Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 24

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The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
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56 628 Daily-Sunday 50,628
i'wisni Mtliiaoia, circulation manager ol i'h MM
roblishing compe.iy, being duly worn. ay thai lh
'! ilrcuiatlon for th moolb of March, Ilia,
w,t unity arid (041 fcundiy.
LoVI'jH'1 .v ll.l.iAei. Circulation Manager,
tiubecribeo In my pr.eonc and (wore to safer via
this qv uf April, UK.
kuWa.rU HliN'la.K. Nelary Publl.
nuliaci livia leaving iliu til lc.iit,4Tllj
liouiu hate 1 bar H malted to tbwui. Ail
iJrraa will be changed at often sur requested.
All ready for Ma day 1
Yea, but who't to b "Queen of the My" thin
Tha recent advertising cpurt to gubstltuteg
for coffee aeemh to have escaped tbe attention
o! political sign reader!.
Easy money marka paid food money for dope
warranted to Increase tbe efficiency of gasoline,
vlillo matchot might be bad for tbe asking,
Prrhsps, after running for president ai
many lime r Mr, Bryan has, Rons may carry
lla home Mate preferential vote in a dlKtrlct
or two,
J'nnaiiia it a little alow lo coming to tbe
iiont, but the blue print of Ha unpreparedoees
Mare indicate! the time wai tbougbtfuly em-
Hvcry day oewa report of auto accident!
fniliiif the algit, "Blow down."1 Tbe beedleii,
n eeding pait, rarely mlaaei tbe penalty in broken
Ixmea and bill.
While agitating for food roadi, It may be
ell to empbaalie tbe fact tbat good roadi are
even more dealrtble and equally nereaaary lo
the city than out' la tbe country.
Tbeae offeri of eltee for a proposed athletic
club are atlll but a faint reminder of the war
lo the-kolfe competition for tbe location of tbe
j.ohtofflce during the boom dayi.
Kacb succeeding clan of bright young men
Knd women graduated front tbe Crelgbtoa uni
versity provei tbat tbe founder! of tbat noble
Inntltutlon "bullded better than tkey knew."
Owing to the abience of tbe freedom of the
neas, frlende of Iriah freedom on tbli aide of the
Atlantle are forced Into tbe aggravating attitude
of Idle listeners for the rumbles of tbe ruction.
Incidentally, however, the percentage of
votei for president cast for the Lexington livery
i,, an in the democratic- primary la a much larger
percentage of tbe total than that cast for htm
in the republican primary. No Invidious com
parisons Intended.
It would be equally pertinent and less
treasonable to auggest to our naturalised cltl
.ns that they write their friends and relative!
In their native land admonishing them to "shoot
la the air" should tbey ever be lined up lo battle
-ainst I'ncle Sam's soldiers.
Fatal Weakneii of Irish Rebellions.
A striking similarity of methods eilst be
tween tbe lamoue and futile Irish rebellion of
Kits end Its modern Imitation. The eitent of
tl o oresent "rising" will not be known until
Hie freedom of news is restored, but as both
listed hope of success on foreign assistance,
-pi mlly in the vital matter of supplies, It Is
Kasonshly certain Irish history will repsst
The lnu tolunteer movement wrung par
I:, iix-nisrr indfp-ndinc from England during
ttio trials of the Aiuertlraa revolution, but re
t ub i snum st that time was not strong enouih
n arrure complete separation, Ttea of
i i'Hsrtfcr oietshadxwail Ideals of freedom. The
I'i'iHirtuBlty psaa4 unheeded. flloe4 by
iluuion, piititiral trickery and tyranny. Out of
its tumult r Ibe l'ntl4 Irlahnian 1114,
in t rssalistioa ef tfaoJais ki k enrolled
" (( men la u month It aa a nUikiy
i crime bi4r, but It Isckv.J the I mils t wurk
, i' (tiig au h prinntt In lemeoi as
(tithfur's, ats at4 a guss. litra
nM aiittsr ass eltaia4 Itia orsata
in all but iiiiUs4, but the Isirit it kt4
t- -4 equity ft4 wkta. la the pn of
il' I f . h s atsaie ws sHaiin4
a st tllt)n art f tl'ni (rn4ia-t
f ro p s J if rlk rfls la that I'lmitl )r
a' Mie at Ik "Uvfiuaa !l " 644 r
Ut t aat Tks f rat v ti. k fUt
l4 k stiirm, maty at t It reacblng
rnh hi ti4 "'t l'a ( w !..
