Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 5

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o A
President Wilion and Seiiator
Phelan Senit Greeting Across 1
Continent by Telephone.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, for the "Law"
Has Taken Charlie Allen to Lincoln
long distance telephone message
from President Wilson will be heard
at dawn tomorrow morning by a
theater full of people gathered to at
tend tho annual show of tn Press
club of Pan Francisco. The event Is
Ciined eah year from the number
or years since the great fire of 1900,
and this year It was tho "Ten Years
After Show." The fchow starts at
midnight tonight and tho president's
iiifuNHKn i arranged as one of the
tonrluding features, which every
perron prenent wilt bear through a
liiinHinHter Instnlled at each chair.
' n iti r Jnmea I), rhplnn, former mayor
I r'aq Freinolnco, inllilng from tli room
HI ll.c Natlnmil 1'rrn club at WahliiK-
tmi, lit to Iriiiiciult the president's m--sure,
mi follow:
"Thr irhullilliiR of Yan Kratn Ln'o iift,r
Hie diHim rr of lim I a notable iiioiiiimen
nl AitiPi'lciiii tt li;vemrnt. The 1'rens :l i i
lUn rwn ihniik for celebrating an event
whl'h reflects w miidi crJlt upon thv
piiirloiliim nnd enti rprlm of our jffj..
"1 liii rlty tliHt i.o recently enl'TtnlnH
Hi world has de.i p!y nutivrel Ituc'f to
II Amei-lcHii conitiviiill''N. Von carry
with you In your ri'li'lnatlon my alneero
and wrllHl sentiments of I'btigratiJliitioii
and good will.
IHlKtied.f, "HOOIiRovv WlLfifW."
Hecildea Hen tor I'lmlnn, who will speak
for himself l.fif'lcu ri'riit the tiicni
fruiri tlirj prrnlilent, a number of oIIit
pronJnent men In W ashington w III niid
ninm(es over the wire, Including Knnk
lln K, I.mie, secretary of tho Interior,
who s a ('iillfornlmi, find Tlnrodnre Tiller,
pre, ttnt of the Niitlonnl I'remj club.
"no feature of the show l to he lonif
ilii.lMiiif telephone fIiikIhk bv Krirl :o
iiiiiko, frrpi Atlanta, lilt. One of tli.i
lite I In ft proloifun hy the I'rea
iib cut. mikI ii piny depleting the cut'
ilroniii of liopp'nliiKs In t"'nn Krntvlseo
'lurlii l)e jenr, including evenlit of Dm
faniiriiH fnclflc exposition. Another sec
lion of llii show In to he. made up of
pfofcK!nrjl vstidavl l ekrt he, Including
slums hy motion ih'turi stars.
"Charlie" Allen, cil r sud messenger of
the fedcml court lit umnhit ainco Janu
ary 1, !;. will mino to Murom June 1
to become crier timl incsscntfi r In the
federal court there
"I doll't like to leave i.iiimhH." mid
Allen. "1 have a cimtlnrtiblo home hern
at 920 South Tlilrf v-firal street, mnny
friend, and my (laughter la Interested tn
miMlcnl ervie heir, Hut I suiitnse It
la for the bent.''
"Charlie" Allen tm ft been m fixture at
the ftderal court fur twenty ycnis. Ill
gavel Iih fnllen at tho opening of every
dny'i session of the court nnd hi "Hear
, near ye, henr ye" ruin rung out, grow
ing Just a little fajnter a the years were
added unto hint.
"I opened the first ses on of court In
thl building," he Mid. "And I opened
tho (list eHlnn of eomi held In Ihe new
federal building at 1,'nr.otn. That was
when they only hud one Judae In Ne
branka and Ihd to gn down ther when
ever they held eourt In Mlicoln. Till
llltle gavel of mine did the wnrM, It a
given to me bv Gerug" II Thiinuncl when'
he waa clerk of the court.
