Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1916, Image 1

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    a Daily
Cell Tyler 1000
If You Wiiii to Talk to The Hi
or to .Anyone Connected
Wllb The lietv.
Part Cloudy
VOL. XLVXO. :'7..
Oa Train, at Hot
Hews Stand, eto, be
Baker. After Conference with Wil- -ifn,
Telegraphs Scott and
Funston Not to Debate
General Scott Said to Be Awaiting
Answer to Long Code Message
Sent Washington.
. i
tional instructions Kent to (Jenerala i
Kcott and KutiHlon today by Secretary
liakor after a conference with Irl i
dent Wilson and wllb Hecro titry'
King are understood to make plain j whatever In agreed upon al. th;i
conference with General Olircgon,
(ieneral Carranza's minister of war,
in uht nol be bused oa any Immediate;
recall of lionoial IVrshlnR'a force.
fierier I hnitl probably will point out j
In the Cairunzri war minister Unit II"' J
de fni'0 government I 1 ln-n fn-'l ly i
factional cnouilc wltlilii It own bolder j
wlii) would welcome an opportunity io j
line gaiiiot It. If 1 lie rnhd '--'i f j
w compelled lo go Into Mexico In con
Slderable forr lo make, certain the
t urlty of I' own border iigalit nniidlt j
raids that opportunity might be pre,- j
vented. '
The American officer liml asked for
amplification of Instruction received last j
nl(ht from Secretary linker, Of filial
here, have flCNcrlli-'l tho conference ui)
to Ihls lime km being p:iri-ly of a pre- !
Ilmiriary character and for the purpose
of exchanging view. No demands have
been presfitted by cither lii'l'',
After a flftcen-mlnute conference lhl
afternoon with Secretary Lansing, Kll
seo Arredondo, ileucral Carrniiza'g ain
ha.dor, said ha had renewed the sug
gestion for withdrawal of the Ameri
can expedition, tic stated, however, he
find not been especially Infirm-led to pre
sent a more formal demand than has
been made.
Kij rA,0, T . May 1 -Major General
Frederick A. Funston announced shortly
before noon today that, only one more
ronferenre would he held Willi the Mex
Icsn representative on the military que
ilo',,e now e.xldtlnu hetween thl cotmlry
end llejlro. Jte enld It would be a brief
one, (iiiifniln Hcott and Kmnttnn are
, awaltliiK a reply from Washington fcefore
eitln(t a time for the conference.
El, VAHO, Tex., May J.Iumptln of
the Scott-Kunelon-Oliregon ponferenre lo
rorialdrr Hie American military proMom
In Mexico mny not. ho undertaken until
Into today or jwreildy -tomorrow, when
it Im hi lloved the adinlnlalrallon will have
hnd time to 1lKet the report that have
been itenl lo Waahlngton by the Amor
Iran reprenentaltvca of the War depart
ment here.
Onnrala l"cott and runeton, wllh their
a Idea, worked far Into tha nUht prepar
Intt data und report and a laat coda mea
miKn wm rllnpatched to the War depart
ment Jiit befnra daybreak, Hcveral coda
fi'WiKcii have alrendy hcen cxclmnged
find It la underatood that tha army of
ficer have axked jiennlaalon to lake lip,
In Mil tla phaaea, the queatlon of wlth
ilravvhiK tho troop from Mexico, which
(jenernl Ohreson and hla fellow confnraa
hrouk'ht to (ho fore at the conference
of Bnturday.
That tho conference here will finally
"ltle the withdrawal iiucition la not be
lieved. Waahlnnton, it la anld, haa aua;
veated that the American repreaentatlve
obtain all poMbla data, and Information
hearing on the cjneatlon that may bo ad
vanced by the Mexican conferee, and
forward a full report for tho conaldera
llon of the State department, which now
ha Carraniaa requeat for a withdrawal
of the American troopa undep confedera
tion. After the conclusion of the negotia
tion hcra for tho withdrawal of the
troopa tho American conferee aro pre
pared to take up the proposition of co
operation of the American troop with
tha Cannula forces In the cruahliut of
the Vllllut hand. It I believed (hut
General Ohri'uon, h"fore unilertiiklnu tn
rtlnruK thin iui'RIoii, will, at IciihI iiiuh
lint the American troop retire to a lim
ited and restricted dletrlct )nt aontlt of
the bonbr for It political effect In
'Mexico. The pi'i me of I'nlted State
troop on Mexican oll I nald to be pio
ok1iiB h"l lilt y.
ibra-tion and hi party think tha eon
u 'Milium d mi I'uiia Two, Cuhmni One.)
