TTIK P.EK: -OMAHA. FTrtPAY, MAY 5. 191(1 CLEVELAND BLANKS THE CHICAGO HOSE ndkns Defeat Comiskev'i Sox bv the Score of Two to Nothing. IWO SWIFT DOUBLE PLAYS CHICAGO, May (.-Cleveland shut out Chicago, ! to 0, In the first gam here of the season here today. Speaker' a double, following a base on balla to Tur ner, give ttia vlsitore the firm run. Their "ther run w mado In the ,th when Wamhsgans' -double acorad Itotb, who hut ainglrd. Two lightning double ply deprived Hie local if at leaat two .runs, and prob ribiy coat them the game. Watiibs ganss' 'th cf Lynn drive in the seventh, when Chicago had men on second and third with np out, trted a double play which eaved the gam for Coumbe. President Com'skcy today arnnounctd Ihe release of Joe Fautache, InfkMer, to , thft fllchmond club of the International leagu. Kcor; r:ucvri.AND. AH H O A C ' a a a a i turner 3b., 4 0 S AMorlarlv. CHI'Af'lO, An.ii.n a r. (iru. If,, 4 0 10 tlly!1. Killed lamar so., 9 0 fiMorla M , 111 1 1 I el. 4 I J 0 OMi.'Mulln. (I., (Ill MM '.-'-, 4 V UTU'ftHIII'l, ',l: i 1 1 I? 'lHh. 2 1 A i'V. IY.Hua 'h 1 fl I If. f w.i i ,iiini, n a ? i w a n-.w,.,. ,n. a II , WJi''ii.i?. jr., 9 I "i II n '', as. 4 1 I I "r'alaiti, (,. 4 13 0 0 O'N.II. ..., I IfHvW, M,, 3 1 S 1 n louiiibe ,4 A I wUchalli, ... 2 SKI I li -Wilt en MM 2 0 Tonus ,,,., tJ II I'lcna 1 0 I Klir. .. 0 0 i 1 TnU ll 1 I falt'd for Willium In the seventh. Cleveland ,,,, i o o o o i o o n-t : hi ago o o o o n o o o -M Two baee lilta: Kpenker, Jackson, M'nni h'tttnax, ol n law; N:liak, HaerWee lllt: Jil'k -Oll, HvllHlll, " lloiihle plaa. Hi hi'lk In Weaver; fouml.o to liati'lll to Warm i to, Howard ftafra in ball": tiff William, t.lf lfiti r, 1. lilt and anted -iinn: Off Wl Mama, hit and run In seven liming; . ti l'ehr, no hits and ivi runti In two ) Olnirr, Mricli out: Hy WlhlninJi, : by i iii;ii'b(, i; ly Fabfr, 1, t'niflrra: Kmn i id I lull. fiilinnon ll-ata Ulncka, I'lftMM.M'lltA. Mny 4. - Jnhitann k'pl I'.illiid' Iplilt Ai'Nttfi-M and VVadhlngloit won rraMly lol.v, a to 1. Hhrlmu wn l. Illl, ,H in,' nllii; liii.'f'K m, I.hIIk h 1 1 J ronk ln! tn lif pMrln-d 111 i-lghl InnliiK, but Hi" vlitll'iin foul itovrral a nrdiif uppnr tiiiiitlfi whrn erlppfd uji on tffoiu to sic-l ha. hentft; W AKIII,M',Ti)K, t'llllMI'M'.fttU A' II A I! Alt, II. 'I, A I- M'ttH-r. rl.,k 1 i ti M....4 I ft 'l ! i s Hull. rf.. n . i) ! o ft?iinnk, cf Today's Calendar of Sports Mimii. it...., t H..H1MH l 3 Me". 4 M'ifeiili. Zh, , f 4 3 3 I) IHlMr'nir, If , 4 tl I (t I I I I.,I0"'. till . 4 140 I I 3 li M' lnl, lb. J ! Ml. . .. 3 0 I t lil'lrk. Sh,,,. J 113 1 .wt'iln. M., Z " : I htnt. K. t I I I I lo'ifitui o, 4 1 ;i a ""ii p., 2 0 t 2 " , Wcir, ti 0 0 0 I ,,. wi:;; il cmhh I o a f I I'.uii. . ...a: ;'i i f'dtt") fur f-'hrclmn 111 llitli. Wmihlnglon ,,,...' 101001 3-4 rhlladlpbla " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 To bum' IiIIij: .Mocllfr, Witt. Thr bann hllic. Knot!', rlriiiil4, WIoIpii liams; Milan, Ju'l," 'ii, Alurgan. Hacrlflco hit,: "Morgan. Baw'o on halli', 'iff Mirban. :; off vY-r, 1 llll and rurnrd iun: (iff .lohncon, fl hit I run. In nlrin InnliiKu; off Hlifnii ( btt ) run In pljfht IiiiiIiikk; off ttfiKf it Ihm 1 runs In n;n Inning, fltru'k out: By Jolinaon, 7; bv fifiefhani 1, Mld pftr.hai Phwhon tji, .tnlina'in, (1,1 t'mplrii Idnom and Nallln, rird n BlonU Vanba, BO.T'"'N, May 4, -i-coiurd