12 Want-Ad Rates 1 - CAM WITT OWIl -c fr word , each Intertloa pacta! Ittui Farm and Ranch I.and. 1e per line Insertion (Count U words to the line.) FOREIGN AnVKlTfTBINO UNDER AUENTS OR HELP WANTEU CI.A.BSIFICATIONS; !c per word one Dme lic per word. ..three consecutive time CKAHaB BATKSI li pw Due one. time Vc per line. .. . . .three consecutive timea (Count U word to the, line.) VQ AD TAKE If FOB UM TA A TOTAt. OF BOB 0 TZAH 100 FX PAT. CARD Or THANKS. DF.ATH AND rUNERAL NOTICBH: 10c per lln w Insertion (Minimum charge 60 renin.) Monthly Rat for tnalng ad m jhng of enpyi P'f Un (Count six word to the line.) Contract rate oa gppUoatioa. TRK RFF, "Ml not be rpnnthl for more than on Incorrect Insertion of an dvrtlsemenl ordered fur more thiin on time. AnVFIRTTPERP houM rt!n receipt given by Th Ree In peyment for Wsnt Ad. no mistak can h rf tl il'-a plthnut them. T'SR TIW TCT.PTTTON'W (f Ton cannot conveniently bring or nd In your k1. Ak for Wsnt-Ai Tnker, end yon will r. lve (he Mmn rood service when delivering your dd kt th office, PWONP! TTLKTi !. 1TA VT-AT COLT'MNS CT.OPf rvrvrvo rniTfiNf ':" MOnVFNfl EDITIONS 1:00 P. MOVIE PROGRAM Current offering of tlio beet Motion Picture Theater l'i omabe. (Changed Daily EMPRESS. 15TU & DOUuLiAS First Dun Picture 'Till P'iNlifl.! M Or' CHANCfc. l ev sr.d stock speoulstlon brings lov lien th speculator g broke. Lst Kplsnde, ,,.,, "Tim RTKANOM CASE OF MARY PAOIS," rtl KF.H HOTF.L TANULK," A Rcftl R(!l Comedy. II I : T I : A I , V KICK LY NO. PRIXC&M. "l 3 J 7-llXu6LA8. 't Eddy l.j oni, I. Morsn and Re:fy Conipaon In ., "LK.MS CO'LLKUK CAREER" nd voti will the greatest two-reel comedv produced on the crren ' H'J A US V 8TU1FK8 IN MKXICO," Krittrktlonel. "TJ1K I'UUl'LK MAZE," thrlllln drkm. T1IK FAKNAM. 116 FARNAM Now the honw of f.ktun-k. orchetri and p.pe orRtin, WwliiedBy prenl J)krln Kurr nd NM I'rk In "A WOMAN'S NAKKD i'J ' v'" rlh. V.ltA N i. i 6TI f AND DINKEY: Margauretta Fi.shcr In hr Iklet kuccei "The Dragon" r fue-rl World Feature; ' A HOOD COMEDY. l'i IMC OitUAN DKI.IIXB. LOTIIHOI'."" Urii LOTilHOP. flkrle Richmond nd Ellknor Wood- Mff In "Mollt of IIaro, rtllhUMAN. HTlfft BURDETtB. ' Miter t Rnlbv." a reel. "Humble' Job," 1 reel, tie A merit knd Animated Cr- uulh. 1124 LEA VKNW 0 RT H. APOLLO. Toyco' Btr.tfgy," F.ny. Hui, ta. "All for Olrl," Vim eomaily. BOULEVARD. 33d &"Leveoworth The eminent dmrnatlo Mir, John Main, In . renllntk. drama of today. "Toe ' Reaper." . ROHLFF, 2581 LEAVENWORTH Be! llarrl.! IIONOTt'S ALTAR Wrat. 2555 FARNAM MONROE. C. T S, l!iel rd lle-," prwaent Viola Allen with Traver In "The Whit loatk aid. 15t;sr;"'' "" I4TH ft N .-vii.mi " 'Millionaire by Ml take,'' "I.tf nd Training In th t "tailed Mate Nvy, Itagrapli. UUPHKUM. ' 2TH ft M Klve revU of good picture. STAR FEATURES (.ptclkt F.tr Rc Fekturei. now appear n. t the following ,Tliter: U'OU-O , T1I & l.KAVKNWtillTIt ' ,'. j i e Ktiategj itK.ar.i:. ilTH AND N le ' MilUtone ' i;ti l,i vaisd "viVa l.t:AVi;.otiTH "Th lU'ajer" V..li'Ue-.!. I 't H 1IIK I'IMH 1,1 M Till! THASi..-; I' lilt.," 1'AltVAM AMi I if. iUAH F t i.S I -. uF MARY Ii. . A hi I M iui'jii S.k J i (l.'" .,!; M- ' P i ll ANI )4ISKY Mai',- ! Fii "i Tee tti"a" uiriii-.i'i' .ni and t.rnipi I . V.ii l ll -o. . jt lit Ii !' f McMf'U t--t t'.'i-- W...d 1 1 ., ,1 FAKNiW I I - i lit ". Ti ' iu I M?.V I i 4 f ill h it ei tii; at ' (' l.l.o !,'..Hl. r i.ih v t ', It ON U'l ' It o l t c,i' u fiffcti'.: iviirr .'( l'i fl W N ' 'I p:i.r ' I t. ,..) J to " I i-'i A..-! 1 i ! '-l I f 11 t," i t $ -,.iri It,, ft r-.oi) I ' i . e 1' '. V , t t,, t I I-'. U-mttt tH ) "' . ;. ri vraii itlt . Vt I 115 At Persistent advertising desired restdts the first time MOM MKTD At. (mlBTKRIKl IlKC whit reinforced rnuent itrtvt niarHi'rn, with naii" nd l;n. '-X'K vita fit, I'l.OO. 1'-I. m3lu )tolm;i'i Mil -r CO., 1M Vp ncer. SVohsier bkninelsler Aroii'uinem Wormi, mauso leum. ll klnrlii murker. lth Charle. Tlil'f Wn illi.iir'iH"lt'y ninrhio grnvt triiiit), the KHrcojituKUS. HORIIT', ROXWddb lirxo end ainall. Jumpr, lilen'. Koelere, Hluo Kprure, Hardy Aiwllft. 20 to M) burin; Jnpan Meple. all balled. 11 ko flowering f'lematek. 1 year, and email flow-ring. Hton iv. (lardy Kernk fir ehady nonka. A nle aeaortmeut of romnton uliniba: Trern, urnamentfil nd frill'. Everbear ing Ktrn berrlit.i, f. All at regular tiuiHeiy irli, At old iiArn-n 1 2 Vi . HrHdwy, neer p-mtofflco. Council Muff. I hone iU. wl'Ai.iTY ' CCt "H.OWKHH or plente, Art Combination, ehlppod every' where, Kcplint Hfrvln to our cu torner in pet. er re'ommnd Ill'.Ht HWOHODA. 1415 Kernem Ht t 1MH La ho mt ApM )HT"m KNT "of frh flowerk, delivered or nliii)l atiywlier. I, HKNLiKKH'lN. 1f.1t Krnir t. A. HONi;iM,' P 22 Ilnrney. Won. 11l. RAtll. 