4 Bringing Up Father CorytaTht, ISM. Internl Nwwn Bervlea Drawn for The Bee by George McManus r J?!- Dl MOORE'S 'vn'Nni -ill Y0U"D 6ETTER WAIT ON THE CORNER Ab I MM HAVE TO "SNEAK OUT' n r WHAT'S THE IDEA OFTHECET-UP' ME WIFE WUZ UKPtCIOUt AN' HID ALL ME CLOTHEV i v. J I 1 II ft !!! I-" I " " DCMT WORRY -l'LLIT TCH) 5UIT :. OSE OF DlNTY'a WHO 1 THAT WOMAN? V y TZ3 oh:-era HELLO WIRE.! O ....n MISFIT SIOUX WIN COMBAT. IN A WALK Kane-less Indian Knock Harry Krause Oat of Box and Keep Up Bombardment on Brown. - CASPAR CHECKS OMAHA RALLY After dropping an enure crfc of four fr.iyi in ( Iir lolt Unii from Lincoln nml thereby nMalilbihlng thrmeelvr ih fiuii kr:f team In tli loop, f Any (lueper'a new cif nilnflt and mleaulried m ndracrlni -hri'MXl Into Ouitihu yentcr day and Hiked. the epot off -of Omaha In a combat llnt would hnve brought triire lo the eight Ir orb of mi Kgyptlan epbln. Tliff count wtji 5 to 0, , The truculent xuvt galloped Inlo the Park yenterdny uriethooii two hour Intel The 1 1 tin on whleli they made, the trip from Ihrt village of Htawe"niyno h.fit.ei etewed; now frled-waa held up for four -hour Ity i riillmcnt. . Tliy (tune on the fir Id ' tfhortly liefore 4 o'cl k inl ulth'ljtit thirty gerund of firm-thr proceeded to-go jmtn tu diamond and Hlni op lli do Huf -Rourkegtrt fray m which both teama tried In fiiitdo l Im J other In ethlhlltiig I.0.11I on ho ball, Hut tho aildflto' are to he exeuiej for tli"lr Inilluf-nt. exhibition. -The nun hb out jrcnlfrdny uniX tho Mfiilhpr great, After hnvlint hffn, vonplf tuly'innKrHlt-d by tho col torH biiitul turned out tlm Imit two ;rl, thfy r In no i ondl tlon lo tly "linil oit dfnt .dny , . f"ontplcuoU9 by bin m7ii wi tlio srHt .fiuuii Kane. Tbe tlnKIIng tlnwara n attached ..to -Jovial Jim ycatfrday mornlnit jiini tho'd&ng of li(vlicr hug which turned out to f nterlnln tliein-lv(a at tha rxpcnms Of onr-ofheij Jim ' mlRhtlly 1ltpnintdv A ypungiitor by the name of Mueller wnt In to piny first baao, but -In thfi very (Jrat found hf turnd lila ankle alldlhg Into the ilte and id- to -bo carried off the flold. Willie Lee rVoahy'and hl ratfhrr'a fml went In lo", play tho Initial cimhlnn. and ludglng frt,m the way Willie Ie lay fUt' Ona'pep reaJIcoiJi pulled a faug lau In iminlhg Jhn. IMt Krnnae Hard. , , Southpaw Hurry Kraiue waa the vn. tlm of the fSlotiK yeau-rday. Kltlier Harry had nothing or the Hlou had a lot. fur they battered hlrn Into an tinreeognUable pulp before Krug rhaaed him to Mo rlub houae and. put Jndian Itrewn Into the box. " ; , ' . , Krauae waa nlvkad for nine blowt and lK runa ;in the flrat four Innltiga.