Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
nu; r.KK; omaha. saitkday. may wi
f- '.
' Mrs. Sarah Rorer, Internationally
FamotH, Will Talk Untfer
! Church Society Auspices.
I nr i t n ii Tvai.n Rter, rnnkrv ami
itllelrtl, ipnt nf Internattmial f..,,.
... "
will inttiin M Omaha fnr ih u-.i.u ,,f f J I iiinll I
Mh :i r, In lw n inin of lerture fur I The nie.'tiin nf tin IV i, , .
Ihe benefit of ih St. Mr'a Avenue ! mmlliarj of t r nhm tM,i.n,i
(innirriiniiin eh in I, aocirtv. Th lee- ehi.rrh ',M ti l I'lmn , in i ,
Ultra , In j,,, t)l, m,.rnlnir ami rt ild innm
. i-i, In, m.v .-,.,ollaf,i,m,a Im (In. nfti-r. !, Mum t .a.,.-.., . 1,4. Ml ... t-. Ian
WlllHin .mm, , Mr, tto,rr P Tu,.lln , ,,
1,7 ,' I ''l,nl.rrr.
I Hi" i,i.,ii:i- m , , jr N P I'p
like .Mm Ofujnod T r'riM tlllin NnM ML.
'iihortic r tlic rnenihrra nf the
(r:,""",Mr."rr"nl" ,h" ,e""r" "" ; Masonic May Party.
,',T' " "! ?" ""V fln'1 1 s"""-" ' -"
inulr. mlmlaalnn l,'Vi-l i.l M mnii Well ,,.., , . ,,, . .,
Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Stom Ob
erve the Ninetieth Anni
versary of Her Birth.
ru vki.mfic'i tMa, , mm.
An Omh grfnt-nrnniliriotncf will eele
rnaia h.r rtlnriirtn Uir'hUay hj a ,eit ihl
"fi! iiif.ii '; ir, ,; ,,,!,( .,rt , f.',llv
'iiim r in c,,. (.M,n., mil fiiijiid -fl by
thtf. fti lH'.r,llf. ,,f ,. i- ,1 i ,n,iSi - hj,
l Vn. :ll.l,l,lrl ) hmi. . Sin , ., ,
1 nk'iiirid (tiiitl.i.niii, wh.i, ,ih , t mm
tn tin. Hir VIIIm I'irrmm .Mtorr.
in'fl tho tilunrn- Mr nn th t,! n m
' fir rly fifties nnfl in th Invibl' rt rtny,
')f thr iIxiIi-h. hr.ii t m ( 1 II r nnd
tlif rr. rrnnlnirtlnn iiolir y v.n tho HiH rn
In i: oulli-rn 'Bifi, 1mvli rt UHltlcri!
f-n Mitrn front Irr unpr ntfrtf-d. Mr.
uti'l Mm. utnrr firm ,riif r in He'li-vui. j
tv l-r i tin. plidn tn ' 'nlol n rlo, j
tho li! tiMn ii, i.m,',, tiir Inllim j
mmmt Hi Kriniii(.
