Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 2

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    J A
Federal Reserve Board Announce!
; New Plan of Handling: Collec
tions After June 15.
WASHINGTON, April 29. Tb
Federal Raaerve board announced to
day tha't It would p it Into effect
June 15 Kb new plan for country
wide chef clearing and collection.
I nder the plan the actual cost of
Hearing and collection of chef kt will
tin aaseaaed against member Oanka In
proportion to their use of the aya
torn. A rlrcular announcing its derlalon
a mailed today by the board to
7. COO member banka. The impor
lunt features of the plan, the hu
noufjfenicnt ay, are aa follows;
: The ffiral reierve banka will wept
it pnr all ciwka from memhera whether
tiaan asnlitrt other member banka, non
namhar banka nr prtvale banka. An ex-
T'tlnn I made at the outaat In the tw
f click drawn aaalnat non-mmbr
t.anka which cannot ba collected at par.
"All heke Ihua received from mam
Mr 'nla will be given Immediate credit
ritry, although amount thua credited will
not be counted aa reeerve nor become
oallitlile unlll collected.
"In oid'T to enable roemhrr banka to
now how eoon thecka aont In for col
tton mil be evaliabde, either aa re
rv or for payment of che'lte drawn
ignlimt tliein, time aoliedulea will be fur
ilahMl to frw nibcr banka.
"The actual coat without profit of the
Jour-Ilia; end collection of ebeoka will be
ja!d by the federal reaerve bank and aa
ai!d agelnat the member banka In pro
jorllon to their aandlnga.
The whole plan la baaed en gonerally
f cepted prlnclplea under which clearing
u-irt extinction plana have long been oper
ned, A federal reeerve bank will not
( bit a member bank's reaerve ecoount
nth heme forwarded for collection until
u remittance of the member bank hi
my merit of eurh Items shell have haa
line to reach the federal reeerve bank."
(Continued from Tage One )
the Kvenlng Newa reporta In a dlapatch
NM tat night. Ho aaya the rlotera,
hidden In houeea commanrtlng Important
treet Junction or covered by barricade
in the atresia, are keeping up a conatant
The Hat of caeualtles Includea many
have been picked off by Sinn fain
mlprra for no other reaaon than that
hi y were believed to be loyal.
The cordon of troopa Is being drawn
gradually, but atirely, around the rebela'
ninnfliolda. The authorttlea are making
M-ry effort to avoid unneceaaary blood-
IiimJ and damage.
Women and C'blMrwa (hot.
"ritrangera who traverae aome parte
f the central portion of the city take
ihi-lr Uvea In their handa," the com-
Ioiident rontlnuea, "In one or two In
stance rioter ahot down women and
children. ' '
'Members of the Blnn Fain requlal
iond all motor cara entering th city
and uaed them for traneportlng rlflea
and ammunition to eonoentratlon poluU.
At the law courta they Indulged In an
orgy of destruction. They aacrtricaa
many valuable books froi.i the reference
library and tor up quantltlae of docu
"I am abla to aute that lAf Wlm
orne (wife of the lord lieutenant of Ire
hd and Kir Uobert and Lady Ander
4n. about whom there waa murj anxiety
earlier In the week are aafe. Ar vlaitora
to Ireland are being quaationed cloaoly
end no one la allowed to enter or leave
Dublin without a permit, Many peraona
ho croaaad from Holy Head are being
dd up at Kingstown.
k Correspondence of The Aaaoclatad I'reaa.)
1'AIU.S. April H.-'Krigo." the French
all AmcriiHii cold etoraaa beef, haa taken
o well In I Value that Ita pupularily haa,
or ti;e time being at leant, defeated the
uriKiie of Ita Importation that la to eay,
l eaelrur of relall price of mutt. The
bnayor of eeveral auliurltan towna hav.
ng raprcaard the wleh to follow the ex
unt'le of their S'arlalait rollraM and
.ranntie retail atorea for tha-aaln of
rr-fclgrralir meat were Informed that
hcv rmut g elow, a the Imported
inula i rata, Jlanjr butcher ho re-
iu-d Pa Introduction at firm are inw
wiling it at th aame pr. a frrh
ii-iil, to xuii i'iwi It haa brought even
nii'ii-. The autlioittle ie taking the
mattfr ui and prnptu to fix intilmum
itlll pi b ra
i r I'.rn a fiaff 'rtei oit'lent,
UcvL. April 11 -T' tt
in it rurt r... In Inia. ' tu th
'it. mi if tha K'tif foutiij dlritt r-ourt
l.i. f.-unit r -mil i ir gli'tv of em-
Inn. lit
t aor ii . t ti ttananl i ...
