Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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uitor.i Defeat League Champions
for the First Time This
riO.-TOV, Mnv 1 -The Ronton National
ofmt"d rhllrtrlihla. 5 to twlny, mw
In their first victory thin i-iiiin over
tho i ii,"i8 rlianiploiiK. Itudolph lirld thn
vIMtm ! to four hlti", whlk l'.nntou (nlvurt
Md tr'n delivery In llmi'ly fruition.
Catrhrr Hul'iia ninl Mmm j,-ti' .Moiiiii
rri pint off the ftrld (or dlriutl;
I'lrtplri) KlKler' Jiidictnent on !rke
Hrrtrc, '
l'llllA!iKI.PHlA ItOsrWN
AH H ii A K AB II 1 A K'
C'MrW Jt,,.,, I I 3 nVfrnvl'. 4 i J S n
lltnrrnft, I a ! a Kvr. lb. ., I I I I I
fihn. i-r . .1 " ii ti'oliiim. If ... 3 t n ii i
'""I. rf . . . J 1 o i-uiiho't. rt S 1 0 i n
iMjiti-r'H, lb, 0 11 n iKmiriihv IM i II 2 0
photo shows the pile of uprooted dandelions gathered at Franklin school Monday morning, when the boys and girls as
sembled the fruits of the campaign of Saturday for inspection and the award of prizes.
V, tlltlixj.
A'laiiid, i
If 4 I (I ft oymllh, ... 3 0 I
;ij , 1 ft 'i ' im ninloii i f 1 H -1 0 II
... I) l : II I Minrti m , rf il ll J il I)
J li S 2 im;i,,i. .,. ,'l 1 fi rt Ii
i , J ll 1 4 llfllMnllill. p, , 3 l I n
0 ll II l n'KltrtJalrlrl) l ft ll ll ll
, I A II II II - - .- -
. Toull ... l 4 -.'1 H I
an u I
l-.H'iH tor ' iMiipinn in eighth.
HHtid f 'it- Mii'pi- In fM)iili.
Mls'leitihlfi ,, l ii n ii n o t o 1 ?
nmn i i o H ,t ii i"i
A-n-lniie hlic; WtiittPil MurHiivllle,
koniMi'liy, Molrii l.nnc, oUoil, .Snrrlfl
t . I ,iilTUP Imubli plnyK A'Ihiii in
M"hilf, Htni'k to l.'ul.t il". I'lrni Iiane on
in om Philnilol'ihln. I, Motion, I. Hh"
mi hn!l. Off let', off lllxey I, off
HndolHh I llltf and eiirned t"i': off
,M river, J lilt, 4 riiim In intiliiK nff
Hlxv I till and 0 out In two IiiiiIiiic)
nft (iid'ilih. 4 hlt and 2 out In rtln In
n'rmi Hii'in U m.l. 1 v Mayer, i: bv ltlx'.
1 h,v t(inlolih, .". I iniilrr-K. Itluler and'm
llnriiiera Vk hip l.lnnl..
NKW ynitK, May I -Iirooklyn again
defeiiad New York her today, the
ilwllore wimilnir ensllv, x to 6. .Mtennd
pjaeecl Urnoklyti In the lead In the third
' nltig wlih a lioine run, inmlna with two
m tin hum a, while I nlincro n1no Wat nil
rtwrd In the fifth liming.
The etern left lirni'er. Nap TTneker.
aiai'li-d hl flril iratne of tho aeaaon for
1 ronkiyri nid wna I II frvely, retiring In
fnvnr of (,'iomrn In the fourth Inninir.
It the eighth i:iiihiuMv defeat tor
New York. Hi'ore;
All. II O. A Ii AR.H.O A a
Minn rf ...I 1 1 rt nH'inn, If.,.. I 1 1 l A
11 ill..i.rn'ii, rf a ft n n
t n lillnvl., 2h,. 4 14 3 1
0 4 ) riKauff rf,... S t 1 0
1 1 o riotrher. . I ) I I I
1 il 4 OM.rhle, Ih .. 4 111 1 a
I.Hnni.r, Ih.. 4 t 1 1
I'H.rlrtcn. c... ) I t S 1
nrinnlri, r. t I
l iillK-rl, 11. . t
wnm. rf . h
tnhiKion, If
Mnrv. 3h., 4
i'illh4W. Jb 4
Vlller. e
Tliirki-r, n
( iui ba. v
TKnla ,,
,. 4 A
., 4 :
t i
a i)
1 oKur ...... t ii ii
1'altiiaro. n, . I
3t II il 13 oa,hiur n.. I
t in
Itnmril .... 1 4) 0 o rt
Tmata , 34 II tr 11 2
Batted for Dnoln In ninth.
