Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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    "1 ..
Want-Ad Rates
e cask wrrx okdebi
v pr word each Insertion
gpsolaJ, Katssi
Firm and Ranch Lands.
to pr Una each insertion
(Count alx word to the line.)
Jc tr word ena tlma
1 e per word. ..three consecullv tlrnaa
c per line one tlma
Jc per llo thre consecutlv tlmaa
(Count alx words to the Hue.)
lOo par Una..; ..sach Insertion
(Minimum charge to cents )
Monthly Rata for t ending ads fno
chang of oopy) II 0 per lint
(Count alx words to the Una.)
Coatraot rates oa application.
TfTR REB wilt not be responsible for
more than one Incorrect insertion of an
advertisement ordered for more than
one time.
AnVKRTIFEHS should retain rerMpta
given hy The Re tn payment for Went
Aria, as no mistake can be rectified
without them.
T.'F! T1TC TOT.rTTToVlS. 1f yon rannot
ronvenlently bring or send In your ad.
Ask for a Want..A Taker, and yon will
recelir the seme food aeryte s When
delivering your ad at the office.
rvrviNn miTtovn u: f,
Current offerings of the beat Motion
f'lcture Theaters In Omaha.
..,..,., rt.llw t
"A Man's Sins"
Terrible Is the revenge when a men's
daughter Is wronged as lie wrongod
her mother.
"Tho Conquering Hero"
Laugh and the World Laughs,
"S UM It Kit. l'LKAtii:,,"
Central and the MTsher.
"heelt'g America First."
VltiNCKBS. iaif-l UOUULAH,
ANOTIIKR rtld f'BATI'flK Tl'l'Ai.
Ifnhsrt Hosworlh and liorothy I'aveii
tioit In "It Nelshhor."
Now the house of feu lines, oithcsfia
ami pipe oixsn.
Today I'resenis
NltAliOW (V I'Ol ltT." ft acts.
inn au dIniSeV;
Enlsoda No. II "Iron Claw."
'"I he Little Hamarlian," 3 reel Kesa
nay ami a good (.onitdy. i'lp') Organ
dn Lue.
LarTiKoK S4Tfi t LOTiiuoP.
Triangle presents Deiale Harrlscsle In
BllfcTHMAFi. ltifll & UtTK&KTfkT
Itulnlng Handel's Reputation. 1 reel,
"Two iilta I'rmiia." 11 reels. ' Art and
Arthur," I reel. Weekly,
"Keaenerstlon of Jim llelsey," Hellg.
"Her I'artner." Vltearanh. "When
Things ) Wrong (His Hopkins)." "The
Haitle Itoyal, Vim t o.
IiOULKVAKU. 23d 'it Leavenworth.
Metro Pl'-ture Service Offers tha
Favorite of the Hrreen
, Supported by Mrs. Thos, Whlffen, In
"Herbars, Frl'tclile,"
Hy riyde Flteti.
immzF?: 1 1 it a v ekwohtit
Naqco O'Neill
"2666 FAfiNAhC
Aleiajder Oa4ei In "I Aoouee."
.omh ltd.
IIKHSK. S'it'H ft a
Hellg Tribune. No. 33
"Tho hleiiths," Vim Co.
"H-k'IbI I'haies," No. b
".ee America First." Peanuis and
powder. " "Heller Ite Than Never.
"Aiiio Rutnnllnn"
Special f.'ltra Reel Features now appear
ing at tha following Theaters:
aTuLLo, 2ii4 LrJi VKN WUUTU
"Itegeneratlnn of Jim llaleey."
Tti.bbkJ, 'fWTTTTijuTTTiNfrN
Hoelal Itratrs." No. I
liot l.r.VAilD, laiTeV l.hiAVK.N Wulll'TC
' Itnrhara Krletchle."
tM i'TlKMM i.'.'l l l" A N i TMlTi iT.AH
"A Mun Sim." 'lenllilo U lh ri'vcni..
lieu ma 0 a daughter H Hronnvd as
tin w riitmeii tier iitntner
l.liA.Vb , lli'l'll AN'li HINNKV
l.plnute No. i "Iron t'law,"
UillillOT'. THANli "liTfiltolV
lleeala Hrrl ale m "Honors tint"
MONU0K, S-f-i rmnm
Aleiamltr (Uden In "1 Accuee
"l.l lll.'i M,
' h i Ann it' a Hi st "
.-lt'U AMI M
I r N'," freiuilng lonUn
1 ' eerxiH
Unite. "11 t I Vt NW. Illli
Nance u Neil
Tie v it. h "
,iM.VtiST""" Ht'U ASi' 't lil'fc- I f
li i'i.'i f! U a !! t ,i (
I i. .!,.,,!. ' Ait ei. I AiHiur
I UK I AI.S it. i IVS l
In ' sl.sjja et
t . it ','
I n 4 a t t K SnitO
' I 1 J -ha, li-.!. May I,
..,.,f,l .u.Ut ,. at
m al Mi . f " !.
M u . ti I. It .1 , .i ..
I . .1 , .. ' I ! t I I
I - I 1 1 1 t n.i n f 'tel. I I. . - ill
I lt-.. t4'4 li.fl A.-ii . .
4 t
. V ' 'i t is'
t uh r 1 M H
it , m .h t i 'f a..V i e.,l
f. .... a I t' I i a.... ...
. ..j-tf' aiii 'i. e .t if.
-,. i, f .i 'l t''i'S. tt . 4
,!,- ' J N if ' I
I .4 v I. . l ' ,4
i. . i t i . a 14 i .. i' i . . i .
' .,.;. ' 4S a e i . V
t . I 1 4 41
m t tn itartiaiii
' u K S-e !.. .ct ae
.. a " 1 e. t i .ii
., I I " ' I 4 ti .-'!'.- :
:l,i'fr,' 114. ttN if
h. . .. .. . . . . . - . .1 -4 4
V 4
HI .
I ..... IM
i 1 4 e
- i. . a
' -a.
UtST yl.'ALlTY I I T H,UHtKS or
plains, Art t om lunations, unippea every
where. Excellent service to our cue
tomers In past years recommends I1K.SS
NWOKiiHA, 1415 Kamnra St l IMl.
flowers, dc;iverert or snipped nywi.
L, HENDKItSiiV. 1 r. 1 Farnam St
A. DtiNAiiHUE. V.23 Harney Don iniL
HATH, florist. If4 1'nnuir
it i in it am DUtTim.
