Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1916, Image 1
maha Daily Call Tyler 1000 If Vou Want to Talk to This Kefl or to Anyone Connected ' With The He. YOU XIX. NO. 272. OMAHA, MOMUV MORNING, MAY 1, li)l-Tf-:X PAGES. On Traiae, motJ jrw Standi, tc, Be . SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The 0 BE! THE WEATHIR. ... i Rain BURN POSTOFFICE IN DUBLIN; END OF REBELLION NEAR Principal Stronghold of Iniureenti Destroyed by Fire and Rrolt Said to Be About to Collapic. CONNOLLY, ONE OF HEADS, DEAD Baron Wimborne Aierti Seditious Movement Will Be Soon Suppressed, LAUDS LOYALTYOF THE PEOPLE HI M.K'fl V fONDON, April 30, An offlclul announcement tonight concern tiifj j Ihe alttiatlon In Ireland aaya: "Heven hundred onrt seven prlri j oner have been taken. Including th-i! Connie Marklewlcz, "The rebels ar surrendering freely. The bark of the rebellion ha hern broken. "Messengers have been merit from Ihe leader of Hie Dublin rebels to other rebela In Ualway, Clare, Wev ford, liuth and Dublin counties or dering them tcy surrender. ! public library jHirliv rietilng. IIMM'TIV, . . Th N'bf'HSlsa Oiullb'ihyl'i.1 union Will Di'ULIN, Baturday, April 21),- -; M,1,1i WUl ,,, Anmm, All the leadera of the inaurrecllon ! Bt ( hott Vriy urnlna, ,Mny are reported (o have aurrendered tin-! s, riUiinK ld'ti frf. on-i-. voi condltlonallj', It la alau reported : ""t H.-hwai.k of n- N.-i.jih Mint. ,,,, .... , , . . , . I fritvMiu fill If 'tin on liliiln ni tdo that the four courts dlatrlcl haa bn ,,, , m hn. H.tur. rccapl tired. - jit:i, ji a. Tim two ranidatlna will ; bold 'i f n-ll dv, HiiKnliK , May 8, at I0NDON, Apl'll 30, Fleid Mar-; which three imnlin, eiicli h".i'M by en rbal Vlacount French, commander of j of Hi prof a, will an excuralon th hmiin fin., ,.,, i,,fi lliut thrt ! il'ceji, general poatofflco at Dublin, whim haa 1een Hie prlinlpal atronghold of the Hinn l-'elnera, haa been burned down, Connolly, one of the leader of Ihe rebela, la reported to have been killed. Many of the rebela have been taken priaoneia and the revolt, in Dublin i on the verge of eollapae, lit the rect of Ireland the situation generally la atititsfaclory, f'rrna dlKpn-t'lica from Dublin rpert4 fovsrnl parta of ihe city In flami and Ktatcii that arilllcry w telng uaad oh i In. bnijKea, M( t -( fluhlitig and nudi looting la indicated in the report. Kara lleiolt ohrl anon. 1H'nfIN, April iy).-Ttirnn Wlmhorn. lord llcuieiiant. of Ireland, exprenned to Tti Acnoelaiad I'reaa ar (lie vlc ragul lodt! today the aaourane thai the Mill tlou movement would ho aupprcaaed tit tha couraa ot a few daja. The viceroy waa full of pralao for th loyalty dlaplnycd by tb Krent majority of th Jrlh pmile, and eooaidered th mo mentary aueceaa galneil and tha 1 mag's dona by the rebela a amall when vlawad in eonnatlon with the aurprlaa ef the outbreak find the avlrfent prenaratlona made for it. The country outalrta of Dublin, aeept for a few laolated la ea, ha declared, remained peneful, "The rebela had cut telegraphic im miinlefttlona with lh country rtlatrlota end with Enalnnd, but had not aucucdnd lit dlaeovarlng a telephona wtr whluh eonnecti-d thn (.'