Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 6

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Nationalist leader Declare Rebel
lion Will Be Heavy Blow to
Land's Freedom
LONDON, April 2!i. - John Red
mond, leader of tbe Irian national
ists in the Hoime of Common, t-
night gave the Associated Preaa in)
todowing atateumot coix:raing Out
In: "My first fei-ling, of couiaft, ou
bearing, of this insane movement,
as une of liorrnr, cllfifirafsemeDa,
and almost diKpair, I aekeij myself
whether Inland, a o often btfoie
in ber ttagie hlKtory, wan !o dab
ine cup h liberty from hT up---
t he Instantly of a small - i n
u( Ivf People once aHltj to turn ail
tier marvellous vietorles of ibe la:it
few year into Irrepuratilc defeat,
and lo r.-nd hT back on th very v
ot her final rc-rognti.ion an tier; ua
1 1 on into ancthiT long iiiant of Klav
pry, Incalculable Buffering and weary
and uncurtain struggling "
Irlsb I'onlllon Millar,
"For, l'ok ut th Irish p'wltlon today.
In short sync of forty yours Irelrtnl
has by a constitutional movement rmi'la
n almost uniirokenly trlijiriphtuit innr'.'h
from tnperlm and slavery to prosperity
and freedom. lie tin won back lh pos
session of lrlftti luii'l; stie ha stayed e.iril
grallna; sli ha at lust iKn an era rif
atioftai prohperlt)'. Finally, ah ha :ic-cet-flad
In ploclriii on the statute books th
grsattaet charter of freedom ever offered
her sine th day of Urattan. la all thia
to b loiiit
"When r cam, sh mad a cholc
which mi lrivttbl if h waa to b true
' to all llin principle which alia had held
through all her history and which sh
imd Ji'tt so completely vindicated on hr
can t4), namely, tha rights of small na-
tlona, sacred principles of nationality, lib
erty and democracy,
"Moreover, tha nation for which
through all her hlatory aha had fait the
sympathy that coma from oommoa prin
ciple! and common aspiration war
trampled, aa ah In her tlm invl bean
trampled, under tb Iron heal of arrogant
gafferlnaa of brla and Other.
"What haa Ireland suffered in the past
tthlcb 1'oland, Alaaca, Uelglum and
Serbia have not suffered at tlx hand t'
Germany? And 1 may add also that
fortton of the aoll of t rance, br old
tru-nd and ally, which u In the hand of
"what haa been tha record of Germany
but tha auppreeniun of nationality, of
freedom and of language In abort, the
aoppreaalon of ail tiling for which, for
luntvlea, Ireland haa struggled, the vic
tory of which Ireland haa achieved. Take
the oas of iielgliun, 11a there not been
th sum ruthlee shedding of blood of
lh priest and th peopl that la part
or Ireland own hlatory? the qua-
llon of prlnclpi out and conalder the
dueation only of th mer lntreiu of ire-
land heraeit What did th situation de
"KeutralltyT That waa Iropoaiilbl,
Jlostlllty to th Just caua of th allies?
Is there a sane man In Ireland who does
not ee that this meant the drowning of
Ireland's nwly won liberties In lrich
Ovinias of Malovllr.
"It this view right or wrong, this wai
the opinion of an overwhelming majority
of (he Irian peopl. It was th opinion
wbkh thousand of Iiiah soldWns have
t"ld witu their bluod by dying In the
t.auae of tb liberty of Ireland and of th
' l)ut anyhow, it waa tb optnloa ot Ire
land, and surely 1 need not araua tho
principle, especially with anybody who
haa iTuffkiwi) himself a horn ruler, that
iliu policy of Ireland must be dm Hod
by lreliuid herself. That la the principle
ahii h has been adopted by the Irish race
"Millions of our peopl In tha United
Plates and elsewhere, whose gcusrou de
votion holped us so largely to win our
victories for th motherland of our race,
have always accepted I Me principle. How
ever bounteous their help, never have
thty denied Ireland' tight to chooa her
policy for hnreelf. That dootrln ha
been contested only by tha Very ;un
mm who today hay trlnd to make 1m-
tiirid a cat' paw of Oermany,
"In all ii r long and strunirlo
id chuin home ruin w have bcou
tl.waitril am) (ipp"od by tiiat ni n.-
imii Wtr hat' wdii home rule !nt
trirouali thMn, but In spit of ttii-m, 'i'hU
v. Ik I'd nime of thi-lra was Ih'dr Inal
tdi w at liumo rule, It a not half n
ii ikIi triwoii tu the at w allit
. tia. it tu tl in i.5i of 1hiu r ilp
lie HlHHira hrruiant,
'Thu attt'tiiird deadly ld'i at tt-m
ri.i (iiii-it on Ihro'.sti (lil inotl vii
n'li.tti inure wb'htd. iwi limnipti' ly tih
t.ut -Mat Jrniiy ilrmmiiy
r.t li a 1 , U.n iaii) pnld f, r l! C'l fi
n ia a Herman tn ih it of inhiil
' '-let. a s'f'iil, rviiical a a Un
IOll Itttt.lI'lH lit I ! i, I Ink) ,
ih utinl an I tf lif'i.1. 1 a I, t
i I a l i Hi (aiiri I, i r. ce t rnUi.ini
uU i,r trli ),,, .m,
I'l-nii Slut tl iilud ( i-l an- II .
