Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 10

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niK Bf:K: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 6. '1916.
The Fri-F.m club of the Mr Cube Mth
fulist church It planning to Rlv a play
May IS. Otic-half ef th proceeds will
fro used In making a payment on piano,
uhlcli the club presented to the church
anil the other half will (to to the church
building fund, a f'irid twins need for the
erection of a new church t the corner
of Kniiiein ami Korty-flret utreete.
The hnnement of thin church In already
completed and It la here (hat Ihe play l
to be given. The young people are mail
ing elnbnraie plana to concert the audi
torium into a theatet. "The Junior," I
the play (elected. It la a three-act col
Vce con.e ly, by K, Tt. MnrrK and ! o ui-.!ijei-ed
one uf ihe best of rollers plaja.
It i.i mini to be full cf extremely witty
remark and ha a lively, awlftly moving
Charles H. Martin had aeiwreii build
ing panel' to erect twenty-nine resi
dence In the north part of the city ag
gregating lOS.flOO In cot. All of them
are to be built along the "Prettiest Mile"
and In Laurcltun ami lielliu addi
tions, nnil ihe (sreatept part of them
in Mlnne luaa addition.
Moat of these are being built for lioni's
for people -who bought the lota of Mr.
Martin and are having him build their
home for them. They rang In c,l
between -,S00 and
ay his firm will
the neighborhood of Wi homes, as they
are now flcurtu; oilier pinna for a
great many huir.i-a in other parts of the
tnts year nuuo m
He Vnt Ada bring the best reauft.
The first temperance r form organlza
fon mentioned in history was the Order
of Temperance, which was founded by
Mamie, the landgrave of Mcaso, In 1"0.
cj ' t S m ti rr ' ' nv"' ' R '''''
.'.T-?r,is i i 11 Pf fi i if x its, . m " li (I
lv -m ira u-n Tk lui rn-KT n li Yk m ' rfw III
IT 1 I 1 a I
proparinff-for this GREAT .EVKNT. Our personal
representatives have gathered together immense
to nell at prices that would be impossible under ordi
nary conditions.
Al ,51
Sample M uslinwear at Half Price
Anions the many "ampin Knrmenf bought, for thi event .were aortic
that re ulifrhtly nnifwd hihI Koilod from handling. The tnariiifaeturer
made us the coiicPHsion of f0 rorits on the Hollar arid we will offer thrni
as wo bought them )nii price.
The fabricH, InceH and trimming are of the finest, and a alight clean
ing will make them an fresh a new.
$4.00 Oown, Skirta,
Combinations, at....
$5.00 Gownii, Skirts, JQ
Comblnatioiu, at......u)JvJ
$7.60 Gowna, Skirts,
Combinations, at
$10,00 Oowns, Skirts,
Combinations, at
Extra Special
75c Marcella Drawers, 48c
A limited lot ttt Mil wonderful garment that riped
little Introducllon, while (hey at, at 480, Thl will
be recognized a a very apodal toncealon, a Marcwlla,
drawrr are aeldora aold bflow tiielr regular price.
Out-Sized Underwear
Tor the women who rtilr extra or out fired gar
ment, we feel aure thl large aaaortment of fine under
muslin will appeal.
Gowns, 50cr 75c $1.00, $1.50 $3.08.
Skirt, 7Dc, $1.00. $1.25 $1.08.
Coret Cover. fjOc. 750. $1.00 $1.08.
Combination, $1.00. $1.50. $1.08 to $5.00.
Knvelope, $1.00- $1.5ft $1.08 $5.00.
Drawer, 20c 50c, 75c $1.00 to $2.08.
Dainty Crepe de Chine
At 89c
makers enabled us to acquire several large lots of
very special values, so that we shall be aide to offer
you the most interesting bargains ever announced in
the best stocks of the best makers.
Children's Underwear Specials
Children's Ideal Waist, regular price, 25e 18o
Children's Drawer, a limited lot, regular price, 15c 9;
Children's Drawers, embroidery trimmed; extra full, worth Jtfe ISo
Girls' Gowns, Wips, Kklrts and Drawers, a special lot grouped to- OC
gcther for this salej values to 50c; sale price.