The Weather
r"i.r (Ucali. ( ouiicll It'.ufft and VI nn'i
I Itrrltlr.t.
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Chief secretary for Ireland,
who has announced his in
tention of going to the scene
of the recent revolt to take
charge of the situation there.
AU6USTIMC BlJtngblt.
Error in Douglas County Returns
of 1,500 Votes Nominates the ,
Present Incumbent.
Ilailcy (i, Morcliead, flection corn
nilaaloncr of Iiougla county yclcr-
day found an error had been made In j
rcporllng the unofficial election re
turn of Dougla county on railway
coniiniBi.loncr, the vote of Mr. Clarke
for railway coninilHHloner bnlng glveo
to Walter Johnaon, ono of IiIh op
ponenta and Johnaon vole being
credited to Mr. Clarke.
W'ltii thl change In Jiouglu county
Mr, f'lfirko 1 made the tumln'0 of tie
republuan parly fur ral way c,ninmlloiier
lnt'uil of Mr. Itandull, tho total vote
from the entire xtnto not counting Doug
Ian county outldo of Omaha, ghjnc
t'laike "W majority over flandill, tb"
vole being clarka. 2t,!W, and Jlundjll,
'oinmiaaloner Morehead wa able to
give the official count only of the cty
of Omaha, but Mated that the entlra
county vole would bo cnn8'd by Tuea
day. Tlila will add to Mr, riftrke'a vote.
The error found add about vote to
Clarke' total.
House as Committee
of the Whole Knocks
Out Freedom Clause
WASIIINOTON, May l.-Klttlng a tho
committee of the wholrt the Iioukc to
night voted. W to 1.11, to eliminate.' the
provlnlon of tho I'hllllpplnea bill author
izing tho prealdent to grant .Indepertdetieo
to tho Inland In four year. This was
accepted a meaning defeat for the acc
tlon on a final vote.
On the eighteenth anniversary of the
battle of Manila bay, the Philippine In
dependence bill uaa tnken up In the
house by unanlinouH oonHcnt. There wa
no rcMort to a apeclal rule,
The debate bemm under n agrcemnnt
between dfiiiocrat and republican for
elthl hour, providing that fit the con
rlunion of general debate the riark
ameiulment for Independence within four
year shall lie taken ut
of all.
for VOtO ftlHt
1'efendiiig the riarka amendiueiil, Hep-
tfaentatlve Jone. anihor of the bill, rie-!
el ii red that the chnl' presented by the!
ni'iiatn tij between a "vague, Indefinite, j
meaiilniiles and nlmot Inconceivable
propt.tmkm and b li-iiiest effort to re
deem Oie xoh'iun priiinlic of tlm ileino
t rail.; part v "
"There are now i:.i'' aiddlrr In the
b,lnml.i." be ftuld, "Who bellece that
M,ii hi. miffii lent tc gairianii the
fnrtit that in is) I s eiiuxtrui led and to
deft-mi the iliiii'! in the event of an at
tack by siunti striuij nation I do unl
liinllale In n nil the 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 thai It
would l- linptwlie s icci'..fii1 (,
feic) l!,etu aa-tln-it unv f i r t cla Pi,ib
l.ilv nn. iial p"r '
I!,' pi .-..'!! a lis c I, men
l l -' ll. WI.N d-UM" I t
I ..I. ,n I tl,-.i..'ti)'. Mil.
Il. - II Cl- .l-l. I.' ,
pulilc nil . Kit ." ,
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President Says They Would Cr"
to Colors with Cheers apJ
mentum m Time
with For''
. v
Assert Honor and Integrity
United States Can't Be Tam
pered With.
WASHINGTON, May 1 . --Ami-rlii.
reattaln ned In national hplrli through
Ichhoiih of the war In Kiiropo wan llio
theme of an uddrrva by Piealdent
Wllfion today at th opening of the
National Horvlre Military ICncauip-1
nient for young; women, In conclud
Irk the prMldent volreil a wurnlnx
thai Hie honor null Inleprlty of the
1 nlted Stfic cannot be tampered
with. !
