in REE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 1, 1010. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED M rr II ii row. ""AVKST' t.r. near SOh and lndg, ul."-', noth ing In the neighborhood like 11 for th pil.fcyi; ti, caah and : pr month. SOUTH south ith--tw Mi ir It from Per l'rk Kiirlng, new mi'ini hoti, tnriy modem, C room. annth and fI pnaiire, lv terma, NORTH Near K'liiiirr plara Dandy &-r"om rntfaga. nil modern except heat, fina aouth front lot on paved afreet. Prkl t2u for tini-k aale, rraaonabl time.. North on ?th Ave,, neir Cuming, room, . lr, largo lot. room for wo Fior liou; I 'Art rh, balnc Ilk rmu ACREAGE 17 I'-re. nlrelv Improved, good 7 room houe. Urn, corn crib, granary, etc, Horn fruit, located 2 mlloi from Kim wood Turk nd ear line. Will aell l. ieannbl time or taka about tfi acre In Harpy county. If von ar tniarcated In arreag went, ee o about a Irart 6 mlle went of Omaha, lit cn offer eerl different lra t. O'KVfo Rcnl Kfltatc Co., 'JOma1. Net. Rk, Rldg Doug 27 JS A Fine, All Modern iMioom Uunalow ,' For Salt! Ksay rymjril 1 ha-. nlly located l modern "room bungalow that I will adl on ver- av na wiienl. The noun l fin lhd In oak and lird pine, ha a ill cement basement and I (' t-i by furnace. It l only l' block from car line am) s In lid", new, ail in'"l rn building ad'MU-n n wrt ld Knr further part am telephone it'aliiul 'Hi todai. fall I'litiKlva :WI imv wk day. GOOD F.M.IIT-ROO.M IIGl'SK 1T-TO DATK f;ul!t Ijv onr f'n lii home, ('loud new end In fine Older; hardwood finlb. hut wti heal, aoiilb fionl loi v.'ia. wiili a tne, for ;., Al a If nney KINK IIOMK n.oni'.N( k inn lkvard. r.lalil-rooui. irioiii-i n. i p-lo-datc liona. fliynlird In nuartef -aawerj oak. tiood newi lata I U li at room, llbri, lfK dlnlnr loom, four hediooma, fine hiiili loom, lame haatnieni, hoi waler heal; toiner lol ', !.'(. wild a m l'ro eitv en'i t'KMi ciwner leailnR rllv and Will el f"i- '.'. W, II. GATKf, v7 OioHha Vn Hunk ld i"'iir; I IPT-IIKAD IT AT I a i c (. ifr room iii'ilein l.oi a luina e, go l "Plr. lot iawd fir(t. f i lawij. trri1. alle lack. .uni, $ ..'O, Jfr'l raeli I M foi apolnltivnl lO'lMjr. AIo, '4; SVtlt HI,, (,, hoi Wilier )it lor 'o(; i xy m -, I rl e J,ii) 4))' N, S-lh Ave,, ) ro m, nil m 1 on i iltnclied, .eiiienl Imee iiciit. pv il aueei. l ak v U I ini Wottii !, ili e ti' '. Ioina Injure, mo'ler ii !1 rni ' lann" I ..301. I). Il BI'fK (t CO., f fjuoal l'l. Can!. l io( o eAi'.TV I'lllh'l. rOf! Ill- I MHI.K AM' f A K K I'lln; AM) JUKVAliU INUUUANCt. iiMii.i li i; isn. AOK.vfV, f hraiiihla Ihenler Uhlg. Tjler l'Cf REAL ESTATE-UMMPRUVED M ral, ( LOSK JN ( OHXKU ONLY $:00 l ied m Uie aoithcaal i ornar of .Vfli nl aa alrtele, jiaVrd afreet, Udewniku In and nal'l for 'l lila la helow Mind'-, itijt II a a annn for aoine one. 'ti-r."mdii! owner liaa aulhorld u lo ll at ih.f Ion iiiUn If taken at mil'. HKOUCiVj &, COM PANT, TWO LOTS CilVAf W E.iT KAKNAM DlffritK'T H.xU'l fl. iat from, on aied afreet, anrri nnded hv (rood huiii'H, one hloi k froiif ,oel n'a rraldein-e, J'rlce '(, ,V"t for lioih d'l'iered flear. will aell aepa lately nl Il.tVVi, Thaaa ai (he rheap ri boihI loia lit know of In hi dia-Ith-t. IJKOfWIK & COMPANY, J. fm ' .v""fnl Hankltld. I iilt niiirk anie, . loia lopUm ea ii. 1 hlieka aonlh of t-a van worth, on Wth fl. I'rhe l,t'l. 1', H, i'eteraen, fl',;, H M 't ht. aVIA flT.MfNT Hon loentl-nr OOrtier 2Hh A l tk'A lrao, M0. I long, JS'47, ' Kuril. ai" I'Kirr MAST KHOXT I'llKTTIKST MILK - f'oiillli'ely th let lot on the Klnrener hoiileHd me him k from the J4th etieet r line and one hlofk eaat of Miller I'.iik It l. ii:irt J,.et, a. heaiitlful hlfe for vntir home. Charles W. Martin & Co., lX-"'-'' Omaha Nat'l Hank Hld " $l,:ioo "Yi;ST I'AHXAM LOT ' A oplendld aouth front lot on Iiaven loit, Ju.l weet of 4 1 e I atenue. Wnl.'H, laUliK all Rli line of the lilnet de- irahle ellea In ttila dlatrh't, na well e oneolillelv the (honnei.t lot differed AL'MSTKOXU-WALSH CO., T I" r;M S.IU Km., tlhl 'IIIDCIIKAI'KST lTS " Hi Hie fill of iiiiinn are located on Hie aiOMli ie of I'Hl'ker etie.-t. I.e I ween 'vjd and i'A. W e ran a. il von n heaiKif ii hltili and attelv lm for mlv ..i Jiipi one half hloi k from rr m l-aved Mieet t)0 don and l per ittnl h f 1 1 1 : HYifox i!i:i:i) o I'lione I'oiif H7 Vt H.iillh Kill HI Tii' Iota mi" S.i ' tint Mi, half hl.xk oith of (iiend Ave . nonieMiileitt (.wttei will tell at a haiaain A.l H V. aafe'in ' fnhfurnla IUIil.1. f ill lole fine vl.w,' nrai "ti i n dlil" t-r I eai-h; lerma tu nil rtter I. 'I liotraa. it lre l -(Ml,., i il. St-II V.i m?. ..fd allert erwei et.d mill hifid' at d i-l a I'.iMtf !t.1 " iwik. VACANT I.OTH "' I V I d'-wn I lu.iiiiiiH A(a on I'l'i-l '"'ll ."l. In ten Ii al and d m. I '.li " i v.i and lean na..rli I'lii. ( a 1 1 "il f i.i ! .ii '! in ft . iin m . " Hi . e.nit h ;.t S I ! . le A V .iel! ". I, Do Arn-a Xt sr Fttiracn-s. Ml !T UK ! II V M A V lAt. It i, ai d !,iMv, with i.. l .i(i,, lit i,U ! I ii ami taiitia, ct, llintt KuirfitlJ Co., t ! I i . Ml l Tir w it j. iu ti n i i i t j )! I I .! . li I I 'll H I i.fth M ' ! A II , ! lomi t , ami t a "w ' n tii t .