THK WA. OMAHA, .MONDAY. MAY 1, 191(5. 3 I OWE -; MY HEALTH Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound Washington Tark, 111. "I am the mother of four children end have uf I fored with female trouhle, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil dren's loud talking and romping would make me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would not want anyone to talk to me Bt times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re stored me toheulth and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth ful looks. My friends say 'Why do you look no vouncr and we 1 7 ' 1 owe it all o the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." It! -- TJr.ttf (J Trxtn r- A Anfa A tr-mif Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package oroves it 25c at all druggists. DONT SUFFER WITH NEURALGIA Miifttcriile filvex llclli low. Comfort When Uioho nhiirii pain go aho'itlng through your head, when your aaull ari-nia hh it It would apllt. J"Mt rub a lit tle MfHTKHOIiH on the temple and nock. It draw out the Inflaminutlon, ruuthe fitt-ay tlm pain -Klvn nulck relief. Mt'HTKKOM' I a denn. white oint ment, iwidc with oil of mustard, flutter than a muaturd jlaMer and does not bill-t'-r: Doctor tand nttrac ' frankly recom mend MCHTK.itOl.K for Hole Threat, itroncliltlH, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Congeal Ion, J'lcitrlay, Itheu riiutimn, Lumbago, 1'a.ln and Aches of the Hack or Joint, Hpralna, Sore Mm il, lirulae, Chilblains, Frosted Feet Cold of the Client (it often prevents I'Mcuinonln I. , At your druRulKts, In 2Ec and 50c Jam, Miid a Knc-lfil largo hoapital size for I .'.50. tin ante you got the genuine MU8 TKKoLK. Ik'fiiNC Imitations get what yon u hU for. Tho Muaterolo Company, Cleveliind, Ohio. To Keep Teeth Sound, Spotless and Sparkling It ha been dlnonvered that refined ava tol will actually remove nil ataina nd xpotM from the teeth In a few mlnutca, if HH"d on the hrtiHli like a tooth paxtp. This Is worth-while information. nine mark- nil ipcrMoim Imve riltwol.ire'l filmn, or "plaiiiie," on their leelh, which hereioforu could he reniovod only by tho rletltlHl. More tluui flint, this hai-mlen ub. Mnitce iuiH bepji found lo ioa.Mea re hiaiimhle. Keriuicldal propertlew, ch'atroy lug even the ti.-iraelte. which cause pyorrhea. The linpoiliincii of thin can harilh he exaggerated, In view of the nlarnilnK prevuhin'e of ihlH affection which lr reMpoiiNlhle for the h of morn than hulf of ail teeth, nccnrillii; to Much riiithoi itlem hk Inn. H and Johns, it la no longer neceHiirv In dentrlfrirea which nl host onlv i lcaim the teeth, n. uHiir refined mulct which nur rinimiM 1N1I iiprl)- lrt priiiiiuiliMit 2'i i-ent Inl. una ret. only Wr,i tti" Iciti a nl ihn.iIi ally cl.nn . nl prt-iiiU iIip m, m ncff,iilnu lit r 'illiiK, lli tM-ih ficnl I'umeiiinK ,r rtfovlnf Aivl nil. k' 1i llh m.iclMn, (Hl.lctllii hit mul -fi.ii!;ful - A-lvtrilrfiiifnl. Weak Stomachs Heed FRUITUIGOR So Do mtm Bowels Fin! Thinj-Eich Mornim Bifon Biukfist tl Olf flUlKT from phvtc. pihi. mineral wtf , wta nt (iwni aad.iv l irm nhl BlfflKKI m Uii, i tton, tnutl. h-u with Hi ut ieo.i'iMon ej himlin) almeii pji jy like mut !(( It tun. D fflllT biuU lr.iniw ni1 uiibuildt.tmltlCAUktil w njtu rl v lolxilkf twtitn, tftvAriitr ttom., roof ruur bootit, 0ti , I'M UT FRUIT.VICOS HELP TOU TO CET WELL md KEEP WELL 9 f art din itfwil e jfkf 4i rt rriirt. V 'T ti yu 11 e If t'f ! " v tiifii rv U'i i ui t I oo. TIWAMT IOOO CO M THE "COME-BACK . - i w 4 r . ' , . 