Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 8

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Compunie i and Bail Board to Take
Action in Tbl Direc
iKrnm Htaff Correspondent )
UlSO,S, Nb'. Arll (flper-lal,)-,ff.rU
to secure a confercfir with the
hih rnl)wy commllon on tio to
aiA enprena rate are frelrig rnade tr
spree fonipnl doing bualnas In N
rek, O. P. pattenwn. gnrl upr-
iteadmit tit tli American Kaprree com-
. . .. 1 1 . .L..
any, railing on in commission una
mrnlug t request conference mm
nf In May. !
Air i'!i-r')n said h bad rivet a
Uiin fmrn otfiinl higher UP n tti
icmi tiuelne nuking him to the
inmimr!i eti'l errais for a conference
' jf.Htlt. . to )ut what tli vim
iia Mv In mind In th war of n
rfiM in rate Mr. I'etUraon did not
Tli interview did not reauit In any
'finite understanding, hut th railway
'iiiiui-li.n il give tlx mater III alien-
in tin! limy take euro action within
hort lime,
I.pne rte within the s'st of N
ruth are now fised on th ll of
tin arhi'dtil provided or In tire BIIMey
w, nhirii was pad In li7, Tlila law
ril'd a blanket r1ii'll'n of Hi par ent
tli rl chargei previous to ta pa-
g. I. iiliKe I ha jVcent far law. how-
r, tl Hlliley nt Swi not fl a rigid)
ale ef ml-, hut jwovtd that they
my he nlienged hr tha railway eommls
on upon a proper showing.
An a ra"n for taking high rate In
.hrak at till time tha eompanle y
.at lla In'rratate Cotwriera roinmlealrm
allowed a falf In lnlrtnla rta
iring tn lt year, and that similar
fion ha bf-an taken III aoirm of tint!
' r amuin fte Tl.e stale of N.
una one of tha first In lha union
p lower lha old rate through legislation,
'h RalM l-.lei-lrle Mae,
Applkatlnn ha been mada to tha ltit
allwajr commission by tha Ulna ftiver
"ei- company of Hnward for peimlalon
I foiintrin t an nlwlrio tranamUalon Una
f vullngn xtndln to L'tl'-a, and
n of J,3"i vollaa to 1'laaxanldule. The
'impany iiy It ha an agraimanii with
i Lincoln T l ilioi,a nd Trlafinph com
jny and lha "raia T'-h-phuna rotnpany
earairi( wl.ara thoaa line ghall run.
Manlllona on III via r.
A diaplay of tha modern mimltlona and
iiplcnirnla of warfare carried by eoldl. ri
i ih4 ( nlled rltaia army la now Inrlud-d
i tfie Orand Army of tha It public
iiixetim on tha tp flwir of tha rapltol
ulldlng. 11 waa rontrlhuted hy Adjutant
Coniolidationi and Establishment
of High Schools in Bural Di
tricts a Feature.
KKARNKV, Neb,, April art.-Cina of tha
twtt Important educational atat In
Ituffalo louiity, If not In rantial Na
hraaka, win taki-n hy rural ach'iol d
trtiMa No. IT,, 77 and 71 ll M'.riJ.iy,
whan the thrw dlatrlfrta ffta "d a '01
aollihttlnn f'ir hlKh 'hoi. purp iHM lit
trlita No. ).' and 7 al alnflwl Inun
(limn of a crimph'ia con'lldiiUon of all
rule,a and will have another meeilng
May to ratify tha vollng ipon Dm ruin,
plita tornollilalUm. Idalrl't No, 'M uIm
voted upon thi' cirmilMn t.on for a I.Uh
:hool, hut the pfopoaltlon lout hy two
vote, It may M raconxplen d, an ll l
lnt:d that many of tha piilrona mli in-
'r(ood tha lilr, (kiIhiI out (hut.
mltli a roriwilhhitjiin, even for hl.'h
achcol, from ivm In t o annmilly would
tm avd In liilllun iihiiie In (' tf'i
mailer la voted upon agulii H tmumi ir
lain that a 'ompleie i onaolhlail'in w III
ta effected.
