THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AFRIL 30, 1916. -D 1 A s I i 6 V X GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET VTiat Run is Good and Bulk of the Samples Sell at One Cent Advance. DEMAND FOR OATS IMPROVES OMAHA. April 2. 191. The wheat murker was very Rood to dnvtand the cash demand for thin cereal whs nmto active The hulk of tn wheat samples went, at lc advance, although lew sales of Nh. o wheat were made at yesterday's price. Corn ranged generally from Vic higher to Vto lower. ni(it nf hit samples going lit h decline, or le. Receipts, of yellow corn were li lit and Dili cereal was (tooted at about lc premium tovcr the other values, Oaf receipts were a little better today urn! (hern was a much Improved demand tor thin cereal, the market ranging from V tu '-(5 higher. Thero was not much rye i nd hurley on (ho tallica and theso cereal were quoted at unchanged prices. clearance were: Wheat and flour C'l'inl to '.m,ii bushels; corn, 11, (sT bushels, oats, 8I7.0IW bushels. Liverpool Clone Wheat, unchanged; ,tiini, t ' Prima I hUSltol. I HKlllINt j slimmer .corn, to Id hlKlier. I run ry wheat receipt were "Ifi.flOP and shipments sjh.ono bushels, receipt a of I4,0iO bushels and nts of l.MI.Onfl bushels last year. Primary eorn reoeliita were SVB.imO. bushels, and shipments Wfl.O'O bushels, against receipts of'1") bushels, and shipments of I.i",.T).ok bushel lt year. Primary outs receipt were l.Ktr.'CH) l,.l.,,l. -.l . L.1 . f'rf. ..A k.iut.alu .. ...... if., nii I r. ii i. lit ii i n iif,'.."i ,.,n .-, skbIiihI receipts of I.ITh.nnil bushels, and shlpim-ni of y,ifi bushel Inst your. CAKt.UT PKCKIPTS. Wheat, torn. Ofits chhago 141 lf.4 Minneapolis lii.'i Inilutl 8 Omaha K K a liana City 101 f;. UiiiiM i:m Winnipeg K.VI 77 87 1HI Theae, aa.le were reported today: Wheat No, 8 hard winter; 2 earn. II "7; 14 cars, ll.tni'v; enis, 1 1 ml. No. 4 hard winter; 1 ear, .o:; 2 earn, II. 04; 2 earl, II Bt; 5 ear, ll.lfl; 7 eara, Il.tKVi 2 cara, II. W; 2 eara, Jl.ftl; 4 eara, 1 1. On. Kampln hard winter; 1 tar, 1.tC; I rnr, 91c, So. 3 white bprlrm' 1 vat, ll.O'a. Hainple mlxad: 1 tar, '.fl'v'. Corn No. 2 white: 1 ejir, 7(ie.; 1 ear, W,y. No. 3 whilo: 8 cara, 7tir; 2 earn, 1 ear, 6 ,e. No. 6 whltn; 1 car, Hurnple, white; I ear, iiK;. No. 2 yellow; 1 fur, 71'se No. 8 yellow: t mrt, 7e; 2-u car, VPfa: No. 4 yellow: 1 car, WAe.', 1 car, 70c; ) car, 6SVjO. No. 6 yellow: I car, 70c; 1 car, tVAr; 1 car, Him. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 71c. No. 2 mixed: 1 ear, 7i'4c; 1 rar, 7oy4c; 9 cars, 70c; 2 cara, illHic Nh, 4 mixed: 2 cara, (too. No. mixed: 1 car. wc; 1 cr. trTVi". Hampli) mixed: J car. Km; I g-t cara, !f.r. Oata-No, g white; 2 cara, 41'nc 410. No. 4 while: 1 cur, 41. whltu' l car, Vi'i'-; i cara, cara, n'c. Omnha CaAh Prlcaa Wheat: ; 2 eara, Fample 4'; No. 2 hard. l.ftvl. 10, No. a hard, ll.Of.'l.O No 4 hard, 1'lrWfl.O.i; No. 2 oprlpK. II.Oi i 13: No 3 aprhiK, .miW; No. 2 durum l.04C(,; No. 3 durum, f milM. t orn: Jin. 't while, 7o'.,".7 V; No, I white. 4'.;i7fe; No. 4 while, dirt'Mie ; No. 5 while, UKUiJjtKte; No. a whltn, t45!mj No. 2 jriw 7j''i71lc; No. i yellow, 70M,'?'7lo: Nil 4 yellow. WW'tiy; No. 6 yellow, i i70c; No. 6 yellow. 6;W(iniv, No. 2 mixed, 7i7!t'w; No. 3 mixed, VHWii; No. 4 mixed, e'-ViW'V; No. 6 mixed, flf.So; No. 'i mixed, (iVil'fi'-; aample mixed, ftf't 4Kie. Onta: No. 2 white. tn I'iird 41'4'WI2e; No. 2 whll", 4K('4IV: No. 4 while, 40-Vti-lle. Harley: M ItiriBT. 'fi7e,; Ko. I feed, ...'('We. Itye: No. 2, l1'('.i!!ci No. i, :'K'VJe. hic.iKo eioflln pneea, furnlahed Tha 1:ee l,v Ar i'lr van, atock and grain broker, la Honth Klxteenth Htreet: Artleleal Open Hlifh. Uw, I einae, Yea y. Vhcati .May. I 13V! I 14'4 1 1 1ST4 .uly.jl Vo'i'-A H-ilA 1 IWlj I 1 li Corn. I I Mnv. 7Vli7fi'n July. ;'"''', .ept.uihs'y.-k OatH. I I ,Mav.144'q Vt ,1 ul v. 43V V Kept. I 3:iJt I'ork. I I Mav.l Vi ) I July.)2J 70-ti", Lnrd I ! May. '12 rf,.rc ,Ilv.l2 70-i'. H.j)'t,ll2 iO-77 l:lh, I lav.l 12 m lulv.! 12 70 Sept. i X) 1 w 1 li.Mi 1 14 1 ir.V 1 Wi 1 14 7'i 7 77'.,; 7S 7'l 70?i,j 4l'l 44'., 4' 4 j S?a: 3t1 7Wi 7V4 77 i76Hf6vl 7y. 44 44'A 43VMf 42V" 23 M 23 70 12 75 23 76 23 W 12 66 12 77' 12 67-flO 12 W 12 70 11 0 12 70 12 H2Vi 12 72V. 12 80 12 lift imca(; ;rai a.d provhiojis I caliirca of hr Trailing and Clala I'rlcea on llonrd of Trade. C'IIICAiio, April 2a. HlKher prices In the wh'at maikct reatilted today from mow and rain In thn northwoat, where .ilreadv the aprlntc crop acreime had been illmliili'hed to h notable extent by pro vloua advi ru conditions. lTicua closed titiM'Ulcd, bm with nalriM og Vio to l'e, at Jl.lii'i, for Jlnv and for July. Other lending staples, too, all showed an advance-corn, V'so; oats, 'A'Qhc, and pro VihIotih pic to 'ec. Keports fiom Manitoba and Saakat ehewas, as well aa from the Dakota and MmneMotH, indiiated that the. aiiedlng of wheat was bcimr seriously hamta-red over acaily tin) enure yprliiK crop belt. Ac- iipUiiiKly traders flocked to tho buyiiiK aide, und took nddtliunal codiuko from ,uirenl Boaslp that the German note would be favorable to the contentions of the l'nlted States. Bullish sentiment was further Increaaed, bv prediction I lint world ahlpmenta would tie lliiht. The only Important re liction took place In the last hour, when for a short timn considerable selliim ui done on account of a bearish tstl ninte of the Kansas crop, and because of the apparent ubucnce of any Important export business. ib. od Huppoil op thn break rallied the is hi al mm act In the final deahnns. ( tu I) Mllil wheal. 