"My, my, I never knew I hud i mnny
friend till 1 wa tmniiferred to Lincoln,
And they iv-ver found any fault whli my
work. I naked .Mr. Iloyt Juat the other
flay, t aava, 'lld you ever liar any rom
plaint about niv work, Mr, Iloyt?' and
he mild, 'Never a ,bll of comt'lalnt,
Charlie,' "
Mr. Alien la ,n cojaln of ex-Hrnatnr
Wlllliuii V, Allen and an old a ibller.-Me
wii a member of Company C, Thlrtlelrr
Iiidhina Infantry. Me wa In the battle
of Howling ilreen, Hhlloli, Corinth, liok.
out Mountain and Hone River. At the
luet minud h wa wounded o a to be
Incapacitated for further pcrype In the
S r.v:l , r. s
"Toamaasd' tor portlag Oood."
Lighting riituraa Burgraa-Orandan.
Diamond Cogagamant Klnsra. Rdbalm,
Bar Eoot rlnt ft Now Beacon Praaa.
ClW'ti ?, Smith, lawyer, lni.a rernovud
from Vi'i to :.N Heo Building.
Property Carta: ForTo rent prop
rty he .1 l(. tnnnout, Kaelln Hl ig.
O003 Into Bualutaa II. C. aoddard of
tlm CenVial Coal & Coke compuny baa
realgnod to tntaM In bu,ilne for lilm-f-clf.
'ToUay'a Mot1 Program," olaaatflad
aactlon today. l appeara In Tba Ha
i;XCI.t)SlVh;i.T Find out what Ibe
rloua niovin nldur theatara offer.
Keep Tour M-jcoy and valuable lit tha
American Hafa Iiepoalt. Vault, :18 South
7th flt , Uea Blrtg. noe -nt II. ft) for
month. Open from I a. in. to 6 p. tn.
Andlrona Fir Kcraaoa SuiuluilauU
Rich Cell HI Home l.nuuoi H
Mathew Jin pitrchaaed the Kdaon Tilch
home at Thirl y-fourth and fodg atrei-ta.
The Ciiimlderatlon Is ulvon aa JV. Mr.
IMih I to build a new home.
na "Taa-Tlia" "hinrioi Cunder'anil
Bl'jfc runeral Held 1 uneral eervlcea
for John I'.bikc. BK'd i.;i yeara. who died
Vednehd;iy at hi home, U'.'l South Klfly-
fceevnd I reel, were hi bl, yeatcrdny
at 2 o'clock frptji UurHet'a chapel. Iiilm
nifiit w!l In I'll u.iiiiil f 1 f 1 1 lemetery.
(Continued from Page One.)
wlieg ha atrlvea, aa aim ought to atrlve,
to bring peace to the reat of tha world.
And thero can be no auch protection
wlthreit tbnroughgnlng preparation --mil.
Itary, aoclal and Industrial."
Colonel RooHevdl pointed to what h
declared to be the nation's full lire to
prepme linen the war be;n.
ite. InrtiM; I hit the houc of repre?,rnta
tivev "ha taUcn what meauie- II rnuld
to Intufir with tlx oi'iianUutbm.i on
whbh we tlviuhl have to rely In any be-
lated and hurried fffort to meet our
needa ehould w have to act. In support
of our not (the flrat American bote to
Germany), and haa paaaed leglalntlon ex
cellontly dealifned to prevent all effi
ciency from a military standpoint."
Menull of Our .eulecl.
"If now there la no war," Colonel
rtonarvrlt Continued, "It will lie proof
positive that If fourteen months ago we
had made It evident that we meant what
we said Cirrinany would have, abandoned
lln fUbmnrlne policy and the Uvea of
thourand of non combatants would
have been saved, so that their blood Is at
our door bucauae we failed, when we
sent that note, to show that wa meant
what we aald.
If, on (he other hand, war doe enme,
It will be n cruel and dreadful thing that,
having had the, amplest opportunity and
time to prepare for It on the largest
scale, we drifted Into It sternforemoKt
having shown ourselves helplessly unable
to provide In the smallest degree to make
our vaiit strength effective."