-. To Kiv KiauK hla dur., the MgRrat part Of !be hlta ere mlaerable aeratiiea, which (ell aafe more becuae the hlttrra tjiaraof ere lucky rather than from any merit of the batcmcn, and Harry'a matea con nived to let. aa many Kloux warriora &a pflhie score. Hrowfi wm also hit njetty hard and three rniiA wore gnmrred during the five lonnrta he xhlhitd, Kelly ninna I p. For t,brre, Innlnaa Kelly held the IJoiirkea hrlple.a. put In the fourth he Inn hie .uti'h and a mdntet of amaeka netted four la 1 1 leu and tho rootera rouhl a the ball linine ivmilng back ri- Hniith opened the round y clamping one i reritT bjhI purg walked. Marty Kmg'a !nie (. renter e.-ored Hmlth and IVorg took wx-nnd. rnreylhe fouled out. but Kniffer delivered a reMimdlng tao. .yger to left emiMing purg and Marty. AMIer'a lmle t tight .cored K rjr er The Itnurkra ataitrd In pienene the rally In the fifth, Kmtth altmt ainln b a life en Cooney a tnlwud Purg flew hi I h Ktug hit eafrly ii hit t rU'tit. niirlritf Kinlth Here Mr n eiiy i ( i,e ( hllla running tip bl aplne Standing of Teams wr,rsTt;it.v. ur.Aiv nat. k.a(ji;i; Wichita ,.l'i I.lc.i ell. .. 7 4 'inmhii .... II ToiiekH ,. 6 f lencer,.,. 4 7 I '(a Molnea 4 7 Ml. Joaepu H .'!::; Ilrooklyii,, , .li-'lM Honton.... .Hin: I'hlla. . ... ,iVil i iiicIiiikiH .lllChbeao,,,. ,,'HM HI. i.ule . 4, I'lMaliorah I 4 ft (. a l ! H 7 n 9 7 .I4 io'l .471 ,4:17 AM New Vol k., II AM. I.KAni.'K. I AMI'IIU'AN AWH. Waali'n ...II 147! Loulnvlll Yi I Cleveland II 7 (ill1 Indlanap'a. 4 l.iwlon . . Pi M '.i. Mliiiienp'N. 7 ,'1 New Voi k k 0 I i.luiiihua 7 II I letroli . . ,. t .! K ii it. rliy ' a Chlrago ...I'l 10 .' Toledo 4 ft Ml l.ula,, li 10 . rt ,f. Hi 1'nul ,, 4 ft I'hlla & 12 .ait; MIMitnkca J 111 .h'M J..IH '. .rt .m eaterday'a IteanMa. wi;hti:hn lkaocr Hi ,neph, I; Iwnver, , Topeka. Z; Wlehlla, X I.lncoln, i; Ilea Molnea, 7. Moux CHv. ft; tlmaha, b .VATIONAI, i,i;a'Ji;k,. Clnciiiniill, 4; Ht Ix-nila, 2 Chleago, .'; I'lttalturgh. 4. - ; Honlno, 7; New York, H, I'blliidelphin, 0: Piooklyn. 1 : AMKItlCAX t,K, " it K llei eliiiid. 2; Chlcairo, 0, ' Hf, tattle. 7; fietrolt, . WHi-hlniilou. 