I !i rl l.u J :7..,r Lf mill Chilli Bozdeck, i 1 i
South Fourth, mil; Christ and Alma
Chrlstcnscn, 271K Drrxel, hoy; Mauri' e
and Jluth Griffin, 22 1 If St. Mary's avemm,
boy; Louis end Marie Nelson, in 2
Meredith avenue. Kir ; I'mrn-n ami Ami""
O'Donnell. 121 Miami. girl. Victor and
um l- 1 .... .I....U .III Vl.,,.,.,. l.nv- Jacob
I.C.lli; I .-111" ' " , ,
ami Sarah Hlnahurg, lioi CaplM bvmiw.
gin; Jorm ana .nary niuiss. o,
Charles H. arid Kiln Brown, 2l South
Tt.i..,.,.tl.i.-.t I...V ll.v mid Mitrv HolidU.
J'i7 North Thirtieth, Klrl, Georgt and
.Nellie Jlolown. "i" iiru, un .
and Anna Kola. 1473 South Sixteenth
rlrl' 3 nut' nil mill Theresa Kalley. 41 3
South Twentieth avenue, Kill; Oriixlo
and (ilovannliin Serleiin, iiji nomn elev
enth, hoy; Malt and Katie Coltak, UW4
South Twelfth. Klrl.
Deaths William II Mucins, i".
... . ... ..--..If 44 tJA fu .
ltiiuic, .lusepn i am nimn ". ' " ' ""
fomla, Mrs. Lucy Worl, ht, 2103 N; I Ann.
HrlMhritis, , H rmim rnn"ini,
li, ,t,..i I i; llrnnil.m. Si. 4f.H North Twn
ly-clKhth avenii-; Ira liurnhatn, HI. No.
1 Ivy apartments; Lawrenrs H. Kttrli, 4,
X1J North Twenty-tiltith; Mia. Mary K.
Mlllnni, 72, .'.yt Nonh Twenty-first.
MAnillAK M-KK.
the'followliig permile to wi-d have Wri
Issued ;
Name and ItPslih'iwe
Mdrlrn Klnley, IJncoln -'
Hose iStmhui kcr, Llntolu "
Fred Heaver, T''k(iniah
vllzahelh ICIIIh, 'J'ckuiiuili
(Ifnrv K. iolvln. fiiniilm V
hoebe I,. Jlooklns, M. I'muI,
Warrtn I), Andiews, Coiini ll llluffs,. 2t
llllan Lenijister, ( ouii' II Jlluffs .'1
Ananat Keiniif. Omaha
MiirKinet M, A. rpniiow, r;miia ...... . 21
lit II.IMNfi f:IIHITa).
WlTlls Itealiy oiiiiiny. 1017 Victor ave
nue, frame dwelling, ll.wm; nils J(etiiy
eouipnny, 1'HI Victor avenue, finino
welling. J1,M; Willis lleniiy eornpinv,
I'.lt Victor avenue, frnmn dwelling, ll.sou;
Norrls A Norrls, Kill Florence bmileverd,
frnmn dwelling nuil nolo shed, It.fso;
Robert Hulke. S4"i Houlh Twenty. first.
frame dwelling, $I,MS; J. II. Oshorne, 2.V a
rinkney, frnmo dwelling, llfio, J. J I,
Oshorne, KM I'lnkniy, fnnne dwelling,
l;ii; F. Hkogmaii, ,'117 lluppy Hollow
boulevard, stucco and rruuie awciung.
OMAUA' uiTm.'IL lii.iil' I'S gi'KWCT
rersnns having Inst some article would
do well to call up the office of the
Omaha A Conic II In n fie HI rent Hallway
company to ascertain wlielhor tney teft
It In I he street vais.
Many articles each day are turned In
and tha company la anxious to restoie
them to lbs rightfu uwneis. Call
I long 4
g k'llj Ins anilliiiis n't sol gilverlls II lire,
yuu will aurslr r.. iinr n ir ImuihI tir an nuuem
pamon, J(loeikl'le rvinverles are bruuglil
aijn'ii aerr lr tinnujih this culuinn,
HIR) LAW ' -I'mI hu liicl l"i arilclaa ara
tnteieiiied iii mosina il, l Hi ataia Is i'
air. m la requiring lliera la "li tl ownai
IliiDiigh tdrartlaeiiieiit anil other elee anil thai
s lalluie pi do to. It ma can 1j pruxo, lu
vilve a Mivern tii'iittlty.
DMT-A Fold louring" "car, I HI it model,
llcenao No. 2IOIH, eiigiiio Mi, iui:ij,
lakoti front of Hiniuh ls hullihng Mlay 4
no reward fur riiurii of properly and
conviction i,f thief, Noiiry t'liarlts
1 hitler sherirfiif Hutpy county.
OMi giay pony taken up; biundcd II.
Jtoy rtiKins, i.nsi iiiiiinii.
"Farnllnre aml lleawl. iode.
"'ill. l.i'uNiljl'V HIUS IH OCT,
Never was there such a phenomenal
reduction of pocos on fine furniture
In the hls.ory ot I urnltuie s iles In
b I A I r; r i it r u i. nr.
for llih and limine. Doug. l'U7.
VILL sell lit aecnflca" nil or part of
household Iiirnlsliliigs. m goon i oiiui
tion, high grado; sullulila fur new home,
might consider part payment. Call Col-
tn iiiii unci b ii, in
OMAHA 1'U.LOW C.O.: Fell "and hair
ma trasses maue over m n..w ...
half the price of new ones. Phone us
for sample of ticking. Mall orders lilted.
1So7 l iiiiilnu Ht. Iiouglas 24t7
IitiirrJALK-I'ateiileil Ironing board, neat
and ei mini, win last m";"""
Phone us fur pa rib uliirs. Long. Mit.
ib icF' br.kVs, Si gas '" stoves, m rugs of
all klnns. potiiny wu imi.
(pen till t P m l No. th Ht
VH RATrrT-TiiiViTig ne-m taiile and
chairs rheep. Harney l.7.
'ITAC'f icAl.i.Y'iiew gas rungu for sale.
Phone Walnut 1 M'fl.
I'laaoa anil Muslral liislriinieiils.
I'lANOf Ft III 111'.. it.
Good makes, good eoinlitloii. HM pel
month new pianos. 14 mi per month.
t iiiuhi. I i i t'.Ct 1. Imilirlaa Mt.
CJi H li i-T grand plaiin, fine condition;
also r.illsim piionngiapn. in. on i"i
an.l Office Fl Hires,
lllg, elO, V a HUy, eeu. vinm.m riw, w w
ttupply i "., ii i i" i'o"B. '
Jevelr, lllamonda, etches.
tlioll'.liAAKti'(l luiKv wetniing rings
at nun ami itiian
tTT.i. tine i.r oat iienler s and moclianlo a
toola at 26 per coin "u. en c. nno c-i.
Timsrli'tt mm usllea
li per minim. o u. .... .u.
renu Mhlpped any place on ten Ueye
free trial. Hutls Tynewillsr tivhauga.
m H imii limaha. Neb.
..,., -I, a ...I.I ...ll . mi M.
