Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1916, Image 1

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    4 Daily
Call Tyler 1000
If You Want to Talk to Th Iter
or to Anyone Connected
With Th Hce.
VOL. XLV-XO. 276.
.;i:XIX(i, MAY
5, lDlO-TWKIA'K lA(iKS.
Oa Trsdn. at MotJ
Hwe Standi, t, M
Ihey Split Over Federal Volunteer
Army System and Government
Nitrate Plant Amend
Hay Tells President House Will Not
' Stand for These Two Pro
1' 1 ni 1 iA'.rv. 44.... i .4.
It 1 I.U 1 ,Ilt 1. V. Ull-
forces on the army reorganization
bill late today disagreed on Im
portant features of tho measures und
adjourned until matters In disagree
ment ean bo taken up In the house.
Tho roeks on which the committee
broke were the federal volunteer
rmy and tho 1 1 3,000,000 govern
ment nitrate plant amendments
adopted by the senate.
Up to the Uiiie of the break,
'hlch had boon forecasted, tho con
feree. hud been making good prog
ress on the regular ormy reorganiz
ation and reserve features. They
bad tenuthcly agreed on a Htandln.'
nny In tlnio of penr-o of 10, 000
Wen, 4 0.000 more than ttte bouse
bill carried, and an clastic organ
ization sehemo contained in the Hen
lite bill which would provide for ex
pansion In tlnio of war or threatened
trar to 220,000 men.
They also had agreed to the houso hill
reorganization plan for tlie National
Guard wliirli would provide for
Izalb.n of tliln rescue fere nnd H ex
pansion to approximately VftftH linn.
Ilii) Hers Wilson,
p picHiriutlve Ita.v, thttii'iiluil of t'l
house i inf. ices, ill.icus.iid the volume.'
army it- rve oi the senate 1)111 with
) Tf.i rli til Wilson. Tlie prenMnnt wns
under. d ir, favor It, (ilihoimh i.o stot"
rii" in twin mode rtiniulnit the conference.
JSeprciciit!itlt c liny it mill to hat told
tlii' in'til'inl tint th house would mil
rcpi ilio volunteer force. Thl elm
of Hi' n itn Iilll provide for a reserve
lofienl force 0r aprmrxhmitely 2n0)
cd'son ro'd i-vtj in addition in the Na
ticiul (.M ini
Champ. onn of tiio National G ittl'J
fueled Hull tie proi'Owd lv forte would
oP'th'.o lo tho IU:i1vnii(.'igo of tho flunri
and llitro n utrotii opposition to 'h
plan In both house and n'.nutt In t';
ft'iiHto t lie- wilt-ntcr fore? won by a ma
jot Uy if only two voir.
i llitll (In use lletalned.
Iitl'ifi'irn'l' e liny In hi talk will l!ie
ft' s; a!-o rib-cussed tho nitrate plant
feature and tlie president Insisted Hint It
should to left In the bill. Thla attltudo
Jf the pri sld'-nl i; undi rstood to h-iv?
pice p, luted ti e dlHasi'cment todiy, 1
tlioush tlx- other phusR of tli ilbmute
would hiue i-nuifd th bnk nny way.
It tin- pr aldeni rontlntieir to ini-t on
1h! nltnitp plnnt provlaton it wits d
Cltitvd iiiiotl'tr cl'ixli bctwern the eiceou
Ak find tie lio'Wj will onuti. Itopublie
n lire Htamliiiir folldly a-'iiiim tlie ill
lin'o prov'stoii, in.-iist lug Hint It Is btn
urped by a "watmponei" lobby. Miny i iil.-io oppj It.
W'AHIINHToN. Sloy t.-Printed for.n
Iflt! i. I'roscMlnx ttXHltiHt nny utop w bb 'i
unit it w:ir tlili ijcrmatiy lnS'i")
poiulri! In ly tin- Mniilciii.dH todny upon
nii'l.ll'l'l .- of ailivM hh the w-iiuid to
thf' ti li-Li .ipli prppuKaml'i whleli mm. ped
ilii' i iipitnl nnd tin' ti b ki;iiIi ii i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i
a-H wo k.
l.'w n ihi' iiiiiiH if n( th( i uiiRii winf n
" ir i ini' d on tin- iivi'loiOi and c ti-ry-tliii
i' snii' ,'vlil. urn ihut t hi- I' tti-rs b id
tu t ii Mipinnl t'V thtiioandi ami reqinn-d
Mil) V.llltrll n lllllltlll i', M'lllilur llM
tli of M m'oii,Iii, tvlin lias foutibt a I'.v
piii inn i.l of JhMicp Pit t .ilimilloil of t!i
r '' ao Hij.i . r Im iI b it. m toiUy bli li,
h: mild, ndil'd i t ulrii' t' ' to Ilia rl,.iMu
tint ii'.- Nun ill an KniburK" i onfirri'tii'
w a I lilial t :'i- ni"t i'ini-1 t.
