Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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"Ttwuiil'i tot porttng- Ooede."
CsUf FUrtwee -Burgeea-Oranden.
L ' .
Baf mBt Kimft
;1p ol Print It Now Baon fr:
v. ' i -........ v.. wmnvii
1 1
to 308 Bee Building.
mw Honey on Seal Xtat, e
Imont & Co., Iveellne Wldg.
f Wanted- Home Uulldlng and
at Co. Address L. I?JB. lee.
ChftiurM location James I.
real estate man who formorly
Ud at 2011 Keellne building, hag
0 m-i Brondei building.
Bio Busineee R. C. Qoddard of
trai Coal 8t Coke company ha
to engage In bualnc. for hlm-
r Moru rtomun," iiuifli
today. It appeare In Th Bo
IIVJCLT. Had out what he r
vlg pletur theater otfr.
roar atvaay ana valuable In th
a Saf Dapoalt Vault. US South
Bm Bldg. Box rant 11.00 lor
I. Open from a. m. to p. m.
I, Olnb elves Deno -More than
lei attended th dance given at
f cHook exchange on the Mouth
the L. S. EX club yeetorday even-
Afternoon Monday Tha Temple
ay lasu.i i l I win noia the iat or tne
V' fternoona at the teniplo Monduy.
' Ml 1 I , ( I . f ...... 1
S"U will uv sivill at LIIO im;ui
ts-Tlle RUnglM aunderlaa
Mla Georgia William will ap
(khe "Little Rebel" at the nter-
to be given May 4 at tho Drat
I cburoh. Twenty-sixth and Hur
ta, at I o'clock. Mis William
ii of Mr, Charle P. Ro. The
Dumber will be by courtesy of
la Hyan tudlo. Thla entertnln
under the auspices of tha Omaha
t Endeavor union.
irnell Hall to
leorganize Its
Course of Study
11 hall ha announced that, he
alth th 191A-1917 school year, the
f study wltl be reorganized along
1 modern lines. There will be
ntary achool for younger rhll
llowed by a Junior high chool
Itmentary athool and tha first
the Junior high school will be
4 In the present quarter at 13.1
trtloth atrcet. The elementary
mo ha the privilege of using
I Sunday school room of Bt. Bar-
iurrli for vnu1c, game and ln
slCal work,
lllce WfKl, formorly of Bavan-
J, ha been secured a director
(menlary achool, Mlsa West ha
fit or nor own aihool In fit. Jo
., lnce 1907.
(giving up her achool on aocount
II health of her partner. Mle
V.H educated uiuler MJ Carter
flmothy' Catonavllle, Md. She
her training for primary work
hnah under Dr. Kllpatrlfk, now
r of eduratlon at Teiicher" col-
tlumhla. Mia Went haa alnce
under Pr. Kllpatrlck at Colurn'
he I expecting to attend the
aeailon this year.
ktlon have already been received
fourth and fifth grade of the
try achool. Other clap will be
in the order of application. I -It-
will be received up to 10 year of
the entire nix c!ae of the ele
achool are dcalred, Mia West
(age an aaaltant Idle Helen
III have the French, and regular
Jre in physical training and do-
rt will aastat in the elementary
BMore to Shoe
Dobbin Hereafter
floe of horaeahoelng ha gone up.
Monday morning It will cost
lave a horse hod with new hoes
with old ehoea. The advance in
attributed to the tncreaaed coat
rial. It I aald all horseahoera
jlty will make the advance.
Iam to be given by
stian endeavor union
maha Christian Kndcavnr union
i a program at tho Kirat Chrlutlan
I'wenty-slxth and Harney streets,
V evening, the proceed to o to-
fund for financing the Chrlsllun
r convention, which will be held
those who will tnl;c part In the
are Mm Rlanch est, Miss VI
Weat. Mlsa Belle Went, Mle
Tent, Mlsa Klalne Hale, Ml Until
Carl Slhhfit, .Win Iteva Kiev,
idrlrkatm, Mla Moxelle Thnmna,
y Itat.-hfoi rl, MiM Allirora I'ul
B fieorgiii Wllllaiim, Ml Hulh
rol Strlckler, Kdwln Fuller, John
onanl Itodger, Mix Blanche
til Bertha Coffey nn V. 1C,
pgoi.t nlll Yf finrn Mis MiliU
Ituilln. The rendu, on the no-
purl; of Mr i'hnili-4 r, lln.i
DcccnvTCDium uxc
'ir.t Cr.-it1) tf i Inn
itit l.'td a
j t" r-rtt y In benevolent' not
t'lllig It miitiln x ii I hull. On. ,.(
I i1nriti the t H-i km n- Mi.1,1.
iitti :nl r fM-rf i" o:, n ii t.
tit ii. t i
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Initial Ordeal at Den This Tear to
Be Known as Greater Omaha
The opening night of the Ak-8ar
Bon Hbow and initiation at the Den
thla year" will be known not only aa
opening night, but a Greater Omab.t
night. The South Side fellows
will be pretient In gtrong fores and
staKe gome tort of a itpeclal feature
ag they did on South maha night
last year, Latit year they came with
hornet), saddle., revolver! and ropes.
