Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    I) jail lililii v.'iiiiuit iiiiiJiii i . .
. : 1 i
Feel that This Selection by Repub
licans Will Mean Trouble
for Them.
iFrom a BUff Correnpondmt.)
LINCOLN, Nob., My 4. (Special.)-' If
H:i;hM I the nomine of the republi
can rrty for prWent. we democrat
have a hard fleht on our hand."
Thl Is the opinion of Judge J. J.
Thoma of, one of the tiolfjau
l lain to the national demooratlc con
tention, who wee at the Mat houxe thle
morning and to a bunch of nawpar
mm dlued politic In a general way,
"If Hughe la nominated." continued
1)10 Judge, "I aball feel very friendly
toward him, although, of courae, I can
not aupport him. for It wee he who wrote
the opinion In th Capital National bank
a, which I fought through the courte
for more than twenty year and finally
won In the United Htate iiprme court,
io, of tour. I feci thet Hughe I a
mighty good man."
May Ditch Aryan.
When aaaivl if any of the demorat
elected t the national democratic con
vention would be likely to glv up their
eat to W. J, Bryan, who appear on
Ihe return to have been aelected al
ternate by a email vote, Jurtue Thorn
aald that h did not think they would.
"I do not believe. Mr. Bryan will go
a an alternate, even though enough
democrat did writ hi nam In," eald
th Judge. "I know I would not under
the (Iroumetance, and I do not bellev
he will."
Another delegat who will not gtv up
hi Mat to Mr. Bryan I W. H. Thornp
eon of Grand Itand. Mr. Thompson wee
In th elty laat night and tted that h
expected to go to th convention and
hold down hi aeat hlmietf.
Oldham tmr Chairman.
Tt I rumored that Judge Oldham of
Kearney will be a candidal for chair
mat of the Nebraska delegation to the
democrat!, national eonventlnn, and that
h may b elerted to eeond th nomina
tion of Preeldent W'llaon In behlf of th
tat delegation. Judge Oldham once
dltlngulehed hlmeelf and otherwl cov
ered hlmeelf with much glory many year
ago, by delivering n eloquent peech at
. ..tlnn.l cnnvcntlon nominating W. J.
Tirynn tor the democratic nomination for
h nreitdencr. nhenever Mr. Oldnern
think about that apeech now he feel
like h would Ilk to rvi It conam
erably when calling attention to what
Mr. Hryan ha don to nd not for the
nmocrtlo party.
It I alo glvn out that Judge W. It.
Thompaon will b lected a the mem
ber of th . reeolutlon committee from
McKolvio Stands for
The Entire Ticket
(From a fluff Correepondent.)
LINCOLN, Vy i(Specll.)-niul
B, McKelvU ha returned from Koellor
Hnrlng. wher h ha been recuperet
lug lnc th primary. Nturlly h I
considerably dlppolntd In not winning
out. but being on of th ort of rep""
llcane who jever ulk, I for th whol
ticket and I going to get out and help
It win. He y;
"Hlnce th recent primary election, my
thought hv been principally of thoe
eplendld friend who worked o arnt!y
In my behalf. They are undoubtedly
more dleappolnted than I. To them, 1
extend my alncereat think.
"I am really very well pleased with the
outcome of It all. Naturally one fight
to win, but there are limitation vn
to that ambition. A fiance at th final
vote make euperfluou ny plnatoln
on my part.
" congratulate our party on having -lected
a atrong ticket, headed by a well
aeaaoned candidal who i already quite
fully endored.' ! think th enttr ticket
will win and I ahall gladly mipport It.
"Aftr having hid two week of quiet
and reel I feel a 'fit a a fiddle,' and
hull continue) to find In bualne and
public life, th am genuln pleasure
that I hav In th pent."
nee (run fiaa (atantr.
BRATRICT3, Neb., May t-tfpeolaJ.)-
VTIlllam Emal, for many year a reel
dent of Ptckrell, thl county, died sud
denly yesterday afternoon at hi horn?
ther of heart trouble. II wa M year
of age and unmarried.
Edward C. long of Pouglaa, Neb
and Mra, Jennie 1 Henry of 1'almyr.
Neb., wer married her yeterdy ly
Judge Wldcn. John Wlnfleld Mettndy
and Mr. Wlnnlfred Adam, both of
Wymore, wer alee married by th Judit.
