Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Troopers Go Up Mountain with
Knivei in Their Teeth in
Battle of Temochic.
iHy Motor Courier to Columbm, N. M.,
,My !.) Th?r wa man to man flghtlng
nnd some of the Americans went up Hie
mountain side with knives In their teeth,
during Colonel George A. Dodd battle
with Vlllisias on April it at Temochic,
"It wait the devil's own play ground."
Tilt ae Colonel Dodd's description f
the tcrrlan of thla battle In southwestern
'hihuahua among towering mountain!
Mhere 1.V) bandits aought refuge.
For two hours Dofld'a troopi of the
Seventh cavalry, K, H. I and U fought
from an Immense hollow, with bandllb
n three sides, charging deliberately over
marked ground with bullet puffs In the
dust all about their ft, where the Mexl
sns had their exact range. They ac-
ounted for at leant fifty bandlta killed
..i wnunded airainat an American loss
r,t iwn dead and three wounflwl. O
Mexican woman waa wounded by bandl
Handlfs Kle Hurriedly.
Two nights before thla fight, the Amer
icans overtook the bandit at the Yootilvo
mine, where they ware lying about camp
flreii, telling the natlvea atorlea of ho
I hey claimed to have whipped Amer
icanos," at Columbus and at Guerrero,
They showed big lumps of gold and
silver taken from Mexican town an'l
melted down, which they asserted were
spoils of war. Shortly before midnight
an outpoat ran In breathloaa, exclaiming.
Los Amerlcanoa are coming in."
Srorea of dark forma leaped through
the fire light, bugle blew and In ten
minute the whole bandit command had
galloped out of town. When the cavalry
came In they found two American mining
men, a Mr. Kecferth and another who
had paid $2,0W" ransom to the Vllllstaa,
and whoae Uvea probably had been aaved
by the Seventh arrival.
The Americana eeld the band Hi were
led by Candelero Cervantes, Jeu Del
Rloa, Cnu Domlngue and Manuel Haca,
who waa killed th following Hunday
after the fight by a Mexican.
Among them were followera of Julio
Acoata and General Beltran. They were
remnant of all tbo beat known Villa
commander" veteran, and all that time
at 1eaat the last known band of Vllllsla's
remaining bad men whoae nervo had
riot been shaken by defeat at Columbus,
Guerrero and Augua Callantea.
Saturday afternoon at 4:), Uodd'a men,
rrlvlug at the aouthern rim of the hill
forming the cup In which the town of
Temochic lie, saw the rear guard of
Vllllata riding out of town, Ahead of
them they hw the main body of the
hsndlta waiting behind rock to glv but
tle. A machine gun waa placed to aweep
this ridge while the American rode
down Into the cup In pursuit. They de
mounted In town, advancing on foot with
ilfle ready, led by Troop U and accom
iiiinled by th two guide.
America a 'Trooper HM.
While tll In town a trooper waa hit
nd mortally wounded. The ahot came
from the flank, from a cave In a moun
tain averlooklnf Temochic, Out tf big
adobe chimney the troopa pulled' a,
nlper. the only one caught In the place.
Beyond the town, Troop L advanced
to within range of the crest aboveThey
crossed the rang In abort rush, lying
down and firing, then advancing a few
yard. Colonel podd with hi staff rodo
through thl anno of fire, while bulleta
fell within a yard or two of every man
until they reached a email knoll beyond
Ihm tnlWfft li"rOm tiara riodd directed the
fight Another machine gun waa brought
up cloo to play on tne rorce ai mi
ret In front of the knoll. Out along
the American line a trooper wa lying
on hi etomarh firing. HI comrade aaw
a bullet etrik forty feet ahead of him.
In a moment more a third ball atruck
him In tha head, killing him. A lieuten
ant lying among hi men, directing the
fire, wa wounded.
Mexican' rlr t keeked.
Meanwhile the American had gotten
,i,. ... .r Km MexitAna on the Trent
and checked their fir. Several freshly
made grave on thla eret, round nru
a.u L.tirioH to the American' aim. One
Mteslcan loader on a gray horaa rnde
Into iglit on thl any tin nan a unwm
tlmea, but seemed to be a charm against
bulleta. Hla grey mount waa the laat
livln ohlect the Americana distinguished
before darknea ended the fight. Thla
hor wa found wounded next day at
u.nin Tnmaa. where Manuel Baca, the
Vlltli.ta leader waa killed by I.ondro
Alvaret, a Mexican paclnco, ror tne pne
of twenty allver pesos, about I.' American
money. The Mexlcana aald th hors
waa Itaca".
