Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 28

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The Busj' Bees
T'lllu AMERICAN HUM A NIC ASSOCIATION has announced the mco
oikI unniint observance of Humane Sunday, .May 21, and "lie
Kind lo Animals' Week," May 15-20, lneluwlve.
So successful Man the campaign, which was held las!
j ti", that the organization Is planning for a much creator one
this your.
The boys and girls of our great country can help quite as much In
this work as grown folks. While the association Is making Its plans there
is no reason why suggestions for the care and kindness for our animals
cannot come from our younger folk,
When the hot summer days conic it would he splendid to feel that
through the suggentlons of the boys and girls these animals, which must
be given quite as much care as In the zero weather, had profited from the
effort of a boy or girl.
It would be splendid for each Busy Ree to think out one way In
which he or she could be more kind to animals and practice It faithfully.
Mr( Pnllnrrl of the Iterl Hide
Florence Pursel and Joyce Ayres, bfith
won honorable mention. The ncd Side
Announcement of a new king and queen of the Rimy liecs will bo I
.... . ... , ,! ,,, Lin tn 1
made next Sunday. Votes will be received until Wednesday, the king to
be clcct?d from those of the Red Side and the queen from tho lilues.
Little Stories
(I'rliie t':oiy )
The Snurrow's Ncit.
I y
1'ollnrd. Woodhlne,
lit. He I
I hae a pl ho'i' and one dy I was
plalng In it when I nw a bomh of
straw In the window. I wondeiej wliat
It was. o I went to the window an)
opened It. I saw It. was a sparrow's neat.
I watched It to a If the spsrrnwe
would lay any egg, "ne day I looked In
the nest and there was a little spo kled
'gg In It.
My aunt wanted tne to tenr It down,
but I fnld I wanled to watch the nest
and see If the birds would lay any more
eggs. . I waMied It for a long f ine,
but they did not Iny any more.
Bo I look tho CKg out of the tirnt a id
put It In s'line vinegar and suit and
iepper to . If the shfill would be en ten
off, I put II In riniiiidny night and tool
It out Hntidny night and Iho sin II win
all g'Tic.
I welched the nest tor shout two morn
days snd (heio was another egg in It.
I found that sparrows lay -gg only
evry olher day and I hey Iny tlnm
igrly In the morning or else lit tlie night.
(Honors hie Mention )
A Trip to Iowa,
lv florenca fin -ll, Aged H Y'srs,
I lit i linn M A i "line. UiiihIiu, Nell,
Ited Wile.
I.aM November my parents took me to
lied Oak, la., tn visit their aunt on tin
farm, We only stayed two days, but,
anyhow, we had a nice tlmo. W hen wu
got to tho depot out there, my father's
aunt or cousin had to go out and tall
him, That was unite a ways and we
thought he was not coming. My mother
went and called my father's aunt up an I
she said ha would be there pretty soon
In the automobile, We got down there
aboiit noon snd they were getting dinner.
I Ilk It very much on the farm. My
fatlier's cousin took my slater and my
brother and I downtown there and she
told me to stay with the horde so sh
could go shopping, My brother and I
elsyed In the buggy and the horse stand
te) go eft. There) was a man where I wan
and he saw me, so he tied the horse so
It would not run sway, I Jold Myrtle and
she and the rent went home, I bud lots
of aulonvibllo rides. My parents and I
got home at It o'clock Sunday nluht
(Honorable, Mention.)
Write of Arbor Lodge.
l;y Joyce Ayers, Aged 8 Years, Mlehtell,
Neb. Hod Fide.
I have never written the Husy Pee be- I
fore, t wish to belong to the Ited Hide.
1 am 8 years old and In the seewnd grade,
1 have heard many things about Arbor
,odt!e, which was once the home of J.
Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Pay.
Wo have a picture of Arbor Lodge, which
la a htrtie white building with litany win
dows and larne porches. There are many
large trees of sll kinds, also a beautiful
landscape garden, many pretty walks and
nil kinds of flowers.
My pap and mamma once lived In Ne
braska t'lty, and visited this place many
times. I will wrlle better nevt lime, but
I sin sick In bed now.
The Tlirce Pigs.