6; llilldlphla, I ' Now Yoik, 0; Ponton, 3, . .,, AMKIIICA.V AWcrATION, v l.nulevllle, I; Mlnneapolla, 2 Toledo, 1, Kannen Clly, 7. ColuuihiiH, J; Mllwnukce, t). IiidlMiiiipnIlfl, 1lj Hi, 1'aijl, .1 linoie Tod i J . Wetnrn tangtie -Ht. Juaenti 'at f'auveei Topeku ai !ip Moli'e, Lincoln :,i In Molnea, HUi-.t City nf I nn.ha. NbIIudhI l(iKU' I hielnniiM it Kt, T.onla. (.'hlearo ai ritPilniiiib'. Poeton at New Vork, l hli.,pllu el I'ruAklvn Am'r'cfln I.eagu (Jteteland at Ohleatro, Ht. tauli at 1 ei roll, WhhIi i t ii t I'lilla, tlalplila, New fork ,t Voiioi.. BOOSTERS WINJIARD GAME Take Uphill Game from Lincoln by Hitting1 Two Pitcher Hard. END UP ONE TO THE GOOD DODGERS SHUT OUT MORAN'S PHILLIES Ii;,4 MOINRM, la., May 4 -Iea Molnea played mi uphill nriie toduy and won from Lincoln, 7 In t. by hlltliig Ilalla and (IriKory hard. Hcore. l,INCO,N. Alt. II. I iil'liejn. If I Miiii'liiuan, 2b fi ThoioaMoii, t f , , 4 Mora,, 4 I wilier, i f ,, i Hi evwmon, a. ft Wlllbirtia, l 4 Itoliier, c, 4 lliilla, p ... (iregory, p. I If. I 2 0 l I 1 I It I Tola la 37 1J V, WA M'lI.VKH. , Afl. H. 1 1 IIiiIim, rf Hunter, if. ,, .four a, ih. ' . , Mel,, nan, f. , Hnnhr, e, .... Hniif'ird. aa. Keoblt, lib, ,, Claire, Zh, ., Thniiiaa, p, ,, 'IIIIK!iI1, p, ,, Hicri Tolala .... . 4 . i . H I1 . ii . h , 4 , 1. . i l 44 How Could They Do It? Callahan, aa I ooney, h , Wataon. rf Cniimilly, 3b..,. Mueller, in Oroahy, lb Hen-Ung, If NltUdlltoll, ct... lilvliiKetone, c. Kelly, p tjimpnr, p f olula piurx CITY. a n. it 6 t a (I 5 1 4 5 J a l rf.. Smith, If. Purg,- Sb. Krug. rf, Fnrnyther, Krueaer, Murahall, c. Miller, Ih... Klblnff. aa. Prleat, 2b... Kraue. p.. Urown, p.,. ToUla. . . 411 U OMAHA, AT? It 4 4 II, fli A 1 2 .1 J . 3 5 'J l .1 2 1 0 0 ft 1 7 1 4 2 0 n :i 0 I 7 ' 1 t I - I I t III ) I ir. o. a, 1 t 0 i) n 0 !! I II I I II I X t 0 1! 1 1 10 I I 4 4 n 4 :i 4 0 1 0 (I !', 1 S II K. II II 0 II ii ri 0 ; 7 hi ) 14 1 Two out when winning run eenred, lliillrd for Tlioinaa In aevtuilh. I'.leven lunlnga. Miicolu H 1 I M I M I M Ilea Molnea M I I M i I I I 17 1 wo-hna htla." I.ober, Thrtmna, Jonea, K.HohH, Hunler 121. iid'UUe blta: ThoiiiMHoti, Moiac, llullii, Iwft on tiaaea: Idnrnln. t; Pea Molnea, pi, HI ruck mil; Hv Hulla, I: by Thoinaa, 2; by Ullllgan. flinaea on bnlla: f iff Mallil, I; off tlreaory, il; off Tlioinna, 2 Hit by pitched bull: Ily Tbomaa (Carllaln, Jtohieil; by ilreanrv dlalrei, 6 run, a lill,. off Tlumiaa In eeirn Innlnaa; 1 run, 4 hit, off CIIIIkhii In four IihiIiikh. 4 run. I') bite, off Italia In aeveii Innlnia; 3 runa, h hlta, off (Iregory In four Inning. Credit. yitoiy to (lllllgaii. fiouhle playa; Claire lo 1 1 n rl ford to loiiea, Hartford to o.lica, Hmrbnian to William. Time, 2:11. t'm Idcea: Kckiiiaii nml Carney, , WOI.VKK XiKVVt T HAW" AfiAI Brooklyn Strengthen! Hold Fint Place by Blanking Viiiton. on SCORE IS TWO TO NOTHING IHlOOKLYM, May 