1'ieilletloilS of iiea v deliveries Momlav. a rliays -."oO.-ti'O b'nshela. seemed to hiivn no nunc cr ied 1.11 corn than mt wheat. Cms were l.elp.,1 tipr. Iv a-si-riioua that con eumpllori had b. 1 n latter than expeclcl and that the ctop w,i bite. 'J' be fom i mmIm piilllled to il-lneiv of 1.0.0.WI blodl- !s nit Mav contract Mtuiday. lli.;lor plt e mi lint: and Klalll made fin Vtlotis firm Kuiip Ittteiest rln .-aid 1 . d ue hi en fire buyer of bird . 1:1 fi.o rush I'rb re !.t: No. . rrd. I! !' -C No - rd, ft It.. N- 3 bar.t, Jl 1 1 , 1 .1, . .'. ,i llnrd. 11 '(.it ! . l. ' ,,- I la is V 1 white I lice Nl 1 Tinviibv. )'i..u- ..... SI V. U't. : I ' t( III! .it. a i ,!!tiif 1 I', il l.t ll V . suited I IUIK l.tlM Itll vttllkl I ( 1 1 iitif "s an Urlm) I lilillllilil It tr ... . , I It .1 Mn 1 . 1 It V. ',; ... I 1 Ha 13 2 SO ill 70 I 23 60 12 76 ' 12 2' 12 77V4 12 12 HO 12 77 b 12 72V: 12 W 12 K'Mit 117-70 U I 12 1 i i . - 1 1 northern Bprtntr. VU 5d; No. 3 red west era winter, lbs 4d. Mlnnrapolla 4ralg Market. MINNK.U'OUSi. April 2) -WHEAT-May, l.2n-.i' July, II. IMS- Cash; No. 1 hard. II.X'i; No. 1 northern, Jl.av 'Bl.24; No. 2 northern. JLlwl.. Paris Dope Trade Is Reaching the High Water Mark 1 (Oorrespondenra of the Aaaoclated Preai.) PA RIM, April 16 The war ha Inciden tally revealed th exlatenoa In Paris of a number of opium amokera, cocaine and morphine users, unaupeoted before. Monsieur Charles Bernard, deputy for the dlatrtot of Montmartre, awtaKed In the drug business, eat 1 mates the number of opium dens now In existence at 1,200, "Bvan the flower girls on the streets," ha saye, "Jjava been drawn Into the traf fic In slupcfaclrnts. Recently a i'lr! In short eklrts and with a vicious expres sion offered a bouquet of violet to a paanerby. The man wanted no vdolot. but the jrfrj' expression excited his pity and ho leased her two sous. 'Pint, It's twnty franca,' she said softly. Then, ap proaching; near enough to whisper, una added, 'there's soma "coco" Inalde.' " 'Coco' la the famlllur term used In the quarter for cocaine, of which there wo a little paper concealed In the heart of the bouquet. There aro other quarter of Paris also where the same practice has taken root" An elegantly dressed woman cot out of a taxi In front of a fashlonablo bar In the center of Pari and asked the footman nf the establishment If he would please fill her lltthter with itasollne. A plain clothes man standing by cld the lighter when It was filled and It was found to contain a solution of chlohy- drnte of morphine,. These Incidents show how forbidden druK are procured. There are said to bo nt least thirty Illicit es tablishment In Montmartre where mor- phlna Is to Ixi had. Including bars, cafes, rcntaiirsnts und hotels. The Chamber of Deputies ha voted a law , raising the maximum penalty for illicit traffic In opium and kindred drugs from S."00 francs to 10,000 francs' flno and from two months' to two years' Impris onment. Political Offense ' Crime for Which Most Aro Indicted (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PISTKO'JUAD, April 16.-A report from the ministry of jnatlo review the work of tho Kusnlan courts for the five years between 1I0 and 1!)L6. The total number of person Indicted wa 3d,0o0, of whom 10,000 wr acquitted. Th number of conviction grew rapidly up to 1WW, but since that time It ha begun to decline considerably. Conviction for political offense are carefully analyzed. Their religious classification 1 a follow: Orthodox, 77; Catholic, 8; Protestant, ; Jew, I per cent It 1 noted that the per centage of Jew convicted for political crime ha noticeably declined. On the basis of education, tho person convicted are-dlvlded a follow: With higher edu cation, 2; middle education, 8; elementary education, 78; illiterate, 14 per cent It Is remarked that the number of In dustrial worker guilty of political crimes has docllned since 1905. In another sec. tlon of the report it Is noted that the de crease In the number of arrest for riot ing Is particularly notable. IMAGE OF SECT FOUNDER TO BE HEWN IN GREAT ROCK (Correspondence of th Associated Press.) TOKIO, April 24. A colossal image of Mchlron, the founder of the Nlchlren riuddhlstlo sect, will be hewn In a great rock on the Islet of tJehlgakublshlma, In the beautiful Island Sea. The plan was originated by Jlyel Takaml, a well known liuddhlst, who has long wished to create a great monument to Nlchlren. who founded his famous sect over six cen turies ago. It ha the active support of many prominent Japanese, Including Ad miral Togo, tho hero of the battle In the Eea of Japan. The rock stands 2R4 feet high and la