4 THE BKF. : OMATTA. SATTT.DAY. MAY ii, 1M6. il ' j Nebraska Nebraska j i FARMERS PLEASED AT SILO SPECIAL Thousands of Them Flock to Meet ing Places and Receive Information. MUCH GOOD 13 ACCOMPLISHED GERIXG, Neb., May S.-tKpcdal Tcie ram.) Th J.Ki-miie Itinerary of the Union Pacific dairy, alio and llv Hock special ended tonight whsn meetings svura held lmultaneauly at Unrtns and Halg. X final meeting wa held at tha former plaoa and a batid concert given in honor of the visiting agrlruluira expert. Htopa were made today ul at Mi-Grew and Malhata. At tiering I'rof. P. U. Holden save a apeclal talk on the raising of augur beets, a matter of vital Interest to Nebraska' newest ugar city. During the entire trip a total of ap proalrnately 7)) addresac have been de livered at 129 meeting, which ra at tended by nearly Ji.ono men, women and fhlldren. The interest has been linens at every atop, and even at meellnKS held Ji Isolated achool hous'S from ten to twenty mile from the railroad the at tendanee ha been phenomenal. Every phase of dry farming, soil fer tility and atock raising tins been dis cussed and many question hav been asked of the expert by farmer, who aeem to be thoroughly awake to the great rwaslhltltles In the fertile J'latt valley aa well a upon the drier table land. Many hundred thousand bulletin on all the various gublnrt dlaciisd, In finding domeilo aclence, which were furnished by the agricultural extension department of the harvester company have been distributed. The effects of the campaign muat cer tainly result in an Immense amount of good In Increasing the yield of western Nebraska and In maintaining the fertility of the oil. It ha been a veritable ag ricultural revival and from every hand have come from farmer and business men alike message of thank and ap preciation for the effort of those In (harge of the campaign to bring experts In various line from a large number of slate to teach better methods of farm ing and consult with the tiller of the aoll regarding perplexing problem which confront every one of them. MAKING SUMMER SOFT DRINKS Food Commissioner Indicates What These May Contain. Just DIRECTIONS AS TO THE LABELS a Staff Correspondent.) May 5. -(Special Telegram.) Henry rang horn, EHOAR, Neb., May .(Apeclal.) Henry .angliurn, one of the pioneers of Clay county, died at his home In Edgar Inst evening, aged 71. Funeral service will be held In the Methodist church Sunday morning. (From LINCOLN, bulletin No. t. lsaued by the pure food commission contains some Information which Indicates that Commissioner Ifsr mn Is of the opinion it will be necessary for manufacturer of non-nkoholc bev eragca to know Juat hfiw strong they can make the stuff, It aaya: 1. The ura of aawhnrln or any coal tar sweetener In non-alcoholic beversgei sold In tl stm of Nebraska, Is specific ally Mht!l!el by law. .2 Artificial cMors and flavors sre per mitted, provirt'd tbny arc hnrmless and (lie lltM-i for purposes "f colnrlllg Slid flw- voiing only and not for the purpise f msskltijf Inferior or deleterious Ingredi ents. The us of any mineral dye r r any coal tar dv except the or.es herein lists I Is prohibited. The following coal tar dyes mv be used provided they bear a guar anty from the manufacturer certifying that each one Is the substance which name It beers, frea from contamination ami Impurity: He, rhades. 