They Introduced the cowboy quartet,
staged Home wild went stage coach
attacks, Indian battles and thi
banging of a horse thief or two.
What they have planned for 'his year
Ih, of course, a prorounfr secret and
will be until the night arrives. Th3
opening night this year will be June
Thero are 1.173 member at the prenont
time. The memberahlp committee. Is
huatllng and bringing In new member
each day.
Another rthearaj of the singers will
be hold Monday evening at the Den. Ou
ltenze eays that, although th linger
ara responding readily, he Mill need
mors of tharrk II want those who
have paid their $10, and who believe they
can alng, to aunt to the Ben and lot htm
or om other competent Judge hear
"Torture" Ioatrnmenta Heady
The contraption for Initiation ar aJ
moat complete. The carpenter, black
amltha, "dynamite monkey" and all
other craftsmen employed In gottlng up
the "Infernal machine" have about
finished their taak.
Mr. Unco will put hi entire force of
rorkmcn to work on the float for the
big historical parade Tuemlay morning.
The commiltoe ruprcontlng the Anolent
Order of United Workmen la working
hard to bring in 1,000 local Workmen to
membership In Ak-8ar-l)en before Juno
K, when the Workmen of the state, in
convention in Omaha, are to be enter
taJned at the Den. Thla cpeolal commit
tee consist of M. J. Curran, A. W. Clark,
W. It. Halteroth and 11. D. Walker. Mr.
Walker la deputy grann master of the
fiteele Kolcombe, the new president of
the university Toung Men' ChrlMlan aji
sootatlon, haa appointed hi cabinet for
the year l!ilft-17. The nineteen men wh
have been given places on th association
board will direct all the Voung Men'
Christian aoclatlon actlvitl among the
students, and will also extend tho Chris
llan work beyond the university. Places
have been made on the cabinet for men
to work with the foreign laborer in Lin
coln, to act o big brother to the boys
of the juvenile court, and to work with
the high chool boy.
The cabinet member will be: Finance.
Anton Btrandberg, Prlnghaa; publicity
and publication, George Grime, Omaha,
Blblo atudy, Edward l'erley, Omaha; nils
lon study, Vaughn Ruasom. Lincoln; per
sonal work, Paul Conrad, Lincoln; church
affiliation, Lcltoy Melslnger. Lincoln;
vocational. Axel ttwenaon, Oakland; H. I''.
SI. Hall, Lincoln; O. B. Anderson, Lin
coln; industrial eervice, W. F. U roach,
I-lncoln; hop meeting, O. O. Ct, Iln
coln; new tudenta, R. IL Walker, J'ar
nam Temple High school, Karl Ketcham,
Omaha: (octal, Lawrence Finney and
Cable Jackson, Lincoln; university night,
(Harold Holt, Randolph; rooms, B. W.
Lundoen, Keene; gospel teams, Verne
Austin, Lincoln; boy' club and classes,
Ray Cowen, Btratton,
The fifth conference of the Middle
Western Intercollegiate association for
women' clf-govrnmetit will be held at
the university this week, when delegate
ftom "Wisconsin, Iowa, Washington, Mls
stotirl. Illinois, Nehra-ska, tJrlnnell, Ohio,
Michigan, Minnesota. Kansas, Northwest
ern and iPouth Dakota unlverltl will
dl.tcusa problems affecting the t;oll'Ke
womnn. Edna I royd of XehraHka unl-
verslly Is tlie president of the association.
The first meetings will be held Thursday.
The conference will conclude
luncheon Saturday.
Th senior of th univetslty last week
decided to ask the chancellor and the
university senate to excuse them from
final examination, to be held in the latter
part of May and the first week of June.
The graduating cine believe tht lnce
th ftnal grade for the semester are
recorded before the final test are taken,
aooordlng to report, the taking of the ex
aminatlon I a mere formality that could
very well be done away with. Th class
committee will meet some time during
the coining week with Chancellor Avery,
and take the matter up with him.
