Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    TITK REF.: OMAHA. PRIOAV. MAY :. 1916.
Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
1 B
Young; Dancers to Represent All the
Nations of th Great World
llr M EI,LIFU"I I laj 4.
A unique recital and rlansante will lie j
Given Saturday afternoon at Turpln's j
hall by Mi Coll class of Juvtnil't j
dancers. The nation In the strat world
ar will all be tejireseiiuxj, and 1h pro
gram ik given the formidable title of
"A Day at the Front "
A 'lreV Interpretive by Miss Adelaide j
Fis xixl "America" by Miss Kuthleeii
r;igatcr pieoeile the etilrle of i ltt ii.
Hons nt war. opened by Me aim, tepre-j
nerited by L uiothy IIIkkIhv Tlie.Ia Reed
nd Ix.n.tby Belt. Kdwarri Ilnsewalf i'
111 ije. (ierrnuny and MiirKHret Shot well
will be a tl'iinati hiisnar.
James Ktnsler tike- the role of Kng- '
liud. old old Knglirfh contra tinner will :
le. inter, relid by ,!enn Ktenzer, Jnseuhlm
J'reiizcr. Kutli (Irirnniel, Kathleen llenl
fiian, Veniii Mieaiitey, linrotliy Norton,
Virgin :a l'eair, llanl't Koaewaler.
bin.t r oit and Ann Yoin.
Hazel u nd Helen lliiiil will repiesein
Kiaiue and Honna HJalr and lone
V ill give Turkish duller.
Wedding Plans,
.Mute ami mi r Inti iet : i fc'iinii.g to
renter n on Hie 'eiiili, . din a of the
rpilns mid curly hiuiiiiici . Tin- btldei
this jear leem lu hove 1.MU4U1 U.e pie
vail in iil, of p nr. due and tliv
are nWn t.i miiioun e !b nm s and i liol
of ur.ieiif'aiita unusually lunu before the
happy eVeul Itself.
Ml llntrlel .Mela, wlio" nimri.iite in
Mr. Will r-' liimrr of (.'"Hue I liluffa in ant
for June ",, luia elinn ii Mm. n.atl K
MiU I'o b.r natron of li inn en I Mi- -
ierlmd" .M.'tz, her "nielii, lot maid of
honor. The out-of-tewn ImdnsinH J will
te Mil Alice .luili of Ht. I.oiil.. one of
Hie t . iy popular viiiik ulil of Hie c i
son Just passed.
Tim other brlilectnaida will be ,MH!
Wiirlon Kiilm nnil Mi Olga Mul. .Mr.
Chinks r;. Mcti will b. rist nian and
the ushers chonen rue Jit, tleorge Vnn
I'.nviit and .Mr. Harry Vim lirunl of i'chiii
tli H.itffa, Mr. I'hllln Met)! and H-ibert
Parties at the Boyd.
Small line parties will make up tli
entertainment given thia evening at the
opening performance of "Hunker Hean."
Box partlea will be given by Mr. and
Mra. (tiarlea Thomaa Kountze and Mr,
and Mra. Ohirloa C. iJeldcn. Tiu
Kountgeg give a dinner at their home
preceding the theater and the gueata In
the Helden box will be air. and M a.
Carroll R. iJcdilen.
Creighton Affair.
Mra. Owen McCaffrey gave a dinner ej
her home Wednesday evening In honor
of her aon Kdward to the I'I8 claaa of the
College of Arts and Science of Creighton
university. The dncoratlona vere In blue
and white, the claaa colore, And the favor
were miniature diploma. Thoj prevent
Meaar. Meeara
Joaeph Hartnett. Joaeph Kngllah,
Joaeph Karlovaky, Henedlct Ungllah,
Kmery flank, frank (yUonnell,
Arthur OKourke, Gerald I. a Vlolette.
Nicholas Rtahley. .Michael Stahley.
ICdward McCaffrey,
Black and White Luncheon.