- A IK Hi I U !l"W. I i.M Vf I T i . t lilli1 IK I n , , l.iifd ft I (HI. O 11 ( l l I l.l- (" I Hi: llfl ill - ' . I'll , I a I ' .- . .,..,... ' I i'-fii if i a -i a a t I O, -ifV t t i I f l K I ' 1 . I I t ' . M t ; I . I .! e, i, f i 'i-r i, ' . i.. t ' . . I ! . m , ....,, ,1., ft i . - . 1 l " ,., . , l. a r.t V"- 1 ( .' " t - .; t ll REAL ESTATE - UNIMPROVED M (I'fllHntrUllli, HOME SITKS Vo n ean huy any of thrae va' an' lota ill av i tw id t h I y paymcnia ( . today IO aee Tliern The northeaat corner fiiili and Urd Th a t lie I'mdee cornar lot la B Imr iv i tu iit the prim aaked, n'l M reel, aidewaika and city waler. I n ("hlpux.i atreel weat of 4.'ld. Tha nwntr of thla lot will build home, for you if yntj have I'll to pny down a the rirat y iiii'rit. re about thla pro), oaltlon. On wpenoer fit., Jnat weat of Jih. Thla fine lot, 5";xl27, I a, hamaln At tha pile aaked h W. ('or. 4th I;avnpirt, Wi Thla la w dandy romer to buy and hold an Invealment. Vary reaaoii- Hldfl prle and term, tall at our of I Im for priori. Crcigli, Sons & Compuny, )oiila 200 U. Hoc III'Ik r.ARTI-flN OWN Kit WaiiU an offer- on all hli Omaha property. II will rept any reaaon. ahln off'-r for tha bun' h, Mr, Hpfon lator. et huay. If w wrian'l tha aixenta we would hoy llieaa lota for w know he will nlva in a haiaain. Iil U dm) It, Jfaarall lloer' Huh. l,oia 7 and , hlo k .Maian'i Ad. in. lot H, hlock 11. Orrhard I Mil Addn. I,ota U, It, 11, hlork 4, AlbrlKhl a Huh. l-itu I, t, 3, 4, hlock fi, AlI'Mkhl a Hub. Iita 1.", M, 17, , hlk fi, AlhiiKht Huh. ' lyota hi and 14, hi"' k 7, Alhrlaht Huh, N I' iJCli'lK A CO., J'l Wlthtiell llldu. I'tlNTI-.D ll.t of lo'a end m re (it 3) mid up, 1"UK. 2Hi, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES VlM; IIU.WI-, IN HKMIH I'AKIs. " WANT I'AKM f liOKK T') OMAHA, AM' I'AV I'AKM fill- I' rilKW K. Thll la a 7 -loom, ell ino'hiii houae; aonlh, In la.- lot, with fruli, on houlevaid, new hardwood flooia down alalia; new rl liylit fUluii-e, iii-w poirh, newly ierei throoaliout and tawly pnlnted. ready to inoe rlnht In, hlorka fioni rar, rloae lo erhoni mid iliiii' hea, i'l-l'-c, i,m. He nwin-r. IB I 'i Myrtle Ave I'tione Harney wta. It'fiMj', mod'iii. near iiome, to trade for ) a'rea In Klmhall Co. N'b Muai In- i-lrar, for Ih houaii and lot anil l !mi eaah. O'Kcefe Il'n I Khtnle Co., ion HiriMliM Nat. HI', III'Ik loom SMB. VoU DXCHA.VOIO IHs.fri. No, I dniK atoi", wall located, ooi town In Iowa Want realdenia In Weat l.'nrnam, llunden Flvanaton, ll.iy Hollow, fl-ld fliih or lliiola I'aik. O. I,,:", W. Colfax. 4 Kaellna IH1. Hi K'KJMH. alrl'lly inodein, on (JeorglM Ae,, eiiiy i,'i, eii' iimto uni e ,iiri VVtiMl have v " i to offer In tin; way of Wialern l ml or vnl lol'.' O'Ki'f'f'c Jcal Kntfilc Co., I in (I (imiha Nat. Mk, Hllii. linn ,'TI". VI At'AKTMKNI' fiala on N, .nth. I'it i."i,"i; ein-niiihraii'-K II. f", to cirllnirje for flu lie ol l-o' ( nll"y land, )n" "o'Kccfc Ifciil Ifulc Co., I'm! imifiiii N" HI. Ill'lii Ootiff ;T,i, ItAVK party with I 0,141 1 . Imir, i-l.ire in i orm r, Wania .r.eome Will put In l, , i hiIi Abbott, I I'litt.raon Hlock. ('It ,A-: oil 'I llAUi: I.Uery feed n I (liny lain and ai Imki' Iota I'i l. Iltooka, Owner. I enluua, N'i-li V. H,T HA VK IHIJ Ol! KID V ANTf Cea na flrat W may hava Juat what , mi want. W aril or trade; a eiylhlmi, enWhrro C. J. Bmllh, Tylrr 1..JI. l! - l'h t0 A. flnii IrriKated T'oio." land, " cle ir. Wanted clear Omnha, Improved Mr. Hawver, ?M'4 (Irand Av. folfn CAN eel- or m"iaiiM any'iiUK you hi lo ffr. C, J. Caiian. au lld aaii r. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROP'TY DOWNTOWXCOIiXKU CIIKAP Hoiillieaal nirnar of ?ll and Web ater M., irfmVI An Ideal nlara for atorea or modern pr'red apartment. I'rl'' ll.Sud. IL A. WOLF, til War JlJork, I'ougliia (Vu,v tb' t'Kte.T. I'it'h'rit I lifki. from vladi.nt, McCacu Inv. to, Mc'-aau liidf. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN Hawawn. bTAUT yol ll H"MK IS IIKN.4M.Nt IIUY THIS LOT! down and Ho iw per month; prl' ?M wi alia, MI2; loraled on l.oouat hi, between l laik and Hurnham; not fnr from arhool and rar Una. Uo. It W rlyht. He nffh . Omaha, Dnndee DUXDEFi in.iOO-HBre la n erv atlritl br'rh t ealih'n.-e, on liiat A'-, J'il amith of llii'lkK Ht , li.'iiiitiful hn-atl.iii. haa IivIiik toom. nun iiailor. kit. hen, 'imlliN room and lueiik faal room on Hut floor, four ld iiiiiiiii and hath on e"'ood fli.or, tnal'l a loom, aiore room, vloio-t. and halii louni iilumiiiia loiitthi-.i nil on third floor All the flool . laid In oak't In atllc. fliM floor flnlehed In alUer (ink. .'d floor while eiiami'l ami inn lioaatiy , hot water heat; open fir" plan In lis In room. IH.WU -Twr.