Katted for Si-haner In ninth
Brooklyn o 0 4 n 4 rt o rv-n
,Nw york I 0 2 0 rt 1 0 2 ft -6
Two-baae hlta: Myra, Kanff. jforne
run: Ktenel. Ktolen tmaea: Miller, lohn
ton 2. Kaerlflrfj hit: Manhert, faerl
fl"a fllea: Myera, Kletnlier. Doubla plnya:
Kanff to fjovle,. Johnaton to Olron to
Mowrey. Cutahaw to Jiauhert to Olaon.
Iiai-ea on halla; off J'alermo, 2; off
Hrhaiter, 1; off Toomba, 1. Hf and
ernd nin: Off Palmero, n hlta, R rnna
in four and two-thlrd Innlnsra: off
hrhaure- 3 hlta, ft run In fntr and ona
runJ g 'it( t 'Jit.w ijr :iipiu! pj)ir
til Ihre Innlngi: nff ('oomba, 41 lilts. 2
runa In alx Innlnga. ptrn-k out: Py
F'almero, 2; by f4ehue,r. 2: hy Bueker, 1,
tiy floomha. 2. WPd rillehew: Paltnero,
Hrhnuer Taaaed ball: Jtarlden. TTmplraa:
Hyron Qulgley.
neita lilNiilr Plraife.
CTNriN-NATI. May 1 Mltebttll wajr
naxter of the altttatlon at. all tlmei bar
today, ehutttntT oit PlttaburKh, 'A to rt.
Neale tripled in tha first Inning and
arored nn a. aarrlflea fly. No mora runa
wrrei rnnde until tha ajlgth, when fmlth'a
rror allowed Kllllfer to reai:h flrat, and
be gored nn fliaaa'g doithln, rham than
cored nn firlfftthi lnla. fleorei
A8.H 0.A B aj.f o A I
.tmton, 1I4 I I" 1 eveata, rf ... 4 1 I a
a l iKiuiier. if.. 4 die
1 k. ... 11HO
oorlffiih, rf,
Oiroh, k
l 'arev. If--f., 4
Marniv, ef . , 3
t nriper if. ., 4
tiini-bm'o. rf 4
'IlinMI, o
Knahe, ?b. ,
hmlih. Jb.
A ilama p..
,1ntMif. ,,.
Hi-hilll ,,
llalrit ....
'.. i I
tlk.M I I
'mark'. ..,.! t I 4)
JMIIohall, I t t
Tatala 3 tTlt t
Totali. . . it I 24 13 4
flat ted for Adama In aeventn
Itntted for Harney 1n eighth
Iflraiburgh 0 0 0 ft ft ft ft-'!
Clm-lnnatl 1 rt 0 ft ft J 0 o a
Two-ba hlta: Hinrhman, Oroh, Chaae.
Threo-baae hit: Neale. Stolen baae: f'arey.
T)oubl Tilnva: Mereng to Iiiifleri to f'haaa,
arey to fiihtiildt, Mltohell to Ileriog to
Chaee. Waaea nn balla: Off Mltchall, 2.
tllta and earned runa: Off Adama, 6 hlta.
2 runa In eix Innlnga: off Jaroha, ft hit, ft
run In two Innlnga; off Mitchell. hH.
ft runa In nine Innlnga. Btnu-k out: Bv
Mltehell, 2. r'aed ball: Schmidt. Trm
plrea: Klnm and llnialle.
TOWA CITY, la., May 1-fSpeeta.! Tl
ram. -Ioa drew eevan baaea on balla
and atole eix, baaea, whlla hitting aafely
eeven tlmea to defeat the atat Teae.hera"
'ollege, H to 0. Hcore: R.K.B.