I! Harry Vo', Aged It Years, Walnut,
i iilo xi. ir- I
once noon a time there were tare. nrs
Tiielr mother s going awsy, so she
ek,,l them whnt itliui of a house tiny
uanltd, and the r irt pig sttd that hu
otet a brick li'iUM-, and lbs s " 1,1 pig
eaid thot be anted a cabbie hmse,
nod the third ' ild thai ii wanled a
in id bou. e, w In n hey h id their
Imuim a w-lf one 1 iy came to fhe pu
Hut hnd thr i .tbl s.e Hmie and ud
tliet ti.o pi.; sh'Ktt't ionic et, so th- U
lot, a id th wolf I. his, the pig v. 1th him
i ni hin. The or! iy tie Weill t i
he iU r 1 14 lhi tuil Itie mu4 b.xii ant
old Hie it.v toimit, and the iWKl div
be fiit t. fie pig l ist had IHe bit, K
bte iiii'i lb stiiM thing. b"l Ibe
I'l,.' il, e ! I'ou.e, ,i ,e l,o ttjlit tlMl lie
...t I'lioi'i m itte I'lttmr.. , ,ol t, t- !l
!i, li. tl SO. I ,U ll,.I... III!' !!,
Mi it n4i i
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won the prize book this week, ;
of whom are alao on the Red Side,
has been making a very good nhow-
by Little Folk
ftcharJ Hoist
worms for our fish, the rooster Jumped
on top of me and began lo scratch my
head, hut I lumned un and ran afler him
with a stick, but ho tried that trick i
, ft
- t . ,K
Stories of Nebraska History
By A. E.
(By special fermNslon of the aulhtr,
The flee will publish chapters from the
History of Nebraska, by A. M Mheldn,
from week to week.)
Earliest Nebraska v
,A Land Under Water-F.arilost Ne
brsska was a loud under wator In thn
bottom of a great Inland sin. Great
fishes swain lit tho water. Shell fish
lived In the shallows (ind died and left
their skeletons In the soft mud. Corals
grew and llly-llkn sea plants lifted their
heads above tho waves and died. Slowly
tho sea filled up. The skeletons of mil
lions of dead animals and plants hard
ened Into rock and becumo the limestone
whose edges now appear on tho sides of
ravines and along tho streams of eiiMt
rn Nebraska. Tho sea bottom slowly
i rose and land appeared, a laud of
marshes and forests In which grew great
ferna and trees which are now found
only far south. In this swamby land
lived great llxarda, some of them taller
than elephants and much longer, with
many other strange nnluuils. After many
thousand years there was more dry land
and trues of all kinds grew In Nebraska,
splendid oaks, maples, beeches Mini wil
lows ainotiC them. We find their leave
I today pressed and printed In the icil
I sandstone rocks.
A Land of Pamela, Tigers and l.lltle
Horses l hen ino ea t anie imsm ami
(covered the land, New kinds of i.hells
and fUh II vol In the sen ami left their
skeleton on ti e bottom. Again the bun!
rose, wa covered with ria tnd trite
and Nelirsska hecntiie the home of cam
els, l.vplr. monkei. Htjers Mini little
horses, some of them no larger than
log. Tim rhino. eiMiis, elephant and
other latKU nlinal IHed theie. Tin?
tone nf all these are found toiltv be
neath cur .'!!.
A Land of l Then came moving
fichu if liD from Hi 11.11 Ih plowing
al io f 11, 1 n N. i.isk and lending.
hen thv meiii',1, dei p of clay
slid the ls K pink b.iii). bo n.eii on lb I
bill'ide. Two ( three tlnos these Ice
f'fil.u i-oterv.l tt.e land, "the cllinsl n(
N'.. J..I.4, U iio.1 t-'i.l (hit the trill
i.i'-'iiiiy I'iiiii iiint iiimuIi ill-'d ithif
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nuHin Jl gotten worse now hc-
caw-o one Huii'lay my two brother were
going to kill him, but they did not. My
eldrr brother, 7 years old, had caught
It with a wire, while my little brother
ijnt the ax and v. nit going to kill him.
.J"t then my fnther came up and told
them to leave tho rooster alone. My
mother ssld that they ouirht to he called
"The frlzc Fighters," befause when my
brother fight with him, he surely beats.
This Is a true story.
Visits Several Parki.
fly Ivy Hweeny, Mlnrten, la. Blue Hide
During our school year wo had a pro
gram and a box supper. We made quite
a sum. Then, the Inst dny, wo decided
to go to Lake Manawa. The first two
days It rained. The next day we went.
We hired four drivers to tka
The names of the drivers were: Mr.
Oroeimer of MT.nden, In., .Mr. Pick
eintll of Neola, Mr. Christiansen of
Coumll Kluffs, and my father, Mr.
