TUP; UKK: OMAHA, SATIUDAV. MAY fi. 1916. in Good Things for the TableOfferings of the Market Household Hints Real Home-Grown V egetables Now Grace Omaha Tables Mix and melt. 0111 h"ipri fn,rwi .pan, fir ona taMrspoon of butter unit i half teaspoon r'Ttixfari-h, piw an4 one- nt hiiticr In nn oniflrt tn. roup In th i cli-h!f I'vol tenepoun of Bait. When ! half tnnlnori(i vnnWa and fry until IlKhtly brown!. Tun. hot., e.hl four wl-r.elen t-ra and rook I Mined' am) pl." in hot ov,-n a. fw tiilnulM to until nrm, snrrm- mini to prmrni mum rh(ip t)i)) yokl( Hn,,, vhiu. n( lx hflM. 1 hollcl ri.', si-nsonliiii v It'i suit a'i'l prpprr. Make a whlti pimvp na follows: Hunt to fup of in Ik awl ndi on si-t, rvp on n. hot with piw l rr i1 KiRir. ;m In Tonnt'i Now the rl. genuine hom urown Vegetahlea r coiulnn In to the Omaha market. They're fhffrrrnt from thus.' that ata brought from thr fnr onih, very ill'fereiit. Itiili'fil, Tin- Texts ra'lllirn aii'l Irltuct aJd o on, were lo to three tiny a old before the itiiiahii folks bit Into thmu That iTinkrn a dirffif ii'-e. Hut the lor truck I I'ss than txmly fo ir lionri nut of the ground ehru you bit'! Into It The horno urown thlnn now iti'-hi'lu asparagus, rhubarb, piiiii',h, onions, radishes, lettuce, parsley, mint and ttntir ci'fM, and its (ill dciii'ioufily good, as most thlnns at Hint ro grown lit Ne braska, foil uii'Jrr Nehmslta's fun and rln, Mr herrlrs are retting better every dny a thd season ad'sinea northward end mak" ehrter th Journey Ihe t"-i-Tie must tnk". They an now rrmilng from Arkansas instead of from Mia UMlppl and Louisiana. New potgiof-a art ronilng hi ni'K'b greater !ianlny and th prl'e HI ee rut In half within n f'w (Jaya, ao a to make t ..''in a hunt They roiuo from Tina. i n t n a po'in i Meat one holf cup of thick strained to mato pulp In h cauci pun, add a pln'h of biiliiiiif aoila, on tiilih-ep'.nn of mlnr-ed flatter rpi itiklrtl Inif. Heap on slh-ea of nl ely brownd tiuliorni toast, aprlnkio llti cnopp"1 parairy and acne. (o.l.lUfl Kbk. I "hlldrcn tif.ually like coddl"1 vry inui-h. To to tt'll bia'cti rsga, add on ncr, n psat". Add lh other m, tiiblca ffiu Tun ara gin j onion, ou tciit.pim of loiit-r and on Cl)) )nn (.r,,an) ,) oni-lia.lf level firliiK hin, hcail J w,n of flour tnUfl to a amooth Ifttun, ik pliint, Hmnuda oiilona, ix-ci", cm iota and turnip". All of tlu-m nr here In goodly rjuiiritltlra and of :ood 'piall'y. New rahhaKi In b'-ra from HorliU and tomatoca ar conunil.v ImprnUng in qunllly and flavor, though th'-v allll mk th trip all th v from l-'lorlda. ,wrt potiilora nr'1 hrro from Alabama. Among tli- fruits liavo fuban pln- appt".. big nod of fine tontura and Julcv Whlla ruivcl urangca aro anil picm rn, Valencia or.