Tlffi OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 30, 1916. -D 1 it 'I tt 1 1 1 4 I i LOGKYOOD SOON TO GO ON THE MARKET New Addition, with Sewen and Pared Street, One of the , City'i Beauty Spots. BUI1DING ItESTBICTIONS HEBE Now rotnn I.ockwooil addition, platted, rrmUM with facllltlia for evi-y public wvUt, paved and very fwi to t offered f"r Ml to tho In Mrrh of real claaay bulldlnf lla. IUtrl-tlona, yi. ranging from mini mum tit a fiJ") home n the very cho'cert lot to IV'iQ Jioma t,n tha not quit to iific. A military man would hr tfoi aiot l'i lay hi trench to make a tand nmin.t the rtt of the unlvme, for It r-vrlooka almoat tverythlng elce In th rniinty atid much in one or two aljolti In count !. for I .or k wood addition ll mi extn.rnaiy htfh (round, brtwem Flfty flrt and Fifty-third aven ia and ! twren Howard and Leavenworth atrrita, a beautiful plat of (xactiy thirty-right aerca h )aa b'f n plattid into Wi Iota Th liulir A Cury Hal Katat com pany liaa .lt i?d thin and la putting 1: on llio marktt. Itruiarkatil View. The moat conririjiii fral'Ji from the kiMiidpoiiil lit the natural lay of t ti K round I that It f nrnmanri o rmrK h vw, To the rt It ovi rlooh nni. Ii of lninha ili tlx- nw Hl'r!(tni! tfttiil'.i hotel eorjuplruouxly lit the (ill -1 iter. To lli: north It overlook Dunde. I ln vn higher than the- . Duiid 'c t'lt'1. To th northwrxl It looki to Happy Hollow fflf le, tlto Happy Hollow golf ground, to Ismaon, Falra'TP and tho Uti'-olti Highway. To In weat I hi inr-eti the lrijffitl valley in wliWi li a Klmwood park with l'i innny ever aretua and heavy timber to beautify Ilia laieJxrftp and to the aouthwenl ttnd went one my a Ilalaton. In ptattinc tills ground, mu'h attention dlveii to beamy of oulllni. Thua, Inclmofiil enuj wa luld out, lrfoli t-ifig pBcpliig curve, a magnlfl etit rre,. i-rrit of til s It Mrert, rcm'til aldewfilk. fli,iil!il on (Ittur i Idn by handeoirt" In tret-, tt' ciiupeny lio alrendy plnt"d there, AI 'rig thla avenue will be p r hup the h f tie-fit prl-rd lota. Here I ' lotK were platted from alxty to aevenly five feet wide and even tler frantl ig or, thin meriue and fiieltn east, Every where (tie lota wre plaited lurjfer l bin the irtmn ilty lot, with the Idea that, !iiihiiiK houiea will be built bt-r that will look well only an they are hu:t ififi loU of anif'le alzn, lnkwood avenue ) a antlthern eln rion at Flfty-reeoyd itreet, wlibdi atret: tictcbea aay to the nor'li, with ft rmooth aaphnlt paving through Dundee, Happy Hollow rlrcla, north to thl Coun try rluh and th'n bad to Kr'f parlt. erfianuutal elertroller Hhtln aye tent, probably with conerele. polea, alnit 1 1 r the fyatem la Uundf proper, la to be lniill"l. ' Tin l"t of th aewer and water ptpa are being laid, the loot of the heavy aa- piislt rwvlng la llng put down, and by in !tit it thla eek, reaerv itlou it lota ai" to be mad" by tlioae who Imva hefn at'bin Hie ilevelepiiietit of tlla traet lfb View to buying ther-. J, L Hiatt Acquires the Entire Stock of Real Estate Firm L. Ulatt of th real eatat firm or I lint t ii l ait flebl, liaa acquired all of (he el'" k of tha firm'. Heglnnlng May ! I-,. Xt. l-'alrfleld retire from the firm, to fclve hie attention entirely to aetlvltlea In connection wltii other bualneaa Inter I I'M, ye, lllutt fontlnuea tha larg and grow in.; estat bunlnea of th firm him n't. mid will retain th thre aaleamen and the entire office fore Juat a H wit under tho partnership, cm acrount of thu growth and pan aiou of the btidlneaa th firm haa recently noted to new and larger quartera at it . 