4,-Brooklyn alreiinth ened It hold on flrat placn today by abut ling out f'tilludulplila, 2 to 0, Tbo Xuperhaa bunched lo double and two (Ingle off McQuillan In lb fifth, r Ing two runa. Hell pitched great ball throughout, allowing only throe lilt. Two aenaatlonal catebna by Myera off Crnvatli and I,uderua In deep renter In the ninth with a runner on flrat, aavn) a tie and a polbl0 Oofeal, Hcore; PIIIMIIHI.I'IIIA IIHOffKltVN. AAH II II A f. All II II A I, ttlrmk. I ... 4 t "II Mrerarft I 4 oliaitlwrl. Hi. 4 I I I u Ii lirotnarl. rf.. I 2 0 ll (Itt heal, if . S 1 3 'I 0 1 0 ii tluir, Hh. I 1 II ; a Hi.!,.., li ,f 0X31 I, mil. on ... I I ll I OJ Hevr. c I 4 1 lif'i'l, li , I I n n I ii Tom It ,,..2i 7 V, W Ii II I baaea: Jlersog. Iwiudcn. Miller, Hornaby, Hacriflee - hit: KHUfer. Macrlflco ' fly: Wlngo. Doubla plgya: Ptx to Miller, Wlngo to Chaae. I'.unea tin ball Oft Totiey, 2; off i( hutas. H off Aim, 4. III! and earned runa: Off Toney, i hlta, runa, In alx Inning, off Ami-, 7 hit, no run, lo nlnn litnlngi, .off rkhulx, no bit, no runa, In twt Innlnga; off H;bnetder, 1 hit, no rung, in ona liming. Hlnjek out; Jly Toney, f; by Hchulx, 1; by irti-hiildr, li by Amea, . 1,'mptreg: Klein and Kmalle., . - Matty I.oaea Oaaie, NHW YOHK, May 4.-T1) veteran New York pitcher, ','hrlatoplier Mathaw on, trted Id vnit"ntli aeaaon with the New York t-nm hern today and loat a clone tun Inning ginno to lloion, 7 to tf, Willi the eceptlon-of tlm fiMt Inning, when lie wa hamllcAPped by linllforunt Infield aupport, Malheweon pitched good bull. Ho Uikl In lha tdiifh, when ha anva hla onlv bnae on balla, to Hinlth, tvbo took aecond (in Kuwf'a muff uf C'ornpton'a fly and acored on tJowdy'g alnglti. Hcore:, lflrN. NEW YOHK, A It. HO. A B AH H U A K Mra'. w I I 4 URurn. If ...4 I I Vvn. i, ., t 1 I I I'Hobonaoa.rf I t 1 II ''niiina, if,, i tie iiiovi ai .. 4 I Wiihar. rf... Ill liK.uff rl.,. Ilia koiMU tir. Ik I I I II ev'leii her, I 1 1 4 Kmlm, IU. ,. 4 I 1 4 IMerbla. Ih , I 111 1 rf, I 1 4 It IM, K.'-h'a lb 4 114 ... I I I i lma.tlij.il. 0 . 4 1 I 1 It i ii 'iauaik .,. o a o a III! 'I)., ..In, t ... 0 I - Maihewaiifl a I 111 M 14 ID It . a Tufail . ... HI I I'M 1 Hit by bafted hall. linn for Harlden In 'frier, a Hue liea. Tulala on, 3 runa; off Tyler, ID hlta, runa, In eight and ono thlrd Innlnga; off Hugliea. 1 bit, no runa. In 1 and two-third In ning, ritrui-k out; Py Mathewaon, 1; by l.miprea; ingier lloaton . . . New York Two-haae lilt: hlta: Maranvllle Tyler. Merkle. Hncrlflre fllea: Iiouble playa ninth. 