-ing'-a h r hcglnnlng to PP''r from Iho -iilirornla orclmrdn. From Florida uimt ' King" orang". Thy ba-r tugh akina. hut an vrry a'"t "nd aom'thlng Ilka ' kid glow" oioiigr. tlion blir nv-cft chTrl'-s from I'all- fortila hv arrhr.l, too, both thn black j hot pliilicr, covt villi the pi-aa, pour and tin whlt kliio. ovar f.ni, a, and llu n phu tlir rcmam- A fcrv alligator prara rrom nonn ing run'H't nit top, i pi iuKii wiui ono pn.ti wllh tbna tabh-ap-ioii of craam, fciiaori wllh fill anil p-Ml'"' r"J', imlll thick Unak lu thrco whola fgga, cook until thff ubltca an partly !, thn atlr unill firm. Hcrv on buttarad toaat. (,rcn I'ra OiiifUl, rtuh our teaspoon of flour amooth with oria tfa-p''"" of tuiinr. Add ruia-half nip of rich milk and iair and pepper to Aiu,n l ook until thh k and amooth. Ihivr raady one cup of hot rookad grce.n pens rph'-r fresh or i-nnh-d. Hat thro egK umll light, add four tables poona rjf milk, and s-ilt nu'l p' P er to aaaaoii. Kry until llghily hi-.iHuc.l nnd dlvlda thu on.tkl In Mo puria rim i cna P'ii1 on n Anierlia air here, for thou who Mk rare fruH and want lo pay 3, rent ea''h f,,r Ihem When Eggs Are Plentiful ( th nmelel. Ilia, ( r Turn tli other half or I ho In a hot oven a. lew minutes I'llftrfl Kall. rrrrara wrn egg ln no err- , hM pU,(l, f,irlllllM lowg; PTrtr lm whin from th yolk, ' ,( r, ,,.,, ,,nralf y. add a pinch of salt to the. wlilia and brut to a atl'f froth. II'hp th whlia In an In dividual buttered rameuuln and plan tba unbrokrn yolk ruirfully In tho renlrr. fiaka In a hot oven until drlb-alrly Drowned and orrvu In the, raniaijuliia, tUiragn tlitiilrl, fook ona cup of aspaia.gua tips until trndar, Hub one truspooii of flour smooth with one t'-aapoon of butter. Add anlt and pepper lo sei,in nnd on-tlilrd cup of milk. Cook mil H thick and (month and add Hie ttpa. Heal three ega well, ii.pl lug thrra tablespoon of milk, one fourth level teaspoon "f gait and a dash of pepprr. I ry In buitcr and Just before turning pla'o (ha creamed tip on half I gus In llaoieriilns. Huh one tenapoon of butler smooth with one level teaspoon of flour. Arid ona- Ji ft If rup of milk, one. fourth level Im- j 'Ipoon of sail nnd 11 dash of pepper, Cook unlll Iblclt and atnooih and illapoaa some of the mmr In two I inneipilns. Hreak on whole i-un In each riimeriuln, d in' J with anlt. Ihi-ii cover wllh Hot remaining j sauce. Hiiliikle on- lublcipoon of grated . ch'-eae over rch egg ami bakr In it hot I oven unlll set. ! Iller (Imrlrl. To three well henlen rgg add luir-bnlf rup of rookad H'-a, four tablespoon of cream nnd one dm If I'-w-l tenspiou of suli. : trasiioon of (-lioip"l paralry and rv lliioiina llnirlrl, fu-iit four e;gH unill lu-iit. Add two tablespoon of creiim, two large banana which ha ben peeled and mnnhed, ona Iriblespoon of augur and one half level teaspoon of ,alt Mix well and (urn Into an omelet pan lu which one, heaping loft spoon nt butler haa I" m melted I' ry until (inn, turn one half over Ilia oilier and place n n hot oven a. law minute unlll firm clip on a hot platter, sprinkle with