107-Amaranth, M-ronueau t ft. fit7-l',rythroetn. Orange shade, M-Ornnga 1, Yellow shades, 4-NHpntliol yellow 8, M-Tartrestn.. Creen shade, 4.16-Ught green 3, F. yellowish. Ultra shade, teJ-Indlgo dlsultihoacld. 3, The mi of artificial preservatives IS prohibited. ! isi ate of soda mny be usd In amounts not esrerrllng one-tenth of 1 per cent, provided Its presence Is declared on the label. (linger ale containing added capsicum or other flavoring or pungent materia' except those present In ginger root should be labeled "Imitation 'linger Ale" or It will be considered mlshranded In viola tion of the food law, ' S. Root beer and birch beer are held to he beveragea brewed from a aweetened Infusion of roots and herha or an extract thereof, and, if otherwise manufactured or produced should be labeled "Imita tion" to avoid charges of misbranding , Compounds, Imitations or blend must not be sold under the name of any single Ingredient, nor under the name of anv other article. If artificially colored or flavored this) Informs Hon must appea on the label, and If It be an Imitation, the word "Imitation" ahould also appear. The quantity or proportion of alcohol must In alt cases he stated on the label If there he alcohol present In any quantity whatever. 7. In all esses the label must show the net amount of contenta In the container In terms of either weight or meaaure. This rnsv be declared on the crown csn If there Is no other label on the container, or may be blown In the glasa. All such stslements must refer to the content and not to the cspsclty of the container. The heavleet cannon used at the time of the American revolution were eight een pounder. From Our Near Neighbors let I rig, too Itov Hmnf.liiger of Omaha vlallcd friend her Sunday. Mra. Adama of Omaha and Mra. 1 1 rrf f -man of IJticolti visited at the Vestal home this week. Mr. and Mra. Otl lfendrtckson and daughter of fea Moinea, la, are visit ing at the John Hondi l ksori home. Mleae Kthel Allen of Omaha and Mar fan! Nelson of Council Hluffs visited the l'elri home from I rldny III, Ht.wJiiy, The play called "The Deacon." given t the school house Friday evening, was attended by over 3) people and tjoralllt enjoyed by all preaont. Over " u tuktri In. Ileniiington. Mrs. Adolf I'auleen spent the week-end at Norfolk. Superintendent Yoder visited 'hoola In tliU locality Thuraday. Mine Iena Ibbcrt underwent an op. ration for throat irnubln rMlurday at an Omaha hospital. John Harder, who lived northeast of town, died Thursday evening. The fu neriil will probably be held tiunduy. , A barn dunce furnlifhcd entertainment vdnc4(y evening when a laign number of fri. rni tendir-d a autpriau pin ly to III i'l oi Imow. The outing camp of the Young Wom en' Christian assnciHtlun of Omaha will bo formality opened the latter purl of Muy lit Hummel bill farm. Miss ,Mrile Leach, teacher In Idstrlct No it, motored to Omaha last Haturday, inking her h.iuhl 1 gcada class to vmlt various points of Interest. V alley. G S. Kopp la serving on the petit Jury. Mr. Jnnsen went to Gretna Thursday for a short vlrdt. John Ientell returned Punday from his trip to Wlleey. Kan. Miss Cook and Mlsa Kubank will eirfuid the week-end In Uncoln. Miss Huth Hubbard Is out of school this week on account of alckness. Visa Margaret IeW of Fremont was tha (itr t of Ireno Hron I'nday eeu trig. Ml I'earl Manna returned from Tull City Hutiilay. leg ting her brother elmhtly better. Mr and tt F. C. Kennedv. Mr. and Mrs C. It Nichols and Miss Nlilmla mo tored to Omaha Sedueiiay. The Woman's bible study class met Tnursday at'ernoon lth Mrs Ir. I'ar aorv. slot Is t'-si bcr ff the tines. Mt nba CIiamerltln. h was Hi guet of Kthel t.nlnk eevernl dr left f.r her home In In'trislly 1"bi. Ties (lay. Mrs A fisr Inter was sle,l t. liinb' Ut wok 111 atni llit of lh ei.ot n:. r.eae u( her granddaiighlri, frtciia Nces. "the senior -' ,f Ibe 'sl'y Misti ho. I ve I . i I'lw . ' t '.e T-.