t p. 'I'lii-a MMJr4 la laa tus S( t wi'kiml eimpmaai wf the katie
Mi e' a la4 k' IUt ki krtat A
f v.,(i i :ilo tia4f ItMt, k S'liflrct Sl
l '"-4 l. lia I d!(i d ltrtik its4, kit
t a i-piwt Hiuk f!l s4 s
' . ! imImii ef tk tad at) tir
t" i l ' l ril4 ! iMtyaa U t Siilina
i a iii uuf u s of ar sieii eir
l'Si t ftt a fettwre le lead emmattia
t. . . ..) t ft ti ,11 if
The Bale of Unreason.
Turn in any direction this spring morning
and we are confronted with scenes of violence,
of waste and destruction. Nature Is preparing
to make the world a lovely place, to deck It with
beautiful flowers, to pick out tbe soft green of
the leaves and grass with tbe brilliance of blos
soms and to fill tho air with the fragrance of
flowers and the mating songs of the birds. The
Joy of life should be upon -us all. But man,
created but a little below the angela, gives his
energy to tbe crestlon of discord, to the over
whelming of his fellow man, and to the spread
ing of terror and death In all directions, He
has no time for the enjoyment of the delights
of all outdoors, where bird and beast and tree
rod sbrub, grasses and flowers, and earth and
sky merge in one grand symphony of life and
love, and devotion to the mastering Impulse of
bringing forth new life, To what strange per
version of his godlike gifts Is this unreasoning
ardor for widespread mischief ascrlbable?
Hatred relgni where love should rule, and Jeal
cusy and dlatrust have replaced the neighborly
frankness that should prevail between the races
of men, whose Intellectual endowments mark
litem aa fit to direct and manage all the affaln
of life.
The picture U not an Inspiring one, but be
yond It hope can descry a time when the rule of
unreason will be ended, when concord between
the nations will prevail, and when the enlight
ened peoples of the world will once more take
up the "white man'i burden" and by precept
and example alike guide the "lesser breeds"
along the way to better things. If It were not
for tbli hope the outlook would be fsr more
gloomy then the dreadful present,
Economy in Education.
Residents of Buffalo county have taken steps
ir1 accordance with the new school laws for the
consolidation of districts, the establishment of
rural high schools and for other Improvement!
In their country schools. Ho far, however,
emphasis Is laid on economies to be secured
rather tban Increase in privileges to flow from
the new arrangement.
Economy In school mansgement Is com
mendable; In fact, It Is to bo Insisted upon,
Kxtravaganre ought not to be permitted In any
department, and any step that will bring about a
lessened cost without decreasing the efficiency
of tbe schools Is In the right direction. But
the prime object of the public school! Ii to give
l' the hoys and girls the advantage of Instruc
tion In at least the rudiments of knowledge, to
open the way to the wondrous treasure house
in which Is stored the fruits of all man's en
deavors from the first. Neit, and scarcely less
Important, Is to implant and develop that thirst
for knowledge that cannot be quenched; the
eagerness to know, to find out, that lives forever
and leads Its possessor into tbat realm wherein
the great of all the world are at hi! service,
This Ii possible of accomplishment, along with
savings In administrative and other overhead
charges In the public echool system. The erec
tion of the rural high school la one of the agen
cies by which the youthful mind may be given
the Impulse to expand.
Intensely practical ai the age Is, with
"efficiency" for Its motto, some very successful
men, wise In their experience, atlll hold to the
humanities aa valuable, even equally with tbe
more immediately "practical' things that are
Insisted upon ai being essentlslly necessary for
our advance, The school board should have a
little Imagination, a well ai tbe teacher, If It
la going to realise Iti full opportunity.