powdered sugar and wrvs, sirnmlilMl l.'uu" tvltli torn. Ileal min.ihird rup of iwnned com in teaspoon of salt. Cook until thick. I-'o-variety It may bn poured over hot rut terrd rlc. If cream la unavailable, ub fii it ijto one n'p of 1 1 ill k find one hcaplm; easK-,on cf huiier in plffe u( It, linked t.aiii. Thicken one half nip of chicken ato'-k with one tablespoon of flour, adding; aalt nd pepper to season. I'lace half the sauce in n, baking dish, lurak In three whole isK, 'h'st wllh silt and rover with Jhe remaining sauce Hak In hot oven unt'l !, aprlnkli with three, tablespoon of cil.iped buttered crumb and acne, Kaater V.um lielatlne, New while so many egga re belntr used, save all the sheila When you upon the eggi, do n.it make any larger hole than U r eeded, ltnJ.e ' with cold water and put away The day beforo liniler lake as nicny shell as you want and put thern Into a amall pan o they will stand on end. If you find It difficult to make Ihem stand up, they may hi put Into a pan of brn or meal. Kill with it many colored gelatine a vcu, wlah, ua Ing a amall funnel to pour the gelatin. Into the hell. While, pink, chocolate and oranga lo gsrve, carefully break away the shells and you have perfect eggs. It you wlah to gerve aa deert, a auco of the following may be used: One pint of milk, ona egg, one half rup augar, nne- i tablespoon of flour made Into ' Aid butter nnd tlr till boiling. j minced f-Bgn and e-,e on fait, j ,el Ka. f-epa.raio the whiles and yn k of alt I fix, till-ing rara lo keep tl.e vo'k whol". I Add a plm h of anlt an I heal ihc uhli lo a fro'h. Trim sU p eer ( f loiat an I liuttor. IMare spoonful of the tnl;tur) on lo each piece of toast and add five teaspoon of chopped and cooked l am Ipto the hm drop the yolk whole nn-1 hake for a few minute In n ju k oven llaked (uatard, Pet up two egg and add three rupa of milk, on tablespoon of ugar, a pinri of knit and rlx to eight drops of vanlll i Put the mixture into custard cups and t in a slow oven lo bake till set. ferve with rtewed rhubarb, prun or f'gi. Woman World. The Turk were originally a tribe) of Tarlara. They first appeared in Kurope In loan, crossing th. Hosphorn to .lt th l.mperor tiotonlaleg against hi rival. BASKET STORES' EMPLOYES MEET AND TAKE PLUNGE: A meeting of the employe of the seven teen Btsk't stores In Omaha and Coun cil Bluff wn held Thursday night t the Vouin Men u Christian association. C. S, Alvord of Lincoln tonductcd the meeting. H. II. Howell spoko cm th gtrug glea of the youpg man In hiulnes. A, C. Morlis of th ii-o'it department of the Omaha rtorr i ;i; k on "Oppor tunltle.i for You 'tCny." Mrs, W, W, Hxou gv a n.ujhal nur.t!r. After the meeting the men took a plunge m the Young Men' christian soclatlon pool. SILK SHOP MOVES INTO THE NEWROSE BUILDING! The Hllk Shop, currying; ona of the j largest nd most e. !, , . e llpeg of silks In fhl sectlcn ut (!,,, coi.'piry. ha move,) from the City NbII.uhaI Hunk hul'.finR lo larger o,urterii In t!