rip. a, rhmk-, tdaide, KrayK, lirona ami lilim.i. tviusi e in for in , fit and iinitii. f r ffx .'natotiiary $l.tni an' Kti.ti'i values for. Kuppcnlieimer and Society Brand Superior Master Tailored Clothes $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 to $40.00 '1 In- kli" i- ii. ! e id-' , nd a" ii.'r of id" fine' ilotlie nn 'Ci I iiliiMtr I'iMiiiii mnl I'tttei n," I in imi'iii led ami lnm,.ii n'.en, n i " ' ' I !. .. n,. It i , ,M h ..v.t, vi'i r.- kt -it 'i"!'?-1, i ,i..r tti; r "t '. 'i- I- -iil !i! l'irvii H l"i ' ' i , 5 1- U'I't. ' (! 1 ' Uli 1,-1' I't t Hl-ll Itlllt' ''.,' I'lll ' V, . ' .i 1 i ii l..i 11 ' ' ' i'i t ' i. -. i I" ii-, ', n - i i- 1 ' d.i t ',. n' - 1 f- '( " v ,,-it, no .i" r. ru I till 111 It . e ll kl U ut,c ' ;t. i.li- lllltl I - " IHk I "i1 '' il r.r -' ' .Sprcii ls for ;' h i il l'ni i' . Ul ti ll I ! l air Inniiitl I' ,:. I. - - 11. i I ll I I f . , I . , . I I. , , , , '.',1 1 in! .i, .t , (HI t I I ...Mt i it-.lu , II, . - I: i i ! :. ' iit .-ii , i t ' " i nt, ' ' k ' . i - .i , -'. !. .- tin it.OI ' V $52,50 r--.T7T?oi'S a ciiAnci; account amj wr.u-oMr: : r'-UTr ?ii tf-r ff?-&'irmw j ' t ay 'i fyi'y "f " ji"e kf ' Watch it" - v '; Our Oh 3. Wind ows W A, fa ) H 20 Ar?m' A-'- V':'t f V. $1" 1 ', - 1 ' ' f J . ,j Where a ' ; Young Mans ; x Tastes Are ' ' , UnJerstood and I I " Satisfied A Older r Uiand mu (..".,., f .- jci) t'l'-m i.r .i'.-i' t-isin I"" ' ' St f ,hi.4mi I ' v t a Satn...'k .no I V-.ii til,, ;, ... . j A Well .'. i 1 . I ii l 1 1. . ii ... i-t.i,. , - ' - ' 1 . ' ' ii , i .. . in t, I ' ' ' I; A". I l p !'.' i i t.".l.v " t V " li v , I-. a i i. f , ... f j! tuit a. at tut, at tt t ii; i 1 i'1 ? ' " I I ' IM'I 'II'. 1. 1 i . t!r .- L. '. . (j "!"-"-', - , 1 - .,V jl . --I' I . ...,. V., - f ii ITr -.. ;. .. 7 I I ,-', : i ,si, " , ;s 9 h. 4 ' N:.- y , . ) j 1 ilt I ' $10 If yon aearched the toe n ver you fouldn't find Kticll unnderful taluea na we offer in mod- ( el to ("ttit the t ' taatr a of nioii of . f all ( gea and S Iff i "nappy J i y I m I "v for ounn men ind yutmit leliowa nt Kolns into Iuiik pant nindela St asur nMe ltini?hingj Specially Priced I en iilil. i,i.I.,,'i.i . ,i ,i i M -u' t loi. t e it lil,,. I - i - - - . . fc f i i ia od Jim i 1 1 1 . n - i f t'l'-m or t-'isiu f fc-- I