-'i ir a I an I srere, nMve i:ene In tl s a y i n lnci r'tt.lm tveilii T'' te'la iti)I ii!"ii ..f I .!'.' Al-I was e .1 wil l Vrs ' t , Vt ,,1ii,i..l rt,ii,.',r( M - a l'4ii'i-i Mi M r,: ..4lf ( Mil I m --n ii,g u. 'i 1 ! i .1 i ' K I i. sil-m ! t,. V V. . tt.- Hi e tie) I i,e o. ' g . 1 1 .f t-. .. r- ! M !!.. I.I ,..( I lie, 11 . - '. I ' I I m. . I . , m r -I . .. iil'l'H Iis, tl-' ii . , i ,. t m V . i , . re t I ' 4 tow.,.. . 4 'M I K " 1 ' . I I . " k . ti ' rarlllliis. ,a Mj.t. 1 t in,.' 1 .-" V ,n..l,i ' l,.r i,.;,i!i,, tr tt tl Vt-..s 't 'V 1 tt.t a W :- i f 1 . 1 I i . . a r..,s 1 v..vn , ; ' r ' . 1 . , - r I m I p . , .1 V. 1 t , 1, 1 . ;i 4 . v 1 . l . . - . i l I' , 1 ' , I I . , .... t . - t e! t , ' t I . 1 st '. W 1 1' ' .r - .t . f i' w'. I 1 4 1 " K - ir-plv.t v i ' . f l ' t S l- , 'i till ! 4 t - I- ' 4 t;.- 't-i 11' 'Hi 'V '..' , i fc r.ti .1,.. 1 f . ! " t' . " ,. ,- " t. . t f 1 e . , 1 w I I, tri . '1 i . - ,i 1 I 1- . i.c ,.,.. . t 1 . .. : IS - 1 4 I- -r- e. ..,11 , , " .!.... J I ., U a a ,4 1 - j ' ')' (('i-"-T!, , , ; t t " , 1 Inte a bonfire as a result of Mrs. C, II. ftrown read an Inatruotlve pa .er on criminology. Mlsa lOdna. Wllsim ave a report of the district convention Ht Valley. The club will meet neat Wednesday with Mr. Frank Leader. I.rrtna. Ther will be a base ball dance In Treckel hall May 13. The tramp who rolled Bunds v died Wednesday the burns, Mrs. Jake Dunn, whose' husband died recently as the result of a rnnawav ac cident, la suing the saloon for If'A). Will Record, editor of the Oretna Hieeie, I yuarantltied for smallpox. There will be 110 Issue of the Precise this week. New aalonn licenses hsve been granted to the following: John Kra'h, W. H. Havla, F.rnest Knoll, C, If. Treckel, Wll I'nrn Slebert. Antony Hughes has stsrted the erection of a modern bungalow on his farm, one mil" east of Oretna. Mr. Hughes will t'stabllnh a dairy grid chicken farm. Flank Ilrynnlda, who la attending the slate university, and Frnnk llearnek, who la a student of Crctghton Medical college, weto home Saturday and bun day. Nprliigflrlil. T. ft. Ttlhoii of Antelope county I vis iting relative here. Mrs. Msrfiile Itlcharta visited a brother at Walthlll Thursday. Kllxabeth O tlrlen of Cimaha visited Mrs. I.. A. Hiitcs over Sunday. Mrs. tioorge Sn'der and daughter of Fremont are Halting Mr, and Mis. W. W. 1 low. '(iirv (intts. h returned Thursdar from Pxceletnr springs, o., much Improved Jn heslih. Mr. 4lle Tfltig returned from Colo rado Uednesdsy, where she has bean since last November. Mrs K, I,, rflug returned taat Wednea dsv from ( olorado Pprlngs. where she hs been for several weeka. Mr and Mrs. w. Wamaley of Flatts mouth were hera Suo'1hv to attend the funeral of Frederick V'flug. Andrew Msrtensen of Primrose vlsttd st the home of bis danghtera, Mrs. Chester ami Mis Kohert Kevrs litis eck. Mr. Tetnr harnnan died at the Methn. rtlsi honpltsl In (ioi.ru and brnirglit here f.,r burial. "he lis I been III for three nrnnrh. The ladle of I'lnitford held their club rueet:n (i it,,, residett.e of Mrs V II Utkeii A iood r,nriii rendered, b. It was followd bv refrtubmenis, The t'nsteni "Ntsr t lt lim meelti e'e'ted ih (ollnwirif officers Mrs W H !nv1d,.n ,ii,t i,ir,, j .iPr worth- istron ,. I M I w ' jr.,.' mer. Mus t d iile xr-ritrt i " 0 I "ell. 1 oiidu, irnn nod Mrs . M Kieck. sssoi-ure cro1't' tres. I'll hum, "'rf-n went (,l tMl Mr-.. 