Mlsa In Git ting, dlreotor of physical
education among the girl, has appointed
the class relay raptaltut for the annual
outdoor meet, May 4. fteatrlce Plerk of
Lincoln will captain the freshman team:
Camilla Kooli of Fullerton the opho-
norei; Irene Fleck of Lincoln the junior
and Luolt I.yda of Fall City the settlers.
In addition to the relay, the girl will
ccmiMte in be ball, daahe, hurdle
race, pole vault, high jump and shot put.
The end of the first two week of th
inter-deperlmenlal league gamta flnda tha
art and science oolce teem leading th
league with a record of throe game won
and no defeat. Th team of the other
college In thl order; I3ng1nera, Com
mercial, Law and Aggies.
Chancellor Avery was a spekr at th
bngut of th University of Nettresli,
Chicago Alumni aaaoctatlon lest Thurs
day evoning, when ZOO former studunt
of Nebraska colleges feaated at the
Hamilton chih,
r.rand Island Colli
The glee Huh nave an em-ciicnt con
ceit at Hluff Center April .
Mllford Kelso went to Analev on Bun-
day, April mi, to give his oration on "The
Kconomlc Waste or intemperance ' at a
local temperance meeting.
K. J. 81 mends. Toung Men fir1ttn
association secretary, vlsltsd her on
Tuesday and gave a talk at oh pel Mm
urging ine young men to aitena me as
sembly at Rate Park next summer.
Aldo Tt. Ntntbl of the class of 'OT vt
Ited Grand Island college on Mondsy,
April 24. He he been attending th
divinity school of th Cnvrsity of Chi
cago, but wa oompejled to leave on ac
count of hi health.
Neltraakai Wesley Vnlvereltr.
Vic Chsncellor and Ms-. Bchreckengast
left Thursday for Haratnga Rprlngs, N.
Y., to attend the general conference of
the Methodist church.
The annual election of officer for th
alumni resulted a follows: l"raldent, O.
L. Kendall; secretary-traurr, George
Knight; historian, Carroll Blmonda;
trustee, O. E. Currier.
The annual open session program of
th Aallollan society wa given before a
larg audience in the auditorium here
"Tiz" For Sore,
Tired Feet-Ah!
"Tiz" is (rrand for aching, swollen,
tender, calloused toot
if i or corns. ..,
TLZW., f'
V Biyfeet Sf
AhJ what relief. No more tired feet
no more burning teat; no more swollen
aching, tender, aweaty feet No more
oreneaa In com, r.allouae. bunion
No matter what all your feet or what
under the sun you've tried without get
ting relief, juat use "Tli." "Tlx" la thi
only remedy that draws out all the
poisonous exudation which puff up the
feet. "Tlx" cure your foot trouble ao
you'll never limp or draw up your face
In pain. Your shoe won't seem tight
and your feet will never, never hurt or
get ore and swollen. Think of It, no
more foot misery, no more aony from
corns, callouses or bunions.
Get a 26-cent box at any drug (tore
or department store and get instant re
lief. Wear amaller shoea. Just once
try "Tlr.." Get a whole year's foot com
fort for only 'iu cent. Think of It-Advertisement
mmm u ammmtm 'J ie(sss j iki in -se-saew.;("", ' s1""
'.JJ'iC-' Ji ""ill wit"
tt I "" I . iPkiigriin
Cafl PUlliButl Omha,Keaa
Persistence is the cardinal vfr- '
tue in advertising; no matter
how t'ood advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succccssfu!.
Thin sihtv nliht. Tli program as In the
f the Wessons."'
The aiiuunl field day contests were held
yesterday afterixxin on Johnson field.
I'laces were closely eontemed tn all
events. Inn the high wind mule unusunl
records Impossible In the rai?tM, as the
finish is southward bkhiiii the wind
t'osler eqiiMlled the state record tn lite
half mile, making It in S ot. t'Vst was
indlvlduiil point winner, taking four firsts
Itev. llarrv F. If untington of Columbus
has been secured to deliver the I'hl
Kappa I'M address on Monday of com
mencement week. At a meeting of tha
local chapter last Wednesday evening
Mis Lucllit Fraxier. "hi, was elected to
membership, she htng the seventh to re
ceive this honor Irom the class of sev
enty members.
York toll.
President AlcLughlln is celebrating
the arrival of a fine boy at his home.
Mr. Larson ha returned to hool after
a long absence on socounl of an opera
tion for appendicitis.
