fill: BKK: OMAHA. SATl Iv'DAV. MAY C. 1 91 ft 13 BBIEF CITY NEWS "Tomio4 i :or iporttng Ooo6.a Hffht1 rutnree flurg,..-cirnda. 0wob BggmBt ftlnr. Elsolm. Boot mat It Now eie.rnn Pre. Aaflirooi, rir Imni. Sunderland e. Tor Bala.-,., grj (. f(ty farrn ' j, J( L'vmnnt, Kecllnc Uldg. "Today Movla Program," clunaifled lli,n today. It npp-nia m Tha lire e. 'Initlifly. Kind out what tho varliu mo lug pi, turn thcatcra ofter. 81 Month In Jail - William Hall wait M-immed t ,u montlu In the Hall "tuiitv H hy .1 udK" Woodrough In fel "'H idirt t,n tt rhaige f b x car mhhciy, Pain. ComjUny Incorporate The Itiiiiillion 1'iilnt and il.tMM company ha liiiHi'iH.iiitril for Siirnn. Allen B. Ham ilton, ( Hamilton and , William ', ItaniM-y arc i officer. Oo to Waat Point Alfred Nathan Ji"i kiiiaii. T, f Lincoln haa .,. l'"ini'd i. Wet Point Military academy Mid have hro Juno 15 to lake up hg work, uriiutor u, M. Hitchcock made Hie appointment. City Employ Hurt f.onla'petergon, 'Itv emploje, MiHtnlmd Hpvnre cut and frtiUn wh, n hB r.-l I into an excavation at Truth an, 1 .In, kon elrcct-, Tin wan at-l-ndf-l l,y Hr, J'.arriry Kulakofaky and till n tmii . Motorlatg Are rind-(lny ricnall and V,r' Teter pleaded guilty In poU'e court 10 tie vl.ilatlon of traffic rcgultitr,ig and were fined )fi and coat, with BUapandel miIi Milton Moakovlu pleaded not gniliy in,,) H;i hrn a jdlnlliir fine. Auto Thlavai Buay The following nllng iinfoa have hcen reported to tlm police; Jl W. MowlnkeU-of (Jretna . M,ni"n n car miir'n 1 mm rnventccnm nnd DoMKlfi" t recta, Kretl I'Vinko of Lincoln I'.at one it 2H North h'evrnti enth treat, Adolph Muell, Il7i tfniith l-'lf trriil h street, left n ar nt Tw nly-nlxth and Haimy lreei. lrli wa not there when hn to ll rnfil, nid Harry ltafhiiuin, ji:2i I.nlhrop, liiid one atoti n from In front of bin h'tn , Uat T-TII" Blilnglaa. Kundcrlnnrta. j Wire hmilnruB men alway 11 mi The lire advertising column. , 1 BRAZIL DEMANDS GERMAN EXPLAIN South American Nation Asks Lega tion for Information on Sinking of Ship. NEWSPAPERS ARE VERY ANGRY WO JAKNEIRO, Brazil, May 4. The HrailllHn government hag not- 1 f I"1 tho Gfrnian logatloa that It hai I orderrd an urgent Inquiry Into the I Kinking, of the Di atitlan teamnh!p Rio Rianto. In order to be ablo to art with certainty for tbo defengo of ItH neutral rights. Official telegrunm received lietd annoiinic that the Rlr Uranco ti torpedoed. The nfiwgpupera are greatly nrouwed and unanimously de mand energetic Intervention by tho Brazilian government. t o-Ojirrat Ion I rajeil. yesterday the Jornal Do coinerclo advocated co-operation with the I.'nlted State to oppoae aubninrlne warfare an It hai been carried on. Ita lead In followed today by the other newHpapera, which are ctrong In their denunclatlone, "Grrmany conaldi ra Itarlf In a atata of ar with the ont Ira world". The (iancta De Notlclaa aay that Tinpoior William' grneral laff ha de clared war on llimanlly. 