Dllzibrth W IIMmnifl 1'rrm h n horn . ti i
f'tttodcifl, ,Mi:- , iittirty yfiiifi nun tylny1
ntt twrnty-two yrni.i Utri bri'dtn! tf
wife iif Viilliin riff-on h'tnrif. nf tl i well
rnndn .iincrnf nun"!!! iiiiniiy ot 11 i imriin urn inn, in. iii'Niti-n ny .viinc Anna innoiia j ,M,.(;,.0 1 0,.,.,. (.;),,, j, fh(1 B),,(n
ii1 fln kin tn Tlrv. I ir Itl' hnrfl KH-r J of Mnrnlii, who If nn llir fm-iilty of tlm j numlipi- nf , nnk hnokx nii In wrll known
, f-,oiT, the rlofiifnt iliv In who fonlliiii1 ! I'tu Nonnul orhnnl! ttlll hold our of',, , , wtlinn Shft ,nnf (wo
to th" pulpit nf llmry Warrl j t''i'" iik-iIiik of thf , t thn . lr.., s (.,( r,. ,.,,Jr ,Bl,
P.i-hrr olrl rlnin h. the Plymouth (Vn- "iimmrri'lal rltib Hxturdny, Tlim . lufi wi Tho nr.,! of fo-,n dinhm mrnun
riKttlio;il of l;rokl,n. ! '"""" '" ' " ''' i fur l.nj. I,.,,,.. r ,. .Imwr' i.rtlM
llllr Ir.r. In llnh. "''' ""'Will ,. Ii, n,,,in ,,! M ;in1 (1t )n,f)rnvf , ,h;
runi. j Mr. Worr . rui-lr.) M I rnw' l"K Mn-"ln lhf. About , l,,, hrn it l,r nl,Msr, by Jim rtorrr
0;nh, hrrr ,h. h, hrn an ! "W-'Htom nr ex.p.-t-, In t-
MIM Kfl Sinhh nf Onh i Mr,,!800'"1 "fP'
j prrl,!fnt: Mlv Mnry Knrrtrr of Unmln. ' ,f"'l '"' Porothy Hull
I iwrrHiry. (iiirl K. fCHli Prllo nfi'"'"" '"f""!-" for I'liliiid,, to tdkr lip
i, irrnnuror j ""lr ";'"l ' t' Art Iti.HtKif
, Mr iiiirl Mm Hnntihl I'ntlrrmi, h,v
..J.:1,i.i..i . . ... --.- , ,oli If, , hlr(0 urirl HI. U,iK for few
Comus Club Notes.
Th fomin rlul, rnlrrmmrrl Th.irn 1 ,'"n""1 l'"l "r Huffulo. N T ,
My afternoon bv Mm Ch,l.. Kr-r, '"'tnrri.v or .;mr,,A. n mnvrn to ,p,,
PrltM wn won by Jlilm K. R """ mn'r "' M' ""rP Mo.g.
Mr mill Mtf Thnn .1 Krlly ri mnk
t,(t pmi'ii'fitiiniM t'i ifiki, up thnlr rrnl-fit-nrr
In ' hl nfo Hhnut May 18
Mr mnl Mm Allen V M,e of Hnmb
ton, ii-h . m-e the Kni-um of Mm, Will
lm H Honen to llriifl the hlrthflny
relehrdllon of tbrlr mint, Mm. Klltheth
WIHlmiiH Htonn.
Ml.i Abbn Howert of the Peru pmte
Xiirnul i hool arvhe.l 'rhuniUv v n.
In tn be thn iet . i iitirlv of hrr
mother. Mr. W'llllHtrt It Mourn
Mm K. Ii llohirtion mid In"' iliiughtei.
.Mm. W. A l.eet, refinie.l humn Thm
dliv tvrnlnn ortrr nn riLhl i'r!, .i
Iriiirn In ( Hliroi ii i;i
Wyoming Oil Sent
to Eastern Points
Today's Affairs.
Mm l.i)ii..ri , i'miiii tm v
nfiei noon in h'f homr m ih
mi rittil nirrtlnn of I
nf lln Knppn Alpha Tim
. Mi l nl' run I'ti i: h M
I 4 pok HI". It lie Pin' ,i if Mr
1 ttilK iiiorniin; m Hi- home of Mr
rt llii
ren'a I
ill ilimlr i'h i(il,.
a,, i. ii .1
I Till . f 111
I ' !