Nfl ymr an ihienlli guide will
addad to the now tenth grrid" n-Ui,o I i
lilvaidnlc, A neiv hiill'llng will have to
he erected nnd 0110 of modi rn di )gu I
helng pliinned V I ti tha t'Xi eptlon of
Callaway, Klveidele will have the only
el wiiii li grade hlth m hool In tin Wood
Itlvir viifley. It I the Intent ion of the
.aopl of that vhilnlly to add n twidflil
graoe the following year and the lontlfu-
tlon Will than ha ome aoeredltad, Jt will
he thii only amiedltad diml of twev
grade along the Kearney iplln rail
road from (ilverdiila on wit
Nlafa Huirrlnrndat AM.
A, O, Thonm. lata aupvtlntandenl of
pnhllc Instruction, one of Ih apeaiiera at
a meeting held teveral wenka ago Pi
Iliverdale, geurd the patron of Ih dli
trli la that all aid ponNihli' will l glv
hy tha alula di-prtiii'til In rimhiiin me
M'liool !' i r
Ai'ording lo the Nihiml'it law on i:on.
aolldatlon of ai'hoolt, lhi tnodiTuioia
liom tli" thiei' dlatrli'ta will uonvtltuto
the hoard of luietm for the new Irwtltu-
lion and the board will dw'lde upon tho
oure bt atudy, the regulation of tuition
rate to h charged noil rculdent pupil
n-l tha qualification for entry. Than
coiiaolldatloti mow have largely ,enn
due t the work of I'rof. I, ji. Hippie,
head of tha rural teacher' training ilu
pmlnient of til Kearney Normal and A
It. Nlchol, lounty auprrlulandent of
Four dllrl:l In ftierry Creek town-
ahlp ar lulu ruled In a eonnolldaltoii. A
meeting waa held two week ago and no
tice wer then poated for another gather
ing, whh'h 1 to he held In tha near fu
ture. Mutrt't No. It having the lnrgl
enrollment of any country anhool In tloj
Werner Binderup, Quiet but Gifted,
Wrote Songs that Every Dane Sings
Werner ninderup, a, ijulet old man,
waa aeen on tha tret of Mlndnn, Nob.,
ocirji tonally, but really not known to
hv been a prominent aa he wa tn
life' actlvitle.
lie entered thla world June 22, Ik2n, at
Oiijcnrutgan, Jx-nmark, He waa edin-Ul
for th mlnlntry and waa all but ordained
axrept for hi Independent of mind In
not iitcrlMng to nil the d'fitnn
taught, and therefore went Into other
wnlka of life, for a ahort time he taught
chool until when tha war with Oor-
mmy broke out. H Joined In dofii of
ill country, find when the wiir wna over
wn tendered government poeltion.
which ho h"!l until hi departure for
AmeriR. With tho luteiine prejudice
eiiittig then Blnt rnovlnif to thl
country, ha wa neverthele voted by
tho Iianlah emigre a gift of ifii) crown
and a ponalon for life. He glo drew a
peniin a an old aoPlh r In th war of
He wrote colmlderiihly, hMh literary
mid politically, and if wna muny year
until hi render learned who he waa,
fur he a'wnya wrole over Ihe name of
ieorgl" VV erner i
Ani'iug Him inuny aniiM a le t to inulo
iiiopom d by hlrnlf I on which I to
il li y euiig py every gchool child In Ien-
miirk, and which trlke a popular chord
In the hoart of every Iane, the title of
whlcli 1 In Innih "VI Jg Her Ved
llniieii Itorte.'
About ten year ngo the Ianlh Hroth
i hood ol Amiiri'a deelrert an opening
nii.1 cloning ode fur tho rltunllxtlR work
In their IoIk. The mutter wa auhmlt
tinl to a competition among all who d
ii d to Icy holh tha mueic and th word
TlioiiHimiU of .ompolUona Ixilh word
mid miiale wer aubrnltted to tha national
organlatlon, and from them all Warner
Itlnderup' waa aetaoted a th beat, both
mueic and word, ror botn tn opening
and ( loHlng. Tho aonga are now aung In
every local lodge at th opening nd oloa-
ing, Thla wii done when ha reached
over i yer,
The lii ten year of hi life he
hin home with C. 'I. lllnderup at Mlnden,
Neb. April '!, after a ahort lllneii, thla
illuatro'ia geullunieri paawid away, leitv
iiik v, j ii children, grandchildren and
auine great grandchildren.