T I r.vv in i t -"'(,.
palled lltni II "liver i7P"ii'i
inonlhs for u i entral 1 ypuwriier k,i
, h..nne. l'. Famaui.
i,k.ii,,ii,ii.. linii.irclis and tfmlth
ilon rye-wilier t Mimisny, t'. 14
'Hllkl.'tM fill I.'.ll. P' ... W.,1 . T. ......
iitiiAMk. liiiilioti ami i art'on to..
Lie end relail. I i.'i.' leiS Itowsra Ht
. ;. : .v i, h'i iiiu i.t " CAMtttiM t o
iirfui.i .in,! j. I busies .ii. t-a lie
" - ...... - .-
M.cMurn e4 I Im,
NtW AM' fl.ioM' HV.Nti MtiiMHA.
1 t,H I t i l t i iih i t,ia
M i III M.-tT.-i.
l.K l'H"N ' I 1 ' I lUt'Al. N tiUKa,
l! I ! h i . I totsli
i'llt.l lt- ai.em. il' i ittc, run n In. S
lla. Ort a i k i'g ' ti . I! ' iiib'g
tewterae soil K4ka
t IUV N it I it-' o k 1 1 iii el i
ik. it I... t: i' . i i.t,.ii.l.ii rl
.,u,n .-. ' I "' ll. il l
( L.thlas, t ere, tl
I, l ..t i..l ' i to ' a nts e4
wi-. '4 r . ie i'ii n t.t' i i -.ue HI
I aaJ H.IIUIii. Melrrlvl
i,ii.i i. t
. t .1
it ,.i .' t" t kd ma i
i I i .. ... . 1 I t . nl' l
111 f,r I'
, I 4 , l I a
i'4 4 f
1 1.. Il I
. ,i
e 11, t
II I..
.11 t it .
. r
I I.
nanavili aS a4 I leal.
. 4 ( .... l 1 Ii , H I. 1
... i i t i.
I I is I
I l: ,
I I1J4 1.. 1
I. --n. i .
w . ull i I
,,,. i. a I 1
at. .4t't "
-4 S "'I " .
. ........ a 4 . at ..... t
' ' 1 . 54 , . t !
I, 1 I (J
i .. I a- "
a . . c ' . 4 i , .
.Ill 4 ll- 1- I . 1 i
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..I , .4 1 a '
t it M.i -t - l
J V. i i )' '- " ' n
. a ' I ''
it I IllKH N i
. 4 4 ' ' 4 4 1
1 , I 44 ii . e ' te- .
I ..411 P I I "I ' - '
, . i I , t ' 4 I t .' '
tia .4t.e
N't i 1 4 M it- lui.t
aat f.ei ft lal .i
at a ( ' " "
N t 1 1 lo. 1
II I I !
. 4 ' '
I . V I i
K-ai a
II I II lent am I'orkrl Tallin.
Kdli M'AI.K-New and et.'ond-liand carom
and pocket billiard tables end bowling
alleys and accessories; send for cata
logue; easy payments. The llrnnswlk-Liilke-'ollcniler
Co.. 407-4HH S. 1 0th .St.
Prlntln and f f loe(lipllrs.
OMMiiKi'lAI, Duplicating Co., Circular
letters Public steno. Addressing en
velopes or cards, etc. Cull U. Mi. SM
Paxlon lilk.
OKT Oi;H prices on Job printing.
I', S f'T'i. CO.. KKK Jil.tHi. I. 117.
WATKHS-UAKNHAKT Ptg Co.. quality
printing Tel Iioug.:i!i. m S. 13th Bt.
MY hlxh standard of quality will be
maintained, 4 quarts or Old Fontenelle
whisky, bottled In bond. Henry
Pollock mail order house. Ooug. "iWi.
1??-IM N lath Ht
Oeti. office, i.'jili and Manderaon His.
Thirteenth end Iiouglaa.
Bottled In bond whisky, U.'c. .00, 1 2j.
fuioua t.
t- -i( fJolden West. Whisky, i full
'eeklev liios . (;maha.
OKNI.'LVK I'risin Binoculars, eight-
power, good values, $W to 40. M,
IMS, Hee,
Foil 'TiALK-T'rarrle" hajrl Wilte"'w"atsoi
nay w, inman, cieu
V'ANTKD-HlKh "class surveyor's transit
en iiisirumi'iii that is designed for gen
eial land surveying as well as limine j
work. Prho must ba rlghL Address V
'ft. Bee.
' OKSKs, iKsivs "j)i';sk.s
New desks, uaed desks, bought, sold
and frsde.1 ,. c. Iteed. 1207 Farnnm.
IIA' IIMAN' will pay you more for fur
nuiire. cioine anil slioos wen oun.
lllgnest price paid for 2d hand clothes,
amies, irniiBH. goiienses. i, tall or U WKi.
Hol.MKH pMVN your price for .'d hand
eioines, shoes imd rials. Well. Man.
" "OLircLOTIIEH! OLirHIIOF.f'i "
We imy highest, prbe. Webster 1724.
We pay iiest nil ".s for n'd i"e-it hes. f).' WCI.
Rest nrlc.M p.ild for "UJ do. lies, l. 4714)"
Rlt'lliKOAAKIi H ' Lucky Wedding
Rings" st 11th snd Douglas His.
LI V K outdoors, V. M. V.'. A. Oil.T Park.
1 .11 ll I. Kill ri.
CALLED for and delivered, Ra; glr work
guamnteed. Haw filing Douglas 7128.
Iviwnmowers sharpened. lliirney 607!;.
Molar Repairs.
CAHILL F.LFC, CO.. Hee Uldg. D. VT,t.
4 arnnilfra anil 4 oniriiet ore.
PRICK tepalrlhg snd croncut woilt of all
kinds. Z! Cuming Harney usi.
Tin woik; I'entrial Tin Hhop. D. 4okf
Itepnlrlng. Jobbing, screening. Wt b. 1737,
feasant Ar Hon" IS! Capitol Ave. T, 14.4
t,'. W. Ilokanson. 2M)6 '.vnwth. Tyl. 2Ilr2-J.
Aceortlinn, Hide Knife, Jios Pleating,
inv. ijoiions, jiemsiticnmg ien, I'leat
Uig V llilllcii Co. 4:il 2 Paxlon (Ilk. R 4IM2,
Pilces leiisonalilo, Mrs. R. A. Connolly.
VH lliilnl Hll., 17th and liounlas. O. 27ii Fischer, Indies' tullori-d gurmenta
for all oc bIoiis4' Hose J(lilg,Ty. 2)7.
I'reiismaKliig at ml plain sewing; reason-
aide; Siitlnlactlon guiirantno,. weh. 112,
,M inln me .Mill hnels, Downs, soils. No. ,
r lorent Ini' Apis. 1'hoiie llouiflHS 7!!Xs.
HY ilay. work goaranteed. Wab. itf'rt).