4t dda: "To combat infamou Pruaalanlam I the duty of evory nation," O J'n l aaya: ' llraill ai, In tlila world war no place for neutral. Whoever re main neulral will he vamiulahnd. Ger many d-rve no longer from our gov ernment the eonalderation which haa been ahonn 1 again! tha general ventlmant of the country. AM Uraull look to prel 5ent Wen'-elii Krnt. confident that h will miire. up to the deatlnle of liraxll." Lloyd George Says England Needs Every Man Able to Fight LONDON. May S. Speaking on a mo tion to reject the military eervlce bill. Pavld I.loyd Ueorae, inlulater of muni tion. .ild In the IIoue of fommon to day, that he would rather be driven out of tlie liberal party, cn out of political wlao to aiply lla full power forthwith. I Mr. Moya ("ieorgo argued that until RuMla had completed the equipment o a to employ It Immenae reserve of men a It eentlal tht France and Oreat Wrltaln put every available man in the field. Germany lie ald well aware of the danger of thla country fM Ing 10 take the utmoM hre it poUly could of thl yer' burden Immediately and he ventured to" aay that the Pa axe of thl bill would In lt"lf b about the wort "icw that the Oorman gen eral taff could lead, life altogether, than lia upon h' enrtcence the renponelldllty of refuelng the demand of the mllltery aulhoritle for men which might make all the dif ference between defeat and victory. Thoae who anacrled fhat If the wr laatei until 1!17. the nation could not "atay the course," were both Inaccurate and Injudlclou. Ite had cnnaulled tha leading financier of the country and they had not the leaf liell(loii In af firming that, however long Ih war laMed, It could ontly anything Oer--many could do, but In any caaa It waa HIGH SCHOOL ENCAMPMENT WILL BE HELD AT VALLEY The high chool encampment may be held atJ'alley thla year following an optlmiatle report by Major Kler and g delegation of cadet officer, who looked over the ground (h flrf. of the week. A large field I near the ramping ground, giving plenty of room for drill ing The bualneaa men of the town have mad the high aclmnl aulhoritle a good offer and aeem highly elated over the chance of getting the radela th ea r. New House of Hope Nearing Completion ! Woman Won't Run for Presidency This Time JfU r "-v ri (-- V " 'lUl)J!JllMJillllilim 1.1.1. 1 1 Al 1 11 I ; NEARLY WILD IH Read lire AVant Ad for profit, them for reull. Price $1090 Detroit Quality First SHE'S THERE BECAUSE SHE PERFORMS THE 3400 r. p. m. CHALMERS Most ears start alike. But very few finish alike. Therein comes a mighty diiTercnee. Step on the little hutton 10 months after date aid you'll readily note the inequality. One is sluggish, "dead' without emotion, and re spond to the touch with the speed of old-time oxen re sponding to the lash. The other is alive, alert, ready; radiates desire to plunge ahead. This is the 8400 r. p. m. Chalmers kind. The other kind is the sneeies known to the trade as "one-year" cars. Chalmers makes a five-year car. There's many an old 1009 Chalmers 80 Blue Bird giving a good account of itself today. You'll find the everlasting pep there five years from the day you take your first turn at the wheel. Largely because of the 8400 r. p. m. engine. Which delivers mighty power with easy effort. It's mostly in the design. The pistons are aluminum, nbout two' pounds