Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 4

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Presidents of the Graduating
Classes of Creighton University
Liberty Hall in Dublin, Headquar
ter! of Insurgent, Bombarded
by Vessel'! Cannon.
Extradition of Jews
In Britain and France
Arranged with Czar
BERLIX. April fll.-lBy Wlreleee to
Hayvllle.)-"A prominent Jew living In
Holland, states that the extradition of
Russian rufu;cs In England has been
arranged. The Overseas new agency says:
"Of these M per cent ar Jew, who be
lieved they had escaped 111 treatment In
Russia by going to other countries.
"List of Russian In Franc hav been
compiled. These Russian ar to be sent
In exchange for the Russian older
dispatched to Marseilles. The people
left Russia for political reason or be
cause they were persecuted by tha po
lice on account of raca or creed. They
are afraid that when they return to
Russia they will be used a 'food for
cannon.' "
rum-iinn Anrtl 59. Edgar Hettinger,
1 year old, confessed today to the mur '
der of Mr. Agne Mlddleton, 41 yeaf 1
old, according to the police.
Hettinger la alleged to h&va admitted
that h killed the woman t' e night of
April 4 In her flat, first trlklng her on
the head with a hammer and then dash
ing her throat with a raxor. , Robbery
wa th motive.
Four Schools Selected by Civic
league Where the Grounds
Will Be Touched Un
Plant (or mora centralised garden
piuje t of development tln baa dated
In I ha past r made at meeting of
the garden committee of the Omaha
Clvlo league yesterday. According to
Stanley M. Roaewater, secretary of the
league, the damonelratlv Idea will be
tried out Ihla year If the present plana
It hae ben suggested that four S'-hotii
he nicked In different portlona of the city,
Ha under, Castellar, Lake and Karri am
have heen suggested, a (hey are widuly
Through the prr.per workera, Including
the children, under the supervision of an
expert, the guhool will ha boautlfM,
without encroaching, however, on the
playground!. The present; plan la through
beautifying of a few school and the
work of the pupil of those arlioola In
Ihrlr home garden to Illustrate what
tan be done In till way, rather than to
spread the work all over the city and
accomplish very little, Aflor a good
I art thla year, It la hoped then to us
the work done aa modul to be fol
lowed In all the achoole.
Bathe far the Bird.
Thomaa Kimball, president of (ha
league, reported on 4 plan for bird bathe
to be distributed among the school.
Utile cement trough! of an erlletlo do
sliia filled with water, are to be placed
at as many achoola a! pnaalbla, Mrs,
(Jtorge U. I'rlns guaranteed that her hua
baiid wot id furnish design (or the win
dow boxea to be filled with flowers and
plated In the specified schools,
K. V, Graff, superintendent of schools,
told of the woik franklin school (lid last
year, where thir were about 700 puplla
and each one planted a tulip, making a
beautiful tulip bed. He commended the
principal of this !'hool. Mle Anna
liutchlns, and said that If the princi
pals of the various school! be'-sma In
terested the garden plan suggested would
be successful.
The garden committee of th league
has a finance committee which raises all
funds for the work proposed from mem
bers of the league and others who are
Interested In the development work abmil
the city which the organization la boost
ing. It Is planned to rals aeveral nun
drer dollar! for the work outlined this
lr. George li. Prln wa! made chair
man of the peony button committee Mrs.
Lawrio Chllde U chairman of th peony
contest committee. Mrs. Charles Offutt
and Mrs. C. M. Wllhclrn war appointed
aa a commute on arrangement! for
peony day, and Mn, Milton T. iiarlow,
chairman of tha recording eommlttea,
which lag all peonies brought in for tha
contest ,
Lust year ther wera thousand! of
peonies brought In and tha court house
and atepa were literally covered with
pink peonies,
. Mrs. Joslyn and Mrs. Klrkendall were
appointed aa a distribution oommlttaa to
see that tha hospitals received their ahare
f tha flowera after tha exhibition.
C, II. tngilsh was made tha chairman
of the eommlttea on aducatlon. He made
some suggestion along practical work to
be carried out iia ha named aa mem
bers of that eommlttea: Meadame C. M.