Mra. Windsor Megeath and Mlaa Mary
IMegeath broke the monotony of aprtng
(lower decoration thia afternoon when
they gave a black and white luncheon
at the Omaha club. Thirty-three gueata
were acnt'd at one large and four email
lablea, decorated with black and white
candle atlcka In black and white bud
vasea. Bunches of Mra. Ward roaea were
e.1 each plate, tied with black and white
Gives Dancing Party.
Mica Hilda Harsh entertained at a danc
ing party Tueaday evening at her horn.
The rooms were decorated In purple and
gold. Those present were;
Miseea Mleaea
Uertrude Koppen- Klyihe Hsraeh,
hacer. Kaiher Swaneon.
Vdna Kopnenhaver, H'"h Nownea,
Helen Voung,
1 1 una llaracn.
Ward Hurford,
Carl HatK'h,
Waller R. Johneon.
Harry Mebher,
Mears. -Joseph
Paul I'arllale,
Maurice chrtsten-
Miss Bowser Entertained.
Mr. and Mr Clarence Pp,hernen will
entertiH two tables at bn.lce thia eien
na In honor of Mia Mildred Bowser of
Tort Wajne, hour guest of Mlaa Marjorie
Howland. The affiilr will be Informal.
For Mrs. Merrill.
Pr-rc Hnf Mrs. Anthony freneh Nt'r
rill's le-ure this afterno,,n at the Sacred
Jleart coi.vent c pen " tiv Uead
Tlenka." Mia John A. M 'Man enter-latn-d
ttie lecturer at . smsll Informal
home bin beon The labia a rtecpratel
with lulip
Guests Honored.
Tf guests ef Mp C I .. Hrmpel. Mr
J. I Acann e' onumwa an t Mri I J
Mahnney rf Cbeyennr, atvea a ver'v
pntt pie. !i,m bin f'rrni.ri tiy Mr
I , A Ou-fW(vt. N'ln f.wats r .
at la'-te .!. .ft wim M. -m c ap l
tAi.s'., lh t'te fres t-faer miif rt
c. in it'-.i tU'-a 'r tN iti'iin
I I l e(.l
Tor Bnd and Gun.
Una Al!.- '"at ml'iiiiiM li.f.-l ('
at lri.laa at hr K .m lh i airi .on t r
ie ,; a le nf lvf ft mint ft
M I'a .' "l bets if AM ..t.M.
a I M- t 1 . a . t ' 1 1
,.1 Hl .. ! lf It. "I Kit
t, )4, I i a t itn U l . In n
Ksttttrh Club Lectuia
1 H ltr h i!,n "; .
1 a t- ii la
I a'. . I' .. aN
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t. eg t
4 i ' . ;
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t . iii t !" a u s it .
t rs M l't ! '!
a !' s I t it le '
Tr M''ins fiitt.
I SS, Vtft V ' U,H It
i ' - )v ef e.
I fm 11 I t tt( Lii.:, lila) a
- , m I . , r ' I M : -
S .I.
Timely Fashion Hint
Br ia Kcoiroirs.
1 f --' - q 1
; v 'Ji
C". V-' J'K-" f(S
V mggg3SCM
One's wardrobe la Incomplete unless
among other garment there la an all
net dance frock, (die particularly simple
but amart frock la shown In fleidi col
lared, silk net. The ribbon trimmed net
ever skirt falls In billowy fold over a
aon, Mr, !emi Jirown, managing editor
pf the D Moines HeglHler and Lender.
Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Mr, and Mr. Kdward Kohn yesterday
celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary, receiving the call and congrat
ulations of Iheir friend pnd relatlyea at
their residence, 1043 I'srk avenue, Mr.
and Mra. ., Kohn were married In Cleve
land, O., coming to Omaha twenty-alx
year ago, alnco which time they have
resided continuously here, Mr. Kohn la
a lter of the lute Kdward Roaewater
and Andrew Roaewater and of Mr.
Orace Singer and Pr, Charte Roaewater.