3 1 r'a Mt. llenT Mi t,.r it,ir, Mr, l'..t T' nw.Hy M. I ,,t.- W ill .ttr4i l.n Mrt l.ilnll... tW.lnr, In Vr cd .tin f t!e h --t e ' ti,"l..lt I Hf IM, U , d 1 V't I It. I ' t Comment of American Newspapers On the Note; Views of Various Editors as to Its Meaning Pittsburgh Chronlcle-TelegTaph: So far as words go Germany has granted our main contention, but If Its action is only temporary and depends on thu future courses of fii-eat Britain, the situation 1 one fraught with grave peril to our friendly rwlatlons. Louisville Times: The unofficial text of the German note serves notice Hint the t'nlted Btates must cither force Knglnnd to end its blockade of foodstuffs or acqui esce In a continuance of Germany's submarine warfare along the litu-s al ready laid down. The Day, New London Conn.: (iormany ha put Itself In the right and from Its right and unassailable position a to the United State end other neutrals: "Now prove your good fnllh by dealing with our enemies as you have dealt with u." Providence) Ilulletln: It (the note) Ik a brutal mockery of the wounds again and aiialn Inflicted U!on us. It Is a suites of studied Insult added to a long Inventory of Injuries. The president must prove that the lofty sentiment ho has ao ofteri reiterated are not empty words. Jlaltlmore New: The United Htates de manded the eta.bllhment of a certain tatu quo. Oermsny has established It. NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY How long It can or will maintain It ) another question. Rut for the tlmo being we are left nothing to complain of. Chattanooga News: The German note I about a satlafactory aa Could be ex pected. The Immediate Issue Is whether or not the concessions made are suffi cient. We believe they will caust) a bet ter fooling among the American people. Oakland (Cal.) Tribune; The response, of the German foreign office la not In graceful form, but this maf generously be obscured under the transcendant fact that the war cloud Is dispelled. Ger many bus yielded, conditionally at least, wbb h remove the danger of an lm medlato rupture of diplomatic relation. Walla Wallg (Waah.) Pulletln: The reply of Germany again elde-tep the main lue and puta up to this govern ment the mieallon of severing diplomatic relation. I appear that Germany hag rot met the president's demands and tnat llplnmatlo relation will be evered unless ho "backs down." ' The Clovaland Waechter and Anielger: The German anwer 1 that of the atrong, whose conscience Is clear, who wlahee peace, without fearing war. It put the final eay up to Mr. Wilson and place before him the chance once more) to be the mediator, who brings the warring nation together. The decision ahould be simple. Unfortunately, there i room for doubt -which alternative the president will choose. New York livening Sun: We cordlaJly hope our government may find in thu note the aolution of our own difficulty, but as a general Indication aa respect the prospects of peace It fill u with gloom. Plainly Germany U not in the humor yet to heed the counsel of wis dom or humanity. It la atlll wortd deflant. New York Globe: The mply ta thu not to be accepted a a settlement of the matter tn dispute between the United State and Germany, There I no com pliance or auhstanUal compliance. No choice would thus seem open to our government but to carry out It deolared Intention to over fllaplomatlo relation. Boston Traveler: The note Is an amuse.