Tho Weather
'lriiiirrurri at OitmWn lnlfnlm
.'i it. m
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president of "Irish Repub
lic," executed f os treason.
He visited the. United States
two years ago.
iSt yV
James Connolly, Fourth Man Re-;
ported Executed, is in Prison j
Badly Wounded. ;
Dl'ltLIN, WedneHday, May 3. --Justice
him been swift in the euao of the
I'tidi'in of tlx? Klnn Fein rebellion.
Three of tho ring-leaders, flgna
torlen of thu proelatnatlon of the
si.ort-llved IriHlt repnblir, paid tn
Ki-preme Hacriflcc tlilH mprnlng.
Tuey were Patrick If. Pcarse, the
tcholarly prcHident of the provialona't
gf.vernment ; ThoniaH AlacUonagh
nnd ThomaH J. Clark. Their death
BHitcnces wore pronounced by the
field general court-martial and were
duly confirmed by the higucgt
authorities. Of the other Hlgntt-toriet-!,
JameH Connolly Ih lying In
picon wounded; Sean MacDIarmad,
Kumonn Ceannt and Joseph Pltin
V.fU are oniewhere In Ireland,
whether free or captured, in not
p'tblicTy known.
Tiio ot'der I'-nrii'in in cimtody me now
beiim trli'ii with rnpldily. The A
oi:lslcJ VrciH ciirreHpondetit now n batdi
of the pilsonriH IriiviiiK one of the courts
after bid hk iMitrri ed. t'nlenH their rhi ery
appcarain o was forced, tiny evidently
had exvaped with more lenient ptinlah
ment than they IiaiJ expected. The g'ti
eral public van not aware of the xen
Hon of the rinulciiders until lalo Hit
evoninij and it waa not pomihlc to obaerve
tho effort of their punlehment upon tho
citizens of Dublin, who, however, for
the vnaily Rienter part were not In sym
pathy with the rebellion.
Modi of O'llrllley Found.
I.ONDOX, M.iy 4. OTteiily, one
of the rebel lenders, la believed to have
been "hot while attempting to eaeope
from tho Tmblln poatoffbu, nccordiug to
the tmblin correapondent of the Kxrlnmse
Teh eraiih conipHiiy, who, teb trraphlnit
on Wedncaday. aa O' rii'llly'y hixly has
been found in Moore Lane ne:ir the pnat
ortioe hiilldlns.
Tlier'"! were aoin. di.iui Pain i m In the
fouthttest of Ireland Tuesday, In which
some eahtniltie.i cu t urt'i d, tlie. eoi ri -ipoiHl
nit adds, but the rent of the rnutitry It
Head of Electric and
Water Companies ;
Electrocutes Self!
I P'HiT JIll'I'KlJ.-'iN, V. V.. Mat 4.-'
William i. Wbeel-r. e.-reliry and t;en j
eial jnaiwiii' t 'f tie t'mt J'ti -iani r.b-e- ,
tth; company, romiiittt,l nob ule today
by I'lii'dntf ha bamli on t1 e two omln i
j i In i re sit Pel r h t il i I lit ind e .! r
I I IP IlK lillil.' c!f
i l uli'll'-l iibj'fi, itd he 'liol l" rud
Whei'iir ind In , n wrrrtloL; ter"tit!t o' et -t'i
ilncne nil! ti.o.iyht Bi-nl' ii ii i
'i n (miii I't ii'iiMtia of ni' n I. ,i '-id
ll. ll i idi l.l.lHt ! ftlKillfJ HIlmliT
' i-.i i I I ! e il ! it., i,"-eti-
in i.rnrinl i,i'i;.:tisi'r tint t'oit Jft-
'"i Vt' cuiiipint nnd the Pnit J'mi.
, l: M t I I Oip-ll'j
Secretary McAdoo
Party Returns to U.S.
s I ,u tnl; l' st.W.-. . i Tha
'I .'.-. r III,. 1.-. ;':; IHi, if It
Sl-l. I, ' t I - '' I''tll I!--"41. 1 ftt
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..t.if i. tn .. f 'I- , mi tl i:
't.' ill ' '- ' ! . 1,
nr rint n t er rise
WllilWlU IU ' llfL
X? is-" j
: !