'loiim. lit r hi rmiii ". p'J', OA III) OF Til t -MH, K H'lkh to enteml our thankn to our fi b ndM end ii-llib'ii for I ho klmlnee nl untiHlhy ehown, hIho for th lau tlful 'floral off'-rlngH. d'irltpg Hie Mlncwt nod death of our beloW huabnnd, wui mid brother. Mi-h, ICuld .lohrieon, Mm. Ttille .Ifdmnon and Anna .lohnk'Ui. WI-; wluli to thank our many kind friend", f.ir i heir kludiMKM end evni'thy m the herefnemefit and lo of our beloved wife ami mother, ..... ,.., v II I H T 1 1 AMI lir.ATIia. lllrtha -'-KalMitoro and Marlelto Mnnlno, Hli, Hniitl! I'lfili, boy; Jeroma and I.lbble Kiu-lko. KlKhteenlli and V, girl; Alola l,nd ( eellle llo,a. IMHoulh h oiirtfenth. nil; Kllimlll nod Katoryna AmbioaewU, mi Kouili Tlilrty-kevenlli, hoy; A. .1. and Adnio Hnetlen, M, Hoith Twenty eighth, ,1. .loluin and AleKrimndra I hr..tek, i. u.mii, Tu-eniv tilnlli. bov. harlea )',. "ill liennle Wralton. h Hoiith Twon- (lelh, girl; I.uelMlio nnd Hnlvatren iiuewi, l.i I 1' jee, girl; rtino mi'i ,i i.i.mmf ulenll Vn Houlh 1'ifth, buy; niikn-ipu nod Mtrln l erro, WM Houlh Wlnili, hoy. ielli-leore Minoj'-a, i, i , lutlnla M. f'niimneKk, '. hokidlal; Mrk. tannin Mcleod,, 71. liOKpllal; MUry Hob. on, i, tt North Kifieciith; Ague Uoty, 17, hoMiiliiil. MAItllMf.l-; I.CKgKg. " The following perunli to ed have "been !sued: NHine and Iti'ldeliei Age. ll'elmrd M. I.elog, tllnati Mabel Walla, Omaha Marncll H. Wllklnaon, Oinahn. Anna While, Omaha Paul J, Koreeky, Nneoln...... ........... Mnhel TnyJor, Ihicoln r F.ilward Yf. HhUllg. Omaha. i;bba Hwaiuion, Omaha. Harry N, llanaon, Hloun; p'all Alice K. Horland, Council Uluffk...... Walter f'ullelt, Onmha ... Hena, M. Hui ton, Omaha Jon pnvluMMik, Omaha Mary Utavnalk, otnuha, .... Marou A. Human, Counell ttluff-.. Maiguarlte MeMurray, Coumdl Jlluffa. ".ail K Murray, Kanaua Ity, Wo,... erna. K. Newell, Omaha ni II OIX. IT.IIMITH. Jl. tZ Hryanl, 374', lliiiiniaii aveniio, frHine dwelling, V.W, J. A. t'aimoii, Ml -8 Houlh Thlrty-eeuoiid avtiiue, au- plek frame dwelling, ClfH''lico Allen, J715 North l-'oi iy-m'Vi-ntll avi.nu, frame dwelling. I5,&. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A ColINt:il, HI.C' BiKk.T RAILWAY COMI'ArnT, Peraon having lt I'lim article would do well to call i.p the office of th Omh A Council Ilkffk direct Hallway company to aacertum whether they left It In the atrttet cure. Many article racn day r turned In nd the company i smlou to rent or them to the ilghtfuJ owner. Call ldiug. 4. lg TOtl lone innlilin (1 will xtverllM It hr. yu vlll tureiy rwcerrr II If rmma Iir " nonei seraiin, Hii.rHlile iivert r ii'oulit bout averv rtir ltire,lh Ihli eullimn. TMK liAW-l'aople h' (lad loet (rllclM kl lntraied In knuwln lliat tli itaie lnw I, irkl In rMiulrln tlunii to ee H' enr tlirmiih KlverllMiiient rnul ptherwl od llit rtllure lu iln to. If Mm tin t troina, In VftlvRK Mvere )enAtv, lAiHT-Uold plu; llttla gold arrow, wittl 2 .1 In in, ,ii. Ih rm tin h li u l T ; mime 'i,- araveil nn the bark. Kinder return to Hee office and receive reward. I'lli rv iv-In, imih miiihI black gnu on Koieat l.wtvtl ear reiuril to v . m Havldnon to avoid trouble. Walnut 3213 VH.iTiiii.itv"rihdlnit tiHckHKM of film in tinrin nnrt nr env, yweniuiy un iii plea (alt Webelnr MJ4. i.u-e.. I,, n, eti ,.r kev Miindiiv eve pleaae return to ltrj miuoii aim im:e,v reward. . ONB gray pony Inkeii ui; Urandcu u Roy PerkUiR. Kt 'mmna. I,,sTC:c,;nio iup. Uewnrd. Phone Har ney fittn. l.niii N, SMIt Ave. jseciaa"W r.MW FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS urnttnro iiitd lluuaekuld od. TH K KCciNO.MY HUIN IH OCT. Never waa there uch a phenomenal reduction of price on One furniture In tho hiatory of furniture alea In OI"TOF TOWN ORDF.RS HOLICITKD. STATIC FI'KMTl'RK CO.. Cor, 14thand Iode. Doug. 131. OMAHA I'lLi-OVV CO. - i'elt and hair nieltreue made over in new tick at half the price of new one. Phone u for (ample of ticking. Mall ordei tilled. 1uJ Cumin Ht, Dotigla 2487 45 ICK Ixixe. 3 ga tovea. .) rug of all kind, poultry wire and netting. i ten till l..r....l No. "4th Ht. ("ii'miH " fiinitt ire of " nine-room houe, I;ni. phone liarnty M. FOR HALF, iron IhiF and M'lng. ill Mnfii'i-iaon Ht I'leeo and Mlc InalrweMenl. I'UMW for io; "l. flood make, good condition, p W par tliontli new piano 14 (i l-er mouth, IHiSI'K ("ii. I -IS bi Ihmi.h Hi klore end ulllee 'Ulre. liK1. ', '' (. nltP' lug eu- V buv. wtl. umalt Futui A M.pH Cm, 41 l I H U'lta l-ug f.-l . FoU H VI I. Ttu. Pnl ikbU "! fit turv Moi Iht eek i'il afler t i" ;t4 tjf an., H.iuin im.ic Jrnrlrt, nUmond. l, ht, Witi i .1 ..v A til a hH weu lt-'ig ling' l !t.(h and I'n'.m Ht llardnat mi I . 't't'Ll, lit. vf tei i.l r ., tiinclianie I (.: at per mm . f ( t; N iri H fyllirn mm" ii.He. kFVV ma ti -M tbe ' tC I tf ..(. I" i-'. -" rm '..,,.,.. i ,i i . en t I, tt.it ft . . li!'f . .-. i ti o .Hi S'. a ,. . , n -fr II , ' I , ... ,i n ol e i . I Iti.-i.i I a-- i 1 ll VI V II- p. t J,.i i I v r M i l ' t 1 1 1- i -1 -' ( V 1 1 I VI ,t t'i.trtl fyt witr t ri . 1 - v,,.,, . ti a e.l H nun , li.n .to ! U'l , I ,t I i v" , I. t,. H ?t, l.M H-..4 M. , luO 4 I lllll'O I i" l M,-ait an , I A V I, . t V 1 I ' t 1 1 it f ( i r vi , -' ' s .o ' ill' I 1 , ?M 1 ' H I- . I - I I I VI' VI AM tl W vRk i . ... -. "0. t: ' i t,a. v,' i I 1 1 1 1. , ' i THE HKK: FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I tlolhliiu, Fnr, !', VK buy and a-ll tailor md 'Ht and overeoMto Krieoman. HI I Douglas 8t I . u i he ran l llnllrtlng Merll. il ll'i red reilfii fence ,,M nnd n i n n 1 1 txiles Kold direct to cnnmuii'T In carload lorn. Pay after lriti-ctiin. Decker & Vogel, Calks I' oik, Idaho. FOR SAW-T -Seciind hand lumbr and klndlVia. llndnln I rmxtrurtlon Co., l.'