.irraglt camp with head U'lartera. Thla wa onn o th'e aratt miatakea, They did not cut communlc. tlon witlt North Ireland, with which w have at ail tlnjaa heon abla to convorio. Oner Held llnll atalton, "At one time, the, rebala had poaneaalou fit the llrnadatotie way atathm whMi urn not protected. "im Tueaday morning tl tb telnforco menu had culled from Curraah had teaehed Irulilln, and alna that moirnnt the ri tieta hitv not n ttr-mjit (hI anytlrlng exerpt. aniplng fi'm certain lornlltlea and hnuei'N, It In enay for them to abandon houpea Ity IiH-U Uooia and to kil ewny to other inl.loi'i-iit piicliloii.i. "The military ojmnot ill:lnul!"h rebel fioin other clileiia. Kiiinetlmea they Irate tlmir Imnun after hiding th ir rifles and mrtrldaea end mlimle with ordinary liih.ibliinila. Afu r liiklna olmervethina of ihe eddlera' coniiiona tliev return to begin anlplujc aaiiin, Moat of thn hmiaea ihej' neeiiiy t' ey have enteien hy for -e mi net beeaua (lie houaehohlera ynt- pHthii!,' with their moveinents. , "Aa ii mutter of f''t the etieral run nf peoplo do not ayntpiithimj Willi them, ' Mnee Ilia mmber of triwnia lint liMn meer.aae.1. ihe n,,(ltuin of (lie rate a ha niiialned the mn r U'lieri their MciHltita at any point become ton lively tlie troop throw a few - el . into the hntirea tln- occupy and soiii fit'-loia have runnel fins, whiliv Mhi r fli' bave t e- n sirte by the rebela, lln-inielve. The Weather' t ,- t C Wia'l'.r f.if Stiiii c 1..-I.U V nr ,s. I., ni, i sod I , (t I eit.perelarrs at Omaha ttrMr II t' a . a a i p. It a I, i,i t . t f 1 (. I t t t. u 11 II 41 I, ei t s ii i lu'rv. t '.' ',v' AlV.ylt "j'v.f v:f k. .S!'.vfC- ; t Hwrmaiii ll '.il u, I . ! lri,l'U ' ' 1 - i t ' , Oft.t I. 1 - 1r tl ,1 ,. t 'v a iat Hrrut4 i ( I l i l'"t tl a 1 (' e I i I.. U e 114), i t, ,l I H I a n ! II i i - ii 1 1 j i vi i i-,l-ww riuL ci 1 AUDUBONS INTEREST CHILDREN IN BIRD' Educational Campaign on 9 to Be Conducted Thro: v in Bakery Pe .vv I PRIZES FOR BEw :CTIONS The Nebraska Audubon society hag romp lited arrangements for a; unique educational campaign on bird j life among the children of Omaha and vicinity, through the distribu tion of 250,000 cards, bearing beau tifully colored Illustrations and de scriptions of songbird common lo Nebraska. The campaign, which will atari May 1 5, waa made poBHlblo by th" cooperation of the Jay Burn Baking ! cnimniv which haa agreed that each i Haled packaito of Ila lroduci will ! contain a card, At Ihe close of ih'ij dint! Ibutlon, Kometlme in July, the child having the greatest number f,f! picture will receive a valuable prlo. j frizes will nlao be given for second j and third place. The It y ami surrnuniiua tfritloi y have hfcii ilUUfi'l Into semi ilistiicls, first, second ami i bird pitc to be t 1 1 tMi 1-I In mii'ii dieiilei, Plan Made fn Campaign. Plans for lh" eimipiilgil eeie made l a, meeting of tlir Aii'liiiion society al the 10 ttli- ooi Miiiiiii Ity, Tlie Aiiduiioii em h ly is planning an ehihorule entei tiiiHin''nt to mark tli iledi callon of Chllila I'obii aa a blid aait'-tu-aty, mid during the railv mrt of .Inue, .. I..,,. 11,,, ni. will tie held, mem- her (if thla 1 ulbuahalle oranla.tU.. will i lin Klvtn a mre tn-at, litre lliicatii si' mafii neabu't lb fcllii' family at the meeting ntirtuy inliig, 1 i Press Association Trip is Officially Ordered to Be Dry YORK, .b- April 'sa.