7-9 Ontalia National bank building These are the quarter Mr. Itlatt aij hi fori will now occupy. Me. tllatt will eortllnu In th earn line of real fMiite activity thnt th com puny ha ontueted durlnf the laat three yeara. wuli-ii la that of a genera', veal esiat.- biiflnif o -buying, a'HIng, building limuriitve ttiul tentala. Ik ginning Monday morning tha con)' pony vtlll h-( known a the lltalt Invent, no nt lonipuny. .Mrlhiitt ban been In Omaha fifteen trara, lor tMc lat lehe yea! he tin been In lh real eetale hiielm and itur toil tint time but hullt up a mihttunilnl biieine' ihat l conalantly grnwlng and ' , ,.o tit an indication of I tin vol nine if t leinea the tirtn hn been hrtn it'n v! It I ineiiilftii' d that ln. Jmimiiiiv t (l, firiH hue sold I ' " worth of real f 'ate. Wahl of Duluth Seen and Likes Omaha T tlo New Agricultural Building at University of 'Nebraska. v f THIEVES STRIP HOUSE OF ITS PLUMBING FIXTURES One of the houaea given to th Old People' Home aaaoclatlon by th late Anna Wllaon. located at 'U Wirt atreet. and which haa lieen vacant for a couple of year, one night laat week wa en tered by unknown partlea and all of the plumbing cut out and carried away. Not aatlafled with taking th lead pipe, the thieve unacrewod and carried way about all of th braea faucet and braai furnlehtnga. The property taken will probably bring only a amall aum from aom Junk dealer, but to replace It will requlr th expen diture of lion, or more, Th contract will goon be let for tho new building of th I-iepartment of Agri cultural Engineering, th aecond depart ment on the farm rmpu to be benu filed by th entenalon appropriation. The building, which will be placed at the north end of th weat o.udrngle. will conUIn, bealde the ctaaa room and of- flcea, laboratory for experimental nd reaeareh work. Th building will conalat of a main wing, two atorle high, an1 baaerneni. 51W) feet, and a rear wing of on atory, MttlW feet. Of claaebal denlgn, It will conform In exterior flnlh with the gen eral typ of architecture found on the catnpua; th interior will bo flnbhed ORGANIZE TO DEAL IN REAL ESTATE Memben of Omaha Heal Eetate Ex change and Exchange in Prop erty Handling Corporation. FIOUBE ON GOOD RETURNS Arlblea of Incorporation have been drawn for the Omaha Hoird Kenlty com pany, it corporation made up of rnembera of tho Omaha Heal Hatate enriht(e and the rehn tef a atoekhnlder. Thla company la to buy, well, plat, build, loan and do any and all the thlrua that nor mally come within the epheie of func tl'iiia of a rral relate corninin; . Frank II. Meyer h dinu the ai ti de, They wer read at the laat meeting of the Kxchangti and copl'x are now to be placed lb th hamla of the member, to be titdled and then commented upon at tho meeting thla week before adopted. Tho artl'de propone tliat twenty-five ehare of th to k, the flrat twenty five hara, ahall be aet aalde for th f;x cbanga. The Exchange an orgnnimi tbni ahall buy theae, Theae aharea ahaH get 10 per rent of the net profit of th' company operation oon a tiny are paid for, l.ntl) all of th twenty five eharea are fully paid for, thin") aharca hall drw uh proportional pirt of 1 per cent of th net earning the amount already pahi In atian near to th whole amount duo for th irnty flt ihate. Tb IMbe aharea. The other uliare fhall be old to auch real eatato men, membei of th M- chnge, a rr to buy them, There i con!drable niiuln ror thl company, and ther I a teenng tnai tt can make eome money, epe-llly wiicti It la remembered that tb effort Of the real eatate men of the city will