Acting under Inetructlon from Mayor
Saiindera, Chief of Polio Havdrn will
put th Hd on good and tight on a'.
game of chance In th city. Cigar
tort. and pool hella hav been notified
that the rity ordinance niuit be atrlcily
reniplied with or arreata will follow.
Th body ef Tl.lm Miller, who died her
Tuemtay, waa taken I filler yeaMMiy
for Iniertnent. Mr. Miller operated
Mackumiih ehp at that plara for many
VMia, He eae a wtdw and !( cbtl
a t.lre 4 lata la ! la) aaenatia
i ISt.TI, Sb, .May (.-iliwKll-TM
ln OiJirg Men (lie :lub left pi
!htr -.'n4 tup tiNlav. Tb lour I I
Uet atxiui a k a n.1 la ! b vr tb
! pert of th slat. Tb tuo
in an t l lljnuWH 0-ni!l.ia
. i' .r. v la (niia nett rn n Vr Tt, rl'ib
; nt l4 by alia H
i.t.lrf, Vtiae W'tikip, toMuUt. a
i.-( 11 Hale', awl
i i a I i far li -ie i,
f !. aiHi i'u'tis, k';te Mva
I I (t?w,.l JviilMinul
let t tioiea a !.
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One Year Ago Today
in the War
German fleet appeared off Llbau, th
Ruehlen Baltic port.
Berlin reported lirltlah etlll falling ba. k
caet of Vpre.
Ruaalani retreated from Dunejcc river
and other part of their line In Call!.
Waehlnglon reported to have
that Oulfllght wa torpedoed while fly
ing big American fleg.
Lorimer Says He
Will Repay Savings
. Lost by Depositors
CIUC-AOO. My 4.- William lorimer.
former Vnited Hlate enator from Illi
nois who w acquitted by a Jury here
laat night of charge of embclemnt
and conaplraey to defraud In connection
with the fallur of th I.a Halle Htret
Truet and Having bank, began a new
III' today, h aald, th dominant purpoa
of which 1 to earn enough money to re
Imburae th peron who lot their av-
Inge through th fallur of th bank of
which lie waa pretldent.
"Th pooreat will b paid back flret,"
Mr. Lorimer ald, "and I will devote all
my Income, eioepllng what I noary
for rny family, to thl reatltutlon fund."
A federal Indictment, chaining mlaap-
plication of fund on thirty-! count,
Hill la pending agdnat Lorimer, but
United rate riletrlct Attorney Oym
ha aald he would tak no action In thl
matter until next fall. Charge a.mllar
to tlioe of which !rlmr h Juat been
acquitted are pending agalnat Jlerry W.
Hutilf, a director of the defunct I-a faih
trt. bank.
Lorimer' defrni w that th crime
with which b wa charged wer eom-
n.ltt4 by C, B. Mundr, flrrt vie rr.
lent of th bank and 11 actual manager.
Mundav U now rvlng a penitentiary
term for hi aetlvltie In th hank.
Knights Templar
Meet at Columbus
COLUMHI'D, Neb., May 4 -(Special Tel
gram.) Th Nebraaka Knight Tmplar
met in thl city today for th forty'
fourth annual conclave Th women
who accompanied the knlKhl are being
entertained while In Columbus by mem'
bers of th Order of Eastern Star.
Two hundred visiting knlshta ere tak'
Ing part In th fesl. Thurday at
o'clock the grand romniandery asMinbled
at th aeylum of Oethaeman comma n
dery, followed by a pared of th knight
In full uniform through th ally. After
th parade a reception for th knight
and their ladle took place.
A special entertainment for th even
ing wa provided for th ladle.
At 7:30 In th evening, a eslon for th
purpoa of conferring th order of th
tempi wa held by Oethaeman com
Friday night the annual banquet wlU
he given t th Kvan hotel.
Th totmater for th evening will
b: rr, Carroll D. Evan, who will call
on th following member for t.ot
When Knighthood Was In Flower,"
Hlr A. A. Brooks; "Growth of Knight
hood iu Nebraska," sir A. rVherman Pinto;
'Our Ouests, th Ladle," Hlr Oeorg
Wlllatt, jr.; "Relation of Knighthood to
Society," lr Meorg Moon.