- lnc combination of evejilone, denial, Irony and fact. It I an Invttantlon to the president to begin a new aerlea of com munication. Milwaukee Kvonlng Wisconsin: In ef fect the nolo seem to bo a roUeratlon that practice shall be made to conform with profession In the rnattere concerned, is'jr-. K'E II EA TRICE, Neb,, May 6-(Hpeclal.)- Tho churches held a union meeting Inst evening at the Presbyterian church to ar range for a picnic on Flag duy, Juno H, of all the Sunday schools In the city. It I planned to hold the picnic at the Chautauqua park and a parade will be given through the principal streets, In which 4.0W) people will participate. Kdlth Belle Adam of Crab Orchard yesterday filed ult In tho district court for a divorce from William Atlanta. Th plaintiff charges the defendant with cru elty and Infidelity. They were married In 1912. Announcement was received here yes terday of the marriage of Henry Bchlachter of thl city to Mis Or Luctle Wave of Omuha, which occurred re cently at Omaha, where tha groom I tn the employ of the Omaha Gas company. Wesley Fulton and Mb Winifred Tot'ner were married last evening at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N, Yother at Liberty. Rev. L. g. Hum ham officiated. They will make their home at Liberty. Indigestion llail Rreslh Nour htoiiuii'h. If you suffer any of these take a dose of Dr. King' New Llfn Pills tonight. Only So, All drugglsts.-AdvertlHcment Sale of 5 Mr mi f Mr tti. r .ta ,tt rum, . a -i- '4 t.'.II i t I Ml. ! Midi t-1 1 n ff ' I I" W 01 I ' I V I t . t I 4 1 ie... , V t I' I;.' w ". t i 1 I ' i Vt 1 (1 . 1 - lt"l'"f J J 4,' V" : vi 1 ,11,4.1 1 4 J ' . . I, I ' ..144 4- ' -.... t .... V 4 el , J 1 4 ., . t' '4 1. 2 " 5 . i I 1 i i n I M a . 'i. ...,,. t a t-1 1 - h ' 4 4 ai, itir i , . . ,1 v t! , , - ., I ' a - . t It 'i t w " T I- 4H .4t l. KOCCa40KCaf Women's at a Price Calculated to Clear Them Out Just Think these suits arc our Regular Stock, moderately priced from the dav thev entered the house at $19.50. $22.50 and $25.00, on Saturday we shall sell them at Styles That iudntle cukp&rm from IwuBng modiste, hi both loose butterfly modda to gathered and belted rtyiaa ; very foil skirts aw shown, while every idea in fancy trim and finish is to be found here. Fabrics 8w as light wgM fine Twflls, graceful drapmp; Oabardines and Wool Poplins, as well as Black and Whita Cheeks and Plaida. would be fatty to add words to words Alt we say is, come and see the suits with your own eyes. Charming and Delightful New Silk Dresses TlTtB are offertaj a wonoerful line of Taf " ftrtaa. Groa do Londroe and Stilt Faille Frocks In tb netraet ahad of Gray, Green, Bnraa. Chtnawa Blwi and Rootlei aa well aa BtatsVai, Bocb aa Nary and Black. Chiffon and Mooiusrihm da Sole 81er, Veetoea and CoUan hav the rail, while a moIMtu.de of rery prettr trim are ta erldencA 14 For Warm Days Blouses Good Qa&lltUs Low Prices WHITE VOILE BLOUSES LU?ht and