be com bined for on purpo, and that thl com pany In all tf deals will get th com bined advantage of the new nuinea opinion of the trade with rcgara iu value in any dtai, The t;chng ha at ptearnt a con- ldrabla lum of money nu hand, wludi I to be put into tok a aoon a.i ine new comitiy I Incorporated. NUMEROUS SALES ARE MADE IN BENSON GARDENS tnoiilrle for acre In Benaon 0rdcn are dally coming to th office of Hastlnts A Hyden. who ar putting thl tract on ftome of the recent al made mere in dlcat that tha Intereat ta aeepmg uc Here ar aom of them: Kiel L. Crandall, bought tract ICI for Krneet N. .Incoberger, ( ami T, for lift". Ueora IC, Mrnur. houBlil two aciea In "'Marl !. Toavar, bought two .-re for tl cWJ iienlamln V. it and Norton F.hrrn relck.' nought two half acrea for f". Calllal Itocheford. bought to halt acre for $"''. . . r... M. I'otlge, purenneeo on- house, No ;na Corby lienaon liar. with cream-flaied brick on th first floor and plaater on th aeoond. Th coat, including 'inlpment, li eatlmaUd at $lM,0ti0. Horn Innovation In th Un of teatlng th efficiency of frm machinery and equipment will be Jnatalled In th lan oratorlea. In th haaement an earth plat nearly th length of th wing will be tiaed with a traction draft apparatu. th latter operated by a dynamometer car and electric motor. Ther will alao be In the haaement a wagon draft ap paratu", where lb draft produced by th different wheel, bearing, grade and road material will be tented, la the farm motor laboratory, In th rear wing, will b th flrat traction engine teatlng plant aver built. In the am wing will I b th hydraulic laboratory with five walla; tha automobile laboratory with an ! eapaoially dealgned (winging crane, and n elevating and grlr.dtng room, equipped with a complete farm elevator, j Th offlcea, with th lighting labors- j tory, th field engineering laboratory, i and men' and women' drafting room ' will occupy the aecond floor of the main j wing. Th first floor will contain the. j farm machinery laboratory, carpentry; ahop, painting room, tool room and lum- ! bar torag. Copper Production Last Year Exceeds Two Billion Pounds v -i WASHIrflTON, April .-Btlmulted by th enormou demand rcaultlng from tho war, copper prodmtlon In lh United Htatea reached and pad th two-billlon-poun1 mark for tha firat tlm In th hl lory of th liidiitry laat year. In a itat ment inaued today th Unite Htatea geo logical rurvey placed lh total produc tion of copper from all oiiree at !,'0,ottt, m pound. Bmelter production of primary copper wa .W,M),Wit) puund. a record (luaiitlly- That waa VX,mft) mor than liroduced tn J;H4 or n lir'reaae of i per tent. The total vein of tha WIS ameltor output of primary r.oppor t an average price of 17. & cent a pound wa IMJ.fcOOrt), an Increase of f'Mii't,(M over IWI. MRS. CR0F00T BUYS THREE LOTS IN FAIRACRES OF PEEK Mra. Sfary N. t'rofoot h purchaaed thre lot In Flracrea of (. N, f'eek for Th lot adjoin one another, two of thern facing rvlmwood avenue nd on I'ralrle avenue. They He a block north of Dodge etreet In I'alracre ii ii i nil if i in -la nit BOYS THANK ROTARY CLUB FOR FINEJIME AT GAME A vet of thank, algned by tha boy of th sixth, aaventh and eighth grade of th Wbtr chool, haa been received by th Omaha Rotary club for tha tick et nt to th lada for the opening bane bill gam laat Tueeday. In th letter accompanying th llt of name the boy end by giving "Ihrre cheer for tha no tary ciub." WB DTD LACE AND DUZUt TRIMlUIfO. Dresher Bros. BTZmS, PIT OLEAKEflg. SATTXKI AgO TATLOKH. 