British War Craft
Disabled During Raid
' llEr.UN. May l-llly Wireless to
Tufkrtiin.-Th British cruiser 1'enelope
... .a badly damaged In th naval en
gagement off th Hritlsh coast, which
fallowed the Oerman bombardment of
liwettoft on April that It cannot be
it-paired, according to report revived In
Holland, as the Oveea New agency, ,
Th frlttli cruiser I'er.eS'p" l
; cf I )!. ft !. built at
trmw III Wtl, t' main armament con
.1,1 f two Inch and at f.ur-ln h
,!ivt, ilh four lrrdn tut It t uf
'Its Arthue flat, t' Awthu. ItMlf
!, i ln ma lull l-teii afir I
.iiifcut a tiiln ttt lb l ng'i
A .-ki.m edmtraU l-t en A!1l IS
id that a ftMtUH rul.r f the Ar-
lnn la h4 e tS itir i't fie l4'W'
i tM an Wt wiih a twrid i frm
l u Mla mII1iIHi all I l irin, of
I i'.t a . f i.i
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MISS ANGELICA BROWN, packing: French wax kit, one
of 200 notable New York society women to see moving
pictures of themselves packing kits for the Lafayette fund.
The pictures will also show the distribution of kits to the
soldiers on the firing line.
One Year Ago Today
in the War
Th Riuialan began a goneral retroat
from th Carpathian.
Italy denounced the Triple Alliance
treaty with riermiiny and AiiMtrla.
fetrograd admitted enemy had forced
paaaage of the Dunajec river In Oiillcla.
Allle reiumed offennlve In the lmril.
nelle. advancing Into Interior of tjttlll
poll penltiaula.
Turk, after two day' fighting, e-
verely defeated by ItimaJan In Khori
Pulmon region In the Caucanug.
Dr. Karl Liebknecht,
German Socialist
Leader, Is Arrested
B Kit LIN, May l.-ny Wlrelea to Say
villo ) Ir. Karl Mebknecht, the nclIUt
eder, w arreated on My 1 In connec
tion with a May day demonatratlon in
Berlin. II wor civilian clothe when
Th Overea Mew Agency aay that
th dlaordet In connection with th May
day demonatratlon were not (eriou and
that th manifeatanta were quickly dis
persed by the police.
"Many Inhabitant of th aouthern ub
urb of Berlin were called to a meeting
at I o'clock In the evening In I'otmtam
tiiar to celebrate May day." th newa
agency aay. ' Soma few curloua person
wnt to th much frequented quar, but
were easily dlaperaed by th police. Nine
a r reel wr made for disorderly con
duct." Aa Ir. l.lebknecht la a aoldler, an In
vestigation of hi conduct by a military
tribunal was ordered, Thl tribunal
caused his arrest.
Unofficial dispatchea from Kngllsh cor
respondent in Holnd and 8wltierlnd
ay th May day demonstration In Berlin
assumed serious proportion, One dis
patch give a report tht twenly-flv
persons were killed and wounded.
Similar reports In the past have been
characterised In Berlin aa false.
tir. Mebknecht has aroused much oppo
sition by tils sever criticisms In th
Helchslag of th German government,
and recently waa expelled from the -cUllst
prty In th Relchatag.
Strikers Attack
Harvester Plant
flUOAno, May S.-Ivral hundred
striking employe of the lnterntlonl
!lrv(er company today stormed th
trador plant on thn west l.. A rt it
fall waa snt In by th r"'l The strik
ers wor driven brk within a short tlms,
Tw men r rfrted Injured.
Awordtng ( th polls about M men
sbnotied tb faetmr building with attoMa
and slime une p,..nisn at lb eat
ketd them ay with hi rm until "i
rrttl tf reserves, wbsit th ink'-
i rn.tud. U'll lianisi A tne,
th ld
An f'"it Ufon th t ef l '
knl f arbitration !- '! th slum
U unlr r Ab-ut I'm1 ni-l v fr mm
lb lttni aid l.'iVn! a Uis if
tb c.n,rt r .
t V Hrothe Siln
t m iiv: M m r . i "i . mv i '
.. eulfUl,!er, ttniyi . TH' V;
SS lSt KS IH!tl -tt4l fw' s. i
l . 4. t .'ll l-i t till '
fv)-te t-l lni. S.-M I he lii
H-t iM i I . '
Absolutely Kcmovca
I ml 1 U C S tloiU Ono v.u .igtf
pruves It L'.'c at all t!ni.:i u
h , U'f Uikl
i rieni
m mi m
(Continued fruin Tag Ons.j
lean food to th french civilian popula
tion at th town In which the !ial(iiar
ler I located and In the neighboring vil
lage. They also conferred with mernbor
of th Amerlcn commission for relief
In Belgium, who arrived on a special
train from Brusnols for that purpom.