dain ty for .rammer wear. Prettily trimmed wtth colored BtraDS and bninstitchlns S50 large oollaxi and doable cuff. Slaeie up to 60 bunt NEW HANDKERCHIEF LINENS to Coral. Wedgewood and FWwh. Theae blouse t95 have a wv style yoke of white Unen, A , with hand made polka dots STRIPED TUB SILKS In cood tailored style for mart burtneaa wtirnen.. $ 9 5 Yon only have to ae thla line to I know It many wonderful value WHITE VOILES AND ORGAN DIES With lante Cape Collar and "tiny ttik" $1 65 I fronta and raff. PreiUly trimmed with one Inch aocordion Ktirria. . . Coats, as fresh and Bright as May Blossoms Some with fany fitting linrn, full ripple WK and brltM waiatliivs, nthfrs are in the new al ort butterfly nnvlel, vrrr full st the akirt- Thry hare many dainty details fir yon to loU on, while the ntalfrnala are hiph praiie wool poplin, towtt, (ralanlinca, ahephprd ehwk, nerge rl ilk. s oo 19 A Ladies' Pump '". value rcall) Tra a prince 11 ( lltn Kll ' ae all en I Mil KU1 ei.tit. elt 4 ii A Sale of Delightful cw Alillinery r .-4. r4 saa sew t in. w .,i(k l.ia otrstt tks tvM i euif mj0 '- aj'.teia, a a as I ii i t l i i . t ... t r 4 ft i ' 4' ft. M 4 ft 1 ft ift 4,4 I I til tl ll'i I ft 4 I I l-.l tl, r. f-i il'il a' ft I ' i wb. h i ftnt .'Kft'Uftft i l.4 I.I mm a lV,t,, - 4f mm i Hear Motor Complaint. liASTINf'W, Neb.. May 5. (Special Tel egram.) State Railway Commliialoner U. c;, Powell yesterday heard argumentf en the application of the Commarclal clubs of IlaatlnR and Kalrbury for tha restora tion of motor car service on the Ne braska section of the 8t Joseph & Grand island railroad. It was ir.slet-. Hint the present service was incuiivonU'iit for tlm wlshlni, to coma and leave these towns the iam day. Representatives of I'M -tar opposed the appllcKtion. which the com miasloner took under advUement. Bee Want Ada Produce Result. 1 ("Values that will make you remember me" Leon. J ) .9 ! ! Shirts- Shirts -Shirts Saturday I am placing on special sale more than 100 dozen Shirts of unusual quality at a mere fraction of their actual worth. I WANT 1000 MEN to step into my store and know that my prices and qualities cannot be duplicated in this town. OLUS SHIRTS Shirt -Tails Turned Into Drawers, worth up to $2.50 at . . . Silk Pongees Guaranteed col- So As C To Make Friends . , II . 4 44 or-rasi ana f i it f m gtuirantnd Xyr-1 k a ra 1 1 e produc- II ere, worth up fl Jf O M to $2.60 ..... Silk Oxfords, that I guaranty 1 will give the latin- EJ drlee the lia-Ha t worth up to $3.50, Jl at 45 THE TIME, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. 315 SOUTH 16th St. TOE DATE, SATURDAY LEON'S THE PUCK, LEOV8 315 SOUTH 16th St. Special Enamelware Values Ski Blue and Onyx, Double Coated En amelware at prices Less than Half Real Value. Save the difference. Kri-7 i;;ti ci'ilipi-1 wltii t:ia 4prla.l t.Hji hHvor Htirnsr n x- rn!lnt nalv't' nri'1 irunr t"41 In avsrv tolall. 1lk nhistraflnrj $12.50 KkiiU 39c ft" . - : . ''I . ' .? ' l! -t ' SVI Hlilr vt Ony Kt' fi Hollar 31c ski in . (.f ! nn tVr;:t Kaitto . . is JC A Saie Place to Trade. Our Guaran tee Trotfctj You, Let the Central figure Your Furrt ture Bill. - "s. 14, 1" ;-i ft t'tij'i t'l'ff.n I'm , 1 1 s 'i ' t , Jit t !'., ft Hat n a l' I . 1 C 1 1' !.,f li Ptx r ti 3Gc a. i- t L i.a WW ll "i ' ft ' ( K i t , , . , t V7(k (l-M el (ho II tK It. Ill ttuniil ih I I i 41 I Hat at iHf I 'MI, Va M 'Hi J, tllKt In' r, II I .O t