-(pf(?lal Tl gram.) -The executive ominltti of the Nebraska Vti aanoclailon, Which iit In Vera to arninge for Hi annual ex- eurafon of the Diiintjcra, etoaed tbpir ae- tion jeierdr' and left few tbetr home. Tha esctiralon will tie up the North j Platte valley, leaving Urand. laland Men-; day, Auguai , ami reiurmnw nuRuai 11. Tha parly will vlalt Itroken How, Alli ance, Crawford, Chadron, llrldgeporl, Korthport, Mitchell, fierlng and Mrott'f Bluff, which will be tha official meet ing place, fldney, North J'latle ni ether lnterme)lato (owna ar on their Itinerary, 4 flrat-claa band will be provided for tha trip, aa well n a, band and mlnatre) troupe among the member Tha eacuralon will he llmlled to mem ber of tha aeaoclatlon and their fam lllc and employea and icaldcnt niemliera of euppiy houaea. Thn committee went oil record not to allow Intoxicating lhiior on tho train New Teuton Haider Runs the Gauntlet NKAV YORK, April .W.-War riak In aurance, both In tlii city and in T.on don. allffened today a tha reault of a report In financial circle that annlher I German commerce raider had slipped I through the Hrlllah aea. patrol. The raider waa reported to have e raped during the recent bombardment of HrUtnh caM eoaat town liy n. tierman hallle criilner aiiiadrnn. Fall of Kut-El-Amara Heaviest Blow Yet AMHTl-'.rtPAM, April Jn.-Oetnian nca- paper ittlrltiuta the fall of Kilt Kl- ' A tniira. wji a teleKniin from lierlln, l j prepmaUoiia made by Ihe lt Ki' ld Mar' jahal tiiiron eon ih r Ileitis, ho died t tha ITurklah bead.(UHrtei a April lit The Viisala-be '.'-U'llig eonaldei lh I surrender of Km Ii Annua lh liavlt blow so ttr stun k guai Kngtsnd WILSONS TAKE DINNER AT HARPER'S FERRY INN VV VlilSii'MV, April Sn. Pre. t V il.te. v-l l.trt.-H. h !g HM in r-j tn IHipef. I'errv. W )'-" "irr' The be. I ! Htlvflv. tmte. .. Ite t.l. ' ' "" ,""",, I ,fl ,....H e, e. to.. e,e,r,...kttlg,b bad In ... an4 i" ''' !,h P, and M' It.,- ' 1 ' "'f i tUWH VV..... I"..-... Ids c ,,.,, Horn., .met U, v.. AM.. j f; 1 I 'vl. I null. j I n pi.i.liit am) S( u y itled it ,i I. ,i sr. .ii i I ' li..r i.i, :', Hoi alu ti l , .r s .i.ioi'il'Ue p,i4 ii.r-1 t'l'i-r 1 rtg i.hU thw eie i . i., ! I f.,. t Ti r I I ! I I '- 1 asks viltlsm WIOINQ COLUMBUS BL SPARED T 4 vi li ii; S !.,..! t . I. . t 'V . i. I ..14 (l,i. sit,, ,1 IV'. 1' U.ilim t't r t-l I .!! S nt. 4 ' ! b - en.'lk. I ,h I ( eii..t. ! t . .,.'!, r-t ('( ! till t Vi )! (, I, t, I1 m i ll , M e ' l . .11. ( ,f V HI . ,.l, ! '.lit tn.1 srniN i ij I.-., ,v ., ...,. r , I i .., h o I . ' , i .. s , i , . VI 8 t , 1 ! 11 . I It mi. ) 1 KUT-EL-AMARA IS TAKEN WITH ALL OF TOWNSHEND'S MEN British Campaign in Meiopotamia Comes to Disastrous End with Fall of Beleaguered Post on the Tigris. STOOD OFF TURKS 143 DAYS Repeated Efforts of English to Succor Garrison Meet with Failure, SUPPLY VESSEL IS STRANDED LONDON, April 30. -Another ! pfttiae of the, Ill-fated campaign In Mesopotamia ha cloned with the am- rf"nd"r of aM"",al Townshend an! (h garrlaon al Kut-KI-Ainaia on the Tigris river, about ,130 mllea below !!. Home 10,000 men In all, laid down their arma to the Tin kit after having dealroyed all their guna and munltlona. The llrttlah Meaopolamlan cam paign waged along Ihe Tlgrla from the Persian gulf northward almoat to the galea of Bagdad,-bad aa Ha j chief aim, the raplnre of that ancient 'city. To divert Turkish forcea from jUalllpoll waa another object, i When almoat at the point of! achieving flat main object laat, year,' j the effort broke down at Ctealpbon, j eighteen mllea from Bagdad when I the Turks, alarmed for the aafety of the town of fabled memory, rushed J I up reinforcements, Inflicted a defeat j I upon the British and compelled their j retreat 110 miles down the Tigris,! to Ktil-KI-Amara, where the Turku, soon had theni aecurely '.milled up,; llnlila Oaf I-iihm time, fleneriil Tawiiahend In Id Oill for 11.1 "lay, bin eupplle aieadliy growing