American Government Ready to!
Agree to Compact Between '
Generals Scott and Obre- j
jjon at Juarez. j
Main oin' in Agreement Drawn
Up by Generals at El Paso Are
Satisfactory to United States. I
WASHINGTON, 1). C. May 4. j
Tho American government la ready to j
accept In its main points the agree-,
inent for the future pursuit of Villa;
and hla. bandits drawn up by Gen-1
e"al Obregon, the ('arrana minister
cr war, and (ieneral Scott, represent-'
Irs the I'nlted States. Tills wih do-j
elded at conference today between
Prealdent Wilson and fiecretar)' i
IMker. ,
Secretary linker said thfl message I
of ItiKtruclion to (ieneral ficott would
go today, lie nald the neit confer beiween Scott and Obregon
would probably b the last, indicat
ing that it would be principally for
ft ruial ratification purpose, (Jen
frnl Scott will return to 'BHhlnRtoji
when (he eonferenepg are over.
Formal announcement of (he posi
tion of die American government
will not be given out. until General
( arraiua has had opportunity to pass
on tho report submitted to him by
General Obregon. As soon as that
ih done another conference between
General Obregon and General Scott
will be held on the border and the
negotiations will he formally con
cluded. While no official Informa
tion baa been received from General
Carran7.a officials here take it for
B'anted that General Obregon would
not heve made .".n agreement, which
.would be unacceptable to his chief,
Tent of .4 it rer in nil.
The aRieement provldea for the co-oper-iitlon
of Atnerlean troop, and Carrnnzit
aoldlera In ilearing northern Mexico of
hnndlla. Mexican railroad a will bo util
ized for the tranaportatlon of mpplle
for American tronpa. While no time limit
la Set for tho ulthdiawal of the American
troop from Mexico, that will be done a
in. u in there are deflnlio indioatlona that
AinerlrtSji'tiSrder' lown are no longer In
danger of raid.
Secretary liaker and President Wilaon
reviewed the agreement at length today
and He. -rotary aent a maaau to
Oeneral 8eott on the future .conduct of
the negotiation. ,
Offlelala chai ,'nierl.ed the agreement
as "aatltifactory.'' but would not tate
whether every detail wa acceptable.
V he.t the negotiation are ended Prea
Ident Wilton probably will make a
Kitchener Praises
Bravery of General
Townshend's Array
MiNPoN, May 4. In the Houe of
Lord today Field Mainhal FhtI Kitch
ener, tho Heerilary for war, warmly
eulogized Cetierul Town.'hend and the
defender of Knt-KI-Amara, nnd read
ib'i.eral Tow iikIii nd'a dl.ipateh, which
In .ih i dlottii;
"We arc plia.-ed to l;now that w have
done our duty and reeoRnlxe that our
Mt'iatiui) la one of II. e fortuuea .of war.
Wi' thanl; you, 'Ieneral florriliRe (com
tnaiider of the I Hit tf Ii relief ainiyl, and
all ranks of Ih. Tlsrl force for the great
efforts you nate mud to sne ua."
linmlnerit mart ation compelled the mir
lender uf K iit-Ki-Ainara. addi d Lord
Klt'lniier. ami adtei elements a loin:
denied , i n , e tu the rell"f .
Lorimer Candidate
For Federal Senate
s'lll(.i;n II. . My . -William lor.
liifi, .. ii;lll"d last n .Kht on chkres
, nun. i ted wllh Hie ' illiit of tli In
n l Mrei't 'trim! end r'atinxs btik. 'f
whi. t be preinlriit, announciHl to
day be wu ild b a candidate for
I i:l'-. I iat rnte, ti"U wnuli
h M4 iitlMted
"I tt It) l" Filter poiilU a .ton 4 I
hi,! i i d off ib't'osti't In the tsoW,'
h .i i,l I urt t tn iit on do hh Ul
.if fa il ! r- . iiy w 'ih n i
Berlin Says Zeppelins Wrought
Great Damage in North England :
tihii litl ' t t "
, . ' t. l r I ft 1 9 1 1 . i v t I 41 4 I
"( Ii f - ftu I I j
iltaui II lil', I'l o i"
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4 l iitll M fcfft' -i
East this big "Lizzie," as the gun is called by Tommy Atkins, is ready to fire upon the
enemy. The gunners are protected by a wall of sandbags.