Both of the couple are past tlmlr aev
entleth year. Twj of their children, Mlaa
Ernestine Kohn and Mlas Esther Ruth
Kohn, are living with them, and they
have three grandchildren, also here In
Omha Roaallne, Abraham and Hen
rietta Kohn. The couple were remem
bered by many of their frlenda with
floral greetings and other testimonials.
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mr. C. Will Hamilton enter
tained twelve guests Wednesday evenlm;
at a home dinner.
Among the golf players who are go
ing to the Country club and practicing
on the greena theae bright, daya are Miss
Eleanor Mackay, Mra. Walter Roberta,
Mrs. Ralph lVter and Mra. Rosa Towle.
.Mr. and Mr. C. J. Pmyth left this
morning for a month's trip In California.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Id, and Mrs. Charles
Thoma Kountr.e leave Saturday for New
York City for a ten-day stay. On their
return trip westward Mra. KouiiUe and
Mrs. Stewart will atop off at Indian
apolis for a ahort visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Meredith Nicholson.
On the Calendar.
Mrs. C. A. Sherwood will be hostess at
luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her
home to the executive committee nf the
Immsniiel Papttnt church.
The young people of tha P"lret Pres
byterian church lll give a May social
Prlday evening at the parish houae, Thirty-fourth
and Kartiam street. Miss Mn
rl Berry Is In charge of the affair.
Personal Mention.
Mr. Thomas Brown, en of Mrs
Thomas Brown, la en of the atudeiits
Invited to the Installation of the new
warden of ttaclne rnllege. lueine, Wl.
He iJ the Hev. B Talbot Rogers, who
succeeds t'r W M ftmro, well beloved
by all Btclne hoys.
Hair t- Myipai of m'i and Verns
If. ,l, ef l.liifo'ri li ft last i''t fur Mtit-
lll-St"'U tll hr Will I !!! Ill N-
I a! lb duut'l, ilt. Iv of tic
K;') Mstna jHinl fiaOinitv n re
. an I e' .i In Mi ll. i d
in. i gian.t ic'r i f ha l ni!i .1
'rt-l. In bi h Muni"! mi-l NrM a.
t ! ' I sc. I vi- l, n i . t..i.(
r ii .., si'iitiiii - im.t.-r ) !) Mi
M la and Mr l r.-e 111 . .- 4 4. e
' I- 1 11 M ti 1 14. 1 r I ,l
N g'll .. IK. if h ! V 11
.-'' .. "I l' I Mr Ii. .,. is weta
II s 1 . ! it, ( r i,. i 1 in,.,i .
of II, t. '. . n ;. II ' l
' . ' -I I r-i l.' -
II. I.l "! h ) l. I ti.Ui!
I I ii i 1 ', g'.'r.- I . .a.
I . . ft' .!.'. , . 1 '1,1 fcjtj.
"4 k f-e ."I ite a ai.
it c 1.1, 4 nil ii e, t ta
' iw-i te r e !.-!
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1 1 1 a i 1 11 I, ii t
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a 1 I ( .-.. . 4 t is 1 1 t
i 1 ., 1 1 a
lining of flesh-colored eatln. The bodies
la extremely simple, featuring a deep
bnsipio of net over satin and shoulder
pieces of net, A dainty coraage of field
flower I placed nt the waistline, af
fording a gay conttaatlng nolo.-
Entertainment for
Credit Men Planned
by Local Committee
The Associated Retailer of Omaha and
tho Retail Credit Men's association are
to co-operate with the bureau of publicity
In the entertainment of the delegates to
the national convention of the Retail
Credit Men's association, ' to be held n
Omaha Auguxt IS 19-20.
Repreaentatlves of theae two organisa
tions and of the bureau of publicity held
a conference and appointed committees.
The general local committee appointed
consist of I. A. Benedict, J. II. Taylor,
J. O. 1-ohlcln, Y. II.' Baden and Horbert
Ryan aa repreaentlng the Retail Credit
Men's association, and C. ID. Corey, F.
A. Kernan. J. ii. Butler, A. V. Havens,
B. IS. Wise, A. T. Benson and J. W. Met
calfe, repreaentlng the Associated Re
tailers of Omaha.