Wllhclrn, Lawrl Child. Charlee Offutt,
William V. Baxter, Warren B. Dlackwelt
and Mis Mona Cowell.
Tha garden commltue will meet again
May U.
Stormy Debate in
Senate Over Naming
Of Louis D. Brandeis
tormy dehat over tha nomination of
Louis D. UrandeU for tha supreme court
broke In the senate lata today and be
fore It waa over predictions were made
by two member of the Judiciary com
mittee, one of them a democrat, that an
unfavorable report on tha appointment
would follow whea tha eommlttea reached
a vote.
Wilson Tired Shaking
Hands with 10,000
WASHINGTON. April St.-Freaident
Wilson wa so tired out by shaking hands
with more lhan 10,009 peopla thla week
and attending to public buatneaa that he
announced hla Intention tonight of tak
ing a complete rest tomorrow and Bun
day, Tha raller with whom he shook
hand in -liiilt school teachers, studrnts
from New England stales, and delegate
to several convention.
Texas Senator Sees
Farm Landlord Evil
WAHIS(1TN. April 5 fc-natnr
SnepimrJ, a detnocrst. of ta. tLI in
tha nte I'hIhv 11, m the l'iiils.1 ((.
it,n .t by a tUl tn- r-ing arts
Uxiacy of lend enta and pr..ii..4 a
c.nU!.j!i"iwil inii1i mnt lit autlmrtsa
lt tin ln.t hiiKt, t.iiiHo S'l"
rii and .1 It an t ina it fr
! tf it.. ..! i f mi b ". i.a i
. .! t 1 till, h- t t
u.i.'s t ens a U'i'JeJ tn lh itl "I
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SiJW '$Whi
pnF.FffiKNTK ff C,AI-KKH -UW, MOftflAV J, Ooyl.K; A KTf , HKf KN1-
iiV If A 11' I ul
H, MI'JtMfY; lj';.rSTHV. Jl. C. U ALU KM; I'ltAKM-
Creighton Men
Present Biblical
Drama "King Saul"
Kvery mark of the professional per
formance was on (he presentation of
King Haul," the Hlbllc" I drama given by
students of the Creighton university at
tha Ursndcls Krl'lay.
Kvery niemlmr of the larga cast showed
himself an actor, spoke with precision,
feeling and distinctness and bore him
self In correct accord wlUi his part, Tha
performance moved through it five acts
snd nln scene with smoothness slid
It ws "amateur" In nam only. It wa
the more remarkable because "King
Haul" la not a drama provided with any
of lh modern trick (or catching the
public. There I no ' triangle" of for
bidden love, rio dap-stick comedy, no
dancing, clog, castle, iango or o'her.
Thar aren't even any women oharectcr.
Yet ao splendidly did I ha Creighton
playera present It that tho inrg audi-
enca ws held Interested to tha very end;
every scene wa greeted with great ap
plause, and frequently applause burst
forth In lh midst of a (teen when
soma dramatic, pitch had aroused th peo
pla beyond th possibility of silence. .
Benedict M. English, who took the part
of Haul, king of Israel, wa really so
fin that h 1 beyond praise. He por
trayed th character of tha weak, ainhl
tloua, anvloua, Jealous king with never
a flaw In hi work. Especially fin ha
wa in th palace seen In which ha
attempt to kill David; In tha scene In
which ha orders all tha priest killed and
In tha final acena, where, all lost, hla
am killed, tha curaa of the Jrd ful
filled ha falls upon hi sword and end
th troubled drama of hi life.
Tha part of Pavld wa very well por
trayed by Taul V. Duffy. Especially ef-
feotlv wa th cen wher ha conies
forwsrd, a alight shepherd boy and
atanda before the armed soldiers of King
Raul, who are trembling before the taunis
of th l'hillsdn Clallath, and asks to be
allowed to give combat to the giant.
Tha list of actors la too long to give
mention to all, but they wera flu, every
Counting tha ehorua and tha soldiers.
there wera nearly W In the cast.
Tha special muslo to go with each
seena wa rendered by the Mosart or
cheatra. Tomml MUlla coached the
Tha cast;
Haul, king of Israel, .Benedict M, English
Jolinatnsu, ravonie son ruin......