lower , " !l" awaited the relief imoy l,Hh fir it ini'ier aii"nii jnner, una 11111 unu-r 'lencial 1 ion Insa, buttled It way tm tha Tlgrla toward him, Thla army auffered eeverely from the Turks blow, on bft'i aide of the river, Mtid although arveitil of iheae were tarried. It haa not. teii ahhi to work mm It eloaer to the ha leaguered gnrilaon than a aenre of mllea bacauan of the alubhorn Turklah re. alalanc and flood condition on inn Tlarl. The- Bvenlual aurrander of fieneral Townehfiid had been e peeled alnca the fall ef forcea under Ueutnnant (leuernl Qorrlnga and Clereral Kery to brni through th' Turklah poaiHon at Ban nayyat, Juaf. below Kut-KI -Amara on the (Tiarla river, and the unauaeeaaful at I tern ot to a. lid llio blockaded army provl- i(()M by teanlera, Ii, had been In toich Rjth h ,mnn rt)h tt)fet fer Wfny . , Tha position of Kut-KI-Amara, ah! h la on a per.lnaula, esitendlng In th Tlgrla rtver, mad It lmpoibte to aend auppllea by air a there waa no landing ple for aernplanea, While a aupply hlp, th loaa of which waa reported In an official Ilrltlah die- patch aevrl day ago, got beyond th main defenalva llnea at. T.aalnn, It waa a forlorn hope aa the Turke inveallng th city, advixed of it coming, could ally Ink her from ahor even ahoiild he -cap the artificial barrlara tn th rlvar, , Aa for tha foreea which attempted t relieve General Townaand they met with almoat, continual mlafortunea. On av. era I ocraalona juat. when It waa believed they wer on tha point, of auecea, rialng water made further progrea Impoaalhle. After penetrating Turklah poaltlon they were, compelled to retire or remain ta tionury owing to I ho linpoailblllly of at lckln( tha poaltlon at Pannayyat, which waa aurrounded by water, Tho rirltleh tropa did actually attaz-lt tho prepurad poaltlon tliera after wading tlnough mud and water walat deep, luit only to find when they did meet with pome gueeeaa that a failure at aome other point made their aarrlflca fttt Do. IM.noo Men taken, l,nf)iiN, April 2I, A t'onatantinopla dapgtt h received by wy of lteiitn aaya that the vice chief cnmmiindrr of tlie Turklah army announce that th Ilrlt lah garrison at Km Kl-Aiiuira under deneral Townaetut, which eurrendered illienudltlonally, nunibered l.t HO men, Omaha's Big Booster Finds, That He Is Not Even a Citizen of The U. 5. One would nsni'S Hunk Hint Ihe his last tn.'-mer In Omaha -tug III Seveial way would be a rlllarn of th I'ldtad 'laies ih tif rniire' Who J a ilinhs t-ii.- .! is . muni ,t m .(,. Males' V hrt i Hut loan ' S in (I 11(11 A) r I- ,t , l, 'j- I (! I ' I '.'l rf i hsmt l-iiser iJ . -I i. ii-g U i i Ii M.f. lift m 1 1 t bo teS a I' o-Im -I l4 Sf.-I K tl.l- the I iC f.-r ii , i i i . "l -f - Vi V I" i I !-" Se I d i.e-Mi,.! a., ii,i i.i . g.o. r ii bif a in iH tm, tail a.. 'niu-l a Ii w ,.u , I,. it t ii h '(i aiitt , f!iiU' in t"i. t int ti , ' . i t l e,t '. I 'i .,. H M lie ! t t -el l 4 i t. iit ni ?ll.. l-t l.n, Hl'.'l,. 1,,,( .III 1 1 l t -i I 1 I fci-.ll, I ,, I.. . I. I '! I ilt1,'.tt I 1 ' A ' Hoi lisr t i . i ( , a" i U dsf '" l'i ! '" - !. ) .- ". a 11 I ' I 11-l-t I t ';. i I n, -.- i , i ' a t ,.i ...' '- . I . 1 1 ' I i f , . I I H,' 1 I i' I HAND GRENADIER PREPARING TO THROW DEADLY MISSILE' 1 Somewhere in the Near East" this photograph of a "bomber" was made. Instead of a cartridge belt, he wears what looks like a game bag to carry his grenades in. Each of his grenades is about the size of a Bartlett pear. i - :.