Beatrice Saloons
Close Doors After
Markdown Sale
eneral Hall from th tore ul tha N- eounly hit poeted notice for a meetlni;
rank National Guard.
Teed Krraeeee.
A, V, Te-I of the atata auperlntendent'e
ffhe hue gone to (jyracua for a meet-
ug of th Oto County Teacher' .
(fellnr Cine Chleagn.
secretary W. ic Mellor of th tat
I conattsr etahllehlng a nral hlvli
cjiuriw of atudy to !cmmodal ninth
and lonlh grade pupil. Thla Jhool I In
German community and I located ten
mile directly north of Kearney.
Iteral Hemonetra Hon Rrhoole
Two rural demonatratlon echool hav
of th American Trotting aao. latlon
'i Chlcngo.
oard of agiicultur la attending a meet-1 alao beirn eelahllehed In the county and
will Work In connection wit I) th rural
teacher' lialulng department of th Nor
mal of which J'rof, U 11. Hippl U th
head. The school lined up for demon
atratlon work ere Jiuda, and Ulenwood,
To explain th co-operation plan, Oeorg
M. Id k, prealdcnt of th Normal, nay
"Th Normal will tak charge of three
echool, eoura of atudy, method of
toaohlng, In which will be given work In
agrtoultur, f ardaiilrigr, plu) ground, re re
aUog 4)d libra rli.. A rapidly each
dletrlet may wlah, manual training ami
domaatto gotanc will b added. Tho -
olej eemter Idea will glo b developed.
Tb rural teacher department of tho
Normal will hav apeclal charge of thl
work ana th peraon oomplntlng the
our will he required tn go Into one
of th communities and llv with the pio
pie, obaerve the work and analet In lti
management, working under the tr.-ilneil
teacher In charge of tha n hool, thus pro
vtdlng abllliy to do thl practical work
befur receiving diploma from the tat.
'Beginning not September the Kear
nay Normal will gild to each ton.iher'a
ealary paid by th tllntrlot 16 a month
Th Normnl will nominate thoroughly ef
ficient teacher for th e-tiooL end the
Hoard of lluiiinn In each diatrlct will
elect on that baa been approved by Iho
tat Imtltutlnn. lloth th dluirtt and
the Normal muet agree iipan a loacher
tu obtain th beet result.
Supreme Court
Holds Heavy Wind
Not "Act of God"
(l"rom g Waff Correanondent )
LINCOl-N. April ,-(tpclaU-The u-
icm eourt uphold th Judgment of
ho district court of Valley county which
Uv Charles Davis a Judgment for 1 170, SI
geinat th t'nlon Pacific railroad.
Havla wa riding between 1ortb Loup
nd Ord, when th train waa blown
rem th track by a heavy wind. A th
r overturned th tov tn th oar brok
i oi.i It faatenlnga and hit tho plaintiff.
le alleged that the ttov wa not prop
rly faatened down and sued for 0,419
a mage.
Th company alleged an "ant of flod,'
ut tha court decided that the oompnny
nld not ao plead and doclded on the
mull verdict.
Fairbury Now Dry
For tho Third Time
MHUirtir, Neb,. Aprtl .-(Bpeclal
'elcgrani l-Kor Ihe third time In It hl-
ii y Kalrhury n dry tonight, a It
Mill chined their door at I o'clock,
'alrbury wa without Jnon In li. and
gain In PDA. Th town went overwhelm.
iig dry bjr ?lt vote April
I nieea me cltlaen of Kaltbury reveree
lj decision of th city rouiicii th (own
ill atao be nilnii pool hall when their
eu ra eiptre. At a reient meeting ef
he minim while anting en a pmteet ef
he ?"d hell prnprielur for lwr
Ireiiae, Ihe cltv fiiiundl decided the
li e-'ult get along without them and
e' . d Ih 11'enae altogether The pr.
h l aie the prt liege of gnhmtltlug
t ...i-.-,iiiu to the voii thrtiih
:, iiinoniie an I refereniliii'i. I"jitin
! nk a Ui tiuntber of Keiiaa '
i ). It. n eiorklng up fur the nun
i iiiu.ight lit y!liurf
At'- t K tt
I , " .e -e I yf
tire. H. Jleekaee.