-I I ii 1 ll I , t i .fi.
1 a 4 (a tiiml vjt4aio ii ? .' n'u.
. l.t l-H I' I.JI "II!" . fl. I I. I, .
It -l.rf fi-nti lt tf lil hi :
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Brides at a Double
J -
. t t, ' ft y, ''1
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.-' :S i
jxi uinr iittt
IlrS.&enyon Jtiddfc
A ilnuMr wdiliim Vtia t-Hehr'ated In
I'lMtiAiiioui h M'iiiiirtny afternoon wlin
Uij lwu iliiiiKhlcia of Mr, Hub'jit U. .
Wliiitinfn wcr inn rrlcd, Mtx Mllen '.
Wlridhmn wnn wedded lo Mr. Wlllenl
itnudny nf Hvracm'r, Nob., srid Mia
Kn.i Itryn I, Wlridliim to Mr, Kenyon
itlddlo of Alillctie, Kan.
Mm, I'.icniny is an nccnrnpllshed ar-
tlct, a grMiluiili of the Acadnrny of Kln
Arts in tmv.iMn, and Is now art super -
t'lw.r Pi dm puhllr si honl of Iienaon and
so oftn InflfcieiJ r,n the falroat liopf
and the brav-at deeds of Ireland?
As In the final result; I dn not h-
lleve (his wicked and Inaan movement
will ar-hteva Ha ends. The German plot
ss failed, A majority nf th peopl of
Irdniid retain their calmness, f'irtltud
end unity. They abhor this attack on
their Intereals, their rlahf and their
principles, Mom rule has not been de
stroyed. It remains indestructible."
nmlrmna IrUh "'Hi."
TTiNtioN, April "The military op-
rnnch of the United Irish leau In
(treat Britain at a meeting her tonight
endorsed John ftedtnond' condomnatlon
f th Irlih "crime," I
Appeals to Oranaemea.
II1SLFAHT Vla U.ndon), April ,-
Tlie grand master of th Orange lodges
nf Ircluid, lasued an order today to all
Irlali Orangemen, saying:
In a ciImIh ilk th preaerit It la th
uty of every loyal man to filar his serv.
Ices at th ahmilute dlapoaal of th gov
ern rnent,"
Heart Disease Takes
Briardy While Asleep
Frank Itrtardy, aged J yeara, MIS
farker street. , died at tha hom Of his
wife's aunt, Mrs. Mary Jiarker, Jl? North
Twenty-third street, yesterday afternoon
of heart trouble, '
lirliirdy cam to Mr. Itarker1 home
early In th afternoon and expressed his
desire to take a nap, whll ah joined
Mra Briardy downtown to do sum shop
ping. Upon their return they found blm
dead, and physicians' anamination Indi
cated that he had died of heart failure.
II had been a stoker In th blacksmith
department of th Union Paolflo shop
for elKfiteen year, and beside hi widow
Is mirvlved by four children, Frank, II;
i'aul. 11; Anna, , and ICtliel T,
Th llrlardya had been married fifteen
WASIIINflTON, April KL-WDnter-lIk
weather ha returned along the northern
bordi-r, with 'recalling temperature this
morning from northwest, Minnesota went
ward almost to the Pacific coest. The
weather bureau foreraet for the week
beirlnnlng Bnnilay says;
Unntaxonably cool weather, with
frosts, will prevail In tha realoii of Uie
Great Lakes, th upper Vlealaalppl vul
ly and Ohio valley and th Uocky moun
tain and western plateau region.