Colonel Roosevelt reiterated hla prevl-oiiiily-iitteied
opinion regarding a need
for a larger army aid navy and pointed
to conditions In Kuropn and Mexico aa
Illustrating tho country's nceda In this
Mast Prepare Indnatry.
' rnscuaslng industrial preparedness, Col
onel rtoosevelt declared that without It
"thera can be no full preparation for
military service."
"I'nlif our Industrie are highly effi
cient," he said, "and moreover are
trained for thle particular work In ad
vance, the penalty will Inevitably be paid
In the aliapn ot dreadful Iosm of llfu
union? our sotdlei. Such a. need ennnot
be. met by government-owned and mini
ai,fd plants, although there should be
some such to serve aa check and rrgu
la tors. The need ! to train, to educate
mnny bulucnn firms by means of giving
(Imni orders In lime of pcaco fir ihe
various things which Ihe government
would need In enommiia quaiitlllen In
time of war. There should be a survey
Of the producing; resources of the coun
try and tho development Hnd practical
working out In lime of peace of plan
for rfilnrmum annual educational older
to be placed bv the army and navy with
thou,aiidn of firm widely distributed
geosniphlcally, and the enrollment In
I line of peaco of the skilled la bor which
It hi necessary to keep on the Job In
time of war. We shall need organized
business In time of war aa In time
of ieace. Our duty la to encnurago It,
but aleo to see that It actlvltlea are for
the benefit of the whole country. The
government should provide against ex
reualve profit-making In time of war;
and It ran only do this a a n,unco
Dreshcr Bros.
Our Aatomolilla fssa Your Door
Evsrv Day.
mm I
A Proud Record
of Satisfaction
Trie dist-riinlniitina buyers of the
American homes determine the fate of
any rlk!e offered Ihein, If It fuitllt Ihe
rlaltnt mil t 4 It, In gala It ruitlnumit siul
It row ills'. If it liat real UtetuJlicas and fell,
bility the fuMk rr'iU It friend, nd to
aiiii.unt (if ileforniatlon ran prevent ttumvtit.
Peruna Has Stood the Test
Is uto h.n Uvn Itiii
fu ial rvt r w hern. It luitn
Ut jn ftiriuU Bimdiil
ttbitlMlull UJmll ItbUl-
: ! ho lutvt tiwlll f r
nay iUivl nil ratjrrhulfon
ihii-ii. util e a i!'!
tt-nk', U h,t !r th 1:1
Is; tln j' "! f ir It fu!itf
it I !. llw i! tn.Ubl fff
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tt'-l S i, UA b f At, t- ..'i.
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army. He cams to Omaha In Uclol r,
Ills giett pride I Ida daughter, Mhs
Hose ). Allen, a musician, who keep
house for bin), fhe studied vnr.v. euHure
for ten J ears and graduated fr.jin a i
dramatic art school in .V-w Voik. WIh-ii
her mother wa taken n ek elm came honm
and nurcd ber for six year. Ami since
Mr. Allen's death she ha kept the home
for hr r father.
plivst plants which in the event of war
could be trusted lo do public buslm-s.i,
These plains, ihroilijli some such yl. m
hk the annual rducatlonnl orders above
referc-d tov could be, tiuidn ready for
efficient mmiHIoun work In time of war
The Kovrrnmctit r ncoiiragemeiit eould bv
also used to secure as one of It featurci
thoiie things for labor which It Is in.
necessary to secure: psrtper working eml
living coiidlHons and provision for In
suraiice coinKiiallon agalmd sl. kne.
accident and old nw.