Wartime Heroines,
The reading world la so well nigh surfeited
with itorlei of battles and bombardments that
It givea precloui little attention to the saving
side of tbe human slaughter. Heroes monopo
lise the limelight Just now, but the deeds of
heroines are equally valorous and Infinitely
more merciful. The humanizing touch given to
war by Florence Nightingale Is systematized
and modernized by the women nurses In tbe
present war, and they perform their duties with
the energy, endurance, kindliness and patience
characteristic of the sex. Where In former
ware hundreda sufficed, now thousands are re
quired to co-operate with doctors at the front
and In the countless hospitals sheltering
wounded soldiers. Pew people at a distance
realise the tnacnltude and horrors of the tank.
The Intensity of the fighting and tbe variety
cf means employed lire an Inkling of (he
maimed and mutilated humanity constantly re
quiring attention. Thus the trying and aionis
iLg work goes on almost day after day, and
It Is not surprising that acorea of heroines sac
rifice themselves In the service. These are
the unsung heroines of the war, whose deeds
glorify womsnklnd.
Farm i and Government Ownership,
Menstor Sheppard of Tetas, proposing a ton
stltuttonal amendment to produce tbat will
amount to government ownership of farms,
makes a mistake that Is altogether too popular,
It Is that with the growing number of tenant
farmers the Unds of the Tatted Plates are fst
falling lata the heads of landlord onr. This
bMef arises from a rolssperekmaWiu. Mt tf
tke tenantry va fsrma today Is due lo the fact
that the eweer has rih4 a time uf life when
he no Uagr ft like engaging In the aiduous
labor of tilling tHe soil, st be retires tit tke
county sai. or te some thrifty vitiate, and de
ot himself t rt. while hit "renter'' tsriles
on iht farm work, la ptacll,-e the teasttt Is
but Ike hired m" in a teUttua, that of
ksitt a personal tautest ta the crop heyuad M
ws. wkile fcis eupl.'er It lit4 as a ' retired
farmer or a UMIoid ' lb Utt4lett n a wilt
eeeartlf lai-reaa l tha fallal bta, be
(Suae the fW t UM I l"ls ve, !! the
amewst el taallal tnv44 t'r at, iefl Itfm
i lrell.n ll ! I It l'fata h 4f
u far J.ttaat ka k wi;t k t.eR,-rd t sny
a k na4itlw ut tan Holdout si wlU ( ulify lie
S vestal "ieit'tl l tti ef f t 11
Ike t'liiMM A lltl'e m ! v"'t -B
li:us f(f ttis relief f te ssl, wM fl la
avitiry 4 . e(4 H would t Kurt
By T lot or Bosewate.
trtie Ue k s( 1 f ." .'
t i riti.i g (otiHrr i ef t'ir t all
ituk Wit diaetss te i'it tr4 fr le
ii '( ie ' I t' a wh-le fiatkit in
DIHCt;nsiNO tha revolt In Ireland and the part In
It played hy Hlr Rofer Casement brought Ihd
obaorvaUon by Rfibert Cowell, whlla w wete
walklnf down tha street tho other day, that the Csen
ment fmully liad on branch tn the Isle of Man, Mr.
CowcU's old hirne.
"I wonder If the Caaemente who were prominent
In the bulldmtf of th t'nion Psclflo are in any way
rtlsted to this Hlr Roger Caeement?" I anliid.
"I am sure they were," replied Mr, Cowell, "for
members nt tha family settled In Ohio, where, I un
deretnnd, thene Casements cam from."