e I
i-i niiil
ihe 1'1,-H ,,f , nii tlnt t'oala to New-
U'minK ha , oninieiit ,1 urmilnR
i, Js Into IVnnayl' aula, wtih h lm
io n Inokdl upon Ihe hurl of the nil
"mIiiiIhb inclnalry. liming tl,r laat ten
m. ulth ihe Norihueaierii and H.ul
itnn miirll Ihe Slundard Oil eninnanv
p'.li ei; a-, nidr: for he nhtnnirnt of
''Hi harn-'a if oil ,).it ,,f ( inprr. t,, ,
in I, him, It a., Kino ihem II uill he
illMi ili.neil to Ui iMnlei n .i-ll lea and
'n n
h' '' llilllli.e .i,Hiilltlia .if ol lii
I 'M . ..nil In i. ,n f., ,,0
' Or.p,,,,,!,, (!j ,,,, i, t, ,.,, rin.
Um nut n.ii or i alifoM,,,, linrh t il..
It 'him ilmi ii,, ,,,, p,, i f . . .
uaiikrr ,a baii'lied Ihrnniih iiiimhn ft f -
(ern tralrta of tank cam. all loaded with
oil, and pinning from flflen tn iiiliit-
rat K i'H' tn the tialn. Thia oil la all
billed tn polnia eaat of ChltaRn
Mr-n of ihe (oral limy I en till lns aia
lion a.nff vera pull'iraiera fnt V: n rrl
I,, Mei,m,ii, hoe rmirial held al
I'loaoya i liapel al ; r in M iln'
'n Kiii'.t I. aw ii renirl'iV a fliina niuiid
and a itunlei Bate Ihe Head linn th"
final n I . t Itev . 1 1 I '. I'nluly "ii
f)i' Inl t he ai'l V li'i'l
Hrnt'T'i body naa InotiKht ri.itn Hania
i i . . i 1 a I . ai 'onipaitlrd by hb itlfe and
ihier i hlldti-n. Ilia parent hp- Mr and
M: J. I, Urn. on It." Kllla it awiine
He im atlMihi-d to I imtt re
rinltlnt alailon In I'd;' ami T'I I
'nlr in hute n aniitllKhl ehitie on trie,"
him b, en tha hihIiI.ii of tunny a nam
voiina' tneplMii. " I .h vv a I efitlni, anme
lime hetwe'ti Ihe hour of nildilkbl and
bedllnie," aa lhe In i'w oi l. N
V,. a ri"liiK i'iintt tln',iiii or aonn
iilher rianu profosf'tmnl. mept Into the
t,iin,enii of Jail, W.iolf! tanbiih and
aiole :i pi ife. ily .nod aimiliKht. .la. k
a"it I tin i tf he calidies ihe party h II
teii' h n I m a in w and effn lhe not.
I a 1 1 hi ! ft. I. "im w III I f
I'loaerl thla e'eiui, t:h dan'mii ami
May f.a rt t.
Anna Ti&hefa
The Neliraeha V'oinen' Kdnealiuiial -
inown iiTnahn irtnlrnna aie plniilii)t n
nunilirr of lei'lnre pnrilea. whh luneh
'mi folium,, and preeedinn Mm Dorer'i
Mm Uorcr talked to pa, krd liouaea it
every leeime Inal ynr. In reeonlton
of her alandlntr aa a ftletltlan, Mra.
Hnrer haa been eleeted to the ew York
worker In the I'll it ("onsregntiona I
hnreh and allied Inn elf with ihe enarl
table oIKHItUaiiofia aflillalid , Willi her
hufh 'if four I ii 1 ri r " ri , bul o ,
anrvlen Mm V'lllimii n. Ilowen of thla
,m, Atiolher dniiKliler wag the lata Mra,
f! J. M"i oniii'll. line eon lied lit ,ail"
manhood and the omrr did tint nurviv
iiit liifuniy. The de.r.enfUnti now tinni
t,ei elht (tratidthlldren and f've Kr"t
Ferrla, J, K. Iimiek and lion Tllloiaon i
The el u I) ill inert In to ueeka with I
t In If fa nu
Ilea and hlldren will )' ttir Kiti-aU of
tho Heolllah ntte . Woinmi'a ehili al it
Mav partv ai the iiithrdiHi thl eienim
KoIIokIiik the ihtidirn a pmntain Ihe old
Ffifllah May pole rinnre will he nlMni
Mra. rharlna Tltiem h ehame of the
rraimemenm and ttlll be .i.u., hy
Mra .! C. awt epee and Mlaa ftimaell lie.