They also visited the German front. Con
ference and thiuia aide excursions took
up every moment of their stay, during
which they were guest at the residence
of th chancellor.
Waahlagton la llopefal.
WAHIHNUTON, May 1,-Tha announr.
rncnt from Berlin that new and deflnlt
Instruction r to be given to German
lubmnrlti commander i the first posi
tive Indication of how Germany will at
tempt to meet I'resldent Wilson' final
demand that It declare and effect so
abandonment of the present mathoda of
submarine warfare.
Whether the new Instruction will meet
the term of th last American not and
thu prevent a break In diplomatic relit
tiona can only be determined by a close
ind careful examination.
President Wilson is represented by
those closest about him aa unshaken in
hla determination that th lain I not
negotiable; that a settlement cannot be
delayed by discussion or aide Issue s ich
a the British blockade and retaliatory
measures; that the controversy between
the countries can proceed further in di
plomacy only If Germany effectually
atop destruction of ahlp without warn
ing and tukea measure to bring Ita sub
marine operation otherwise within th
confine of International law.
With a declaration that auch orde-a
hav been given and evidence tht they
will be called out In good faith, the
president la willing to discuss th con
duct of aubinarlne warfare, but only upon
that basis.
The nswa that new Instructions to sub
marine commander will ho announced
served to encourage hope of a favorable
outcome of the long dispute, but Ml
comment Is being rejerved until th
neweat Oerman communication can
thoroughly conalrtered.
wears you out
I bad kidney and etomach trouble for
several yeara and lost ovsr rt pounds In
weluht; tried everv remedy that 1 could
and got no relief until took ftwamp
Boot. It gave tii quicker relief than any
thing that I ever used. 1 now welsh 1
pound and am alrigtng th praises ol
lr Kllmsr Hwanip-Uot and recom
mending It ium to all who ha stomch
and kidney truubles,
ltie.'tfiUv ymits.
f. r. MKNUKNHAl.I,,
M.Nll, Arksnsas.
r! iWrt,4 ,n.l sworn to bofni lit, a
itM iii-lk this ;,"ih day ( .Utr h.
Hl J W. HMKa,
Nli libll
Pr. anwsf Ce ,
Btttita, T T.
r tii4i).iaratM
n, t-n ..! i.. Klimat f,
I Kl' ... N X, . a MinpWl
. u It ill vt.iuta snvtifu t SlI
si. i. i a b-'k(. t al,M m.
fi.CH tl li.g '. ! th lilny taj
t I e. .4 i . moti
t i, iik l'iii It g
I fit . .. I . " t w!t!s v
i an )' i .
' I K 't Aii
-' '''.
MiM t k t ,,t
Former Bookkeeper in Iowa Na
tional Arrested by United
States Officer.
DKS MOINES, May t. -(Special Tele
gram. )Accused of making false entries
In book uf Iowa National bank to hid'
a shortage of about $:i,0irl. A. I.yle Brad
1 '. i(ed Ti, former bookkeeper, wa ar
rested by Deputy I'nlted States Marshal
Vanlwrwilt last night.
Tie was released on $1,000 bonds and
will be arraixnnd before United Htates
Commissioner Fitrjilmmon. Brad ley de
. tared that ha will waive to tha feJeral
grand Jury to escape publicity of a
pi:blln preliminary hearing. lie refused
to comment upon hi arrest.
Brad;ey wa dlschsrged from the em
ploy of the bank three month ago fol
lowlrg the dl-ovr it the ehortaie. Thu
shortag wa created In small amounts
taken during a perlJ of two year, c
lordlng to rprentatlve of the I'nlted
ftate. Fidelity and Guaranty company,
who signed Bradley' bond a bookkeeper
In the bank.
Ivelltrates Mratertoa fire.