Kaufman Captures
Mcuombs Trophy
COLfMBt'fl. Nb May 4-'flpeclal
TalcgTam.) Will Kaufman this afternoon
won Ih McCombs trophy from I A.
dates st the Central Nebraska (hooting
tournament by a scor of to 90, leav
Ing th championship of Nebraaka in
Th aecond day of th tournament
proved to be th beet of the two day
there being morelrap shooters preeent.
The dsy was perfect.
Condra Heads the
Conservation Men
WASHINGTON, May 4 -Electlnn of of
fleera today ended the three day meet
ing her of the National Conservation
Oeorg K. Condra, Nebraska state con
ervatlon roninilecloner, waa named pre0 .
dent; lr. Henry I. Hrlnker. president of
Ihlgh unlveralty, vice preeldent, and
Norman -clcn of Cleveland, treasurer
Senate Committee
Swells Pork Barrel
WASHINGTON, May a -Th nt
comuier.' cimiie today added to r
river and harbor appropriation bill II,
tat for conatriM'tlnn of a dlvcralon dam
In 1a Ac, ! haibor. A amended by
the commute the ineeaur would fin.
irlal atxiut tU.""", n Inmeaaa ul
l.-.taei.tew over the h"W blU.
Harry Lindsay Again
Supreme Court Clerk
I rYtm a lUaff Cnrretdat I
t.INrnl.N, Mar -iHi-eelal 1. ia4 i I
lUnv " Un.laev. ff f.neii
baa - a f I' il"
, , aa . il'ioiit.t ( r an "
.. , )ai Mr I id ht etrv't In
ih,t ta.i li lie h !--
!" a biaff ..!( .! t
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If ..( . . it t , , aia e.
I t a t S ' ' - a a . m i t
M 1
(lliM"V!i I ,, ) :i Tf
i a" t -ae -.taa ' - .
J''.t vl -hi - I
City to Try to Make Rules to Pre
vent Drowning! at Carter
Tb man who rocki the boat or
pMdf In hi little motor boat la
the waters of Carter lake will feci
the deterrent arm of the law thrust
out to grab him. Those who go
out In canoe during equall like-
vine will be placed In chain.
The recent drowning at Carter lake
Pioved Commliwloner llurnmel to ae-
rloimly consider regulations of such
portion of the lake lying within the
limits of Omaha. He took the coun
cil into hi confidence, and that bodr
In turn directed the city attorney
t' define the responsibilities of the
commissioners In the premlsp.
Attorney nine offered for Introduction
in ordlnnce which make It a mide-
mttnor for any peraon to navigate th
water of th leke In a careleaa, reck lea
or negligent manner, A fin from II to
Ii0 I provided for offender.
To Prepare) Halee.
The ordinance provide that th upcr-
Intendent of park may prepare eunrt
rule and regulation In hi judgment
may em proper. A ped limit will be
placed on motor boat, It h been ug
seated that all craft on th lak ahall
tear city llcenae number and reapoiial-
blllty will b placed In that manner.
Revocation of llcena probably will be or
dered In cos of second offenae.
Another propoaed . regulallon refer to
conduct of peron In cnoe, th uaual
requirement In other cltle being that
ocoupant of thl form of craft ahall not
How thlr shoulder to b lower than the
gunwale. rUIII another provision con
template requiring canoeist to pas an
examination tefoie being allowed to navi
gate. Cleveland Carmen
Accept Compromise
Offer of Company
CIESVKIaANn, May 4 By a vole of
1,121 to 4'jS the atreet car men early today
voted to accept the compromise offer of
th Cleveland Hallway company on th
men' wage demsnd, thus eliminating all
cham of a street csr strike her.
Th term s accepted by th men rail
for a wage lncre of ) cent sn hour,
effective at once, with an additional 1
cent Increa May I, 1717, and a minimum
day of five hours. The first year men
have been getting 29 rents sn hour snd
th other 12 cent. Th company eall
mate th dvnc will cost KX!,0QQ In two
years, which Is th life of th agreement.
Flood Conditions
at Muscatihe Grave
MCSCATINE, la., My 4.-The gravity
of the altuatlon In th Muctln dis
trlrt arlaing from high water in the
ItlaalHalppI prompted sn almost complet
cessation of business st Wapello, Is., to
day. With the water lapping th top
of the levee baud of citUens ar try
ing to wall out the flood by mean of
sand bag. More than MMW aark hav
been placed between her and fort
The otith part of thl city la now
five feet below th river level, but be
cause of th strength of the levee here
it I believed little danger exists within
th city limit.