fiaannienla will be men ed l Mlaa Adeila
Htlne, aaalafed hv .Mra. W, I , Mei 'lln
took, Mra fhnrlaa Wlntem. Mm llny..
flantner, Mra I'red Ken. Mra n I'
Hartnint:, Mta M Itllmn Kr;iaaen and
Mm n. O. ililehrtai
Personal Mention.
riean and Mra. .lame. Taioo. k have
returned front fcieelrtm Hiriii, whet a
thay apent ten dan
Ura Eleanor H ,oi nmn of riib ao and Ut
Mra ft V,', Incklnaon of HI pai,l, .Minn,
am at tha home of Mm M Mninnin'
Hhlrley Mteel, hnvlna h i , ailed
bre by tha death of their brother lha
lata Walter Malloiy III! I IMJIlt
Mm. ft. llab'now eh, iilni la vl.liioa her
parrnta, Mr and Mra N hpir .to met
will rattim to ,er hninr In New Vork
Be'r Hero To Grow With Crowintf Omahtt.ri!
U inira n fra-Mvll a. II m n r-ir ITVrzrs ll.
n-- m r m m i i . i w- w
F.H II II II fMi llllimi MQ
u ibrau imp y
iaieh m
Among tha out-of-town kin pieaent flt
loaay'a rnlcbratlnn will be Captain f):orr i , Mra. ChMi'lf I.aiialruin
Ilowen ut the eiaat artillery, at at lone'
' " I .niaa i,ii.Htietii ( oiiKdoii . hoateaa to
tam Aorrn! aeimoi, irananjusnirr, an.. , tn Tiieaay firldge eluh at lunrheon at
her home thla Hflernnoii, Mia, Arfhur
a.l I'ort William. Me , grartdaop; M aa ; Tuesday Bridfje Club.
Ahl.a. Ttowen of the family f tha fern j Mj(ls KUMthu .(,1),rt,','l) , h(1
Mra AlUn y. rtem of llonylitoii, M eii ,
ill', e,
Mta, Fiona la mill trnditiK rt nrihe,
ieeful life, Intererled III .her rhureh arid
elrrla of friends, k'jenly alive to what ti
Ihe mode. In knitting and fumy work and
trridlln; In fine rieflln work and hern
etllrllng, For many yearn It haa bean
her pride that hei waa able to mftke with
Iit own band the Kt'a h ave at
Brownell Hall Dance.
A daiieo wa Kiven at, Rrowntll Hall
,k8tiinlay i:entng; by th realdent enlor
In honor of the dy achool lenlOT. Chap
eron for the affair rri ll Kuphe
ifii.i Jobnaon, Mtaa Galwey and Mia Hln-r-lalr.
The botea were:
M)ae Mlae
Harriott' Ahhrook, T)e,lale Malk.
fiararuerlt Botrk, KtBa Mulllan,
r.nllle Kaddl. Marie Handera.
Alb Korbr. Helen Reynold,
Mildred Krumm, Alice fiedfewlck.
Jeannotte McHrlde
Th ituegt included;
Mtaeea Miae
Oeraldino He. Jeanette Green
Mary Fuller. hleld
Martha fvltt, Helen Johnton.
Hoger,! waa the ueat of Ihe affair,
CUv the flrat of the week
fait hy a re i n
Mr and Mil II
P jlninea and I
of tha week.
return Ihe fun)
Tho lalanda of New Zeahmd were anp- I
poeed to he part of a aninhern loniliieni. !
till elroomnavlxaied b t'optnin t',,,,1, i
In irrn, !