lighter per piston; the reciprocating parts lighter, which eases up the thrust on the bearings. Then the crank-shaft, which is very heavy, and bal anced to the weight of a hair in a special Chalmers device, spins at the rate of 0400 revolutions per minute. It means excellent reserve power. For at 10 miles an hour the engine is turning up only .500 r. p. m. while at 20 she is doing about 1000 r. p. m. So that at excessive road seed she has the punch to deliver when called upon. lfi of her power is used at 10 miles an hour. So that she has f09e to H4'X' when a twisting, hilly road looms ahead, when a sharp comer with a rugged grade vhoves in sight; when the man ahead is showing you too much dust. You'll like the ,H00 r. p. m. Chalmers for one singla ItttiV reason. She sure ran erform. ,sk your dealer about Chalmers service inspection enupons, negotiable at all Chalmers dealers everywhere. This system is a most imortant consideration in buying your tar. Fie 1'awrtjer Tteirmjf Cr, $101M IMnul. 'Hire r,wfijfer i 'alin.ilrt, $IUo Mnit. Two I'awtijjer HM)tr, $l0?u iMmtt. ( ViW rf Tirtti? 'f ami Hi.Jvter 0'tf.r in rmi cr Mr bine. t'ehrti.ict -Ortfonl luarimn, !-nt tut- K rvh nt Mtfeir lil'i. NMien-S lmUn U', ruiirvM" !U, .r ml, U r Ii.tIi tJ-ti"'il UUat tf t ..''tb'.'t t t . ..t. W. L. HUFFMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., omaiia. nib. t'e The lloiisn of Hope la now licarlug eonipletlnii In Florence after threo year of plnnultiK and alrniuou rffnrt on the part of thoao who iiilllalcd the move, went. Thl I to lie a home for the aged from all parln of the niate. "It waa a hard atrugglo to get the building under way and I liould have been teninteil lo Blve no Hie im.lci la k lug," aald Kcv, rherlra W. Pnvldge, "liad tint the crying need of the, poor and aged purred mo on " Hold n tirndite. A flnafnn ninicliiiiukcr In Irjlna lo ar rnan a clah hetneen Johnny llrlle and "Mickey" Urowii I'erhap lie liulda a grudae aialnal 'Ml, kcv." j ri'iiu.'luK. Mining and IIkIiIiii con ' 'tract nKgr.KiilliiK SIOO'i were awarded' I emcidnj. " e are ip leruiliied led to uo ' ! Into deht," ald llev. Mr, Havldge, "and I If llil biillilliiK I' to progiexn we tuiint : have ihl ll.) at nice. .1, ieForret ' Itlctmrda al the Omahit .N'nlliinal liank i Ida trcaaiirer, to whom check for ilmm thin to thl piolect re rent, llev, Mr. ' Bnildge point out that If there are I .' people In lh rlly who will glvn )0' apiece toward the romplellon of the; building, all will be well." Ileleuale Saoieil, liK.WKIt, Colo., Mav .'. - A M. Slev. enmn anil Kalpli W. finllli, weic named delegate from the I lil I'oloiado run grraKluiiHl dlalilcl, lodav In the repulillcau national comenllun In I'lilcauo. I'll It" MH ). May 6.