of the purest granite throughout. When completed the statue will bo 230 fcet high. The hands alone will measure twenty-sir feet. It will tower over the inland sea and probably may be easily viewed by American travelers bound for the orient on their way to Kobe and Shanghai. UNEMPLOYMENT CAUSES DUTCH TO LEAVE GERMANY (Correspondence of the Associated Preea.) TI1K HAGUE. Netherlands. April 24. The exodus from Onnnany of the nu merous Dutch workmen's families resi dent there has been In evidence for many months past end the movement Is pro ceeding steadily. Most of these people hall from the Rhenish Westphalia!) tn d'latrliU region. They declare unemployment Is Increas ing on every hand In various branches of (mi'iimn Industry. Maritartne ami ol) facioiies are here and there entirely at n siaiftsiUI. the weaving factofe have ic.t I .-, n nt work for ni time, and now H e urn v nod factories, In 1 , a -titiK I !!- ! liochiill. have hud to r- b, t. ttair opcrattiins to Iwu riave pr vi. ii. ti e ci ne In '1 I'. In Uc .f taw it-aiertals HIGH PRICE OF DRUGS HAS DEPLETED HOSPITAL FUNDS !(',,, I.. . .,1 ,m 'n ,,f A.a lt"t t'l liA'l'uv. April 24 -The h fhir eei ef !ru iiimih a lenvy ilialn in bntpl'sl 1 ire ,s irici i'i. sen ml r':or ef a toe J .1 it I. ..!.'..: -. f tr kiiiiiI f r. ; Itrllil.lrt p. 1-. n to prt 'a dru I . I i It l -tt . o lit j I rottt' , !'' w. cu ii'j pu.ivl. I .l.i'l'in tre 4' '' miin1, n j . t t i I hi-1. f i . i'f f ( f'-caal, .' 1. I t t I . 1 e i-ii. w e ' ; 4 ti 1 4 H 1 - t cmath 0 ujisTIce R 0 FOR WIDOWS AND CRPH4S ' a U" '1:- I I'.LII i 5 IH! t ',-i ft t, Am- i 4 " 1 ' - 1 4 f , " ! 1 fft C f f- 11 Ot.l f M f ( i f - 11 I k c I 1 1 4 K ' 1 U '' ' ' I ' ' ? f t .' t ', ?K m H I . i . i f--.f- , !? ' 4 .1 j H- ' f .:- v i fl , . !- ' ' r i " w u ( - v t 1 s - it I s - t . , t , - 4 OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Hun of Cattle Small. While Supply of Eogs i Sold Early at Higher Prices. NO SHEEP ON THE MARKET OMAHA. April 29. 191. ftei.alnl wra futile llnira Slheen. ninciai .-Monday , 6,tm m.mi :im H.lHj a. 740 i,.jiii iai 1 iiew'iav...,,,, ,o:is 111. .vu Official W ednesday... . .WI W.'J.a I'uii-ia' 1 niirsiiay,,,,, ,ri i..r Official Friday m S.l tstlmale Saturday .... (.-vl fit dsj this weelc..:t.40l .ia S4.47S SHine days lust week..L!.(iii7 b.H 4::,.: Kama days 2 wks. ago..2:.4i4 iis.'W 4,H!i tm days 8 wks. ago.. tt.Wi 44. 21.(2! Hame day 4 wka. ago..l.13 M.H 4ft ri bstne days last year..2V,uau U1.4H4 'U.bJi The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at the South Omsha live stock market for the year to dat a compared with last year. 1!UH 1815. Inc. Peo. Cattle 4.11 211 842, 4TI wt.7: Hogs l,J47,n'lS 1.122.W.2 224,741 Shei 4I,?8 b,Ko3 13,874 The following table shows the avsrage prices of hogs at the Omaha Uve Block market for the last few day, with com parisons: 7ats" llftlli. .IDli 1104 ji'., fiiis: Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apl. Pl. Apr. Ill TiK, 9 r, t w 1(1 8 81 8iTTfclTW"'' ij 7 4t I KV) .67 8 in nl 8 84. 7 u; 6 - 7 7 tai 6 Ml 9 4.1' J 03 8 2 H (40 ) 4 S 8 tini 8 90 I 7-1 I VI 9 l 7 07 I 2 7 66 7 7 li 7 26 8 4H 8 il 7 611! U t 14 8 8 W HI. ul 8 j6 13 8 n 904 9 till 9 12 Apr. 8 4U 8 t V 1 78 April li 7 3.1 8 i'. A or k 71 7 f. Ill 8 Hi Apr. 7 41 7 :r. 8 4S I M i Ml Apl. ipr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 8 3'il 8 74 8 a 8 64 8 ad 8 41 8 4oi 8 I?. 8 84 8 (.' 5 M I mil I 5 73 &74 Ii n: 7 ii 7 411 7 a.: 7 37 7 24 7 42 7 41 9 Vf M 9 fi,i 7 6-H 1 4s isw T t'i 8 87 I 7 'M a Hi I 8 Hi 8 W 7 1 1 671 Apr. M V tJ T I 87 fi Kl Apr. Apr. 7 8l 8 I7 8 1l 7 a. b 74 Huniliiv. Herciiits and disposition of live stock at thn I'nlim htock Yanbi. (mtalia. for twen ty four hours, ending at 3 o'clock voster day: Cattle. Jioss. Horses. C. M. h Ft. P.. Union Paeifin C. h N-W.. east...., '. N.-VV., west C ft. P.. M, O... '., 14. & J. east... ('.,, H. A 14., west t' It. I. H. P., east. C, l(. I. A P., weal.., Illinois Central Chicago Ot. West Tola) 14 4 87 2 i 100 Mit'PomTION- II1SA1A Morris A Co Hwlft and Company Cudahv I'ai IiIiik comiinny, ....... Aruiiiur iV- Co , Hchwatiz A Co J. W. Murphy IIoss. ... 71.2 ... 77 ... l,7'i!i ... 72k ... 0411 Total , 8.412 CATTI, It -There were no fresh cattle of any consequence today, hut the re ceipts for the week show little change as compared with one and two weeks ago. There has been, however, a heavy falling off as compared with a year ago. The market during the week has wit nessed an increasingly good demand for choice light yearling beeves and a cor responding decrease In the demand for heavy cattle. Outside of th choicest grade th market has eased off and Is at. Mis close of the week lr'sr lower on the general run of beef steer. Cows snd heifers have been In good de mand all tho week and the better grades nf killers, together with canners, hsve re mained fully steady. Medium grades, thst is, the In-between kinds, are a little lower, perhaps ss much as loUc In some esses. Stockers and feeder have been In very fair demand for this late in the week, and they are If anything a little strong, being as high a at any lime this season. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice yearlings, $9.'(.M; good to choice beeves. 88.Wi((.30: fair to good beeves. tH M)i)).h0; common to fair beeves, 87.71,$ 8 60: good to choice heifers, t7.ftv&8 60; good to choice cows, $7,2518 00; fair to good cow; $ii.G0W7.2f; common to fslr cown, ft.arun.i; gooo 10 cnuii; ieeir, $S.0fX88.76; fair to good feeders, $7.60 $.00; common to fair feeders. .Wti1 Ml; good to choice stockers, $7.8o-y 40; stock heifers, $7.2.V&s.2!i; stock cows, $fi VW 7G; stock calves, 8(i.75ft87i; veal calves, VISh'it 11.00; bulls, stags, etc., $0.6038.00. HOC38 Hecelpt were Just decent, and as most of the packer buyer needed quite a few hogs they were fearful of getting left, and were In the game almost as early as tho shippers. They also paid prices that were fully a dime to as much as JOfflbQ hlKher on early rounds. This proved to be the best spot of tho packer market, however, for one buyer was lay ing out, and after the moat urgent or ders were filled he mas able to put up a drove that was probably no more than ifilOc higher than yesterday. Karly rounds wero very active, but towards the finish trade became a little dull, and while most of the hogs were cleaned up by shortly after 9 o'clock a few loads, which were mostly of common light or hlchly mixed stuff, failed to move until later In the forenoon. Average market, while more or leas un even, was a full 10c higher than yester day, being the hluhest of tho year to date, and for that matter the highest since lain. Bulk of the sales wa made at $9..Vi!l.7a, with n"lt a string up to $8.80. and a n of $! M. There was, of course, a scattering of light at $0 and under. A compared with last week's close, today's prices sre 30r:irc higher. This means that present figures sre close to fifle above April 1 and more than ta.oo per hundted higher than at the start of the year. No. At Rh. TV No. At th Tr u 2-4 !i ii m m it ns ii M S HO I Tu 71 U ... TS t9 143 ... M 41 : ... IK. BI1KKP As usual on a Saturday no fheep and lamia were offered today. The week's receipts of 84,4'iH head are H.ihmi smaller than a week ago and more than short of two weeks ago. but larger Hian for the same days Inst year by I J.(s head. The early part of the week the wonled lamb trad was pretty well supplied, and values move downward stcaillh, lielng en Wednesday a close as lunch sa if IT loo lielow the close of last week, Thursday 'id Friday with HaMer re ceipts the tone was better, but tn nmsl cs. sellers were uiiithle tn regain more than a Id kin of the brink, nod the neck cl'ised Willi pri es fiat iiinl'lr tinier laat Pridsv. Mmt of the offsr b.ns the In'tur part of the wck rr of g.ind Menlcsns wrl liliig ? to pencil, and th result was thai the market w pietty much a un pries alfalt bins sal top landing at the miik ft ' I't ' i,iuntatbri en ahesp and lambs- Ijimls. seed to i hut handy, I'l "U 5ii, luniba. fvr to snot t'sndy, $ ''! 11 10. lambs, fair t'i iVh.i' h'ti I a ! 'I ', Isniba, riiwwl. $:. 4", lambs ellptwd, h.,it fi ., vrarlinaa, fir ic chat. iht f '','11' tFl'll"t 1. fn'' 'i" 'ti"lt'f, t a . I- r i .. vi'. i. fair ! - I ' 1 e . ...irt f . .., g I IV 1 I, lea $ .f . , 'a si.r1. ;'!'i;t ... i.n. r;.,.el. s '!!'; ( IM 4'l 8B ItWIt HKIf 4 Bill 4e4lv llaae Slenaa kr Cltit'AiVi. Afrit TTI.$ , i t . t."k( . t , 4Mll, l.'f, I 'J'k. ''' '' I " ' tia . (."' act f iia $. (.' ' .! 1. :!', U : -. '!. V -.1 i....l P.- ' b-l; Mit in in 11 .1.. . 1 1 1 . i.r t I , I I ' . . I' ' 1 a t .. . I 1 ' ' P 1 ( t. 1 I - ' t .A M (1 lt.- t,. 1 ,,, -. I ''. H , ... 1 ' " !'. t ' ; 11, li Hiaiil I III !! aturli lUiklt K IV 1 4Tf l A it f r. a, f. .a s ) s - ..ii a t ' ' '. ' -ll 4t 4 U'i .. $1 . A .. Ill li $ 'l i,. . -at t.- .a, I J '." . . l " ', 1 -I'' '.' ' ,.. .. ai 1 n rai I . t Hill, a t 1 I f .1 V I a . t 1 I. ! - I 4 V I I .. - I at l-iwt il ii. a . I, Mitt! f l t . ' ' 1 ' 1 t , H iH... 4-4 set t ! ! beef steer. r.KV.nO.cO; yearling steer and heifers. lS.,iKifH00. cow, $t..Hku,2: lock ers and le-ders, Vi !V(fe to; souttiern steers. $..7jjis.rh, cos and heifers, $4.iaitijl .; nsttve calves, i..iOh0.ii0. lltKt.i Kecetpts. l.HO head; market teady; pigs and lltthts, $7.&u75; mixed and butcher. pMU lO.viO; good heavy, 9.ti0 MItilCP ANIl L.A MllS Receipt, l.W bead: market steady: yearling wethei. $i'M10.7(; larab. $lu.0(KtU.56; ewes. $7.J0 4jk.. ainws C'ly Lire Minek Market. HTOl'X OITV, April .-.' A TTUri-rU. oetpts. 0 head HOtlH-HecelpI. T.00 head: market 8c to loe higher; heavy, $ tkmrt 7!; mined, aSo9ier.; light, tli.iyufl.!; bulk of solus, H.4fVu 7ft. HUJSUP A.VD IMBH-Not quoted. Stew Vork Money Market. NEW YORK, April 211. MtiUCA NTM.E PAPKIt-$u1 per cent, BTUKMMi Y.X' HANUK - Hlsty-day bills, $l.73t4; demand, $4.7H; cables, $4.74 line. mi.VKR-Par, TSSc; Mexican dollars. in 1VD8 iTovemment, steady; railroad, strong. V. a rf la. rag.... I",M r. eos. la !' 4.0 (VMitHia ........ !4-Moninft Pnaer Is., t1 tl H. HI. rrs PUHN. W. i drb. ..1lv 1I0 ooiaaoa 101 N' Y Ct 4M llw) til it, S. la. rf llaN. Y . N. II, M da iveitN.m l'lv. a. Ss ,.11J Asw. 4tmltari ...lliHiNorli. Piflfls 4s... s)v A. T. T. . 