Th tat fire marshal I investigating
Hie mysterious burning of the barn of
Tom flcott, a farmer near Perry, In
which nine home were burned to death
last Wednesday night. No clue as to th
origin of the flra ha a yet been ob
talnod. Tba two horses stolen from the
barn were found wandering along the
rOHtlalde near Boone. It I thought they
were abandoned by tha thlva after be
ing hard pressed,
'asi-ad Branch Mna Case.
By a decision of two to on the ritate
Bosrd of TUIIrosd Commissioner today
refilled to recommend th making over
of th Cascade branch of th Mllwtuke
from a nsrrow gauge to a standard gauge
road. The malority opinion, written by
Commissioner John A. Gulher, waa con
curred In by Commissioner Jam II.
Wlon, but Clifford Thorn, chairman
of the board, dissented. Figures sub
mitted to the board by th railroad as
sert that In 191 tha road waa operated
a' a loss of $17,607.0, In 1913 th deficit
was tl,770 and In 1812 $23,H2. It I clalmod
that to change to a standard gauge road
would cost $451,1111, without changing th
grade, which It i eUlmed la Impractical.
Or If tha grade wa to b changed the
cost would amount U $(kV,,21tl.
Hale Against ( blroprator,
Th supreme court In a decision handed
down today affirmed the district court
of fttory county, U. E. Fry. judge. In it
finding (gainst If. A. A. Edmunds for
practicing medicine without a license.
Kdmund la a "rblroprctor."
Slay Open Coal Mines.
Coal mines may be reopened at ftawn,
la., on the nock Island some fifteen mile
southeast of De Molne. Several yeara
ago there were thriving coal mine at
thl point, but they war worked out and j
the field abandoned. It I believed that
there I still coal to be found In paying
quantlttr there and a company ha been
prospecting there of late.
RB Folic lor Help. I
Mrs. M. Q. Minolta, 1$ year old, a
brld of a few week, deerted her home
for the police station last night because
of trouble with her own mother and hnr
husband. She asked tha police to let her
lay at the station awhile. The attention
of the police was called to th daughter
and her mother, who were quarreling on
th street. The mother declared her
daughter had been guilty of misconduct
nd li wa trying to correct her. The
daughter waa permitted to remain over
night In tha police matron' ward.
Bny (Ittaen Rank Stock.
Brenton Bros, of Dalla Center, bank
er, stockmen and farm owners, have
fTHc You may trust his honesty his f
T , ability, but can you trust him to I f tV'-'M J-y I
IndlViaUal Ih-e? This Company because of JWPS
TniStee iU financial responsibility, per- I Fi SlMfl
Immmwm manency and experience would ffi . ,t::i -V'jiJ'IVhnWyiAiJQi-wU w yftV
be the ideal Trustee under your ffi,V S
Will or Voluntary Trust. J i f '
1 "$&M ' I it-yant to Hire ' .
1622 yARNAri 3TWgET ! j 'l J
1 j r--03rains and
JPt l Pat Your "Help Wanted" Ads I
V The Omaha Bee
pM&rGtn1t v telephone y
After spending an hour or two
playing" tennis, you will cer
tainly enjoy a cold bottle of
'Phone Doughn 1889 and
have a case tent home
Y :: V. 1
bought a large lntcret in the Citizens'
National bank and the KtaU Saving
bank, Clyde K. Brenton, cashier of the
bank of T)alla Center, the younger of
th two brother, wa yesterday elected
vice president of the local bank and will
enter upon hi dutlc at once.
flamed llody t iildrnllfled.
After futile effort to establish th
Identity of the man burned In a straw
stark near Rising flun a few day ago
th county coroner yesterday ga order
for th burial of th body in the potter'
field. Th last to look at the body wa
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Btephenon of Mur
ry, la., whoe on, Honry Stephenson,
dlappeard three wek go. They ld
th body was not that of their on.
Shillington Is to
Represent State
At Peace Debate
Friday evening th Interstate peace
contest will be held In the North I'rtsby
terlsn church, Twenty-fourth and Wirt
streets. College of Nebraska, Iowa,
South Dakota, Missouri and Kens will
compel In th oratory. The winner will
go to Lake Mohonk, N. Y., to represent
the western group In the national peace
Nebraska will be represented Friday
venlng by Waldo H. Shillington of
Crelghton, who recently won In the Inter
collegiate contest of Nebraska.
