Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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oociety Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
"Little Season" Will Continue Un
til Field Club is Formally
Opened, May 20.
"The little aeon" wilt continue on
until May , when the Flld club will formal!, and It la rumored the
Country club will have an Informal open
ing, rroccdlri ttwlr formal launching on
May 37.
Aalde from omethlnn (Jnna for a turet
atraylna; In between now and the Ah,
things will be rather qnlt.
flut there ar great cxpoctatlom and
"The Country clnb aeaaon'' U oln to
ho brlflher. marter an more dreany
nun ovrr nrrnro aimpiy dazisllng evening
"fiiaalng" and tunning' aport toggery
for day wear.
Thin haa left the aeaaon Iwtwwn ICiiater
and the opr-nlng of the country cluba
merely a snatch of time to bo found p r-fr-ctly
fit for the really aerloua aoclal
buaine of tha outdoor aeaaon.
Departing Guests.
Mr. and Mn, Clyde A, nerktr,er of
Kidney, Auatralla, nnd their daughter,
Vlvlenne, who have brightened thlrina ao
much thla werk, are l-avi,g Thura'lay
nooi and are booked to mill on the
Niagara from Hun Franclaco May 9 for
ihelr home. Th-y will mop off at Hono
lulu for a week to make a tour of the
Thla afternoon Mm. Hurry Weller gave
no Informal luni'lieon ul iho Cnlveralty
club for Mia. HerUm rrntnor. The itueala
were the hoKtenaH at the varloua affair
given for the honor guet thla week,
The decora I Ion will In, lavender awect
i-aa and Mr, nuaarll roara.
Mr. and Mlra, Henry Cox gne a dinner
nt their home thla evening for the JSerk.
tra,e.r to aevenloeii gueat. After the
dinner Iho party will go to the home of
'Mr. and Mra. If. n. Imen In Coiinell
liluffa for an Informal houae dunce.
For Miss Bowser.
Ml Mildred fiowaer of Fort Wayne,
Tnd., lioiiae gueet of Mlaa MirJorle How
land, will leave Kriday for Portland,
Ore., where ahe will he the gueat of
frlenda who arc planning many d'Hunt
ful affaire In her honor.
Mr,, William It. Wood gave , Ultle
luncheon at her, home thla afternoon to
a few girl frlenda of I lowland In
honor of the Port "Wayne vtaltor. Fol
lowing the luncheon, the Miaaea Beatrice
and Irene Coad had the hoateaa and her
Kiteat at tea at the Fontenelle.
Mr. and Mra, Clarence Klbbernaen en
tertaln tomorrow evening at their home
ft bridge In honor of Mlaa Ifowland'a
May Day Party. , ,
A May day danelng party a given
In honor of Mlaa Haiel birth
day at her home Monday evening. May
day docoratloia were uacd and thoae
jirenent were;
Meaara. and Meadamea
I'. I,. Kernan, W. V. Ktraan.
J. K. Kernun,
M laaea
Kathryn lowle.
Frieda flaai.h,
lleaalo ToIUti,
Mary Hayea,
lieaalo Hopklna,
Lula Iaraen,
Patrick Heyea,
Crene White,
John M'lOrath,
Carl hoehl.
Itonald Kernan.
Miaaea -
Clara (Jood,
Katharine Martin,
Verrta Derby,
Imrotliy Kernan,
Jnez Kernan,
jmo Jtowen,
Howard William.
H. II. Thomaa.
Joaeph Adiwalba.
Jaek Olmrreulur,
M a I era
flobert Kernan.
Social Gossip.
Mra, Arthur Crittenden Smith, preal
dent of Nebraaka chapter. Colonial
iJamea of America, and Mra. Warren
llogera are the Omaha repreaentatlvea at
the national conference, which opena in
VTaahlngton. I). C, today. .
Mr. and Mra. Charlea F. Weller re
turned thla moridng from a week In 8t.
lynila and a abort visit with old frlenda
in Keokuk, la.
lecturer Entertained,
Mra. Anthony French Men-ill of Chl
edgo apoke upon "The Ideal of Kquallty"
thla morning nt the home of Mra. J. ML
1 uiugherty.
The lecturer waa given a luncheon thta
nflernnon by Mra. It. ileecher Howell,
ahnrlng Imnora with the mother of tho
hoateaa, Mra. ft. V. Chuae. Ten gueata
vote preaent.
Pittsburgh Guest Honored.