Backwater haa cused ceasatlon of ac
tivities In the fsotory district In the
east part of the city.
Moro Steamers Are
Taken to Kirkwall
I.ONPON, May 4. (Delayed by Cen.
sor.) Th following steamers have been
taken Into Kirkwall by the British J
thorltlei: Norwegian liner Krlstlanlafjord. from
f"ew York, April "3, for Chiieiians. wl'h
a general cargo, malla and pasaengers.
Norwegian steamer trlefnnd from Ne
York for Chrlstlanls, with a cargo of
petroleum and naphth.
wediah stemer Atlnten, New York,
.rll U, for Gothenburg, with general
Th American tmer Krlndlll. which
strsnded on a reef north of Itonabtahay,
Orkney lalanda, and was refloated, la an
chored at Kirkwall.
Pago Sees Early '
Prospect of Peace
WAflllN'TPiVV, May 4 -Thomas Nel-
l"se, Aniefbatl smbsaaad'ir to Iialv,
ha saw I'rpal.lanl Wllaon, aald he a
nn tmme'liai prnapect foe p,- n
yn. but believed that when pe.-e
rania II would he S'ld len, Jual as the ar
aa brgua. He Oimnht a e arniKd t,t',
low great vb'toty lie did ni IhlnH
that effiiiu to me.tlal ami: I be ),
rnnvrd at thia time
More Russ Soldiers
Reach Marseilles
!. . ..,,1 ,,( nf UnillH - !lf ar
)er h a iimieg avl ra.eiej
' 1 1 "ai v . 1 .'r (it'll
, b" '!' f l t l lb 1 a n , el
v. ait.'s if 'V l.. . . mt
44 t'a lantla ilir tah'a-4 s,ii
I . .,. a . ,. ) ., x , , . s
alalia Vfi Ih it-ll' tsa ea I . (t
" ' I- t a i a a t h t
lm a a - lis- .i '
"a '.. tea . '.tin
.,.,!. . i ., nt a . I (I I a t .,.1
' a I at a ' . . a I a a
! W. . 1 . a I ... . 1 l . . !a
nit! wiuimuu tapiiai.
tkaia4t, t,
Ike liaaii
t a- 1 .4. - . . i a a 1 ' a
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i - a la a f't u
k it.aia,
t a. a, uoaitim a t i,, H"l
rnrr nrr, r.UATM PTJTrv A V MAY h inin
Westinghouse Head
is to Have Meeting
with Strike Leaders
FITTSBiriKill. fa.. May 4.-E. M.
Herr, president of the Wi.lnghoue
Electric and Manufacturlns company,
avhose plants ur closed because of a
strike of 13,000 worker for an eight-hour
dny, told a committee of atrlker today
that he would be unable to dlsoutt a
ettlemcnt with them until tomorrow.
F'ederel and state officials are endeav.
orlng to bring the company and the
men together,
.While almoat a thousand state troops
were on duty in the Turtle t.'reek valley
and condition about the cloaed plants
were quiet, unreet wh niantfestod In
other parts of Allegheny county. Keven
hundred Pressed -Steel C'sr company em
ploye Joined the t.Onf) already out, The
sollce were guarding the factory of
the MrKlnney Manufacturing company,
where girl strikers attacked thoae who
refused to Join them and ducked one In
a horse trough.
The plant of th Aluminum Company
of America, at New Kenalngton, wa
abut down tody by a trlk of about
!,IW worker. The trouble began sev
eral days sgo when twenty machinists
demanded ten hours' pay for eight hour
Britain Hcgrets
Slight to the McAdo
Party at Trinidad
WASHINGTON, March 4 -Colonel
floosevelt' reception at Trinidad during
his recent West Indian trip quit cl!pd
that arranged for Hecretary MeAdoo, who
came along a llttl later, to the British
mbs4or, Blr Cecil Sprlng-rtlc, per
sonally paid a visit to President Wilson
today and expresned regret that through
a misunderstanding among local officials
th ertary of th trury had not
been received with ermony appropriate
to Tils position.
Britlah officials learned to their amass
ment that th governor of Trinidad hid
outdone hlmeelf to make a demonstra
tion for Colonel Roosevelt, but sppsrenlly
was little Impressed with the coming of
Hecretsry MeAdoo, who wss returning
from the meeting ef the Tan-American
high commission at Busno Ayr.