- t .i. l: i BRITISH HMDl;XMD,r BOTH SIDES WIN MINOR' POINTS! Germans and French Both Report i Some Advantage in the ! Fighting. j FRENCH SAY TAKE ONE TRENCH nicriUN (By Wlreloas to Bay vllle), April 30. French attacks on tho Herman poalllona on the eastern slope, or Dead Man's HH1 and adjoin ing lines In the region of Verdun were repulsed lunt night after tena clou fighting, nays the official atate ment lasued today. On Ihe Buaalan from, tha aiate ment adds, four more Russian. cannon were captured and elghty-lhreo pris oners were taken last night by tha German troops north of Nnrocz Lake. a Hi ore t.erman Trent-h, PARIS, April 30. Capture of a German trench north of Dead Man's Hill with fifty-threa prisoners, thn ejection of tho Germans from trenches they had taken aouth of Lassigny and tho roptilae of fJermaa assaults in the Voagea were reported In the official statement this morn ing. In the Argonne n German aero plane was forced to earth by French maehlneg and Its two occupants cap tured. COMMERCE COMMISSION FINDS RATES REASONABLE WASHINGTON. April 3ft. -special Tel egram.)- Tlie Interstnte timunoreffl com- mlenlon, in Ihe complaint of the llik Kievator company and the Merrlam & Millard compmiy of Omaha aanlnat the trhlcttgo, ftoek laland A l'm-lfle railroad , with regard to rule charged for tha i transportation of oata and corn from Oinnhi. and Koutb iiuuilm to Dniiulnn. Naeo, llereford. Warren mid Knii llunchau, Ar' . have found ihem not In hava been uiireBmuirtl.i!e or unjiistly dis erlmlniitory Keparatlon la denied. r f t V Gas A iVc?rc , Jf-,v,t ta '! m , 'I 1 'ill! l.l Ii U. .i t ) r. i ; i.' ': . i .1 1 i i ' ' -.mi i.- a. ' . j A "'"' - If I ' " ' , .-.(!. - '' -Mi I l '" ' V ', , i I.e., I ,, I -! 1 , f I iiv - '. ' MM J -: 1 i s jf CONGRESS CANNOT AGREE ABOUT ARMY Conferees Hopelessly Deadlocked Over First of Big Prepared ness Measures, MAY REPORT A DISAGREEMENT WAIIIN'f!TON, April Cmifereea of tha bouae and senate, after three daya' dellbeinilon mi the army reorganisation bill, the riral of tha b'g preparednea meaaurea, bate coma to a complete deadlock oyer several Important feature. i It waa alrengty lutlmiiled tonight that thay. would .report jdiaiigremient and Hfii tiielr respective bran eti n- "uf "eon gress for futiher Inatructhin. 'Ifopeeaaly npnrt on tlie ale of the regulMr army and the proposal for a volunteer reaerve army anej a govern meet Kit in to plnt,'' waa tha report of one member of the caucus tonight. And he declared congress would b asked In tlie near future to pa as again on the feature of tha measure, The eenat conferee era tnslaltng de terminedly on the provision In tha sen ate bill for a regular army of tfAWil men, and rteprcsnniaUve Kshn, th republican house conferee, Is standing with them. Iteprcaentatives 1 lay and Dent, how ever, a i insistent upon tha hou pro vision for 140,mi0 men. Denies that Villa's Bandits Cross Lino In Marfa's Vicinity MAR FA. Tex., April 2.- There Is no truth In tho report that 6O0 Mexicans, supposedly Villa bandits, had crosd th -"m-rean rmroor at i ,iua, near nere, 'lecuple.t twenty mile of territory, according to a alatement made today by 'l'tln Vox of thn Texa Itangers, Flta.l) 1 1 F.A I y I' A ItTKIt.