4 15 -17 So l6St
Omaha llomtfurnithing Headquarter
Save Money by
Buying Your
Oriental Rugs Now!
War conditions have naturally reduced the supply of
Oriental Rugs and gTeatly Increased their cost.
Anticipating theae conditions the Beaton & Laicr
Co. are still able to show a very large selection of
Oriental Rugs in all qualities and sizes at their
Usual Moderate Prices
We advise our patrons to anticipate their future wants
in Oriental Rugs and save money by buying now while
our prices are as low as ever.
2itSEIPi a Charge Account and Welcomel03
T Ii p iitHnufii'liirer
aa iliat wr are noil
dt a lower prti thn
anyone) In th Tnli'd
Slalfa, r have. l
) erild theitl t
tlioa' itritf, but. they
coat it nitf-thlrd. nittr
than thfy dlr) yr
agii. If the prlre goes
higher nr will have to
i'u Imp our pili'p In you.
Hoy, I to r,' . $2.."0
l.lttle. jeni', ft io
1'nrrrt roal PnlH.
1419 Farnam St,
Benin h Clark,
Henry Hat
('harleji Alllaoti.
Knker flood,
Frank fampbell,
Ralph Powell,
ijerald Ptryeher,
Harold Mulllaan
Allen Mulligan,
Vlnrent Hhook,
Henry Camohell.
Andrew Neabitt,
t'arl Amlek.
Leland Walter.
Joaeph Bttifikey,
Oeora Korbee,
Ranard Heno,
IT, Carroll.
Arthur May.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
The vomon of Seymour Lake Country
elub will Klve a aubacrlntlon dancing
jjirty at the flub houae Hatutday evenina;
ma exrteeted that more than 2TO rouple
will participate. The refreshment ulll
he In charRfl of Meadani. .1. H. Farralt, i
Joaeph W. Voodrouh'nd John Tkkln.
while Mra. I,, M. l.ord find a bevy of at- i
motive yonntr ladlea will be In charKe I
of the emidy booth. A large number of ,
pal Ufa havfc been planned, antontf them ,
being Mr. and Mra. 11 G. Wlndheltn,
who will have thirty guest: Mr. and
lira. W H. Cheek, iwellty "'es; Mtaa
Marcaret Fox, aix; Mr. and Mra. floor-,
Krani'ia. fifteen; Mr. and Mrs, T. 1.. ;
1'onib.t. twenty; Mr mid Mm. Ih-nry
l'oiter. twenty-five: Mr. unit Mra. C A.
Melebrr. 1M Mr. and Mra. C. A. Mm
unni, five; lieorae linhman, four, H. I.. ,
MeWlllirtin,. foul, Me iid Mr. I !--riednai,
For Miss Scott.
Miaa Mlldren Man t Ko"" 1 t'.v 1,
pe ld tomorrow ptorinii, the f i r t o'
ilie out of town fwrn lo w.tdin
..! Mia. I aria ,S' it to Mr, Carl Wad.- '
wmh whlill Hill be ,ilen nUed ' t the
boiiie of l:e tilde ,t lele'i'' oil "" i' 't
,'f M T'Hie will I"1
,,, , et er CiKIl U. m L'l'i ''hi' l
Ml.., h, ,,it who will airel II th- iii t' i, 4
' ,. t t the a"i! en t-e '-'.dm r.n
..,..- '(! m n,n,!,...i. Uiti'.'f
"t r: 'r ' i 'it'i'i ct Co -n, i;
, f., !r tf-r N'ti-ii sua
,., afuitr n bi.,t.. at l.n :.!