, , Miner f., llarr
Oamuel, high priest, Waldo 8. Milllliiatnn
Paviit, son or isai..
I'o-g. the I'l'imenn,
ral"0. an old warrior
Literary Societies
Of High School in
Joint Program
Tha last Joint program of tha Central
High school literary socletlea wa given
yesterday afternoon, tha Margaret Fuller,
Hi owning, Demoalhenlan Debating, Web
ster Debating and Art socletlea and th
Garden and Llnlnger Travel club par
ticipating. Krancd Cleiand of th Margaret Fuller
society eajig a aolo, "Th Land of tha
fcky-lilu Water," by Cadrnan. A violin
duet, "Tratim der Uennerln," by l.abll
sky, was rendered by Kuth Ktiapp and
Kathleen Olveen.
Dorothy Jidward of th Drowning o
clety gav a reading, "I-et U mll,",by
W. D. Nesblt. Th second number by
tbl society waa entitled, "A Composite
Kecord," In which tha Ufa of Browning
waa given by Dorothy Arter; American
folk mualo by Martha U. Clark, dramatic
reading by 1'auline Craue and a recita
tion by Dorothy Harriet d,
In a debata on, "Ileaolved, That tha
United eitatee ahould Immediately and
substantially Increase It rrnament,"
th affirmative waa upheld by Wol Rosen
blatt and Ulrnu) Miller of th Demo
thenian Debating aoclety, and th nega
tive by Albert Pederaon and Daniel
Longwell of tha Webster Donating -clety,
No decision wa rendered.
A mandolin and guitar duet wa ren
dered by th lirand sisters, Nola and
Ueulah, and a recitation by Ism Tucker.
Th Oarden club gav a playlet, en
titled, "Tha C'armerettca," with tha caat
of character a follow;
.'mi Ruth Bwenson
May Iluhy Hwenson
Maud (optimistic on)..Nilenn Thompson
Marguerite Marguerite Dean
honnle ,,,, Alice Lan
Kosallnd Lnnlu Kendall
Helen Hura Kranke
City girls T.ennra DoukIhs
'. Margaret Campbell
Mlsa follow Directions,. ..licss Townsend
BELFAST, April 27. (Via Lon
don. April 29. Liberty Hall, th
headquarter of tbe Sinn Fein goclety
In Dublin, wag shelled by a gunboat
during the rioting early this week In
the Irish capital, according to official
statement given out here! Thj
flrttt official Intimation of the out
break In Dublin wa received yeate.'
day. Telegraphic and telephonic
communication between Belfast and
Dublin ig still Interrupted Bcrloimly.
The Belfant' new letter today
gay It understands the poatofflce at
Dublin ha been retaken by tho mili
tary force. The newspaper altio
publlKheg the following statement'
Liberty Mall Shelled.
"Th police authorities desire tha widest
puhlMty In your rtlstrht of the follow
ing: 'During the night (Wednesday) a
royal naval reserve gunboat shelled Lib
erty hall, the hedtunrers of the Hlnn
Keln force, and It waa substantially oecu
pled. Meanwhile. Inrge reinforcements
have arrived in Dublin. In other por
tions of th rlty the situation is well In
hand and repairs to the railway line are
being effected rapidly.' "
News haa been received here of thfl
safe return to Dublin of Lord laell
ftlackwood. aecretary to the Lord Lieu
tenant and Lieutenant Murray Graham,
who cam to Belfast before tli outbreak
of tho disorders In Dublin.
The news of the shelling and capture
of IJnerty hall, a rsmshaekle building,
th roar of whteh la toward the Llffey
river, caused the greatest sutlnfattlon
Normal Condition Prevail,
An official statement from th head
quarter of th Irish command In Dublin
reeelved at the Victoria barracks here
Wednesday morning, said:
"Report from the province Indicate
that normal oondltlons prevail. Th all
uatlon In Dublin ha Improved, nd ade
quate forcea are at tha disposal of the
military authorities to cop with It."