T"a 2ft2ftftftfta-Jt 7 3
Tearhera ftrt0ftrtOrtrtft-ft 7 7
ItHtterlra: Io, Knapp, Jarvla and
frank; Traiheis. Whltford, Pmith find
Five Hundred Voices
To Be Heard at the
Singers' Convention
f'nncrtrta on June 13 and ft. In whleh
mure than !" vm-ea and three famoua
.ii, , . i. . .... .... r il..
n(riBin win iimi'i. n i r' i', i i 'i
piii fir Hi'' invention of fiwedleh
merlran Mncera. weatern dlvlaton, to
h luld t the Auditorium from June
iii. iuaiv e.
T IM) Mil Miigllig arti lelh-a tll be rep
iMitil Hi il i invention. All of the
iiiir. i v ill ttu ir nn epenw
T' i' threx e'lloialu h villi alng at the
in rit r,.riMO 1'n' i'f iMiiaha. Al.
ii ri ImPi'tr-1 of V i'uk and Marie
.t A . ,n kii-n 111 in'inl fir-
-.uiMl.'h i ln lii i i' 1 1 i a y
l l!l ,.tt-"tl -fn In the ti lait 11 j
' r
I fit-il n'l'.itii ei,g t ( mr M aill'i
,i . y " i'"l mil ""i I tiita
n'l Inn - . ,iH IHi ta
.t in', fl . i. rlv llit . i,li
i- riil!t ii.'i.t.- . t il ,.f M rvn.i4j.ii;i4.
. . i an I - ' 'I 'i I t !. l a
iai.i.a t 1'ml'U .-iiy In
I i.i'- i. I.. ii 'I t naa "ii'
. a 1 1. . . I a i .i - i a n
. .1,1 m .1 I j"ltt ad Mum-
'XJJi ff t4eaaaaaaaWWagaaa
V J '
4 ,
Reports to Federal Reserve Board
Indicate Good Conditions
Keeping Up.
WASHINGTON, May 1.-The, monthly
aurvey and huslnepa condltlona through
out, the country reported to I he Federal
Reaerva board by agent In eai'h rencrve
dlalrlet, and mndo publlf tonight how
that tha proaperlty continued to Ini reaae
during April In virtually every ectlon
of tha t'nlted Btalea, eapenlally In eaater.i
manufar turlng centern. A gynopel of tha
Survey by dlntrlcta:
Hoaton Bualnena contlnuei to Improva,
comparlaon with a year ago ahowa that In
many canea tha Improvement la extreme.
IVrw York The roluma of gooda pro-
diifed and aold laat month waa probably
greater than In any March on record.
Philadelphia Trade la brink; prlrea are
rlalng ; manufacturing plantg are working
to rapacity.
Cleveland -Kamlnga of ateel eompanlaa
and concerna In kindred line continue at
an unprecedented rate.
Atlanta General condltlona are un
changed; outlook for future conditions
There la gradual selling of the cotton
erop. Manufarturera are working full
time and many re behind on ordera.
Money Mllgbtly Harder.
rhlcago Money la hardening gllghtly.
Manufacturer and wholeaalo merchant
are enjoying good bualneae. Fall wheat
eondlOon la reported to be unaatlafaclory
In many loralltlea. Decresaed wheat
eropa In pror.pcc.t. Volume of general
bualneaa coritlnuea high.
Bt. I)tilflThl dlatrlct la In excellent
bpolneea condlllon, I'roducerf and manu
facturera are operating to capacity, uhlp
menta of merchandlao ahow Iaigi In
irreaaea and the buying power of the gen
eral publle ha Infra sed.
Mlnneapoll1' Wholerale and retail trade
re proaperoug and lnduatrlal condltlona
excellent. Grain territory will ahow a 1ft
per cent reduction In wheat acreage for
191H Planting will be two weeka lato, but
a good crop la looked for aa condltlona
appear favorable.
Kanaaa City Crop condition have
r.fldorn len better at thla aearnti. Car
ahortage haa beon auuiewhat relieved.
There are no labor disturbance. I'rlce
trcorda cnntliiue to he broken at all ato U
tnarketa of Hie district. There appears
to be no reeaatlnn In the volume of but
in as.