II' prayed that tln coiiniry (should
nol bo drawn into war, but dtrrlare lj
that if II dltotiM be "In thr groat j
voice of national cuthualati) which;
would be rained, all tlio world would
Ktand onto more thrilled lo hear tho
voice of tin? new world HerUng the
Dtandai'dM of juatlec and liberty,"
The piewloenl anpree'd confidence that
In time of trouble tin grent ninaa nf for
rlKh l-oui citizen of the I'nlted Htatai
would U Io.miI "I never bud lha ti ghtest
doubt of what would hap;ien when Am'
lea callel iif e-i ihoae nf It clllzen bir.i
In otlu r (oun'rle to come (hi tha up
pon of the flag,'' he nld.
"Why, they will coma nh ha r, thev
will come wl'li ii momentum whic'l HI
make u rtnllzi! that America hit once
more beai cried awiilie out of every aort.
of diaicmper end ilreiim and detraction,
tml IbHt any iiii n who dure tanper with
the eplrll of Anvil :n will be eat ou
("oiillnued on re Two, C'olumn Two.)
'Hard Coal Men Say
Frices Will Go Up
I'HII.ArilXPHIA, I'a., May I.-An-Ihraclle
operator here today ald price
of prepared le of coal will have 10
be lnereed to the conaiimnr a a re
ault of the ngrcement reached with the
niltia worker In the bard coal field.
Chairman Warriner of lh operator' gen
cral conference committee aaid the new
agreement would Involve a general wage
lii'reaae of allghtly more than 10 per
clvnt. or between Jlft.OW.flOO and IJ.,ciW
9 year.'
Tho general committee of the anthra
cite operator met here todr, heard
the report of it aubeommlttea which
negotiated the agreement and formally
ratified the nw wago cle,
NKW VOriK. May l.-Hetall of tho
aettlement of tho anthracite coal con
troversy a a reault of tha negotiation
which have been going on for week
between operator and the miner were
mado public hem today by the operator.
Tho agreement, Involving lnreaea
wge. shorter hour and virtual recog
nition of the union, I a yet unalgned,
but alnce It ha met with approval of
the atibcomnilttee, which ha been In
ncHaion here, It I not anticipated that 't
will bo rejected at the miner' conven
tion at I'ottsvllle, Ta., tomorrow.
Tha agreement, will be retroactive to
April 1, and will avert a threatened
strike, which would throw om Vt.M
employe Into ldlene.
Heavy Dealings in
Stock Issues of the
Mercantile Marine
NKW Y'HUC, May l. -Further heavy
if alinpa in the hares uf the Intei nitlonat
Mercantile Marttp- enrmmnv, control of
which I now believed to rest with th
"UKIicnii '
the enuroMNlng Irnture of today atork
In the ftrft three hour combined aalei
of tho common and preferred stock c
uri-aated loili sooting hlnh re-
onl. The pre'etrd touched i. n (ra'n
of ', ever laot week's clnsw and "i point
above It price of a Meek ago. The com
mon at ?J' khowed a gain of t. ovr the
., ei, I and all Britain e f In a week's
tin "
Kaiser and Aides
Debate Over Reply
111 , HI. IN. May I i VI iM.inb.til At
lia-t attother lt a doll'riaiich at i. it
tirn l iintlr, and, f-' ilmj. moie, ntav
lie iiii I h-f-'is On. ijeriimri innoi
tn the . riieficau mile I d I led "II.
Thi It ibd o. ft. iil ll. I I thsl m
lnta..r Orlf,l tf U-i rtjCie.l U; I1UI1I
It M tut rrlaln ntu ii be a.eild I a-i
to rettru t" I'er.ln V linxl U il
Hint uf i o i vv muni at !
'".Rev. B, Fay Mills,
Evangelist, is Dead
llilMi I' M !! !V'i. !, . .M -.
. I . -t-,.. I . Mia '.. . t i .
i.,tS t f l,'i,.il t. i iliiim ,1c I wl
fc.-!-,'! l.f- I I , f.r t.,i.-f l
I'ft t. -.'-I -r i-.-.
I- 9 '4' lit . it It
ti i ,i .. f. t ttu-o.i. at, t In !-,
US' U ill ItKil. k k : UV ti
i .-. ne t
additional cash and
.t!- :i. M I In l fi-'-
mm '. iii tut i l r v I .