Girls' Gowns, Combination Huits, Slips and Drawers; this lot is spi
cially selected for this interesting event. Values to 7fc, special.
At 48c
Camlaole of white and fleah
crepe dn chine and tub llk, with
wide lace and ribbon run Inserting.
At $2.89
Crepe de Chine Gown, specially
aelected for thl eale. An aaeort
merit of l)k gown In good quality,
all wllk crepe de chine, with dainty
pretty lace trimming and effective
embroideries. Cut full and long.
Value in the lot worth double.
Camleole with dainty row of
lace, In pretty fleh tint, alo
white; ribbon run Inserting. With
and without aleeves .
At $1.69
A Lot of prepe de Chine Teddy
Bear and Knvelopa Chemise, fleih
colored and white, L. a.y silk, with
dainty laces and ribbon. All full
cut size, and value much higher.
At $3.98 to $5.00
Special I)t of Manufacturer'
Sample of High Grade Crepe de
Chine and Satin Gown, Knvelope,
Combination, Skirts, Teddy Bear,
Camisole, etc. Thl lot consist
of hundred of dainty sample gar
ment used by the manufacturer;
In many Instance there Is but one
of a kind. The beet crepe de chine
and washable satin are used. They
come with the prclllest laces and
hand embroidery. Value from $6
to $10.
and Satin Lingerie
At $1.39 and $1.69
Silk CainlHole, two delightful as
sortment of dainty and pretty cam
isole of very fetching designs.
Fine pretty laces, delicate embroid
ery design, etc. Made of fine crepe
de chine and wash satin.
At $1.45
Crepe de chine "Teddy Rears"
and Knvelope Cheml-, a special
assortment. I offered at thl catehy
price, and the value will be readily
appreciated when you sen them, a
they are made to sell for much
The Cotton Undermuslins in the Sale
The Best Values in Blouses
Charming New Styles
TION that this will be one of
the biggest blouse seasons we
have ever seen fashion predict
ed it and the evidence of the
past few weeks more than justi
fies her judgment.
At $6.60
Frill model, dainty liana fin
ished blouses in Georgette Crepe
and Extra Quality Crepe do
Chine; exact reproductions of
high-priced French models.
At $2.50 ,
New Lingerie Hlouses; in fine
quality Voile, Linen and Batiste.
At $1.95 to $6.50
Crepe de Chine Hlouses, all the new models.
An Extensive Line of Middy Blouses
New Striped Models, $1.00 to $2.98
MtroM riooa.
Shoes-Splendid Styles
White Boots for Women, $4.05, $6.00 and $7.f30 Per Pair.
New stales and models in. both lace and button. Hand
turned or welted soles. Many new nuveify patterns and style
in the wasou 'h most populnr boot.
Glrta" two-lone low lieel Fport llulton Hoot. Patent leather vamp, wllh
wblio, gray nr Ivory kul top. eli sole and low heel. q j
Haiurduy, price .,. VwiJD
liiiya' Gun Metal Cuntom lust, wtih the new whit Wunda oe and he0,
very popular and nifty ltw aho. Sue Ity to t'. jq
Per pair J)5lO
Infant and Children' I'sleitt t.ethr Mary June Pump, white kM
ltued hand lurtted '!' hit (rum mri' .14
; 10 nit!'' u 2. i , . .
At 45c
ThJ lot Include Gowns, flklrt.
Drawers, Combination Suits, En
velope, Cover and Braslere. cut
full and liberal of good (oft ma
terlal; trimmed with Val lace, em
brolderle, etc.