Mr. Ward Itrowna and hla alster. MUa
flrle llrowne, gave en evening btlrtgi.
of four Uhlee at their home tonight for
Mla Harriet Ileapenhelde of PlttMcirgh,
loioite guent of Mi.ia liilllh Hamilton,
Mlea llfpenliei.le will lee Friday for
Hi. ltfi, where ah will llt her eleter.
On the Calendar.
Mra. Joint A. Mefthana will give an In
fornml luncheon at her heme Th)irdiv
afternoon lit h"or of Mra. Anthony
I'leoi h Merrill of t'hb ago
. ...
Woman'i Relief Corps Affair,
l ift-. n hi inhere of '' tiei-ee A t'ua
irr Woman'i Iteitef rnrpa aiwnt yeier-i
liv H ih ei,l r'vl,ol charter mm '
i.r f the '"rt'. Mi Mrv M-hno j
M J i.atl.Aii I d ' W of Ihe (.!( A ,
iter . ! .e tl ! t'f lha flr
i m anl pii lolialf e I he p'l. he pi ;
., i,t. ,., ol'h a lk4 ta
L-i .f tl r'-a. 'I ! '' r m alu
!.', e,-r !,. . (it gi.,tl t. Mra t ''- ,
.'ii .'t,ftit, thi I latMg ! H ul
a and a ie t la Mlli irt "III
'i. tiiii.'it ae afaol to o'. l tin
, , I,. t,( I ife.l
Matntre rftlM
vlfti,,. a-, a at It "i ,m I
. , ti ' M f
' t e i t ' ' t i '( m 1 4
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i. tvi h t,t tl
TlTl Tin I TV TI n An mim 1
Timely Fashion Hint
By Z.A Kzcoimvfa.
A distinctive autl la ahown here do-
vcloped In black groa do londrea. Wldu
black velvet ribbon and colored brocade
Tested Recipes
whipped to a gilff from. Hake fifty min
utea In a loaf pan. Ice with a boiled
Two cupfula hot rleed potatoea, two
teaapoonfula butter, one egg yolk, one
cupful cooked iptnach, chopped; one egg,
crumbe, aalt and pepper to taate.
Mix potatoea, butter, aeaaonlng and egg
yolk and beat thoroughly. Shape Into
ball, roll In crumba, dip In tho allghtly
beaten tgg and roll In crumba again.
Fry In hot deep fat and drain on un
glazed brown paper. Make a hole In tha
top of each and Inaert gome of the
One tableapoonful gelatin, one-half cup
ful cold water, one and one-half cupfula
chicken itock. two tnifflea, one can
ahrlmpa, one tableapoonful capera, one
cupful cooked peaa.
Soak gelatin In cold water five mln
utea, dlaaolve in the hot chicken atock,
and let cool. Cut Irufflea In allcea, and
uie for garnlahlng a 'flah mold (placed
In lco water), dipping the tnifflea Into
cool stock, and holding In place till aet.
Cut ahrlmpa In plecea, and mini with
truffle trimmlnga, chopped. ,To the atock
add ahrlmpa, chopped truf flea and caperi.
Flit wet mold with mixture, and chill.
Remove from mold to bed of crisp let
tuce ' leavea, and garnish with peaa,
droaaed with French dreeelig.
Three egg whltea, one-quarter cupful
at ra, wherry Juice, atrawberrlea, two table
apoonfula augar, aponge rake.
From aponge cake a day old cut amall
rounda and toaat them. Whip tho egg
whltea to a froth with atrawberry Juice;
add eitgar; pile on the rounda of toaated
cake; brown In the oven. When ready to
aerve. place two ripe atrawberrlea on top
of each.
Three-quartera oupful dear, very atrong
coffee, three-nuartera cupful cream, one-
third cupful augar, one-third cupful flour.
three egge, pie cruat.
I Put coffee and cream In a double boiler.
I Ml augar and flour together and drop
'into the hot liquid, beating It up rapidly
I with an egg beater. Whrn It haa thlck
laned add the allghtly beaten rifg yolka
'and ccxik ftva mlnulea more, pour Into
a baked pie aliell. Make a meringue of
I two of the remaining egg whltea, aweeten
j and cover pie lirown in a hot ovrn.
One ran a!men, fur tableapoollla
melted butter, three aa, on" half cup
!ful fine bread rmm't, all and pepper.
Prepare the aalmoit. vtng tha liquor
for the iuet a id melted butter, rruml
iwpper and ivlt to toeiu and finally tha
;l beaten egg Put In a bnur.J
'mold, at In pan of bt atr. cover
and at am la tha im f -r one h 'ur. f I.