' f. V'te.; !
Reuter'i Dispatch Says Inhabitants
Arc Moving: Out of the Capital
of Lorraine. .
l.ONHON, Muy 'A, Itei.ter' Ams
terdam cofieapondeitt telegrapba
that information which is regarded
hh trustworthy has been received
there that Metz Is being evacuated
by the civil population,
Mctz, the capital of Lorraine and a
city of about. (10,000, Is rated as
cne of 4he Mrongont fortresses of the
world. It Ih pbout fifteen mile
north of the fiKhting line iijid forty
utiles cast of Verdun.
I'rencli Verilmi.
PARIS, May 4.-Tho Mdtme if the
French In the dlalrlct of Inadnian Hill
on the Verdun front, waa continued dur
ing Hie night, Hie war office announced
thl afternoon. Tho gain made yester
day were Inoreaaed mid consolidated.
A a conaeq uencc of tho French artil
lery preparation at I'eadman' Hill yes
terday, the atiitement aays, two tier
man surrendered, stating they were the
sole survivor of Hie men in their trench.
Klae where west of the Mouse there
wb active flighting with artillery. An
engagement with grenades occurred In
Avocotut Wood.
Near Vaux, east of Hie Meuse, there
was an artillery riieounter,
French artillery ib'Htroyed a munition
depot at litiiiKC, Hi lKltim.
(ierma n Admit lleverar-,
IlKRI.tN, May 4.('ln London.) It
offle a'ly annomiced t It t li e Fremh have
cbtainoi! a foothold In i no t the tier.nnti
advan.i'0 posts south of Fendmiui Hill.
Anthracite Miners
Accept New Scale
I'OTTM 1U.F., Pa.. May ( -The out.
tuition of antliiiii lie worker today by
a llsliiu vote nuned I o aceut the ree-
mi-lit teii ptly k , it hi d l.etwi n the scale
column to of i.iiiiim ui,i npi i atnr i. The
j new ttiiHe Hi-Jilt, nil. I'll;; ' lii' r lutlceinllM,
i provide for icci n.-e. v. njji'j, mi olKht-
hour day and reco tintinii of Hi' union.
It t ike the pl'c of the hki n im nt
wl.P h evrXieii on ilauh .it iinil will be
retroiatite to that Onte
I'.M'ii.N. My I -U.ui i i olb . ted !
t'oli-ull lirlietat i, !, iii-l' loiw llml
pull-, iriilll Hie poll ,,f l."hloii I i Hie
I mi. , Mnli i .1 ,i tn (I,.. f'l i I i. r
liomUia ul tin ;. i ii ! t . Pi l " 'I
l; u'.Mil i.n r IJ' i n, l , p"l'dlli p. , , mI
(l t- iii. 'i ll.' it i- H'l"' w.i ti'.f
lilrf'y (ii.ttie ii'.rlo.i ,,f tildi- . k- .
t' the Itiltlnl, ti'ie k .1 !
! H ' ttt I. ai 4 i
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Eight Republican
Candidates Engage
Rooms at Chicago
CHICAGO, May 4.-Ileadrii(irlet for
thirty stales liavu been engaged at hotel
here fur the republican national corn'rn
Hon and eight presidential candidate
hate eiiKHKrd mom for hcadn,iiHrtera ht
the CoiiKiesa hotel. The latter are Theo
dore Kooxevrlt, ! V. Sherman, Chatlci
W. Falrbaiika, John W. Week, William
Alden Smith, Theodore K. Iltntnn, Henry
1. Faliihi'ook, A. llnrall and Albert U.
Cum tn Ins,
J. M. Sullivan, Ex-Minister of U. S.
to Dominican Republic, Charged
with Part in Rebellion.
LONDON. May 6. James M. Sul
livan of New York, formerly Amer
ican minister to Santo Domingo, has
hern arrested in Dublin on the
charge of complicity in the Irish re
bellion. Mr. e'ulllvan alled from New Votk latt
July for Liverpool with hi wife and
son, saying be w going to Limerick,
Ireland, lo vill hi mother. He ii'd
ho expected lo ba Back In New VoiU
by September 1.
Shortly before he lalled Mr. Kulllvan
was virtually asked to reaign hi poal
a minister to tho Dominican republic,
tho result, of an lnvpatlKtlnn cn
dueled by a comiiilaiilon beaded by feiil
lor Phelan of California. 'i'eslliuoiiy
taken hy the commission durlna It In
t "Ktitiatlon Into Imminlcan affairs waa to
tlie effect that the milliliter was Inter
ested In contracts in which other A mer
it ana were No evldcliio IU
loiind Hint he bad profited.