-. Ron building. Th change of location wa tirceaaltated by the grcelly liicrea.ied bulneaa of the shop. II. A. r.esalre, proprietor, I widely known In the allk trade a he wa man ager of the silk department at the tlrait del.i store for tweiiiy-flve yer. OoenUpallealth . Account. Open up a; V health account that will yield greater enjoyment of life and higher efficiency in work. Cut out heavy Win ter foods and eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with fresh fruits and green vegetables. Shredded Wheat is ready cooked. Delicious for break fast with milk or cream for luncheon with berries or other fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. V. Pig Pork Loins fresh, not frozen 137hC Forequarter Lambs A .llc Fresh I.'ressed Chicken KU-cr J'Ot IIOMJtt 11'4 Tig I'ork Hull ...134 Pig I'ork Hoist ia',o S'oiing Veal lloaat , 11 10 Young Veal Chop. . , , , , , 14', o Mutton Chiii M 1 jO Hpure KlbN ltH4o e,ull I'ork M t-kluned f In nisi 17J4n Huuiir Cuieil lliiiiia,,, la'jO l)ilia 1,' iin llreiikfaat lii on . , a04c Hugur Cureil Uncoil . , i , , . 17'o ' Ballvarltg all part of tha city, Mall ordcrg fillad at ono. THE EMPRESS MARKET Op. WotilnoHh 6c mid 10c More. 1 J3 Houtli 10th Hi, Tel. I), 2't07. Pig Pork Loins fresh, not frozen 13c Fresh Dressed Chickens 1378c Kleer Col Hons! 11,0 lig I'ork Hults Uo I'lg Cork llo,isl 130 Young Veal Uniist.. , lHj0 Young Venl Chopa ,..,,,.l'io f,amh t,ega , I7ta RPICUU. Tram 8 to p. m LAHH CHOHK rrom e to io p. m. rout cuora Mutton Chop Hpare Itiha Halt Pork Nullified Ham Km II Ham Kxlra Lean Ha con Muaar Cured tta'on,.,.,. DllTr1 to all part of tha olty. Mali orlr fuud at one. , 14Ho . ,1040 . . o . . 170 . .uvtio . .an no ..17M 8o . ...iao Plini lf m AD If ITT 1610 Harney St Wi-a ' I l aW phana Doutla 27fla ' -!,. Sit--tiirfi: i The Best Food For Growing Kiddies Fut Spatfhrtti rloean't tx the delir.ate little tomarh of tfrowintf rhilrlren like mrata. It. is riisily diaegted and almost all of it goea Into Mood and tiue. Kiddie all like it, too. rauat Spaglirl ti, fed to chil dre n two or piree time a wetk, will build them the foundation for long, liappy live. Write for free recipe book. Your irottr f'mutl Spaghtttl MAULL BROS., St. Louli, U. S. A. 0 ? Mie n OmahaIJMaid ' MAC 40NI fj I toadHrrri I I tffNMTCtil I ST OMAHA MACARONI CO. Fhon Dottflaa 3009 CULLEN BROKERAGE CO. Local ala Agant u at i f Hf n tr kt t ajt tJ lj tar fw TIP Means High Quality LEMONS Carload of big, Juicy or.ea unt re nlvtd, cutra low pricra to move Bifrplua yulckly alnioht Hiire to go hlnhor hooit. I'rr ilorrn 12, 13c, 14c, 15c - W hole box. S;j.l I and S3.-12. Atk pricra tf ullior vpgptnbpa and fruita. SEEDS Quality oth.