1 h,g pn with t-.illi.g water M !; avapo
' raa. "et In 1 1 tee a mlnite and
. t rtt e t Parve wh trie f..i;,.ing a na
; Mtvn
C"t ejfil nlla, i" tab''i"eiif'il
i tetr.iltti k, una ti.lHK af.. bulier,
A Womnn't
Greatest Kncmy
ft dtr Jt.ifit ! . .v,-. tl; r t I'
t r, 'I it l'a lfi'l
f -r I n 1 1 n
r pT - na l 1 111 ttur'f uujel
'M, tli ama i f t' r I
itaiil.r it ti. 1 t htti
re's f 4 I li-4e 1 I ih )tr
K.r(n ut tp
la cleverly combined to trim thla pic-
nffulr. The ballon aleevee and
moti liquor, one egg, Juice of one-half
Heat, milk to boiling, and thicken with
the cornatarch wet In cold water. Add
butter, ealmon liquor and beaten egg;
take from fire, aeaaon and eland In hot
water three mlnutea, covered. Add lemon
Juice, pour over the pudding and serve.
Helect medlum-elzad tomatoee, peel and
allce off the topa. Remove eaedi and
pulp. Invert and let drain for about
thirty mlnutea. Fill with chicken aalad,
gtrnlah with a! Iced ollvea and paraley
and aerve on lettuce leavea.
(All meaaurementa are level unleaa
otherwlae apeclfied.)
Two cupfula augar, one-half cupful but
ter or three-eighth cupful manufactured
shortening, foua egga, one cupful milk,
two and two-thlrda cupful flour, three
aquarea chooolale, five teaapoonfula bak
ing powder, one-halt teaapoonful aalt,
one-half teaapoonful vanilla.
Cream the butter and augar together;
add the well-beaten egg yelk; then
alternately add the milk and the flour
alftod with the baking powder end aalt;
atlr In the melted chocolate and vanilla;
and then fold In the white of the egga.
621 Residents of Nebraska
U,"l ft' L' i- raa- W jeWS-yJl W'M
At HroaJwiy, 44th to 45th Sttwu the center of New Yerk'i waal
and butitvtt activities. In
j We have been roaitint coffee for years. Today we
are roasting an Immense quantity of the best .
coffee In the world. For this reason w believe you will j
b intrtexl In th "Don'U" w h found important.
rnrt buv rnff,o which la?
Ixn-n fijxiHfHl, Like butter,
coffrn a,KMirt" fxm, and n
flavor it quickly inijurvl.
'Hifii yot p t an inipid tlnnk.
(lCt.r , roff. that h lh'al
i an Rir t i h t rnti.
IVitv'I .uy Urr quanlitii-a
of riffM at a tim,
h rupnlitialr rlran.
iK.rtt u. th. sam mill t
jtit wi t frirtd fciron
Harry Weller Suggests Solution
Which May Be Taken Up at
National Meeting.
A heretofore) uhpropoaod posalble
goliitlon of the problem of Involun
tary past Uotarlang Holarl; is who,
by no reason of their own, through
change of classification or removal
from the city, lose tholr metnber
sLIps, was advanced by Harry
Heller at the wefkly luncheon and
meeting at the Hotel Fontenelle.
Mr. Weller auggeated that Involuntary
paet Itotarlana be given the Rotary wheel
for dlatinrulahed aervU-a aa a member
of the organisation and. although not
. , , . . i i. . t.
being al owed to vote on club affair, bo
flvcn all other prlvllegea
Too propoaal waa put In ti form of
a motion and acconded, with the ldc
that it will be put up before the Inter
national convention of Itolary cluba at
Cincinnati In July,
The Involuntary paat Rotarlan queatlon
will be one of the Important problem
to come up before tha Interna tonal con
vention and the Omaha delegate may win
the honor of aolvlng It,
The luncliuon at the Hotel Fonlcticlle
had a practically 100 per cent attendance,
The principal addreaa wea made by
C. W. V. lxnjcke of the McKeen Motor
Car company.
Two new membera, W. R. Wood and
C. It
gllah, and poaaibly a third, John
V. I.elton, the new manager of the Hotel
Fontenelle, were Introduced,
"Jack" Litton la a former member of
the Oalveaton and Atlanta club and a
booater for everything Rotarlan.