Iyoking up the connection of the Casement with
the t'nlnn Pacific, have com acroee some Interest
Ins material In the following extract from fieneral
Dodge's aount of the rnnatrurtlon of tha flret tran
eontlnentaJ railroad;
"The entire trsk and a lars pert of the grad
ing en th Union Paotflo railway wss dona by tha
Caaement brothera, Oeneral Jat-k Caeement and
Dan Casement, fleners,! Casement hsd been a promi
nent brigade and dlvlelon commander of the weal
em army, Their force consisted of 100 teams and
I.M0 men, living at the end of the track In board
ing cars and tents and moved forward with It every
few days. It waa the beat organized, beat equipped
end beat disciplined track force I have aver seen,
I think every chief of the different units of the
forca had been an officer of the army end entered
on this work the moment they were mustered out,
They could Isy from one to three miles of track
par day, as they had materiel, snd one dity Islil
eight and a half mllea. Their rapidity In trm'k
laying, as fsr as I know, has never been ex elkl,
I ued It several times as a fighting fore and It
look no longer to p'tt it Into fighting Una than It
did to form It for Its dslly work. They not only
had to lay and surface the track, but hsd to bring
forward to tha front from each base all th mate
rial and supplies for the trsrk snd for all the work
men In advance of the trsrk, fumes were organised
for the delivery of tha material generally from 100 to
Sol miles apart, according to the facilities for
operation. At these bases I have seen ss many ss
l.floi teams watting for their loads to haul forward
to th front for tha railway force, th government
and for th limited population then living In that
Mill another reference to th Casements ts con
tained III a telegram quoted many times by General
f)odg SS tli response from his old general, William
Teotimeeh Hherman, to the meaeage wired him on
that famous Mey 10, IMS, telling of th completion of
the work, which reads ss follows:
"In common with millions, I sat yesterdsy and
heard the mystlo taps of the telegraphic, battery sn
nounce the nailing of the last splks In th Great
rsclfio road. Indeed, sm I It friend? yea. Yet
am I a part of It for, as early as 1M, I wss vice
president of the effort begun tn Hsn Prsnctsoo un
der the oontreet of Robinson, Seymour A Co, As
soon as Oeneral Thomas makes certain preliminary
Inspections in his new command on th Pacific, I
will go out, and, l need not say, will have different
fanllltlea from Ihst of IMS, when th nnly way to
California was by sailing around Cape Horn, taking
our ships IM dsys. All honor to you, to Dursnt snd
Jack and Pan Csaement, to Reed and th thoueand
of brav fellows who have wrought out this glorious
problem, spit of chsnges, storms snd even doubt
of th Im-redulon, snd sll th ohetscles you have
now heppHy surmounted.
"W, T. 8IIERMAN, Oonrl."
I have no means of knowing whether Oeneral
Csaement Is still alive, but I rcsll that when h ram
out to Omaha, I believe It was for the celebration of
the fortieth anniversary of the Golden Hplk, I met
him In company with General Dodge. My recollection
I that he was a large, florid-faced man beginning to
show his ags, hut hsl snd hearty and decidedly sol
dierly In his bearing. Oeneral Dodge's book repro
duces a photograph of him with full beard, but plainly
taken when h was own younger,
Of all th sixteen delegst choaen to repreaent
Nebraska republicans In th coming Chlcsgo conven
tion, Peter Janaen alone enjoys the distinction of hsv
Ing bean a delegst to a republican national conven
tion once before. He was a member of th Ht, I-oul
convention which nominated William McKlnlay lo
ISM, when he served on ths resolutions commute and
helped make the platform, which was the only real
fight there, Inaamuch aa Mark Henna had the votes
for president nailed down before the gaval tapped Its
call to order. At that time Janaen waa between two
hot fires on the silver question, to say nothing of tha
compromise which John M, Thurston hsd proposed to
open th mints to ths "free colnag of th American
product." But our Nebraska man held his ground
firmly and with his help th word "Gold" wss wrtttsn
Into the platform and th word "Victory" Inscribed
on the party banner.
Whenever Teter Janaen la In svidenca and my
friend, Arthur C. Smith, is around, the "colonel" ifor
Hmlth possesses a colonel's uniform snd awoutremente
for which h paid some 2M good dollars, but which he
hue never worn) cries out:
"With apologies to the Danes!"