8311.17 7AKMAM T Our Automobile raa Your Seor Kvarr Day, CALL inCI 348, ATTENTION TO THE HOME LOVER Drop into SAM NEW MAN'S NEW STORE and look over his new stock of Wall Papers, all the way from 8c per roll and up. THE SAM NEWMAN way and suggestions of decorating is the only way, We aim to naerit the patronage of our customers. SAM NEWMAN 1809 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 43. 1 We Have a Nice Assortment Hrdy Perennial Plants - - t The Nebraska Seed Go. 1613 Howard Street. Lily of the Valley Pips, 40 Cents PerDoz. Shut Out of Summer's Heatand Winter's Frosts Your Home If you Inaulrtt it with Flaxllnum, Would you like to rav 30 on your winter's fuel bill? It can bo dona by Ingulatlng the itlrl wall and roof of your bom with Fiaillaum, and the first rout la aoon covered in fuel Having. Your bome will be cool In aummer, during tho warm raontha from 10 to 15 degrees cooler. boiiKht tracu rll"". Neb., Writ H mran i"i (i. Plallnum I a hoard form of Inaulatlnn. made from flax fiber thorourhlv hs- gumrnefl unit chemically tnated, making it rat and vermin proof. Jt la equal to four MnlM Itichr of hek plaater. or thirty thickneaana of biiiliilng paper. To hi.'preclale what Hanllnum will do for you, Bnd for Kamtde Booklet Inat drop ii. curd, giving your name and aiJdieaa, and we will luinlbh you dc tulleri lii ronnat Ion Y laxllnum Is ld by O. W. l nil Company, Ohlnago Lumbar Company, C, H. Diet Lumbar Compaay, O.orire A. Koagland fe Compaay, Bradford Kennedy Lumbar Compaay, Onion ft L.rtwlch, Billiard, Roaglanlt ft Benedict, Partner Lumber Company, Miaeouri ftlvar Lumber Compaay, Send for This DeLuxe Sample Booklet . T. CAf Lumber Company, Updlk Lumber ft Coal Company, Boyer, Van Kuraa Lumber ft Coal Com pany. Unterurt. Lumbar ft Coal Company, Illvett Lumber ft Coal Company, Flatner Lumbar Company, Ln mbar ft Coal Company, yiorenca, W.b. Northern Insulating Company Safety First RIGHT NOW IH TIIK TIME TO PAIVr BI T HI V OXV HIGH GRAPE PAINT. Carter ana Southern Lead, with strictly pure lluaeed oil. gherwlD-VVIIllHm Pure Paint. hKVKTOXK IJIU SHKH, GLASS, Barker Bros. Paint Co. 1609 Farnam. Douglas 4750. ARTISTIC FACE BRICK McCaffrey Bros. Co. 120 South 17th Street Tyler 40 Let Them Grow With Growing Omaha Beautiful alork of hadc and ornamental treea, ah rub and hedge planta at greatly reduced prices. Apple treea ln 22 varletlee, three yeara old, only 10i' Call at office and dlaplay grounds at 6 let and Rlggs Sta,, Benaon, or phone Benaon 631, BENSON- OMAHA NURSERIES P. J. FLYNN, Prop. Bemon, Nebratka. i.i!, oorchaaed v,n, TuenH-flf'h. f"r l-M,- ""Wi'lltam H'ld, porohae "'aTiUiomv f!'tvrri, piinhd two halt ml a htinaal" n "Vleorae K 't'laiiillton, or.'ha.ed a l"t In H,..1ii,.ke H'lditlon (or M' . , t llltn H M'-umi"'!"", ,,,,-. -.. t lot n Curt la Won a. billion for W .,, Amlei'in, nr.-haeed one half r Iim"it iirien for IC t lit.heih MoHltiHI, put'-haaed on ai re In ieti.n it't. lie tor M i t inrte. Y I o I'lt' tomeil an cr in telia"tl iiatdrtta fur ' 105 l nlerlty Ave., M. Paul, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS Ixian made for building, for lifting a mortgage and for other purpose. If you own a lot and have a portion of tb. coat of build ing, we can loan you the balance. No commission. No delay. Small monthly paymenta. Omaha Loan & Building Association Northwemt tinner Dodge ami Fifteenth rHreU. O. W. IOOMI8, President. W. R. ADAIR, ftex-y. A Treaui. ySr. HY-TEX BRICK S HYDRAULIC PRESS BRICK CO. 1302 W. 0. W. Building. W ti!, luiluiii, a nltor at a l,v I II- of the I IIA;. It I Cut. i vti iif, ttieie a. l a 'f i W I'leeton, a hfllUli lnniuj. r 1 I, -ee '.tl ifllil Ii a iM'n!iM ael nl entnl" loin ,f I'oiiUt. Aiil h e tul ttt 4 (, a lo-.o-eui. nfir l'n li to t h ii ll t,lt e ielul.U. II 111 ia ititM f"l I . i m .