-rn. n-ll for cf. ThU is one of tht lla.l.il hlg ptdflt il. tiis p make j.m Id smlim MM. I! p.ii kMgeR ' , 5c CASCO CHICK FEED lP'l Ihit. A 4 rf- ., If, -a ty (or. . Olif Ojfor . LC "c AscoTr b u ltry food" TIP BAKING rOWDER Mailt MU taike at atiilt" flt. A l f'Uil .t in 4 i h i'in y 4 f jn-uiid t.in '. 'f v.ilue nr I UC TIP BAKING SODA i t DC GOOD BREAD A .'i.- I it a f-r ....... 4C BROOMS Hi.llgill 1 ,i r. , i ),i j, I 1 I,,.,,, t . tor I 1 1. 1 ,; .I, ., ) - i it h e I i ... e ; , . ., 4 l f i ii'-i4lW t.B t.lil-J i 4. t . 23c, 25c 35c, 40c, 45c , I.. TIP CATSUP 1 b... !: Ill , if J , a -i I IF YOU CARE TO SAVE you'll want to read this Ad. The Basket Stores offer vou a NEEDED REFORM in the GROCERY BUSINESS. You dodge the high-priced credit, "free delivery" (so-called) system and enjoy our likeable prices and quality when you pay cash at our stores. BE GIN TODAY to BENEFIT YOURSELF by our MODERN ECONOMICAL PLAN. CEDAR OIL POLISH hn Iho quality without lhn lileh prlrr. I.lkrly mat mure If mil linn Roto oprnt iidw-riiKlnR It. for floor, Hutu, furniture, etc, 15C '"aue. 30C 60c fl.no li COFFEE Cur Intlf .uiiili-nt br.md ha the drinUnn uualny ttmt ti.ti- mint pftiit luir lr more .'i!uar ;t,.c j;r,td' hti'i-I.i'iit, In 1 lh tint Tlillftv IUhH. ,.ic f'.mtui l l (mI Iji i'.i HI iiitllit .;i;,i 28c (ItlnklriK 20c FINE TABLE SALT i c i 3c 13C COARSE BULK SALT ' !! I FLOUR I.Ike rery ulhr-r iirtlclr we m, our (Itiur iiniht plr-HHc juu or re iiirtt II inn! Kit your .lioney hark, t'ash lUhlt Hour, utrlctly iilKhoal l'Hlont-lho bU, while. inaf kind 1Mb. fhl rf 41h. eye but!. P 1 iOU hit ft, uC Thnfiy lUbit luilf.niiui! breail. He - V'loiT. make rjkM, blsiuitifl, $1.35 !',.68c Save start on the road to independence now. GRAPE JUICE High grade Fremont brand, made from Concord grapes, nought the manufat'tuier'u surplus no we coujd, rut the regular price In two for yon Tint. Quarts, for. 23c, fori 12c TOILET PAPER Another carload ptircbaaA, Mar ket hii advanceil Kieatly. We'ro Khlns you the advantage, of our fortunate ronirart at these prices: lllo I'reiie, r 2 rolU for DC t'nah Habit Ci'epe, 3 rolls lllr. pH(h DC Ti; t icpe, vety fine s Iho roll OC Northern l.luht, i!k tbtaue, l.r.OO sheers to the roll. J 3 roll. 10r. erh C MEAT DEPARTMENT in each store. See the equipment. We try to have them so sanitary you'll fed like eating all you want; Good Con ed Beef ';rUr.. i5c V. 1 1 tun or in . I KII. lit ,1 4UC . i-4i' hffti", y f p.r . tuUC f trnl '111 nt J 1 l.H, t 'l' . C tf.,. ')t im(. :. l!.'l, Hi !h . 21c l Vlt I'llllrcliiit Hut j Inline, llu (hr fiesh ,! buttrr Ihik, irtiv f.o . , VUfiii'li i M 1 1 v' n. f 't tll in: ttHikteit, : ih f-r . Nr. a H'Ti. l-r It. Tha Tender, Juicy Kind l' l. . I'.f I'-I lh . I'l'l li ! 1 ' i:fi l 1 tr- 24c l" 1 '' " ' 'iflr 1 Nr. a It-ii.t .1 M.-.t I i.n ,.r n 4tC ) 4C II.,,,.. !'. OC ilsnte of our UMikeH will alsti r.irry roikI, whojeiome, KfM'rntuerit lnjptHteil, (aij teef ,tt lower pi ices, 9c 5 c 11c Unit ti'.it i .. ,.., .,!,., nm t,,,,, ,, (iii uS II llll Sinlf, l'(l "U.l, .,., K llii.ln tut SI, lit tt(t 111 Ij, yn ,nl(. . . H I.. I,.l tt lltnl. i lt.