-ati.rv hrlrk and alurra Imuw oi eted liel door to al'iive tie ili.-,l teeldelit'e lid Will ho (In- I. U.-. I In ttniiy ilava. I i w . IHiiii, rimm wlih open tlia pia.e, dimn. luiiio. hieakfaM rnom and kit-hell on flint fUinf, thiew hfdi.ioiiiN and n '--,. 1 1 1 m tmrrh oil .....Hi. I fliM.l tail filiifthi-d lonllia on Mill .1 (iiiof lid water heal oak fluiiie lnr iuth.'ii. tirat floor ( I . fio inh...l iii ,.ak. eeinml flyor In enainrl and ii.nhiu.nn v. 'I hem- n houe are i fitiunaiiv wi l..iil w III tine an I airt. tli iiiu hm in h.ii ymu oinr if oll (If ..iih'i,i (t a h.O't, '11 thl4 liiaulKul ,,llli..n wliiln tin. i.(i., ' aue t' aiuin il i i...i muh tlila Mi-'i" ' li a el I ."til tun I. lit it I'l iH I I ih',1 t j. Mail) and I liii I I' ii. .H i i .4li i..- rn, (..I li l-j.ini I Ml t.. l.i.ik tin.... ..ii, C. A. fiUlMMHI, ll't tnii a Sat I'ali I'.l.ta iHi .g iu In Ml t I m V W I a I ' I.. I t ....Ue l"iil .1 i - - I . e an i i -1 in i i t h t a -M l - ..iii Mi. l.. o 1.1 h ..i.e t-.il4, II. I. ,', .1 .,n ... t ! , e -. 1 4-.-. v- . . .I. i."n.i m - ?tt .,. i .I. i. I ,,... l l ... . i l ,. llll . 4 i . l 41 1 1. el . . I ...i '". Is IMIM . I- V lin I'.,.!- i .. . ii -.-.ii.ot I .,a i i,, I I l I .StUN' I (' 1 V. I HI- I ' l mi ..ii : i-,. t. 4 .,i., a,.. I, .. ...1 - I loan i.l 4 i.i I. i - . .. m t '''" 4 , . I1-: -V a i -i 1' .-. I' 411 - t, i 1 1 ; , n , . e ' S ' a ' I'- : ... t ' 1 llai.. .- . m In t i mvr a M vl it s' Ik 't a I Si f i !.. I m.' 4 a i -. ; ll,- In I 4 -1 i li i 4 I . - I ii i i I. i a i ' " "' .- ! VI l ll n I Ii i ;.-. t 4, ii i i ii REAL ESTATE - SUBURBAN Ililndee. HAVK vo l I, ""ii riKUruu on hull.! im in I'uit'iee: nn leu looa hi a i i.ii'i.u hoiiaa already hud! that muat b- aoid? him a moiitiiiy, TelephoiiM In tha after 7 n'.-loi k, Wnlnni Idi-'j. aventiiK Flori-nra. r4,,'i" l"IS I-' ii' f ea of fruit land with fair ImproveiiiKMta 24 ml!-a north of 1 lor'in.e. A very K"od huy, .t li. IIMHINHMN, 4 7 He IlldK V V1f7, HKI-J N'ethiiwuy tor rieniie,.l loren'-e 2'K. onlh Hide, KOIt HA I.B a-room bona, on ncount nf alikin-ae; no ranaonibla offor to Jeirted. hv.'i r. i'M t, Tal, eloiith I m-e I'ini'iill, j ACKLS, SMALL j.OL'SK A mile and a half weat of Hanarom park, a half Inlhi aouth of Onier tml tha i ur line Thla la on filnt and Wrtfht or Hunrroft Mta. Hplcridld oil and iwnd Ilea well. Hoping to aouth and weat. Knur-room house, fair burn, Hood well. rh hulidlliKa are not en aaul, hut ran ha uaed, Hood t'lty at bool about eluht hloekr, Pi Ire ,4aK). 'Mill haa tint i-.-en iiTTi'fi lierore HAKIUS0X & MOUT0X, tld Oiniihn N'lt'l IlitiiC Kldit I'OUK JI4. MIlllleaolM I.Hllda. JIKAI'TIKi r, ACHK. " 4012 Kama Av. al-room new houaa. furnii'a hunt, owner wllllnit to ai-ll thi a. r for Juat what the ho'iaa coat hhn to hiilld, llxa kIw-ii on hia p. mil ion nnd anpecta to leava thn rlty at on a, J'rloa, , HI. I'AYNK INVMHTMKNT f'OM PA Nf, tlh Floor Uiruiha. Nailonal Hunk Hide. 1 1. J 71 TWO and on-hlf anea between Inuulee and J 1 !' mi ; taaaonabla ran tiaymi-nt, hdlaii'a lo aillt punhaaer. Telephone Wiiloul loH't REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS CriMIXti COHXfiH OX (M'MIXO STHKFT VHHT, W,M) The heal buy lit the cliy la the north worn I'uinar of 2HII ami ( umliiK Ht., if.kl.'i;! wllli a I'l-rooin Inula., now tent IttK for Id a month Thla comer la tit. Inleiaeiilon (if lwr main tin- linen and a lianafer point. It la within four hlorka of Hie new Kurd plant, which will employ three lo four buntlfiid of Ih hlaheal priced machanli-a In (he city. II la aide lo liicrenao Ul pr cent In value Ii. Hi" It'll two yean and will almoat rarry Haulf with the prea eut Improveioent a i la nhiedulaly the heat iiiedluin-aliod lineal inrnt In tha city li Ice :',f, I'-aa I ban f ' j" a foot for .1 corner lot Vol utiil huv nil Inald lot .on th! atteet for iiiih-I lea I lit ri thla, AILMSTROX.MVALSI! CO., Tvier !,M m lino lllda $.-,00 CASH Hala'i' mtl of the rent, will huy (wo laitfe atoiea and f'iir apiirtmeiiia abme on I'uiiiliix HI., near 24th HI, llenla, 11. n; l, J'llie, I7,.'4'i If you iter expect to nuiko niotiey In teal ealale, don t fail lo iibi thla up, lulie l till H.iVKI for Iniiiicdltile aale, N. I', H' dlie A i'ii , l ilh nnd Hainey ltn, i, fAull, lullnee leaa than rent, f..t two hiick atorea with iivihk rooma atiote; lol 4U7't, with liicknK" In tite aide alley oc oalle I'old Molor Co ' ttew hiiiiillliK 'Ihla iiropcily will ln reuae, in nine In a n y abort lime. .). IL HO 1 5 IX SOX, 4h! I'.ee Hldf 1' WC7. IXVKSTMKXTXKAU :,:TH AXD FAUX AM STS. Mo'lern. almoat new brick hulldlnv anil full lot, li ice l',fili. Income I'i'lj per venr. Ak na for full Information. .1. IL DLJMOXT k CO., 4 1C-1 H Krrllnr ItMif. I'linn )nuuU Wt. REAL ESTATE WANTED "HOOD" UfT WA NTWii Aa pirt liayincnl, Willi aoine eiiah, mi new ty room, all modern IhiiikiiIow, ana acr f mound; chicken liDuae. and gar ana. Addrea J, li't, Ida, j.I-T your houae, hit m f,nui for quick anil-, aa I have buyera. .1 I IIAItliKII Ke.lliie IlldK, Tvler I7I0 M SUMMER RESORTS SFYM(JFt IAKF4 ON JNTKIil'KHAN. NKA fl ITAI. HTON, FlfflflNO AND IIOATI.VI RKiSOItT. GOOD RATIMNG DKACH. LAKH I'lllVILKGKH FOR IlKNT FOR KKARON OR TICRM Or" YKARS, FIKST TIM 'ST COMPANY, AdKXTS, n. iHi. 33 m. i.rni sr. ""financial1 Heal Kalala, Loan. Marlwaajca. MONKV TO MIAN ON Apartment houaea. di.utila brick houae. aim.1 hmiae.4, hualnra proiily aud (at 111 lamia at 1. 