Ki lsinr'a Dri ssiiiakliig Col. U.28 City Nat
Terry Oressmuk g ooUetiS. .'Oil. Ik Fainaia
1DKAI. I lair Parlors- 2tTi llalrd ftldg.
Manicuring, scaip, facial and violet ray
treatinenisVrollei ai tli es, Ij.tlllA.
t Iraarrs auil Dyvre.
la; N. 12i li til.
Mate I leanrH nnd Hloebeil.
61 It AW, Panama, all kinds hats, cleaned
aim ri'DincKBu n,it-ii.jn iiarmty Ht.
ALL KINDH of litis rlesned and blocked.
II..! l arnain tit. 1'hone Red WttlS.
l:vrr Ihlna for 4 hllilreu.
LKT Mil -I miikit all kinds of clothes
rorfhiitiri.niZ.ill Lake. Webster 21l.
THFATPICAL gowns, mil dress suits, for
rani, an in. inn hi, John Keiomso.
Flaao laairauiioa.
Ragtime piano playing pnaiuvely taught
in a leseone. 1.4.1 ..urmnir. ivai, s.iii.
4 hlrout set or. ImmI Adjnatmeala.
DK. 111. Klllill.N, 4,4 Unas Rldg. D. 6.147.
fainter M'lioiu graa Consultation trss
I rs llilllnnhiim, 13 freight. 11 Ilk. D.
Dr. J. C. Lawien.'e, t Laird Rldg. O. Mil.
fr KCTRIC liousa cleatilng, our work and
price win yiease you. Lxsl us remove
your sturm windows mid put Id your
acinous. Tyler !i3l J.
PHIL WINCKLLU, t'il.. Dewey Ave.
Mtrlctly confidential. II 7us.
JAMI0.-4 AI.I.A4, ii Neville Ultick. FvT
cl.uicii Hfctiuii 111 all ciiaea. Tyler 1IM.
Fvlilence sei'iiied; all caaus strli tlv confi.
denllnl; cotisnllnllon free. li:'H Hee. T.V. !WS.
I'or.'h anil W Indovr Merreua.
FltOM fiictory 10 yon, I'liono Ueil 4,'i07.
Ilullona and I'leallun.
I'lll-SS pleating, liematltiliiiiE and rov-
eted bullous. Van Ariium Dress Pleat
ing mid Ituliou Co., od Flour J'nxtoti
lUK. iniug. tnt.
Kvery Iklii4t lor wwiu
AC'CtiRDltiN. side, knife, sunburst, bog
pleating, covered buttnns, all sixes anal
stylea, hemstitching, picui eilgaig, em-
liroltlery, linadlng, braiding, cording,
eyelet cut wmk puttiinlioles, pennants.
i uiugiaia iiinca I'uugias lJ.
E. A.. UWOKAK, C. I A.
4SJ 437 Itaing Rldg. Tel. Douglaa 7liM.
I'll RKNDA-Hiilpinii, Sleam. Modera
Turkish RAI'IIS ASH MriAlF, for
Hied nci v. and riie iiiuiIIkiii PiLai
ai a 1 1 11 ion t for ndie. wuh lady atirinl
Sllls. t S1 is Farnam. rhi.lin Don,; (.A,;.
ahtat Hrualrlaa,
Hline rep r g Imt el ng P .l t ar, Red SSjU
Kaprr I asisaslra,
TIN' CITY t vpn-4 c. I'.-.'J i'B,, an.
Douglas Lit. lb ivy I anllng a ieoisliy
lr I iprwCa, 1 l tsina ii. liar
Hunt 4 arda,
ITT r.tip. nun k aeiii.e l eliwi'lk. I'sx
tun H'k su.iiti.i Htll nil 1 1. .,
Itaatt I aaailrt.
land ia in li"t cut mvi k, auaniuea 1
1 a I I r a, si 1 .1-I . nalnug uj:
4 hlr'iUIi.
I arrt i Put nil a- I a tils H.4 4UC,
Jlaallers al Ike feeee.
It H f l A 1111. 11 11 liu I 4i.i,i lit, . H4
II Nll full i' , it. ( '.HI.'!! S.'B
v w . Ri 1 1. 1 I'ni iii 1.1 . a
4 Irsaaia,
II t AN U. 11 1,1 1 411 I 1 111 tttit tIMI.ff
Vv u 11 t 1. 11 -t, i , 1 1 11 ... m n r ti
4. Mi l J lit, ' 1 1 li .It.A t.'i
l-.l.ll.. a. 4 1.
Oti.H Inn : .1 .. ... 1 ti m
t taint ! W his
mlfll "In lai. it nialiirt,
h"'''i lu,' 11 1. a n t.ji.g
tarn, s 4 .1 v .... i.j mi '
4 all..t tag
It l alt I t 1 4.. 1 . 4 , 1 "'!
t I. Ill' .' V H l .It
iai4ei I'kHlilaai.
1 v , s 1 i i r ;
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Visit t'a4 ll4t.,
t. lt , ' i-.l- I 14
I . . !..-' ". 4
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14 a I'i 11 ii-, im ii 44.4
A etl tta 4i-a.
-''-,.- 1
I' '
i V I I 14I t I 441. . i
Dr. Bradbury. No paim12 WO. W. Rldg.
Taft'a Dent. Hm 3' Hose Rldg. D. 21.
Tailors' Trlmmlaajs.
Omaha Tr'm'g Co.. 403 KaroacjjlJkMi
FRANCIS MORGAN. 513 Pee. P. 406J.
tlecirol) sis.
Uloa Allender, (124 Hee Rldg. Red 30o6.
Ileaas und lrill fTuundrleS.
Paxton-Mltnhell Co., 27th and Martha Sts.
Walela Ssiei-lallstB.
Christiansen, ml Rose Rldg. IS yr. exp.
Wlnrs son l.iijuore.
BUT your (.irniiy iluuors at
Klein s
Liquor liouse
n. mill,
Oouiflaa 1ii9.
FUlt i:X(. HANUH-Dayton computing
scales for good horse or cow; geniiu
man s gold watch for u diamond, also
rug for va' Uum cleaner. Address 8. C.
KM. i
J.N TKKNATION AL engine, 1' horae
power, and a .vieailow s washing ma
chine. Will trade for a good row. or
what have you? Address . C. llai. Hee,
6 COM HIN A'l'ION eioolrlc and gas fix
tures, 1 Remington typewriter, I liurion
guitar, 2 full-blooded cockerels,
Call Colfax 3074,
acres, tlarden county. .eorHSKa, si us
value. W. K. Craig, I;)I7 City Nut 1
Hunk Rldg.. Omaha.
V A NTKD To swap 120 egg X-Ray
Incubator tu good running order for
laying hen, or what have you? Address
H. ;. ks. Hee.
GOOD laundry for sale or trade for
Omaha property; population 2.11W; no
oilier laundry within 2J miles. Cull
Webster 21.27.