' ' - ' t i... 4,
...... . 1 - II. ft ! . '.
as seen here.
It""- i J" ir,"1ll'iriwaarf" -
l-l " mnmmmmummmmmnmmimiTmmmm ..I.. .
r 4'
Beport from Saloniki Says Large
Ship Was Torpedoed Ten Miles
East of That Point.
IIKKI.IN, May 1. (I!y Wind pus lo
the? Associated l'ren, Via Hay villi;. I
- U i reporlrd ftoiii Kalonlkl that
a (ir-mian aiibmarini' htm toriiodoed
r. largo transport. H I anld the
trannport wa torpedoed off Kara
litirun, ten niilog cast of Halouikl.
This I the Hocond InHtancc In which
p, transport la reported to have been
forpedood near Saloniki,
Thl report la contained in g din
patch from Zurich, which credits this
news lo tho Greek uowMpapcr .'eu
Alltbla of Kalonlki.
Four Weddings All
in Single Day in One
Shenandoah Family
fllE.N'AVnOAII. In., May t. -(Mpe-lal
Telt gram.) -The vtcdijjug ..of.. JVittrelU'i
.N'o to Ml Maude Culler nl 12:0 n. in.
was the fltat of four marriage today n'
children of Mr. and Mr. ,T. I'. Syi o i
this, their fori let It wedding aniiitnmiry.
Tho ceremony, performed nhortly after
midnight by a Juatb'n nf p-ace wti
two of the bride to be rind yrooms-to-b-a
wltneasei, (niir. a n urp le. Tl cy
gtolo a march n the family ami 'ore I
a wedding no' on ibn day' calender Tin
wevhllng of Arthur Nye, sncrelcry of th
Commercial club and Klk Indue an I
candidate for the republl an nominee for
county nudltor wa the next suriri e. II.
Wa married to f,ll Mary Ilcily. fer
nierly of Hireiitor, 111., nt noon at. tin
Catholic parsonage, Invlt-itl u kid boa 1
limned fur a bin double wcdd'ng nt I
o'clock at. the home win n MIhs JiiM". Nyo
wa wedded to Ivor! Urnnt of lip b'o
t olo,, chemist for en Iron factory. Th"
bride o former tlenconnrst at ta
i cloradi. Childron'R home. Mis I.ucy
Nye wa married to Sylvester Allured of
Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mr .1 P. Nve tverj mnrrl'd
foily year ago at. a double wrd I n ?
Thry ha"e twelve children, all of whom
were present but .lohn Nye, Hi America l
consul In Ceylon, All chiltlien oie mtir.
rled except three.
Anionic the out of-town mict wete Mr.
and Mrs. K. II, lloel of Oiii'ihu, Mr, and
Mr. II. IJ. Iloel of Omili i. lrv. t hul,. i
t'empbell and children of lined Ijptnd
British Casualties
in Mesopotamia
Twenty Thousand
HI l!l. IN. May I il!v tVinl ,n i,, v,ty-
Ml!f 1 Tile l lllll t ! . f ' .-Il l 11 J- kilt-
tallied bv Ihe Hiiti'ii f res tn .V- -,.
potamln during Mm- b end -vpili I mni
it i.u 111 (Vlistnitlliixpl dl -iatt'i 1
the Oirorici - V . .
' Tlie t.o.,1 V I iti-l II- d 1.1 Kill Ll . t.l!t
has i, "I ti I... o i' nti I. I ii ut
a. in a-lil . ''Ain ii Ih" i i. - "CM er
fi'till- jreit.l.U :t t -. ; , t - ? v ,,ftH i hi nlu I '
I ndi .o e'd . i Th" I 'I' Ii - ' in " it -i
in cl.t. 1 1 .lit f . i p. to. i- t ' . 't i il
T"ii- 'i : t 'I e I i . - i i on ' '' t l-
t lit in ' 1 - ' ! '
t f. : ' j ''.' 'KSTt - ''e.VtT, v
ft K - , ? : ' : .e.
Twenty-Three Men on Ship Caught
in Ice Perish of Cold and Hanger
tt.l..t N l. i i . it .. rt i , . t 'i a - : . . ,
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the giant shells that reduced these
. .. .w.;mmb
Lone Man Robs
Bank at St. Paul,
Minn,, of $3,000
NT. I'AI I., .Minn., May 1- One man
held up IIm I'Hy Hank of Hi. I' Hi on
Wial fleteiuli street thl afternoon, drove
Hie cashier and tuo iiiesaenuei Into the
vault and escaped wllh 11,'Ml.