6V and i. W. II. TlioWAs. tit Kelln llldg. )ou!aa 1(M. llilSI'.V lo loan, alx Per vent on Uiimlia lealdniiiea uml ri'ailiy fitruil. 1'. K. HUl'K t;o.. li!'.' Omnha Nat'l Hank. T for loana on n.-ai claaa city realdemea In amuiinta Iv.uiO up; alao farm htalia. Itcaaoniibl romniiaalon. I'rTI'lli Tltl'Hf I'l? I', if Karnain Ht U.MUIA hoiiiv. Kiwi .Selniiakw larim. O Keefe KKAi. KSTATK ft). I IW Omaha Nat. I'honn loii(hia 1711 Mi'.SKV tu loan on linpmvinl fnima and riiiii'hi-a. W a alan huy K'huI firm mull laiii-a Kloke Inv I'ti, Omaha. ( I l l and f.11 111 loHiia, fi, b, per oeitt. I II 1 1 . mi, m 1 A l'o 41 Keeilue li, 1.1 In II" '! Ilimlii iiiilu.t l V. 1 Wnad, Weed Hid., taih Hiitl rare.'" Hia. NO hKI.AV. ' W. T IIIUIUM, HKK IU ll ' UoM.V Tu LOAN, torVyeara. on lmi'ti.ied proparlha llol'KN I'll I'oin 4'fll. kdiiSKl" uli hand for any and farm htana II W, Ulnilor, ( iiy Kallnnal lUnk ild (jAiaix iiKos. r.r' MUNI V HAKKIMmS a M'ltlTilN " till 11,11,1., Sal Hank Ml.lf MiwmcIi4 waainl, WANTKti, CITY LOANS, mmf1tata rloaini 1 ie a(a. Hem, tern a loana a i'e laliy, lntiirt Inil ll 44 ia l year, FILST TIU'ST COMPANY, I tnslT NATIONAL HANK IU4JI, ton' 1. .-.'. i (' . ' I- t 'i ' !' I ' I ' fl . ' H ,' ,.i.i! . ...' i-m 1 1 Hi aa 4 i w -Li our Nuk.aaaa 14 -i ' a-l f l I. I 1 4 t , el j -l nw l I- I 1 I 4- W..l. I I 4IW ! H 4ol Ml riil 1 vk. i-. H I ,S.'.14 fi'd 1' a y 1 a 1 t. .4 , l . 1, r ivyiMMtM 1 mi (Y t iw ,v,4l hank I U , iaka N, VI i. . t - I I . I ' W i FINANCIAL IhOlnri. of 'I .. I ii'irn tit 1,1. .vt auavi i n Aa can bring uiiuiuniiv oown your nhatract 00 abort rn t. e r 7 i-Htii r-xin Mtrt. 11 r' I. ' l'iiu ouwrwiittm and Aoairact """"ii),, a rnidarn ahatract offlt-o. y B. i7th Ht. Tel. I, fAtt. RKKO AH.viUACT CO., oideat aba'ract offlie In Nel.raaka '"41 Mrandela Tha FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arltaneaa l.aikda. Jo VKK N M KNT hutil opcnlnk; M.'m iicrea foreat reiicrvn In Arkiinam lo he thrown open to amli-ment In April; your heat rhunr f'tr a' curlnK a tract of free laud, a"nd Sue for lownahlp man ahouini reacrvca and copy Honid aieade.ra' Huidn. 1 K. ll'ioic l.lttla Hoik Ark. HI'IU'HI.SI Nil" oiiiioriuiti'tiea for farmer, aio' k inlacra nnd fruit mroweia, Horatio Land Co, llnralln. Ark 1'Xi Ai'I(I:H. ,; X'.od till. leellr l.and 10.. 1-rne Ark. ( 14 1 1 'or 11 Ih l.aiiila. A I'liANi'K to live In aunny (iililorn.a and inl'ty a liberal Im ome from aeini Itunliicei property. Am n I union earn. ami offer for aale n nearly rn-w. aiiirtly modern, eo.ld cunfrete. handnomeiy rj( hiahed aimitmenl houae. It haa proven one of the beet aid a neat I lit ome hio 'liicer In Southern ' nllfoi nla. It I very iinuaual offerlnk. ever HiIiik com plele. and rudy renled. The prlt-e, In- t'ludina- all f .iniMMuii". la triJHi Will accept ;, ili aa drat payment and the. balance, aa tamed from the. rentai Mlaht lake nn Improved farm. If rlKhlly priced, owner, o, A. Hiarrett, iiiver aide, fa I. 4 olorido lianila. HI. V A WKI.I. .U'liVKO lltHI'JATKO K A KM IN fOl-fKAIi'), Only 12 mllea In Ilia rnoiinlitinx : (Vt Brea, kood wanr riiint, 11-ronm nri'-a huiKalow, new. hot wiilcr h'-iit iiml elc ' frlc I labia, ail modioi! colivenx nce, well airiK'''l ami nlcly flnldied, aev em I out liitil'lliiKK, all lit w Mini molnrii, on matndaui hlKhway, aood toinl the year arountl; two lallionla and elecrlc line iwllb hour ly ecrvhei; al'ldratk, cultln iliute and mailou Icaa than mile, artaalin well le-eitloiiallv aood wale', water woika and aewer ayinetn 111 mllea from deliver, 11 mllea to H0111 der Mnrrlaon Urotlicra, Ownera, Hrooiii field, .Colorado Fori HA I, IT -I HO a rea 3' mllea from IH. Morgnn; thla la a fine horn tor lome one, Ihla I all under a wood ditch, the brat of aoll nnd lie a aa level na a floor, can aell I, ,1a on Hi neat of lei ma, price per cr. If Interfiled will nd you full frarllciilura. Mo. II, !'. Moiiian, ft In iini;ihned homeataad; food foil; afnfii rainraii; arraaian wnlar; nar fr timber. Prh I 'Ai, flliriar fe and all. .1. A. Tracy, Kt. Moraan. folo Idaho l.anHa. DOKS YOUR LAXI) YIM.I) YOU VTA I'KIl A' 'mi. on ANYTMINd LI K K THAT AMOI NT? It ma 'tid tvn't a C'rop l..,ori, howln what ninny Idaho firmera not laat arll will om 11 your cyea to the ei'Wt poaaibllltiea that aw.ilt you In tli'il ata la. Pull Information fie for Hi nikinc H. A. Hm lh. OilonUallnn and tn- itiiairlal Al.'llt. Itoom W. I nl'. 