.H Ciimln. Tjlerjreji. , tanerr, eed and I'lanfa. TtiKKH. 5huC.'k5T i n'liavT" vDa nth;" Japivneee barbry, V) to 15 Ina, 1 r W. Apple Iteeu, 8 u. old Jdc to ljc. Have agent eaninilaalon. Klorem.-a ale ground near li'inlnf flee; Houtli Oruuha kale ground, M HI., near pot office', heOMon yrounflN, tiliL arid Kli-'Ka fiu. Hetikon-tJmiiha Nuriwry. Hetmon B3l. bAWii 'Ground of the Ul City Nur ery at 17H J mug la 8t J. II Marnetle, Mitr. I'none I). M j '" WKMTKoM" NUItHKKY 'cO. 17th and Jarkaon. Phone fjoug. 0JT7. M P HYRI Nuiaery Co.; 17th uid imdgt, Offire I K 4 l'i-; lie. Colfn 4IIV J.;vr-henrlng irawlJiry p1""1"- homo- grown, W per liunaien, i oirn Vlll I kod.'lHid. ftortdlng don'! W'etmler 4(7 iewleiK i'Hiin. Bewiiiy; Machines We rent, repair, ell neeUIo and part Of all kettlug tnnelune. MICKKIH NF.RRAH K A C YCI.K CO , Jfdb end Harney p Houg 1t., llllllnrd Ullil I'uekei 'Inlilr., .OH MA I. K -New and eecond-hand enroin end pocket billiard lulile and bowling nlley and ceeH'.rl'ii; Bcrul for rata logiie, e"y tiiynu'tila. The Hrunrwhk p.ulke.t'olleiKler Co.. 47-l'i!i H, I'MIt Ht. " I'rlMlloa and Itfflee iii.ille. i'f t.'lti l A I. lii.uli. atltig Co., ( IrcuTiir 'letter. I'ublln titeno, Aildetiaalug en- elone or i iirdn, etg, Call U. -. frK. l'iioii Hik. OKT OCR prleea on Job prlnlliig CAMPAIGN CAItl-H A fYv.' IAI.TY, I'.-H. I'Tli. I'f,. IIKI'iJII.IKJ. I), II7, WATKIlM-HAItSIIAltT PlK Co , imalliy I.rliilhig Tel Hung. '.'I'f" K4JI. Hlh Kt ll.eellnoi-oo. MY hlnh kiandiird of quullly win ne maintained, 4 itirt of Old Konlenelln whlakv, H.tV, bottled In bond. Henry pollock mull order houae. imug, 7PW. t'.'2--U( N, 1Mb St i;akksh)I': ca KOR ICK, PfloNI-; COLFAX 691 fletl, office Ittb mid V1aiid"ron H'k. ALKX " JKTTKH LIQUOR liOUSK." Thirteenth and Hougla. llnitleti In bond whlnlty, kni, 11.00, H Z.,, full uu t. (iotden Wet Whlnky. 4 full oitnii buttled In bond, prepaid. Caektec Urn, Omaha. Fo flAI.K-Prairie buy," " Writ "Watoii Hay Co., Iiun.ni, Neb, 5 .,dB.fflSfc:e -wK.-.rir;:r,ffl -,r.rfr.BBan:? WANTED TO BUY W ANTI D -High '('In urveyor'kTranalC an ntrnireiit dial Ix dkilaoed for gen em! Iiinil kiirveOog ax well a dr.iliikgo work I'rh muat be rlkji't. Addri ea i Neve desk, liked denltn, bought, kold nd Inided J. C Red. J207 Fiirnim. IIACHMAV vvlll imv you moiw for fur niture, clothe jand hoc wen nun. lllgitekl price iid for 2d hand ehithej, line, tninex iiilien... i '. '' or v. w. IMLM.S iuy. your prlco for ;'d hand rlothe, HlVif fllKJ hill. VMM), iMi". OLD I1TIIF,S! (IU HHOKHI We pay hlgheat price. Wetwler 1721. We pay beet nrl ;ea for o'd clothe. Beat price paid for old clothe. 4714 ANNOUNCEMENTS BieOKF.dAABOH "Lucky Wedding -Jliug at itttn kno uoogia L I V M mil diiin . " V. M'.'C- . A i. JTa,Lk" ... . . i, in, nv er. CALLED for and delivered. R' air work tuarimteed. tvtw ruing, nougu" latwitinnwar ahariiened. DnrneyWT, Minor llrpnir. CAI1ILL ELFO, CO., Hce Did. D. M7I. I eriienler. nod I dUirndliiM, BRICK repnlilng and cnicnt woik of nil hitiila. Mi Cuming. Hanicy S1 nejiiilibiK. ioiil.ltiK. acreening. Vel). 17;i7. Ieard Hon im Capitol Ave. T. IWt C. W. Hokanaon, 'SM '..vnwth, , Tyl iUM-J.. - fireaiiiiiifig, Accordion, Bldo. Knlto. Uo Pleating, Cov, lliillon, lletnatlichlmt. Neb. Pleat ina I IliiitpiiC'u. 4;il 2 Piixtofl Hlk. R.4M;. i'l'IcerieitNoiiHblc. Mr.' R. A. Coiuinlly Sim Hnird Mdg., 17lh and Doilgla. l. im Vita & Flxcbcr,' hidleH' tiillot ed garment; for all occnuloli 40H Roee llldg. Ty, -17. DiehBiiuiklng nnd plain kewltm; reaaon ahle; aiith'fncl Ion giiiirantoed. VSeh, II., Madame "MHchaela."" (loWiin, lull. No. 4, Florenllne A (it n. I'houe Ixumlti 7H, H Y day. work guaranteed. Web. "KelHter' liremaklng Col."h.28 City Nat Terry Hreaamak'g uollei!. SOt h & Furnann llBlrtlreaatng. IDEAL Half Parlor -:.; Balrd Bldg. Manicuring. calp, facial and violet ray treatment. Toilet (.rtlclea. D. tllo. ileiiurr ami Uvr. bTATI." DI1Y CLKAMNU CO,, 1.U N, L'I II St. D. 6i72. . . , llala H leaned niid llloeked. STRAW, Panama, all kind hats, cleaned and rebloc.Ked. i.u iiizu iiiirncy m. ALL KINDS of hat cleaned and blocked. list Farnum tPhone Red 6MS3. l;ver Ihlnar ' thlldren. I FT Slli - 1 tiinkii all Ulnds of clothe for children idl Luke, Wehlr 2t'. r I'uaiHmra. TllFATRICAL Bonn, full dre ult. for rent, m K. 17th Ht John Keldmao. Pin no Ineirotnion. lUatlme hin, . phiylng poluvely taught In SO Icwti.ii. 4 '. i i:uming, Wal. 8.I7. 'ktroprnrlnra, Hrmal Adl"lnient. PH. Ill ItlHilt.N, 4.4 Roue liidg. l. p347. Palmer ScIuhiI glad Conullallon fre 1'ta. HillliiLhum," 13 Craight. n Ilk. 1. 7f Ir. J. C l.reiiie, I liitiid Hldg. 1 MttL Houaei leaning. F' F-CTR1C h..ue cti-ntiiug, our work and price will pleiim. you. Iat ti remove m- loroi melon nnd put In your i'tecti, Tvl-r ".'I Jt llelrrllv . PHIL WINi'WIi:. .1. Dewey AW. Uii tlv e nit.leiitial, H JAMKA A 1.1 AN. ili .Neville Mock. Fvl- rieio-e e. uie.l in oil cute Tvler H W. Kvltli-uce em-uted ul, , rf.tt at i let I y tlelilotl .