Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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nt the Wextport V'teubjterian church of
I Kansas City, will deliver the coninirive
! nicnt adilr'N and Ur. A. li.'.hall,
president of Hie annitnury, will confer tho
.diplomas. Thursday afternoon previous
, to the exen-ise an alumni reunion and
1 banquet will be held In the aemlnary
; library.
j The theological students who will be
come mlni.tcra ami the cities to which
tliey will ba alisiict are na follown:
James Adaina, Klgln, Neb.; diaries
Hrlrigea, Randolph, Nub.; Gerald Kits
serald, Arlington, Tel.; Jens c. Jurcen.
en, Marne, la.; Churlcs B. I.eepcr. Ilart
InKton, Neb,; Charles II, Leonard, Alta,
la,; Ellery M. Hmlth, volunteer for for
eign field; Lester A, Tliompx'tt, Ham
burg. 1a., CoIIiij C. Weir.
r.altld t'reck,
Michael Kstergart. who gives his ad
dress KI.hix City. Is., wss found at
Ninth and Pnvenport streets early In the
morning In a most erltlcfil condition sa
dlcitis by .Special Martin Kliieids.
lie was brought to the pollen station,
where I r. Kulnfofsky, ntl-n physician,
attended him. lie wss afterward sent to
St. Joseph hospital, where It is doubt
ful as to his recovery.
We Fay Return Charges on Any Ship,
ment Boot to Us Trom Any Point
In Ar.icr.cs.
Dresher Bros.
3211-17 r AH NAM IT .
Our Automobiles Fass Your Door
Erer? Day.
it naliiu I ti l vi cl. fur the clas of
t!l;0 of lint 1'rcouj 'terlan Theolnslcal eem.
iry of OiihIih will tie Ih IiI at dm North
l'i cdiij In l:in rhinvh Tlitiioiliiy evening at
S mrluel.. I!v, C harks I, Unity, pastor
The Federal bureau of mines 4s con
ducting exhaustive tests to tlt-termlnn
the villus of rock duet In preventing mine
explosions nnd In checking them. after
they have been Initialed.
the remilt of an advanced ensi of sppen
Key to the Situation- Re Wont Ads,
; 1. 1
See Tuesday 'i Paper for
a Wonderful Sale of
Our Annual Kale and on (bat means
great savings.
Standard "Better Way"
Dress Forms
will be specially demonstrated
MfinHsv These are the on It
I-'" iri
. e I
A A f
rorms man. witn arm piecea. y,., a
Reductions on all forms, and on ' 1
Substantial Savings on Spring Fabrics
our nest rour sectional uener
Way" form a reduction from
112.60 to $5.43.
r ttZ ' v va "'K A H
v.. li s
V 1
Sheets, Slips, Muslin, Etc.
For Monday's Sales at Less Than Cost
Sterling, Mohawk, Regal and Other Fine Sheetings.
Genuine "Pepperell" Bleached Sheetings
Fumoud for fine weave, soft finish, freodom from drming and
for durability. In all widths, For alieoting, fte. Full holts.
-4 width, 22o a yard; 9-4 width, 24c a yard; 10-4 width, 26o yd.
Sterling Sheeting
Sterling Bleached Rheetlns, on. of our atapl brands, itr w.lght, Hn.n
finish. Hound (bread quality, strong and durable. All widths, full bolt,
fiala prices:
d-4 wtdih.,20 i yard 9-4 width. .22 s yard 10-4 wldtb. .24 yard
46 Inch Bleached I'lllow Tubing, Marker brand, Beautiful finish, free from
dressing. Our popular 20c quality, off tlin bolt, Monday, at, yard.,,, 15a4
Regal Brand Sheets
rtegul Brand flheet. Beatitlful, "acalloped" and hemstitched, bleached
sh.vfs. Finest workmanship obtainable on eitra weight bleached sheet
ing. Ktrong and durable. In following sizes:
7Ji90 Inch,, f0 ach 81x40 Inch, 094 each Ili99 Inch, 754 each
Mohawk Bleached Sheets
Mohawk Bleached Sheets. 72x99 Inch, bleached, 8-lnrh hem. This well
known grade on sale Monday, at, each 7if
KlxSO-lnch Bleached "Argyle" Hhcets. Soft finish, 2-Inch hems torn and
Ironed, Hale price MotuJuy, ach 'i)t
423fl-Inch and 4638-lnch Bleached I'lllow Slips. The well known "Mill"
pr "Kemper" brands. None better. Bala price on Monday, eacb.-lgH
4rx.1tf-Inrb, each J3H4f
Genuine "Hope" Bleached Mutslln
36-Inch Bleached Muslin, the genuine "Mope" brand, full bolt, each bear
ing the ordinal label. 10 yards the limit to each customer. No mall or
telephone orders filled. Monday sale only, at, a yard G'itf
ilU-Jnclj Unbleached Muslin, standard LrL grade, full bolts, BHc IB-
Monday, at ' 4
"Berkley No. 60"
86-Incb Oenttln. "Berkley No. 60" Bleached Cambric, This well known
brand of underwear material on sal. Monday, at, a yard Unc
36 Inch I'ure Whit. 8ed Vollea, sheer, aoft and clingy fabric B''u'
wearing quality. Worth up to 20c a yard, Monday, at a yard...... 10 ?