( . lul l hot nu h ti H-l I'" !', I" f!h h ll. B,.'i.t .. tml IHii'ih tot in 1 be ll. . ft B'tu, Ihut I Ilea iuni ii ii .f , ti,,el not t f; i . . I- 1 1 I il i . N. 11.4 e 'i .1 '-t u&i a iiiii e- t-'w -(:i.i .f-s ' i-i u !.-s- ii a r. ---e, (,t --l'i... at., h I I nl t:.,l e I'fiti. . IHti IL l'i". i i i jiiMi,' . t ti li 1. - i -I. I ' ' 1 . i HARRY CHRISTIt HACK FROM I RIP TO SOUTH AMERICA tt.rr. et !. v" t I ' WH t' tr .. , r. l'i If )..., i .v I a.) , -a l M n tt tl-- 1 .1 e i i-. i i-H iS ,1 t'.t . ii(i., !lr-.;. ai U.t .... t t It: u. i a ii. I t i -t Via ' . 'f f ht i "ii t Ml 4 l I 4 n-.h ,.) - t' t I v tl . ,1. I .,, k LOSING MONEY is trying, xatious. norvc-rackinj? I) ill you ovor think that you losi money w lust s mi K't fitly il "' vf I Inter ' Hi'ih".f ta I III' iiumIi ant uun )i nt ttiKiir) , Home Huilderi Guarantees 1 r)hrr a i tamth HI lum i-..,n.. !.lh lift or I im (, i . t i m uu .ih r ,t,ff h,,i. (., an. i t IH 1 1 t.r ,i S.i ii i. illation, l lit' . a h I imi ii. s tu 'ay tu i t't 'r UM 1 he Ve VW '" M t it Home Builders ilt tuili'tt U in .ltil . till Ht I 1 , flit A l"tl.t h , IIiiiaIm, A hoofing of Long Service F"" l'" 'II I " "' """ I I ' 1 ' 1 1 1 - I ' . 1 ., ,. , ,.., . Careyys Flexible Cement Roofing There are hundreds of Carey Hoofs thoujrhout U. S. A. that have been in service over twenty years. Hail some ersonal e. Trience with them ourselves. Have Carey Roofs on our build inKr put on over fifteen years atfo. The best roof for you on your building, Especially suitable for flat or sloping surface on warehouses, stores, apartment buildings, etc, We apply with our own men and give you a ten-year guarantee. SUNDERLAND MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO. lOOG-O-lO Douglas Street Phono Tyler 071 J. WESTROM NURSERY CO. SALESGROUND 17th and JACKSON STS. offara thalr ohoic atock of inaplea at la than half th rrilar prtoa Otbar stock at out prlca. PHOHX BOUOIiAa 8087. Cyclone Sanitary Lawn Fence la the hishi'nt trade fence on tn murkPi heavier, troner an! rlosi r t.pai ei lhan any otht-r. ("ot.i plete, eret'leil on wood P""!. cent per llu'l ft and up. V rarry a full line of wire an Iron fanrea and guien, trelliaa for ro- and inea, flownr bed lor dr, l'D'ii at). tffl i-oata for fteld fcwiing t'otoe in and ! the Un and it our l 'tl' bond f'T ralalogue. ANCHOR FENCE CO. ttt7 S. ITth pi. rtton U- l I. Heavy Hoisting E. J. DAUIS 121 2 Farnam St. Tel. D. 353 All Waal Iaranworth Car Itop at Our Yard. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO. "Just I.iinibr1nf AtoBf." ICMIta, LATH. lltHULtl. ai WORK BUILCIMU MTtlAX.a Otflc 4 Tar 40th 4 I,aaortb. rtinn Bara.T 434, omha. nrm the omihi urn Wt 1HTO THE flOHl AMU IH KCin BT Tn GOOD FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS VI tr td In- I aa 4 fialM f,.v 1 , t,rl. m IStttt) td. 1 IxMrr 1 1. !!. t rii f. tr aivl rMa, I ..t.a I'ii In and W If Hidnta Ituardu I, trrn tu,rl kMd fur t'ataltM IF tt im Ar lia )l ltr I In n and tl t tr hnI I liiwrl' .'il 'aH t lliMull lWM a.- CIIAMIMON IKON ,t WIKK WOltKS, ISIh iul T.I. Doui. 1590 THIS IS (V10VING WEEK Tho ttfck you will want to know about our efficient moving service. PACRIHG Y( 1 n Taiar I 1 kJ alt! A tf.. T a a 1... it -ILm. I STORAGE GO. Jl r 7i I A 1 , ' lit v v -h -'" hit OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. ta.miiH tmti atmi, I i -i . i t 1,1 A V 4 t ' ft IE S I