'i emtr. titalo ao-l tj" it.-k !'
t h tt"r at IUfti t n I wta
''.i..i K t., At. ut .a tit ih.
t t a i.i ('it a f
l.i.ti- t' ' M tlu f tt agtll al
:... .-. 4 , ft Ha A. w;. 4 !' I
i - i ; s nil M I an I
a' - In . . (.,.).. Att f
, i '. H ' hr tWi-g .- .. i
J. . !...., I', nil IKtff I -(
' -m4 i-i I J
r. iiiiM.iijnw I
! .I4 Ha4ta
in .. ,,,( M. '(.. hH
f t':'' ' tai4 a r-'1-!.!!, n..
-i4 i,-, t . ( I. li.4
ii.t i, hi m4 t .
...I : - i
ItttV Ih I wte I Ml
a r-.-.l 1. I It ! t ,1 ,.,
I I -,. tl
,; tlntM I " I f. ' tl ii .
II v,t..,.. , "
' v" f ' ' 1
Walter 3. Morrla, atatutlclen In the
general periger office of the Union
I'eclfl", retire on a penalon May 1, Mr,
Morri entered th aervloe of the com
pany July 21, H3, aa a meaaenger, II la
on of th youngest pnlonra on the
L'nlon farlflc, being only M) yeara old.
(Continued from Tag One )
Meyden to coat W,'00. Thla la to be of
brick and atona.
Another garage to coM M.W) la planned
for TwmiIv aeventh and Leavenworth
treta. Thla la one the Horace riunkett
property and la being built by thla Irinh
nobleman through hi Omaha repreaenta.
tlve Conrad Voting.
A More and apartment houe to coat
IIO.tKin, two atorle and baaement la to
be built by A. H. Hlnterlong at Klftleth
and Pudge atreeta, It la to be 34 by 41
fed In dlmermloiia, lllck and atunco la
to be the conelructlon,
The Hanker' flealty Inveatmant f m
pany ha Juat announred that It at the
archltactural and building contrast for a
f40,U garage at Twenty-eighth and Far
nam atreeta.
Hyatt Talrfleld are building a rel-
denca to eoat S.00; Albert W, Jenaen la
to build a double dwelling to coat 3..'0
at Twenty-third and Martha atreeta, and
acorea of plana for rNld-nc of greater
or leaa coat than theee are In progrea,
Jesuit Preacher
CriticisesRace ,
Suicide in England
(Correspondence of the Aaaoclated Pra )
MNDON. April 24.Apropo of the
wldeipread alarm caued by the rovela
tlon that Rngland'a birth rale la the
toweat In Ita hlatory, Father Jternard
Vaughan, a noted Jeauli and paator of
one of the mot faahlonable parlHhra In
liondon, delivered recently a atlrrlng aer
mon. "I see everywhere," he said, "on the
erterle of our mammoth metropolla
women befurred and bejeweled, In the
dalntleat of footwear which you can
are aa far aa ever It reache and the
moat porfert hata. Tn faot, you would
think that there waa certainly money to
throw away, and If you look a little
longer you will find that there la a pet
dog which could eally be replaced by
two men tn khaki aa far aa money gooa,
"I do not complain about theae thluga,
but my country cornea before the dainty
wanta of a frlvoloua claaa.