These constitute the permanent local
committee that I to co-operate with
the bureau of publicity In local arrange
ments and help finance the entertain
ment. Benedict, Butler and Kernan are
the special entertainment committee. The
committee on location haa selected the
Rome hotel as the headquarters.
The only entertainment that is as yet
definitely fixed upon la that of Monday
evening, the opening night of the con
vention. The delegates are to be taken
to Ak-Par-Ben den and Initiated thst
Water Board Buys
Omaha School Bonds
The Water hoard has authorired Invest
ment of ir'.nno in Omaha achool bonda
nud $ oftK) In fn aha water bonds, at a
true hb h will y'eld 4 2 per cent Interest,
as aaalnnt J per rent now being received
fn.m tanks.
The Investment will make a total Mo,n
water work funds Invested in bonds, of
which total are Omaha water
There Is at thl time nearly l4tlo.rv
ca.xh, on band In tha treasury, with ll'S.TM
duo f..r tiilret mi bonds .'un 1. This
bit's! bond Invest nit-nt and the forthcom
Hig iiiter'et payment lll lev a niargtn
"f casli.
I i v. A Mil I I .-. 1 ai , May J Malcolm
Htr..iij, iUyrlsM and Clinton M
iM. an autlnii . 1 Nw ti.rk.
kill.'.! hers toliliM n'.nu an aut.itiml.IU
tlr'vsn l y H"s4 l irt a tire an I
t '.mad on a ." iniii i"il nf here
'jl,,lir Ti'tei P'S't. f';riifi !..
n ii'r fur Wltti hrti Ames. unt '
II,- V. Ilftr i Cn. I. lit! Ilmalei
tn V tork another eet-at in Ike
e.. h'ne, wet y i.t'.r
1 -ft I r l 1 1 ... I in f-. I ttn h a. .
Jr ml Ui. i'ti. Wi"i. !! i,.i.t
lf- It .!. lr. ti. ! k,( .. .11
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'a' i l.k .a t-'n a.t. 't k
a k ' ' ' 't - . ' t-l-.i't
niSMor or lead diocese
t lilt
- I
J aji. I
If 'I'
' 0 I
Movement Under Way to Unite
Thee Organizations Promoting;
Interest in Art.
A movement to federate tli three
largo art aodeties In Oiiiitha, the
Klne Arta Hodely, tho Krli'tidn of
Art nnd thu Art liild, luia been
atnrted by Him fliat named orKttiiifca
tlon, which liaa appointed Hh ex
ecutive I'onimlttep to look Into the
mutter. Another innovation under
taken by the Kln Art society la the
creation of n attident niemheiBliip,
following a plan adopted by the
Tuenday Morning Mualeal club wHi
ao inucli HiiecfMH thU year. Student
nembera will be privileged to at
tend the leetiir rou rue and exhibi
tion, but will not vote or hold of
fice. The fee will be2.
The iroKrain committee, h'adil by
Mr. Kduar 11, Hcnlt, J"i annooneea It
rourae of leclnrea for net yenr, twdva
In number. The leetnrera urn men of na
tional reputation, Including 1iarla II.
Ceffln nf New Vork. art rrtl . Jiini'
Part on llnney, head of art department.
New York city getinola; Frank Alva 'r
aora. prral.lent New York Hi hool of Kin"
and Applied Atta, lecture, 'Ail
!in Itelailun to Modern llr""," haa cauaed
much comment; Jay William Hudson,
piofeaaor of phlloaophj, I'lilveralty of
MIourl, and Pr. Prank W. ttunnaulua,
well known preacher ami art lecturer of
i'hleagn. John Mi-fled. the Kngllab
poat, waa to be the eivlli apeaker. hut
alnea he la nibble o rctiiin to thia roun
try until after the war, an American
poet Ik to take hla place.
Mra. Scott la analeted nil the program
committee by Mra. O, T. K.mtinaii, Mra.