At $1.00
Hundred of big special In Gown,
Chemise. Shirts, Envelope, Teddy
Hear, Drawer, etc There are
many smple, no two alike. Made
of Sheer Lingerie cloth, trimmed
with the daintiest of Val and Cluny
luces, fine organdie Inset, and
dainty Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries,
At $2.50, $2.98,
$3.98 and $5.00
Daintiness In the delicate con
struction and the beautiful design
of these finer lot will appeal to the
particular dresier. To the coming
June bride and for wear a ac
cessory to the sheer summer
frock they will be found all that 1
Painty Iace and Hand Embroid
ered Oowns.
Full Lace and Ribbon Trimmed
Sheer and Dainty Lace Trimmed
8mart Looking, Full Cut Tretty
Trimmed Chemise.
At $1.39 & $1.89
Two special assortment arranged
for Belling that will Include many
of the most Interesting feature of
the big sale. The dalntlnes of
the garment In these cheer fabric,
lace and embroideries will appeal
to the observing buyer, a they
embody all the refinement that
couJd be desired In Underdres.
At 69c
An assortment of dainty Underwear
that will pleae beyond expedition
a there I an assortment of gar
ment made to eell at price very
much higher, made of Lingerie and
long cloth with open embroideries
and good val lace. Qowns, Skirts,
Combination, Envelopes, Drawers,
Corset Cover and Urassleres.
"Ami"-French Undermuslins
This wonderful line need very little Introduction,
as the tunny who have unej it are unanimous In lis
It embodies all the daintiness of the real hand made
French wear, ha the ame fine hand-embroidered de
signs, but they arc made by the best machine worker
In the underwear buslnes.
Oowns, $1.00, $1.50. $1.08 to $5.00.
Combination Hulls, $1.00- $1.50, $1.98 te $5.
Chemise, $1,50, $1.98 to $2.98.
Corset Covers, 5Qc- 75c, $1.00 to$l,08.
Princess Slips v
$1.00 to $5.00
A neat assortment of many different style and
pretty effects irl the popular slips for the summer frock.
Laces and embroideries are used In beautifying the soft
fabric for cont.ructlon.
98c ,0 $2,48
New Wall Papers
Katly levins ha afford-.! in tin oppoitunity of di.
play in;; naM pn.r in npt.!;tt hndo, wlii.'h ur now
almost tutjri'tir1!o from tlo iminnftii'tun'rn on nvount
of flic l Mtuntinii. !Yr Saturday to ( n.!M'V.rnl inter-
-tit C itviv.y ;
A on p !.'. .'.'. V (f rccnUr ,; .!, with !!'n and
viUt;i: Pi th.ih'h. Ivr r- 'l I0
I last ! 4tk i'.r. :) it as J ro MrU. A:l , -..n at
abie ..r ny r"- itk i 1 , fUuf.l, rr i..;t .
I Iti omt tuii, I'lft. in tti. ftrre. ! I .iue
c"" s tn.i.iTii m :i !, in. !-... ,(-.a ir-.-it ,- 1 I !
!al at I ' r t ci.i .i t
'I f..t ..-r If rt .- .. I rr I, , Wl W l i r, r l f a bt, t
ffif rittt H'f-' at'tKit f -HkU.
Saturday Cantly Specials
MM, Hna t-t of C,,i? , H , t, ,,' M.f.t,
tit ;.is1-, . l-trn. 1 1 i. , i, J-- ( 10c
V" "',M- I1'"'- V tW f ::,;,, O-i-Ul. f.:.
t"t v4 I ri ! S ..i ; ' r , a I i am. s
Okl V ' Hl a -'t as t ijf
M a . I , m i C
J i in. o ) I'M i v ,r
l i A', t .-it ttrrH Hill i i
!.,. ...