2 TA HLKH, new pillows and comforteis,
for a good sanitary couch, rockers or
will sell cheap. Address L 1312. Hee.
ara ordered, Knlargmentsi rrom any
negailie, Kase Hiudio. t;tli and Harney.
I57AMuNrD ring to trade for good Ford
car; will pay the flirrerence. ur wuui
have you? 8. C. 8h, Rea.
HAVF, high-grade piano to swap for good
sutomoblleAUdreis w. 1 liss, nee,
WlLlTswun small gasoline engine for
whet have you? H, C. H7. Hee.
ir VIOLIN and io" wiirwap for JOO dia
mond. Jtleplinna oougias trsl.'.
Hagguge and transfer line In Wahoo,
Neb., Fourteen trains dally. Two hacks,
one trunk wagon, five horses and har
ness, a good business for some one.
Will be sold reasonable. Address Jjook
Hnx 471, Walioo, Neb.
"" "CAFK"
Wanted, man to conduct cafe. All
newly deenruted and furnished. Will
make rent free. A flue business
Fifteenth and Jackson
UnXTI5h you" have brains', ability and
from 2fl" to f.iKj In cash, don l answer
this ad. Hales manager wauled to open
office, organize and manage sh icemen,
possibilities uullmlied. Manager, b.'7
Lyttun Rldg., Chb ago.
RAKKRY FOR HALF, Willi lot Hi d build
ing, three-deck Roberts oven, one-onrrel
I My dough miner and other equip
merit, ( ash sales last HaturUay $10, No
wholesale, all over the counter, 312.;
MoVINii Picture Theater, real bargains;
machines, repairs, sunplles. accessories,
hew und second Iih int. Hee us,
Raird Rldg. Doug, 120.
LXi i.i.MlVrt HHOF, froKiC -NVIn' sell St
once, good paying business, t o. seat
town of 2,5t;. Mew stock. Address Y
3ks, Rce.
HTOCK for sals In manufacturing Cum
puny located In Omaha, Will trad for
automobile. Telephone uouglus luv.
.J?'rL.W'J''W.-l,,'1-' -
Folt ALi;-4Jooti. clean stock of hard
ware; live town central Nehiusga.
Hood reason for selling.
Re quick. Ad-
dress Y 8.7. Re
LIHT WITH MJC for uulck results. Have
live customer walling. Yol.'MJMAN,
23t OM. NAT. RANK. DOCOLAS 147ti.
tiowd Hale and Auction Co.. Imnhs, have
closed out mors indue, stocks than any
other firm In i?L B. Write for terms,
THKAl KRI4 -Huy, ieaae or sell your the
ater, machine and supplies through
Theater F.x Co.. I4u Fsrnnm.DMli.
vVILLIAMH, ' established" 29 years To buy
or sell biulncsa see hlin. 411 McCagua
Rldg. Reference U. 8NstBank.
MOTIOiV PPji-ljilK M A'"lUNK8.
New and rebuilt bargains, supplies.
Omsha Fllm hchangeK! 8J4t II Ht
OFFR'K for real astani or inaurance;
same flour ss tire office; 1.1x21 feet; t-'lu.
The Hee Rldg.. Office Room 101.
Foil ALK-PI' tur show In northwest
ern part of Iowa; only show In town,
Address O 127. Hee.
RF.ST AiTraNT for sale, doing good
business; will sell cheap If taken soon.
Address Y 37. Hee.
FOR B A LF-Rlack Ifins flriig "store. In
on of largest towna. Males, JUi.'CO Ad
dress Y 3MI,Ree;
riN.'I.Ymovie In town of l.ifiO: partner-
shlp illsanreeineiit C. W. hhultue,
Florence, Neb.
Nli'F. clear lot. 41st and Spauldlng; ex
clmngfl for diamonds. Address F 1',
fo si'XL or buy a business, caTT on
Ruach Rnrghoff, Frenser Hlk. 1). 83ll.
TO OKT In or out of business cali on
OAN'OI'TA D. 425 Hee Rldg. Doug S477.
T.vliuh'klv sell or buv a business writ
JIM W RATSIoug City. Ia.
Itoomlns Itunses,
i-'ROfiXf "rooiningTiouse for sale at a rea
sonable prlca; walking distance, Cell
week days. 22o3 Sherman Ave. Web
ster C244
i7-1( iSf boardTng hous.
walking distance; excellent
A ddi ess K 1311, Re.
day work or business ads regular ratea.
I lines (D week 90
II llnrs on seek ...444)
ecii exit line !a per wees
Ytit'N'it msn, etprriein etl bookkeeper, apher, 3 years insnger. buyliu
and selling In IuhiImt, grain, cmil nml
live slock, ilesices p-riii,iniit p.isttn.i
in any good busmen. Address i: l.u;
I ee
1M Ml inn or wniii.ii who wsnt ai'i'd
i intlilcna sditulil ailiurtiae in I ha Re.
It ia ins l i r Ids bt Sllira llli-n KaiL
1 ,11141 1 4 luokeia. itllil snd wiuilM,
Inci. bald
l-i ill'(, VI N P Insit and wife, 11.1 vhll
.Inn. ...). I t..t piii'ii 4iiug for
a Inline il.uo.g tinnier mouth A I
K. I; uvi. Rve
APl'i.aN I It I-
it tei'Nli s'li.-tii-'iui
1 ' not , aunt 'I s i ii 1 t'
111 M I In'liS I'U'H
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41. 111. 1 A I
a 44 t
1 I I 4. I-
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t el
t4iit a4 Ii ttfc,
III." I I - 4- 1
Laundry anil Day Work.
N EAT coio red girl wants day work of any
kind. allVi elsiter 4W. Anna. 1 ucoeii.
WANTKI) Position us maid or tlay wora
by experienced col. woman. weo.iir.'.
FlltST-CLASS laundresa, ilcahlng; ny
colored woman; beat of ret. veu,o.v
Bl NliLK or "family washing culled for
iV del, WK. guar.; reasonaoie. lieu, wi.
Lundlt: washing, (lay wts k, or lioiieeKeep-
Ing position, .111s. 1 nnierou. ii.ii
m Viil.e. WHStimu. niece work, lace cur
tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1Z0.
LKK YLIi LAU.MIKt, h.V ailiornia.
Hand work called for si u neuereo.
COl.tiRKD girl wanls house clcauaig;
lefelenees. t'hone lianiey J";.
11 A M HK RM A I D or day wittlt Ver. ISihl.
ULANKKTH orjuindle washing D. s74i.
Laundiess, day work. t). Jackson. W. I:i.'i7.
ooklng or day wiirk. I SJ 7 Izard. Tyler 1)9
FIRST class Ian tfiesejlayworkL ll':'"-.
Washi'nu ami iuce curtains dune. Ty...'
KXP. luTiiKireaa & mens shins. H. 2'eli
.ACNIiHY afidjdaywork.Weh W'l
IICNDLK wasnlng day work. wen. iiji.