1 1 f i . . l, v , C 1 f ., n , .' Mli'l !'. ..... t ..( I '" ! ' -i . . t '. I t I li. 4 , I."- ' it.. ,i , . c . I . I-1..'.. It . . ' ,. ct . , t . . !. ..- 1 ' ' ' ' I (.,. , i - 1 U . ' I ' . n f i c , , .... . t - t. i i ..-. i f T , ii.,,.. i , , , t . . , It. c U hi ' A lt ,,. j. I'. Nebraska NO CANDIDATE GOT AJAJORITY Presidential Preference Vote on Republican Side Indicates This to Be the Case. SPECULATION ON INSTRUCTIONS (From a fluff CorreHpomlent.) LINCOLN, April .1u.lSpec!l.)-Mth-out the count of DotiMlat county on 1ln vol for president It Ifc a lartnlnty thut no candidate for lh preference vol if the it-publlcnna of Nelnanka han received a timidity and republican nie brglnnliu io flgi re bow tlgl'tlv dclcKntlon elected lo the national convention inn be bound by the vote an allow n nl the primur). The rub) of tli national convention ro 'tulie a nmlnrlly of the (u'l vote caat at tre convei t on o nonil a and i n that noi l of proponliiori all the candid il a f n v oral lit the primary for prcHldcntlal picfi rencf fall fur ahoit, Fortilnira lfhnul IIoiiiiIhu. Jcet a an Indlmtlon of how the foot ItigH KtBitd without Doug'.a. county, the HhowitiK la a follow: Cuminliia -'i'..!-l Kurd Hughe Fata brook ... Koaa Uooaevelt .... iji J'olleile . lllll Vli H make .11.5 , ti.till , r,.'i.;4 I. Ml l) the o(e hi,n. total of 7.!' wile ca t for prealrP nl ( n tl e pr"feien"Ml tail t, of hi-, h Ciimniliia, the hlglieal iiiun ao ine l ;'6,!iH, and Ford a few 11-iifniul lem. A nialnrlly of all vdea Inhulaled would le 3l,l'j2 and Mr. Cuiiimlnn la iked !,! 0 . nieihlng that number, In fact wl.l In the final hnve bp Ih.m one third of tit -whole number of republican ballot. C;i..t In the pi limit , if Mr. Cnniii ilia la none I lie -aa m Hied 10 Ural (onahle atlon le.-aia. le no e 1 out dl eid of Mr. Fur, li If riied, I at Judtfe lliighea, who wli'onl IkiiIik in iiiini'i printed, wna written In by a uu 15,') 'I voter", 1 nlo entitled lo a Ktei deal of cnnalilei atloti lloghe nle (alonialira. The big vote received bv Judae luglie baa iiatonfahel rien, hla moat order t friend who. wliil they expelled a gooi ahowlna. flU not be'leie that ao ininy voter would Ink tho trout In lo wrlc in the niitic In the face of the etrenuoua canipaliSii put up bv other candidate, riicy point to It aa nn Indbat on how atrong lim'.hi a aentlment la emitif N'l 1 roaka repnbllcniia, nnd ttat the de! liiitlon would a!lfy every one by )olnlni ultimately In bringing nhout Mr' i o nl ration of Juatlce Hugiie. a LANCASTER COUNTY VOTE FINALLY COUNTED i From ft fctnff Coneapond'tit.) LINCOLN, April .Hi. -(Special.) The or flclnl count of LRncnaler county, the laat to report with the exception of Doiiglaa, ahowa that Futabrook ran better In the capital city of tho alute, compared with other candidate, than ho did In any county o far reporting. The vote of Lam-eater abow-a; Cmmnlna, 2.8W; Ford, 1.607; Fatabrook, 1,127; Hughe, "2S, and rtoaa, 273. fenator Uurkelt, for vice prealdent, re ceived (i,ll, -wltlle Wlllbim (Irani. Web ater received 1,243, Mlorehead, for the democratic nomination for vice president, received 2,975. On Fnlted State aenalor, Aldrlch polled 3,7'el vote and Kennedy 2.S17. Iemocratic eandldatea for aenator ahow Hitchcock 