11 I'licliic llead'juirteia omana, nro , I - Iowa lanila. IOWA BARGAINS If you want to buy an Iowa (arm, ic ua. ANNIS & R0HLINQ U I'KAltL. ST. TBI li COUNCIL BLUFFS, IK. BARGAIN' IOWA FARM HO acre, 12 mllea front 'Huff; good, prodtintlvo hill farm; .i acrt a uinler rullivallon, boiiio alfalfa, !e acrea timber. Ilvln aprliiK. fair liiilivev menla, nffend cheap for taah If aohl at once. O'Kcefc Real Kslatc Co., mm Omaha Nat, Hk. HldK- h'flH. lUi BAf IIIFICK for Imniedlnia !. An Im- nrov'l Ml nt ua aooo ami aa iium . i'i i..ii..m fi-ooi foiincll lowa. ,1111 - - , -; Hluffi. 'Ihla la not a valley furm, but la rollln- ami l all tdbd em-ept pua tura ami w.-odliind. All yrur round aprlnu of runnlnn; water In I i4m caah will bundle W. T. HmlUl ( 0,, flty National Hunk Kldg. 10 AC'HKH. gfnlly rollink land, wootern lowa. Wall iroprovm, "na 1 an in aieea. IK'fi per tori. Tho. t'amiihvll. hotlltia lilda ., . 1iinialHiiM lamia. wiHifliKH Umlainnn; pml v-iihy; V.. iMl. W, I-;. Mlnton, all) 'I'.lvo, HI. Ln'il. Mlaaourl onllnucd "onTagn Hl-f oluinn Three.; !llnneaola l.anda. fni 1 ,v ll I-; firm. : mllea from good town, 4., mllea from Miniiciipona, o m i.-i. tlvaletl, 40 acre meadow, balance tim ber PHHtiii", hut can nil he ('in-tied up; fi'iii t il and .-ma fenced, on iii'ilii rnad, telephone and mall tonic li'iotl 5 room limine, with cellar, tiain for ,tn bend of aiock and hoiara. tiraniiiy, col 11 crib rhick.-u h'liia-. g I well at hiim and at houae. 1,1 cowh, learlliiK. I team of hoia.a, wiiKmi and all (aim miu-hlii-erv compli -I" 011 the ilii c Price, A per a ie, half caah. hiihi'ic( leima t. ault lit (' "i' cent. I'm mil ' ami Mer-i-htttita' Hiaia Uiik. Vi nda Ic. Minn .v.i4i ,M lti;H luia'-a and HI IjiiiI t'"mi- tl.a laud III tlMi ia nl t il' r.e nun in- wania, near Hthblng. I'.'.O'i. and ('hia liiiltn ( proiii' , fine at liiioia. 1 linn h". market rmid and 1 1 atialuniath'U ad vanltia'-a, chiv anil level, inally cleared, ru.iet dealiathi lainl III thla aectuui. low piled, eaiiv lei me. ('time 01 virile fur limp aici folder liuamntv liinit Laud l'o 4i l.. emu Ihla , iml uli, ATTENTION Mlt. 1-AItMll'll. Mual aell at our mv iioi farm, li'.iiiid 111 th l-at diaiiietl diatrl'l In the l ttUef VH"V I till e liilllll" ( i f tteiimiiil, P. ll in nit y . Mum, ad . 'Init.H one i t the hct Hcaniltnavtaii i-tlli niHiita in l ' alliy. I-' 4-i uu-ilei- iiiltlt ttlh'l, Willi fill liotiKH.'ll'elil. II. h black I'-ani "ll I' I" 1 ''- 4. 1 ill v !".'. O'lit (it'll, hataiice leima ti ault Addteaa owl. r. Auk 'a late-l, ,t ,,11, .e S' o'h. M ii,,ciiiuili. Mum W .' UK f'lioi. 1 lullia fiulil I'Hii, n . i,c t !' I 1 u, I nt 111 n. In. I.i. pi-i'.lv' 1 tin nil Im t elird I'I. him s iuil ln'iin a.-il witn 1 ii uii , i V 4 111M1 I,..'...- w"h ii-li-v m l-ur 1 ' hni 4' ' hrti I'.,..-. -, t14 .i-m .rib- and oiler "nl lc. I In fan .-."i l'ili 'i 'i Pule 1 I,-.,,. I, mi fit a 11 I ' 11 ( .in- an. I I. ,. ,,e I'll' ' !-'' .! I ni t. an! Vi . 1 !( I'ni. Vim .t,.t, ttiiu iv si li wi.i.- !- 1 t '. w. .; i'ti i i..,e .,-ii 1.1. iel I'I l'.n- itfiinr iil, .Hid f" !. 11 d'-ll'l ti Iw.. . '. I'"" I - ! I i lit c t -1 - t .1. ' I a-: ' , Hmi A-1 li 4 Ink I .,. ...-.. " ' I' I titiliU I aHila I' IHI"- I ' I i-lS , tH ' I I VI 1 ll I. W I' 4i M-' J ( ' a . I 1 . . I . 1 ' - it 1 1 1 ' II S h I S i I 1 1 liS 1 1 1 - ' i I i IU ' It a W I' M " 'I I 'l '' '" "" I ' l'..i-"t I -1-1- .4't " I 1 . W . I . I S W ' '14 111 tv ' , ml ...IMII.,1, t'l' i.t,,,,!.. I :,!,'.. In , ' I ci '"' I a . 1 . il ,u 1 let 1 " ' ail ,,, .it. t.-i . .1 s i... tit , - . 1 1, . .M. h ii' ' r V.O..I lint. k t.ii'ua N.w ' lli.MlWW I add I . i , I I. . 11 I 'i 11.'' . .,, . I !'" . . V.. 1.1 in 1 . I. ,i V 4 1 1 I-' , I I" It 4 . ( ,. t I , Ilvln -,! 411-1. 4 , n I 1 I W V. 1 ' t ' 4 1 I ' .- r , 1 4 I . 'I -ll I I , " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ,, , I , 4 '"..' ' I ':l-.i' I ' ' '" 1 I I - , ' I ' I i ,1 - iM4 1 . ft fi. t V'"i.i.,i FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlaaiiarl .a1a. L'0-ACRF FARM FOR ONLY $300 OWN KHS OK Hl'f f Ki-Kfl'l, IlltHH.Y PHoDCl'TIVn 1,'A)-Ai Hi; oll'MIAKO A.NO FARM Wll.I, HKUI. OX TIWtMS OF1 $10 00 iVAHH AND $.".. MONTHLY, WITHOUT INTKIIKHT Oil TAX KM. I am having aplt-ndld wccmi wllli my 1,'Mi-at re orchwrd and farm In aoutheaat Mlaaourl. Ham WD acre In peachea, 1:14 In apple. In grapa, In atiawberriea, 4 in hiacatierriea enu rai berrlea, and I.VU In vcgataldiia, gialm mil Kraaaea. Tha hnlnnce will t (lamed to gmpea and fruit treea next annua The neiii hea have l"ien run IiIiim over ;w tier acta, berrle atid giapea '"" tomatoea !'l ill') per ton al the canning fattoiyi, etc. Apple Jimt comiiiij into hearing. ' ha a large, amount of land "t rounding my orchard and farm, much fuoin than 1 will rvyr he able to g"t undor cultli adoti