Hveeny, ' ' '"" we reached
"""ell Hluffs We decided not to go to
limWH hat t( K((lrmo,Jnt park,
When w ror,rd there w took in all
the sight. There were ninny pretty
birds mid animals, Then we went tip
the Lovers' l,n to the top of the hill.
One of the boys hnd a telescope, through
whh'h we viewed I.nkn Manawa, the Mis
souri rl'er and some parts of Omaha.
We ate our dinner on the top of the
hill and had a 'pleasant time. Then we
went for a ride five miles south of
I'ohncll Uliiffs, Then we went tip to
Lincoln park end viewed Lincoln's monu
ment, We went across the Missouri river
to Omiilm. Klrst w went to Miller park,
and lo ITanseom park. We cmne bark
lo Council llluffs, where we ate Ice
rionm snd candy. Then we started home.
We went on the corn belt route through
the county home, near McClelland. When
we got home It was a o'clock. Wa all
Snld we had had a good tlmo and wished
we could go agnln.
Girls Disagree.
Py I.iiclln Jturke, A-ed V Venrs, Fflrwell,
Neb, J'.lue Hide,
Once upon a tlmo a girl got sick and
she vvns nicnn. Ho r.he called for a girl
that was l rue, and she came. The bad
girl said, "Tell my mamma that I am
Hell, l.eiausn I do not; want the doctor."
"I will not tell your wither that. I
will tell her the, truth. Ar.d I will tell her
that you hilled a poor bird, and that Is
why you got elck," The bin! girl said,
In on nnsry voice, "i!o home."
"I will. If you wmt me to,' said the
true kIi'I, and she did, and that. Is tho
wy the bad girl got sick, (loodbye.
Happy Little Children.
fly Iona Vosler,
Awed 12 Tears. Wann.
Illoe Hide.
Once upon a time there were two little
children whoso names wore Haicl snd
Maiie. They were both happy little
girls. Thry had a goat which they would
drive 'when they went any place. One
day when their father came to the house
he said: "You girls get ready and we
will go to Omaha." It Is about twenty
five miles from their home. They went
In an automobile, it was the first time
they had ever rode
In an automobile.
lo net a living of the very simplest kind.
They lived o much In foar of enemies
that every family made a hiding place
for Its food and tools In the earth floor
of its house. These hiding places were
si or eight fort long, with a narrow
neck coming up to the dirt floor. They
covered this narrow heck with sticks and
with clay snd sometime built fires on
top of It so that strangers would never
suspect that it was there.
Their tlrnvos These people burled felr
dead In mounds. They sometimes cov
ered Iho bodies with piles of rock, placing
alnngsldu the bodies tone axes, arrow.4,
spears and many other usefuj things
which tho living would gladly have kept,
but flikh they Inld tn tho grave because
they believed the spirit of the dead
would some day need these things and
be ahlo to use them.
How Wo Know About Them All that
wo know of these early people we have
learned from their graves and from the
floors and fireplaces of their house,
deeply covered now wllh several feet of
Nebraska Roll, and from the curious hot-tie-shaped
holes beneath their houses In
which they hid their food and tools. Y'et
front these wo know nhat they ate, whnt
kinds of animals they killed, how they
sewed their clothing together and ho.v
they cut down large trees and used them
for posts In building their house. We
also know some things which they be
lieved about a spirit world and about the
life beyond lbs grave.
They made pottery, moulding the clay,
shell Ihey found some that was plastic
and strong, Inlo cups, Jug, pitcher and
w lihi-niouthed vessels w hich they could
us In cooking Ihelr food. There were
several kinds of pottery made by these
people, soma e!uw. inie led, some
I. Uuk, some with n tinted i turn shells
nild with the vl.iy to mak It tough
and strong. me with ssml and pound' d
rm-ks (or the earn put
The If lionire ol of lb homes of
these people were In the eastern pari of
SiitiAi along th bluff of lh Mis-
i.orl llier and on th Mil pcir Oi
mall ttteani fi.ielng lnl- the Mtoouil,
Th Ir luii-ie.l' bi !, been
f.illlld 111 tl ll ll I ll l f ll'KhWl.'i n
V.l.iHutit snd h.uilh I'asint ll.'V lieiit
ltvi.1 r moi l ant alf Thrv
i,l ,j an. I t.ii.UI not rin'if Him
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Their Own Page
Whefe Liec3 Hanscom Park,
By T.D H.