1,S1. and lunn, 1,810. Taking (he vote on aenator Indlcatea thHt the republican vote in Lancaaler county I 3.107 greater than that of the democrat, the combined vote on the republican eandldatea being 6.625, while the combined vote of the democratic eandldatea on tho aame office was but 3,3M. Job ii Piir (liven .fall Sentence. TKfTMSKH. Neb., April .10 -(Special. I A tramp called at the home of John tllllette. aoutlieaat of the city, and begged for unmet hing to eat. He wnii rcfuxed. The family left home during (he afternoon and aonienne got into the bonne and helped himself to a quantity of food and ome few dollar in money. Mr. (illlette had the tramp apprehended nt Stelnaiier and the fellow waa brought to Tecumaeh. Ho would not give hla name, but gave the name of John TKie. He waa taken beforo Juatlce K. if. Cot ton nnd fined 110. Ilelng unahlo to pay, Jion waa aent to the county Jail for twenty flay. Three Draflia at lurk, YORK. Neh April M.-(Ppeela.)-Three death occurred in thla ilty yea terday. Mm. Alberta I'lilppa, wife of H. V. I'hlppa. tlbd at 3 o'clock in the morn liuj, aged 45 enr. Funer! aervlrea will be held Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the rinldence, Adam Koed, aged "I. retired farmer, died at ail early hour. Funeral aervlce were held thla after, noon at J o clock. Kdivnrd Maater died very auddenly at the family home, .'l nt Fouitli atreet, following a abort l!lne iili typhoid fever. He iif jeua old, ipnln(nien(a nl Huperlnr 11 TKItli 'It, Neh, April X - special Telegram I The new illy in imil luel HKieriluy and Mnnii'. for ttie enaulng yvuf. Mayor Ttninr cut the d tiling vole me king l 1 1114.(4, i,.llm t'.inr M..0 wni iiatee.l an it v and ll iny HI. kii. b f -r uu,i .t t N I f f a " IU"I f t tfilrn ,)t aft.r wl.l. h in 1 f'ic i-f dr iii,triii wi't mmiMi ,. a UP i ta C- f of i?. 1,..' i.i.. r J -tio A i.iict-l t't ; M..'llr, Mrll V'--U. ltel ! t . ..t-,i- at. I --.. t o.i a. o. . r vi'iiiiioMfirr Nona IMalle I M we Ha, v . 1, r i 1 1 . i 1 t .tii v , , 1 1 . r Hi. I.mi lit.K . I -nt i.'na V ,,ii I ! t.i i.'.c. 'l, la, . sl ' ic'; m . !- y I 4 - I- I' - I I t if I nl 1 - In In 3,M . . I.. I" i ' t I VI , I, I t , CI l I I., ..-.( I I I . 11 44. I t .l t I .! I"" - - ,1. 1 i 1 . I I .-l l I k lll".l ! ti i 1 w. 1, . i i.i . , -. 1 .1 . 11. r . , 1 - , i 1 , . . .li- ,. . ,, Ill !,.. . 1, , - ,1 ' 1 , , ., f i t a ,. ... i. , , , 1 ,11 1 . 1 1 . i . -1 I t Nebraska Saloonmen Must Pay For Juckett's Death (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April So. -(Special. )The Judgment of the dlatrlet court of limine county fur 117,000, affirmed by the au preme court In an action brought by the widow of Oelbert II. Juckett, a Podge county farmer, asalnat aeveral aaloon keepera to recover duuiagea for the dciilli of Juckett, under thu Hlocumb law. Ten of the aaloonkeepera were In bual neaa In Fremont, one In thu town of Cedar Hluffa, and ono each in the town of Nellgh, Iirunawlck uml lioyal, In Ante lope county. fn December X IMS, Juckett procured liquor In Itoyai and atarted for home, W hen the team reached home aome time In the iilnlit, Juckett waa found dead from expoeuie to tlie cold, It waa alleged Unit Juckett aitice Win had been In the habit of letting the ilf ferenl town and drinking to enceea. Desirable Widow Files for Employment il'lom a Hiaff Correpoudenl I LINCOLN. Neb.. April 3n. -iSjiecinl.)