niyaelf, and will ael 1 to 'n-arra tiacl at IKi. on let ma of flOoo ' x ail and t -M monthly, without Inteieat or tx. KAItMH KHKK TO I.IMITICI Nl MIIKIt lot a llmlied number "f peraon hava an arrangement wheroby they nan olitaln a farm tract rrec. Mv loaHon la In aoulheaat Miaioui'l liiiijwiiy between thn Oiark and Ilia lowinniia, einvatlon tova ana level about UA) feet. liefora offering any of my hind for aala 1 went to tha authoriura ot me aeten nearby a'alea having thn an called "Mlu Hky" lawa and aaked them to pan on tha printed mallei I had preparer and lo aatld llieir Pri laud tn'-n to liiapect my orchard, fuim and land offered. After doing Ihla, and 11 an Inveat anting Inv fliianclal lealon elhlllty and haat t'lialnea record, they pilckiy gi anted permlaalon to aell my Im ml in I hell a a ea A few a'rea here, properly looked after, will bring you a apicndld Inumniv heald' providing Dm heat of everything for your own lae, Hon to tju char profit per ci 1 a it ha mad Krulla beirl'-a, vegotahlai, gralha and gtaaaea will produce thean renulla, A alngle cow ran he made In pay l clear profit every month. IIW will build you a cony, 1 oiiifurtiihle bom In vur mild ilimata Hut will leant Ilk a lltt.1 palaa compared with tha oidlnaiy, crowded, hhk-boiind city flat. With a few chlckm, I'lg and enw, frulta, berrlea, veaefublea and a little meadow to alnrt with, youi liealih, wealth and happlnraa com Into your own hauda. You ar boa of all, with room to grow, and no on la big enough to coma In and glva you onlcra. Wa hava good achoola, church, rural fra cl vary and mutual rural tele phone Hum and good town KIIKK KAILWAY KA HIS to puii haaria, ku day' tlm to vlalt land and tuuk your aelecllon: money hack after una year If dlflafed; payment atop In caae. of death; money loaned for lmprovmenU; perfect title; lmm"'llal poaaaaaloti. OCT TIIIH I' KKK HOOK' TOlA Y. I hate mail about Ji kodak view lit and around tha big or'-haid and farm aud on th land I a"l offering and hava had them reproduced In a 111 page pamphlet, In which alan 1 have placed all Hi Information lo b ob tained regarding tha topography, aoll, climate, water, rainfall, heulthfulneaa, pioductlvlly, product and about. vry thing out want to know; alio M lettera from men In Omaha ami nenrhy town who hav gone down to look and who have bought, I'll gladly acrid you a copy If vo't will call, write, or ileiihon, Wll.lilrf H MI NOKR ll'i t'agton Hlock, Omiihii, Nab, 1 Wi Ai'ftKfl cuf "ir tltnhivr land; fin hog llin'n; V P'T acra. iv. 11. imwo, num tniravill. Mo, C'HKAP Mlaauutl Tarini, any"al4i uaay inroa. W, n, r HA NK, NVIII '"jJjJ!V' Nebraaka I. a ad. IMPROVED FARM AT AUCTION WKDXHSDAY, MAY 17 On Hie ahnva data at 2 o'clock p. rn., In opera bona at fallawav, Nehraaka, we will aril at public auction tha fol lowing d'acrlhed real atate: Hmnheaat iiuart"!- of aectlon I, townahlp IS, range 2.1. all In (,'ualni- county, Nehraaka, weat of th th n, in,, containing 19 er more or I'-m according to government aurvey. Located on hill from lb town of fallaway. Term; Tn par rant, of th ptirrbaie. url'-a caah dav of aale, u per cent Jim 1, mm, halati' five yar, Intret al 6 per rent annually. Ind will be aold lublect to a lea of ona year, which will b ailgned to purchr dav of ettement when ahlract of till with warranty d"d will ha delivered, 7n acre under plow, IS acr alfalfa. fanCd hog tight, Wi acre antra good hav land, cr naatur with run ning water; all bottom land and good black loam aoll. Vir dcacrlptlon of linprovemrnti and other Information, addrea Nehraaka Realty Auction Co.. On tral t'lty. Nb, John Moran, (.'allaway, Neb , owner, 8fK) AfllKW flna alfalfa, grain and atock farm, a mile from Hroken How: inuat h aold during April: aend for deacrlp Hon Hot N, Hroken How.Nh. 127-AI'Hr;. well Improved farrn, 75 mile of i una ha. W lr; no trade. Relyea A (llfford, Jit Haniae Hldg., Omaha, Neh, ONE of llio most nttrnrtivp in pnsleni Xolt. H20 atTPs of llio liost upland, pxtrn well im proved. Priro $2L2.."iO jer nero. Will take $:10,000 in lnido, cheap land or eity prop. erly pn-ferrt'd. Address i:;ni;. ive. IT 1 hnr to bn wiirrn ownr-r lhn fin p-tnt-ptn rttr. acriw (hind, laved farm lamt, located Ih mile directly tnilh nf Huehnell, Neb , and nulea from Oiffurd P. o., Kim bail l'o., Neh Price, i h per aiis I'uli raah, balance. I. ma lime at per rent Inteieat. Kverv acri nf thla land can ha cultivated (loud aoll, no roca. ho Btonea Inveatlaat to imir own atlfctlnn It I aet lioii J. . 7 Thla aei'ttnn la wv a I. me tha average 0'Kefe Real Kstnte Co., I'll fimah Nal Ilk Hhtg ltia I'll If iiiten'sled in ORIENTAL RUGS Cull up llurnoy Purty lernin town will iwrilVtv TWO MILLION I'OLiaRS I a'd I . W am N tm li'i'i 11 11 I''' I Mlia I IS.(t I I M'l l-iin III. I 1. '. 'l .In. It. e ' (' I allll. lilt lint t I- - a- t en I -. 1 in. m V !. I, a I ' i'i" 1 1 I'll -. 