4..l"7N..nll. fa.-lflo I..... M Anh, l'Y.ia ta .... KV . . I. f 4 Billirnor O. 4a... IUk!'aci(lc T. T, la. in) Aftiison sas. 4 ... MVtl'aaa. enn. 4'i IKS Jistk. MImI raf l..iniv,ivuii in. 4s Ii' an. Pt.lflo 1st,... M Neiullns n 4a '' a O. . 4Hi '. I H. T. r. s .0 n. 44.. Jeiut Hs .n, rs.-trio n- d.....i.i' M. A, r. . stw. I'slf ti rf. Is.,.. ' 0. ft. I. f ret. lull' Is ran Oils, A g rsf. 4Ws. tn'tl'slon IV-lMs 4a .... ': D. m H. ( . con. as (" 1 msn ririns a is.. rrla aea. 4 "VP. H. Kutiher Us. . .I"'J' flanarat Rise III . .I'M i.SV . Kiasl 8s !'" lit Siirih 1st 4Ul. M waalnrs In ton 4 .. llllnnli ra ref. 4i. 'IWi! Kilen. 0. Int. II. Mar. 4'in 1st p. 4 il q. nt si' I K. C, 4.siift. rt. M mn I.. N. nn. 4i IS' M. K. T. 1st 4.. 2il ( lenrlnar llooae Slalemen. v-tmir vjatU Anrit S!l Th alHtetnetit Of the actusj oonuiiion or causa aim ' . - ' t ... I, I , I. U' ll.B I iriini r'niifieii' i"i ..... " ' - . . . " ...... they hold $'.i8,247,ll0 reserve In escess of legal reijiilrmnenis. I Pis is a oecrraee of il.4W1.K10 from last wea k. The state, ment, follows: Actual condition: decrease Isn, eto $3,IW7,418.flnO $314.271 .On) Itsserv In own vault (10 4W1,0;,.9,000 8.109,009 Kaaerve In federal reserve tsink .... Ifl6,002,000 877,000 Heservn In other depositor! 81,663,000 3f8J,000 Net demand de- poaits l,iMf,,.3,0fi0 Net time deposit. lss.7Vi.nm lf.f.ow Circulation sn,7ss ,oi)0 iwruvute reserve. ! lint () JtsT-es reserve.... Wt, 247,1 10 1. 001.610 tut tT wnicn v,in'J,''iw ia apui i". Increase. Hiiimnaiy of stato banks snd trust ......... . - im rtr.iH K.D Vnrii nni In cluded in clearing house statement; 1 nrnninn. Itsns, eto rit.9i.A" $8,775.:o u,.l. Ml 4WIM VII0 Hf.3.Si I,ega tenders ,3i7,70i 4at,'mi 'Jotal deptwll ass,wn,i s 1111 ii Hanka' cash reserve In vault, $I2,OK7,!io. Trnat enmtianles' cash reserve in vault. $!Si,61.tiO'. 4 of fee Miirke. NE1V YOKK, April A.-COrVWI1)-. Ther wa scattered realising In th mar ket for coffeo futures here todsy and price showed a ratliny reactionary tend ency after yenterday's advance into new binn ground for the season. Offering were not particularly heavy and after opening at a decline of two to three point fluctuation were narrow and Ir regular with July selling between. The close wss two to four points net lower. Kale, 21,000 bags; Msy, i.87c; June, 8.41c; July, 8.4ic; August. 8.60c; Beptem. br, Mo; October, 8.67c; November, 8.11c; Icoe.mbr Mc; January, $ 70o; February, 8.76c; March, $,80c, (Spot coffee, quint; Illo It, to: Banto 4s, l)c. No change wss reported In tit cost and freight situation. The official cable reported an ad vance of 76 rel In Wo, while Santos wa unchanged and the rate of illo exchange on London waa l$2d higher. (ill and Koaln. BAVANNAll, ()a April W.-TURPRN-TINE Market firm, a.Vrifl7'c; sales, i bills.; receipts, 146 bbls.; shipment, 2:7 this.: stock, 8.613 bhls., KOHIN Market quiet; sales, 67 bbls.! re ceipts, Bar, bhls.; shipments, 90 bbls.: stock, 69,610 bbls. Quotations: A, 14, $3.76 M.9f.: C, ft, $3.MM.l: K. $-'l!KKd4,ff.; K, $8.!Vi4.10: (1. $4 ll,'(4 20; II, 4.1lri4.20; I. $4.20: K, 4 aif4..Hl; M, $4.; N, $1.90; WO, 6.1M; WW, $5.26. Bank 4 learlng. OMAHA, April 29 -Hank clearings for Omaha today were $.1,224,723.83, and for the corresponding day last year, $.1,048,. 867.81. The total rlearlntis for the week ending today were $24.204,I6.6 and for the corresponding week last year $1(1.948,. 7.18.98. The total clearings for the month of April this year were $!C, 440,013 82, and for the month of April a year ago, $78,446,018.08. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, April 28 DUT QOOrft Pleached goods and print were advanced today to take effect Monday. Cotton good and yarn wore firm. Linens were scarce. Trade In dress goods wits haiif pered bccatiso of the lockout In tho gap. ment trade. Carpet 0Miiirigs for fall were announced for Monday, with prices materially higher. Cation Market, LIVERPOOL. April 28.-4 ( iTTON-Spot, steady; good middling!, N13d; mlddllnu, 7.W.d; low middling 7,7ld. Halea. 3,000 bale. Klgln Under Market. ELOIN. April ai.-BI 'TTI-.H-Mghty-sin tubs sold at 32c. Free Schools in France to Teach The Professions (Correspondence of the Associated Press ) PARIS. April 15. Professional and com mercial education will be free and obli gatory In France under the provisions nf a law introduced In the senate by Mon sieur Astler, senator from the department of Ardeche, wtih the sanction and sup port nf the minister t.f commerce. Thn law provides fur Ibn establishment by chamliria t.f commerce In the different clUr and (l p of trade sehnol, whet tmltiibal snd commercial courses til Im rrovldid for young pe,.pu or butlt pros, shall be nbllged t i at tend under eerlaln penalties nut yi l fuel Kur youttg buys snd girl under M years of ae, r 1 1 1 . i . . . I In 1 iiiiimeri'lsl or In dustrial thlt"hmeii'. smrs will be nrganlied by local c"i'ilnf-.l"ii In coin tnuio s i"iiiiaie I liy Ilia p lttlatsr of c.