Pack of this Is an Incident dutlng bofor my time
whlrh, arose over nm reference In The Hre to some
thing Peter Janaen had said or done. Janaen wrote
a rejoinder, taking exception partlculerly to the mla
epelllng of his name "Janson," which he said was
th Hwedleh wsy, while be spelled It "Janaen," th
am as would a Dan. Th lie promptly msda th
correction by printing Mr. Janaen a letter, but turnvd
th )ok by heading It:
"With apologies to th Dsnea "
1 am reminded of th fteetne of time by a nolle
ef a dinner given by th Alumni of the law achool nf
Columbia Unlveralty In th nature of a farewell to
eaveral epecial gueet. among them Prof. Pralicls M
Murdtck snd Grge W. Ktrchwey, who ere about to
line twenty-riv yeaia of ai'tlv t hlng In thst In
sttuttn snd go on retirement l'Hlne. 1 took
eourws a ii J Ireturea from both of theee prefi-eior. as
did si no most ot tha Columbia law graduates In the
tarta Tiof, J'or'tu k a subject s 'Torts," In aliUh
field h 1 lb author nf aeturwl taiiiUrd law volumes,
ant prof, hlnheev n an Introduction Int the
law of leal taie Prof, klrchwey la'er became dean
uf th taw ehMl anil a (e tears sso eioppeit heit
In Omelia wbll making a tour ctn.-ul reirnt.
tlv ef th uuheretty, t wieh. I rul4 bav ween
(rceent I )IQ la th greeting sod SMiirvnee uf
a,freuiatlii la thee t leadef of lt! edacatta
he k S'rd n4 tneiilred aa meny iudeHts
Thirty Years Ago
,Thi3 Day hi Omaha
The American tomato crop Is worth
IMO.Cofl.iriO a year.
Coney Island Is to make a 11,010.90) trol
ley terminal, work on which will aoon be
Two Chicago firms alone shipped 1,000,.
OiO pounds of poultry, valued st II .WW,
to Ktigland laet winter.
French phonograph record", made on a
recently Invented cloth, which can b
mailed In letters, threaten to rival ste
nographers. Figuring on an average of four preons
to ea'h csr, whl' h Is conservative, ther
sre ,tf,W people in t Ii tn country in dally
enjoyment of motoring
Wireless stations to be erected by the
United Ktiites navy in Hawaii snd the
Philippines will be the most powerful In
ths world, having a 4,7'io-mlle radius.
The Invention of a machine to grind
sea sand, ordinarily too smooth to be of
u, has enabled great quantities of It to
be utilised In brick manufacture In Vir
ginia, On lectrlesl company t Bchenectady,
N, Y., has RM) employe on ths roll at
th present time mor than ever before
In ths history of th eompany-snd It Is
likely mor hsnds will be nedd.
Th motion plctur industry, which uses
sliver sslts for sensitising films. Is tl
msted to consume oune of
silver esrh year In ths United States
The production of tungaten or tn th
United Btstes during 1!S broks sll rec
ords. It wss equlvslent to about 1,11
short tons of concentretes, carrying
per cent of tungsten frloxlde, snd wss
slued at mor than IS.OOO,).
The largest cotton producing county In
(he United Mates, nils county, Tsxas,
yielded 143,714 bales last year. This Is
mors thsn sis times the amount produced
in the whole stata of Virginia and more
thsn wss raised In elthsr Missouri or
For th first tlms In th history of
bowling, women were admitted to the
national tournament In Washington last
week. They had a "night" of thalr own.
There wr ten women's tesms.
Mrs, Florene W, 8tphena, of Clrols,
Mont., who hss been attending th Ham
ilton College of Law, In Chicago, was
recently admitted to the bar; hr mother
snd gfandmothsr were lawyers before
Mrs, Miry Harris enjoys the rare femt
nine distinction of being a full-fledged
blacksmith, frhe works with her hus
band, John Harris, In Grant, Mich,, snd
Is not ashamed of her trade, "I d rather
hoe a horse or set a wagon tire than
mend a garment or do an Ironing," she
A tea room was opened at Vasssr to
get money for ths million-dollar endow
ment fund, and was a great suocess.