1 1 1 y, cl .loir Now I ud la' ami ' t r th ti It A . 4'-., .iiii i h. a 4 i l A,. I i '-.: I': i I I ... ' 't If , Ott'iit N-1 14 k 1 1 . m il. to 1 1. n . ..... 1 I'i.ii ti .1 i.iti in., 1 1 1 tattt ... .1.1 i,. rf -4 i I 1 . 11 l- a' 4 1 t m 1 H ' . I'll in,.- . ! I at y I M l v44. ,.-.! I t S.I w kr ' -4 M - .1-1 .n Vl I'm I 1 ! ..! In S.I. .' I HI il I lit. I 111 4 '1 a 4 I 1. - '.ll.t i' I 'hi 1 1 ' I ' 1 - t 1 I I e tt 4 . ' - I ' 1 1. ' -I ... I 1 . , a 4 4 .4 . 1 .m.ii . -- . -.',,,1 .... ..- i U. ..-' .1, ' ' ' . '4 4. FARM AND RANCH LANDS North H-iUolti l.auda. rAR.M- koi nu.r. a it'han ;k IN THE RKI) KiVKR VAI.I.KY OK NORTH I'AKoTA. PltlC'C H TO S PfcR ACHE. RAN'.'INO IN SIZE FhOM I") At'IUlS TO '.'o A( RI S TIIK-B. KAR.Mfj ARK IIPJIILY IM PRoVKl , fliHK 'Hi 11WN, ANI OHOVV I V- ERYTHINO AHUNLANTLY. THK FINKHT CATTI.K (,'OI'NTRY IN AMKK1CA. CHKAP RAil.ltOA l It ATKa TO KXAMINK THK I. A.NO I'ltKH INFORMATION. WRITK ( 'h- CARV'.IA Vlrt. m H HIXTII ni IV laeiineln I, anil. LAND HAI.KHMKN - 13,'KX) acre of drained miadow hind In aouth tentrl Winconaln. on main Una railroad; nil lund cloas lo town; dralnnga tyatrin completa; aoll fron 10 acrca up, Honi firm Improvea. i,tve long tune In buying, open land, no rock. Not a rut-over atunip deal. Wa plow tha land Oet our plan for lucking tha leiihra with mllrli (. Heat near-nt-homo pri'poaltlmi on the market tooay for you to haii'iie. iiniy 0.1 mila ironi jowt I'rltea from kj to M per acre. (Inod roiiimllon to hiialnca produceia. Writ tialay. THK PKOHIK I.ANO COMPANY, Inf., Owner, ludur Rapid. Iowa 'i i 1 1. i.eai lund hi Wlaconr-in, ndjouilhg 'in inr market In Ameilca; very low price; eaay Html. Arnold Co., buperlur, "l vn( oNHI.N o farm. lt,(M acrea wild land, com, dairy, clover bull; countne Marrnn. Polk; -aay term, loweat prlcea; Hat free, I., itlvard, 'Juiile ijike, W'la. c"bhi 11 lacellaneoua. UUYKltrt WITH THK MONKY TO IN V KMT. Firm land ') placed I ft Iheaa col umn! reach th kind of people all over tha weat who hava ampla fund wl'h which to Invent 111 lani'a. Quality and j 1 . r 1 1 1 y ar both found In THK HKKH roiinly clrculallon. Th uhai'ilpl inn rat (or Tha Ilea ll rni'cn hlghr lliaii any other Omaha nawipiprr. Naiur.llv The Ilea la read by a clan of wall to-do lailnnr. Hand 1 1 your ad and ten h aom rial hover. AUK ioU OOlNO TO HUY'l.ANI'7 " If ao. gat a copy of our Journal flrat, It haa laiida, city uroparly and atocka of goon 'ivrtii-d from neirly every tat. Ho that you tan find Jut what you wlih In It column Kaluhllabed IU )ra, iMchlng "x.oon raartna. Hcnd ''hi fur on year luhi' r iptlon or 11 for flv ar FA KM A NO KKAI, KHTATM JOURNAL TRA Kit, IOW'A KARM I.ANI'-('hi accounl of 'weal em Inlereata, will aell ar viral huge ijncta of farm landa In N'orth Oakola and Montma at wholol price and on aay tarrna Addr Y. 377 He. J" A It Mel, acrnag arid rily properly fur aaf and exchang. ('. It. omba, K Hrinddli Thtia'.ar I'tdS. Doug. Wt. FARM LAND WANTED WAN'i'KO To heur from owner of good farm for al", Hetid ileacription and iah pile. It. f. l.lal, Mlnneapolla, .Minn. WANTKO To hnar from ownei of film, or unimproved liiul for ue. o, K. Ilawicy, l.ildwln, W'l. --Tir-rrJ-. twwi if w .ur -"r ii ri.' r-1 ' I'r' r"-- -- POULTRY AND PET STOCK i'(ir, pay'far peiier ciiiikoni; al.vayi penned up; llttl apace neeoed 10 atari; frag book etplalna all. MajeaUt Hih Co,, Oept. Ill, Adel, la. FKliO your anary on Mux Oela'er Roller-Heed" and "(lerman Bird bia mlt ' aud h will alng all year loiind. Mat Or-ialar Rlnl Co. if. C It. I. KKI 4.g'ga,ni.'lir Vi f'T '"''. Mammoth W, Pekln duck, II '-gn, II. II. A, Hno. llciiioit, Neh. Tel. il'-riaon 27. 8, C. WHITK leghorn (Kka. fie ta'h; II per Vil. frown roint rouniy larija. 4'urtli Ave. I'lion folfiix 307l. V.miA -Hatred Rock, blue rlhhon atock. ?ic "h. lied MXI grain. 10" lha vVaancr'. B(.rnlng $!. Pr Ifti lb. d N. loth fR HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Koe gala. II A fl N K H )4 , H A I 1 1 1, K H "Sb TKUNKH. W malt "411cm ouraelvea and aell them Direct to the columnar Why pay two profit for Inferior good! when you can gt llgh-grad good at flrat con 7 AUFKKO CORNIKII A CO.. 1210 Farrtam Ht., flmaha. IfOd ralri Wrlta for fraa booklet on i,n. tietiniit bd dieaae or hog. C K. RlctiarUon, deputy atato vet- rlnrln. Wallavllla, Kan, GOOD young ilnht team and harneai. Iliown Park bakery, i'ltt Hid Q. Phono Ho. I7M. (lOOO freih cow for aale. Call Oouglaa 1IM. John ( hnatenaen, 8f'AN of main, avngot) and barneaa, irion. fall Webater 741Z. illLk wnkon and hum! for al. I'lioini Koulh ItVKt. IIAY-Itl&u ton. A. W. Warn- SOI N. W, AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE F0I!IS ISIO K4H111 touring cgr ., li' 1M3 KORH louring car Till lU FORI touring car Si,". 11114 KORU touring rar. V.ill poitl' loiiiliiu car.....' -.'.'I I HIS I'liHI' touring car... I"' KOItli rniidater. 