-tnitierca aril t the r"inl'liifd f.fii f Ih sel lb ilaie I ii'ilam atiihoitss t-y tin- taw to (irtaitl alodlar i.e.isna tn tli la-iril-.r ef t'trlr !, !thnilii tf tt-.y Ibal 11 1 In h1 ease ri f.l Ml'll I h1 I d'Hlltg I'l !l a ..1 k dtl t it. eg up I 1 r tin 1- r l !-! i"t stfhl b.eii pr "t tiai,iiaia The brad! 1.: ai iCiMitti sal'lll Hill ie el' if. a a. r llii If ",n $' ciii'ii en bin en i'ii.a-iii nf ,nit'i '.'i' ;e,a l f.laiw Iks I .. .1 11. I !. f .r I"" -- 1.1 ih 1 i'iitti. 1 i.(,.iii Aar ihfw, a H .( a 1 at f r ft . ) .1. la I ' 1 1 1" I ef Ii i i". ... I. MILDEST WlfllltR IN OUARTtR CL'UUHY H ROUSUNIA a 1 .iiat" r4 S' 1 if I' 1 n i'4 I'oii 1 f.i I H tin ( It .iae e. t.- k 1'niit l t- i 1st ta. wl.l- h l-.-t rl e.'l I sn't.e id la t-e-.m I 1 ail f I ... 1 .w.." a I 1 t.ii.'l i'H't-i'1 "l l r, rfu , .n e .1 in la I . I a ' t, t I i I .,. .... 1 v. . i s t - . . 1 I . 4 I ... i 1 d 11 1 flS f 1 ill NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Trading Almo$t Dwarfed by Further Feverish Activity of Mer chant Marine. STANDARD SHARES DISAPPOINT NTTW YOrtK. April -Trsdlng durtn today's short session waa almost com pletely dwarfed by the further feverish activity of vtcri untile .Marino at ad vancing prices The preferred share limit III! emieine until of lit, points tl) the pew high record of Id, and the com mon rose a point to iv.'. or U under Us manlmiiiii oitntatloti, made early In trie week. Combined dealltiKS In these Issues amounted to l.ouo ahaiea, or over 26 per cent of the dual nitrations. Uemsnd for Marines was so Insistent as to convey the Impression of a contest for control, ileapte wcent unofilclsl sta'e ments to the effect that new and im portant interests are already dominant. H Is not Improbable that today s up swing pi'esak... mi early Issue of a re organisation plan to which the Various contending faction In the company will find It advisable to subs, rll.e, The balance of the list was Irregular and hesitant at the outset, but became more active In the final hour, under lend of m ti mixed spuctu.ll lea as IMstlllers' Hecurltles l'nlld tdatea industrial Alcohol, the Motors, Petroleum and American locomotive. Jn these and similar Issues, eitreme gains of 3 to almost point were axiond and largely retained. Kails and other standard stocks were a disappointment to those who looked for a continual!, a of llielr recent strength. Mharr ot lids class were dull snd pressor.! was affcvtlve throiiRhout, with Hinders tn losses. United Mates Hteel followed the course of the rail, rising only lit small est fraction ami closing virtually un changed. Total sale of stock amounUd to 4IO.0O0 she rrs. There were further favorable railway returns for March, Heading reporting a, surplus Increase of over $:., one and v noaiiian 1 at 11 10 a net gain of $1411,0 0. im i.i"inuy stiver rose another 2 cents to a-, iis record prico for the last deeade. Honda were strong- but without any - tiaiiHliiii at ,l....n....- i' ..i - 1 11. mi auiiia, par Value, were $1,890,(100, Pnlted males bond were unchanged on call throughout th week. iss. Ilisk. Iatw. t1fa. amartus ll4 gttgar.... 7is Mti l asvt I7li i 1714 Amsri.'. 0. r'.'.'.'r.i; I H ', ! 74 711 V, SDivntise B a IL ., Aiunrlraa gussr lUf.,., AmarloAA T 1. T .tun rt, WO P4 I1SI Anwrliisa I ' U est IJi lain. i2ru fee Mti in til 8. i U . tit snamaula 4Ynpsr ....... Ati'tiinat ,. hilSala lxeomall ,,,, luitiamre 4j Ohio Hrf.nk Iru 11. 1,14 iraaalt., Mime Siitwrlnf ('Iirortil, f'lmiausi...,. I'ssailun Pinna ........ .nlt.l r..k.- I nil, nn. .7l fi Ml H kV.H 1.1'sl flVi e "ts fit) '" aid H 'ii" us tut M 4 M'a ' :i4t 11 .i 'H 1414 US 11 '4 1414 4 4 I'l Sk'tt US "u" IS Mm 'its' M 41 S en set, w 'Iisasisiaks A Oti!!"U!I "I , Sill. (H. f i til. a w. w (,. k. i. r. fcr..... I'nliia fotrpar Vil..1o m. a Iwa... 1.11 no Inn lorn rrcsliris H't.. 1TU.-II.1S ,,,,, IMsililsra Mauurltla .... 11. e .... H.tse .... & rrria Usnrl Warirla (Irt Nnrthsrn t'i , flrt Narihsrn Ore etla, IU ..... II US fi 4H 40 'i 4.. ' I'M 1DIV IAIS I' IOIB4IS i.sntraJ Intr. Conaol. Corf InsplriHoo iv,mr ' 14 lH 1SV 1KS 41 4IS 41.44 111 finv 1114 'a mti tnisr, Jiarvtilr, K. J.. Iniar. Mar. prs. atfa. ,, K, a Mi.ultisrn Ksnnscotl (Vppar l.ulIHs Niakrill. . T8.KS) o . 4X4 I s f'vt MS t?4 HIS MS III no 1MV4 iiieas rxmlstirs Mliml CWppsr. .... M . g. 4 T., H Mraitina povir ,., Nsilsnal fins ... Nsvilta dorpar .,, o i" i s 1.SD0 US 10 '744 1744 17 I Hi lot ira ijaacrai , irg N. T . N. II. UuMtori 10 in f14 "."linn m iviarB.,, Norihsm Paiilflo .... I'srlflo Mall oe isu ibis 14 HIS III III It 4 S -' 4S :is fvseltls Tel. Til Paumrlnula Hat Itir 'eu. Capper., l.smi Iteadls I7,IVS Hop hue 4 Waal ti htlue Artlona Ctoppar I Km Biitliani paetna mo '4 ms 17 S 47 MS 7S tl(4 s s 4S i', S tl lets Bwitnarn Halliraif I.tto us 1 .a. 14 BIU.I. bMllr f . ... Tenflsisiia 4V,pia Ttfia (.'imipiar .. bnl'si Paeiria .... I'ntan Vmrltt am I, I'm 1x1 4S 4 t 111 , k . . -. I.7B IYS Mr, JUS 11 ICS U. H. Industrial AlwAiol 1 4D 147 ;s 144 tinltH Htatra Hlaal IL1HI M4 144S IS 1 lM. MS frilled Hi .im l(iMi w,tA aia in,, ,., Jjlsh (V,pp.r ' 1,104 2H VZ 82 S S K'S tl waiisra union , 7 m Wssttnshniisa Bladleln I .... t Total sales for th day, 4 1 1, 