ARMY OF 180,000
Houe aijd Senate Conferees Prac
tically Decide to Put Teace
Strength at This Figure.
WASHINGTON, 1). C. May i , A
i.gular army of iso.onO men at
peace titrength luia bci'ti practically
Bf.rccd upon by genato and houa
conforoca on (he army bill, With
the plnim for cxpanalon as provided
in the bill, which has imaged tho aen
fite, this would produce un army of
rbont 200,000 men In war rvtrenglh.
The hill gs It punned the senate fixed
(be pegce strength at .'0,000,
The .agreement yn ti l; s!,e iif Ue. army
I (eiiliillte end dependent upon settle
ment nf oilier feature of the bill still In
dispute. It wa urged by tho conferees
Uihi ilvre should nt least be a tentative
basis for the slue of tho army before they
could matte any progress nn derail.
Bryan is Elected
Alternate to the
Demo Convention
LINCOLN, Mny I - William J. fliynn,
defeated candidate) for delegiite-itl-lurge
to the democratic national convention, re
ceived eighteen vote a alternate, ''
cording to official count thus fur. and
heneo may go to th; convention as nn
alternate delegate.
Ill name miih written In case he
I declared eb-clcd ft Item, Vhgnte, he
will be eliKlbli; to a seat ll. . M. IvOiil
couventluii If any of the t lar dele,
gait should see fit to give ik lr place
to him, W. II. Thompson and J J.
Thomas, two lran men. were elected.
IoiikIs Cones, another defeated can
didate for delegate, received 11 vote:
Louis J. I'lattl, 10, and I. V. lllllnuiu, i.
The vole of Douglas and Lancaster
counties have nut ncen receltrd.
Slayers of Sheriff
at Cheyenne Taken
1-iiltT I'll. I. INS, Colo, Mm .-To
lilt II believed In have been I lie i,IhiI.h of
Mioriff 1'iank lli.if Ii of Cheeniif and
,Nel N't-lioii were rapt ui ml tttda li
iMheiiff ll. I Cook liml one ilepul) from
ll'oil Collin.., The enidiMi' n mad"
ttteuty-hi t i it llilleit uoiflin. .l of belt.
The men lls'e llie f . tut-1 of Pel.' flilrua
ltd C, It I'.'Sl.toli, TIl.'J Mere hiWH
itriiied. Tin offi'its libiuirii.l it tun ui
rled h) r-iie ef llie iiteit a hi loiiHimt io
-I.e. iff ISnach
;A, J. Graham, Banker
! of Chicago, is Dead
J I I II' 'A' , I M , I' .t I 1 ,1 (,!,,
I i m , i f 1 1 1- i .-.oil iii : - i i 1 1. 1 . f i ii tn. i in
,V -I ,. ill. I t l',l t , t ll. ,4. 1,1
buildings at Ypres to ruins,
- : -1 ; i .
........ .
Mrs. Marie Pinnisi Dies at St.
Joseph Hospital as Result of
Burns from naming Liquid.
Mra. Marie IMnnlsl, 612 Tierce
street, aged 28, died at HI. Jreph
hoepltal hm the result, of bums re
ceived Monday tuoinlnn when sip)
iiHcd kerosene, to kindle a fire in I he
kitchen range,
Hcarccly nn Inch of fenh on ha
l,'dy escaped terrible hunts when the
I i-roHeno flared und covered her
cloililnn with burning oil.
Hhe attempted lo rscnpe fioni the build
ing to the back jard, bill M hen the back
door opened several Inches, and then
eaiiKbl, the draft from the opening whip
ped her burning clothing Into a torch of
flame, and II was In thl condition she
wan found on the floor by neighbor who
pin i led lo her aid, firemen from Lnglne
louse No, ID. n block wy, iViponded
mil etriliiaulwhed thn fir before the atruc.
lure, which house' five other families.
burned to any great ement.
In the bonne ut the time and lying In
a crib libit wan scorched by tho flame
from th mother clothing w 1-yesr-old
irnby .ltr, wbo e.saet Million! a single
burn. Hlie wa cat rled from the lritclure
by Teresco Cai inelo, sged IS ear, who
live iipaialrs rind whs the first In lb
loom lifter (he fire occurred.