32-Inch I'ure Wblte Underwear PlUtse Crepe, permanent krinkl. weave.
I.(-tiK'hs O) 20 yards. Monday sals price, a yard
36 and 40-Inch Wblu Organdl. and I'laln Weary Wblt. Voiles, aheer and
crisp, excellent quality, lengths to 20 yards. 12 Vic Taiues and Ho Talu.a,
Monday sale prlc. 7n
Curtain Swias
! ineh rtnflWnM Pura Whit. Curtain Bwlas. Beautiful embroIersl dots
and figures, with fancy open work, atrip, erffsots. Monday, yard.
S .-KM C I e TT TI ' . y"1 1 1RUGS
yjreaz ivi ay oaie oj w nne Miooas
A splendid opportunity to buy the senNon's supply of white goods. Materials for
blouses, party frocks, graduation dresses, dainty costumes for little girls, etc. A timely
sale at low prices.
Wonderful bargain. In fins Imported, hand em
broidered whit, novelty, for graduation dresses,
blotiaea, wedding gowns, street wear, (3(1
etc.; 36 td 4S Inches ld. A yard ODL
Imported wblt. embroidered mercerlr.ed Batla
tesm, fin. quality; 29 Incbes wide. A tin
A yard fDL-
Very fin. whit. French crepe. For tb. daintiest,
softeal blotiaea and gowns; 46 Inches ' tin
wide. A yard DDL
Assorted lot of wblt. noreltle., very special and
moat, dcalrabl. for dainty dresses, blouses,
aprons, children's frocks. Also flaked dimity,
wtibroldeted noT.ltlea, dotted Bwlss, checks,
broken plaids, etc. 37 Inches wide.
At, a yard
Dainty, sheer wblt. French organdy. For blotiaea
and dressea, 4! Inches wide. May
sal. price, a yard AJ
Thousands of yards of medlum-beayy white skirt
ing filet, A special purchase for the May wblt.
sale. Excellent for sport skirts, separate -i rx
skirls, etc. 36 Inches wide. A yard lJ
Heavy qusllty corded Oxford wear, skirting.
Pur. white. Kin. for suits, street and 7 r
house dressea. 27 Ins. wide. Mon., yd L "jC
Whit, plaid batiste In small and large rberks,
for making undermuallns. 32 Inches pj i
wide. At, a yard a "JV-
Assorted lot of dainty, sheer whit, fahrlcs, which
can be used for all purposes dresses, waists,
children's frocks, undermuallns, curtains, etc.
Included ate batiste, seed voile, barred seed
crepe, plaid lac effects, atrip, flaxon, cluster
stripes, voiles, gabsrdlne, plain voile, ale, Thee,
fabrics ate all full holla and fresh. 32 4 st
and 36 Ins, 1 oj- May salo only, yard IDC
86-Inch white Windsor crepe, best quality.
for fine undnrmusllns of the kind that
require no Ironing. At, a yard IZJL
Hca Island nainsook, made of selected, long fiber
I'KypHan cotton, A fine quality desirable for
band iuiliroldred lingerie and Infants wear,
86 Inches wide, 12-yard bolt, May
Our Special No, 400 Imperial long doth chamois
finish, free from filling, and made from lb. best
selected yarns. Snow wblt. and does not turn
yellow. 36 inches. 1 2-yard bolt, May j
Thousands of yards of white dress linen, our
own direct Importation from Ireland. Medium
light weight, snow white and shrunk. Ideal ma
terial for buHs, sport ski, is, Jackets, etc. g er
36 Ins. wide. May sal. price, a yard. a C
Heavy quality, whlt. wash corduroy, faat pile.