I alias-Pains have revived bualneaa,
whh'h una lurllnnl to bo sliigglali. In
the giiulhwealern sectinii, where no lain
fell, (omn cntt'e are dying and unless
talna come conditions will soon be serious,
Cotton Is about all niarketcd. Activity
in the oil fields hua Increased about !
per cent, over Inst year, (ieneisl trade
riitdltlnris are good snd lahor la In much
Han Kranelaco Lumber prices sre up ft,
to ti per thousand feet and orders are
greater than mill capacity. Acute short
age lias ranaed unparalleled activity In
eliln building. Trade and financial con
dltlons sppenr to bo excellent
The power of an explosive depends
upon Its capacity to produce a large
volumo of gas from a comparatively
small amount of original solid matter.
j Don't Stay
Summer School to
Continue at Omaha
T cotisl ruction of the $ 0,'0 s lence
buiMli g for the l'nlvcriy of Omaha will
not Interfere with the work of the sum
mer school sesaliui. Tiedlik hull, In will -h
tho larger number of the rlnanen urn to
be held, will not he torn down uulll tho
completion of tho new structure
From present Inriturlea the summer
school enrollment promlaea to surpiisi
that of the attendance at present. Ho
eauae of the expei ti d lln'ri ine, ihe atndlei
offered this summer, will hiive n much
wbler ratine than the curriculum of
former ecselone. The pedagogical dcprt
ment, In which the Inrireit IncreHnn Is
expected, will be enlarged by the nddi-
tlnn of srvcrnl new ruclor Tb!
chi-uilatry and blnlnyy ili lnirtiin nta will
uln be Im reii ieil
W hile cnllcge work la In be Hin feature
of (he summer schnnl, academb worli la
by no miens lo be dropped. A peii
deparlnieiit iiiiih r the supervision of In an
Hillary embracing s course uf Inalructloii
similar to that of the local hlh aehonts
In to he offered.
Vltll tho ci'sillon of Mlai Gordon of
the Knglleh dcpartn.eiit all the present
faculty will remain for the uumm r period.
Evangelist Addresses Thirty Thou
sand People at Opening; of
His Campaign.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 1.
(Special Telegram. ) -- In h cold,
drenching, rain which foil throuKli
tail Sunday, 10,0(10 persona wont to
hear "Hilly" Sunday prcm-li Ilia
opeolnR Heriiion of h bpvpu-wppIjV
uiiupalKii here this mornlim.
I t (lie ' I'ftcrnoiiii, iillhmiKh (he
! ilov ,i, ur liiul not tu I rl . 10, 000
'more 'ilidcned 10 the rm IviiIIkI, an 1
I nt iiU'h:. with ihe rnln still f h U i n .
i (he ( .lif'i niicle wan hkhIii ftlleil.
"I in'ir hefme I, nd ao large an anil'
i rnce aa nnv of todnj'a with Ihe neatlicr
an 'UifnvrM ! ." iiiidav asld tonight,
' ' imr did I ein on the flrat dav of a
icaiiipnlgn inldreaa ,n nmnv prauna an'-
where under snv coinlltlona " Mmday
. pre l. iei ihat If the attendance nt
'the succeeding iiieetlnga lucreaaes 111 the
j ratio i.f his revUals In other rlllea, the
hmnua Cltv isnipnljrn will act n nem
mink In cruiveraliiii and city cleanalng
Although Hnndiiy called fur nn Irall
liltlrrs today, lila first sernmus were
characteristically vlgnrnua
llpens I i on Ha) Vi.
"Why," lie an lit, "mi nngel In heaven
could not coine lo Kanaiia City snd live
two uecki and then rctinn to heaven
without flrat being fumigated and disin
fected"' Added sentimental Interest for Holiday
la contained In the fact that the Kansas
City tabernacle standi" mi the exact spot
where Hunilay once played professlmial
Line bail
All of Ihe eiangelleal churches of thfa
cty and of Kalians City, Kim , sre co
operating In (he campaign.
After riirli sermon, ll detective ahead
of him, detective close behind him,
Mundny literally ran through resr nlnle
and Into a private riimn for a riib-dowtt,
A Hnltlniiire phyalcliui had advlai d him
lo remain In tied fifteen minutes after
each sermon. Ha Is following the advice.