- NAM l- " A. 1 ninuaniin, April -i liy vvira- ' " ' oluinbila, IS, M April :)-Th cob mil of American cavalrymen under lienera' Cieotge A. Dodd. whlelt for l t i.aya hs heen pursuing large land o ' V,l!itiis ;oider four chief, throng i th f'-'cky d'-fiha if th continental divide, wa.l renontl tinlav in rpliirnr-,1 I 11 bus- at Miim. a. The band a (,! t b. practically all dil..ed. numbers of pareti.h lo the b.llef tl,.t Vlt , . , 'lie- I'aii.'iusista force. iiniting of ton IrsttibiMd of men, was detraining u iili nf ilui-risiii t..d;n and rcprta lie 11 Id llii v Intend i'm , peraMlig with !e Aii iricii niinmaml. MANUFACTURERS DO NOT WANT PARADE THIS FALL Jit (lt iit ti ltLif Hit" t'i ! 4 thh f. ..-i .nn fir ask i. f I i e hlir f iMia' r tMn I M.ttU,- i(.,;, I ih, . !lfS.. i, f i ' i If - lit p i' 4 it i - 'i S tlr i ' e t M . 1UH '-'(vi. tc-,. n 1 Ifi Ha tn 5- m- iui I, Hill' HODf PAYS VISIT HERE QH WAY TO KANSAS CITY Ii I I I ,1 i l' I . ' I .1 , E t ' 1. . 1 . i ! ' u.. 1 1..;. i; , it.' i t,l, ' - i,,-4 , !,.., ll.',' I t S I I i t,t-H (' . ,, , kwc ' ;v t . -i y ' is i'-' j v. ' y f ' , t ! IRELAND IN GRIP OF STERN CENSORSHIP People of Cities in Southern Part of Island Not Allowed to Use Telephone. WILD RUMORS IN CIRCULATION W ATl;ftl-'OK ft, Iieland, April ?S.-tVla Irfindun, April ."W.-Soul bent Jrelnnd to day a In the ailp of a atern military cenaorahtp, which virtually cut It off j from all u of the ailrrlng event now oecurrhig m tnihlhi. Tne newapnpera ; heif, liy l n pi-iuiiited to publjalt only 1 the bilefiat offh-lal leporla, 11 ml th peo. I pie of thla aectlon are awaiting with j keen eMec(m- th detail of tha up rlaUig. j Tha hiny city nf Waterford, although I 'inlet prevail here. ha hern rut off from I all woe eoniinunleoliim with outalda poiiua with the ex.-eptioit of the direct ; wire Uh Lntnlon, mid rlgtd la tha I mllitacy rule that even telephonic com- ! I iiiuiili-aiion from houiie 10 Imuan ha been ! j foi Million, The n'liniiion tier la aald to be a aood rkaiuple nf tlie coudlttniia pre. vailing under tnllllai-y lulu In other aec ! Mima of Iralimd, J M'aierford hear that Dublin la iur- rounded by the great cordon of troop j and Ilia! inllwfiy traffic from aoulherti ; Ireland lo Dublin haa been auapended for aa the puhile la tunceined, beyond point appioKlmalely thirty mllea from Ihe rlly. Varlnua dlaiii(elliig put uncon firmed rumor tegriling event In varl nua parte of the country outalda of Dub- jlln haie hei-ii received by word ef mouth. I Willi all lhce inporia, however, I eou i pled the atatement that tha military jhave the altutitlon will In liand and that I outbreak have been quickly cruahed, ; The Minn l-'elnera, which I credited wlih fathering Ihe uprlalng, baa n nrganlaa J lion ,f conaldiirable eatenl, bit t aald to he Milium! In Cork, errv, Wenford j and I'liildlii, nf Iheae arganixitiima, thai 1 In Wexford appenra uulte active, hut j Porlt I aald to lie quint, No report ha been had here from Kelly, Mnlerfnril l.nardrd. j Walerford ha only a amall body of i gum h'elncr. but every precaution la j being taken. The poaloffic, whlelt con- ; Irol the wire to London, waa guarded i all laat tilght by a large body of police, and the big brlilg over tha river waa lifted, prealimably lo prevent a poaalble, Invaahm of the main aectlon of tha towrt from the direction of Wexford. On every hand one heara Innnlrle fnf newa, end alrong condemnation of the revoluUonlma, Crops Good Along 'The Northwestern Line in Nebraska The traffic department of the Omoha headquarter of the Northwestern T!ail road company Is t ul w lih Its reiiort, how-. iig .'lie condition of .Nebraska cfojia,itt1lftt1t Iha purpoaa of the present confer tite end of lni week, Tno repor cover the entire terrllery traveraed by th Una in this slate, the