-A widow 31 yearn old, weighing mil pound, five feet, four nnd one-iuilf liu hea trill, with bin eye and blown hair, with no dcalre lo I rip the light fnntiiatlc toe or to attend niov ng plcure ahowa and chew gum and blink bet eye trying to dlaocrn lb character In a ujilverlug and poorly acreened picture, luia filed an ap-fill'-atlou Willi Labor Coiiinil!oiier Cof fey for a position a hoimekeejiei- for a bachelor nt a whinner with or without children, but tumgest limit nf two chil dren, Kmploynienl In the city 01 couiiliy will be accepted. Thla widow aa ahe ha lived on Hi" farm and kuoua aotnelhlng about the work of the farm hoiiaehold. Ilelny n Chrlatlan woman, with a good reputn Hon aa a neat and ileun hoimekeeper, ahe would prefer aleiidv eniployliienl. ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY MUST PAY BIG JUDGMENT 1K10111 a Stuff Cnrreapoiident.) LINCOLN, April 31) -tSpecUl ) ' When the plaintiff In a aiilt for pergonal in Jurlca ha execulerT 'a releaae In wrlllng of all i lalma for damage from the lc feiidant and hna received n conaldern llon therefor, hul aeeka to avoid lb re leaae on the ground that it waa oh talned by fraud or deception practiced upon him by the defendant, and that at the time the relcaan wan executed hla menial condition w audi that he waa incapflblu of understanding the nature and unallty of the act informed, or of comprehending II onCfiienc.ea, the bur den la upon him to prove theao fact," aaya thu aupreine court, "When the amount received In gellle menl ia groaaly lnndi-utiiito to enmpen aulo for the Injurlea auatalned that fact may be conalilered, with other evidence, tending to ahow unfair practice; that the party hud been overreached, and that the mind of the pnrtlea never met in the coiiaiininiAtlon of a valid run tract." la alao (inserted, In tho above opinion the aupreme court affirm the Judgment of the dlNtrii-t court of Jiouglu county in a uit btoughl by Allio L, I'crry against the iiiiinhn Klcclrlc Light and Tower com pany for K'.Ow for peraonul injuile re ceived wlille in the defendant employ. Perry we an arc light lngpector Bnd received a aliock which threw him from a pole to the pavement below, aualnlnlng a fracture at tho bnan of the aknll. The. company aettlcd with him for Iffi.fA Fraud waa charged in obtaining the nt tlement, Terry elnlmlng ho undetHtood the 11 mount paid waa for buck wagca. DODGE COUNTY FARMER ACCUSED BY MILLINER FRKMONT, Neb., Xprtl art. -t-Speclal.) Miaa Helen Ktoneburner, n pretty ml liner of I)"de, cntr c to Fremont trdny and iai;el n writ rant to l i liau... ,01 Henry Koeiiiiu.n, a well, known youn : farn er of the north' in iv: of tl e c hi lty. Kocrinann Is charged wl'll iitteirip'ed nil attack on the Hudge . milliner, while ahe wua alone in the ahop nt lioilgc nnl wlille lie wna there tinder th pretext of buying 11 lint for Ida wife, A little girl who aaw the occurrence ran out to cull for help, but when the marshal, who wan near, entered, Koeinann I an Id to have left through a p ar do , r nd Jumped. Into hla automobile. NEW "PRAIRIE SCHOONER" ON THE WAY TO SIDNEY FltL M'lNT. Neb., April .V.-(Special ) Traveling in a Ford tourln-r cir t'lit allowed the algim of wear. .'1 I am lty of nine perxonn from Smart, i ll,, pnaaet Ihtoiiah Fremont Situr l.