Iln will submit first to a rub down such
a Is administered to athletes after
severe physical effort, snd (hen, covered
with blankets, relax completely until ha
hss recuperated frmn his pulpit effort.
Fi-ientists have discovered, that the
forest aJid the field are abundantly iUiP
plled with vegetation of various kinds,
that furnish tho Ingredients for making
a remedy for practically every aJlment
of tuHiiklnd. Medicines made from
mots, herbs and barka whlrh Nature
has placed ut the disposal of man are
j better than Mrong mineral mixtures,
j Mlncial medicines work dangerously on
i the deliMte parts of the system, espe
! chilly the stomach und bowels, by eating
(out the lining membrane, produclnf
chronic diapfipsla M ml often entirely
I ruining the health. M. 8. H. la guaran
teed to be a purely vegetable remedy.
1 II la made entirely of gentle-acting,
'healing, purlf: lug roots, herbs and
liaika, piiexcKsltig properties that bull l
up .ill parts of the svstein. In addition
lo romm lug all linpuritleg and polaona
f com Hie blood, M. M. H. la a safe treat
imnt fur all disorders of Hie blood. It
cleanses Hie entire system. (Jet H, B. B
at miiv di ng store, H. H. 8. Is a slandard
reniedv rcogni.(..t everywhere aa the
greatest blood antidote ever discovered.
, If jour Is a peculiar case write te Hwft.
i rpeclflc t 'o Atlanta, t in.
(Jet nt I lit Heal Otiaev Take Dr.
I (l aids' (Hire TaliHj.
That'a what thousands of stomach suf
ferers are doing now. Instead of taking
tonics, or trying to patch up a poor dl.
gestlon, they are attacklnri the real eausn
of the ailment-clogged liver and disor
dered bowels.
Ir, Kdwarrls' Olive Tablet arouse the
liver In a southing, healing wsy, When
the liver snd tmwela are performing
their natural functions, away got In
digestion and stomach troubles,
If you bsvs a bad taste In your mouth,
tongue coated, appetite poor, lasy, don't
rare feeling, no ambition or energy,
troubled with undigested food, you should
tska Olive Tsblets, the substitute for
Iir. F.dwards' Olive Tablet are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.
You will know them by their olive color,
They d.i the work without griping,
cramp or psln.
Take orin or two at t-'dtlma for quirk
relief, so joti csn eat what you At
l"c and '.'An Pr hog. All druggist.
The Ollvo Tablet Company, Columbus,
YV W I'msled of (he Wratern T'nlon,
who has been Iriillspiiacd for several
weeks from conipllciitlona arising from
an nttuck of grip. Is expected back at
his office I his week.
aine SiU'ceaaoe to l,on.
AI'eTIN, Tex,, April John A. Union
of Houston has been Hpolhtnl I i iumllei
general ef the Texas National (iintrd In
succession to the late Cecil A l.y Hi. An
nouncement of the appululmeiit was miide
tndny by Gnverimr ,1. F, l eruna u.
The Sunday Dee lathe only
Omaha newspaper thit
fives its readers four hig
pctfes of colored comics.
Tint your hslr to the shade desired with
"Drowtistone." This new preparation Is
far superior to any mixture Huit contain
henna, sulphur, ctlver, lejul or similar
There Is no danger of an Itching or poi
soned scalp when you use "Hrow nstone,"
for thla simple preparation ponlHvely con
tains no load, mercury, silver, sulphur,
r.lnc, aniline, coal-tar products or their
dorlvsllves You Just brush or comb It
Into the hair and presto'-your gray hslrs
Instantly disappear your hair Is a beau
tiful and uniform color throughout tha
ends are aa dark as tha balance and you
hBve any shade desired from a light
brown to a. black. Just a moments
"touching up" once a month, and no one
can ever detect It.
No rubbing, or washing off-no fading.
Prepared In two shailes one to produce
golden or medium brown, the other, dark
brown or black. Two lr,e 24 cent and
Wn will send absolutely free, for a
short, time only, a sample bottle of
"Hrownatone" If you will send us your
nsme snd address aceonipsnled by Irtc lo
help py postage and packing. Nn srini
pies at dialers. This offer Is made for
vou to try "Rrownaione" Hair Stain, and
find for yourself .hint how superior It
Is to sll so-cslled "dyes," combs, etc, The
Kenton I'harmacal Co., t'9 Tike fUreet,
Covington, Ky,
Bold and guaranteed in Omaha by Sher
man MeCnnnell Drug Co. Stores, and
other leading dealers.