data having been sent In 1 y tha company agenla al th stations, and her compiled. F.verjwbere In tha state tha anil ta reported to ba in xecellenl condition, with plenty of molature. Tha only drawback during th week under review waa tha weather. While It waa idel for tha growth of whent. It was a little ion cold for other vegetation. Wheat is reported to be In the very best of condition, with tlie a rrag considersoiy In excess of Isst yesr. ' Plowing for corn hss progressed rapidly and generally farmers have about fin lahed. Should tha weather turn warm, some plnntlng would be dona thla week, Th opinion la expressed that white oat atul other varieties of aprlng grain have made fairly good growth, they ar In nend of vi armor weather. Early planted potatoc at beginning to show thtnugh the ground and th acreega Is fully up to the n irmal. I'aatures are In good shape and everywhere live toc!i hss gone onto arais, t Buds on tho fruit tieea have been held back by tho cold weather and as a re sult, there la a prediction of a lure crop, the opinion being ventured that when th weather warm end the buds swell and hurst, the S'-aaon will he so late that there will not ha any danger of frost. Villanueva Routed, Is Report of Riojas i ''l'"''1 Te.. April -Colonel n.o- i ""' c"" emmsnder al OlliiLgn, hss .' lo tha mllltiev .uthnrHle, '""'.g thai .,.! Teleafere 1..oiIi.Bih.. with n itetiirliinent nf fiflv ru'ii, routed VPInnueva In a tlslit, vliaiitinva and nine men wte ktlU.l mid sK wounded. iT'.n-e prlaenet ami number ef ifrs , Ullll hl e Mfte (itell by t'olomi t! out MISSOURI REPUBLICAN DELEGATES FREE AGENTS T Ii'i t- Apt II l Th in h, - i -In lii- r"i :- 'i ( "on-oui.ti t-U 1 et, iri (in, ei'tiVi i, Hfie ,v t. I., lUid'ier d'-lryale to ih in,'ia'Sii l.,llKit,ti iiilinHliill '1 I ill llllrl t . it inn,iri. led t,.- . nine Vi it - ' on l.l tl r 'pi,i-i. -in inl.'Hial e..irl!t..'ii ne ha ' o i i- ,i srv ti . ,i. .., t. , it '. ,,1 - ..; Ilit .1. ii - ' i rf lh i .. ll-.- ...ii.iiiiiilun ot h, -Him tVri.ks .-nil,. ,j,i H4i,,,-i i.ti.. . f-- t ti-i.l lo .,(.! 1 l,-?,l,; tfe ft , 'l ,,f VI . . f. I WEDS ON DAY AFTER HE GETS MIS SHEEPSKIN , ,1 -1 I (It. It (I ). I.' 1 t,,, . 4 - t l-64fcl C f svici . h-c h t I t v,, -man . ' -'( - I V e. 1' ... ., I M t I r id a U 1 1 i i. ii t f t- d I'-itHi f t f t i t i- I!., tl i m .j J.t i I t a, i lit , I a " ' ' ' i f tl.! tn - -a si tht lin,, ft Ii ,.. -V. ,i '.I ( .,..,,4 ,'.t w t 1 I1 m to i 1 ! t .1 ..t . f.iluav. Vi ;'. s .t i,,,, ' I t't ll Hi- r Wit t OVI 't'' ' t.tV i uj t . ! I. - I'. 1 ' ) PR CHIEFTAINS ' OF TWO NATIONS MEET IN JUAREZ Scott and Funston Understood to Have Told Obregon and Aides They Can't Discuss With- 1 drawal of Army. t AGREEMENT BELIEVED LIKELY Joint Policing: ol Bandit-Infested Country Probably Chief Condition. U, S, INSISTS OUTLAWS GO EL PARO, Test,, April 30. Two conflicting proportions developed Immediately after tho beginning tn the Mexican custom house In Juarea yesterday of the conference to do- cide the future dtapoaltion of th American expeditionary forces In Mexico, They arc vinderatood tern porailly to have Increased the grav ity of the negotiations. The confer ence began at 6 o'clock and lasted two hour. Tho initial meeting waa held b hind loaed doors in the big, green tinted rootd which Francisco Villa used as his council chamber when ho dominated northern Mexico and Jttare was hla headquarters, Gen erals Hugh L, Scott and Frederick Kunston represented the United Rtaiea. The