-iy rn th'lr wi to Slilmy. white t h y will lo nte, Tiia parenta and their aevnt rhilili en, I wo of thrill grown, found room in the ' prairie a. I.oiiin r" and aeernv.d to be riiiol g the oclieg one l.y ant on the oiitiilde mi nn Im pr';lii .t over tlie wheel lloth apilng were breki-n "it tie nsl eoning, but the er i iietntla'.lns tl f" I tl hu t any Liffieollv A Utile Olossom To Delight the Horn hi... 1. 1. 1 .1... 1 hr ll U L I., it. . ... .. lt,. home U Ui ileue4 th rTl " 'tl It- .r tN- .! ahaul l a vi.ii-r't rtiMii' 1. It 11 eil..a, i-Ki'r ai-i- i I ' tt.M k , '- It ftittea I'... . n an 1 11 I, n.y t, --! H4t4l t n.t iitw ! , It f t a a t' 1 1 , r 1 t-, -..4 im , I.., I u. l,4 !' . at t I l . l-e,.l b.ll k,J let -".f 1 ' 4 I tL-JJ I ". It k..tea p.... w w 1 r m t - u. 1 1 1 ... . J tMa . ...J 11 paiii i.i,.,. ': '11 I le .1 1 , , I hi . J v H , .., ... I f I 1 -' -' - r n ,ti j'1 ' -i iwi,,.t 1 1 - . v, ' 1 j,. ,,,,i .,, r t tj ,r, I U ,r V I I, I ,-i , t 1 t j ''' -t '' " ' l, 4 .1 I '. "ii I 1 I"-' !. , ...ifc. I , ,., ! 1 ' 11. 1 . 1 i." . , i vi 1 ,,, , I ' ,1 i- 1, . I . I ! t , I l , , ' ' I . , , ,,, . ' ' CC I ' . I . I I ,, -I : . . t .... , ' " ' ' ' I- . . , , IM. E. SMITH AND COMPANY PUT BIG BRANCH IN LINCOLN LINCOLN. April 30 .- Special.) Lin coln la to get the big auxiliary plant of M. K. Smith & Co., .shirt manufacturer of Omaha, tho compiiny havlngleased the brick building at lMii X aticct, of Hurry J. Hall, who will lucre the aie of the building on the ground to 71 by 140 feet, and add another story, making a floor pace of 4n,lH) ainiaro feet. The Lincoln plant will be the main branch of the big factory and will be equipped with the very luteal modern machinery and employ lo aturt about lifl people, to be Incrcaacd to aeveral hun dred, a the buaine.ia rcipilrv it. eiv Land Official In t hame, NOItTM TlwTTK, Neb., April ).- (Spe cial. I- J. K. Lvana and 1. L. Hare, re piihlicau incumbent In the office of leglnler and receiver of the federal hind office here, yealerday turned over their iSirTv I,, WHAT THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA WILL DO FOR THEM In one respect children are very much like chicken, puppiea, kitten, or other young animal. If you begin early enough, and feed them right, you ran teacS them almoet anything and they w.ll never forget it. A normal child I all curiosity. Th more curimii tha child ia, the more hope there is for Its future. Farly accuwtom your child tolooking up thinp-a tor himtieH in the Hritannl nd you will never hve to worry botit hi or her future. With audi an aid to elf-confidence a very ordinary child will acconipliah tha seemingly impossible. It is like water to plant you ran fairly watch th growth from week to week. Kvery father who has tried it will bear out this statement. It will show your children how lo educate themselves. It will show them what knowledge ia collected and ready for use. It will really help them tn decide on their lifo work. It will show them the easiest and heat wav to whatever fhey chrxme to do. It will show them the method uaed by the auccesaful. When the Knryclopaedi I)iiinnica could not be had lor lea than $150, and then only In volume really too large lor a child to handle conveniently, there was some ex.ruaa fut a parent's , not buying it. Hut now, In the "IIndy Volume" Inline, the volume mllei than a marrxine tyl containing evei y word and every pb into that i in th costliel Cambridge iaaue), at on third the lowest pile 1.1 which the Cam. brliliiM Inntie ia n.iw ii.oiu.i', 1 ao afi.oit l. y Uoilly (H lUrvai l r, fr.,na n,l rum,, . tors nwn it; ?1 at I iIuihIii, es tela in the Guv eminent l',.i1n t Washing-!. ,n ; and j1 an in Di. Nnw Yi-'li I'ut llc I ibmy, Jlut do nut th you to buy on tbl I ac otn in a it d a 1 1 1, n n , n n r. i, r We nl '.i In ii'fv -nMwt( le y.iiir b. in w, i'iti r.nn , fm !,.i a. r V'.'i t'mi ti ' lUndy Vsduiiia ' la in beat i, i .