( onure ll.u a Vninlnit,
"Not one step has been taUru by con
gress to help serure lbee ludiintrlal roti
dlll'ilis. Not. one slip bna been taken lo
;ecurn t tin natlonaligitlon of Industry In
time of war Tho lallroad business In
parirular. Insofar as Interntate com
mclce Slid everything dlrerlly or Indi
rectly coniii 1 led with It Is concerned,
"hould b" inndn a matter, with
1 national Incorporation law. and the
whole power ..f regulation iwhlch should
Iti-. If be part of a process of riicouisKe.
menu I'nlgi In the federal commission,
the purpose being to encourage the bueb
ties In every l ultimate way. while also
wc lug that It I managed In the Interest
of 1 lie public, no lis of the Investors,
iiiaiiHKer and wage workers. V can
have lio nalional economic program until
no in. ike ourselves really r. nation. Na
tional med cannot be met by conflict
Ing locality acllon. This I the sue of
in-o.. Million Hurely If we really are a
hi, slues people thin iuci (bat there
should be co-oiernton and not hoallllly
between the government and tbe tnliihty
agencies thrnuifli which alone modern
bUalnrss, especially liiteinatloiial bilU
lieas, can be niauaaed. Let the aovern
ment remilste tho corporations: but let
this regulation be an Incident of beaiiv
co-operiitlou with them, lo secure (heir
Well belnir, and also the we1.benu of
thoe 'io work for iIimii and of those
I for whom Ihey work. Capitnl niut be
: oiKHiii.ed on a larijc ale Just a labor
muni ii.' m h n 11 1 . . 1 .'11 I I'll .'.iiip. 1, in,
jbotb forms of nrgattlr.s'l'iii igusl Juatlfy
lllienieKe .y rhowlug llit tbey ale not
jotily brncflclal to lhemelv(a but to Ihe
people a a w hole.
' lliinHn Mill ol Win.
"No for 111 f.f Kovernmint li survive
unless II can Justify Its lleiii. Ilnat
Ing about demoi rscy won t make demo
cracy succeed. are the greali ")
denioiistlc republic and we are fle nut
(only lo our own country, Put to denm
Icracy everywhere If ne do not seriously
! endeavor lo show, bv mir actions and
success, that with us the many men ea
make a nation a efficient as rlsewher
nations have been efficient by a few men.
"U'e ( anno) afford lo leave this demo
cracy of ours Inefficient, If we do It wl'l
assuredly some day fc-o down in r'llii. i
We cannot afford to tolerate with cyni
cal indifference the pork-barrel theories
of government So dear to the hearla of
pnt'llclana of Ihe baser sort. With a
vvenllh of billions of dollars, and a popu
lation of 'HVm.ii, we cannot afford to
be In a conillilon of utterly unstable so
cial and Industrial equilibrium, nor to
see our sons arow up steeped In a spirit
of mere selfish Individualism, without
si If. control or discipline or sense of co
operation, or firmness of purpose. W
have ureal Individual capacity. This we
murt kerp. Hut we must train It so licit
we shall have great collective capacity,
no that ihere may be that collective
democratic power and discipline without
which no great modern democracy can
permanently gubsltt." .
Orchard & Wilhelm Co,
414-416-418 South Sixteenth
This Is Round Oak
Combination Range Week
BV PKKSKXTI.VO tho iur.mijmii.vinK MKUCilAXDISH
niKC.'K tlurinjf this week vndluff Mny (!tli, yu may
hfivc a .IfiiH li'niuiil Oak 'onihiniitioii .Mivort'd nt, your
homo without r.Wl.Mi OXK ( )ST 1M1WN ntel at the
wuiic tinio
, Save $5.00 on the
Regular Purchase Price
Wit 1 1 thf co i)icnit inn of the Ifotitiil O.'ik I'1ks, wliiMiutlior
ic this r-pooinl olt'cr, w nrc tiuikinsT this inducement in or
der lo ii'hl iinother t diloiiil nl' Ihe ffimoiis Ifoinul (hik (,'oni
liiiuitioiis to the sevcnil eirhniils alrendy now in use in the
city of Oiiiiihii, mi'l 1 1 1 1 j further ioiiihirize litis woiiilerful
It hurim (tax, coat or u oixl
without thntujf of pnrtti.
30 Days' Free Trial
iiml the nuijro reinoveil with
out a cent of oxjichh! to you if
not hiitisfaotory.
SATISI'IFJ) (nii.l we
1 . .