'tfc l"-i-.s 1, :-, Vim:!.
rr t.. ,lt
. ,
About 3,000 Pairs Women's Glovesj79c
Worth to $1.50 and Mare a Pair
Considering the fact that so many storekeepers are frank
ly stating that they cannot' offer complete stocks of gloves,
we feel that we are justified in stating that this is one of the
Under normal conditions, to offer gloves like these at
7Jc a pair would be extraordinary.
is the whole story we bought in
great ouantities at a time when the
.market was open to everyone, and now when conditions are re
versed we can give our customers the benefit of this good
Saturday should Jbe one of the Biggest Days this Glove Store has ever seen
liOO Pairs Women's Short Kid (Hoves vaiuetoi.5o
I (K) Pairs Women's Wasliahlo ( 'hamoisctte (iloves n1 Mor
r00 Pairs Women's liong Silk (J loves
Ii00 Pairs Women's riiamoisotto Ulovos
'J00 Pairs of Umg Khl (Moves
The color are chiefly black and white; many with contrnstini; embroideries; white with
bUfli and Mark and white ; a! a good assortment in tan, gray and brown.
A few pair are slightly soiled ; the majority are absolutely i-lean and fresh. SHOP I'AKI.Y,
Choice of Hundreds of Beautiful ff
New Wash Suits, each ... pI.UU
1 w b ( fb!e f i t i f t.-e lrf i! 'io--.
v! ,rt a!t-l,r, bo'if !cee, jrt c'!!nt s'l,
tii'.ld.v , ! and Istt! H.tllandef ut Ail t'.'
at i K le if u, tan. junk, "", '
f ', a : a ';.-n? f j''ot - -1 - r V
Another Big Sptciil Fitturt (Jjl A
Lon Trouicr llijfh School Suiti V"
1 ! pint t) 'i.h ot r ihinoi, ,
We !. t.i.'. I a anlthdi'l as-irm if
i-t i". .ot for 1'ir-ta.
in i , . lw . i i .i f 's.l
I'-. I Hi V il, lt-!.U made! fit
U j'al-'H ttvkt tr !ao en! !
, t i- ! m, f!-,rw , ' j'!e-it Vl'.te Ta
-.- t f " .i '' - I-? i'H b.; a I t r
all in tlicoe smart new atle, a illustrate.).
I't.-u ';!ar U s. smart picte.) N-r(..!k.
ith i and cub-r ri n.bif,,i(i.i)i rep
n iid v?rn, 11 a ny ei h i.v trti.-
Knickcr Suits.. ; to $10
Th Tf, n d V.rtt i pair a. u '
aa lore f r f f !i Mi M l t.-lli:irli t
ri prt , is'ity fbn- an.) Ui'urrd tn..d,-!
t S'e tv I f t.iiid r.irnparia xl
tr 4 )aieti - -i..hi frat-ir- t a.r
put a I. it 1333 e 1 t f3 P1
1 ii,iaWi,WaWy
x5 y
Saturday Will Be PANAMA Day
In the Second Floor Millinery Department
WE DESIRE TO SPEAK Particularly of the
Cofa Panama
At $3.75
Banded and faced. The only"
Panama jnade that can be
cleaned perfectly with soap and
water and still preserve its shape
and come back to its first white
ness. Soft and pliable binlics,
faced with black, champagne,
navy blue or coral silk; stcol
wired edges in very desirable
outing and sport shupes. $3.75
Five styles in untrimmed Japa
nese Panamas, $1.50.
Two styles untrimmed Tiawan
Panamas, extra quality, $3.75.
for uae on the Panamas, In yellow and while, purple and white, army
and sold, white and green, while and black, while and red, etc., 29c each.
White Wool Felt Cruihert, for ontinj or picnic wear, 59c.
A Most Unusual Announcement
From the Picture Department
Mr. II O.'i'ork, the artist, will be with ua on Saturday In the
rompelun Itoom and durinx the month of May, and will paint picture
riant here In ttn -t'ore. You may purchuxe the landscapes for from
Jit) S.'I.TiO wb- We "I"'" "ffer more than 1.M frame nt H
JM) each. InrHiiiinK Stanilard for pliotni, luautiftil Orcadian.
!Jnewood, rde, Antique Powdered (iold, etc, Valuis up to i-"9
at to )f) each.
At W to $1.00
. hull offer a ti;i! lot of aheet pli tiires.
I't'lril I Icmii I'd tuto lfmiimriit.
Drugs, Toilet Articles, Soaps and
Rubber Goods
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