- .i, I yn, mad In vf l . b it tb t" . UeiimgH lnil, and I an ', itimi i..! i I a i.i. ,,i -. lll.m, I ! it n '( .,, See t . iat, it I i-,i. i-it a 4 'i t, i a !.4.l .1 III., ..! i I I n. i . 1 ii 1 1. I I ym In-. offlcra to their democratic aucceasur, U J, lOame of Maxwell and A. F. Heeler of Herahey. Although no contest ha been on for tho appointments, the ap pointment were confirmed but a (short lime ago and the botida approved only Friday. UNCLE SAM WATCHES HIS NEWEST CITIZENS Viclc Sum never mill "quit!" Fnlte, Stated Naturalization Examiner J, M, C.nrnct, who la In Omaha to imsist ) In the milking of aomcthing like a linii-i died new clti'ena who will bf culled be fore Judge liiy tomorrow, ha bud the. iiatiinillaation of John 'Chimin Winn! Stanley, a Canadian, cancelled after I Stanley had been two e.-ua 11 cltixen. Unmet declare Stanley, ti,aeiuent to hla bei onilng naturallxed, pns.ied worth-' lc check and la now a fugitive from Juatlce. When thla fact wn eelnbllnhed ; What are you doing for your family? w HAT answer children, in years to come, when they ask you why they never had the great advan tages which other children had of learning the real facts about everything from the Encyclo paedia Britannica? for they will certainly ask you. Are you doing your full duty by them? You can make sure without risking a penny. The new "Handy Volume" Issue at one-third the nrice of the Cambridge University issue can be examined at the store mentioned below. On payment of only $1 the whole 2(J volumes will be sent to your home. There each member of the family will have a chance to examine it carefully, thoroughly. If you are not satisfied for any reason, return the books within three weeks and we will refund all you have paid, including the shipping charges and the $1. You must act quickly, however. This offer holds good only while the present supply of books lasts. The prices of materials are advancing rapidly. Taper costs 00' r more, leather 50, etc. 1he publishers notify m that the price of the "Handy Volume" issue must be increased. do A 130-page BOOK FREE Th. publish! irfth. KNCYCI.OI'AKMA HklTANNItA have piepd a ii. hly lllualr.,l t..i 4 til p,'e I i lull y n, ad alxail tin Krai .. ami lb new ' Viilnin'' Ume, and n uMt,a m ym,, It n, ,ill l I n i t n . a; ai.ri.., t' level ilialue, i. lure a t.ti pa. Veil ftnm final In cui. h .it n M cciiiani in, q,, j Inn ii,ii..tniK bn ,4 ai.wlde levealmf iti -NC Vt I.OI'AMUA tk. T ANN It' A Ii a b-imliad diffeieil .nu i vi.. A bill hi.. ..( il.. llMll'ANMfA fo. nt lb dr, f King !',..., HI, wiih '" mih lb i i man u, b.i li,. ri.u ii lb (ftaivai ,, IU bitt.l. T ""'' I ' ' ' li.teiaaiin diali'u lline: 4 th unr.e4 iiiitl nl th ltll I ANNK A I ! a .iH.ri. A . (vi ainff l,.nii if. ay . t.iulti p j.irei,t ci p I'a ..I I'. N..l l l-.i. ..i,.,.. :,. ,..i, ,,,,.., , , ,i. i ii i-r.iiuii.t, Ni' I.. h..,,d.ti.l M-l i UMa.i..