M, T. Harlow nnd the MlKaea Ciimllni
Podge. Mona Cowell and Kuto A Mn
llugh. To Represent the
Woman's Club and
the Drama League
Mr. K, M. Pyfert, president of the
,Omeha Woman's club and secretary of
the Prama league, will combine the In
terests of both organlr.ntlona when . ah
Is In New York City the latter psrt.of
this month for the big biennial conven
tion of the General Federation of Wom
en's 'club.' Mra. Hyfert will take thl
oportunlty ' to see a - performance , of
Percy Mackay' masque "Caliban by the
yellow Hands." which will be given ut
the City College atllum aa New York's
part In the Shakespeare tercentenary cele
bration. Miss Kate A MeHugh, president
of the local drama league, is In New
York City pow looking Into the posalWII
lies of bringing the production here In
the fall.
Mr. Ward Burgess and Mrs. Charles
T. Koiintse, who go to Washington, D. C.
May 37 for the annual meeting of the
Americsa Federation of Arts, will prob
ably attend the Shakespearean event
Aa president of the local club Mrs. Sy
fert is In receipt of an invitation to a
reception at "fllenmont." the home of
Mr. and Mra. Thomas Edison at Llew
ellyn park. The reception Is given by
the New Jersey federation and the Wom
an's club of Orange, N. ., Tuesday,
May 2S,
The local delegation to tho biennial
convention leaves here Saturday evening,
May M.
Bears Up Under the
Affliction of Sons
Becoming Lawyers
a, F. Palmer, ex-mayor of Iotilsville,
Neb., and leading business man of that
place, was In Omaha to hear Judge Wood
rough address tho Noonday club. He
was shown around the federal building
by his aons, Harry and Arthur Palmer,
"A sad affliction It must be." said one
facetlnua friend, "for a man to see both
hi aons grow tip and become lawyer
when they might have lived good and use
ful lives."
"Well," said Palmer, pere, "I did ev
erything I could to g.t them Into mer
cantile life. I built two big store build
ings In IsHilsvtlla to extend the busi
ness and mad It Just aa attractive at
I could. But when I found they didn't
have any taste that way I Just b-l them
go. It's best to let young men chooe
tbalr own line."
Me. l'slmwr, Indeed, "hears up' splen-
auperintendeet rirtfl of (he public
; ho,.s. at lie. 111, nf principals, fnltsr
a I his i iiii'.r admniiltboi ..tul al ,
ilowlng asenis in .ti,'. .i in Ii..! build
I tngs tf p'S i d I'SitbuUr antes up"ii
;il4sailli '! 11 "S, who Sll,p, rlilLvn'i)
t. Several t,.,..lf lii a m 11 ' r 1. 1 U !..,
Tetth Made Iteautifu!
in a Few Minute
1 ' I" .f II t
l-.i . ' lii r. I ,f ,.i''r..
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Dr. Shaw Objects ,
to Making Suffrage
a Partisan Issue
NKW VORK, M.iy 4 -The opposition
r lr. Anna Howard fhaw, leader of the
National American Woman Suffrage
association, to tho' formation of a wom
an's party waa announced today In a
statement Issued by the headquarters of
tho association.
"The minute we make suffihge a party
Issue," said 1. Shnw, "we lose our
friends In the party that is to be 'dis
ciplined' and w cannot afford to ia
that. It tnkes a two-thirds majority m
Cutiaresi. to pass any federal amend
ment and no party In power baa con
trolled that much power alnce IW. Cnn
n.iiently It 1 up to tie to maintain a
sirictly non partisan attitude.
Future Head of Bitf Packing Com
pany Goes to Employes Dance
at Hauscom Park.
,The fact that ho la tha scion of
one of America's woalthinst families
und the future head of one of the
lurgeat packing companies In thfl
world dues not handicap l'lilllp I).
Armour III. in hla being a llkablo,
democratic sort of a rhap,
Hans valet, gang private secretary,
anna private car, sang everything In
the way of what are believed o be
accepted arroutmiientg of a young
11 ult-tnllllonalrf, Mr. Armour has
been In Omaha the laat two dayg In
specting the local plant of Armour
t Co.