'The cradle la empty and the church
bench la empty. The church bench l
empty becauae the cradle la empty. When
I waa a tad the birth rate waa 37.4(1; to
day we have droppod to 1.5 per thou,
aand. We are a nation traveling to the
cemetery, Never wa the marriage rate
o high; never the birth rata o low,
and that at a time when tha cry I to
replace tha men we are Inalng
"It la the mother we need today, and
shall need more and more, and w want
mother In tho wive whom Uod want
to become mother "
trrom a Staff Correspondent )
I.INtHit-N, April -mpe. lal The .u
pram ouirt cnmmlaalon In an opinion by
Coininlaeioiirr Mc4llrr revereea tha action
of th loiiglaa county dlati-tct wurt In a
- bnmalit by William II Walker
aaalnet A. Thomaa Klupp and rxiitamU
tha C4M fir trial.
Walker brmiehl a-ib-u for datiiaa
iit Klopp f,.r lulurie r ivd from
bring lu ir, a hn an autoiint.i!a driven
bv Klopp .n, who eae under IS year,
irmk th i.f Walker, eun
llla recking th Walker tar an I In.
lurtHg th H'ount
It fuiu in tha eviUn- tht
iwifia Kli(i a iTik! and
thai th father had htt FMi.pilii4 In.
hyt if i. to tat ar )Un. At t
iiitia i' I tha il.m Walker drlvtug
hi tar raat mi I tt.Uriwi. eten1 tn
('"ah and at th inirik .f th
t on m an t In U ,i ar4 n. a b
lh car ttn I f bi ..'i. mh.
Mii at tu l ii t an dii-r
'H... ,hii! i , t in, 14 trial atiii tfj,
!. ia f.r i'i.M lm h.. t n n u
it. il .( M U m l uiii I t tit. I
lni i-lV K v.i-.l.t w b I f
4 ...t.-
t ... , '.-- a) iff V' A.,,- i M i
Jt-,.,Ji-t $V s.jhi U'. I j , i
m at t i ! -I- n Hi 'f
I - (a 4 U 4 H I al . I et
Uj tl '?... At I l. .aV, ef
- . ' . -l i l. i t I . SH
1 4 j ". 4 p
? u t i r t ,1
ft c rtSa .., i ,j ... J ft i . 4 if ; 9 .
IV 1' 4 , i' V- M '
IW1 S4 K'. I rt l(i ..
Twelve to Fifteen Thousand More
Ballot Cast Than at last
tKro ma Staff Correa pendent.)
MNOOIA', April 29.-(Spec1.)-The r
publlran vote Ihl year at the primary
will probably ahow from 12,000 to V.,A
in' r than waa caat at the I net primary.
The bull mooee party haa bfceome prac
tkally extinct In aptte of the fact that
at the 1914 primary 8,.tr,i vote were cant
by the r.ew party, Kllity-flv rountlea
on which the vote haa been totaled ahow
but ninety flva votea for the candidate
for national cngemltteeman, though It la
aiippoaad that Ijincmtirr and Iiouglaa
will lncte It conalderably,
The vol Indicate that tha democrate
will poll about 0,Xfl more votea than
they did at the laat primary, their vote
at that lime being 7,OT, a bigger vola
than waa taut by the party at any pre
vlou election. The vote ao far, with
tiouglaa and I-ancaafer to hear from,
glvea the democratic vol on prealdont aa
;' Official returna from the fourth dla
trlct ahow that V, 1, Parley of Aurora
haa outdlatanced W, M. (,'olUm of York'
for second place In the republican dla
Irlct delegate rac by 13S vote nnd with
f'eter Jcnocn will r-preaent the 1'ourth
(lletrict at I'blcagn.
ICarle r. Mallory haa aleo pulled tn
fthaed and will ha a delegate to the
national convention with W. (.', May of
Gothenburg aa lit running mate. Th
vola ahowa that Oene Weaterfelt laJd
16 votea of getting In under the wire.