Kxperlenced laundry, cleaning. Web. 2uH.
Stores nnd llfflces.
STKNU.. I7; likpr., $; Iravcllng sales.
man, IW; relail sulfsmau, uiirnware,
$,5; retail salesman, wall pHper und
paints, It'i. Western Reference and
Ilond Ass'n., Inc. Originators of thu
inference business, 'i'oi Omaha Na
tional Rank building.
"it. IlCLKRK '
HALKHMAN (exp. tmnccessary) wi
RfgiKKKFPFIl (Investment) hJ
HOTKL CLKRK M and lim.
Till', CANO AOI'INCY, (iflO RKK liLD'i.
SAi."l:MAN- lioiitl, salury; typist, I. .;
sieno., i"."i; sieiio,, pi"i orrice noy,
Walt aJRef. Co., s 10 Hrandels Thea ter
I'r ifeaalons iintl Trades.
W A NTKD Kxperleiii ed slid reliable gar
dener and small fruit msn snu ma u,
hear Omaha; steady position. Address
A 1317, Hee, giving references and ex
"iiiviv i'iu t"riri rmt'd .IOBH.
Lstshllshed Ten Years.
1016-lff ( Ity National.
WANTKD Agrlcult'u'rai inolderTof floor
and bench. Write or comu st one. is
well Mnnufntciiilng Co,, (.'herokee,la.
WANTKD ot oiue, flist-chiss tinner and
furnace man; steadv Jon, gooa wages.
Joseph HlllhMsstliigs, Neb.
WANTKI 1 - A good painter ana Pper-
hunger can get steadv worn, vvauer
F. rorenaen, I'avey, Neb. ,
ivANTKD-Oood sawyer, stale experience
end price wanted. 1 , J, 11. 1.,
Intnl. Is, ...
WANTF.D-At oni flordon Press Feeder.
KRgerssp'Flyng Co., mn and leaven
worth Drug siore snap, lobs. Knelst. He Hldg.
Kalrsnirn and gollcllors.
WANTKD-Highly Tt .commended, sub
stantial man to represent a large rarrn
tractor company In Nebraska and west
ern Iowa. Not necessary to open an
Omaha office, but must he In position
lo actually sell farm tractors to dealers
In the territory. The right man will
b backed with plenty of good firm
paper advertising. Olvt references,
past experience, etc. Addreas K "OK. Hee.
SALKHMKN wanted to seirmeivhandlst)
In Omaha, Nebraska, lies Moines, nioux
City and Waterloo, Iowa, Call 61:2 So.
Ilh ft Omaha, Nebraska, f
WANTKI--Two neat. llve-wTre youths,
tinder 22, to travel for clrciilstltig com
pany; salary or commission. Mr. tiemis,
Hotel Kdward.
jr Vhll havo selling ability sr Stand
ard Mec. Ac inv. to., ion m. i. ..
Hldg . omiitia
feOMKTHIN'iJ exTra good, lihf money for
Ihe salesman who I a business getter.
inn w o w.
aI Sm a N'to t ravel In Neb. Standard
Hee and Inv. ' o.. mil w. i, n. num.
Hotels and Hvataaranta.
1610 Davenport St. fiouglas Wi6.
Hesdo.uarters for hotel help.
WANTED-Young boy In dsllv.
ry dep't; prtnanent ptisltlon and
good salaries. Apply 6up't, Braa
dels Stores.
Trade lukutili,
Men wanted to learn tha trad. W
have orlglnatea a plan to tacn 11
quickly and earn back tuition while
learning. Toola Included. Open to every
one. Writ fof catalogue. DO Bo. 14th
t Omaha, b
to learn auto work for th big spring
rush. Fine training work on autoa and
lertrlo starting systems.
2063 Farnum Bt. Omsha Neb.
LEA KN barber trane. more than maks
f our tuition while learning. Hot of tools
ncluded. Job guaranteed. Call or writ
for catalogue. Dir. uoage.
MEN wanted To learn th barber trad.
Tuition 'J. 16n Cass Bt. Omaha.
HOY" W ANTKD-l'etersoii Bros., "Flor
ets. '1714 Fsrnam.
TliVfi, ill.' Tlt'ifl f-NITKl) HTATf',8. M F.N
WANTED. Able-bodied unmarried men
between sees of l Slid , cltixena of
..... .. um.. ni ernnii eharn.'ter Htld
temperat liablta, who can apeak, r4
and write the English language, I' or lu
foriuatlon app'v lo Reerultlns Offh-er.
Army Bldg, lh and Dodg Bta.,
lim, Neb; i lih Ave.. Del
Moines. Ia ; V.7 Fourth Ht.. Sioux City,
la.; 130 N. Tentli HI ,J.liicolii. Ieii.
ill. Til l"i""peV month extra money to em
..I..U...I uiiiimti end men without Inter-
fering with regular work: no celling, no
canvassing; positively no Investment;
iinemidnve.l need not apply. Spencer
Co. ,'..i; 'W. Madison. Cnlcitgo. III.
t 'l, " itiN I'll Oet gov ei niiient lol Meri
-i.'.l wi.ineii wanted. List 'if positions
..niiiiiislile free. Franklin Institute,
In nt .'.'t O R .ii heater. N V.
vtivir.klt credit and collection bureau
'.'.,,.. I I . . 44 11 snllllV lilt esllll.'tlt
sii; goisl opening for right limit. Ad
dress 1' l?!, Hee.
t. 4 4. l i 1 1 .i.iiie of ainliltiniis men. ',4
in tf wls'ilna tu becniii iiinaha ma I
earner Commeiic i inonih Address
Y 1.1 le
Yiil N'l Ul""i wit" a. one .lay wslila a
1.. ..... ci. .ml Ma lot n w f..e .11 i. hi
vthrti v.. I ei nt'l Winking ' Pee
rvi't im ' i d "'
want.'! g'
ilium t t-t 1 igi-i pn ' r
t ( 11 In Mil im.
hi I 1.. a '!-,
.all w e't J
l a I H i.
lure 4 itle.
1,1 r it 1
1 vv
I n
t in
i 1 . . t 1
1 t
4 . I, 1
'Ml' t N 1
4 It 1
.1- ( .
t. I
IN IM'' I'i
,11 1 N
I -I
f,,. t4tl" a4 Ia4,
W IMIH it tali I ' ,ii"
A f. i-: in i'ii i'afi i ' t
I nil t Mt J
r 1 1
11 '
1 1
'rofesaloit and Trndes.
6 GIRLS wanted at at the Iten
Hiscult Co. Apply to timekeeper
at tho factorv entrance, Kith utid
Capitol avenue.
POWER machine operators, aprons and
dresses. True-vorth Oarment Co., 1;14
Howard. 41 h Floor.
Fl RUT-l LAMS skirl cutters arid drapers.