, , Ml a '. fit i..e-.M ..I ' le
,-, i , i at bei i r V I' t'ir '
r Mi. 4 I !'. in I: el ' ii
, j . p , i 1 ti.a ( '" -i.,
V : . t I t u i ' t I. . i 9 o
! II,.,
. a t I
. ' , t.i I
, , Ml t '4
. I . . . I 1
., 1 '
, ' a i
i a i
- i
. , r Hi
t. I .
) I
, i
Was It Not Marcus Aurelius Hanna Who Gave Utterance To This Somewhat Trite Remark?
The mere lowering of prices was not what that hard-headed business man referred to, but rather the tendency
if you will, of the material-it is that tendency, that method, that custom, that habit that the senator
deprecated and these are the things we have stood against in all the years of our business life. Saturday at KILPA TRICK'S, CHEAPER
goods because of price-reductions; cheaper because of no lowering of qualities. Let us iterate and reiterate, never in the nation 's history
was it so important that you and buyers generally, should trade at a reputable store.
Series of Silk Sales Saturday,
Starting at Opening Hour
Displayed in lots on counters ,s you enter,
Marquisettes, Pongees, Habutais all con
siderably below present prices.
At Glove Counter
All that was left from a former important
purchase of kid and lamb gloves. All sizes,
most colors Bought today we would be
compelled to ask $2.00 per pair for most
of them, even more for sonic
$1.33 PER PAIR Guaranteed of course.
Fitted any time after Saturday. Discrim
inating customers will have no hesitation
in buying for future needs. Looks like a
kid glove season anyway, weather is so
cool. Will accept telephone orders till 11
a. m. Sale starts when store opens at 8:30,
Much has been written about scarcity of
this, that and the other thing since al!
Europe went crazy. Leather is one tiling
which hai been in great demand so great,
indeed, that the commoner skins arc al
most impossible to get. All sorts of cheap
sybrtitutt s have token their place. SHOES
have felt the prico pinch abo. Fortunately
for US and YOU, alao, "BAKER," our
SHOEMAKER, was "well heeled," an the
Mrcet phrase goes. He had a kckI stink
of the finer skin such skim ,,. are
worthy to bar the "B.tkrr" name ami ai
in accord with the Kilpntruk Reputation.
FRANK TUTTLE (He's our shoe man)
says, tell them about the new 'un3. Here
they are for Saturday:
Patent Leather, also dull kid, 1 dn a a
hand welt pump j ipO.UU
Patent Leather, also dull calf; J7 aa
very large tongue and buckle, I P I UU
Colonial Pump, narrow reced
ing toe, hand unseamed welts,
Georgette Pump, out of the or
dinary model, perfect fit,
hand turned sole, Louis Qua
torze heels; light grey, dark
grey, dark blue, bronze and
VersaillesA half shoe model,
with one tie; come3 high on
the foot; black kid piped with
white, champagne, cruiser
grey and patent loather !
can't you almost hear the!
fountains of Versailles play, j
ing and hear the merry laugh- i
ter of the Dubarry's, Porapa- j
dour's, Maintenon's, etc j
Simplicity Pump A short )
tongue pump model; medium I
height, Louis heel; patent and 1
dull leathers; turn and welt '
soles , I
It's t;me you, too, j,ot t!' KUpafnck
habit fur shon sc at other hut
tharnhj? Mm ef our nuto'uf n
have u
Now it seems th hoiht of folly to ask
you to come in the morning for a fitting
for you won't pay any attention to ui
Here is one place whore woman's per
versity will crop out. Wt art- going to
surest it anyway-HQ MUCH MORK
SATISFACTORY In the . 'll:iou,n ifB
a gotxl dial like nun vwuung tut r, in a
barber shop NEXT!
Wo (n tnltr a ft a mure for
SkirVt to your inr-mtn- (Jot in no.v if
expert rlv tlrlivriy l.ook n if v e can
not take arty iui. t n lf.! ' r I APOR
We Have About 125 Hats
To Sell Saturday
has checked up her account, and
She finds about 75 hats too many on
hand of one kind.