The ambassador's explanation cloaes
the Incident, If It was on.
Railway Magnate
Refuses to Tell of
Political Deals
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 4.-Mlllon
If. Hmlth, preeldent of th !ulvlll
Nashville railroad, testifying today st the
Interstate Commerc commission's Inves
tigation of th road's affairs, declined
to anewer any question concerning cam
paign contributions by th railroad to
political parti or candidate In Ten
nessee, Kent j ky, Alabama or elsewhere,
II refused on advlc of hi counsel, who
held thet the commission had no author
ity to make such Inquiries under the
cuate resolution directing the Investiga
tion. Joseph W, Folk, chief counsel for the
commlaelon, announced the commission
would sppeal to the courts to compel
Mr. Hmlth to tell all It sought to learn
sbout the roads contributions.
Long Overland Race
for Cavalrymen
NEW YOTIK, May 4.-A KO-mlle race
for cavslrymen was snnouneed Udsy ss
one of the features of the military and
naval tournament to be held by the Ns
tlonal Guard at Bheepshead Bay, May
2rt to 71. There will be no change of
horacs and the men will carry the llght
eat poMslhle equipment. Bach rider will
bear a measage from hi commander to
th military authorltle here.
Th competitors will start from Wash
ington, Roaton, Ithaca. N. Y.i Syracuse.
N. Y.; rtutland, Vt; Manchester, N. II.,
and Altoona, Pa. The maximum dlefance
to be covered within twenty-four hours
la seventy miles.
AMI'S, Is., Msy 4,-tffpeclsl Telegrsm.)
- rtnas C. Klniilcum, Ames Pclenr freaii.
man of Ie Molne, left college laat Fri
day to Join the American Legion of Ca
nadian force fur Trance, fie I dying In
Winnipeg lioepltat a a reault of an at
temnt to commit aulcldo. 11 wa a 1 'It 1
lelt Theta fraternity pledge and wa II
jcais old. Fraternity knew little of hint.
Wife Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham't Vegetable
Pet Miine. Iowa. " Four year egrt
I wa very i It ami my life wa nearly
aiit. Th uVUir.
sUtax. thttt 1 wnul'l
never get W. with
out a it t'perauon
v that without It
I Hil I tvt ll-e mi
jffr My husl-anl
uli)eeti t i i y
ri-erat!n ami K"t
tiie .ttiu( I ji-lia r'.
I',..i L a . ,
j . ,. I in nam a get-
I . ,! ! l iet i.iiin. I !
L. .. '. n ennien"vj
.t Ret t"ltl n I ) 4V.1W Wil, 1t
stiHil an. 1 1 to itit ny own h...iew.
I fan re-.Mi..o tS ejreta!.. tim-
jl'M'il I aivy Wstrnvl wh I ti ki sn
lurt ,l,'n at a a I-r r ,' rH(t!i Sm-I
e'lh reat'lr. My I u-l t,i I t t
liail.l I t a.; (la. n f (ra 4 ' thi
f It h- i ! taW f.'S "r i'iU'.4
( aPa-ui I " Mi I'll H JKIIS
h', J vt , Ve S,'Ih, ,ia,
i, f I' niilt i g 1 1 1 !' .! ' pr.
! It IS ta t t l i 1 1 I n., I ti't Ih
fn'a' tnt 'l f'-t'-' H l isogs.
ttirM ,th I )it I '.t i,l,ai ( aa
let I ii . 'viii l , II l et a.l ntn
Wviloin ( HI uli l i fa
rll lit lite I IU :, IMtikhani
Mwillt ln I f., I ttM, fr
hU4)-U ttiU Uvvufi-trMlUt
Liebknecht's Arrest
Cause of Further
Trouble in Eerlin
I.ONX)N, May 3,-The arreet of Karl
Mebknecht, the oial!t leador. In con
nection with a May day demontratlon
In Bi-r;in May 1, caused great excitement
among the workers there and led to a
freeh demonstration, which was s'to
pretaed by a large tody of police, sc
'ordlrnf to. reports from Rerlln for
warded from Copenhagen by th Kx
rliarmo Telegraph company, The dlapat h
wlds that it Is blieve4 that th German
government will bo compelled to releaa
Dr. Mobknecht In order to prevent a revo
lution. It la stated that h was nrreted
while addresalng a peace demonstration
nd that it "'s a violation of the mili
tary regulations for him to war the ci
vilian clothes In which he ass arreeted
as h 1 a soldier.