Nevsrtheless a number of students hsve
Tetltlond the college authorities to
abandon th Idea. Th reason Is thst
patronsg wss withdrawn from ths tea
rooms on the outskirts of the campus,
and eomwousntly the owners, depending
upon these rooms for a living, wsr much
The most beautiful women In th world
are said by sxperleneed and observant
travelers to be th Indian women of th
Isthmus of Tehauntspeo, which lies Just
north of Yucatan In Mexico, They add
to their plctureaque attractiveneas by
wesrlng whatever fortune they may pos
se In the form of gold coins strung
about the erms and nock. f
The youngest worker for ths suffrage
parade, which on June T Is expected,
with an army of 40,floo marching women
to awe the republican national conven
tion Into placing a suffrage plank In Its
platform, Is Miss Louies Eugenie Ysger,
ths 1-year-old daughter of Mrs. Louts
Ysger of Oak Park. Little Louise helped
Miss Emma Cavert count suffrage but
tons. Bhe csn count up to lot, snd each
pile eontslned Just that number of "Full
Suffrage for Womsn" buttons, which she
placed In th little boxes ready to b aold
th men of Chicago,
Boaton Is building a belt line freight
railroad at a cost of 10,OOfl,floo.
The town of Two Beers, Tsx., has gon
dry and a mov Is on to rvts Its nsm
to Nosr Beer.
Ban Frsnclsco's exposition receipts to
tsled tl3,U4.0, of which 14.71A.K3.0u wss
taken In st th gates.
Ksiimss City will furnish ll school
children with 18.000 fly swatters for sum
mer cxerclss. Also th flle.i,
Newerk, N. J., ts to have a ir..0.),coo
Ford pisnt, to hs conducted on th (sine
wsg plsn ss th Detroit plsnt.
Th msyor of Harrlaburg, Ps,, hss de
creed that young people In th parks of
the city may "spoon" to tha extent of
holding banda snd gsslng st ths stars,
policemen will see to It that ths speed
limit Is not xceded.
A Kt. Louis woman lava sn elaborate
funeral lo her pet canary, ' Tate." Th
body was embalmtd and placed tn an
oak casket, eilk-llned, and hurled In the
fsmiiy plot In the cemetery with appro
priate sentc and floral offerings.
Hl.rtH tity last year bad IXl.W" t keep
the munli-lpal inachln going. This yesr s
svellalils resourcs smount to ISH.OW,
hfc h spells a iMUIt of '." A pro
posed measure of reltrf rails fr carry
ing on month s rtrne ever Into 111?.
rhilaiteiphls'a nl'd pisserles e lo 1
muvetl wr frm rMrntial dlttrlci
her I'H'i'i innint on fth air, lig
rllu eithlrt city limits auiu, vaated
rtahts en S'-ctMint ef sse, snd ceurt pre aer tiulr4 to shift the butt
lues I j rural ll ms
"t4!4 frMt rte. """ " 1
th t sher A v e 1 ' . Ui t M ' .i-s eh t
ka aew wi4 In ii,mi i..i t,.v,,ii ,t i-l iu j
liim wui Im r i mx t .! ,- '.. I' . I t
t lif-g ta i. i wn t's j
Ueeisr S.ili, I't.wlwi w v tiH ,i t
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i ' .i , i s e
Vu t"tn W W f( f I I .iitS t
as iile Ul ftm U-ee na(M
ht' l'nUi,g J I e SJ '.tt lve,
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P.ichsrd Hsrdlng Davis left an estate
of 10,000, which shows what newspaper
men can do when they buckl down to
rner money-getting.
' Counterfeit 110 bills hav become so
common In New York City thst "war
baby spenders" make sure their bills are
genuine before lighting their clgers.
Hugo, the "tallest man In the world"
snd a noted circus glsnt from Italy, Is
lead at New York, lie wss called Hugo
for short, though he stood eight fset
four In his socks snd normally weighed
U?A pounds.
What csn poor married man do with
gssollne going up, his Income stationary
snd his wifs refusing te economise on
bonnets? A New York man pushed the
problem on the courts with a bankruptcy
petition snd a petition for divorce.