-lotolt I loo I t.e t(ee. Tl i.nfl- I'orvli ninl W Intlittt Xfrrrii. FROM I i. i t v ti v.u I'll, i, e H..I ((, llaltuu nail riialtug. P. I ,sv il, ,( ilia, n,'ih til', l.li' eod t'tv ered l.tuteo , Vm Arioim oi-i I'l- jt l" and hoti-oi lo , .il i !.- r Cint.'u u I m !'( kietllktiia le Al"v'lHltl i V ht- kallc. ,iltt,lrt, l- .'.k.lg. .-., -((.(', U ! at,. ... pool l. j em- ,,.:il.lt,( y. v- t .'" It t ( i iia. i, i on,, iil-t.ii. i.iui a I 4 ' ilUeUHol. ! ( l.llH. ip v :.i 1 1 - vrivi "i n.,-.. . lt I"' (ill At, PI ." i to-- F A, mumAK, t r. ttten'4 Hidg '. V..U4' 7i DH itrst'ii a-.ty, ui " M ..I a 1r'.i t t'H AND M Vw,... I l.... -. . ; " lo.-.H,',-- I a. a. io i. r ,,. ! ' l.i " ' !,. ll l'i.,-.,. It'--, , ikm N'eiH ( ah. .(. ..ni.ii. I - t H"i )":" lal t i"k. fvstN .if r t,o. .!., t ' '' J'." C't H .if a.i.g Ai. 'li ' a t it'fe c ' ' . i '' a I ni4i ( t I...1 t H4 I li i . ,,..sjr, ti .j ilt w , ' ( , ! v- te4 ot anything "Try A8ain"-CaU OMAHA. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( blropodlai. Huford. 2U Paa. Blh. Red4S7. Carrie 3, Jumieea of Ihe Pfe, H. H. CI.A1BUK.VK. 612 Canton Ulk.: Red V. .N'oVary public; depoaltionteao. C. W. KiUU iWl Barker' 1 (jock. Vnoni Clroiier. CLKAN QI.'H'KI.Y and 1 1 l'JROI,5HI-T WITH K''III'SK KI.KOTRI'.:; BENT U ANU 1.W . KK OAY. DOUGLAj4 1H1 - KUjore aod 'Wiring. 1 iTTDU'I V fc.;ectrlo w ft Ring machine, U lll.li el,,, trll. ),-,,, sn,j readlnd lamp. JZa Cuming t. Oiug. 2M. Tnllorlng;. H. MARCt'H. tailor and cleaner. prein nd repairing, m S. lkth Ht. l. Ja Who win iiii'.ino a"pi'iiig uh? t,ind- iiulnt. !"4 I'attnn Hlk I -tilling nod l.-rl. " Omaha. I ! Co, 7IS H. Iffih I'otgla T. l.le.,inth Phxlclao. Mr. J. It Miiaiek, Wl R'ae Hbig..Ty. 27""; Hnkerlr. CAKFJI. paatry a-.d f.uiey bakery good, kuniilied to parilo. lodge and entertain meiita. '. II. Heater. It N. Ikth. W.-W. Kurneee,. nnd Tinware. P.OOF1NO, furnace and general tliiwork, S Abrriin. m N. 2Uh lit Web. 4A. H A HEHTR' ill. 4')2 I lainHoti.A I. S?l. IHK'lng Ai-ademlea, DE LUX ACAI'WM Y, III . I-Il Ht :..(. Well Paper t leMBlii. Wallpaper Cleaning by room or hour. Hesiaonahle. iiig. f.HNl, (leu. Iln m,ji, Adtrrlllnu Novellle. M. V. Bhaiei- Co., 12tb -I ainam. U, i471 Wedding ilalionery, WBDHINti unini'Jnu.i.r'i'i.. and printing. rC!I.As 1'iinf.ig i V.-I.Huug.gti. jlll,,iiiey, C, T. IXeklnnon .'II Pxton Rlk. V.J W. Drnf lata. Dr. Bradbury. No i",,...1.I',,w ...?.'rt' lient Rm., lloee limn, i), iim. "Tailor' Trliiimlog. Omaha Tr'm'g Co., VI Karbgcn Iilk,Ia0 l.tnrv,!. P'RANCIH Moll'J A N, 613 Ilee. n.4r. Kleeirol) U, Uloa Allenrtei, e,U HeeHldg. Red jfl'i. lira nnd Iri,iiriioiirlr. Pulon Mllchell Co., Jllh and Martha t " Vlell kpeelallkl. ChrlatlHiiwn, Ml Row. Hid. 1 JZlJ 'Wine anu l.Uor. I!i;y your family lluuoia at Klein' Llouor I inure. ,V V Hii h. Dnugla IW. SWAPPERS' COLUMN . OI-f i-iXi'll A-nOK- Hay ton computing arnlea for good horao or cow; gentle man gold watch for a diamond; aleo rug for v uuin clcunor, Addra H, C. d-4. . 0 ('(iMBl'VAtlON eliiclrh! and flx turue). 1 RomliiKtoii typewriter, i Burton guitar, 2 full blooded Jlouib-n oockeielg. Call Olfa !(4. Wit AT hic. "jmrio trade for a forty hut"Puet' auiomohlle? Would make g that eby heavy truck. Addrt-R . C, in. Bee, AI'TOMoillLK H AXThh- Will give 120 acre, (lirdeii loiinly. Nebraek. t: It value. W. K, Crig, 1317 tlly Natl Bunk Blda, jnnnli. ii' a V'ricli Tit awnn li'i-;a X-Ray Incubator in good running order for laying ben, or what haio you? Addrea . ( '. , KCC. I D.MS riEvr.I'f'FO KRr.F. when pr nta re ordered. KnlargmenM from any negative. he puudlo, pith and llai'iiey. 2 llnHTON terrier popple. I ea-'ii, or will trade for anything of o'liial value, (' W. BlHliind. I'reinolit. Nell, tli aMoNH ring to trade" for good . ord car: will miv Ihn difference. Or What bnve you? H. C. Bee, HA V li liigh-gradn piano to wap for good automobile. Adilr-a . c, nn. tn. il f, "wao""mnll giixollnn engine for what have you? H. C kKT, Bee. 40 VIOLIN 'and ifo"wiliwap for IV) dia innnd. Telephone liougla WU, BUSINESS CHANCES ex"?!1! and rooming houaa for sale, double room cnfe-dliilnu rooni and counter. Ite- modeled four month ago, everything lit flit-cln anape. f ixture, ugnia anu furniture aro all good. Beat cafe Id it except om of the hotel cafe. Hood reputation, beet cla of trade la rlty. Quarant'iH !00-hu!iie(, and over dally. Over 11,01 atock now on hand. Rent, (evenly i70l monthly, dooming houe of ten (10) room oppoall cafe. Modern except beat. Good furniture and light and everything O. K. Rent twenty dollar naui monthly. Oppor lunlly for a live man. Ileaann for aell Itig I h'kn.''""-- A ddrea V . Ree - CAFF Wanted, nuin to conduct cf. All newly riocoruted and furtilhd. Will make rent free, A fine bu.inew tlHUCt' BAVOT HOTEL VTfttM.nth and Jm'kkni. "l'.NLRr"fl you have "brain", ability arid from t'-tX) to 7in In t-aah, don't anawer thla ud. Biilea manager wantud to open office, organlk and manage aaleainon, Poealhllltle unlliiiited. Manager, JH27 l.ytton Bldg., Chicago. BAKKRY FOR HALF, with lot and'hulld Ing three-deck Robert oven, one-barrel Doy dough mixer and other euul. meiif. Caall Haled laat Halurdny no. .No wholeKiiic, all over the counter. 