Generally fair weather will prevail
during th nest aavaral days, excepting
local shower. In th Mlaslalpl4 valley
and aat thereof. Another disturbance
will reach th rnclflo coast about
Wednesday or Thursday and mov alowly
astward, probably reacliln th mtddl
west at th do of th week."
Mrs. Oren IVty of Florem Is In a
critical condition at Nichols Hum hos
pital, aa the result of a bullet wound re
ceived at her home yesterday afternoon
when her husband aecldi itatly discharged
an old revolver whuh h about to
clean, and whl.-h h dt.tu't know wa
luaded, The bullet enter-.! th abdomen,
Th !'! ' th patent of eight
ebllihett, aeveral of whom wr In the
mom st tli tlm of th aceldsnt. Hr
A, il A tun la attending lh Inl'irett
nninti .rnd -! i Jut rwery l in
.1 .utt.
! teetea,
k U.t.H '! " Al'rtl W
i if t.. l'-u ef, W U . Sal
I,. I l-m'.S.i'l , f liin VI ll.i and
lit. I, Vnlmv lll"il'tl aafc U'i',11 at t Hal
i,H'ilt ilii'''a l''v t
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UN i , -. t tf.MMH-r. efd
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I, I I- ' 'A.
t p ii u i t. t e
Separate Skirts
iti li lt i,f iner ' !!
a! il I ! I in 4 wt l t S .i 1
V,,,, ( .1 at I I 1 i 1 I '
t. n t a,.. .,) l i f
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f utt el.'t'MH, I a all t k4
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Julius Or kin,
lo iK-,il.t. tn
Wedding Saturday
Mrs, rtlddl Is a giadiiiite of tiie t'nl
virility of Nehtaska and la a Kmipa
Aiphn Thela sorority member, while) Mr,
Itlddlo Is a Jlil Gumma Ilt from tlm
I "diversity of Kansas,
Immediately after the ceremony the
miuly married couples departed eiM'h for
a vlnll to th reefiecllv fa.mlll' of th
, Th wedding dste wss originally sot A
week earlier, but was postponed on ao
count of a auddcn aituck of llln as on
the part of Mr. Riddle.
Brigadier General Edward Says
Maneuver Hare Already
Demonstrated Fact.
PANAMA, April 29 Th army maneu
ver 'i th canal son undertaken on an
tensive plan to work out problems con
nected with th defetia of th pacific
entrance 1 th canal, hav r ached an
Interesting stag,
Th blu army, commanded by Colonel
Charles G. Morton, whlh yesterday
reached Chorerra on Its march to defend
th canal, cam In contact this morning
with th nrang army under Colonel
John H. Mallory, which ts attacking th
canal after theoretic' y hrvlng effected
a landing near th village of New Uor-
According to Brigadir General Clar
ence M, Edwards, th maneuver already
hav demonstrated th feasibility of
hoetll attack overland from either
("ham bay or near iguauli.
Captain William II. Pratt, naval aid
on Mineral Kdwards' staff, has 'asked
in secretary ot th navy to dotall a
cruiser ana savsrai timannes to a
permanent station at each end of th
New Rails Are Laid
, on Twenty-Fourth
Th atreet railway company has com
pleted th relaying of It track on North
Twenty-fourth street, from Cuming street
to Patrick avenue, a dlatanc nf about
one mile, Ninety-pound steel rolls hav
been luld on oak lies and the space be
tween th rails is being covered with c
ment, on top of whlca vltilfied brick
block will be luld.
That portion of Twenty-fourth trcet,
from Cuming street to Patrick avenue,
la to be repaved by the city and the mat
clmrKcd aitnliist the abutllnif proiierty,
miner tne iinivmions ot itie city charter
Hint altea the city emimiUHlon Hiiihuilly
to aulhniUe I h- pacliiK, or rrpaving, of
all streets wlllhu a rudlus of threo miles
of tho city ball.
atrlk Ihreatened.