-The woman party convention here June 6-7 doe not con- template the nomination of a woman' preMileiidul cnndldale, Statement that a woman would be nominated have hern credited to Mia Ain u Paul, chairman of the I 'onKfcaalonal 'iiiiiHi, Imi M In Caul ei i i i I tmlay that tha Ki om; liitrrprcf nttim , had been put on her word. "We haven't at reached I lie atnuc where II would he wiae to put f u ai d a u oinnii ciirulldata for the hlKheat office In the land." aald Mia Paul, "ilur convention will merely at tempt to lnke full adviihtauio of the hal nine of power held hv women In the Miffrna alale lo help elect puch candi date an will ait hi pausing Hie An Hioii) amendment lo Hie cnuetltullini. BURNING ITCHING Chancellor of Cotner University Resigns I.I N' l U.S. May fi. -Trustee of I'lillu r tinlvei lty, the iate denonilnal Ion liool of the i 'In lit ,i n church, today announced Hie lealgnallon of I 'hancrllor William ii cher, and It a' ceplance, to take of fi ct rtepieinber I, m t. No aucceaaor ha been elcotei. Ileleaate Saillell, WIIKFI.IMI. W. Va . May ft, -The re publican tt coinciiMon, In eiin ie today, elecled four llelnnalea ll lam and alternate to ihe minimal cnri i .-iii Ion In hh ax, i.',;ri!"';ll'iM,'',isKI'",i'iiili'!'t p. , mm Mwi !' f" K i; i' J" ji'H'i", n i " ii p:' 'Phi i"! ri" jO'ii.r );(" vtrp ii'iijiTrini i wnir i1"!'?'!' rr,n ';'tM1'I'Vrf r'l1"""!1 "'" 11 in'iiii'iKiiiiiii'i'i' n.Ji ni I. II , I: II i.lil lll,!:)!!,,! .iui,,!..,...!!..! .,,1 .1,, .' mil lt!i .Iik tLil iiilLMlllltiili. nit.iiit.-.iili, i,,,,. . Ui ii.Il..,. li'li.i,!,,,. .liiii...,! hi i.,!illiiill.,i;,iil'ilii,lllii,lii:ii,'l)llliili.ini,lii;ll iiis.ii iK"i.: 'Inixi C'rilm.uiil'ii Eczema, FromHandsto ElbowsOna Mass, Could Not Put Hands in Water. Could Not Sleep. HEALEDBYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My tlanghter wa polnonnd by alt end It turnoil lino rcnein and from her hand to her elhow wa one man of red, burning, Itching eruption. It hen with a raali which wa of inch a burning Itching nature that at llnim jlin wa nearly wild. For many week hn could not put her banda In waler ami he could nut leep, "rlhe ur7erei liilrnnely for everal week ami I tried wringing towel out of hot water and pulling a ruhher heet aTM ber, but ho mun i hccd. Tha Doeiiw ald to try Cutlcura Hoap and Olniment. I did and the lU'hlng and burning left her, and I uei four bum of f'uilcur Ointment together with the ruilciira Hoap and h wa eom plelely hnaled." (signed Mr. Ida Hi-own, TOW F.ggleelon Ave., hlrago, III., Oct. 3i, IDIS. Snmple Kach Free by Mall With 3V p. Hkln Tlmik on raqueat. Ad dri poaKard "t'nllenra, Dapt. T, Bos ten." Hold throughout the world. Special Low Priced Values for Saturday! ii M AT OMAHA'S LOW PRICED HOME OUTFIT TING STORE. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS, I Our LOW Expense. INEXPENSIVE Location and IMMENSE Buying power tname us to ben you muality uuuub for LEbb Money r Iii 52S in. jr- v ) GOODS SOLD OUT OF TOWN ON CREDIT Freight Paid Two Hundred Miles NO FREIGHT ALLOWED ON SPECIALS STDB IOCS SEI-BUaEa.ATOmi-.rrAmea made of aelecled hard wood, flnlalmd goldnn, mineral wool filling; eliding d luelahle wire ahelve; naleiited told elr p cln-iilallon, with aide-Icing coniirt rjj nient. Theae (ire eplendld, well-made and economical Ice hone, romnlnlng all the luteal paten led featurea, and am eirnmiy con venlent. Worn, 2i'.fi0. Male prl $16.75 IMZi'.iiwm """" - I J MtlT OTHE B 1 ymrrLtsn or oa I KAROBa to 4 t i v.. r TM1A KAMnBOMll AX.X, vrMOLHTUKIlO DAVTaTrOaVT. .Tint like llulrtlon, uphnlatered In a ik (b1 grade of tnpnrt tapetry It h inreo mitii' tamoviioia cuniona, mi ii Hack are eprlng unhnltered, wldlh of davenport Hi In ; depth of et 12 In and lieluht of hack III In Thl I a high grde loc of good, worth IdH.flO. Hn)n price 5 , OOMBHTATIOir OEArOWOLA OUT I riTB i 'onalallng of Colurnlila firafon- M ola. a reenroj cabinet and alxtaen lateat moalcal e '"4 lection. Thla entire outfit . 