The material ao much In demand for out-door
sport skirts, costs, jackets, etc. 36 Inches wide.
A truly wonderful bargain. On sal.
Monday, at, a yard
28-Inch India Linon
Standard make for children's dresses,
foundations, slips, etc., special
for the May Hale Monday, yd OC
Imperial Long Cloth
Chamois finish, contains no filling;
pure white; for dainty under- (XtL
muslins, 36 in. wide, ynrd..,,..
at Remarkable Savings
On Monday buy your runs Wiltons of the most attractive
patterns and highest quality, at, priced less than those for which
the mills will now cll wholesale. These nijrs are most of them
seamless, suitable for any room in the house, and positively
worth up to :0,f)0.
Wilton Hugs, six fxl2. Monday esle price i .$31.75
Aimlnster Rum are Included also In this special sale, Excellent pat
terns conventional and oriental and suitable for all room and pur
poses. P12 kle, Hegular price, 126.00; for Monday's sal. .. .$10.08
Brussel Ruga, beautiful in design and particularly appropriate for bed
room and dining room. Small, all-over chintz patterns, browns and tans
with ehlntt border, oriental and conventional. Patterns C, 9x12 sle.
At ; 812.50. KJ.75 and SI 5.50
I-3H0-5 sle, at 5B12.50 and $13.50
Wool Fiber Hugs, In good patterns and pleasing color effects. Kspedally
suitable for dining room ami bed room, U12 aire , . , , . SH.50
8 3HO-6 sire $7.50
Curtain Materials
For Dcauty and Utility
One hundred per rent comfort can be added to the house
or hunirnlow curtained ai?nint Hummer's sun and dust. Just
such materials in this sale ss you will want and nt astonishingly
small prices.
Lot No. 1
4,000 yards of beautiful, colored
voiles and scrims. Also In ecru
and cream color, with hemstitched
and flat edges, Values lo 40c, at,
a yard 10
Lot No. 2
75 Pieces of double w i)th drnpery
net. fllct net and bungalow net. All
this reason's newtrt patterns, Val
ues to trie, at. yard 33
Lot No. 3
90 Pieces of colored madras and
drapery goods for summer portieres
and over curtains. Tin se duplicate
the ngular I.2S gfids In appear
ance. Monday, at, a yard -lOt
Lot No, i
Uolblnet, A fine assortment of
white n nil the Arab color both the
fine nnd heavy mesh. Values to
50c, on ti.ile Mondav, at, ysrd.22?
Lot No, 6
KemnanK nnnt Ws than fbree
yard.t loin;. The finest American
ma 'In file, nets, bunaalow and
d'npiT.f nets, Most of them are 60
inches Hide and values to fl.RO.
Your tbolce Monday, at, yard. 404?
Lot No. 6
About 66 pieces of 60-Inch voile,
also 36 and 40-Inch madras, mar
quisette, etamlne and scrim. Values
to 60o, st, yard 25i
Linens at Rock Bottom Prices
Last rail prices are quoted in this sale. Linens are going up, and if bought later on will cost
dtmblo and perhaps treble what they do now. We take this occasion to offer our patrons the kind, on l i t.vM.VmA tv.. TtrsnHe Stores aa lh home of Serv ce and Fair Dealing.
ni bargains wnicn nave Hiounnii". -
25c Damask. 19o
Full bleached table damask, 64
Inches wide, In a range of patterna.
Special, In the Basement, yard, at
Table DamaBk, 49o
full bleached, very fin. Quality
mercerized yarn. In a rang, of
preltv patterns; eitra wide. Spe
cial, yard. -10.
08c AH Linen Damaak, 79o
Full bleached, all-llnen table
damask, all In pretty patterns. A
big special in this sale; yard, 70c.
$1.&0 Damask, $1.25
HlKli-class, superior finish, dou
ble damask, In a range of pretty
patterns. No napkins to match. 81.
price, yard, SI. 25. ,
10c Napkins, 7yao
ino doen full bleached, merc.r
Ued napkins, hemmed ready for
use; size 1818 Inches. In th.