The contestant from the different
states and their subjects are;
AVoldo K. Shillington, Crelghton univer
sity, "The Foundation of Peace;" Clarln
don Haringhurst, Kansa university, "The
Coming Conflict;" Francis Case, Dakota
"Wesleyan university, "The Modern Para
dox ;" George V. Price, Wllllsm Jewell
college (Missouri), "The Suicide of Civili
sation:" Joseph A. Miller, Rlmpon col
legs (Iowa), "Th Paramount Issti."
The orators will be limited to epeeche
of fifteen minute' duration.
LONDON, May i.-The sinking by a
submarine of another neutral teamshlp.
the Spanish vessel Vlnrfreda, 1 reported
in a Lloyds dispatch from Corunna,
Bpaln. ' On member of the crew was
The Vlnlfreda, 1,441 ton gross stid 2 ' F W
feet long, was built In Sunderland, Eng- Ok. I s , rt
land, In "99 and owned In Blltiao. , jfeJS, Mf&X
Several Killed in
May-Day Peace
Riots in Germany
LONDON. May I. "Sortoua troufil I
reported to hav occurred In Berlin and
tlss wher In Germany on llay day," say
the Amsterdam correapondent of the Ex
chango Telegraph company. "Vai
crowd compoaed for the moat part of
women of tha laboring classca clamored
for peace. The crowds were dispersed by
the police and many person were ar
rested. Two women were wounded at
C'hemnlts, Saxony."
A Geneva teleirram to th Central
News says:
"During food riots at fxlpslr the po'loi
killed three persons and wounded reventy.
"In rlo s in f f vlln It Is r-norte.d Iw.-nty-ftve
persons were killed urd 100 wound d."
i,'viarlmon t Ordrra.
WA6IIINGTO.V, May 3,-(flpe-ial Tele
gram.) iVa!lsc E. Kanflln has been ao
liolntx'd posirnaster at Lyman, Ulnlah
county, -,v yo., vice C. O. Cherry, r
tnovfd. Th Postofflre department ha accepted
the proposal of W. T. Walla to lease new
quarter (or th potofflr at Coyd, Wyo.,
lor ten year, from July 1,
Contract for carrying mall In fiouth
Dakota from May 1 to June 30, 191S, hav
been awarded follow: Hlson to Btool,
to Hsrvey Carr of Hlson; frum Hrennan
to Albany, Neb., Alexander Le of Brcn-nan.
Tho Faslnon Gnler offno MiddleWesl,
S0RQSI3 The Finest Footwear
Announcing: late arrivals
of Fashion's finest and
most notable style crea
tions. ,
Different and distinctive.
S0R0SISdesigners have
never created a more
graceful, charming model
than these Colonial Pumps
which we have sketched
a Pair
Boudoir Caps
Dainty drsiffnH in lace,
crepe de ohirie and fiilk
also lace and ribbon com
binations; colors, white,
pink, blue and lavender
50c, 65c 75c $1,
$1.50 $2.50, $3.
Third Floor.
'flw.'.i.sfi"liS 'lsMiw)''i''ii'S SyWMi.lLiW.MIWW.W
llr wh1 mil HottUd ly
Jettcr Brewing Co., Ltd.
Bulgaria Not
' Trying to Make a
! Separate Peace
BERLIN, May t-(By Wlrele to ?ay
vllle.) A aeml-offlcial telegram from
Sofia characterises aa untma tha r-
port recently circulated that Bulgaria
waa attempting. 10 arrange
"Th Bulgarian telegraphic agency de
clare untru the rpcrt that a 0nvs,
government minister st Bulgaria. M.
Tonohew, and th Bulgarian attach for
8wlterlnd, M. Tchrvenakov, together
with a Turkish delegate opened peao
negotiations with th entente." th Over
ana Now gency says. "Thl fala ru
mor probably .originated In th trip of M,
Tonchew and M. Tchrvenakov to Q
neva, where they had busine which
wa In no wy connected with war or
peace." ,
Official denial wa mad In London r
cently of rtport that ml-of(lclal nj
gotlatlons wr In progre with a vUw
to arranging a geparat pc btwn
Great Britain and Bulgaria. j
Irland's largt city and principal tn
dutrial center Is Belfast, which ha )
population about jual to that of Ne
ark, N. X
The New Summer
McCallBook of
Now on Sale.
Beauty and originality
on every page. Price only
20c, including any McCall
Pattern Free.
(Stwttm Stole
optical ro
rmmtW W Jra
I N I (Cawll , At 14) n
9 Wag at