1 for only $29.70 3.00 CA-SX. 3.50 MOITT1II.T. w MIXria Oft BAKING BOWLI .iml Mkii 11 null ;i( l"H. t 'H..!tii v t.f ilirr hf- f.fiti( HIT tu.wU u tit f,l HI.' hN.. it, (.thtf lioli Nt "ii-- m n e,,,iit) (, i,. i ft i ' ' 1 1 . H'i' I ' ; if mm I i. t'. rl!ni-' i lliUlMkr '"' ' t1 I HKtt t .1 :.( H H fli,! J H !(() W I.ISt Hit H" " 'i i'' il" .f I r . . , . , . . 25c , k i i 1 1 ' 'J tavi rtuiauit lie letiat- In-.. i i . . . 1 Ladies' Spring Suits At Reduced Prices Saturday EASY CREDIT AS USUAL Ladies' Spring Suits LatlifV 1ariilomo Spring Suits, Saturday at rodiirwd prifoH. Tlipy are worth fully onn third morn; wondorful val- fts nt $in.7r. oo in Jf18.7,r and )ZZ.J All our LadifV Spring Coats at rpdiifi'd priffH. valuos in fiprin coatn at 7.50, $H.50, 15.50 Jjg gp Qur Iadio.s' Spring drosHPS aro tho latest novpltioH. A larjfo sortniorit. lo w'lci't, from. IVirod from S.f)5 all?' lAVfl $27.50 All our Iditlifs' Spring lfat at ri'iliifctl prit'fs, from Si t to lnilit's' Spring Skirts iu pop lin, mt'c, taffeta, rht-ckh and nt ripen. Tlie niflv kin.l at, S.MI5 to. $12.50 $8.50 1 A WEEK WILL DRESS YOU I WELL AT THE "UNION" Into of M fti ntnl Allllllifl-'LlI' Slllllll Ytiinn.' Mi u'n Spriuir Sinl- j-il rreehi'tl. Sustlf U nliii fill Milllr-., CO) Kfl W rred iv,i,M su.r.o to )ZZ.DU u tn' Nprillkf Sllll , H'e killd tllllt Ittll'l tin- li.i'd Hfitr, nt S.'i.TiO, nod Mi l;'. :iH nod Sinn -' ;it ! li;it lire luiit, All t'"l-i hi.ti I. i d ri i!ii,'i t u; in No Ch.ngc for Alteration $5,50 S4.95 52,50 0FCN SATURDAY TILL NINE MAbTY otrek rrLBg or oa ai MftRM TO ELECT JltOM. TDD OVSaT OAS KAJKOEbV .tuet Ilk llliiKlraliou, ha Inr ldo linking oven wild droller hanealli. Alu ha Inm lower half hetwenn the leu, convenient for pan and iIInIic Ii, real on. lla four larva eookliur hurner. Thl I a. enlen- dld, well-made, ronvenlnnt ga ranaa, with patented air-mining ga hurner. Worlh MrtO. Hale m ice. MtiBf TO r. ' ATTBBTD ovm Tber Mar ae Ton T jnnou Mony, an ran, $24.50 w I'll riB&S FOaOK BOOKtiV Juat ut; well mart: flnlhal fumed hrown. worth 1171, Mala prln Ilk $2,85 THREE - ROOM HOME OUTFITS, Complete for Terms, $4.00 Monthly. J n Ii en on Lietn or rOBCH AMO LAWK ruaar Tumo. m fti f Iv ant!!? i til I ' i Ar guar. !s. P.i! ACM B gCWlaO) M A I'll 1 91 C I tii.e.l in giv p(. t t'h mr.,l"iW la of ..l l I ,,litii flnlali ml iiiikni iiiiiiiuet t niii " c, hi, with fi,,l rt of lihkal . ll pataoUt .' in, iimi inn aiia. il oieol Itiil ale eav I tlig 111 I Oi pi lul la .oil v . ! .i"ii laiaoi'l "B $14.85 MAftOCM V LA W R KUel-'l f. "'" ..,ii lli k. .'i r, i i, i a ,., ;r: S2.65 it !'iiv! . . tt S4.95 IWttm m I THTT MC "THK rOli.fiM HTOIir. ' m 7t ' eeBMiii,yW: OVVOM'Vr. HOTEL KOMC.