Best Cane Sugar. 100-lb. Bag, $7.60
This is about wholesale price, bought before the recent
advance and we are passing the saving on to you.
A car of Iiirg,. Juicy T.emon.
priced, low to niovw enrplu
quickly: .".ofi and 300 pile, floien,
12c 13c 14c 15c
S3.ll S3.1S
lipid Cream Cheesn, OA
per po'inil . , afcvC
(lest Cider Vtnegur, 1 Q
I'cr Rl!on ... liC
Toilet l'sper, Heo, f"
2 rilli for OC
t me, ln rolls.. SU.-O.
car of Kronowy High Tstent:
4H-lh. t-ack 24 Ih. sack
$1.60 80c
Tlirlfly llablt, eiery sack guar
anteed 4 Ih. sack 2 lh. SHck
$1.35 68c
Van Camp Assorted rt
Hon pa, per can . , I C
Mrljireii I'PMnut Hutict, 1
per pound . . , . . . , I 1 C
Hex I. ye, per
ran . . . .
i for !r.
It was on the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, which opened
the Revolution, and the anniversary of the first spilling of blood in the Civil
War that President Wilson came before the joint session of Congress and
announced his dispatch of a virtual ultimatum to the German Government.
THE LITERARY DIGEST for April 29th, in presenting the consensus
of editorial opinion throughout the country upon the situation, shows that the
general feeling may be summed up in the words of the New York Globe :
"The summons has come to every American to manifest true faith and alle
giance and to repress in his breast the foul spirits of divisive strife and
pettifogging partizanship. America must be put first, and the only effective
way to put America first is to rally about the center of national Authority."
Other articles of 'very great interest are:
The Presidential Choice of Republican Lawmakers
Showing the Result of a Poll of the Members of Legislatures in the Various States. A
Total of 1,500 Replies or 500 More than the Number of Delegates in the
Republican National Conventions, Ha Been Received
Britain's Beef Indemnity
England's Reluctant Benedicts
The Philippines No Bait to Japan
Shall We Feed the Birds?
Mining for Mushrooms
A Time-saving Advance in Telegraphy
Explosive Sewers
How the War Has Affected Our Education
Blue-Penciling the Bible
The Bomb Plot Thickens
Fluttering of the Dove of Peace
Tcsla's Million-Dollar Mystery
Gelatin as a Food
The Highly Nutritious Alligator Pear
How to Sterilize a Tooth-Brush
Richard Harding Davis: Our Literary Gringo
A Play on Prison Reform
What Our Preachers Need
The Basket Stores
I I I I 'fjTS
7c a a
A Gallery of Striking Illustrations
A New Europe A New America
Tin" ntirV i!c I'lnpnti'iit -; tin' tiTtu-. uf in'in'f;
tin r nlllt lull nl' IH'S lililn'i'; tli httnitfii.iiijj
fl'rcf iii'ini niir t'n iiiiuiln wnfi'li fhix vital
iniikiiii; i'f Miii'M lii tnr a it i-. t'i-fiiii'il l
n.'.-k in nn: i.m.K'.M ih; mil
t; t fii'i'i I'tiint nl' i'i!i-iiitnT, inr;iti i triini
tin' ma '! iiiini'i'ni-varv n 1 1 nin M" nti t
III I iiniii'i'l !'!! Wlttl III! 1 1 1 I" !'lft tliat Ht'fi'l-ti
it- ,-i:mfi''.'tii.'t'. will li'iuii juft Imw rvrnf.i
nvv ii- i iiiiis,' nihl nliot iitl'lwi'iii't' jniMii opin
imi I'M'il.t in iimIi nalii'it iiiiiii itn mlii'itvs
t il lii tl in. iuti.ilit in tln iifi'tmnt.
I.n.ia ii i- .iirtitii m!i ,.jiial rainu'st m
that mmi 1 1 1 j i jii'hi' fur Mitu-.i'lt' tlii nu'i'itrt of
ii' li I'a-i', Vial will ir t tin' I'ltunl vi'H nMil
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