-.. ,... j ,!., a .! it e Wh.ib.. ..., i.,fe. , il, 1K IT ANN It? A . 1 .-, .l,.,r ,. b. 1, 1 Um.i! ii! m .,4I.' ,i , i. l,.. ini, e.i4 f u.eii. , , , . ,,f l'v.t m- i V , t,, rii.: 5rt; rt It niut leave ordrtx t i mwaw9aakr!aWa V ...n,., .., .1 1 i.i.i .. 1 11 1 11 1 m to the HatlafHcllon of the court ami him aclf, Stanley' cltlzennblp paper were cancelled. He had been naturallied at Oabkosh. Neb, nnd the revocation oc curred laat week at North TIatte. "We keep 1 lone watch on nil natural ized citizen," declared Gurnet. "For proper caime, citizenship can be revoked at any time and the offender deported," HOWES WOMAN DIES IN AN OMAHA HOSPITAL Mr. Joaln Svnbodit, aged 52, a realdent of Howe, Neb , died at a local hoapllnl liiat nLht following a flye week' lllnea with heart trouble. Her body will he taken lo Howe thla morning. Mr. Svobodn la ant-vivid by her hua bund. The lumber mill throughout the coun try have effected a great wiving In wood alo by auhatltutlng the band amv for the obi fnchloiied circular ana. Tha "lianiljr Voluma" laaua of the Encyclo paedia Britannic wilt make hum the moot In teresting place In the world. will you make lo your t DEATHRECORD Samuel Suildue. TAlh'tt, la.. April SO.-l Special. 1-Sam-itel Savldge, 77, one of the pioneer eet tler of thla locality, died at hla farm ; liome aevcia) mlb a aotith of Tabor Sat urday morning at o'clock from ailment due to old agj. He was u veteran of the. civil war, serving three year and threa mouth In Company It of the Twenty ninth regiment, Iowa Infantry, and had readied her on hla Fremont county farm tlnce the war cloaed. Four children ur vive him, Kd and Charle 8avldg of Tbor, Mra. Alnieda Iloa of Tabor and Knymond Havldgo of Sheridan, Wyo. ( h amber In Ilia Tal.lela. l'red R. Hunt of s, neca Kalla, X. T., aya: "I hesitancy In recom mending Chamberlain' Tablet for th HU'iimch and liver for they proved to b Hie beat medicine I ever uaed." Obtain tibio everywhere. Advertisement. 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All the famous books and plays. rtaligion, 3089 article by 161 grt authorilie. The best hand-book for Hlhle studle. Meilieine. 644 articles by 75 of the leading physicians in th world. Illatury. 6023 article by 327 hl tnrians. I-'a tnaling raiding. Biography. 9100 articles on famous man and women. Brilliant word por. traits by grt writer. Science in daily life, 4476 articles nn tentiflc subject, in simple lan guag. MiMt id the tethnical schools and club have the Britannic, so have I', Ale. Graham Bell, Oary, Schwab, Th Ueneial Elwlritf Co., Th WiinghnuM C. Law, Jnaeph H. Chnate say: "If I 1 mild own but on bmi It wuul.1 he th Knryi'lnpaetiia Brttaiiniia. I use II rontuuially,' Kii!,'lnrmg, Building and Mchn ti . Chailea M. .Schwab My tha Uiitaiml. I "ih m-Mii Intpodanl and aulli'iittaliv hikifc nf in kind In ths iiild." lUiiking and Cimimri. Frsns Vaiul.tli).. I'i.i, nf ih (i.iiiii Iii In lb ..., I, h a at i( Ih lb ni. hi. a on hi .lak. h h htin f !, t bamiian ut th Hanai t"m. nulla (in lUnkii'if. K. iiif Hd tl.l l lit U. ii ipt i f Cowman i. l LatK'i t. a t, an. I It Cnau I'.. t ua II . ciilmiially. I 1 Hi II .11. a. h a, In. 4 n( th t be' It, ni J "Ur al a. a: "I n .ta IfHia.l In Ibiii Ihal llm .n I U-l if, IV at l.'ii in b lt., olthln lb laa. h . I Ift-H.aan.l ( li nn Ha -. i .11 up id Ii. ar l.,i ,lia.'i. ' MAIL THIS COUPON rnnav ''. I JUl i h ,il,.u k nil I ia i hU a 41