M H J -l.'oi H,. kealerday at
ej .SiriH lltin e
el ! g i t It The fMi.eral will
,m i..iv e fioia the b'e
".lit K t . til J. ..!
t e i ' i ' o,o u rf..e tn
'( a i . (,,( 't o I
vi - s'-ii i e , w r (4114 t , i ...0
I'- ' fi s TM !) ehit tteu
- t lie i t I'e. Iw'n M.Hly le. mis
)e'L I fee n-.ik e,v4 ((
'.-.!. ! et4 tv t 4 h
-h gh n f bt.eee kif
.ii eta t.-i, e tv ,,.., n, i.. a
V' 'la k !.
Mr. Helteda Hlllillti
ir ui t i n'.i, eaat ,
! a .f k ! It .. )i Vii,i,e
! t ii t gt. Mar t, 1 ' e t ,e
t i.i i .. vi. t itii'.ia
i-m,-. HfKii inl , tlnmtia,
.,( nt m la Ul ii N r.
Kale from Table Hock.
TAIH.K ftOCK, Neb., A pi II i.(H.e
ital l-rnrty-foiir wulvae have b en iaug i
in thla county 'i far thla innuth, an I
their ecalp re1eemd at th cfflo.
of th county treasurer. Th capture arc
tleorg, t, Fred llothaii. , Karl
l-rhe. ; C. V, Col. Ii lxter MmMintii. k,
I. frank Holler. . and Howl i
Twenty five laid Fellow ratne oer
Thuraday ttlglit from I'nnine thy. li
eluding Ih team f that l.xte, end ti e
fust ilegre waa conferred. tn four o-in U
ilete from TadU Hock.
Iink Hiene of l aecfe City, wti h,
lve, In ll,la luiiniy f r the leal (hirly t
year, dint at IKe fawneo ttiy hoepiitil
afiee lait.g cni..1 ee for ruie1l' H
He wa buie-l ey the h4 t'Vllow an I
mIIhi f.i ii.el or.teiw ttdiiely a'lei
i on He l4t a widow grot euVtn rhu
n He wa '; Mai of mi, an I ,r
I'd ftrvl liuoiieiiie ll ll.e inuumi
!! it ft
A t'.4 tl ten waa I, l'UI-1 gl Ih
hilt I .! I f I li lv. ,.t I
Ul ! .1 I.
IlKATItK 'K, Neb., April 29 -(rVw lal.)
As lletttrlc voted in favor of a dry town
(tt Ihe recent Spring municipal election
Ih g ai loon In Ui city closed their
ptmu-a of hunlnesa thl evening. During
lha week many of th Mloonkeepers dis
poned of their bottlod good at special
priees tn oidnr to get rid of as much of
their stock as poaalbt. Mayor Maunder
ha announced that h would put tha lid
on good end strong for at leust two years,
and Henry llnyden, ih new chief of
police, say that he will enforce tha law
to th letter, Th Klk hav announced
that they would cloa their buffot.
(Jeorge Jackson, formerly of thl city,
died yeaterday at hi horn at Wethoro,
Mo., agod 12 year. Ha wa th father
of Jvl Jackson, of this city, who wo
in attendance) at th bdld whan th
end cam.
Tli Oieek who almost caused a riot
In I-estric last Sunday night, and who
were later nt to Holmaavlll. wr taken
in Kane Saturday morning by tn Union
i'aolflc company with which they are
Ho Howard, for th last thirty-five
year a resident of Tieatrlce, died yester
day morning of erysipelas after an illnean
of two weeks. Ho waa CI years of age
and leave a widow and three son.
llazlclt A Jack, attorney for th plain
tiff in th caaa of A. It HI Hippie, J, a
tioodban and A. T, Cooper akalnst tha
Cortland Creamery company, yesterday
filed In tha dtitrlct court th report of
th receiver, W. 8. Dourn. which shows
the llahllltlr of th concern r $t,275,
and th at at V,K6.
ed howarmayTull out
for lieutenant governor
(From a Waff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April M,-(Bpeclal.)-Th lafc
et political gnaalp Is that lSdgar Howard
will retire from lha race ga th demo
cratic candidate for lieutenant governor.