210 l-'i iHI 1 rotiilater , . K, Fi'HIi roiiiincrchtl cur '-'7'. I'nllll 1 ouitnei-i'iiil car I;'.i 1'iiltl' iiioiiiicr. lul car Xw INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., ?ith and llartiev. Ooitglaa .'lid. SEE GUY I.. SMITH for ISEI CAR HA RG A INS W(4 half eeietii) rar In pfrfrrl rendition. I'lccirn light anil tait"i. 1 !.. . i i.'i fioni I !HI an. I up If )d'l aie Id (ho i.i.iri.i'1 rail ttra : mi k unit imk iurr f ir i ln'i'C mi k Hl I,. SMITH, ' Firt." V 4? I 144 I ' i 't . i ;--n AiTO i LEAKING IHU'Ml j- '.41 ft ..tti, t ' .C i, I ', I I I - I l I 4 iJ. I I'I I , ... I ' , .. ... I ll .r I . . I , t . .'.,-.-. a Y III; 4 i I it llili'l '!( i .4 . t'l'-1 I .i a ...rl I I 1 - A 1 "l .l' ' ! ' -4 4 I .1 t " AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE A P.) lfi Cur at A SNAP 7-pas , 4"-lilin. rn-w c ir. t un on:" oV) mile. Will make ternn to i-eaponlhlat imrtv. (. all lied bl;n ninl ak for ilr. llurna. T1IK AUTOMOHII.K WONl'KR. Make a ton truck out ot your Ford car. Kveryiiody la buying thla "Forra--Truck " It aolvea voiir delivery prot I'-m nnd "lla lihe wild firei. Agant wanted. I'or tm riiciilai - or writ lollvjli'.luvy,,iiTi ff, , -,r N )tri) t.i. vol nude ini a nuw yord for yuur ij.i one I N IC'STRI A j (JAFIAGK CO., 'ith and llnrney Ooiig. Jlt. Cl Nt.HAli Motor Company truck, two t'i c ijatllv, good (oniliilon. Can b bin ' rlaht. fait lioumlaa JM4 ICR HAI.K-iJ-V i;'-II. p.' fnaa traotlort 'itklii. I I!ii2 j;itch'-ll touring car. ON ' red at n Immnln If taken at one, Ni'Ol.'i A U ' f 11 . Neoll, I;. A I 'TO WKKiKINO CO., l&Ba" iir SE All kind of repairing and part foi anl. Iieej) mia bought nd aold. U. 41). IHI,', VVO0I1H Klectilc. lmot nw';"barJ k'dn, owner leaving city, Cull Room Fotilcnolie or lioutilna Htm. I'HKO CAR IIAHOAINf ATf " ii L'KI'H Y O IIPIKN AUTO CO.. 114 11-1 ftrnim Ht "At TOMOJIII.K IS'HfRANf T?. r " Hp"i"al rule for lliildlily tnaiiianc n Kurd can, IiicIuiIIiik properly ilainag. .'.. into Mini theft (it loweat rate. e KII.LY, KU.IX TIIO.MHHON HIS 14 fltv Nullotml Hank. Iioiig. IM. FOR HAI.K oil TIIAIi; -Ori" 4-ton AvetJ Irin-k. in flrat-ilaaa condition. Apply' Hi uak a Wind. I'ouehia HTM. TO HKI.I, uulck, 1.113 Twin 'jfeadlnj motor' ycln, In good citnlllion. Phon Houlll 3eil7. Anlo fleiiulrlnar nnit Palnlliia.- " NF1I Anlo Htill'tior Repair Hervh-a ani nrlcea rlht ?IK H Ifnh Ht l. 7S'KJ l'i reward for manneto wn can T rairr' Coll repaired. Ilavadorfer, no N lrh. ; IC III' RPHY-Auto renalrlna. 112 H. 17th) ft. Tvler W' nlKht. T'.ed "7114 . Omaha RadlBloT Hep" fo 7n't Far. 1)72001.! A iiliiniolillea W'nnlril. WILL gha mv ts'ulty In gooflirBrie7 ' accilon Hoitlh Oakota corn, alfa.fa' farm for lata model automobile; en. cumhrani only V. Aihlre A. I."'t liee. . 1 RRANH iiow houae, corner lot, for good naed alto, 'Mm N. 4-tlh Ave. ' r M.i, f free Hf.fT wo4fIIIva. WK tiado In your old tire anil newmieit" Our repulr ih partnient I complt anl prompt, Wo make on good tire frnirl two old our. Hiiigiilna In tlrei. Hea 11. ., T'UPLKX TIRP5 CO., 2.7X Farnim. J). 4)11 1, j AUTO TIKKH '" " Runnir, to ',oo. rfO TIHK CO, Mil Chicago t. Anlo Tlrea ami iippllca, " 4 PAINT vour own hit tor .": free bookj Id tella you how, Autonamet Cu. llorheatcr, N. V. DON'T throw away oid tlrea. V" maki one new lira from 2 old one and '. you .'. 1 In 1 Vulcnnlrmr Co, 1'ij Iiveriiort HI, Omaha. Neb, I)on, Jill, fileclrfe A airftttofillaa. At?TOMOH!r,r7 57,'otjRANCB;. rir. Theft. Llahlllly and I'roprtJ 1 01 inn xe a: Lnwef Katea. KILLY, KLLIH A THOM PHON, 1 im-14 CHv Nat. Hank Rldg Imiig, Mil Waller Andcraon, exp t run g alec'rlc to tiatterin. moraga. zzwrarnam, 1). an. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES II A 111,1: Y-OA VI lHON MOTORr; fC'TACf rtM.1 K" " mru IHttUHIIll-K, T 1' lOr lOf'K) "'I'll MoloK'V'l M'in, "Tib Vf.nfay-.rf-, t'nt J VVwnt Afla and wrii "raj If'i'ipt for lhiil Vfi'iiuL iioUMC. ll kl',IF,Tg. Devotid to Brilliant Mualoal Bitrlaaqna TWICE DAILYwBrx MAT. 10DAY .1 Chickens To Roost!, Batttrn of th Mnalaal Turor. Harry Hastings' Big Show With th Admlttad nlr of "d DAN COLEMAN With Hia 49 WIUIMO SUBJECT and a CI.AB8Y PONY BALLET You Look, Just Girls I'r, ill Iti O'l'll H.i"-eiirtrii . i.i1 'i ti f r fla ll, 411... 11 I- ..'e !..- m 'l.'iil.'- Wl.t a 4 ( I I '-'i ' ll-li' It ..... ttn'i .1 1 1 c i.. ....I .-..npl'il I'M'.'! l"l '"( I tt ft HHm- l!l'l.' I l'lc i-.n 1 1 ,, I . nil-. - is M. i.t.'tt i I. 'm, -4 ,c, I-O'J and 7 -Iu. Will MATS. 15c and 25c in al ai W n a T anir' 4 a.,,, at awt war TitKera U tmr. Bvliy (Atrial! Oaraga la th'iy UOYD'S M4iy4-5-S TAvino uniMrc Li: I M I UI IIULIUliU Cmrff BRIMFUL OP III Majtu.v whou- DfiijyrD DCArJ SOME IUN UUIUVLU ULMH BY VB V WII.UW POOD , ,i,,, ', w w i '.I. nV ' i. . )' I , . t 1 Ht -11 l ...:.- I '' Pi.i.I fiHi .' I v. T'ttin, I I'bi.aiA j . t - o.. I-, ' : vit sc v 4 gvl , : t t ! - i ii . .-IMl aiitl ,'' . V 4 j' " 1 ' ' ' NOrtlM IRCS. "IU WhiU SUt.r