The woman's husband Is employed aa
day laborer with a gung Working near
Itapld P'ty, H. 1. he had several lei,
live living in Omaha, and a number In
the old country.
Lincoln Must Go
Back to London
Says Highest Court
V A,JllldTON, May I. -The Biiprime
court held today that Ignatius Timothy
Trllbli Lincoln, fnriimr member rif the
llrllleh I 'ii i'l In no m und confessed spy,
must go back to Lowland for a trial on
charge of forgery,
Lincoln Ha arrested In New York and
made a peiisutionul escape. He wa re
arresied and from thn order for hi -t
'ui It Im i he souuht release tlirongh
hiilK'iis eoriuis proceedlnas. The New
York federal dlsltlet court, refused to ra
lenne him and Lliu'olii appealed to thn
supreme court, Lincoln ionlend"d that
If relumed to England he would b tried
a a spy, contrary to too extradition
treaty lot ween the I 'idled Mate and
(ileal. Kiliaiii,
Senate Votes to
Accept Patent on
Gasoline Process
W V -II i ViTi i, Mny I.- Kelialor James ii'.l ' "I I iik the ,itt of
lie till' I lor l-i I' - tl-. e ,ilt It- it; illlenl tC
1 1 Litiniuii is'int f ir I 1 p "tt 1.1 in
UitM'Uii" until Hn lur,, wa- ad. pit I to.l.y
In llie , . ' AltintUi, if tin
tnit 11, 1 ol 111 t.i .1 of roie-i tl'M n-nil. I'i
pii.ot 11 01 tfi tit I U, 1 1 11 it u i. ,M ic nr 1
. 1 1 . 11 ll. I.I I 1 10 Ii, I I I e I , r lbs Hid
. hn , In i r ill 1!,- . 1 I,. i,v e Hie
plo , - it i 11 it, tlile 1, 1 li e e Ii ,c
Dewey Celebrates
Anniversary of the
Battle of Manila
W V n I I "-t , I ' VI,, i Viliild.l !.
I--I i - . ' ' e. I-'. . I, i 1. n' I, -tl-t'l
m i ...i , .'I-, - ..H i r vi .to (. , i v
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I I 1 1 I I, ... ' . i. . i: i on il ' ,i tl-t i n f
1 u, , - ... t t , 1 t , ! t -I t.t ! f
I t i,i - .0(i . i- ,..i.l . .tutu l 1 a. i
t I i -t. , , - ,1 t,- I.i . ii . ii,,
i .... .i . i ..I i - i i.-.. it.. . , r h .
" i l", i ' I . ii . , - !, , i , t . , .
' ..... I. i., I, i . .....i . , 4 !..'.
russ RtGiiFposmoc.s
l-l I,. IS VI.- 1 i , is' , (..
t " I - I ', J . .' t ti I ' ' . i i , t t I t
-.. I,,. i. !.., (.t,!'.....a of '..
t- .-- fcs t i in-. - . it- .a t i a -, j
' i it tl. a ... (-,. i. tn itm i ai t
II ....... . I . . . a . i . a a i. ..-..I .-I
If ii n .i.i. i I. .in ti., i.t .. .
t' . a f - t . in m s t t
it'.'. I --a O It. at e '.' ' f Ml
'i'a ii- I .t i t a a. . a I
Soldiers of the Republic of Ireland
Stack Their Guns at the
Foot of the Parnell
Movement Collapses and Leaders
, Advise Followers in Outside
Towns to Surrender,
hi I I i: i I v
LONDON, May 1, -All tha rchels
In Dublin have s u ire n doted and thoje
In the country districts are dolnn
likewise, according; to an official
slaletiiont Issued this evening.
: The Knnlacorthy rebels have tin
I'onilltlt tially surrendered, It was
officially announced (onlght. Oni!
i thousand prisoners were taken In
j Dublin yesterday, the announcement
j added,
! Ill I LKTIV.