She finds about 50 hats' too many on
hand of another kind.
In one group, hats worth up to $12 Each.
In other group, hats worth up to $15 Ea.
About 75 will be offered at $5.00 Sat'day.
About 50 will be offered at $0.?)8 Sat'day.
Blacks and colors; large hats, small
hats, medium hats; milan hemp, lisere, Pol
ish chips, braids, trimmed in ribbon bows,
wings and flowers. The quantities are so
small that they should all GO BEFORE
NOON. If you are not interested tell
somebody else they may be, KILPAT
RICK'S SALES are "so different."
If Walt Mason Was Our
Ad Man
IM .l,i, i. ,e M e a lain, hmiulit from a man ln
imi.I.,,I limn, i.,trlii.f diet all It t,t.l Th
I. ilia ate Miar if ut-tlr, the it.lnr Iilni ami,
Ii, I'Milriii. ismI, thn Mr f Mil, m ell mailr, n In
tin ,.fl, I .r waiunli, i il,e are )iit i thiiiii
bniiiii t,H ami fin. ii suit all tU nun it
I. II !, Ilia itu,. It Hiij nine.
69c Each Great Value
inllll I, tutu, i I ti ll,lH-r n.l,
Han I., ll If ",tl, l ii tl, iti.tla.,
l,IU,...t an, I lbii Hand!., I,.,), ,,
t ! '
t,l.r. f,.(b ''!!. It,. ,.,,.,
!' i,.l ttuati alli-h t irn,, J f. .
It I '
I llliitll, I .1, 1,(11 'i M ,, t () .l
Ladies' Neckwear
hint nf thn pnti aniei front aqtini-n. I'Ut unit
1 iiIIIiik uilUr, mailr ot Set, Ufovgrttr tVeH or
Oruiinil)-, 50 nmIi, and it grat many olhora up
'atrea from 2, $5.00. .Net and Or
Riml). i ll lill riifflltiK in rt and (tMirttWI? Vew,
ftoin RO to SI. 75 mt )itl. Itiirfliriji for dioaae
3ii(J Jai ktMa khIoi-.
We have, arju'ily ninnt IoihmI luidei-mtiaHna.
The i hllly day ! not rry lionrti'iilnR. Horn,
how or otht'r hi han a hunrli that e ar now tn
h 11 apcll of m at in Heather. To ittmhe thing lo
Itwallng for Hal unlay on Set-ond Hoop, ttlll aril a
lot of Miialln lli-aHia, wide rut, full flounre: fiOc
lioind In" tli ii-iva, InateMl no make it 35
Miril'K ;oWNrr Soft, dnint ami pure white,
'InlahiNl In rolor, J!l eai Ii,
I:NT;MI"I: t IIKMIsi: I - fiopulnr gar.
niriil, pink ImtlHlc, laie liliiiiued, stjlea evir-llont,
$1.(M e-h.
JIMOII SKCIION Mat fltnrj: aimtll hoja1
lint tit Ml anil flannel, 25t em Ii. inatend of SOr,
r,t mid kt.lltt.
TAIImrll Mils l JIMtllt M ,!,-
Nm ja, ilifiUs and othnr Hiular fiibrh a, Sold up In
IM titi, at S 1.7r ea.h.
Dresses Saturday
In owe 'tore but a short time, Made from
taffeta, ..ilk net, etc; the desirable ihadei.
The very thing, in fact, that the dame
she who fixes fashions -says ii most popu
lar of all fabrics, Why then should there
H the ft'i'uu-r; The thinner mUmals are
crowding for plare urn I the first hot day
the ay n room more room So Saturday
Silk Dre.isn go tti three lots-
$10.75, $14.75
and $19.75
$ISU ". S-WV ,uil $13 00 fomifr priiei -H
;P a in for the, and you 11 hurry if
0 ,1 i', ttllf 1
-: 9-crmMrft
m'wmsfmK a?rm