NKW yOUK, April 21,-Henort that
diukiiieii, stevedores ami other frelnht
handlers nJong Ilia watci front had
threalrneil to strike on May I If their
wave deinaiida were not aranteit, were
coiiflriiied at the office of several of the
liirnr ateanmhlp coliiiaiili.a toiliiy, Kuch
a strike would He uo virtually all foreign
and coastwise sh!inli!K.
Movements of lieeaa Steamer,
aw rtmj a..i,.i. xiii, ,,.
IJVKI'Hikil S,. Yon,
UVKHI'lHll. n'.Ht
I 11 M in 1 1 A SI A I una. I SlalM
Read the Big Special May Grocery Open
ing Sale Monday. Quality Good, at the Right Price
ttia IUat Hlgk tirade iMattnunl II. I lour, ln.tli from lh lnt V. I
aoititeat Mitral, imlMitaT fr fur
MttM, IU, ulih.
.i l.i a tw.i I ... 't r lattet'V
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Sixtee n-Year-01d Son of Smith Jones
is the Firtt Victim of Year
at Carter Lake.
Paul ('. Jones, 1 fi year-old coo.
of Mr. and Mrs, Smith Jonea, 201
South Twenty-fifth stie-t, wf
limwrjcd yemeniay afternoon in Car
tel luke when s canon In which .a
and two compiirilims wer paddliux
whm caiHlzert by thH wind.
Jones, with J, Ktfliet Hart, on at
Mr, and Mra. J. S. Hart, 2'2 St.
.Mrjiy'a aventia, and lVl Mai key, son
of Mts. Klia M. Macky, 120 Nortli
Thirt'elb atrert, had taken a canoe,
from the t.'urter Luke club and had
paddlod to tho rnlddlo of tho lako,
between the club snd Municipal
heath, when a audden gale eapaUed
th! craft.
Halt cautioned Joiiej end Mackfy
cling to tlie curi'M while be swam axlinre
for aid, but tho former iiialatcd on 'J-
companylng hltn. About fifty yards from
tlio beach, Hart noticed that Jones was
not In slKht, but thought h had .struck
off In anothr direction Upon rciiclilna
land h was met by Mii'Uey. who by
clinging to the curio and miming nad
l-nn ab! to milk ahor ahead of hlrn.
lloth reallted that Jones had gin
down and obtained th help of tho
about th beach to drig for th body
With a wotorboat and grappling hook
th search began, and shortly before i
o'clock the body was recovered, Yourg
Jow was an only child, His parents
war unabl to apeak of hi death lust
Bmlth W, Jonea, th father, la xamlni
foi tha International l4ind and Invest
ment company.
Coroner Crosby will not hold an In-
qust. Paul was a mmbor or Rev.
Thomas J. Maokay' Boys' club of All
Hitlnt' churoh, and th club will atten4
aervlces, eonductel by Rev. Mr. Mackay,
Monday morning at S o'clock at Hlack
A raloonefa chapol, Th body will then
be taken to Hamburg, la., th old home,
for interment.
With th hlgh'aohool court now In
condition th girl' tennla tournament ba
speedily reached th third round. The
following seuond-round matches have
neen disposed Of:
Huth ifwsnson beat Olga flchermerhorn,
, tO; lorothv Perlow bent Olsa Muel
ler, by default; Mary Hamilton beat
Anna Jenson, -l, -t: Kdlth Mow beat
Anna Newman, -l. t-0: Vlritlnla Greene
beat Haael Oant, 4-1, S-l: Helen Pfclffcr
beat Marl Thompson, w. o.
In th third round, Virginia Green, by
defeating Helen Pfelffer, enter th semi
final and will play Edith How In her
neit match.
Virginia Greem -rnd PJvalyn Douglas
re being picked to compete In th fin
als. Ariabel Douglas, th winner of tho
last Hire tournaments, will defend her
championship against th winner In thli
year tournament. If she successfully
defends hr championship In this tourna
ment sh will obtain permanent posse
slim of th oup, which sh won In the
fall of 1914. Th winner and th runner-up
In this tournament will receive
tennis O's. '
rtefor several hundred rallrond men
and their friend Colonel James L. Tay
lor, represent a tlv of th Ilureau of Ux
plostves of tha American Railway anno
elation, gav an Illustrated lecture at the
Young Men's Christian association last
evening on the safe transportation of ex
ploelves and other danaeroua articles.