Nono others need apply. Atkinson Co.,
DressniH kers. 1402 l''arnam.
WANTKD Uirls In flat work dept. Apply
Kvans Model Laundry, llth nml Dfiugliui.
LEARN hairdreasinv m The 'mpenrieim.
giilesia iimen anil golleltors.
WANTED Kohool teacher to tnivel dur
ing summer vacation and represent new
educational movement; very pleasant
work; salary and expenses furnished.
Frank M. Johnson, tw3 Oiinter Rldg.,
Lincoln, Neb.
WK have a very attractive proposition
for you ir you are a good house to
house canvasser, Th" position Is per
manent loll W. O. W. Lklg.
Household anil lionirallc.
WANTKD a young woman us house
keeper. On with a child preferred.
Must be 11 good cook and willing to
live 011 a farm. A good place for the
riiJIit party. Address J (ox Ilk), Fort Cal
houn, Neb.
IIITK girl for general housework; fam
ily of 3: will take tnrxpcrlencud girl
wllh good references or best wages
paid to first-class maid. Mrs. Jl, F.
( iiiodhody, Harney Tot".
WANTKD A girl who will appreciate a
good home, have a nice pleasant room
for you; will pay best of wages to the
right party; small family. Iu37 B. 33d
Sd. Harney 3.A
C11OK WANTKD-Wuman cook wanted
at Christian Home Orphanage, N. 7th
Ht., Council Rluffs. Apply between if
ami in o'clock, inoriilUKS.
WHITE slrl for general housework In
small family; good wages. Har. 3nt4.
W A N'TKD - Competent Klrl for general
housework; no washing or Ironing. Mrs.
II. K. Patterson, 4s:u Douglas St. Wal
nut 332.
iI'LK aged lady housekeeper, h days'
each week; go hums, filk-hts. References
reiiilrci. Address o 1314, Rce, y
COMPETENT tvhiie girl or woman for
housework; no washing; must have
good references, 2211 !'. Call So, 1372.
KXPKRIKNCKD white girl for genera,!
Housework in family of 3; good wages.
Mr. W. J, Hvnea. Tel. llarnev 4Vm).
il 'ANTED Neat girl for housework; fam
ily of 4; good home. Mrs. .1. W. David
son, Kami Farm. It. 1. Nodaway, la.
Sire" for general housework; no wash
ing uf Ironing; house clianlng don.
Mrs. Reckenr(ilue.3i;il Jackaim.
Tv'lliTE girl for' general houseworli; no
washing; good wage. Ilati 8. 3th Avo.
Phono Jlni ne-y ir.'.'il
MAID for general housework; ro laundry.
tan nir. 10m .MCHhuha, ill rvo. 4lt
Harney 2241.
WA NTKD A while girl for general
housework: must be experienced. Phone
Walnut ll.Vi.
WANTED ill I for general housework.
w hile or colored, no washing. Call Wal
rmt !..
WANTKD -A good cook; only three In
family. Mis. A. L, Reed. Phono Ren
son 17H.
WA N"l kDKxperlenced Iri for generaT
HOIIsewoi K ; llf'Sl n W.'IBCS. Jiamey 0"IJ.
WANTKD ( 0111 lie r on f while girl fo gen
eral housework; 2 In family, .2o Riut.
WaNTKIi- Expert! tu ed white woman to
take rare of children. Tel. Harney fi8.
Va'N'I '1'D (llrl for genei nl housework.
117 H. :iil St. Telephone Harney ftlS
oVlOli girl for geiitral housework, Mrs.
W lensky. 1!U2 Will. Wehster 27..2.
V A N t K D A""k Ir I tor iiglit housework!
Apply Vo'iil Harney Ht.
W ANTED Young girl for general house.-
work. Call South 1)12.
WANTKD- A K'niil girl fur general house-
work st 4'H3 I lodge.
Motels anil Iteslanranta.
WANTKD an experienced chambermaid
nd experienced pantry girl. Apply
liilrmout Inn. HID .. 171 ll St.
For with good reasons for sell
ing, a variety ol course In a reliable
Business School, one of th leading busi
ness culleges of Omaha. Will b sold
very reasonable away below regular
price. If vou are considering taking a
course Investigate this at one, sine
Spring Term begin soon. Call offlc.
Omaha H-e.
Every day ' enrollment day. Rook'
kaanlner. Shorthand. Slenotype. Tvn
writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all
Commercial and lMignsii Drancne. Cat
alogu free.
18th and Harney Sts.
Tel. Douglas IMu
Day School for Young Women.
Evening bchool for Young Man and
Saturday morning class In typewriting.
lor. C. Duffy, Owner and Manager.
JO B. 10th St. Omaha.
flARP Summer term offer to student
beginning April 15. Harp furnished.
Lyrlo Rldg. Lnretta Delxine Btudlo.
tanelng tlenevleve Haiif!. Web, liXW.
tiles, nsTuiA
fr. E. ft. Tarry cures piles, fistula
and other rectal alseasva without surgi
cal operation. Cur gutranteed and no
money paid until cured. Writ fur boot
on revtal diseases with testimonial.
DR. E. R. TARRY. i3 lis llldg.,
Omaha. Nco.
tn'. .ti Hui.'irii c-nilua to Oman
SUalUelS ' III. II. d In visit tn I..UH4
V inn.-ll 1 l.lhi 4U saa.nUlnin u.nnl 114
si iiiu ami ."i aaif aim, e.ii
l .ry will I ,1111. L-, I lu ailllul l.1 ln r I
Ins I-- ft o. net aw 4.4iied. L.141
Inr i-.r lisit4is jUt at in tiitu
hi tl. 11
) l,ii.i.ll, U.44r ')-' Sint t)hV.
f. r, I H'i. - It 111 -ir it. ii,-ti 9 .
Ill, p HI . ,1 It. Ill ll 11. M. Ill I ll
III I' Hi : I e 1 v. - U
l ' k, ei.-,l 11 An'.i in U.lfl! s 1-
t. IIS l.'ur e.'l il." .11.. I .,1 till vit tn.g
S4ti.. ll i" I Iv .1 air biiia
In.,. I'lli,,,! 41 J 4rt4 i.uf ata 11 441. 1
I41 !.! ati.l in I e-ir 1.4 m tiwiua.
I . l i.l. lit I U,4 11
ia it 1 in; : - v
1 1
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I .... I .1: t . 4H
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It (4 V 4 , I I H 1 1 4
i it iini ti 1 it 1 4 11 .1 hi
LAD1E.S. if von wish to took -Y'y,'"."
get our treatment. Illliu K'",nlt"
ShoP. :;i! Rowe Rliltf.. I-""1
Cilli.DRkN tu board and care for. 11
llnrney et..l.TSiallsJrn Jlt-i-M . J
iAS.SAC,K-.iib u'eoslVr;"! Pto f
Rlk. D. :Cf7. Office hours H to . Jt
S i I S 8vv'TUs7i N 11 a t h s and maniciirlng:
v 9 iiu.-iiIl'm ttlk nhone I'oiitf. x.;.i.