000 aharM S Russian Jews May Become Extensive Tillered the Soil (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) BRE6T-LITOVSK. Russia, April $4. For almost th first time In history tho Jews of thl district have an opportunity to show whether or not they can become agrlculturlsta. When the Russians evacuated thl city and set It 00 fire they took with them many thousand of the Jewbh poDtilallon Great number died, other kept on ahead of the retreating; Russians, and at III other nid in th wood and then, penniless and hungry, streamed back Into Brest- LJtovsk. again. for a time the Germans attempted to house them In the ruined city. Hut they have all now been sent out to abandoned farms, where their work is regularly In spected by (ieriiinn official Every pos ethic assistance a given them In the hope that they may raise good crop and do tlielr share toward helping out the need lit Poland. The land In thl ac tion Is fertile, and with rmper cultivation and care should bear a hlg crop. The oily of Ureal-Lltuvsk Itself still re mains the net thing to a oty of the dead. rtve-Uths or thereabout of i s house r nothing but gaping wall within which stand only th remains of the remarkahl Ktuatsn stoves which stand esn after chimney rumbl n. fall Tn Osrman, stations In Ureal hv dun wt.ri.tei in cleaning up th city I sih ruined house ha htrn Ihtsrotigldy gun ever. The tlebrl h ,n remove I or fteatly plied up, and cli object, mn utterly daetriiytd by fir and HhoJi , till n. Me n ay cr sa dtisr ha bruit la. l.Sfl. 'I lie f.,rt, wbb-h th Itiiaslan l..w t,p with drnunli and which wie vae. gl 1 "' '"' f'iic ia.a.. niaisly .,.t,m.t m silil I. a ia ef ail r.i,, ii I reiiinblntg Tbaie a K , ,a nwi tii-,rnHl that ,.ull, n,iici Vm lli ili.,an at stisii.i.iiiK '"-' t-i'tfi n .na for i r pii'p CHINESE TRADE EXPANSION IS SOUTH SEA ISLANDS a . ii. ii, ,,, a of fh A. lis-t ra 1 l tKi A.t H 1 l-fiase rusaifii. Vh V. - U'etv.ii 11 tH. n a 1 it r. 1 1 . tn t- x.l a I . ia io 4',tH.a !.,,. . ii.., i.u, 1 k in ...i tn '... 1 ., ta 1 '"' '' t"in- f 1-41 l fi 'a t'iiiif na fs, at 1, , a..R,. .t f-f t' a ,' .iMnnlil ef v'4. lease f.l-SUi 1-1 $ I e'l-l bl I1. N.'llH l. ,,,, ta 1.. . ' I t,i a I, I . ' IKtfc. i.4li ' l 1 ' I-.' A. . ii a ...a, la. at ,1-a .... . 1 1 - I 1 t f a. ... a 1 -in - 14 ai-ia ' -4. 1- h-ai,.i ti a -, a . I a ' "I :'.. 1 I i. t I I . 1 . . 1 a a ' a , t I .1 1 -a ,iu I - . --a ( if fa M"-a I i I .a. . A . a l a -I '..' a I t - ' III I'l tl. tat a I, HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Girli of Vellum Clnb Will Cflr'-ate Shakespeare Tercentenary with Program. RESULT OF MONTHS 0F-W0HK The Tercentenary Bhakeaperian eel, bratlon will be duly celebrated by the Vellum club, th girl' literary society of the ftouth High school. Under th di rection of Miss Had! Fowler, dean Of th girl of th high school and teacher of English, an elaborate program for this event has been arranged, The literary society bs worked for several month to get thl progr m to gether and lit best of talent among th girls of tb school will tak part. A "bamiuet," th literary kind, will b held a a part of the afternoon, with member of th club giving "toast." Musical numbers snd reading will also be given. The meeting will be opened with a biography of Hhakespesre by Helen Heed. The progremi Hark! Hark! The lerk! f "(.'ymbelln," Ad II. Hen III.) pessle AlswniCi, lliilcti Van Kant, Hope llltiliard, Avonello Mb'kley. "Dlogreplty of Hhakcapeare '..Helen Ked Hamlet (adaptedl. inamalls I'ersonao Ophelia Flora Wlrth Laertes , Mildred t'nnoway i'olonlus Mar). irlo Mullen Bong -"Who Is Pylvla?" ("The Two tjtintlemen of Verona").., , .....Komona ilcl'.lroy "Uerchsnt of Venice" (udspted Act I, Hiene II ) Dramatis I'ersonao Portia ,, .Jessie Tucker Netlss I'.vs Yerlan Bong "L'nder the On.enwood Tree" ( "As You Like it," Act II, H ine V, eduptcd) Kulli Kinsley. Clare Mi Mlllnn. "Maobeth" tsdapled, Aot I. Keen'' V and VII, and Act J, oanjo 1.1 Iirsmstls I'ersonae ledv Macbeth Mabel I,e Maclielh.,,.,..,, Alice 1'nlliin Attendant Lillian I'ollan Early Kngllsh Polk Lance Mlnusl, blr linger He (.overly Helen Dennla, Alta (llllette. Magna Horn, Ague ltoyce, beta Km l.iiiakar, l.yiiia Hennl, r"rrn Williams, Carrie Hutchinson, Helen Head, Lucille Mtscbe. Marguerite Price, "Julius Caesar" (Act II. Been It.) Dramatis Persona Pruttis Alta riavla Lucius Rndl KnthhuU "Midsummer Night Dream" (adapled. Act II, Heett II. J Drama!! I'eraouae Tltanla ..Luelll Mlsche Kstrles (Philomel) Hong..., , KJennnr Alesander Dane Hadl KoihlioU Magna Horn, Iteta Korhmaktr. Matauerlte Price. Larly Kngllnh Game. ...The Vellum Club Luncn. Deflb ol Mr. Umlth. Mr. Kllen J. Pmlth. aged 74 years, wife of iiam Hr-lih of Plattsmouth, died yes lenluy morning at Ht. Joseph's hoalpial In Omsha. Th body wa sent from th Hrewsr chpel yesterday morning to Plattsmouth, Th funeral will b bld thl afternoon at Plattsmouth. A ter-ln-law, Mr. Walter Nlbb ef th city, survive. Valuable f leenere Recovered. Two electric aluminum vacuum clean r. valued at approximately 1M, were found hidden In om brush near th main