4 o o o j Ida i-7 1 i 0 0 I 0 0 1 0-4 Klefoher. Three-baae Konelohy. Home runa; Htolen naan: llouarh, fiovle, Mathewaon. rrnltli to loveara to Koni.iihy, Maranvllla to Kvera Konnti tiy, McKechnle to Merkle. Ilaae on be.Ua: Off Mathewaon, I; off Tyler, t, Hlta and earned run: Off Mathew- Tyler, 3; by liughea, 1. and I'.aaon. American Aaanela Hon, At yinneaDoll- n.H.K utaulav lie , ,. a 1 MliinenMill,4 , 2 7 Hal.tJTlea: Northrop and IwjIonge, Hnrke nrwl Owen. At Kwiea City- B.RK Toledo ,..i., 1 1 o Kan City 7 7 t Patterlea: Palley, Adama and Tlreana. han, Hweeney; Reagan and Perry. At Milwaukee- Tl If V. Coliimbna II iMolwankeg , ,......, ,,t JO I Patterba: Ocorg. Prucg and Myrpby; Hlapn'cka and Meyer. At Indianapolla H.II.f Indiana uollg lj J i to , Pt. I'aul i jo x Hatterleai Falkenbiir, Iiawaon gnd Bchang; lougla, lelflold, t.pham and Iiand. Miia.M, liaii'-ri.lt. a. I I 4 Wlillled. If . 4 I Cratalli. rf. 4 l,ui!rna, Ih. 4 I'arlarl, f. :t Nlrlillff 21) tl piinta. a,..., 1 i linear I Ailania. p..., a M, ij.illao a t iKt , J Hl. p ,,. I a e i in it o i ft I a a n Du ll v ii i Wichita (nntlimea Winning ftlrrak by Tliree-t-T we letury, Wlchl'a eontlnued Ha wining atreak hy ilefratlug Topeka, 3 lo ?, here tod.iy. Th' ecore: WIHIITA, AH. It. H. O. A. Tolilln, If 4 0 0 1 0 rf 4 I H 4 0 .la kwi.n, ( f 3 0 I 4 n Miete'li, lb 4 I 1 1 A Ultll'on, 2b , 4 1 f. 2 lleilln. Sb 3 0 0 11 l.llachl, a 10 112 I'riy. c 4 0 t ? 0 I'leliearly, p 4 o I 0 8 Koratner, p 0 ll 0 0 0 To) ula Ti-U'FKA, All. II 3 10 V II A I 0 . 1 1 2 1 I 3 2 1 Marahall out on Infield fly. Hloua City Huna Hit Omah Huna Illta Three-haaa hit: Croaby. Two-bn hlta fonolly. Cooney. Krueger NacetfUe hit: Connolly. Naupghtnn. Htolen baeea; Cal lahan, Wataon, Meunlln. PouMe plav . Cnllahan to t'roehy. lavft on bae: Hlout Clly, 12, Onmha, 7. Hlta: off Kelv, 1 In four and, una-third Inninaa; otf ler, t In four and Iwn-lhlrda Innlnga, off Krauait 9 In four Inning: off drown, 7 In five Innlnga. Htruck out: Py Kelly, 2. by tlaaprf, 4. by Krnnae, 3, by Prown, 1 Pane op l alia: Off Kelly, off (!i-r I n o 10 ViAgler. Ih 4 0 I 1 1 'nc bran, aa 4 II - - 1 1 In ol win, 31. 8 ft 4 i'1'ydeinan, rf 4 I ruojer. i f 4 0 tattlmore, 2h 4 1 p ; Hrhwellcher, If 4 II v.. pk i. Monroe, I ft j Weal, p S 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0.fi M'awhner, p 0 ,i m i I no Mi , , - - 1 Oliun. iSi i a ,TV Jackann out hit bv hatted hall. Wlrhlla 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 Topeka ll 0 0 t 1 0 0 1-J Hncrlflre hlta: Hltllng. Monroe. Two