allowed N" A'ork only mo hit today, th Boaton Attirrleona mliilltlii out llm vlnltora, it lo o, t'aldwell bit lo nt'n during tbn ond Inning, one of l hem, Harry, K'-orlii on f'arrlian fwrrlfii-a and lonard nhurp lngl to ctnlr. Hoblllisi'M and (.r-wln rlniflfr) In illia clglitli Inning, th former bflng forrrd at third v,h-n Uard nrr workad a double-deal end th for mcr adored on Perry'g Infield lilt, Hard ifr going to third. The laiiar , 'aught off third, but tulllrd when Oald dropped 'Raker' throw to the plate, fcore; Nt'v VORK, twin. 1 AH H O A B AB H 0 A E Mim1 d 4 D i 0 OHeartfwn If 4 I S 'illhifilftv. r( 4 " ! 'I n ltnvrln M. 5 ! 0 S (I Mtroa. If ., S e 3 0 H"r rl I t 1 M n.k-r ... ( 0 2 i (illobliurl, tin 4 2 J 1 a tlce !M M 1 ll . ! 1 I P,o Ifc.,.. a 1 1 I'tuptner, l I Pcinnca. l 14 1 ll'.rr.', ib ... 2 a 1 b'unamilier.e 3 t S 2 ' rrln, . 0 2 I I i'ill. . I 0 a 4 1 Leonard, all I 40 Tofl ..,.m"j24U J Tnll ...'. 25 12 :ew York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hoalon '... .0 1 0 0 0 02 -3 Two-haw hlte! Janvitn. Perklnpaugh. Ktolt-n l'ie: Irffwla, 'Jardner. ttarrlflre bits: I wla. Gardner, ('arrlgan, ponble pla: Buker lo f'lpp to penklnpaiigh: PerklnpB.ugii to Baker. Kliet on error: Bualon, I, Baisa on bella: (jff Caldwell, 1: off fvnnard, !. Kite and earned runs: (Iff Caldwell, hlta 2 rune In eight In nlnira; off I,eonrd. 'I hits no run In nlno InnliiKe lilt by pltflud hull: .Tanvrln and Barry hy Caldwell. Hirurn out: Hv Caldwell. 1: bv Leonard, 2. I'mplrea; Connolly and Owena, -- nronii llambln Tlaere. rTTRC'IT, May I. Kt. t.oul.i brnk tts long lomlrig atrek today whn It defeated tiKlroll. J to 1. In a Inoeely played ron tctt thm wofit th rtmn Innlnga. Water led the w ay to tlmorv h-n be buntd fafely In the final in'iln- and rorr,d nn . (Nirrlfb'e, on error and a elnijln Ue irolt ue'd four pilrher end at. I.oula Ihree. Pubue, i hn .trted for the Tt rrr, lout hi own (tame In the fifth Inntim i niaklnij wld throw lo the plate with the Imi.eii filed and a certain double plnv In fits ti t lie jrot but one man and hi nilfj eosf two rnn. Hcore: ay iyt ii riRTBoir. II O A 15 AB H O A H gii.ulen, It , U IlVtl. Sh 3 2 1 H ni nbb. if. ... n 11 n MWh. II It I ft fi I H rMfnr-l, ill 1 M I Jb .1 I ! ' It nirn. lb .. 4 1 lit ft ii e . a 4 I ft IHianaaf, f. 4 2 4 I a I ifttktr, c ,. t 0 I t 1 t'li'ihuc. ,, .2 I e I n J rr.rlraano, A a 11'anaa. e . fl ft a 1 e A iV maletala a 0 I Kaah , 1 ft ft 6 0 Tri! . IA I l M,rir I ft ft uiiwi .... n a a ft a Twala ) 14 Kl II 1 Baited for f'aenpoti In fifth, tinned fnr M.'C.,e In ltb Mmin'fl H'r I'auaa m pirrnm Fmite l fur Hnker In Ihli'eetiilv flan f-r . tna; In ninth tt l,u' o HMIJHMHI I .eir.,lt !I1(I4 0-4 Tn hae bit: Kialer Vrh, Itellman t l 1 .ie..a. hlt I'rall. O'lli. l"f I n.' Wtxlrn be I ') MiHijiie. Vltl. i-ih twin plat l .hnaon l.i f'rt HaH li ' i f I 1 i!f"l , 1. 