Germans Making
A Last Desperate
Effort, Matin Says
PARIfl, Thursday, April 2.D!aysd,)
That th German military and naval
(tafff are preparing a great of fen:
both against the combined Anglo-French
army on tha continent and th fleet on
th coast of Great Hrltaln in a last des
perate bid for victory, la tha conclusion
arrived at by Major Da Clvrteug, the
military crtlo of the Matin, after a close
study of th military factor of th sit
uation. Th almuttaneou occurrence, h adds,
of th Zeppelin raid, the risky North
Re naval expedition and tha unexpected
outbreak In Dublin ara not mere coinci
dences. At th same time ha point out,
th Swls frontier haa been cloaed for
three week, while on the French front
in Lorraln and In th Voage, tha Ger
man ar renewing demonstration In th
hop of dividing th attention of th
French taff.
There la on prtnclpl that th German
staff will never abandon. Major Civrleux
conclude, unless under absolute neces
sity, and that 1 th retention
strateglo Initiative. It I aware of the
allies' common design and I exerting
all it energia '1 foreatall them.
Our Best Silk Suits in a Sale
On Monday we shall sell without
any reservations our entire line of
highest grade women's silk suits
I V-SP.f ore from $30 to $40 on Monday at . . .) j
S Bi & H!fflE i
I 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET
' tmman aaifl'
jr" i estsmfs ".
! B ti
Suits that were already moderate
ly priced at $55, $59.50 and $65, in
cluding the very best Taffetas, Silk
Poplins, Faille and Cros Grains;
these garments of unquestionable
excellence, Monday for .....,
Includes Taffetas, Silk Poplins and
high grade Poiret Twills, stylish
original models and masterful
adaptations from the very best the
$eaon has afforded. Every one a Ben
ton & Thome high quality tuit, hereto
fore from $30 to $40 on Monday at . . .
Many of th defense of Holland mount
guna of a 36-centlmeter type, and the
Dutch gunnera in charge are aald to
be among th moat export In their lino
In all Europe.
$225 Worth of Work $A
Completed By Us for
A lady patient carr to our office. Asked price of work to be
execiiUd. We quotfld $4.5.00. We wondered why he waa gkeptlcal,
If we could afford to do good work for uch a price but gave ua an
opportunity to demonstrate,
Wben we were about flnlnhfd with the work, he eald: ."Your
competitor phoned me. He wanted Just $225 for thla game gervlce."
l)o we aave our patrons money? Come and see.
Heaviest Bridge
Work, per tooth
Best Silver
Best 22k
Gold Crown
Wonder Plates C j
(1C 4Va 1
oar I gi30 A.
m. o r. m.
Wdae'y and
aturdays TlU
:00 F. K.
Kot Open
No (student.
14th and Farnam Si. 1324 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 2872
irOTICE Out-of-town patron ean get Plates, Crowns, Brldg and rilllnrj
Computed in On Pay,
JIumphrcj-H' Scvcntir-ejeTen
For Grip, Influenza,
To get the best results, take "Seventy-seven"
at the first feeling of
catching cold.
If you wait until your bones begin
to ache, It may take longer.
!Bc and f 1, at all druggist or mailed,
For that tired feeling In the Spring
and after Grip or any long Illness,
physical exhaustion, loss of strength
or appetite, General Debility, take
Humphrey' Tonic TableU price,
$1.00, at drug stores or mailed on re
ceipt of price or sent C. O. D.
Humphrey' Homeo Medicine Co., Iht
William HtreM. New York
We Clean and Keblook Ladles' aad Geo.
tlemen' Felt, Straw and Panama Hat.
Dresher Bros.
3311-17 TAJIWAM UV
Oar Automobiles res Tour Boor
Xvry say.
.i'aul V. Huffy
II. lo HeveiMg
Jowihj it. fnienson
Ahnr, lommamler of auf army ...
J'tib, A. Klanko ;
Ai'hlmelcrh, priest nf Not 1
I'lmrles H", Itungitl'dt
Mlnhltiiiseih, son of Jonathan
.iart J. Walker
Jurta, a n f jmiaihan Allen 1, Hn
I. h t ( I inlor Valanvlne J, 11ih Ii
Uliab. iTotlirr of !' 14 - 1
, .Kranrte II Mi Oonahl !