ba. hlta- .lackaon, ihmdwln, Krueger. Tbrce l hit: l.altlmnie. Home run: I ox. ih off Weal. ;. m k inning: off (ia-hnir. t In linen Ititrnsn: oil t' biirty. f. tn eight and one tti rd lnnln; ofr Koeiintr. S in twn-ihlnla Inning. Iw. ihle . ji.lovi. .iiniirno to lioi dwln, l.ll. Ill lo . ! I' Mark, rf, Mann .. Wllllama, im'nwui. Kalar. Ih tioiilan. aa. Ari'har, r., Verlow Jli, lAaiiflr, I I 'ntton to Abatein, Mr o k out tv 2. off Iv i n iiar, 1; off Urown, 2 III! bv v et, 4, hy I' lehear'v, i ll't hy pitched pitched hall Py Pruwn Uper.l Time ball py Weat illnlllng and Jaeh,,n ) of g.ime: J iJ. t'tnpirea: Mullen and j Time: IM, t'mpirea. I'entmiia and Nn Andiewa ,derivn, jolKa t 4fTt iik tiik nrnftrR llrammer liefeat Panver, I"Iti l ill re. MKNVKfl. May 4-ni. Jwnh took the Kcravthe cm, kd ,,,l,"', of Ih eertra tioiu, t'envr JirNVK.lt. and bt) hiked. t.aapar ahnwa I a, Ha ry O veer. ho hi mm. different : km, la t acniiwilc ii, t .,p. tn v.g. , . M nnmaral or uhi ii!ii nee.eiiia ' ' ' ' i" Mia, i ami n,. ; " """"''I '.f"f .4 !) tclll I l o ell. ei,l i,lo ol h l,.. fell!,) I I ! a!ke. Ity l!arj ' " t'fm.i,'ii.oi that IUyinii.i in -.itiiar li e ri'l imr ttoa anil V (ih ' ' .i ay t f-mpiau't ... e t litwr 1 ii-t.,i ck ,t t t-r( Ktld'i'f aa hi "'' ti H t n I. fvi.f ' 'l J c- la v t i.. j fa U aw iiil in i,i i.,.iv.f a-j lull- hid i . t.frial tr Ma s U ' 1 iOi uf n 1 I'..H r U.1 I 1'U. !( t .. I, I ,. ' ai-l tin wilt (,. i ; !'iw. . t iM t 1 a r au.. i Miller, if lve:.br, aa . kra , t PuV'ier If l'f, .lb le-,l h Jni. le "beaiak, e ' t "i.-i. r IT Kan If a l.. t i t aa K i VI i' ll IV l I UK I - I an. t I .Uh ! 1 t. itia je e e . I .ll-inii, T -U . fiM - I Kt l ) ... .1, All, ll. It O V . , I ii 1 i o V I I 4 I , 4 il 1 I I I il 0 t M 4 I I 4 a : i i 4 IH t 4 10 1 .Jo I 0 i ,, I rt u r. i u u i JO!' I ll All It II O A i ; a Sli'U llendxrhe lla la t nnllaatnn, line do lr. King a New I.lfe Pill and your ab'k heailach la gone, (let a cent hntt! and be convinced. All drugtata. Advei'tlnenient " i I a t n " i WEISH AND Wfll fiAST MAYRHX AT HENVEP ( HICAOil, Slay 4 - If iynier proniotera III a lira to pay him til0 tth an p tlmi on M per cent of Ih reolpta, Fraaldl W rlah tight eal.ht rbauiplon, wit! algn m te AI Wuigaat tn the Culoiado tall tut Mat .! I ailred . a a' a lean, ger hi tol The latter taiagtaphed I I'anvar i,.m..ii alt t h wii will la ifn,..l Tota la .... I 4 rt ' . ' Hatted for Ibiriia In- the eighth. Haltad for M.? Jiilllaii in the elghlb. Phtladelphlg fl " (l 0 ii (i ! (i A- Prooklyn 0 0-0 2 0 A 0 Two-baao' till: Iwidoru. Mowrey. (H- aon. Threolmnr hit: Wbllted. Hlolen bnae: J'aakerl. Iiiiuhrrf. ftaerlflee bit: M iJiilllim, Mowrey, Cuthaw. ftnubl n ay: Nlebnff to Han'roft to I,liicru. Haaca on error: Philadelphia, i. Hiwce I mi ball Off Mc'Jullliin, I; off I(ley, I; off Jiell, I. Hlta and earned runa: Off Mc.'jiilllan. blta. 2 run In aeven In ning; off Illney, 1 hit, no runa In una, Inning. HtrticK out: I'y Mcyutiiiin, I, by Hell, 4. Paed ball; Hurna. I'mplrea; yulgley and pyron. I'lratea neat Cuba. riTTaiU-'ROH. May 4,-Flttburgh rle- fealed Chicago here today, hy a c,m of 4 to t. winning In the eighth In ning, when Iftvender weakened and al lowed two trlplea, a double and a alngle, whb'h gnva the I'lratea three runa. I'p I to thai. Inning I vernier had awarded only fm i r hlta, Bcoi: (III l Alio. 'riTTlfl fliiil All ll O A r. Ail it n A k getiall. If., 4 110 (tlohnaton. lb 4 I 10 0 0 ei'arev. If,.., 4 J I 1 miarnaf, cf ..I Tl 3 n , 0 i'IIItm nmao.rC 4 3 J n (1 1 OWaaiier aa , I I 11' 1 ft ! I .ina, Sh .., 4 0 1 i" a j 4 (iKnaha, ill. .. 4 I D 11 fl I I (HciimuH. e . 4 0 pi .4 (1 1 1 'uuiir. ... a 1 a (1 (1 Total. .'...II 12: 7 0 Tnlala ...... I 14 11 0 :. - ' , Hatted fur Mack In the ninth. Chlcngo 0 1 1 0 A 0 0 A o-J IMltahurgh A t 0 0 0 A A 3 4 Two baaej htta: Zimmerman. Archer, Hliichinan, hnabe. Threo-haae hlta : William, Carey, lllmhmail Stolen be Parnev, Hchulte. Sacrifice tilt I ola,n. Iniuhle playa; Hchmldt to Wag ner to Johnaton, Hchmldt to Pulrd. Paeea on ball, tiff lavender, 2; off Cooper, it. Famed run: Off tavender, 4, off Cooper, I, Hit by pitched twll; By lav ender, Wgner. Struck out: Hy Iiiv. inter, S; by Cooper, . 1,'mplrea; 0 Lay and IlarrUon. Iteda Whip Tarda. ST. LeOVU. May 4.fU. taula' Infalld cracked In the ninth Inning today and ( I in liinu 1 1 made threo runa. winning. 4 tn 2. In the ninth after tlroh waa thrown I out and lleriug walked. I.oihI.'U hit to Hornah), ho threw tv ildiv In aecnnd, ' lleiaog going to third. .Mir hell bailed! for h' hul A, grotin led to Peck, whoae, throw hit lleiri'g going home, lleuigl a. ored and M logo long fly In peaclier ! gcored laindetl. A alngle by "Neal lilouglil; III Mlb hull. Amea pit. he. a eteady gume, ' but hla aiiipnrt art lugged, H.'ls'VAri. , . eT ' f.itt'tg All ll ll A P All It A li cfl J lb 4 I 0 ...4 1 14 .10 0 ..4 1 I ..to alee Naa'a rf gllloai. It I '!. Ill a Irirfith ft iio.a. in lliioa. m ,i.a, Ih ' a ' aa. a H.-taari . i-n a M , I . , . 1 1 e Voiariar 1 n. a li.v I t " 1 11 a i a I I 4 a l a a I I a 0 Waaehar IT I a Miaolli ef . 