On membera of the aupreme court, with
Keith and Douglas out and l,an'ter in
cluded unofficially, the vote la aa fol
low; Chief Juaflcft Morrley, Kaw
celt, 7,3no,
Aaaoclate Juallnea Ilnrnee,; pean,
M,;i72; Kedawlok, t'ornlah, 4!,Ki
Heatings, 4S.3I; Martin, H,4J2; Hunt,
.1,"l; Gone, S,,W; i'almcr, J7,(if,7, Kalloon,
flKATl!l''K, Neb., April S),-tpeclal,)
Vlvla MlKglna, aged 30 year, commit,
led aulclde thla afternoon by hanging
beiaelf In the barn at th home of her
ltrr, Mr. J, (.', Itliihardnon. The body
waa found banging In I he entrance of the
barn when they returned home thla ev.
The woman aeparated from her hue
band, tleorge Hector, annul three yeara
ago and ha been working for hir uncle,
w. u Collin, near Holmavlll for aome
time. Kha haa one daughter,
Her faiher, J. W, lllxglna, of Knnlce,
N, C hae been notified,
('orrepondnce of tha Aaaoclaled JYaa.)
FKK I N J, April lli.-l!ron Hhlbueuwa'a
aiiNouncemeut In Japan that American
flnanclera are pledged to co-operat with
Japan In eaplolllng tlilna with American
capital and Japanese brains, haa been
widely commented upon by the Chine
lire, end a number of denial have beau
printed. These ilcntnla aaaume to quote
American financiers without giving their
namae, stating that American bnnkera
will never endorse nny doctrine which
would be Injurlou to Chtna'e Intereu,
and would nndcrmltie the American policy
of protecting the open door In China.
(Correspondence of The Aaaoclated Preaa.)
LONDON, April ll.-What the i-eopl of
Kat I-ntiihm ml o much when they
have re In liven lout In the war are the
funerali, declared the blahop of Ioudoii
the ether day. I In told of a woman wh l
hiwl lost her husband In a ahlp dlanater,
lelt that aha mutt do aomethlng, o aho
bought a wreath and placed It at the font
of Nclaon'a monument In Trafalgar
lloahl KenerRl,
fi.V RO KN'T, Neb.. April r..-(Sperlal.l-
on Raster Monday at the Methndlat
church of Hnrgent occurred the douhla
funeral of John liveloy, aged 83 year,
and W illiam l,eroy 1'robert. Jr., aged S
month. The funeral waa conducted by
Rev, I". II. Mnynard of the Methodlat
hurch, asulHted by Rev, N. a. Carpenter
of the t 'hurch of t'hiist.
..akiJiu,.'i .
it cr in I liltalia
Mj v'J i.liuc of tli Woild I'h.1i4 pfi. l T Art,
I lib sod laiiiAt-i hi, lnili4. II.. mis N tn M, rniUn, u ,, j
a t o t 4
ait ..! k . 'u.(
mi iwoaiMatra sate
n ma lf
u r. !. Mt
vataaia. us.
(fuesta of the firm at Hotel Loyal, Thursday evening when
of the occasion.
Efficient Methods of Army Medical
Corps Show Results in the
War Zone.
(Correpondence of the Ao;laled Pre
LONDON, April 24. -There la lea
typhoid at the front toduy than there l
mcaslea, according to I'r. Wilfred Oren
Ml, bead of the l-nlunilur Medical Ml
Ions, who haa been for threo month
with the Harvard aurghal unit, and who
la now reluming to hi work In Labra
dor. J( la undoubtedly enthURlaetlc
about the work of the Drltlali medical
men at th front.
I)ok at typhoid, he remarked. Here,
tofora whole arinlea have been decimated
by It. When tha K.ngllh took over the
trenchea west of Yprea, where typhoid
waa endemic In the villages, the Allies
bad already Smo cns of Oils (Unease.
Twenty-alx thousand Kelgluna bad been
Inocculated, and thla waa supplemented
by the Krltlah Tommy playing Hercules
In clearing up thla nw Augcnn slshle,
Rut now typhoid Is no small a funtor
that If a single cane occur anywhere
In four armla It la known the sitmi
night at headquarter, and next day a
rigid local Inquiry I held aa to tlie
Th aanltary service of all towns snd
vlllsge near the line ha been tnk"n
over by tha army medical corps. Hewers
and dralna have been put in order, gar
bage and filth disposed of at the leiint
posslbla cot. At cerlsln place near the
Una one see a series of furnaces, all
made from old tlna filled with clay, hav
ing air spscra hot ween, which once
lighted require next to no attention, but
are eternally doing their work, like mod
ern Valleys of Illunom.