Basement, each, 71'ik.
All-Lrnen Napkins,
6 for 75o
One lot. of napkin, no cloths or
damaftk to match. Values to $2.26
a dor. n; special In this aale, 8 for
89c Quilted Padding, 65o
Ti'Mi vardu of the quilted or
stitched iHble padding, fcl Inches
i1. Yard. VutC.
Pnttern Cloths and Napkina
$2.50 Cloths, $1.08
Full btciii -bed. all linen, In a larte
mien ff round delnn; ela 7 U 7 0
in. he. Fach. Sl.ilH,
An Imnnrter'a discontinued line
of very fine Irish Linen Cloths snd
Napkins. Tbls lot consists of 200
cloths and 100 doren napkins. This
Is on. of th. greatest values of
fered In 'high-class linen. Beauti
ful patterns.
Blie. Reg. Price. Sale Price.
72x72 Inches.... $5.00 3.08
73x90 Inches.... 16.50 SM.08
72sl08 Inches... 17.50 $5.08
Dinner Napkins
25- Inch Napkins, dozen .... JM .00
26- Inch Napkins, dozen. .. .$0.00
$7.60 Pattern Cloths $5.00
These are full bleached double
damask, made of very fine quality
Irlah flax; 72-lncb slr.e.' All In
beautiful round patterns. Each,
High-Class Austrian Brocaded
Damask Table Cloths
la extra al7.e only. No napkin,
to match. On sal. at a saving of
25 per rent
20o Towels, l&o
rull bleached huck towels, hem
med ends, fancy hordera; soft and
abaorbent kind. One doren limit.
Special, ea?h 15t.
Be Towjels, 3Vj0
600 bleached burk toweta. fancy
borders, hemmed ends. F.acn at,
10c Towels, 7l5c
Full bleached huck towels, hem
med ends, fancy born.-rs. One doi
en limp. Fach, 74.
12l9o Towels, Oo
Twi rasea of Turkish toela
plain "ilte and fancy rolorlngs;
hemmed ends. On. dozen limit
Special, each f)i.
10c Huck Toweling, 6o
6,000 yards of full bleached huck
toweling, the soft and absorbent
kind, In ltmgths of 5 and 10 yards.
Special, In the Basement, yard, 64
These are nll-llnen, full bleached
damask cloths, hemstitched all
around, In a rr.go of beautiful pat
terns. Site 17x24 Inches. Very
special, each iJOc.
25o Turkish Towels, 19c
Five canes of bleached Turkish
towels, plain white and fancy
atrtpes; hemmed endn. Extra
heaty quality double twisted yarn.
Special, es'h IO44.
Be Wash Clotha, 2c
500 dozen wash cloths, fancy
plaids, also the Brandels cloth, Six
to a customer. Each 24.
$5.00 Spreads, $2.50
Very fine quality cameo satin
quilt, scalloped and cut corners.
Mrge slje. All pretty patterns. A
bis value; each $2.50.
Madeira Linens
$1,75 Madeira Towels, $1.00
Beautifully embroidered Madeira
towels In the guest size only. Fach
$5,00 All-Linen Hand Emb'd
Madeira Seta, $3.98
One 24-Inch hand -embroidered
center, 6 plate and 6 tumbler dall
ies, fet, $3.0N.
New Trimmed
rj - .
Kesutiful types of the.
bent expressions of mantcr
Not the aftermath of
Faster but brand new
hats In the treme;t variety-
large and small,
dressy and tailored
styles Fach depleting a
hew Idea, trimmed wi'h
flowei, wliifts or ribbon,
at one pi Ire,,
Embroideries in the May Sale
Wonderful Bargains in Wanted Styles
See the 16th street window for examples of (lie Ktnbroidrrirs in this gale.
Six extra special, of tb. finest, snowy while em
broideries In tbe Season's newest style.. Exclusive
designs will b. shown for the first, time.
Swiss, nainsook snd convent embroidery edges snd
Insertions, 3 to 6-Inch widths. A good assortment of
the prettiest designs -suitable for children's dresses
snd petticoats. Worth 19c 10
A splendid assortment of nainsook, Swiss and cambric
embroideries, IS Inch width. Many patterns suitable
for baby dresses, skirt flounclngs and corset covers.