The I'ommls.iiou appointed by the Htttte
ili I'.i 1 1 iin nl found Ii" bad been guilty of
liiilo-'Ti'tlunn which Unfitted him fur hla
place, On July :'3 It waa aiui'iutii ed
In, had 1 1 iluiii 'l.
ttiillivan bod been a lawjir for .lack
ItoNe, one of the umhleiA in the Itumu
thai nun, I' r ease. Ills ppululnient t'n
1 1 ally in i redileil t,i former hm ietary
Hi van. wlio In loukiiiK for a pl,e for
lorn ttiiiti Heci'ltec lii'iit-ral Vb'k In the
I i"ii,li,k n 1 jn III.' Uhklna "what posl
linns ,iu bate at tour ilipi,ul wllh
whlill tn tetttid doervlua ilemoctiitn."
.-nllltiiii a einiii rated 010 11 by He, -ri
arv Itrtan, trnt the , Iuiik'h ialit
1dm would not down nnd a r-eoinl Inii'-i
t'KHtlon ru'llted in liM reb:iitlmi Me
iifhtiiii w it l'iin in KIllHMot. ItiUnl.
Mercantile Marine
Takes Bift Drop
,1 V i !l Mn I Tiinat. .line In
i ii ,t,. i, ,i Mn ninlif Mtilne "i.trn
I . ,. I linll!,' IH 'ill ,111,' t ','
v n iMk tih k hi,i' 1 .'
f ii.l of the ii 1 1 1 itif .
I - V, ul ,..( ill Itlinoe l 'l of
, tmi iin 1 .mi, .im ', i "
'11 ..i't i' ti 1.. i-i.-ii. . .1 H'ti,o
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1 , , I' " , ,,, i . ' A I ' IO 1 'I
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Chicago Milk Wilson
a f CI ' t
Drivers May Strike
' "
" ' " '
' "" ' '" "" ' "' " '
' - .
4 i.i.i'i. 1 .1 1 . 1 -.
hi " ' ' ""-' , ' p 4 if'
Be Dedicated Friday Will
Bring; More Hog-i to South
Side Market.
A ferry Is lo be established at
lifdlevue to itohh the Missouri river
Into Mill county, Iowa, which the
btiHlneHS men of Omaha, and espe
cially of the South Hide, believe will
br'ng MOO waKon loads of hogs to
the Greater Omaha market that
would' ordinarily go to Chicago, or
Home) of the other marketa.
Th boat la all built and It I expeolsd
Hint by Friday It civn be dedicated and
II. K. 1 Ionian of Dellevtie I Ih man
who ha built the ferryboat, Installed the
cable and I to operate th Institution.
"The bout will carry six flivver at a
time," Mid Sir, Human, "or four of Hie
laraer ear. It will carry three to four
waKon load of b'oas at a trip and I can
cros the river In eluht minute."
j Lose HI ruble.
Mr. Human started a little ferry last
year, but mot wllh bad luck Immediately.
The government anaaboat asked that the
cable bo either raised or lowered o tbat
tt might get by, A Mr. I Ionian hsd not
made advance provlalon for raising the
cable, hlah enough, hn chose (0 lot It down
to the bottom of the river Instead. The
boil did not crosa that night and o the
cable was left on the bottom longer than
II should have been. When Mr. Horn 11
attempted lo raise It, it had become
covered with sand and he lost the cable.
He now ha a new cable and a new
iboet. The name of the bost i "Th
Fontenelle," In honor of thn Indian
1 chieftain who followed the trail In that
region In the early days.
; Mr. Human, Henry C. Murphy and
I other H0111I1 Hide enlhualaata visited th
i Commercial' club, the Auto club and
'other liilll.ilt Inn to nllct I he necessary
I financial aid to start the project off
ilnht. They met with Biireess nd with
, enthusiasm. The automobile 'people re
unvioijs that the ferry get started be
cause It will open niither fine drive
'over tho hill nf low. The live stock
Int. nut of the Houlta Hide are anxious
, because It will tusk a twelve to four
' teen-mile haul for wagon ling to th
liiittliet, wberea I hone boss have In th
1 past come fni U -two mile by rail to
.rro the hi Ida and b switched back
down to the hIim k ysid. or they have
, gone direct!) 10 I'blcwi or Kalinin City
! Instead.
j Year ago Mr II ,1,1110 opeiatrd small
gaaoline boat here, known a the ' Wil
, Ham J. Itran "
Damaged Relief
Ship is Beached
I,, iMmiN' Nlsy 4 Tberf nn seeing to
.. Iitti il ..II llil lirest Iilll, n !ii
.U tin . ai,ip'e of ll'.italid klul ad"l'l
the dltlUM ll' ,IHO I'lHII,' I
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American Ambassador Reported to
Have Visited German Forcijrn
Minister for Purpose of
Receiving Note.