3121 Leavenworth, MOVI.N'O pclurerheatei. real bargain; machined, repair, kupiillea, accoeaoriea, now and aecnnd-haiul. He ti. OMAHA TH-ATKH SUPPLY CO., Balrd Hhlg. Doug. FOR Sa'T.K Oood, clean atock of hanl- vvnre: live town eeiurai .o.. (iood reaeon for elllng. Be quick. Ail dre Y S.7, Bee. LIST WITH MF, live cuatotuer for uulck reault. Have waiting. Y( il NOMAS, 230 OM. NAT. BANK. I lOrrtl .A H J 470. liowd Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, hav closed nut more nidae. toek than any other flrmjn y.f4.Wrt for farm. THKAT F.UH ' IliTyT iraae or eli your the ater, machine aim enppnr unvnan Theater F.v. Co., IM Karnam, D. lssii. WlI.I.IAMH, etahiibed year To buy or ell buKitif him 411 M-Cngu Bldg. Reference I'. H, Nat. Rank. " MOTION " l'i 'T1RH MACHINES. " New and re'xilll bnrgBln. upplle. Omaha Film Fxrliaiiu 10 H. 14ih Ht. "T-1 .tiici.lv 'll or bov a hutnea rlt JIM RY, ftlnig -Hv, 1 OFFtci, for r:irii or Tuurnce; nm floor Bee office; 1331 feel; W, The Bee Bldg . office Room lo. FoR "XLF- Pt.'t'iiw hw in norlhweat ern pari of Iowa oulv huw In town, 4.1.1 t t v I tee Von HALF - Hic k Mill Ar4 tor. "In on of ln'.il town. .''al, II ;"0- A -,ie Y lice. t -; diiin oi. iii huh miaui(iim, i h inge r il. ii'i "iim, "n- "" r !j"l. lie... TO K'tl.t.' "r l"" llukch Roinbof to ni-r io on! I U N't II -Ttli. C I. .-'i c cl en Ft. ner Blk D Sh t.,iam,.a call en. Pee Mug Du MT1 SITUATIONS WANTED VV (, t"K l.Y H VTB l '": l.NK. v work or Im n al regular rate tio . WH 4-e -. v'' , V ,. lr Hale, it urn ! 1 1 ' N'i .tito '.uHi, j r, J - ( " . (' i i III,. It I' e, I ti ..el J I. . i r..i t j- t , 1 i.o.in,. Aii.ii , l .' j A f . .. . I I.V t , ((!, IB' I - t ta l. ..!,. ii IKtl I , , !,.,.( 'ul I' ' Ih a -.- i . in M N . .1 Kin, t 4 St.il '-. l , a I I' ' - 1 '"' l I ,,J, I ',' l.,' I I '"Oil . , I. ' , . . 1, l ( ,.'l O. I I' a a I V -. V v, , ,-,1, l " II fcl v , HI i - It . " 4 f - reauy worin-wnuv uvuvi iwt.o. . Bt Tyler 1000-A Bee Ad-Taker will help you write your ad BUSINESS CHANCES KXPtiKIF.M'Kn tiitm If. alt imea nl housework would HKe pownion ii imuira man, wltn boaid and room, in city pre ferred AddrK I -TJI.JBea. WANTED "" "garden boy; good care and houeork. Virile to K. Okl. 4 I, St., South Side. Omaha. Japanene carop, , WA VT BI i-JobTn gaTage or an mechanic helper; noniejUp'-Hence. J mo, K. . Mlirrllflnrieiii. FA RM Kit- -( beT: ' ou wwit help wrli or rail Bmplrr Labor Agency, 209 A. ,whiti?JiJ1?.Ji? WAKTF o iiuimeeleaning by the (! y reliable colored man, Call WebMer ;:n W-INHOWr! wahedT rug beaten, acreen repaired, white-kntng. waini-t nn. PAIN'TJXO" anii nu repairing. Han sen, lotigla 454 ; I A '' rricwi.d; h'.iiMiiloanrpf . Wet Wi HA I "LI NO ohe and r'ihblhr Web. jm .Female. 'T H W'H B'Fohrg for '"ftiFueuion 3'" Ir. lower thn any olli,r form of dvr-tinlrig-not oiiough i eovtr cot of rrit'Cng. , NKAferiToriri'ri want day . work of any kltid,. Call Wblr Jt'.d. Anna Mltrthnli, WANT. Lli -ToHlFlon by youi'igludy teno- grheru Phone Colf.'x . y riCNVl " ii,TfTrefililr(' wati ' work ve- ntnff after eehool, Webster KM, I.aondry and Im WorU. i',Vhi,K lohiriiu'woitwii want laun dry wn'ehing, day wurk, cleaning, 1-iouf. Inn !(".. . ; . . VANTKI'Poillri a timi'f or day work by ex,iorleri,ed tjol. woman, Web, 7W. IrJ il'"r c'tAr-H ' lutidre; ( leaning; by colored W'lirian; let of n f. Web. MI4 Tii'N'f'i.K or". family wnliln called for AV del, wk gunr,; reakimabte. Web, I"i2. I'h)'Nih'..H;' waabtiig. inec work, lace cur- lalne; work (ugrnnteed. u, . LI'.i, VKi, 1,iOI'HY, ! i iiltforln. ttMl Vrork ejlled for aj dejljered, Ciil.iiKr'lli -klrl v,nil IioUkc ctcaniiig; reference. I'lionn iiavuey i,. Ill, A NK KTli ir bundle winhlng, l. Lauhdre, day work, O. Jackxon, W, ml. Cooking ordny work. 1M7 Izwrd, Tyler l KIHH'f riaa 'n"iibdra. dav work, H W3. K-xperleticed Uiiitidrj ; cleaning, vyeb,iiil, Wnaiilng Biid i'e curinln" done. Ty. H44. f ()MP. wornnn want day work. Web. W0. K X P, "la ilndrerft A wen' eltrti. JI. SfeJS. I,A I'i'St iR f end day" work. " Wi'ti. 3401, ftl'NI'LK waahhig ft day work. Web. !, HELP WANTED-MALE lorennd 4f f lee. "c'LlTlV?"", OC R. cctg.)."..T....i I W.'in DRAFTSMAN 'i1? HTF.NOOR A I'll Kit (out town) i'l.' HTI'INOORA PH KK Ht R ) ( IlfTi:r, CLKKK room and W W HALKHMAN lexp. tinncftary-, &' TDK CANO Aai':NCYWBFB RT.JMi. LF.IHJKK CTACIIK," invoice cferk, ; oxtenelon nlerk, 7r,; two eleno, $.0; ktock clerk, 140; rlty lemn, W. Ml FIIJN1 FFIC, only W cent to Inveml giile leferenee. THF MARTI ci.eim .y..:.