The fcu!ty base ball ten in defeated the
college freshmen Tuesday evening, This
w their second victory of the season.
The performance of "Twelfth Night"
by the department of eiptesslon was
most worthily done. In character por
trayal tha parts fitted admirably. 1'ie
eedlng the play. Prof. Heott of the l iil
verslty of Nbraaka. save an Interesting
discussion of Hhakespear.
Fremont College,
I Anderson, scientific. ISMS, was
elected principal at Nemango, Neb.
President Clemmon apeut the greater
pert of last week giving a series of lec
tures In northern Iowa.
Mrs. (lemons, who hits been visiting
In Tipton, Ind , spent the week In Louis
vllle, Ky., with Mrs. Philip (Irliislend
II. K. Bradford, principal of the school
of Hgrlnulture, Ktate unlerlty. and Hev.
R. A. Waite. psstor of the First (Vingre
xstional church of Lincoln, called on
President Clemmon Friday of week.
Mir. SchavUnd a advanced class tn har
mony was entertained by Mrs. 1a P. Ir
son Thursday at a four-course dinner.
Carl Wilcox, who was prlm-lps! at
Scot t Inst yesr, sails Msv IS on the
Kmpress of Russia from Vancouver tn
tin I niiiiMiine islands II Is employed
In the (internment ai .;tii) p,.r yrar as
.Mr Swlharf Waterloo class, assisted
by Miss Anna L Mucky, plsnlst, or Lin
coln, Lester Homers, violinist, snd Her
tha Peterson, cellist, both of Fremont
H! he a concert In Waterloo Friday
evening, Msv
II renin in end I haiuhertaiu's.
"I take pleasure in reooniniendlng
Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and rl.
rhoea Remedy, having used It tn
ily for the Inst thirteen years. have
I tried other retnndlee. but Chaniherlaln
j U the only one that ever gave me per
manent relief, tf i sre never without It.
' even when on a visit or summer mm,,.
atMl 1 cannot ssy too much in ri ,,f
writes Rmnrann I'etitarei ilsrpurs
vlll, N. y. Obtainable every v. Nur Advertisement.
Charles Undaiey, an aged employ of
tho World 11. raid, r duwn tha circular
staircase In th old World-llrald build
ing last avenlng, sustslnlng severe
bruises and cute baald posalbl Inlemsl
Injuries. H wa taken to th Ht.
Joseph hospital, where his condition will
he invest 1 ted.
I SJT . . V.frV JV-.
Harry Hastings'
Big Show Pleases
On Second Visit
A fuillade of mirth, maidens, musln.
mechanisms and monkey business, la the
offering of Pan Coleman, who return
to the flsyety far the aaooiid time In
th aam eon, with lUrry Hastings'
big ahois. The show Is a rip-nrter
for speed and class and Is marked espe
cially for th pretty song numbers and
tags settings. Two chorus girls are
two of the liest laugh thst ever un
wittingly popped from a burlesque stag.
They just look funny, feet and all, and
without makeup.
Pan Cnlemn, of course, leil the bat
tle of frivolity and has splendid sup
port from Phil Patsrs. Kd Vincent, llaxel
Lorraine. Florence lrly, Alma Hauer.
Anna Connor nd William Hot!. A
young msn who for seven years wns an
attach to the llayely under Manager
Johnson and who answered the meal
ticket call lu the nam of Charles
Htswsii, hurst forth an exceptionally
clever buck snd -wing dancer. He is
billed, however, s C, Htusrt lUwthotna
HI pstt of th show I mll, hut good.
Another Omsha metnlwr of the company
I Chrley Idxnn, til stage carpenter.
Th aong number used In the Hast-
Muss' show sre especially to be com
, mended In specialty numbers, Maude
Lslly, Phil Petets end Julia le Novllle
shine to good advantage.
C (. Fox of Mc.Cook, Neb., a horse
buyer, who will mak an automobile tour
tn eastern pnlnls, psssed through Omsha
yesterday Mr, Fo. who plans to visit
Chicago Detroit, Montreal and other
Urge elite, was a visitor at the down
town headiUrters of tho Omaha Auto
mobile club In the Hotel Tontenell.
Wis busttwss men always use Th
lice's advertising columns.
A Business Man The Nation's Need
, ip o n . jifiitb
IF Uio buHincNH men of this country fol
! lowod the Baino Bystoru in diooaing ox
! ficutiveu for their vtiriotiB ontorprisoa
i that tho voters have generally followed
in eeleeting an exoontive for the ffovormrKmt,
American commerce would be the laughing
stock of tho world.