Worth 50c, special, at 2 5 4
An exquisite line of batiste and organdy flounclngs, 27
and 36 Inches wide. Neat, lacy designs. Some pat
terns suitable for Infants' wear and graduation dresses.
Worth flSc, special, at 50
Beautiful embroidery flounclngs In organdy, voile, 27
and 81 Inches wide. These are very lacy and Include
a variety of designs. Medallion effects In filet and
Venlse. Many heavily edged with baby Irish snd filet,
lace. Worth up to $2.00, special at $1.50
50c Baby Irish embroidery bands, 3 to 6 Inches wide.
Very special, at 12Hs
Dainty Laces in the May Sale
Charming Laces for countless purposes at popular prices. Great bargains in this sale.
Silk radium all-over laces, 36 Inches wide. This Is the
prettletit novelty of the season for fancy blounes as
well as entire dresses and separate sleeves. Worth to
$2.00. at $1 .10
Venlse and filet laces, edges and Insertions, 1 to 5
Inches wide. Also Oriental net top luces. Some with
Venlse and filet edges up to 6 Inches wide. Special,
at, a yard 254. 304 and 504
Normandy val laces. Edges snd Insertions In matched
sets, 2 to 6 Inches wide. All linen eluny laces, bands
and edges to match, Worth up to 19c, at, a yard.104
12 'ic Fancy wash laces. French and German vala. Im
ported makes. Many filet patterns. All widths. All
linen torchon. Imitation cluny edges aud Insertions to
match. Special, at, a yard 5
French and German val edges and Insertions. Odd
widths, broken seta. All worth up to 10c. Special, at,
yard 2C
Continuing the May Sale of Beautiful Blouses
AND IF THE SECOND DAY of th. sale comes anywhere near the selling record of the first, all previous
Ideas of Blous. selling In this store win be completely eclipsed. WONDERFULLY COMPLETE STOCKS and
At 85- Dainty Lingerie Blous
es, embroidery and lac. trimmed
At Sl.-15-f rep. de chine,
dainty lare and lingerie Blouses.
At $ 1.05 -Tub silk. Jap silk
and lingerie Blouses,
At $2.15-rongee, washable
satin and crepe de chine Blouses.
Stripes and plain shades. High and
low nerk models with long and
short tleeves.
Sample Blouses at $5 No Two Blouses Alike All the New Materials
Georgette Crepe Crepe de Chine Washable Talfe'a Will 0' the Wisp
f'nme early, as these Blouses will not last long
will you have this opportunity.
At 82.08 -Lingerie and llnea
Blouses, two very desirable mater
ials for summer wear, and they
launder beautifully. Choice of vari
ous nioriel.
At $n.(0 Georgette err p., de
chine and I ngerle 'Houses.
Put In your spring ami summer supply. Never again
lying or short sleeves, low or high necks,
May Sale of "White Silks
Splendid Spring Styles
b.ln.'h Ntur;il .1:' llrtt'Ulai, weight; will tub f
jtu. Meat', "ur He Kns'l, ar.l . .
... Iin h V bus J Xi'W An off. ting that suel )H Interest yen Kent
I, il ,ttii Mi pure MMat. f !l.4
t.' Im h V I ,-;!!' I i'm Ih'Avy ttusMuhg t'tepe t"f " lwr '.
K t! i'l n U ill Miiti'ter ami r -. f rttj ; It has Hiat "
tV "' ' N''" li quality, ai 81,75
j, , ,h h..p..iir-l ei. t HtiMiv Ta.fWa. iplenrt'd wetgbt. very .oft sbtm
ii,,.V (,, .t, ; t f. kind. jeM 81.00
, , j,, i, , ; . ...,' ii r -..? i- ...Ur Si. 1 (.((triMsi .' h't utinie
i 1 lai.'i !. .-4 .if.'l -t . Wo'tt I-
.!.r uH . .... - - 81.50
i i hi-- I,., .:ii.t,-i - r tit Sod ,
.1. . .,' v, .:.r t M ... t. 4i i h Alt t .! t-I' !'"