"V?.'tcr"is Know irom past ex eri-
aV.Vjsfti , ,
jSTsirfa line 111.11 vim win lie;
Villi lijiv tile liuhuieo ill
This is our iiiicoik it ional
sfii;irnne( mul our answer to
"what do we think of the
Won ml Oak, Coiiiliinnlion
warms (tin h In lien In wliitrp hj
IiiiiiiIiisT voaI, how It Iveepa lie
klnlir'ii rmd in summer liy hurn
Inif u"i hnw simple and how snfn
la Ihe entire, devlre, how It' 1 r
A Q f-f-M'
" nXl
This Is the Round
Oak Merchandise
Worth $5 to You
If lined between tbe datea
April 20th to May 6th, 1918
under tho conditions itat
ed below.
In arcord with the con
tractu iinrl nKreementd exIbU
Ing with Ori hard A Wilhelm
Co., M-4lfi.4l Bouth 16th
81. , Oiimha, thin
, Merchandise Check
entitlea you to a credit of
15.00 to bo applied aa the
original payment required to
have delivered to your home
one Hound Onk .1 fuel 'Olm
MriHtlon lianxe.
Till; KOI 'Ml O.IK IOI.KS,
iniHtiflw, MI1I1.
When handed In for credit
Ihe cnsionier In required to
endorsn an fndlented.
Address, , ,
Kalesman . ,
Our salespeople will fully ex
plain every feature of (hla won
derfully convenient inline how
perfect Is Ita construction, how
evenly (he oven bakes, how It
cheaper than Ihe poorly construct
ed ranKe, and how you can have
It lnntalled In your own homo
Milium) fni) Inn a rent, down, and
at a snvina of K.VfKl on Ihe
rcHiiliir firbe.
Gift Shop
Mahogany Floor I-ampd,
rm SIO to rt7r,
Mnhoi'any Floudolr l-Mnips
tron i.roo$
l'laho-?Hny lable l.anipn
from S.".r0 t') H
tJ7 w
S, Wilhelm Co
414.16.18 South Sixteenth Street
May 1st Brings Us to the Midst of
the Season for Home Replenishing
1JEW Furniture is Here, A presentation of trustworthy furnir
A x 4. l ! A.i .1 1 1 . -vr
iure ac popular prices inai surpasses me usual snowing, w e want you to.see
w lines for Living Room, Dining Room and lied Room In all the popular oak finishes.
our new
American Walnut, ?vfahogany, Enamels, etc.
Rocker or
Arm Chair
Like Cut Hi tow
Tbla pretty Jacobean
dewlan haa atnlned cane
panel back, large, full
wl.e chair or rocker,
high back, looan cush
ion, lapeMtry tiphol
Htered scat.
An extra pood value.
Kiirh --
Vanity Dressing Case
' IAkf, Cut
One of the new William and
select quartered golden irik,
ISlrST'' $54.00
Ralanco of suite to match Vanity Dressing
IlKI-Full sire, poster effect,,,...
hKHSSKK- -Large size
niimii;it lhiko kIhhs
IHIISMM, TAIUK - Triple minor.
Jacobean Oak Rockers and Arm
A (ine assortment of patterns.
$10.00, S12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00
Tahiti, Sftten, Sfonj, )tth$, ttt. to match
Mary design,
triple mirror,
You Will Bo Delighted With
tho Newest Draperies, Uphol
steries, Curtains and Cretonnes
ii.sM'inlil i lii iv for vour nniMilft'iilieili nml M'lt'i'tion.
Fancy Cretonnes
In Many neaiitlful Dt slii
Nn luiti-rml In so iiml, so InvltliiK, sit iilitnant fur timnturr l urtalns
tn t UV4.IS us these t ri lntitiis ItiiKht ridiira, In many di'i.laii ttisy
l.rlah'en lh b'ime a id tiuMrt a 1 hrty altiiiispliPt
liiir iliiiii of Ibl-i pi'f'Ular maifiltl it uiiiinittHr vsru l ml el
tut riu a v iit
Pricfs from 25o to $2,50 Yard.
it-i A
Suporior Scrim Curtains
In 1 renin au Ivlifiv,
lli'ii,ll, fir, vltl it' n vntirl, tint Mi't n ! f
In n tt I
S150, $185, HOP, $150, $7.00 r,vir.