4 0 "H.I..I. Jh , 't.ne. rf ... 4 1 ftM I ar, Id.,, 4 i i ii a in . J I HH..ahi a. I I iHe.Biaiaa r. I 'AH.a a . , I 1 ,,. . , a ii. i San . , a na llae , , II ll I I Total rt I I 1 I I 1 I I I l I 1 0 I : t I a a a a i I i I ' i : 6 I t I I I A i I fcuaa0iTX S& II y-'-n ii ,-- , . i tvr a-- si rni ifat ,msmm iMii I S a. . r . :x . ."k-j.-aL.--rrrA t r-a-" w . -iVAaii . ' rii.T t.i.?i V 'SSS'W' r litif.-inaV-Lg v T 17! f t.r L'! J i f Jf 1 ' l.tt - tlLi 1 Vi rr. rr rrr cr rrh(' nml I ('" lU tfj I" l'7"'" " -aaaaala--JJae . . iwfc-j.j, tfffff0f I I rLj tm"m"M"TH"" ''WmwiiawiMaaiiiaaniaiiaauiiaiiwBaaaaiiiiaait : 1 . I ' I LLkamlP ; 1 II li 1 i I 11 Ml II M It tl I 'J II 4 -I I. ili' t i WW li l HAVANA riLLarj 1 CI G AR, TEN-C EN T S v, : ; 4 liaht hearted Vfavaria . nnl i:.", 'Iiim ' 1 rf - v . . f MalilJUr yy lananaBwaai ilt Rothenberg & Schloss, Diitribaton. Kansas City W I 1. It , Tiaia II 1 si il Kan f r Clarke In aavatnh liaiiet for t'.oiav In aaeoih I'ailad f r h. hula in hiriili I'aiia.j tor li". k In nin'b. nn (ir iim.i In iiin'k Haiia.l f-.r H"ibv In i imh t tn.'tnnatt .4040 I Ada I o il! , A t A it , ii n Iiftilinem hi' li'-lial.,, lie'.'! el ,ai . .T?mm akllleta laa laiil.ai ' I vs I I I ' ,. I 'M l--r I, l n..,. f , V. a) i .tea a, 4 " 'i Nt, t !.' I ilia ',aii ' .' I 1. alt i : ( T- ' 4 a t r b . a- i , . i ,t ', , - ' " I ll '' . 'a Hie in ia) ,4 I .., ii . t a ,w. i I- ai J ,.. , 6. . t 1 '! a I ...,. , , l.j.wa N I n '.i'Hi. i. a 'ta,'! ..a r ag. I,i-, t rlia., M"lni.,i I. t UV i I t i ) a a a i 1 r I a a at 4 1Ma I.. Kl.,M jti. I k vt. , I a. ii i I'll e i ... a .'t '.i.,.r ) ,fi ,,n..,, . i i,i In i'n'i m i'h t la' t v,.r ,i. ai ' ii a ' U - a - I tic1' a 1 i ..-ii , ! f ' ll l n . .. LEXINGTON WOMAN AND 8ABT FAIL DQWH STAIRS t t N ,t N Vh V,,, t rawftn t--M.l ! "t. .-, tt J' Taf-I', iia -KI. kaa M'U. .la a a r .. aias.a I , . I m i ,. i t ii:. 4' a f , ( I k . . .- si,, ,i i , i . i , : , -' a. i j ' . t I, l ' ,1 . 77i big iwinv in lutttlom I J "ti" "An K Maltlcss Alcoholfrcc A Brannew Beverage On Tap nnd in Bottles Omaha Beverage Company 002 to 6016 South 30th Street Phone South 1267. aSouT.i sun: station, omaha, neii. c t-- -H.l-J -' aaga.cajaajajaaaaaaja flll m n C'i",1 1 aOl kwaaitaa 'vMB 4a-aa m-m anaiaia ''VaaaaagiaaaS J UJTXkX T JL- ai V aT L LS I J t Mimourl Vlill tV4 )OU ntonty to writ frig niiaa nn P,i.. P.lif v,., a 4k.,, If.....! I A.. i - i a , , .... . , ; "' f i "'" " inug. nttf nY (4)1. a min iitti narrata gmr i nit win ppi win iniifif tnan you garv huf rv. WMaaatWMilWa n