Daniel Baum, jr., prealdlng a chair
man, who Introduced Mr, Itton, averred
that the new hotel manager came to
Omaha probably more itrongly recom
mended than any member from another
city ever Introduced to the local club.
To begin vocational guidance work with
Seventh and Flghth gradera next year,
a well aa with high tchool atudrnt, la
the plan of tha vocational guidance aec
Uon of the Aaaoclatlon of Collegiate
Alumnae, which haa already eatabllahed
auch a bureau In the Board of Education
reitni, In charge of Mlaa Myrtle F. Rob
erta. At the final meeting ef the lection, held
Tueaday at the Toung Women'a Chrla
tlan aaaoclatlon, Mia Kan Franklah of
the Central high achool faculty waa
elected chairman, auooeedlng Mlaa Eliz
abeth Brenlzer. who haa left the city.
Mr. Hubert Owen la tha vice chairman;
Mr. Paul Hnaa-land, secretary, and Mlaa
lone C, Duffy, treaaurer.
Tha executive board, including Mra. Ed
gar Scott, Mr. Hoagland and Miaaea
Jeaate Towne, Ellaabeth Rooney and
Duffy, waa continued.
Mlaa Alice Buchanan gave a talk on
"Vocational Guidance In the Settlement."
"Art Praotlcally Applied" will be the
object of a talk to be given for Central
High itudent today by the art In
atructor, Mia Lillian Ruderadorf. Thl
la on of a eerie of talk arranged by
the vocational guidance (ectlon of the
Aaaoclatlon of Collegiate Alumnae.
registered at Hotel Astor
during the past year.
1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Stngla ftooma, without bath, ftjoo to S'j.e
Double ... ) .o to 4.0a)
Single Room, with beth, j.oo to 6 oe
Double . . 4 00 to 7
Patlor, Bedroom end bath, fio-ootal o
dote prourmty to ail rilvy terminals.
V' ' '
frind MM AHA MAIh Hut
iihrr brand, m it dl impair
Employes of Firm
of M. E. Smith Have
New Welfare League
The employee of M. E. Smith A Co.
lave organized a welfare league for ao
clal and benevolent purpoae, and tha
organlrallon aturta with more than 40
The purpoao of the lengne ta to aanlt
juembera In time of airkneaa or aeeldent
by providing not only free medical at
tenilnnce, hut alao wenkly cash benefit
ilurlnx dienl lllty. aa well na a auba an
I in 1 death benefit to be paid to the bene.
(Ii lnry of the member ho may die dur
lug n.emberehlp.
The ftrm of M. K Kmlth Co. haa
nyide iho league a coah donation of
ao that It xtiiria lth a g,odly rash
balance In t ie tren'urv. Th monthly
' discs, which are email, w ill build tip a
hnndmmin aurplua. It la believed.
The flrat election of member of the
governing board, which will have charge
of the affalra of the league, wna held
Tueaday, and the fo lowing were elected;
' "
Char ea Herbnt, O ert Wurri, I.. P, IMiah-
r.e:!, Mlaa Kriima Hanaen, Mlxa Anul
Novak and Mlaa Jemilnga, Mr. C, W,
Iluaaell, vice t realdcnt of the connmny,
haa cotiaented to ecrve on the board In an
dvlaory capacity.
Business Women
Discuss How to Get
Rid of Their Money
When a atald member of Ilia lluaineaa
Women'a club roae at the meeting Tuea
day evening nt the Voung Women'J
j ('"-latun aaaoclatlon and augg. aie.1 that
How to Hiiend Money" ehnuld be a
auhject for dlacuaalon tient year, the
other member llatenad rlecornualy. flut
when abe continued, "And I think we
(hntild dlacuaa waya to Inveat money, a
well" the audience went off Into gale
of laughter.
"If nt had the money, you "an bet
we'd know what to do with It," waa the
conaenaua of opinion.
Mlaa Belle flllae waa elected prraldent
to euereed Dr, Nora Falnhlld, Mlaa
Grace Grant la the vice prealdent; Mlaa
Mable Kendle, treaaurer, and Mlea Jennie
Nellgh, aecretnry, The Bualnoa Wom
en' club number alxty-flve member.
"There hna been uch a drain on the
whit carnation market for Mother' day
In the laat few yeara." ald John II.
Bath, florlat, "that thl year the plan
put forward I to wear a white flower In
memory of a mother who l dead and a
flower of aome other color In honor of
a mother who la living."