Wbery "Tarn O'Shantur V ghost
To lb? Kohlins play th host
TiVrf llaiirwom Park
Where in the water's silver
The rainbow 'n pot of gyliJ
Then li's Ilunsfom Park
Where "TIib Culprit 'Fay "
Ht'lps' (Tupid in his tasks
There lieu Ilanacom Park
Wlierc the Pijtt; of Pan entrancing,
hots tho liritli'ss winds to
There lieu Ilanacom Park
Where the wood nymphs convening,
-lure the very trees to preening .
Theije lies Ilanscom Park. "
Where the humming birds and canaries
Gambol with the elfins and the fairies.
There lies Ilanscom Park
Wbcro every spot's a lover's
And its grandeur opens nature's book
There lies Ilanscom Park
They thought H wa fun to rldo In the
automobile. They stayed In Omaha all
6ny, and got within five miles from their
place on the return when tho automobile
broke down. They had to fix It before
they1 got home.
As I am a new Busy I!ee I would like
to be on the lilue Fide
Father Tells a Story.
Hy Henrietta Newman, Aged 12 Tears,
Columbus, Neb. Ited Hide.
Mr. George and his three children were
sitting; In their great drawing room. Sud
denly the silence was interrupted by
Mary, the oldest daughter, asking her
father to tell 'her a atory. Mr. George
asked, t'What shall I tell?" "Oh," said
Some it catches early, others late. But Death always wins at the finish.
The uninsured are in no more peril than the insured, but THEIR FAM
If the thirty-year-olds would take the advice of the fifty-year-olds, they
would take advantage of present good health and, while such action is still
possible, secure a membership in
The A.
'run ul'lcii the limit v hu ilolny, witko up Mum- l.nulit nun liiiii? ti liiul 1 1 t lit' caiuiut 'iis
tint trr'- fvsiiiiiiiiilii'ii, ti 1 1 1 1 llioirt'tirt' t'anitnt mvui'c iiiuraiit i'. Ai t Itnluy,
'11.' A, n, T, , I,)' Xi l.nivkii is Moiimvh uf All SUity I'i uti'i iuil Hnl. tit KiratcM, in
ni iih ihIm iliii, ill tlo wurM. I r tliirty jmri this m unni-'atinii u mutual tnti rtivc tmliT, i uu
tiu!l'l hy it- iut'Uil'iliii an l uin H' profit t imv !- I v Ii.h In vii ju uti'i-tinvj N lntkn liniiif.
I'thliiy its iiu inluMsliii iuitiilvi'H priK'tioittly l',thM'. I tr tho t i uf a riuar h !a y you etui !m
in j ri'ti t ttmi lor mir family, iu tho t'V nt uf ymu' il. allt.
l v H 1 1
..ii i i
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9 it to
r-t i m t
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(.. ii . hi i " Ii t,
ll 0 fifilv,
" i l, ,. -,i,-
ark. , v-v fl
r slien, vl.
"Til"1 ii. Jus I
is H-en
dancing. .t2V
ft t-yj- ,
V C.T J.
Alary, "iell us about your boyhood days."
Mr. George soon began his story, It was
as follows:
"Going after tho cow wss a serious
thing In my days. I had to climb asleep
Alplno mountain up to where our Pas
ture was. Often the cows were In other
pastures and wo would go after them.
Tho only time I liked It was when the
wild strawberries were rlpo. Ones when
I went over to our neighbor's pasture I
found soma wlntergreen with red berries
on It. I sat down and ate until I heard
the largo horn tilow for dinner. Then I
hurried and got my cattle and went
home. That night I felt very slclt. The
next evening I was able to go after the
cows, but did not eat any of the berries.
-533'5 " i
A, I
Safe. Sound Life Insurance At Actual Cost
9 JJ dJ
0. U. W.
What This Reliable Insurance Will
Cost You IV r Month
ii'n ,4 Uli'i' .'.ii v 4 the bum 1 1' . ut Imni si .-i
V t. ! Ii . o- !! 4 the nit io ,,s but ade ii'
! . of
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( .tn) .f 'i rf ,'i 4).i.ev sit .i i "
Ut N.l.r. 14(14 Sll tfllift. l-l '
ti. Wf
Th next lummer a friend of mine
I visited mo, lis would always stop at
t the ulntergreeu puti-h h ml eat lome
I herrles; I Would iliijj pmt on."
Will Write Story.
Willie Hons". Aged 12 Tears, Flor
ence, -Sei. llluc Mun.
I have been reading your page every
Sunday, so I thought I would Join your
page. I am 12 years old and In the sixth
grade. I would like to Join the lilue
Side, I will write you a story next tlmo.