1' i ,' I : ,-.f l'-.. . .'f I ri Mftiiu I i I' I a oa I. ..If ale.kl. J Hit. rtnd rnie t'lf l'ie'-i"'e a bii 3 rune in I- -r in'.li a a i.ff Vl-i'iat. X run In el Inning tiff l ir 3 Jilla no r u euiii titiiii,a( off pulitii', 4 bl'a t ii In I. e iHH.t.a'a uff I . Main I Ml im. n none uvii in at at), ni'f pa n 3 f.ila 2 rma tu. aia mnliuia ,ff '. e'.Kte 5 Mia 1 .! le I., litnlfia eiii. a I'U' Hi iir'n, J v luit iic. I, lu i I i ! II I I'l i"l end t t . nn Fhnollng: Annual American clay bird t'hamplonehlp ehnni biuln at Travera Island, N. , Annual tournament cf t'tah ftate Jiporlifincn a aonoclatlon upena at lilnsham, L'lah. Track; Kanma-Ncbrnek dual nicet t Ijiwifine, Kan l.acrom: Coinell Kinl Slevena In atllute at Ithaca, N. T. Oorgetonn against Rutgci at Washington, V, t. Uoxlng: Hcnny t'haveg agalnat C'hlik Ilajca. twelve riiunde, at kanaaa City. Jark Torre agnlnat tdrk Wells, twelv rounda, Katuaa City. K. O, Krauae agahiat Eddie Borhme, ten round, (it Marinette, Wis. Al Nelson agalnat Crl Hera, twelve rounda, at Parts mo nth, N H. Finney lloyle ngalnal Marry Carlaon, twelv rounds, at North Abingdon, Slan. Big Bonus Offered Athletic Club to Locate New Home The proposition la now open whereby the new Omaha Alhletle club may squire s lot for a building alia by Dm B' lunl rapendltme of only. f 10,000, The rntnmlilee appointed nearly week ago by the mnea meeting of Inialneas men. who determined to nee their efforts lo hold the rlub In Ihe down town : tlm, has leaned a rtstement, saying Inige number of the real relate owner, vih'ileiili is and retailers, east of ell, teenth street, have offered to buy the lot, 6xl.'i2 feet, at the southeast corner of Fourteenth ami Marney streets, and give It to the Athletic rlnh, mi thai Ilia eoet of the lot to the club Will be only JI'i'XiO, or about one sUih of the artual VflllJP. Stanford Votes to Play Rugby Game fTAXKOrtri rNIVK.nxjTY. fl May I, - Wat'fi.rd titilveralty iludents voied doavn today a proWltnii to abandon Hutfby font ball In favor of Ihe American me by n vote of 141 In "!', The vole sate final imrer to a ques tion that ban b'.eii allnled rlnee Ihe I iiherflly of California broke off foot bull relation with Flstifnrd laat year and wriil'b'Mk to Ihe Amerl'-an game t -'- Three Sioux City Players Released FtOI'X CITI. Ia May V.-Thre ply. ere 011 tie rloim City Western Ieiii team weie mifniifllilniially released to-fsy-Klrrt Haeentan lme Kane, Plteln'r Al Kunhncr and Cat' her Oarles ron- 1 '.iii. PETERS STARTS TRAINING FOR BOUT WITH DEMETRAL Charley peters, the pardllfon grnppler, who I carded lo meet William Pemelral, th Greek at Ihe Omaha Aitdllorlum on Miy 10, has started a"llve t'slnlng for Hi rombot nd epects lo b In lh ver best of rondltlon ihe night of th mituh. Peter ranks favorite for Ihe bout, put Pemrtrsl I pretty foy wrewler and has bad a lot of expef"''. and '.'an' be expected to give Charley a run for his money, DENVER CLUB RFI EASFR HOWARD AND PHILLIP DENVER, Colo,, May 4.-Krl Howrd an- Tom Phillip, plteh'- , wer re leased from the Penver ttarn of tha Western league today. Howard la ra turned tu tha Marshalltown. 1 , team of the Central amo.-Uilon. t'hlllli returns to tha St, Isolds ftronn. Trl-e Tennl M-e. TARKIO. Mo. Msv 4. -(rperlal Te'e eram.i-In the Trl slal lllh ebonl vti nla tournament, boia' double w. r won by 4'rnlg and Weher of Clarlnda, In., t.1, r-0, till, over Jfnlfhlnj'oti and lie U of Blaneharrt. It. Ilertram ond hatfer of Mound Cttv, Mo., defea,ted lln-grave en I Iteavlaof 1'all t'lly 1n the prellmlnarjea, llin'.. Ha. & ft 2 Viler, rf . . I 1 I 'lr, lb.. 4 'iO. lb... via . ft. I lira I Sb lUrlle. ! ancrl 3 I Vfi ata. e, , 0 l.frt,tm. 1 .!:!. . Kill 'HI . 