Traveling alone and earrylng hla own
handbag, the young Chicago aon of
u.iillli, who spends most of his time In
the iltfferent departments of the windy
city plant of the big packing concern,
"learning the business from the ground
up," arrived In Omaha Wednesday morn
ing. Wears While "Sinorlt."
Mr. Armour waa at the South Bide
plant of the company bearing his name
nil day Wednesday Inspeatlng the differ
ent departments. Wearing over his
street clothea a white - "smock" that
looked like it was worth about X cents
at . the most, tha future packing houae
baron made the rounds of the big plsnt;
asking questions, meeting foremen, . Jot
ting down information and greeting
everyone from the lowest paid laborer
up like the gentleman that he la. And
lie Is but 22 years old.
Mr. Armour spent the afternoon touring
the South Side stock yards, the young
Chlcagoan showing an unrestrained en
thualaam over everything he saw. He left
Omaha last evening for St. Joseph and
from there returns to Chicago. Before
coining to Omaha Mr. Armour tnspeeted
the Hloux City plant
lioea (0 Rmplorea Pases, '
Mr. Armour waa the guest of honor at
program and dance given by Armour em
ployes at the, Hanaonm pavilion Wednes
day evening. He expressed himself as
having enjoyed tt as much aa anything
he had ever attended.
Tli a only reason he didn't dance with
any of the fair ones at the affair was
because he waa afraid he couldn't "make
the rounda," and he wouldn't for the
world be aocused of showing discrimina
tion. At the Armour program and danee a
sketch, "Hmlth, the Aviator," waa pre
sented, the parts being taken by office
and plant employes.
Tha Armour Olee club, the members of
which are about fifty employee at the
Hotith Side plant, sang several select I one.
It Is said to be the only organisation of
its kind In existence in any of the big
packing centers.
While in Omaha Mr. Armour waa the
guest of R, C. Howe, general manager
of the local plant.
Mr. Armour's parting remark to the
reporter waa: "Now please don't Bay
anything about me that lan't so; some
times, I've, heard, reporters put words
Into people's mouths and make them say
anything they want to In Interviews,
There Isn't anything Important about my
visit here; I'm Just getting on to the
Tha young man Is a grandson of rhl-
j Hip P Armour, founder of the Armour
! Packing company.
Claremont Inn
1 7th ami .Inrkwm Mts.
llunulntf lint ami tV.UI Water,
r lw tidc l ight, I lea trie
I 'ana, Teli-pluutei.
IVr X.intli, a. 1,1 fix
t't? sick, !m (itnr, ait, I
I tOr t fit tluiti,"
"" JUC ! (. IHVaaa
at ji
a a at ie
r w
W4. ana it.
la r at
i Oia
a la.i.r
Telephone Switchboard at Henshaw
is Much Sought After Because
of Good Luck it Brings.
"Cupid's darts are surely fine little
sinndbjs for mugailne cover artists,
marrying preachers and phrase-Juggling
newspaper men,'' soliloquised Joe Keenan,
a'slHlaiit manager of the lienahaw hotel,
"but they certainly throw dlsaater-work-lng
bolls Into the well-oiled machinery of
a hostelry."
"Why, what a the trouble now, Mr.
Knan?" Interrogated the sympathising
reporter, biting off the end of a "fairly
clear Havana' that the head clerk had
carelessly left on a tray near the aueal
"Trouble' Trouble enough.
"They've all got the marrying bug
around here "
Mr. Keenan referred tothe lateat In
vasion of Ian Cupid on the lienahaw
hotel foroes.
Miss Vema K. Newell, g?J North Twenty-fifth
street, surprised everyone on
ednesdiiy by getting married. Hhe Is
now Mrs. Karl IHoy Murray, wife of
a Kansas City advertising man.
The lienahaw assistant manager la now
looking for a new operator for the tele
phone switchboard at the hotel.
Me Is thinking seriously nf changing
the swiichboiiid to a room with bars
across the door and armed guards sta
tioned outside to keep away guests with
marrying Inclinations.