A finely executed painting In oil, "A
Torrent In Walea," baa been preaented to
the publlo library by C. N. Diet. The
gift waa a aurpriae to Mlaa Edith Tohltt,
librarian, who found It In her office
when ahe arrived In the morning.
Dublin, the capital of Ireland, waa an
ciently called Aahcled, and la eald to
have 1 en built In the year 144.
i n :
Fireproof. Xaropeaa,
lth and Capitol,
State Trade Specially Invited
Room, 91.00 and $1.80
With Imth, $10 and I'p
Cafe the Very Best
Topular Pritre
l '!. ,m
l "' ' ' f'
t t l- t t.ut
t I ..l ' K.4
It 1 1 .!.
iliij'ts Ik ana
I ti a f "n
.rikf kir-'i j jrtiti 1 -1 , v
:'iLU III I I fiL . J Irri
Ui. m imm
VI . V; ll J . . a tmmmw m.m I JT jf I
3 fW cottage MUlc" V.A
it it r .. j 1
V -V-V7 Vv
The dentifrice you'll be
years from now
Tootli Powoe
Pripartd by a Doctor of Dental Surgtry
Send 2c temp today for generoug trial pack
age of either Dr. Lyon'g Perfect Tooth Powdef
Of Dental Cream.
I. W. LYON ft RONS. Inc.
rt77 W. 27th St., N. Y. City
Will 9avo You Money
' - - Ti ' a
W Alt' J" lrTe
1515 Ppjifc
The quality of our furniture is UNQUESTIONED.
Juat Get Our PricesIT PAYS.
afiaif't. 1
This Elegant Tapestry
Wo have just jilneod on our floors a car of this hih
KTivU tipliolhtrrfd liviiiff room furniture, A long lino of
thm hig oonifortablo Davenports, overstuffed in clastic
felts nn hair fafinpc, in every shade of tapestry in soft
color tones. Ask to be shown every one of these. Yon can
surely suit your own individual taste to the smallest detail
out of this assortment. Tlic Davenport here illustrated is
full 70 inches in length, very deep scat, covered in a beau
This Large Over
stuffed Rocker
Open for
A Limited Number of Pupils Will Be Accepted
Baldrige Block, Room 21 Tel. Douglas 6531
Two Frm Scholar thi pi Giotn
Congultation Hour! It to i Monday and Thurtday
"And six cans of
Cottage Milk"
Dnn't just say "evaporated milk"- say
"Cottage Milk."
OruYr Cottage Milk by name, if you want
Uu milk without the nronounceil (laikttt
t.T4e. Cott.iL-e Milk i-t himpl fresh, pure, m h tow'a milk
vnh nurt of tlic iuui:tutc removed by evitiairation. Vou
(.111 ilt'iK'nU on
ii,- imKiIiU , (taie i-l , ! Vuilki'
N't "l IH " I I I n l I I Oaii M'' V" t
n ,tt 'i t-t- r i'.ufc.i ,vt,A I 41 u.
l' 111 I V'! k.
tu . ((, u at .ui ..t. it ,. , 1, .t.ii,
. a .Mii uni is;, Ik, aiiv ( i .-kn., u
1 j il. .. ,i
V ft.-, ft ( . ( n.i,.n M a a . I
I a . . ,it il .V
ft 4 t (
. . . i
glad you used twenty
Thofc's A Reason
mm n in , n nrjM
$36.75 V
tiful tapestry of grey and rose
mixture. The price is $36.75.
Arm chair and, big roomy
rockor, Hko illustration, in tap
estry, $11.50 same chair
and rocker covered in heavy,
genuine Spanish leather, for
$27.25. Ixiok over tbo hun.
(irctls of pieces in this section
and note the design and tho
coverings, both in colors and
quality, look for tho low, plain
figure prices on each piece.
1 IB' jrjk
I's tional Mfhtun.
, , t t at ti t a i .
. , . e, .. . t.-.- i r t
m i ' I !' ' I M.e
, tt.ftt. ) U a a ' "I
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, -i (, tt. t- . S ti. .. ... .i - -
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u i a it i I
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Irt lrulU . a
't !" '1 tfea f ' I
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m lu.r i ? Ml '
A J ( a km i f t i . j a . I !.
t- thai i i-.t ef
1 tr i'f . t"1 ! -A I
Ihf fUtor,
I'on't forsi try our ,t; -i c.fft Omaha Mil, ,
t pn l'lt jron irrba.
K4ttJin Qmthti y
C .j. 1
a . " tl