While th rumor could not b authentl
ealed, It appeared to be the belief that
Mr. Howard had dleeovercd the demoe
r rutin ticket waa entirely too wet tn en It
him and that ha did not feel Ilka aaao-
biting on It with Neville, Mullen, Hltctv
cuck, lool and a few more of th demo
crat le bunch who had been branded by
Mr. Ilryan lelng too moist.
(From a Htaif Correspondent.)
MNOOLN, Aprtl 2S.-pclJ.) Gov
ernor Morohead will go to Dee Molne
tomorrow to vleit hi mother, Mrs, Jfrn
ce Morehead. Mr. Morehead la 7 years
of age and th governor frequently take
a run over to the Iowa capital to visit
With her for a few day.
ftrracnae Knlooii I.ieenae t. reeled,
HY ft ACI'KK, Neb,, April 2.-(Hpcclnl.)-
The vllleg board met In adjourned son-
slim last night and grantd saloon licence
to ir. J. Ifrlnkman, Hulbaach At llaaao,
each firm giving personal suraty bonda,
Th third applicant has practically with
drawn, which will leav Byraous with
only two saloon this year.
Returns from State All in, Save
Counties of Lancaster and
Douglas, .
(from a Ktaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 29.-ispecl.l.)-Vllh all
the counting In this evening with tho ex-
ceptlon of Incator, which will probably
not report befor th lt of the coming
week, and Douglas county, which may be
a week la tor, th result of th primary
can b seen In several way.
A perusal of th Hughe vol shows
that In two counties Hughe received a
plurality, Hall with Got vote and Dodge,
443. Other counties which gav him a
good vot were; Adam, 319; lluffalo, 4ui,
und Madlon, 30. Kimball and Howard
failed to report a vot on Hughes, which
means merely that they did not count
thorn. Horn indication of hi lrciigth,
when th fact I taken Into consideration
that his nam had to be written It, 1
found In th ehowlng In comparison with
other candidates. II received half a
many as Ford and almoat half as many
a Cummins and twlc as many as Ksta-
brook, all of whom had their name
printed on th ballot. Th total (without
Douglit and Lancaster) ar
Kord ..
24, HM
I nti.liroolt ........,.......... 0,1
lloonotelt " 1"
W, J. Bryan received on republican
vot for president, Wllaon, seventy, and
La FoUett. ten. Mr. Roosevelt reoMvd
slaty-one progrelv Toto lot president
Mr. Jam Cory.
BTnACt'BE, Neb., April .(fipHal,)
The funeral of Mr James Cory, who
died in the hospital here Thursday, wa
held yesterday from th Congregational
church. Mr. and Mr. Cory hav resided
In this community for thirty year. De
ceased I survived by her husband,
on, Vern, reldlng In California,
three daughter, Mr. Roy Wile.
Misses Katharine and Mary.
Be 'Want Adi brine the beat reault.
vva n n
f wm u,i iwrwi i
Douglas 113C
Douglas 1136
Lowest Prices
We have no retail selling expense le
ranse all of onr wall papers are Bold
through our agents. This fact, together
with our great buying power and close
factory connections, enables us to sell you
the finest wall papers of all the wall paper
mills of the country at lowest prices.
Yon can buy these fine wall papers for
less money than other establishments ask
for poor pnpers.
, Our dealers are all trustworthy and ex
perienced decorators. Their work is
always satisfactory and their charges are
The easy, satisfactory, inexpensive way
to decorate is just to phone Douglas 1136.
Onr agent near you will call, help you se
lect your wall papers and make you esti
mates without obligation to you.
Decorate Now Phone Today.
Omaha Wall Paper Co.