A Shakespeare Joke preceded the
Hhskesrware tercentenary In New York,
When Herbert Tree responded to a cur
tain call In "Henry the Klghth" someone
in ths sudlence shouted: "Author, au
thor," "There are many advantages to be de
rived from hog wsllows," ssys the De
partment of Agriculture. "A cool bath
Is very soothing to a hog In hot aeather,"
Ktlll there sre pernicious partisans who
aescrt tho department does not earn the
Evangelist Baldwin of Indiana ham
mered sin and sinners at the Hsgers
town revlvsl so hard that h seared $36
out of a repentant who had helped to
rob Baldwin twenty-two years before.
Ths Incident suggests a line of action
for victims of holdups.
Ths poem by Jsmes Whlteomb Riley,
"Almost Beyond Endursnce," whloh wss
published In our lsu of April It, omit
ted th following copyright crdlt, "From
the Blogrsphlcal Edition of the Complete
Works of Jsmes Whlteomb Rllsy, Copy
right, 1911. The Bobbs-Merrlll company,
Two years ago Logan Wyrlck, a Mis
souri kid of 17, blew Into Kansas City
looking for a Job. He got work In a
bank a mssnger, A week ago Wyrlck
was mad head bookkeeper with the title
of assistant cashier. How did he do Itf
He didn't have a pull, but he kept his
eyes peeled, his mind buey, snd never
looked at th clock.
Fred Thompson, who, with Bklp Dundy
of Omaha, built Luna Park at Coney
Island and want broke on the Hippo
drome, Is about to come back to his first
love and adorn eld Coney with the
largest "hot dog" factory In th world.
Tli goods will bear th mor toothsome
name of "grilled frankfurters," and con
sumers will be given ths sppetleing privi
lege of selecting the material on ths
counter and seeing It compounded and
cooked on the spot
Houston (Tex ) Post: W srs told ot
a Mlaaourl mlnleter who resigned bis
charge because, members of his congre
gation smoked during the services. When
things' Ilk this happen In Missouri
churches w begin to understand why
th men of that elate are becoming so
wicked that the republicans expeot to
elect the next governor,
Church Pension Progrees: The Church
(Episcopal), has msny Informal pension
ers. More than 700 clergymen ar peid
salaries of less thsn 1.0"0 and many nf
these sre tho older men. When the
chiir-h pension fund Is In operation, a
mlnleter may rwtlre at the age nf M
and reenlv an annuity of at lesst two.
This system will put every clergymen
of the church upon an seeured basts of
self-respect and confidence.
New York World: The minister who
dropped the names of 1,W) Inactive mem
bers from his psrteh roll in New York
hss set a precedent which shirkers In
other WTilks of life msy consider, per
haps, with profit. What hav those men
of city and state and nation to say for
I themselves, for Instance, who, having a
right which amounts to a duty to help
govern themselves, are too Inactive even
to go to th occasional polls?
Bt. Louis Globo Democrat; A great
preacher once startled a great audience
on a summer dsy by beginning bis ser
mon with the words: "It's damned hot,"
His stupefied hearers wondered whether
he suffered from sunstroke or whether
he had fallen from grac fsr enough to
profane th pulpit, until their anxiety
wss relieved by what followed, "That le
what I overhesrd a man ssylng ss I csm
hsrs, Of course, that man was not a
Chrlstlsn." Then, In ths tonsj and ver
bal eloquence which msde him famous,
he told how real religion can Impute no
evil to Omnipotence, and nothing but
good, no matter what the weather or
other natural conditions. F,vry act of
nature, be said, must to a truly relights
mind, appear as an set of grscs, good
and not evil, sacred and not damned. He
laid the greateat emphasis of his con
demnation en the profane adjeotlve.
"Rather embarrassing, te a bashful
"How nowT"
"Four engaged girls ar en our party
Indulgence In luxuries eeets esch fsm'ly
In this country $W per year.
An slsctrle proceas Is being tried tn Rus
sia for the manufacture of gold leaf,
heretofore made enly by hand.
Apparatus to register automatically th
percentage of oxide of carbon In Illumi
nating gas ha been invented by sn (Eng
lishmen. For use In plsce where eclds In water
would (julckly corrode metals a pump
lias been Invented thst Is composed al
most entirely of wood.