One-Fourth of the ,
Babies of Paris Are
Put Out to Nurse
PAtUS, April 1,".; About 26 per cent of
the children born In Tails between Au
gust 1, 1!'15, and January 30. 19l, wero
put out lo nurse, while during the period
from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 131",
there whs but 13 per cent.
To this Increase. In tho percentage of
children separated In Infancy from their
Mothers, I'rof. A. Plnard attributes the
fact thut tho statistics for the five
months ending January 30 show a higher
Infunt mortality than the preceding
months of the war. He points out that
If tho sum" progression continues the
peiceutiiise of children put out to nurse
will soon reach the figure of 31 per cent
attained in
Klnce August, Itil.'j, the number of Idle
women who bine found employment has
largely Incremed. find to this lit attrib
uted the Ini-rciico In the number of the J
children put out to nurse,
3rt I Hamuli. I
H t 11 l, I 4 k
solid gold,
Mefclier I11IK,
brilliant per
feet little
lllOllll , ,
$4.80 a month
37B I ilnmoiid Kllir,
Mil solid gold. I.ol
tl.i perfection"
mount- ttfl
lug f
714-I.a Val
uer, solid
gold, beauti
fully design
ed, one lUa
mond fiitro
Hue P e r 1
Hrop. JS In,
chain. 1A
price. .
fl.40 a month
1352 J0s
V&VPendant. or Regular WgUh
1156 Bracelet can be entirely fleta. lieu, so
w.lrh en i bs orn a pen J.i.t. or 'r'W!.
Kin gold MU"1. l"illu '',r ')',"," '' 'iV k
,, nickel mdvemtiit, pnelnnl 't. either $13.55
while or 'l "' lursnlei 1 vf
Term 1 91.50 a MontB.
nn,jr 4 Vad'onV'
to see. CHI or
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Wonderful Skin and
Wrinkle Removers
The method of removing bad complex
Iohm hv absorption neeiiM to have com
into general use in this country. Ordi
nal y menollzc,! wax, applied nightly
like cold crcum and eriised morning
with warm water, gradually absorbs tho
course, tailed or discolored outer film
akin In ttlmi'xt invisible particles. Boon
there's a brand new complexion, formed
by thn younger, healthier under-skiii. No
cosmetic or artificial treatment can pos
elbly produce a complexion of such
I radmnt youthful loveliness. liruKglsts
1 all have mereollzed wax; It Is seldom
; that moro than one ounce Is necessary.
: Thousands have also reported greal
success with tho famous eaxollto wrinkle-removing
formula, tine ounce of pure
powilered aaxollte Is dissolved In a naif
prut witch hn.el himI the solution used
as a face wash. The -effect Is alinoul
magical. The deepest wrinkles and
crow's feet, as well as the finest lines
whether duo to age, Illness, weather
or worry are Immediately affected. Nu
one need hesitate to try this simple lo
tion, os It won't harm any akin. Ad
vertisement. Wl PSEflS MTV'H UITf TO 80
Dresher Bros.
3311-17 rilKAH BT
Wa Call Tor sad Dellrer.
'STTteU TtHo snTeefl.lfoiba
, JtlSn lilie llh M.slc-Slsh-Uir.
fi.h lull n (ttaeovere'l. Write UMtsr
snd gets U"i to help Intrortnee It. Agents
w.uiTod. a.Jf.Oregorj, P-o, aiXouii.Me
. anmll num. weekly or monthly,
iniikea you H10 owner of M apleni
ill.l IHiiimoikI or other article of
hiKli icral Jewelry. You will newer
iIn the money .while) you vylll eui
Joy vchHiiK your IHiimond H
(line. Make your selection now,
Wcnr anl enjoy thn Bitlclet while
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monthly iii)iienU, as aIU your
769 'Men's extra fine
Meleher. half engraved
Mk solid gold 545
fine Iiliimond ...
ft.BO a Moatll.
a wees.
698 Scarf
Mn, aolld
gold, bril
liant I'ia--tnond,
Cf A
priced . U
1 a Month,
M. Hnlnrilava Till w:.
will .... wth any artlc.. ,ou a.Jdn
writ .or -, "
old Ki;iii.m.i;, ii"'' i".,....-..,
wwrt II 4 Ki:iIT HOLSK.
Main noor, Ctty national Bank Block.
409 South 16th Btreet, Omaha.
Opposite Burgss-Haslt Co. Department Btora.
nl Ihis ami
t V
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414 l ,,
S us M
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