Mamma, tirmhnr of l'i4
,. Michael 8 Ueorge ,
tiaana, a waiiior .... ilamid c !llnn
ig. a arli .. Y. mmt l'inl ltli
I a nl.r J.' c! K Mdiovpin
Ai'ietl-sr a vn.ina I .
mi, taM ammr i'frr.
W Hi h lil'W T Wllm.n
t, it i t Mul
JfVil l'f 'I'il.
W il. h , 'hr'. I M. r,l
M.n4t ,
MttMr t.i Hil
A i.. .t t ir I f il IU 1. 1 tl K i i
. I I i :.!ft M. (
I'lU.Kilo 1 1 f
ts Lai eh m
u Uza Phone D 335.XL
Omaha Home furnishing Headquarters.
Dependable Carriages for Little Folk Featured
Good Variety Shown
l ' H A". A n
i t , l
i; ii
.11 I
..,1 l M- .. .
t U . i
nt I 'I I
l.f. lll H Hill
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Tl Imh-I 'i. i ,it n..e (th tur t
hi noil flam lunty,
f inl;e t tl e g :i an t many
tiitui'tl unriur featuifs,
.ir to h if
$1 225
Hulkj I'l.'Uifcit t.u t.-.l
t.ruiss, initii tn sUtoi 1 . t J u
ago. IU steel ftan tltt cik
tiiHll. j .... ,'i) luili h..... nt
l llM ft lhhrr
t:r.t her!s.
i l. i . .
Heist ; I .ii.ihulilur puttilril
hiv, mil (f tho Uit (iunlle,
hn.l .nri Ty ttotlj, flnlh'j
iiii!il. ii!it.rin t!.a nl fa
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1'Ml I A I ,
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V-'mv-av; ?JQi-
.... v t ' i I 7 v
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$23.00 ti
New Summer Furniture il
Ta Suit Every Taste and Punc
lliiulfi'.i ff in1 i''nvt'a of IVrvli, Sin h''u
ftihl it:i!i!i. r t'ui',;n i.iv HHly im
n i-'tti AM '. !". Mi" sti.l fthUtu
mi t'it i'i"t iiM j'tii'ta
Ivory Chnir ami Rocker
ihk. t ul). I. villi t v h!'l f iliilH U'
fitnslf-l in n.-fy timmfl uj-hi'M.-rtM in
lUmty t-rfd'ti. j'rii'f, rnth.. 55 1 I.75
PriicilU Work Table
1 1 V cul ), Yttvw ith ; tih'M':v, fi:H!'.-. .li.'l ,
it i iii
ft ol
When a Physician Prescribes Whiskey
) tbo old yourp ar
7 nnd vigorous. PI;
nnua Lu
you should riavc in mind the true
medicinal whiskey Duffy's. Because
every day experience proven that a
good stimulant like Duffy's properly
used will accomplish much to keep
and tho younj? strong
hypicians of wide re
pute advocate tho moderate use of
alcoholic stimulants became, "in dis
en.e whiskey is a rapid and trust
worthy restorative. In many cn?es it
may he truly deforihl as life-paving,
owing to it power ustain cardiac nnd ner
vous eucrcy, while pivtccting the waiting nititv
griimi ti-'isues."
Dulty's Pure Malt Whiskey
taken in UIlfiiMiitu dtr Mi'i ami un ft'Hring at dirfrlH,
(illiui Ulfs th iiiuiuu surfsirs of th) h n. n. ihate th tistutsl
itirsll Julffs so that full nutriment fnuu th tnn ialen Is alm
iUieiJ Into the titiwxt 1 bo'ly thus '. lit f 1! .iruimt fun if tmur
i.Mnrnl It surf) iiumlsnt ireuta
MCcl Duffy's mi Keep We!l.M
t n- k tl It. . "rr I iM.t tira f l (if..:
ysTf tie Dllr I f..a fe Wl mlst,
RUlC r ii i ti r iia. it a ( ey.
. ue vs. l Mtia aiut t
The I' .ffy Whiskey tn , t:,.fblt. S A
I O si I "
'Ha." 'tf ..f
i I
I ft tn e, l
j tt CS'-K. ' .
'; it-, nt.i i i-l II. l. - 1 I
j I .t: t l ! ' I
.. .l .. . - 1 i . 1 I
111 H