Marriage is Held
Valid by Cardinals
HO.MM, Msy .(Vla rarls.)The valid
ity of the marriage of Count Bon! de
Csstellane to Anna (lould, now lXioheas
Talleyrand, was confirmed today In a
decision by the commission of cardinals
appointed to consider the claim of the
count for annulment of his mlrrlage.
Count da Csstellane has appealed sev
eral times tn the Vatican for a ruling
that his marriage was Invalid. His last
sppesl, which lies now been decided
sgatnst him, wss filed In January of
this year.
A May social with games and features
suggestive of spring Is to be held this
evening at the new parish house
of the new Klrst Presbyterian church
by the Toung I'eople'i, Hoclety of Chris
tian Kndeavor. Tills Is the second of a
series of theae socials held' by this so
ciety. The membership of the Society haa
already Increased over four - fold since
the new pariah houae haa been In shape
to be lise.l for the meetings,
-- XXX
Cut into a Piece
See the uniform "streak of lean and streak of
fat." Supreme Racon has the flavor that you
can't forget. The quality is thr. It puts
an edge on appetite and makes the whole
family smack their lips with keen relish. '
are all fine and flavnry and double-ttood in
Jiuality Supreme IJoilcd Ham, Supreme
rd, Supreme Huttcr, Supreme ligils, Su
preme Canned Meats, and Peanut flutter.
Good dealers sell Supreme Food Products.
!' mluny ae fa If Supnm"
Morris & Compaivy
W 101
B T. 1 joe teeawarta, Omaha. MV
W. I. WATaON, taoi Caaiin. OmiaIm, Mak.
1. B, marriiav a, Oiual.a, Haa,
... tHtrsv
SAYS: "If you can afford to
,ig,i ,,ur jamitii-rt. pn tui jui-l iiii!crt your tHti. If tMt
.,.; W.wk. Im.m t Hetre 0. i)0 $10
Nitrous oxUlo km for pAiclfss ettractinai.
4H I litniiu N, I Ul mini M '.,hmi In.isla Jg.
H(H t 4i,t.,,f ,,. c,,!,,,., ttkm gr I'Ulee. I.lia, l., n,
I iMii.js I,l i
Here's Chance for
Women to Join Real
Punitive Expedition
rtecrulta wanted. Apply at recruiting
office of health department headquartera.
city hall. Dr. n, W. Conned, recruiting
The health commissioner wants evary
housewife In Omaha to Join hla punitive
expedition against tha files.
"Hwat the fly!" is the command of the
health commissioner.
Ir. Conncll calls attention to an ordi
nance of recent passage, requiring own
ers of all houses and other places of
habitation to equip windows with
screens. Kallurefo comply subjects own
era to misdemeanor charges. Tenanta
are not required to furnish screens.
A anutll aum,
weekly or
monthly, make
on the owner
of m aplemilld
diamond or other
artlcln of high
Krada Jarwfdry.
lltl-SrsMlst raa tx snurslr dataaftea.
watch sen be wrrra as a n4ant, ar sa s
regular wtuh. Flits sul4 ftlll. small pnmlw
si. rail UKir ! airksi smfMni,
IwnSanl sst. stlhsr wiipa or a SUU, Ouar
Ul. Ouar
tilusUS tn
ante4 to rr- branslet oaa bs e1luU4 ta
nr alts, aa asrs ItoK w tfelaqB ws hara out iris arioa 10
heit ik,'' and orrn UU IstM
flirto! Wria Wauik al
Terms 1 tl.SO a XoaUk
rs - D I a s e a
hint, k sail
ro. 4 Men's IMa
nioiid King, g prong
tooth mounting.
1.8 Week
fmia. ijriis
moiiDtlns . ..
1 a Week. Srtanwrttllint
rail nr writs tor Illustrated ratalnf Ms, te
I'hons Hougtss 1414 and our sslairasa lll
Wo Please
You or
Refund Your
V Peeidant. ,er VtvMrftJU
t saniiitaii.w
'SI t
W!.--.''i( ,