lln of the Hock Island railroad track in Map! avenue yfatordsy aft ernoon by two mll boy of th fielgh borhood, Oeorg Pavll and John rllrgl, Grocery tfiire Looted. Groceries valued at 1104 64 war stolen from the store of sm Meyerson, 8148 South Thirty-ninth street, by unldentl fted thieve who gained entrance by re moving the window pan from the rear window sometime Thursday evening Kiv lnu-pound sack of sugar war smoni the good toln. 4 harrb Mote. Hillsdale paptlat, Kot ty-thlrd and I- lllbl aludy at IV. uvunlng service at 8. Itev. (J. L, Hollo will preach. Thursday evening ul 8, midweek service,, All wul come. Grace Methodist, Twenty-fifth nd K, (lev. J. IV. Morris. Pastor llaptlsin, re. let'iliin of new tneinhers snd holy com munion at morning service. Junior league, assisted by choir, will glv vesper fturvlce at 7.H. omnia school at 4... Utiworth liatiiiie at last Humlay brouKht the largest congregation since dedication of the church. A larie num ber of new members are coming Into the churrli. Wheeler Memorial Presbyterian, Twenty-third and J, Itev. It. I.. Wheeler. Pas- tor-lllblo school at :4. Posl-Laster sddres by panlor St II, topic, "Jesus Christ, the Mandard of Our llellglou liellefs." Choir will repeat two of Kaster selections tiv reriuest. liuptlam and f celvliiK of penitents Into the church will close the morning program, junior Chris tlan I'indeavor t 4. Helilor Christian En deavor at ti:30, Itev Dr. Wheeler preaches at 7;80. New Presbyterian, Korty-nlnth and R- Hlhle school at Preaching by semi nary student at 1 -10, everyone cordially invtica. Central Interdenominational, Twenty fifth and M. Itev. II, K. I, furnish. I'as tot Morning worship st I0:4i, sermon by Ptistor, siiecial music, Hilda school st 12, classes ror voting unn old, loung ren. ple a meeting at 7. Gospel sermon at 8, ni'cclal ininil'-. lltshlaud servlces-Illhle school at t.'M. ermoii li y pastor st I:!). Houth Omaha l'nlted Presbyterian, Cor ner Twenly-ihlfd and II. Ilev. Albert N, Porter. Pastor-('reaching st II and 1 30. Habbsth a. hool si .,. .laiil'.rs at i. Vniing I'ci.ple meelliiit st fi 1'iaver meeiimi mi Wednesday evening at I. West Hide Interdenomtnatlon church, 1 oiiiv-riKrnii a let ilev, mian-ross, ritstm enn. lay school at 46 Morning wi,rslilii at II J'tnliir rhrlstlun In. due tnr at Vomix eoiib, a t brlstiun rnueavor st ,'. class at 10 s 11 Mull t II r l.oaatu. Th ladles of the Gta' e .Methodlat rhttrrh it til sen a Mav day illntinr at lti 1 it'itcli at Twenty. fifth, and I, etteeta, ft . Hi i. .11 In 8 p in. Jack Hughes lei'i.rts that It was not himself but a Vt Ilium Hashes w 1.0 f ii.i.d i a fit lii i i,,.r .lav la poll, a i.ffkata on a iloenlowii enrn.-r, ilia filn.ils I. an lieeu Inking wlilt i.lni a (.4,1,1 M'a In Idanl, i f wblyti be la l.-t g ilUy 4C Ki.ti.a. Iitld, 1 miiiiiibaiort mail at the el ' s a- . intuit el Ir. i-i 1 aili Teniti rlg'itb was rii, n a iuii i.f In ills aoti.inui i;a triiirlii I t li.'ie.t li.rt IliaM A t'a I. .a. I'.lllpull la!n tlta Health Hid, a I 1. 11'. I'l t f--l, a J'ltt,; Jli.iist I. '.! ..! 1 nii ea. lug t.' ia ha ew sta i li I tn'tt. .r tai( ltln , iB tile IM14I .a a isatrwi.f II , a 1.. I loi l an 'in i1.'ain. 1 a I. .1 1 1 -' t .i r 1 a 1 1 iv a a. - ..a i f it ta it m li.l Uil a (a -a ,laii,J llswlliailm ' b- ' in a fal (ilea ( t 1 ll.lait liil'.. lie a W ai' 'mil and I I H al Hanii" all et'i-Hl i te ! 1 its a ta I M ft rata fvi MINING STOCKS UNO COMMENT Tli Hie bai Willi tt-a ,aa. ( 4, a. ! t'-rif ' - 1 4 ia a4 i 4- t f : " - A ' t4 1 . . 4,4 I J. f i.a 1. i- 1 I ' - t t -- ,f .ten M ; ra - I M 'J I '- a 4) 41 I ! I ' I ' , - e .4) I - -4 4 - M Aa . MOtiUII, 04TMIM, UUOHA, .!. t- U H M ' V (V d H(N .a. 2 UIG INVLNTIONS 1' ...t a i .14' a . a - a ' t i I V 11 . I 4 1 " a . I- .a - a a Spriig Cft.:.-S to the uburbs Probably one half the adult population of Omaha was born in the country. A healthy man of rural birth rarely takes kindly to confinement. For this reason there is a latent desire widely prevalent to own a home in the suburbs of this city. This desire is particularly ur gent in the spring In choosing a lo cation for a per manent suburb an home or sum mer residence, accessibility to business and so cial privileges should be well considered. Omaha is rich in choice suburban areas. Happy Hollow, Fair acres, Leaven worth Heights, Evanston, Minne Lusa, Poppleton Park, Ccdarnoll and Benson Gar dens offer a wide choice of attrac tive suburban sites. Advertisements of good property from all of these suburbs will be found in The Hoe's Classified Column. Look thero NOW. HPS Fac Jn, I AM n we toda I Km th lr ; face wh base in. .O A t 0 1 i: ii t cacr t bar inn, Iter, : er .rcc flak :chlm P a r 1 hei A. ; A St 0 3 I 0 (1 , ' I " 30 ' ft 1 3 . lis .!' lileirt O, , .'' fltti, hlllll 1; 0 rlich. ler, Ksn cd aVliirs tl con limit I ' sft- h t imaii fingb , aft' In tl 10 f t ,. t t 1 ' t 1 1 : 1 8 8 4) 14 U 0 44- 0 -nub ball m iu m. It, t i Si o 1 at II, t nlng ni4 1C1 h icon nnls rrog h te tl bag ngle I tl eret e-lu 14, A t : 1 1 1 ii ' 4 e. Iieei . aa I !- f 11 I t .. 1 tai .,. "4 i t,WS M 4)