2 I 1 4 ft ( 4 2 I 2 a a a sua l I 1 t Man i.s Killed in Bout Arranged to Settle Dispute Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water ftiy a gl of hot water and phosphatt prevent illnei and keep ut (It, lust a coal, when II burns, leave t.a bind a certain amount of liwimbuatlhla material !n the form of ashes, so the food and drink laken dy after day leave In tha alimentary canal a rertaln amount of Indigestible material, which )f not com pletely eliminated from the system each day. bs'-onies food for Ihe million of bartert wlib'b Infest the benels, From this nun of left-ner waste, tnalna nd piemaln like poisons r formed nd inked Into the h'eod, Men and nomen bo can't at feeling right niuet begin lo lit,. Inside baths lafnr rating hrethfaat ea'H morning .lilnk glass of real hot waiee with iesionful of )itntnne In It in Utah f"il f ib thtrt leet of bowal (Ha .f.., is day s a - im ililn cf pot u.iia ii loams slid 1 1 keep the antlr alliita-iiiajry van) i lean, (lire an t fi-t, ffioae s.b!'l to al a hea tache. it'ta, bllt .i.aneaa, rnsti stteii, Mlir h i nn with ba t esl, f ii brlb, b. I j hi, iaiintlii sltf(ea, or hv .. '. sev a'.xna. n after Itieata, ra W'ge lil get li .attar md of Urn. a -i i ii,.i.h. fr..m tha rti t stir a 1. 1 l-eit ., 'i. i.i Inian al saiuiai I ' ti i'l , liiile, I .1 la .f'i , t.,,1 i., i.. i. i-.,.a am una a s nn : t )!. I iafniia loai'le txlHlsiaf la -r tea . ' ; an suidr I ie a- a-ae la am it I h i Inii .nna lnl . 1 1 .. i kii i . !.a"h. M ia v , (. .i 1 a. a aa t t I a Wf . .. ai. aes aaaaiana aa t fiaaaa i-a aaj.i, si b I watar an I !!iaa... l-a; !, it I .a n,. a,, tf, V. t . a a ae-l t. , e P a' ia.-.a.i BASE BALL Henry Ordeman Lasts Twenty-One Minutes In Steelier Match MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., May 4.-(Special Telegram.) Henry urdeman lost to Joe Hteeher In straight fulls last nlijht at t In? auditorium, but he won the dial diction of being the first man to etuy umre than I' minutes with the Nebraska oomrt. ti elilentally winning lila wager. James Bush of Lincoln. former nelih t or of Joe at Podge, wagried :") to 01 that Ordeman would not lust JO mlnutot. The man who put tip the l'0 waa Ord man himself. It took rtecher 21 nt nulea and 40 sec ends to pin the Mliinenpills wrestler shoulders to the mat talc. Udh fall Here securcl on combination lii'lfejia holds. TI. first, whldi iame In U tu n- ulos and 35 econd.a. was with a Kvly scissor and half Nel.-on, nd th econ I In 10 minute and 6 geoonda on body sclnsora and further arm hold. Deiplto the short duration of tha bouts the ?,W or more wrestling fans were given plenty .f incitement. There whs nut one minute of loafing durng the Rhole period ISti cher was working for , fall and with to or three cacopttoin Henry waa working bard to stave oft (.'efcat, being on the Uefenslv nearly nil I lie time. HUSKERS WIN TENNIS MATCH FROM AGGIES MANHATTAN, Kan,, May 4.-Nebraka took the honora In the first annual In tercolU glata tennis tournament with the hsniias Hlate. Agricultural college here today. Knowlea of tho Aggies won from ( halt, Nebraska, 3 to I, In three set of males, h only match on by Ihe Ag Ble. Summer Schools For the Pupils ! Who Fail to Pass On account of the scarlot fever epi demic that prevailed In the rlty during the winter, a lame number of children were kept out of the public schools on iiivoiint of sickness. Superintendent tiraff cetlmtitca that by reason of the sickness, so general, there will be not less than 6i children of the Fourth to Fitglilh grade, iiicltifh r, who will be unable to pass. The teachers' .'ointuUleij of the Hoard of Education and Kt . perlntendent draff have Into the situation pretty thor oughly, ami sa a result, st Ihe next meeting of the board, a recommendation Mill .e made that a term of summer school of alt to eight weeks Iw held 1m midlHloh after the eloae of the regular adiiiol year, This school will ho for ... ,L,.