J, H. Conrad.
AVOCA, Neb., May 4.'Hpeclal,)-Jk
H. Conrad, a pioneer reeldcnt of thl vi
cinity, died Monday at an Omaha hoard-
House Apparel
Ilaseitnent IWirgaln
A Sale of Aprons
With or with
out bib, .
A "pedal
bibbod apron,
A coverall apron
of Amoakraff,
Special House Dresses
Thompson, Dclden U Co.
Special House Dress (PI
A Time and Money P"
Saver. Hemstitxhed Pillow(Cases,
45x36, made of' extra
quality bleached muslin,
20c each.
Five Hundred
for Friday only.
mm mr
La 1 It t . "VI
.. 1. . I ,f I I i
ti aaaaaa Wuu'4Wlletlfiaae
tal. Mr. Conrad was one of the well
known men of thl part of the county.
He leave a widow, five son and on
daughter. The body was taken to Ne
hawka for Interment.
Telegraphers of
New , York Central
Will Not Strike Now
NEW YORK, My 4.-Definlt an
nouncement wa mad let today by II.
11. Perham, preeldent of the Order of
Uallway Telegraphers, that no atrlke or
der would go out tonight a had been
planned to the 6,000 telegrapher and sig
nal men of th New York Central and
Nickel IMate railroad.
This decision wss reached after G. W.
W. lianccr, federal mediator, had prof
fered hi service In an effort to termin
ate the controversy arising over em
ployes' demands for better wag's, a
shorter working day and union recogni
tion. Mr, Perham explained that he wss
sending a telegram to th union leader
In cltle along th railroad line to Ascer
tain their attitude toward Mr. Hanger's
offer and that replies were not expected
until tomorrow.
JHo Fasliion CDtilerof Ike Middle
stdblalied 1886uJ
Friday, We
New Spring Suits
Correctly Tailored
in Authentic Styles
-tor $25-
This is a very timely
o f f ering that .will
commend itself to "all
women desiring dis
tinctive clothes.
No Charge for
Alteration Service.
Genuine Half Price Sale
Friday of--
Five Hundred Trimmed Hats
Any Trimmed Hat in our Millinery Depart
ment, Second Floor, Friday, will be sold for
half of the original selling price. All goods
marked in plain figures.
These Prices Friday Only
$ 7.50
$ 5.00
with their strong traction tread mvc you
a surer grip on the road and enable
you to drive with confidence and safety.
The Price Is Less
than that of plain tread styles of several
other standard makes.
The bjKKest jfrrvlce omaniation in the
industry (more than 100 Fisk Benches,
is back of every tire, ready with Fisk
FREE SERVICE for every dealer and
tire usfjf.
The Fisk Runno Company
Cal CHSktt; (Wee FitU, Meet.
Omtb. Urtnc h 2403 Frnm St
KhM IKt- I CO Cu4M
IN wnnn li 111 'Mi in mi ea mm iieiiiia-ata ,,
; i i n I tt i ! i i ( ii i M i . : i i ; 1 1 : -; '!" t , ., In 1
x f : ; r ( i f i ' i ' 1 i ' 1 : ' ,' '
J.-w1.-iiHfl inrvf r kv i IV
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House Asks General
Board of Navy to
Explain Its Figures y
WASHINGTON, May 4 -The general
board of the -navy was today summoned
lay the house naval committee to explain
what republicans contend are discrep
ances in the board's comparison be
tween the navlea of Germany snd the
fnlted States. The issue arl.ies on fig
eres prceented by the board to show
what is noceeeary to make the United
Ptates the second naval power of the
The board has figured the grsnd total
of cost at $7X1,441, M. It Involves more
than doubling the number of offkare
and enlleed men end estimate that ta
equal or urpss Germany the United,
Btaies muat have lx mor dreadnought,
ten battle cruisers, twenty-one more
scout cruisers, eighty more deatroyere
and seventy-eight more submarines.
The question of what foreign shlpal
have been started since the war began
has ralacd perplexities.
Th heaviest cannon used at th time
of the American revolution were eight
een pounders.
6 CO,
Will Feature
$ 7.50
$ 5.00
$ 3.75
$ 2.50
! : i ; j ( 4 i , ,. , i 1 . . ; . 111.
., V"l;t ;( I'M'.liit
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