, t .;: ' -l M ..,. r.' P'i .'-t It .Vi li .'. )4i 1 05
, ... , ,,, ..i-i i . i W t. i M.. e !! i t "'i'l '
( ,, , I Uil' ! k 1 l'i t-H .'V )(' fl"'
h '! V :' " " I '
! (..'.. )-M tl !''-' i 1 ti. ! an I
.1, .ur , i I'-sl ,, i M , '' "t 'J t '
i ts-'i . ... . M'tf
. t ... h w i. v nit 1 f?"- f :.' an I lit i i ll '
,-f : . w ...... .,i ... t!.4
1, t,fc VV '.ilfg I"" MsbM'k., kill '! h trl I
,( i, i,i,. i, , t - f H'i't Ha i f It l'i "i
i .i i ' ! 1 . 1 " BkUt5. M ule to MVmtrf, at S'J.OI) and Up
lllH . I'tHlltMt, MtIV ttlli.ll
Women's Suits', Frocks and Coats
Knr streit wear, for .nrt wear ait for dress wear.
11i" .ri.-ii nr. eX.'ii-ilitufly moderate.
New Silk Suits
'i...s td fnrtimi tlt'iK'n. uiait with
jtll tlif i vfluiM- ftatiirt-H hmvii m
iiiitiiirlf il innilrs., 'I'lulurt tl ami S nii
ht H4. tif ri'li, f t Tafft tas, tn.trt
titiiH tin I ,ii!iivx, r"y Silk iVj'liti.,
I'l'lnrx an- I gjii MlufH, li vril.t anil
.w l.tftf tJruit, lufi'. 'n)'t iili.iiri ii ainl
l!i L'i i n ii, N t , ( ii v , r 1 1 ainl lil.j' k
At :v,i, $v $.v. up to tn
ilnmt New Bilk Frock j
4 4 .1 . a , iS ! I ' - 14 (M 1 I ''t " h" M f t'"t
! -irt iL 'i is ' I I I ' ' j f w'ft '
At $25 00, SI'MX) ami mm
Bport aritl WftlVlnt Hkirti
I lstknHi i'l ..f fik t lift ti .4
.a lis. g t"ia r"p gr 1 1. in nt
tt.t !'. I i it f la git
siul 1 1 !.i f its a a
At It IH. t S Prt, l'i 1 m, $10 and 113 SO
MinMi MiHiU, sill OH IHUk I iilit.
Top Cot Tip Top Style
l. r iiii I !.. .i 11 inf
'! hi n v f It .!k..t'its!y ai ntt ir4
ti 1 .' s.-ui . us tit tiB ".i. J t In rf
!.''. a, riMa W i)iit-t)n4. tVipiia
il- '.- n-if : i '" r ti.i.i'.g 1 1
Al !f0, 114. $. $13 Li til
"Nemo" Corsets in Great Variety
Ready for "Nemo" Week
"NI'Mn" week bcniiit Mini. ley, May 1, and
we are mn. w 1 1 It cmiijili le sturka if these won
derfully fine l iilMlt, Till', Vn. who sfks
health bi well am a fme fiiiie will find a sure
wav In i-dli'.fv liilli with a Ncntu t '..rft
We Fit Every Corset Here
UtiarantrvitiN coih'i.i' hm-I tui ti e M tiimiel fur Jnit.
Nemo womlerlift Corsets tli "nlf hrlp' . ii. )iniilit.l grs.e suit rl.atm
.f t'Cii t.i. i trt) i. ii. in li-n Ait!ufh!e bll
liinl.lo .f I'ullxl pirtriill "I'.'.llig up l. fur nli'O l.'t
anil (i,i-linii fig .-tits. '...ii i.( etiia ' "nt. li au.. l(it.
Other "Nemo Corsets
$3. $4 and $5
perll Nil, I 'l A N- .i It. . li I 'i'l f r K'.i'it
!. I.-' m.t.-r s'lii M.l.i . it.-.i-il.le i r (f
'l' ..i.l t h I t-igt l- t k)vJv.J
kpei lal tnlrl Sin ami J.1I li n..i..i an-1
i i f . ... x I J ! u H i t M-li - ,! il t i ! .
ei , ..), i..i'.4-!e A . i I!.. t ff
.,.. .i . t, , 5 jtUti
Wall Paper in Wonderlul Variety
tfjHi'e I 4- I .t'ii.- l l-t i. i ' A'H urn f.ieg r t'
iU in th f'.'.H - . 1 t ''' tt il 1 1 O
!. . .m V I M..i. ,t. Iw
0t s.-le. h-n it -- lt tv,tfi 4slat a-l
f..'ll" l!k -..m t!..lli l.fc'.'t Sift ltnatt 1st
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