Mexican conferees wer General Alvaro, Mexican mlnlater of war, and General Jacinto Trevino military commander of the north eaat district of Mexico. Two Thing Learned, The progress of the negotltlnn waa not divulged, but from an authoritative) anuria two thing were learned. I' ll at, that the Mexican ropreaentattve reiterated the wialt preed in Oeneral t'arranxa'a recent note to the Washing ton government that the American troop should be withdrawn from Mexican soil at an early date, Koeond, that (hey were Informed by Iho American officials mat. th latter were not empowered to rflacus th with- drawsl of (Jenaral Pershing' columns. It la understood th American repre aentslhes told tha Mexican confer that If the de fscto government Insisted on an American svseuatlon th confer encs so far as th frilled (dates i. wiiol mstter would revert to a dlplo malin discussion between Washlngtoi and MYxlro City. llamllt Must lie W Iperf Oat. Tha Mexicans were further Informe, eric so fsr aa the I nlted States wer. eonoerned, la th development of a sp rifle ptsn for th co-operation of lli American and de facto armlea in wiping out the bandit groups that have eplllni ao much blood along tha border and hav, repeatedly taken American Ufa In tie Interior of Mexico. It la underatood that General Obregoti tha Mexican minister of war, prior to th. conference openly expressed a dlslnclln tlon to discus any other subject tharl wlthdrswsl and that ha cert-led this attl tud Into tha Initial meeting. After tha primary Issues had heel broached, however, b la reported to hav carried out the Intention b announce' ahortly after hla arrival on Friday o meeting (lencial Hcott, snd funstoi "half way" In the negollstlon. I, title Made rnbllc. Tha attitude of eerallvne mslnt,lne by the official taking part In tha con ferance gave rise to all sorts of apaoula tlona In Kl Taso tonlgnt. Mexlcsn off! clal. declared their Intention of allowdn the American, to do all the talking, Th latier refused all but the moat I neons quentlal Information regarding develop menta, In well Informed quartera, however, th opinion waa freely expressed that th preaent negotiations ar vnllkely to lea to any derinlte disagreement. It ws pointed out that the (.'nrratixa. governmer, could not afford to tali any atep tha I would endanger Is present peaceful rels j lions with Washington. As fsr as th. I I'nlted Plates wss concerned. It ws argiied, It had consistently held to a ' h i brother policy" toward tha country sout of the fllo ilrsnde snd hsd repestedly an uniinced tiself against intervention. I'ndvr Ihcae condlilons, It ws point nut, both aides would find It to their ar vantax to com ede a few ointa In th lntteat of an ultlmte agreement th would meet In th main tha Inter! i both iMirttes. Joint rolli-ln i, f ( OBtrr- This sgiecmenl it m believed amil pro Ido for joint policing of tha ill miestud teirlliiiy of ( iiiluiahua, wit the A iiii can army stationed soma dl tan soolli of the Itln ilraml In th s lum li s i ss huftii aniuiit tha rt llli'ni of baud t lUnrti mi th bord SVhlt t' distinction tent by Se Imi 1 1. iker. aeeieti el war. t fl itl e.-i-n suit eiinaluii t v tia ! ! kept secret, it is kinmn thi li.e f,i:;,.in genemi . .nuluiot.i wttl I lit ii -.1 en t-v i Amiu an rpant t in l'i T-'. i 'ii oiii a Ona BIG Gains In PAID r Trn nri WAiN I-AlJo I t'! cck Li r., ,. l-ritititt . . . n a r t ' .'.-rsjlpg fr '. I I l S1 r II II I, I l-til.I.l 1070 s ri ' Wgat A. flaln of .i . fhen VOUU A,! in NOV