India rubber trees which sre tapped
every other dsy contlnus to yield ssp for
more than twenty years, and the oldest
and mot frequently tapped trees producs
the1 richest ssp.
The roller-Jewel of a watch each day
makee 4K,MX Impacts against the fork or
1W,Mn,fl0) In a year or (n
twenty years. A force ef one-horsepowsr
would run r?0,ooo,0no watches.
The nervous shock from exploding shells
Is so great that It oftentimes brings
horses up In their trscks, apparently In
capable of moving. Horses occasionally
fall down and glv vry appearano of
having been shot, though actually unhurt.
Dogs suddenly and unaccountably go
lame, though untouched,
Three per cent of the wounded ere dy
ing in th present war, ss compered with
li per cent in the Franco-Prussian, 36
pr cent In the Crimean, and 3D per cent
In th Napoleonic wars. Dlseaso also la
being held under fin control, the ratio
of deaths being seven In battle to one
ef lllnees, whereas in our civil war dls
ese claimed five for every than who fell
victim to the enemy's fire.
Fifteen per cent of the timber rut In the
United Mutes la wasted every year and
government experts In Washington ore
engaged in experiments to determine how
much mey I e saved by utilising the waste.
One experiment Is tbe utilization of saw
dust in the manufacture of slcohol. An
other intereatliig poitlllty It the utilisa
tion of hydrolysed sawdust ss a rarbo
hydrats cattle food.
line, and you can t go to th telephone
without somebody banding you a sias,
I-ouiavllla courier-Journal.
' I hav plenty of erlt," declared ths
grocery clerk, boastfully.
"No doubt, rep!ld his cuetomer, "but
I wish you would find another place for
It than In the sugar,"-UslOmore-Amen
"I suppne sh raveled among tht
besuttea of psrls "
"Hh spent most of her time among
the gargoyles.
"Indeed ?' . , , . . u
"Yes. Hhe knows shs s nlsln, but she
ssld thst heelde them shs didn't look
half bad," Chicago Post.
"I've lust left Walker. He's latd ud
In bed "
"Bilious sttsck?"
"AutomobtMous. He wss knocked down
snd verv badly bruised. "-Boston Tran
script. "Every study polities! economy?"
"No," replied Senator Hnrghum. "If the
people out my way ought mo slttlot
rlown to resd a lot o' books they'd think
I wss neglecting my regular Job."
Washington Htar.
The midnight eftllneea of th dark
en-d parlor was punctuated by a craali
net overhead.
" VVha-wha- wlipt was thst, dud-dud-rlarllng?''
exclaimed the timid young m.
"Merely faiher dropping a hint." h
replied, ss sl snuggled a llttl closer.-Jurtga.
Frances Bsrtlett In Boston Trsnsrrlpt,
The drowsy murmur of some tldelees
A sudden gleem of ths transcendent
Young poplar laves with April's klm
And illon lives sgain for you and me,
A child's cry through ths bush of dsvtn
ing breaking. . . ,
A woman's vole that answsrs len-
BongoTa'blrd, his llttl soft throat shak-
And' fl'lon lives again for you and mn.
Rlpplee of sunlight 'twlxt vln tangle
PlaUitl,ofn5'n unforgctful hemlock tree
A pheasant through low rustling leaf
ililfts slipping.
And Illon llvea again for you and me.
Ruffle of wings through sppls orchard
flvliig. Frasranc of burgeoning lllscs blowing
I ree
Fplllcd tncenee gralna 'neath willow rrn
ure lying
Anil Illon lives again for you and me,
The Milton hills through veils of violet
Plat.mniT'e'f gulls pstrolllng th grsy
Young I 'Ian toward the west her shallop
kteeiillg, . .
And Illon lives again for you and me.
Greetings, half ssld. with stresa of long-
Ins brolten,
Chiimu of the look reveal divinity.
Kill ii. . thrnugh. which lovo uillmale
la p, Hf n .
Dear lllnn lives for sve-wlth you swl
me !
The Strongest Safeguard
Woodmen Of the World
I!!S' Im t.l.A lilt,
J T V UK, lertry, W, A, riiASER. Ptssldeat,
Persistence $ the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may he
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.