As individuals wo have exhibited good busi
ness sense in conducting private and corpor
ate undertakings, but mighty poor business
sense in running our own government.
It costs a billion dollars a year to run the
United States. Experts agree that three hun
dred millions nearly one-third is wasted
in inefficiency, rod tape, loose organization
and political catering. The latest report of
tho Secretary of the Treasury shows that
the per capita cost of Government in 1915
was seventy-two per cent greater than in
Where will it stopT When shall we start
getting the worth of our money t What pri
vate concern would rest under such a record
of extravagance, waste and mismanagement f
There's no lack of patriotism in the one who
dares to make such a statement On the con
trary, it is evidenoe of patriotism when a
man is not afraid to declare that the Amer
ican flag representing peace, preparedness,
equality, progress, business and all other
things that the national banner should stand
for is a better trade-mark than the pork
Some partisans am Inclined to run tha jovernment on
iheorles, others on the spoils system, One rlass Is as
dangerous hh (he other for lh weakness of not
knrroinK Ih ax Kieat a menace; in this kind of govern
ment as the dellberals sin of mismanagement.
Business Men's
Suite 1615 16S Broad way
New York City
IiX a business like government there would
be neither ignoruiice as to methods nor
publio graft. A business President would
know, With a biiKiuesH man as manager
of tho country's affairs there would bo a
vastly decreased percentage of critioism be
cause of badly adjusted tariffs, poorly regu
lated railroads, unequipped fighting fomw,
money-losing postal service and extravagant
expenditures to please constituencies "back
These things are of vital importance to you,
Mr. Voter. It is your money that is wasted,
either wilfully or through carelessness. It is
your family whoso interests are well or poorly
served. It is your government, and you ara
partly responsible.
Decide now to do your sharo toward placing
in tho White House a man who has rubbed
up against the problems of big business; who
has mastered them; who has proved his exec
utive ability by applying to industrial under
takings the same principles that should be
applied in the conduct of a nation's business.
This movement Is Inspired br a deslrs on tho part of
a larga number of men In all sections of the country
to see the government given Into the hands of those
who will think first about making dividends for the
stockholders and last about building an organisation to
Insure re-election.
As a government stockholder you are Interested In the
dividends. And these dividends should be the eco
nomic, efficient management of all our Institutions;
the return of adequate service on all public. Invest
ments; a dollar's worth of reaulta for every dollar ot
tax collected.
We believe the time has come to elect a business man
President and have a business-like administration.
Tell us we can count on you.
If you favor a Business Man for Pmatdent, sign thtl
coupon and send It In; it entails no obligation.
j I favor a Business Man for President of the United States.
I Address , J
I Hty State . ... I
Business Men's Presldentlnl League 2
Suite 1M5. 163 Hrondwny. New York City
ai ,t try t,
lies l1 iii',.1 x .t
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M. i " SB .
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A 1 . I f S - I
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st. a
Travels Over 11000
Miles A Year on the
Great Western
.VoWKtldv. tn tr 4'"' 'ircnt We-h-nt tn t int(tii
HlSt Votl'll Uliil! ,ave tlf lr'!I Wtl.'IU ItrtHt.
Ii". ft no in' ir, i, hi tt li.ili'.t ili.'i payt iii p.uifirt,
wiirit v nis i i!ih' t.f liiit.v Tim (ir 'it Vi'ltn
ttiki tt tiiii Wiirtli lrivi!iuc J'IJ
Usa the Orcit Wntrn t 8i, Taul,
Mmnsapolw, Dubuque or Chico.
. 9 eoaosiatir, . r a t a. ig r oa.
In the ValesUa Huratt story Friday It
wss ststed that th Marlnello shop,
,. n.l.n.. KitlMlnir uras . nl a rff In .
tlianilVIIS lllni.'l ,",... "im, -
' Its quarter to mak room for a depart-
I . m . . .1 '1' U , - .in. -n
meni or rrnrnjiTm-u, p. , . -
ror, It hould have been chiropody.
Dr. l.sney of t'hloago, a graduate of the
rhliagn school of Chiropody, a Isdy with
a number of years proraealonsl experi
ence, will come to Omaha and have
charge of this department for the Warl
nello shop, Proprietor Rife Is enlarging'
the present fi'iarters to make room for
this new department and also to add
i tnr thii accommodation
more r.mii, ...... ,
of the rspldly growing trade of this 5f 1
besiity shop.
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