KHs ami Yanl.
Crrtnti0 tdg($, U 1 1 o whI l'u Yrit
Cover. of All Sorts,
rt;1 i ... ri , I ' I41 41 t, ,1. I .! 1 111 M .l.
"-n. I' ! ' I I't .iii-m, ml I in' f ii-lr4 m
It M 1 .!.! V 1 14 h
I'tll.., I .tei T.V, ! .VI,
latiln Califs I. , l J ,
UN,. I , ,V. J T J
Mlp Cmrn
All the World's Music
1 Yours With a
ttlght In your own home and
you nerd not delay. Take ad
vantage of our "V'.Hny Payment"
plan and have your Victrola to
enjoy NOW,
Spend a half hour In our
Now Victrola
on the fifth flnrir. It t: perfectly
appointed r o r
Ihe careful Judg
ing of Victor ma
chined and records.
Thla it
Hay Records Aro Ready
Couch Hammocks
I, a rue new line.
Rattan Rocker
Thla bandHome Old Ivory flnlnh
Arm ftocker or t'balr baa uphol
atered cretonne cushion acat and pail
batk, broad, flat arms.
An exceptional value, fach
p.lAw:4 MpiK
4Vl',T'I. 1 -T r
Brass Beds
Square port, square ftllrj Brass
Deda are very popular. We lnTlt
your lnapectlon of our large com
plete assortment of styles.
Srvt Inipruvrit slilr cniiiirlrt
with chain. rpe ami I'lllitm lulus
$7,W, $9 50, $10, $12. $15
Wind V!I M,.bs,
ahull bsiill'' .
II t s.r I 1'i-r M"p
n.l h;lt ,
ll t r.Uf linl t KillM
l.lflf Slll
piiIipi i,r
I Tit,
1 . 1.
4 Jf 4 V
4. lit1 i
.lvi. .'.1
1 1.. I
i t lr I l'.r t-l'Hiirii
.I W 4 I
t VI
I tiritltiiro
lll li I!
- I n "i..
. I 11 1 r t
I . if 1
I 1 -I 11
Alatii .S.titlm
'.'.V ttr.l ti)
Square Post Drass Bed
Lik Cut.
Thla la an unuaual valut 2-lneh jinsta trtth heary top tOQ C A
and bottom rods and fillers, satin finish. 3Jt7oU
Square Post Brass Beds, $38.00, $39.50, $42.00
llio InrR-fvt lino of l!rts TViIh in tlio Wnst to rlinoso from.
IVifOH $9.00 and Up
Osterm oor la ttr esses
The (ienuirie Osier moor, $15.00
Rugs -In 6x9 and 8-3x10-6 Sizes
Twelve iartlinlar atletillim In our Hug rVctUn. In these allien aa well
aa In llui pupiilar ulre, ehuvv pile after pile of lruieU Velvet,
AiinliiMfr Mini Wiltn.i grades, offering an rqnal selectlou to Ihe piinimser
bi r''ilire Itirt hiuIIit r UK.
llniKHcU . . . ftl.T.n in Jitn fl Itruasela. fiaiStl In '4I
U!t Auniniier . .fi.t.Au m lit.T'V :un Aiminir. $w i 9'i?.vt
fc, Unity lrtlmt-t Ht.:,V'.'i,Sll !i in llriumla ll-V, In (IH
t,' wiiiun ...... ,:n..v I., i f, s,jti ii ii, , trt. n, umi
Raff Rus
rv -
8T". ,, he.
B't.T-4 In, ,
lT fr ,,,,
Seamless Wilton Velvet Rujs
1 11 n t
t'tti't v;l.,l! , .i-i-l .III
t 1 1 n i ; ' i w ,
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