(nt- tt.tii I. I i-l "t.lt,ln- I ,!, t ' ;t j, s, ni,, ,,,,), itn. hift th tirt ,.f litiittj it l.,t V.ut inliw. win r,, ii I li lh tit ti ull '11 I" 11 ii, I tH t ltlh I IH t !,. rt I 1 14 ...! I, tl,,. , I I Irt ( .UU l iHxtf. THE BASKET STORES it nt i tm ..it I l II it. I V I I.I I lilt 1 1 III t lit t 111 t II. I it H WK HOPE TO CONTINUALLY aKKVE VOU IlKTTr.R IN UREATfR OMAHA AT H t.-il. ( N. x m s. .ut I h.'Nn i u t i . -1 . . J 41 S.i.lu 4 t I II i U l . t ;t4 S-K W I f H.li-i M I'liiitt l.i,it ,i-4t V . - I l44.tl HI I t. t-iiclt l4t - . ll Nil, I . V , i .1, r k 1 j t N i - IH' nH I h I ,.i t '' ii f -m t"MiH K(h M K o.l.t I'll I it rfrfi M,i.i Ve .tm.ii "t , j HI ,. t ' wi l h. Mt I. , .1,, tii . ,ni i in iiiitmiii ( lll,r "ttnH s . 1 1 .'iii v tii "m I It l . It t 1 I .t ' -tEl" M ! l . I't ' i I I'. If. It 1 1 I i lilt ill "l I'HH . I (i . 1 1 l V' H- IIH I 4n.nu m rt.-tiif lit, ii, t I tu. i Nt 1 1 ; I h t .M4tt It I't.. W.K.i,, ;u,n Nl, t i .. ,' K 4,t. , nn ' Iiil Nt 1" .III II I 4trttt,ittt i i,tt. it. n.it, nn i, I " - N. 4 t IVrt m I i.ttit. tl III nil l'h.,11, Hit U. 1 1 I '(,!, ti I CUT GLASS SATURDAY, MAY 6th, wo will offer our complete linn of Kilosmfii f-amplf'S at ppocial pricos. Omaha Cut Glass Mfg. Co. 12 1& Harney St., Third Floor. Jj 16 Pounds for $1.00 fane tiranulalxd Hugnr. Huir la ad varictna; svery hny now hefora It Kna hlithrr. Movuna brat roffee, 3 lh. Uir $1,001 our sprrlal off, SV ! fe 11.00; i n Ih Hsntoa ltlin1 coffe, 4 lr,. for $1.00. W also rarry f,noy linn ni-w crori trJ, f0 000, 700, 80x p lh, Corns, 300 pnr lh. ftnklnu pnwirr, 88o an1 800. Hpfrce, Kitfrsrla, Tnllet Soapa. Kif. BuRiir aoM with f 1 order of othar (oiji)a. MOYUNE TEA CO., O. $440, 406 IT. 18th Bt, Ask tha man who baa uesl Fae Want A! 30r to 1 you will hear a booat. J. D. Crew's Quality Store Cnrnnllon Brtad l'Yenth Nplncvrh Freeh TomAtoea ew I'otatoes -'reh Aaparainia W'ux lleuna V.xx nant Frenh Strawberries IWiltivl l'lneappl Alanilto Pimento ( boeee, JO I'kg. ADVO PRODUCTS Advo AVhlte C herry Advo Hliowl Tlneappl. Atlvo llart.lett .I'eara Advo Aprlrot J. D. CREW a.Til and Arbor fita. Ilrney B37. ' ' fil) A delightful lurprisc once a week for j t's yer' I ncre are over 50 way$ of pr J paring Skinner' Macaroni or Spaghetti. 1 It h&s a deliciou "wheaty' flavor and is P I firm and tender. Write for recipe book free. SkinnerS . Macnroni ( I ruk.t uLm Producte A SKINNER MFG. CO. n , , I 1 Vm-ratl Mnotrmtl facun r"" " ...m. , . ' mm . 144a JUhj Sir.ta -' I ( f fYRFW"? tiTU k ,11 I ... .. av Jm A . 1 1 VT J 'j-MM r: im-, , arw , f lW,., I.UIV . SC. X.if 1 r ; r J I ...nti!iint 2?'Hia. Hr.JM hour V v- h.tfh J V -V; !Ynta toll t r IJ it' 1 r,-tf h -I ' 7 v.... 1.. ! . . . . ' III. Ma i w , t lit""1 ; W i v f I 'mm t ' . - ,,' ai hull 1 MaMi sM.l fla-aV mNW 0m aatMa. V HmmmtM ' ' aW$