1 Douglaa.1136 J
LIv. 1113-1U5-1117 Howard St.,
' . ' i
Julius OrkiiVs
Annual May
Waist Sale
Is Now On.
ol !!( under iio a i h life iM
fill t'lissia b it J fur s.i liitU
Ptontf ,
J ' Ranges V
Monday Specials (or the
Garden or Lawn
The A. B, Npw Mra G1
Range ta well known and &U
who vise them clvim them tt
I the bfst, We r;vn rtfer
jou to thr0 pfople. We havo
tm itove itt ipottal price.
W want you to ste It. ll
hru liir't, ovtn and broiler,
4 burnm, rn.unflt-vt tltrt tray
and t r)tler pan; kUo high
rial, enly VU.U
50c Onus Hook, only 30o
Ora."' Shesirs, pcckl..,27c
Garden Hoe, only 38c
Good Spades CSc
CI Inch Wire Lawn Rake 38c
Garden Trow tli lOu
4 Hall CnwjuH set $100
ft Ball Croquet rt...$U5
Rovi' IU11 Glovc....$100
11. H. Roller Skates. . St 43
lawn Mower, Lawn Rollt ri
Gardfti Htviti 8jvcial W
feet of ho, wUh noulf,
complete for u....$l,!)5
W( 14 U(ittt4 fii'lit Ci
if i.-i i-r" ariahi.atJ 4f twnnl r B
Tin Ever-Ready Monofum
Ibla la ih uljf lUng biirulug
txt aii'l thitt ttava A full tlvt
nt, alv.) rel t u i-itliir
fwt vi tl bout ieMHttlne li-e r
Inerltal ga liuremr, Hauiig ir
I'otUug !.., rh, If t aie lit
th Market fir X"iblHJil.wi
b a ar lit h' el ih meat,
Wli lH I. niMlM. U'
Oodles and Oodles
2d Floor
Rose Bldg.
lGth &
JUDGE Goodyear Cord
Tires by the distin
guished company they
keep they are specified
as regular equipment on:
Packard Twin Six ,
Locomobile ;
Haynes Twelve
Goodyear No-Kook Cord
Tlr.s r fortified
Elm-cuttin; By oar No-Rim-Cut
Blow-out By ourOixtr
1 Cora.
Loom Tre4 -By oof
Rubber Rivet.
Puncture and EVVcMInf
By our Double-Tbick
i Ail-Weather and Ribb
' ed Treads,
i Insecurity ByourMahl.
pie Braided Pkno Wire
Ht-Ua miHJ, Chmkm W Wn
A O N (
xsik D1EC!I ag'
Hv, fl M R hiieftipertert had bn tl
firitiit ttut (h bit urn treatment Urv
Kcriui Id it T 3 yrar iUt gnl I. a tenn
aufferer fnun lUieiimatlaiii for IS year
Ih Uat fniir h auffered ltti rn-
ituialljr Tin hat li It t i r;
To hum It H-tiy rntrai n
1lil la M fettifr lhl ri r mntuUtni
lir . W, V r I rntui.t
H Irfidiieht i,.r Khuumatlam a (
tn. uM gt remit. I lima the treat
it'wiit anl never ((fe.J Ih least nwa-
eAieni, Tfum rt'? telMe I knm
!htr l i ilanger U ll IreatmeHt M I
kn.iie tl lil gU riaults, Iteana II !
imt i.i.U tfl((l li. I'etii. Ii'it ll !'
h'('l tl Hi .mn'lea!.iB fl U.ligt
1 1! I tetle,- than fur ig !.n tief.'ra !)
t )' tlrt-, li e h r lit month i
uul l But e t(f t)e. hen I ihige,
a Ui u irwr, dui in ten tk tula ih
i.'rrnf Itlnlut H' la I e h
v tii!l I'r Im avr a aerj r-n
I'.kiata i t : ttu-nt a I rhil.l rutiM
hi. al( lh trtitiBl !! l I Jll- I ll.ana t I, ir H.iaj.
i.r rt all In i.'4'."g lh!a ilfd IUi' I a'-M'' '' ' U
Ul t SUlf MIHC tr'HU li!tUIHtHHl lv g ll Ifc itt, I f
Ciat twj if Men M"l IB hi "hl t Mgne.l.
n i ti it n nn (i t i I i s
)14 Q Bld Omaha. Nib.
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