! LONDON, May 1 . Official an
nouncement was made this afternoon
jihut all the robel loader, in Dubllu
had surrendered,
: DCflLIN, April, 30. (Via London,
Mey 1.) Hebelg of the rank and
f'le followed thai example of their
I leaders today and confessed lh
fnsn of (he Irish reptiblle wa,Vat
tiv laying don (heir arms at thl
fniit of tho 1'arnell monument In
! f acKvllle ilreet und surretiderlnn to
I'rllish troops. About 450 of tliem,'
ho had fought slnco Monday In thin
central an-a, inarched out from thelP
j strongholds under tho whlttj flag and
i r.ivc themselves up. A fw Irreeon-
i . . . ....... i
enables continued sniping rrom tans,
d'ffli iilt lo locate, on roofa or among
rrfters of biilldlnKS nearby,
Hoon 'fterwrd a reliel llout.ensnt wettr
In a heather green uniform and erryln
a white flag rme In with a guard of !
I men from the adjoining lounly ef McatH
to learn tlie truth shout rumor of a gen
' era I surrender. The party marched off U
Iho castle and learned from J. II. 1'esre.
j ho wa named provisional president ol
I the Irish republic, that tho movement
i bad collapsed and was advised to resist
I mi longer. The lieutenant and hi esc.orl
tluui stnrted out to parley with the rebeli
! In (he country districts In an effort to In
! dure them to Isy down their arm.
I Jitines Connolly, one of th leader o'
I the uprising, I said by govt rnmeiit ut
fh ial to be a prisoner, wounded, In th
Desolation nil Dratroetloa.
A coi respondent of the Associated I'rf J
visited thn entire area, of the dlaturhanot
today. The deoltlon and deatrnetloi
bowed how severe wa the fighting, Thl
havoc appear more etonH'e than It so
tuslly I, owing to the amount of debrll
Lverv window of I he law courts ha
it ttv
I till
been shattered. The rebel had held
building for a week. Valuable law
cranes books and furniture wera utlllie,
to barricade windows and through lid
interstices between the bulky volume tig
ine nuiay volume tig
ut cessation, day anj
red on In turn, untl
id to evacuate trg
rebels sniped without
night, and were fired
they were compelled
Houses all around w ere dented wl tl,
bullet mark. Home of them wero barrf
ceded with thick oaken plank. Ovai
W Ino Tavern bridge thero were almlla
Thl morning tlie street wera full fl
curious person who wera glad to havt
the opportunity to bo about after theS
long dot. in Ion In their home, durln
which they were deprived of food unit
tho authorities made provision for there
j Down Cork Hill and King Kdwarj
street strong guard of troops are atij
In evidence, and every passerby Is rhuf
j Ii ng.'il. I
j The city ball bad been occupied fa
j set-rial tiaj by the rebels, and even a
this tluui sniper In house In th Vlclml)
1 art khootliiK at Intervals,
M far l.rsrn I lilorina, ,
Iho correspondent approached tN
ctstltt a party of mino Hutu 10 capluini
mt iiilit'i -t of the Finn l'em umrclied 4
i und'-r escort toward Itlchinund Jail
! where more than 7'iai now held. Man
I of llie inen tteie In Krei u unlfornis. in
' woio I lie tiiilfottn of the Irish volunteer)
' and, eis were III civilian clothe!
, Nuiiihri of iheut wet a wounded ai4
' aiiffiiiiiM but niioit of Hum htlil Ul tin
i lie. tleflitnlly. ,
I Tim iilihoi t-si. tiling ll em were roJ
j tt 1,0 bu t fought all Ihioiiglt th uprUI
'and wt-ie iimitj Intier t, -tlnail tin lr i
t,t lipoid ftlU.W i iiillll i J liu It ttiart tl
li".i.i l't'.tihl oni ff.titl I initaivl. Tl
ftthnit i I tn be sh.trf't t'f llioet
ii. i lit Itoi Un
M hi. i t o. Ill-rll, where the rel.-'
foii-it ,..) bt ! t at "oii iti
no,, i itnt.i w a lit'ncn en Monday, W.j
in.-. 'I .nt l' . I'-vii. Ii i n.iii t'naj
'l Km ii t! -t ;t ") lr
jiiUih.; it fl i) v m-,
I'htUUllj, lii'W aliftililifl
ih i i i tciii j Miir l t
cr nl I'i i'tn i tn Itsi v
limit, nl ll t u -U u nti-
ni, Mttla tu Jil.Uilg
III Tl i I'" e'i I W .ti
Mtat I! ti t t. u i-i'iutsi'.i.