-v . - . ,3a aw. 'hot who fall to pars the grade a and 'or no other. It la proposed that the school, or arhools, to be held In four of the build ings, two In th north and two In the south part of the city. The. houra pro posed are from S o'clock In the morning intll noon, five days each week, FAKE HORSEMAN STOPPED FROM TRIMMING YOUTH George Wilson, IU North Nineteenth street, waa arrested t th t'nlnn station lato yesterday evening Just aa he was about to receive 14.80 from Harold nosa, ag IS, who wss passing through Omaha from Hturgls. 8. P to Kansas City. Wilson told th boy ho waa a rac horse trainer and waa on hi wy lo Kansas City to lake up hla season a work. Finding the boy was Interested In horse and somewhat of a rider, Wllaon offered lilm a Jb as soon as h arrived In Kan- CM) and (hen told the lad that through a misunderstanding be got th wrong ticket at the ticket window and that they would not exchange It for him. II asked the boy to lend him the prlc of a ticket to Kansas City, which ha said was HuO. BUY FREEDOM From Tire Trouble riiDcture anrl Blow-out and Tire Faults are the benettlng woes of the Motorist. Using LEGS Puncture-Proof Pneumatic Tires banlghcs every tire trouble, , POWELLAuto Supplies SUPPLY COMPANY2051 Farntnti OMAHA Street ' I Beaufort ' n4Mi ; Al i "i;,Jrr5 "" jX."'r"rs: -- 1 i : ' Ll'--" l-iV-ir1riiitki'i,tirJtr., , " ma? ' "" CtWMtl4, Tftafiae of IfuprwnMiner 'i-'.; - YOUR coat ought to hug the neck: the collar should not sag or kick out at the back even if you stoop slightly or carry the head and shoulders in a forward position. Ask to see a Kuppenheimer Foreward Model The Kuppenheimer dealer Is the only one who overcomes this clothes-trouble without making alterations. He has the specially designed Foreward Model in all sizes; all the leading suit styles and fabrics. Prices, $20 to $40, Our new book, "Styles for Men," sent on request THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO Originator of" Fracfjon! St in Afn' Clothini mil ir!!!!i!!ll!!!!i!t!iii !!!iS!!ll!!!!l! !'! IMIH'H iji'l! I.ii lli! llliiliNil! llllHi illlliliSiijiiiii ill! i f 1 1 1 1 : p ! ( i 1 1 1 1 i . i . I'M; (HI i : i : ; i i ill iiil'I'U' iil,'i:ii!fllil!iiliri!i!l!,!lill!iJiiiini ii i "Another Popular Kuppenheimer Model lor Vouni! Men HICHT NOW Is the BELTED BACK NORFOLK or SPORT COAT Tiro-Milton, off ro, cutaway front, patch pockets, or Ml linej, two and three-piece stylo AM) YOU Witt, IIMI IIIIS Mlllll A tiOOl) I'LACC TO COMK I OK HATS. SHIRTS. TIES. GLOVES. UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY fa f f tthtni la , Ut r;f I Paakarf H l. uf ie'eai.iH ml th I r n tl.Mjt I . !( t ! ). . la !( 4m4. V'iHf t nt(H f ' I l.a'. I .a . -I'.ai a a- . in iit tltar M tea, - . la ti-- i - p.-M(lJnae Ts' af -f. a I' t I 4 '4 I f'-i t . i ' i- t 4 N I t h tll"a r ( , i ' OMAHA VS. SIOUX CITY , May 4-5-C? l ul I Kt I Uih I g t.a. Mat . t-atla Par ' a:la4 1 1 r I , i Jis a, 4a t lHi44 fc . ii'tt. I, lift 1 win1' 1 1 I ! . j ll I I