-P,"": TYPIHT kiVd "office rle'r'k? fio; gTrio., 175; Miami., I; meno. and bkpr.. Ho. VV ATTH RFF, W. JMrantlJaJ'h,Iar. l-rifekalon nnd Trade, HKK'X'n FOR DBCO ,OH8. CO-OI'ERATIVi: RKFF.RKNCK CO., i;tbllhed Ten Year, ' 1015-Pi City National. WANTFD - At otice Gordon pre"Fee'dnr. Fkgerak-fJ'Flyn (' t lith and Leaven worth Ht. ; i. , WANTWD A rarrfag pklnler, ft. V, Fraud Auto ('o., j!'M-1(l Fartiam fit. Drtig at ore pirj", K'nit. he Md'ir. Hnleamrn noil Wollollor, ""8ALK8MEX WANTKI) Haleamen- real alemn to repre ent large corporation which innu fanture a product known th world over and backed nn by an advertising campnlsn of IIWi.'W a year; you can abaolulely mke : to I'V) per week: anendtd ontiortunllle for advanrtement; our men call at the home, but they are not "hoil -to-hou" men; neither are thov i anvaer: all rail are mado by opp'olntmant; commlealon baala. We vignt. men who pan anon be ilavclo o l Into branch manager. c;a'd before 10:3) a, m. at 'Jrt Keellne Hidg. VANTFD - Hinhly ricomir.ended, ub- Mtontliil man to repreaeni a urge rarm tractor company In Nebrak and weat arn Iowa. Not neceaeary to open an Onviha office, but muat be In poaltlod to aotually (ell farm tractor lo dealer In the territory, ine ngnt man win be hckd wlih plenty of good f irm . paper kdverllalna. Olv reference, pant experience, etc, Add K7l. Jte iALKSMEV Yor'Nehraaka arid Iowa, to handle Hi fatet lllng patent on the market; if you can tarn w to 1100 weekly, we want to hear from you. 1201 VV. OMV; WA.NTFD At once, alx a.lninen for irlty end kurroundlng territory; email Inveatifltmt required. Hee M, Welnier, Harney Hotel, ltoom ' BALFHMkN (i kill automobile peialtv In Nebraka, Iowa, Houth Dakota and Kanaa; good able Jlne. m Bee Bldg. ip VOC" have "aeUIng ability ee Stand rd Ro. Inv. Co., 1017 W. O. W Hl(la..(.inaha. iOMKTHlNU extr. good, big money for th alcsman who la a buln gettar. 1017 VV. O. W. gALEHMAN To travel In "Neb. Htaiidard HefT gqd Inv. Co.. 1017 W. O. W. Rid. I - Hotel and Heataaraate. KKLTTBLTr"KM P LOVMKNT ACHC NCtT J610 liavenport Ht. Douglas 18ti. Headquarter for hotel help. Trade) Srtiuoi. " MOLER'S BAKBER COLLEGE Men wanted to learn th trad. W have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back lultlon while learning Tool Included. Open to every one. Writ for catalogue. UO Ho. 14th Bt Ome.li. N'ch GOOD MF.N WANTF.D. la learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos ami eiectrle starting sjsicms, AMKIUCAN ALTO CULLF.CIK, Fsrnant Si. fnaha Neb. M F.N w silted to b-sru the barber trad Tuition I'. I'11 Cass Ht.. Omaha. OMAHA PARHF.I' COLLFHK l.KAItN b;iit'c traue, more limn makii ywue I ilti'in, while lratnlng Met of tool In. lulled Job guaianteeii Call cr aril fur rlalog,l. !W3 Dotlije TBI ( I T! V RAtllll- K 1'iLLKOF MIi-eJln. tllMV oF TUF I MILD HI A I r. vr , VV.VN'TFD A bin InhLoH tumiart led men j '-et t era sit- -f and ,i- . ( luie.l -li. of i ." I " ' tennerat habit, who tan speak Mt b- i i i-'i lo i- - . to ,( I I Ilee -I" ' I Afiov Bldg. lith and D1 re i.l I Kll , I- (Ov i .o- n, t ', H l tt H , ( 1 ne Vloi-ve I : V"7 V HI. . U ; V N Tens i. I , ,.. l it ie( Aioi A ,"'lll .,". ,,',! I, 0 H f''. I ..-i-.i it( It-- it O ( I p N t ',. t vn.g . . , .. to l-l '.' ' ) I l.l-l l.lll..llJ I ', ,l,ltilll lii. H . , .(.., V V I .1 rtio(-o i"'i eto. i I .,e e tlto.tb io I v - t- l t i-o.l.ta'.i',' .o in. ni'i l tt . V 1l! It t-ea vV i , U Pi.-i fiiM'.t ME:.P WANTCO-FEMALE I, . nad (. T . ( Vt' t I r .-at. ' " f ftlli" I,,,. ,t iM. tilt -I c .'t- I ' ' v .' a, . awl " ' " '; ., l l ) e. . ' , V " ( lltll't It Sf a l , r a 1 '.,.-, i. ! ' I -M " a art - -.It i-v it I .- 1 ,1 o t , -m, ... I V I I. I'--".' ' i . v., . . I .1 . ' , ,i,l C- I I ) ., , . I I . . (,)' !" W.,vr n t" ' v l.'aa tl- I HELP WANTED PtiflALt Pmfelon oil Trade. WANTED UirlH to boi t waste paper. Apply Omaha Paper Stork Co., lbth and Marry Sts. v A NTKI Giria InTlat work dept. Apply y,nn Model Laundry. 11th and Itouglaa. WANTKIi-Klrl-cla lmlrdre'si", state experience, Bee H. 1367, LRA Rs'liiilrdreyHirik "i 'i'lie 'i.pnneir Mleanoinen ' goHellork. WANTKO School teacher to travel dur ing aiminier vainiib-n and repre-ient ne' fnucntlonal movement; very pleaxant work; alnry and expert.- fninlahed. Frank M Johnaori, w'i Uantir Wldg., IJnculn, Neb, lloiiaehiilil iiml ll(imele. vnilTF girl for general hottei oi'k ; fam ily of A: will lake Inexperienced Kir! with good reference or heat wage paid to flrnt-cluca maid. Mra. M. J". (iood body. Harney jooi, WAN'TKI'-i "(impotent girl, wlih good reference, to take ear of apartment I nd look after two children; no wah Ing. Telephone Harney :; 213 Houth 2iti Ii Ave. y A NTI'il iRellnb!e"Vnd TnteMigeni gTrl lo help In gn-r'il houHework and bl) iri of a child; no washing; good pay. Mr. Wolf, xa Farnum, T'l, Hue Mit. WANTKD (iood capable woman to car for two chl'dren. Middle aged lady preferred- (Iood place for rlkhl party. Addren Box H'l. Wlktier, Neb. WANTKD- Competent girl for general hoiim-wotk; no wuehlng or Ironing. Mrn. II F. l'atleraon, ih'M Dougla HI. AVal nut sat. . WANTF.iV-White girl, reliable wlih chil dren, to aaalat Willi general underwork; rani home and work light, liar. 47M, UilMI'FTLNT white girl or woman for I t,,,ott,,t&-,,rk - 'tin u'nMlilna: mUNt have good reference, IWa , F,('ft!j Ho. 1.112. VA XTKH- A "cotiipeteiti girl for general hoUHewotk. Mr. Rohett Demneler, ACT Harnev Ht, Phone Harney (lOO)') girl for getnTal hoitaework; good wag; ! In fnmlly. Tel. Houtli SHI, J. O. Martin, illft I" Ht., Houth Hide, WA.N'TKD -A wlilie girl for" gejteral hoiiework: no w nulling. Mr. C O. Powell. WKi Caag t. Photl" Wal. s2. BXCKRIKNCFii while "girl for general liouewotk In family of : good wage. Mm VV, .1. Jlyne. Tel. Harney 4c-o. WANTKD Neat girl for hour-work; fam ily of 4; good honi. Mr. .1. VV. Davld- kon, Rand Farm, It I, Nodaway, In. WANTFO'-Fxperlchoed girl for general homework. Apply at once. Mr. Klein, 4421 H, l!th. Hoiith IIM KXI'ICRI FNCI';D"ciiami)ermTd. " colore'! preferred; wag $:..