Washington, However, Fears Im
j pcrial Government Will Mak
Answer Conditional.
I1ICUL1N', May 4. ( Ity Vlrelen-.
to Hayrllln.) James W. Gerard,
American ambusHador to Germany,
hna Just called on Ilerr von Jagow,
the Herman forelun minister to re
ceive from him Germany' reply to
the Apiericsn note concerning sub
marine warfare.
IIF.ULIN. May 4. (By Wireless
to the Associated I'resa, Via Tuck
erton.) The reply to the American
note on submarine warfare Is be
lieved to have been handed to Am
bassador Gerard this afternoon.
Considerable perturbation Is ex
pressed over the effect which con
eegalons may hav on public opin
ion here,'
Dr. von Helhniann-llollweg, th
imperial chancellor, undoubtedly
will have tho great mass of the peo
ple with him In a desire to avoid
a breach In the diplomatic relations
with tho United States, so far as ran
bo done without serrlflclng the prin
ciple enunciated in the German
manifesto of February 8.
He turn lo llerllit,
The eheneeiior, with Admiral von
lloltrendorff, head of the nvl gcniaf
tff; !r. Karl Helfferlch, th creti
of the treasury, and other participant In
the council t headquarter, returned to
Hei'lln early thl morning.
The note with tt explanation of tlm
German attitude toward the British
"atarvallon" policy, will be one of toe
longest diplomatic document of the war.
It will be reiaased for publication hern ,
In all probability on Frlduy morning. .
Heplr I'enred Conditional.
flnrmatiy's ma til feat o of February to
the principle Of which pre ihapate.'ios
fi'im llerlln Indleatn th tmpe;lal 6')
eiinnenl adhaiea In tt reply to He
American note I assumed hy offlcals -t
the tt department to be tha nremornn
dutn of that date, declaring that In fit
tin e al armed tnerolisntshlp of belliger
ent nallonalltle will be considered w ar
able, mlijeot lo attack without war ,
trier. In plle of Hecrelary Lanilng's flat re
fiiKnl to dlseusa th contents nf a dlspate t
itcelved Udy from Ambassador Gerard
It became known late today that In xltt
of uoh Information a haa been received,
official and unofficial of the govern
ment fear that Clerniany ha attached
Condition to lis reply that may make It
Impoaslble for the United States to con
tinue diplomatic relatione,
'antog .va'
In a a memorandum, prepared at the di
rection of President Wilson and mad
public a few day after the dispatch of
the last note to Germany, Secretary I ti
ling; re-stattd the American attitude to
ward armed mi .vhntmen, declaring th it
they should be considered and treated nl
peaceful veasela If their armament i.t
carried and used (or defense only.
While official would not comment on
the Herlin inference to the nianlf'-st of
February I, thev reiterated that thn
preldent waa prepared to aland unalter
ably by the position taken In th leaf
note. Tho not, which wa designed to
penult of no argument, gave notice that'
unless Germany Immediately declared
ami effected an abondonment or present
method ef aubmailtie warfare again'
aengep and freight-carrying vessel
tho Culled Htte could not do otherwise
(bn aever dtplomatle relations,
Great Britain Will
Try Daylight Plan
t.OStiON', My I -Th Swedish
att-mr Frldlnd, which w rep.irte'.J
trMi'idsv In a damcged crtndltlon u I
in lot nf th I "itch temer Httl IS',
ih ben beached.
The tridtaiid whl'h was tinder eht
Irr t the American coi'iinlion for i
Id f in IM.l'i'ii wa ml a tnt.g front
rnri:ud. M . wllh a t arg l ef f.nK) tun
uf Mtiest f ir l( ttei lnt Th t ,
IV In llrl ilm-41 h I ,nl, at
( ro.,,11, s). l, fri l'sit l w beio j
I is"l t't Iti iii 'Mtli of the Tbote
Over 5056 Gain
In Paid Want-Ads
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