Bti KUM AT"iAt" treated 1 iccessfuliy; ra-
gults giiaranrn. ir iinweer. "t "-
PRIVATE home for inalernlty cases.
liu hies adopted. Colf JM2. J4iyth.
WANTKU-Tiay or night nursing -by col
ored granuaio nurse, i nn
EC IE NT I F k! mass h g e.
IM Be Bldg.
f"rne I InllfiT' 4 BJiJ
Furnished llooins.
If you fall to find th room
you desire among these ads, call
at The Re office for a Room List
-gives complete detulled descrip
tion of vttcaiil rooms In all part
of the city. If more convenient
phono The Bee Want Ad Dept
and give your name and address, t
and a list will be mailed to you
st once. New lists are Issued
'J'HRI'K iiiit iy furnished rooms, with of
without hoard. In walking distance,
f Kumiss SP.H. ,
831 H. ilKT-Nlcoly furnished rooms for
rent, close to car line, neasonaoi,
Nice location. PhonsPouKla MoT.
A FRONT soulheast suite, an xcp
tlniial iipiiorlunlty for renned coupia,
(lariigo if desired. I'c'ii Park Av:
FUitNISIIKO room with board In mod
ern apurtment, business woman pr ,
ferred. I'honollarney274fl;
SPLENDID Hcml-basement, everythlrig
fiiriiDht-d, walking distance, shade, n
H, 2Mh.
LA RO I-;, well furnished south room In prll
vate family; walking ( Istsncg. Red 67;iQ.
Ni(rKl.Y fiiriilslied front room at Utll
ami FiirhNtn Sts. Phone Douglas H7M.
LARGE parlor bed room; furnace, bathl
..nU. I7.'!l . Pith, DnllglhS ins'. .
,'3 DoliilK-Slrltill.v modern
rooms: private family; reasonable.
HARNEY ST., 4il2l.nrge front room.
private home. Tel. Harney Jitt7.
4 PERFECTLY clean rooms, sullabl tot
(1 or X nurses. Phone Webster 717B.
HAKNEY ttVtCP'ronf gulT and two sin
Bio rooms; one with piano. P. 7113.
T W o"i f 1 Ti-n Fs hed rifotii s ; I Tlh a wla
Douitlas f,TifL fiOS N. 2)st Ht
V o C tKN T N 1 1 ?Ty f um Isherl sUeplnsJ
rooms. Apply Vift Harney St.
SMALL, rnoilern room. 1.6U per week.
oougins 2.32. itm h. 24tn.
ItTlCKTootn, with breakiaat. Call v3
hlhgs. 014 N. 42d.
lVlCKLY fiiriiisned room,
modern. Ml H. 22 St
lni aU
llouaekeelilnu Rooms.
FKOOM' aparttnents, nicely 7urnlshd for
housekeeping, 16 and 17 per week. Lin
coin Apt., 2K2 Chicago Ht. Tyler MM,
TWO nicely tui nlsheil" front, rooms" for
light housekeeping, In private family.
T'hone Webster 71M.
sT.kKPIN'G rooms and light lmus-keeplnf
looms. Z22 N. 26th. Dougla 7M.
Davenport. 221 Outside 2-r. apt., rfrlgV
eiet:. u., k as range, wiri n. ran. ov uPil
MODERN housekeeping rooms, M it, If"
nvirii nil 11 r4.,,,m. :
TWO large airy rooms In new, pflvatsf.
r'-sioem-.Di o'istij opiionai nar 1 oari
lines; near MUller park; very deslrbi j
1 eoc.'S. . 011 ax wu,
77X71:111 .ni,.ff.tQi.A Kr,.A 'tlf
' ..... . 1, . . (1 .1 . v ,.v..v .will w,ti
V, , . .. rA In, . ... n 1. v.... ln .... - .
' fcT.. pniiuqiiivii, 11, yi,Tl ;
fiimlly; close in; strictly modern, tot aV
A LARGE comfortabl front room wltli"
board for two gentlemen, In privat
Hoiiiy; cioss in; atriciiy moaem. pjo .
'I.'.. U A ...
win I v n,
LARGK east room wllh good board II
ii.-i.ii.-ij, nri. auoinicr luiaaiioni privet.
family. ii2l 8. vf,Ui Mt. Tyler 7) W.
ROOM and board for 2 worklngmen, (C
Phone Douglas 4406.
SI. .MA It i 3 AVE.-I4.60 to UM Del4
ti 1 r nrnlsned Rooms.
3 UNFURNISHED room. (30 8. HCS
Ave. call Tyler 2079.
liiiiilnu t4,Hntee.
and find out all about the FURNISHED
ROOM GUIDE. If a a jilan that la
helping r-'iny people rent ibelr homes.
Single rooms, bath flTs up.
Transient rooms Wo and 76c.
Douglas Mum. 19th and Harnay HtAj
Special rates to permanent guest.
Catering lo best people,
Moral principals.
KICKLY furnished rooms, hot and cold
water, 12 and up.
24i4 Harney ht.
19th and Farnam, atith and Farnam,
Special Rates to Permanent Guests.
Apartments and Housed
94TT4 A?cri 1 ivinnu nrimm
Catering to people of refined taatea.'
Apartment Is completely o,utpp4 fo
housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort
able. 1 1
. , TR AVER RR03. !
11. Doug. t4 7o Omaha Nat BswjJx, M
ur nil Dfugias THU,
for pumrnnr mintlis. Tall walnut 1UJL
T'TvcoLN TiiAD'-H-roitin fioiia"!
strlcllj modern, wltli hot water heat,
Pfb-e. W". . 1 'oug'a IMV
l i'lt RUNT Si-rtuii house with thr
(linirter lueeinent, all modern except.
heut, Inrun lni :vi.j Mrhster St,
Ul.Sr l iitnum iluiiitT. iouiii uin3?a
house, tnst locHtiiui. Apply 140 N, ld
St i'hiui Wnjnnt 3171.
,' I ARM new mmiciii nllin-1 t'ill houatVi
Dm dee, i.e.-ir carii Walntil V :A
lll.M i I. NAM.. .!..! N. liu.,"" t
lailis. wi'h n-usf. 'i
P Cl if. I t iR M A f T, tVO'ii 'T.aTiV"iarT
and kitt rn si , I lunnis, bo k 10 t,tr,
so il j.'igiii..r..oi..i. I. !'!, g i,vj
i ittl v ,-l Mii'.'sr
l.i." SI'i. 4i'l,ll l' Ihii.lil huul",-wi'tli
linn I a i .on en third I wr, 11. h.rr,
I ' let t'el 11. l. (.
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