( per wiek; out of city Aildre Jf 3M,l', liKAD wafire, tNTto" 4J' year "of " ag, heal refereneek, I3O.00 month to ktart Addre Oxnard Hotel, Norfolk, Net). TilltL fof getierarhouaework; no wlt- Ing or Ironing; hoim cleaning ydone. Mr, Bleeke.nrlrlgc, J(;il Jck(Mi. ' WHif K glif for general houac.work; no washing; good wage. Il:W H. 25lh Ave, Phone Harney 32.ll. VlA ID for general hoiiaework: no laundry. Call Mra. Tom MoHhane, 141 No. 4lat. IlHrney Z'M. WANTKD- Young girl to (lt. with housework; easy work; no washing. Mil Dodge. "WANTFit--A good cook" only iliree in family. Mr. A, L. Reed, Phono Ren- son 171. . Vv'l'UTE girl for general houi work iTi amnll famllyj good wage. HnraOM. WANTKli A ""competent 2d girl; good" wage. Apply to Mr, Storz, SiW Far ntim Ht. , VAN'TF.D-('(iii'latit wiiite girl for gen eral housework; 2 In family, m Burt, WANTKD-OIrl " for" general" hotiiework. Telephono Red CR2. K3 Lincoln Blvd. WHITK girl for general housework; small family. Harney 858. 17 So. S2d. VANTKD- Kia-rleri' ed white woman to talto care of children. Tel, Harney tie, 'II RlTfor "feneral itourew oik referenccft required. 60l Chlca go.Walnnt SI . UIA.NTICD" llrl for geneial housew-ork. 117 H.iiild St. TelcphoiieJ larney gf.1. O'OOII glri for generiil houaework. Mrs, Wlletiekv. 191? 1A rt.Wehtr 7f.2. WA NTK'DA"' g'irr"frr lig'lirhouiaj'vorlcT Apply ?O0" Harney St, WAN'fKDYoutie girl for general house work. Call Houlh 1112. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEOB STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON C0DRSB. For 'S with good reasons for ell lug, a variety of courso In a relinble Business School, one of the leading busi lie colleges of Omaha, Will be old very reasonable away below regular price. If vou are considering taking a course Investigate thla at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Be. DAY KCHOOU BOYLES (?OLI,KO. NIGHT SCHOOL. Kvery day I enrollment dsy. Book keeping, Hhorthand, Htenotype, Type wrlllng. Telegraphy. Civil Hervloe all Commercial and KnglUh branches. Cat alogue free. BtTTLES COLLKOK, 18th and Ilarnoy file. Tel. Douglae 16i. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STK N Ofl R A P H Y BOO K K K IS PI N 0. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Kaiuiday morning das In typewriting. lor.e C. Duffy. Owaer and Manager. lt; B. lath ,Ht. J)maha- jlAHP Summer term offer to student beginning April lu. Harps furnlabetl. 3. Lyrlo Rldg Ixnett Delaine Studio Dancing --Genevieve iiau'lair. Web, m .3S. T"i PERSONAL PILES, KJSTULA CURED Pr. R, Tarry fure plies, Mktui and other rectal distal. without aural (I ii ie ration, Cur gutkalevd and ni l niotity paid until cured VV rile for b toi e it tal dierax Uh losiltnunlai 'I lis, t; i; T.vinu. ; n wdg emeu. Nib V ( NO ..i.'en e.,mlna 1" Ui,ii- iii i io i,t(d la illi IU V'-ntit 1. jii III I l 1,11.1 a I t !!.. loll I II ' liifc l. no. I ' VI . Af- 't (hey w'ii ! aiiw(.l (o H.4 p.ndt. It S ol i-l-li W I i J lait a- .-u- itll. a g -41-la ( I't t (to -ll.-U 'l !'." iN,V. M' f r b' It, i in I t o. t . ni l'-o. LJ el , .It ,i .a nod !, Vl-rt-oo-l t t., . a I I . II ,v U, IW I , vv , i)' l'i t; (. i -ii A i .oi l.i ! ONI i. -m e a 11 ),yl -.! .. o to I t..li ,,a lo .4 e It. ril B n. w a v i vv a ste -.va .i. )kU it t I vl ' ill liii 1 . t- V ait twar am 11 ii., it i-.a.-, 1 .. . . 1 1 H UI.I'.V 1,, .,., tM t. o( it ! - ,a i I . ' ' 11 I .-. 0 It It" I Haiti - ',l M 7o If PERSONAL HENRIETTA" M." IT.roM A S. nUfta -.. , nHli,l Prof V m. li "hool. Kn.ii,h m.'iiif. Botha, fteam Hivi r,v. eiiower. MS ar!a n l ku, ivu KA H.N L... ' , ... - i m iihninKrapner, hv to i.-ai-n: enrmoete i"ui,, ,- Kmorv School or i-noioKiaioij. I-- -f Phone Tvler 24.1. litis JOHNHTON.-i, cniroprattor. Kheldon. 1.. wlh lo announce.. thelf location at 2Kff N St. a i. Cennil Ittvtioa free and mvitea. 