Colonel Taylor told at knirth how many
of the accident that occur ro through
rank rnreleesness and gave some excel
lent Ideas on way to protect Kalnat
Slide showing; scenes of recent explo
lona made a deep Impression on his
audience, who demonatiated their ap
proval of his efforts by a big ovation at
tbe close of th lectin.
mi cuAJr, emit, ajtd dtb
Drcshcr Bros.
AND T A n,0 Rift.
Silt. 17 FAR If A. Bf BTT
Onr Automobiles laaa Yon Door
Every Day.
Call, TYX 34SV
lrt.l, Mej lr lake, c 1 J A
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Oeorgo Ky1l, lto North Klgrhtennth
atreet, sustained painful Injurie Friday
afternoon whll working In a ditch at
Korty-flrat and California streets, when
a bank caved In. II wa given medical
attention and taken hom.
s,y'-. ",:fs)
' f'J ' '"'
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'A f - i
I ' "It t -
Attractive Furniture For
nUR Store Is Filled with the Season's Best Offerings $ of Furniture for
V ) ih0 Vhtiro TTmisn. Our location, out of the Hitzh Rent District and
our Low Operating Expense, Enables us to Save
purchase. As usual, you
Filmed Oak Dining Suite, Buffet, China Cabinet,
Table, Sorving Tablo ami (jliairs (like rut)...
Golrten onk Davenport, haav- SO150
lly made, like cut
Hoautlfiilly finished, medium Si
iVti China Cahlnet, Ilka cut. A -
I .. II !' i r I i it ll!
a, Un te-l l a rt i''4 fi'tntig
t,i. i .,.,,,,.1.,...
, . n , ; t . t t.
A UU Fbcs 13
Trade, eur Cuarantcs
Prelecti teu.
The Schmoller & Mueller
represents the
latest develop
ment in the art
of piano making, i
For purity of tone, re
sponsive action and last
ing service the Schmoller
& Mueller Piano hasbeen
acknowledged for years
to bo a truly great piano.
(artfully c.mal.lcr th QI AMTV, TOXK AND PRICK OF
OTIIKIt HIGH UllWK PIANOS and then make very critical In
Mellon of the Hchmollor A Mu.-II.t Ornnd. The ir.or IraaJ your
HmpiHtl.m tho intir firmly yon will ho coflvlncfd of tha atHllns
vultio ttflVrcd in thin t.itiitvttd. tltno-honoml liiatromfnt.
Vour old pinna will te laken In exchange and the lialiuico you
tuny laiy hy t lie month If you wish.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
The Oldest mid Iarnnt I'lnno Houae In tho Middle Went
Phone Tyler 1080
maKe your own terms
From Rubel Stock
Several dozen palra Sample I'or-
tiers, allghtly aoiled, 9 45 r"
bip gorvlcnable, at. . 1 PAIR
A larife number of Sample Conch
Covera, alightly soiled, but QC
good valued, at, ea'b.... JJ
. a--v ,. ' if2f,i
II I, - J- "
lb T
Thia refrigerator Is mineral wool
filled, artistically finished and
durably made; we show all atylep,
uu! tilea. Hefrlger- (1 A7S
ator, like cut v
Our comfortably furnished
Three-Room Out- Qf ff
fit, complete..... VI-UU
Our Four-Room Outfit, com
pletely fur C1QC nn
nished, for glOU.UU
t . -
is i r '-sr. '..-if!.i
K.'aj flalKt.lAjlllate
;t- .
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i-ii.,,... ' I jt;, int. fill, t'r'? . . . I , ... i..,.,,,.,., 1
ft , "J "TfJ
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Mk ft J;' a.
Beautiful' Mahogany Oa,
O-uaxantoed for as year,
Only S4&0.
Aa4 yea will reowtve th earn yn
teon aervto a thoagli yoa wv da
llverlng yoiur Waot-Ad to TUB BBJg
Office la paraon.
The Home
You Money on every
tQ7 Kf
Masnlve golden oak or nahogany
Ubrary Table, Si C50
like cut XVI
Gin Range eottlpped with the fa
tnou (Jus Kaver burners, and
nicely finished; like
Hit JLtU
V: . "i
I'"l tint l'tr. h Seat,
nicely dccoratcl,
af hardaood,
You make your own tf mu
at the Central.
Oar Quality it tha
HiaiScsl Ani fri:ci
in Thi Uwttl
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