1 bone Houth 4t)tl. t TOL'R clothe dry cleaned, pressed and returned trie oame day. ( Itv Pressing Club M Neville Hlk. Red 4b.S. FIFTY fashionable pr men imeti caum card. 1&c; I'"1. ' '"(";"' 2V,l H. Lincoln St., Denver. Colo. ; K make a ejlalty of stout women a and ..irgl-al corsets. SV-nOSK Vor Hhop. We to Hi i n d erl a nd hM.RJ?i MA8AViK AS'J' 5.KCTRIC BATHS, chiropody. Mlae Gray and 4 Palrd Rik , 17lh and DoualaUI. LADi t.'lFvmTwIah to""iopk your beat get our treatment. Indu KosmetiO Hhop. XH Rose BldK. Tyler 12iio, f'illi.DRFN to board and csre for. JM Harney St., upslail. Phjmi Doug. TfSi. l A i l". - M l " Vv e biter, tli Paxioa Blk. D. ff.OfnceJieur 10 to i. IIHH""VILHON Baths anil inaidcurmgi No, 2 Davldife Blk,, photie Doug,s;iiL BHEUMATIHM treated uccfully ; re (,ilt gi;srsnt'd. Dr, Bowser, 3)4 Bee Bldg. I HIVATK borne" 'for "matertiily ca". Babies adopted. Colfax M2..lJ,Jln. V A.NTKIi Dnv Viriilghl nursing "by col ored gt'idiinlenure, CaivebMIS. , 6CIKNT I FIO ii"age. iM ilea Bldg. Phone Houglea 6J,i. FOR RENT-ROOMS p'nrnUlieil ltoom. ATTF.NTION, ROOM HUNTEB: If you fait to find th room j oii desire among these ad, "all ) al TJim Ba of lieu for a Room I,lt , , -give complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all part (' of lh city. If Hi"re l onvenlent ( , ' phone The Ree VVant Ad pept. j and give your name and addres, and a list will b mailed to you i at once, New lists are Issued j everv week. ' TH H F F iilc. ly nii iiVheVrroiiink, wlt'u or without board, in walking distance,; Douglas fU. 417 N 1HTH, ir"u"antrv""fuinlhed, all con- venietice. private family. Rlils. . t LAR'll', well fuinlBhed south room In prl- ! vat famllv; wiitkltiK ttn f soajfj 670 A "F I ' R N I H H i..Vi" "l oo ii i h i 'pli'vgUl family. 4K2I Webster Ht. VVaJnut 224T., J FOR IllCN'T-" Nicely furnish" laeprnif ', rooms. Apply i I'tfi'VHt- ; , HM A I ,f """modern room, " llTfkjT" per week. Douglas 2532. V f4.. 24lh. ' S,:I('F, looms, with breakfast, Call ava iling. lt N. 42.1. I KICELY-furnished room, eToi In; all modern. Ml H. n fit , Iliiuaelireplng Boom. 2-ROOM "apartment, nicely" furnished for hoiuekeeiilng, 6 and 17 per week, Lin. coin Apt., 2102 Chicago St Tyler 2ff. 1 1 0 1 ' H E K K B P IN '? " rooms, " 1910 "c'apltol Ave,, be box and everything compieto; also 1 front hocwkeepltig room on first floor, nicely furnished, TWO nl. civ furnished front room for light housekeeping, In private family. Phone Webter7IM- , t JF CRNfeHKD"roomfi"r light hotiso keoiltig, one block from postofflc. 1723 Dodge. Phono Doug. RMS. Davenport, Sffial Outside 2-r, apt, rerrlg., elec, It., g s sra n g , hitch, cw n. 3 MJJ p . Hoard and Roans, A LARilK comfortable front room Wltli board for two gentlemen, in pnvain family; closo in; strictly niodorn, UA a. 1 k'f.i ti Ave. LAIPiK ieaat room with good board if! desired; best summer location; private, fanill.ji'.2lHi:'f)ihJ(t; Ty.lerJMV , Infariilwlieil ltoom. i i" t'NFL4 k'MHI I Kl'" "rwmi,-"light bouk'ei keeping, $7 'to tr tnontli. ( 918 NJIMh.. I C.NFI RN'isHKI room, K H. "ttK' Ave, C II jryb'r207. lliioni Wl'. r6n"PKoTT,l4"vVH') RltNT I hOOMfi," I CALL TlfK BKi; WANT AD DF.I'T. and find out all about the FIIRNIKHKD HOOM (iLTDK. It' plan Hint I , helping ricmy people rent 'heir home. HOTELS MCELY furnlsiicd rooms, hot an5 Cold water, $2 and up. , COIJNADK HOTEL,- 2174 IIrneyHt liWrX HANFiTii," lio'lkl, HARLET7' 19th anl Farnam, 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Oueatl. ; FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and House Apariment. , hpITEn DiT, NK vVr'FU RNIBliEbf TRAVERT0N i FIRFPHOOF. 24TII AND LANDON COLTtT. Catering to people of refined taste. Apartment is tonuiletnly equipped for, housekeeping; up-to-dato and comfort able, , TRWFfl BROS. Tel. Doug. tw. 706 Omaha Nat Rank. phone Wen. "il'rd'iKSjirHundvs. ; THI-: "NORTON". 674 8. 28th Kt, has'thi' cosleet 2-room apartment, furnished, splendid and complete for housekseii-' Ing, with eeml-prlvste bath. Th best in tho city, Harney 1W0. FOR RENT-HOUSES Writ, "liLviv SilS LINCOLN BLVD. ll-rooni house. strictly modern, with hot water heat I Price. M. Douglas ISIS. FOR RFN'f'8lxVoom house with three-( (tuiirtcr baacnietit, all modern e.cepS bent, largo lot. !Hi Webster VVKH'I'" Farnam (lislrlct, room modern' house, best location. Apply HO N, 42d U. Hl,,, V'l,,,il ii"! VVKH'I' FAUN AMI. ';; " N, 2th, l-r I , baths, with garsife, : s !rtk, FPi-'CI vli FoR vi AY 1. VO'vi Larse'ysrr and s.ii'leii i , ti rooms, bio. k to mr, go-d n ignl.oriio. d. n pap r 2X I'ortiy Ht. Webster S. .'-V 4-room cottaKo iiud . orchard, J A VI KH I. NKAU Til 7 1,1 tlniiobu Bldg. Phone P, 7W, r'.erionn Ave , iood. 14 looms, 2X , , . I,. .l.i i i.;irir.-, i looio, o.iio, f.-, Jiili.N N. r'lllMI It, DfUkla 14 ,0) NtiltCM 4"ti "l , I' tooin. ina.lerti,, lititm, r ih lit ted J o per Month.; U ii e'iMi.liiig H,ut Tyler l pi fit i,.i,".t, tui inoiii'ri). in llnltUss mioli-', oi I vi Haniilltvit St. Iv' pe .r (nil, Dit'igt J 17,. J VUtiv toctriit hte.n. but ir '"vest Ii x e t -.' I. lo a ti.t !( rv'n t-r VI , I - f t Mi: Uii i, KAN r eT- 'S-r ',.; ut arn, ,"; ' r Rati, luuifs in t iut.. t. ; rcf N lll'il J I 4 i- .-i-i m .i.i I. una - It W i't ,: i i I a l-l, . .VI , i , ... i i .--.. lite To III I . a I .1- ft. I'eo.U k. tn,- t I rtt , io a .VI . 1 I ti I 1.1 h f h . 0, (, s - tit , , i i--11, t I vh tti.t, 1 , hi it ( I. k M f';ui, ,1 i'1 1 i I 1 ii I. . ' la i 1 I . t VI. v . tt . : t 4 it 'c' t VI' I I -o. tt i- tm," I .00 , 1 o: a , lt, 4t I I I - I 1. ' I', , t . k ; 1 1 1, r "' M A 4 1 11 W .. 1 , 4- nii j ' l fi, 1 I,, U, 1 Ol L ia. -t J t u , 1 .',1 A, fm ft(. 612 .N. OC