Water Thoroughly Tasini,
Water auppllea are all the time being
tested and reteated by the ambulance
laboratories. One gees everywhere the
trail of their work In label hanging to
melancholy looking tnpa, such as, "Thl
water la not to bo uaed until chlorin
ated." Tetanua, a moat tprrlble and fatal dan
ger of mud enunciated with wounds, la
being met with Innnculallon so aoon after
the event that It haa become an almost
negligible actor In war mortality,
Trench feet at first disabled tliouaanda
of our solijlera. Today It Is no longer
a problem. A batch of such casca In
now aent down by the medical officer In
the trench with an apolugy and an ex
planation, a If It were a misdemeanor.
"One aces criticism on the one hand
that operation are entrusted to Incompe
tent hands, and on the other that ex
travagant aalarie are puld for llluntrlou
name. Neither of these statement has
any truth In It. I'nflt surgeon ro re
mnrale!y eliminated aa soon aa recog
nlred, and the army haa not paid mora
than the rank entitles him to any sur
geon. Yet they hnve permanently In
France men whose skill hrlnga them In
tha comfort of their home ten time
th money for which they are eervlng
their country.
"To ue, the team work of thesa ho
pltsl unlta. cadi with It expert In var
long llnea, the pathologists, the X-ray
men, tha diagnosticians, tli therapeutist,
the operating surgeons, and th com
manding executive medical officers, sug
gest an Ideal model for th future In
ctvll life. The splendid ileutiil and eye
clinics are among the best cvldencea of
thn progress of army medical work, Hun
dreda of cases ef minor eye troubles are
corrected which would never have been
discovered but for the sr. In spite of
the strain of war the workers have Iso
lated new diseases, such as trench feer
and trench nephrtlis-the first atep
Inward their cure.
Dr. Bradbury a Safe Dentist
I -ceding tin Miirdi of iN-nlnl IVmrroa.
(Jrcal success hat iinun tn me tliigugh liHUI)
MKNTAL St!lK, Hdvcrliaing my utimc, ma
lion and keeping up t thite with all the new
thing that the lunnil profession afford.
I'lllilig that I pl.iif lit )our let-Ill .In not tail out.
My Hold and Porcelain Crown slay where
Ihey are placed
My Hridge Work is unusual It ha thi
natural appearance and ! of greatest taluo In
the mastication of food
The Plate I make fit oor imiutl, and the
(eclh Used are the Ulrst p.ttrtUt lit the limlkrl.
I vtite Pyorrhea or en,s tium 1iii ,uu u.
th N liay li photfgrai'ii ant Mddn Ittmble,
I gtt,trulHM ail ii o.k ten I,. ng )cr.
Will tir twtli Kate the rare lint jcai ,
fccti.l fn tK'ktc on Paiiile KniKtii
w clssm im raarcrv
iAri.en aau vvatrat 3.
Drcshcr Bros.
!, iimihi MSTiaat
iti.i rtista r
pr gi. . . n. p,t
CAkh tl US Stk,
Call Tyler 1000
l( .iH Wl to lalk l.i W
if to Isiks iiniti.--l
With the lue.
(Correspondence of Th Aaaoclated Praee.)
I'AltW, April 24.nna of the last de
scendants of the family of Joan of Arc,
A May Sale of Undermuslins
Prices V3 to Less Than Regular--
We anticipated the rising mar
ket and 0 are enabled to make
this timely offering. Prepare
now for the coming summer.
Qualities and prices are inter
esting. The prices are '& to JA of what
you are accustomed to pay-
ing for like qualities.
Gowns: 59c, 89c, 95c.
Combinations: 89c, 95c.
Corset Covers: 39c, 49c, 69c.
Drawers: 39c, 9c, 59c.
Underskirts: 69c, 95c, $1.25.
Tli Howard HircH window display is
worth fifointf. All pales uro final.
Commencing: at 8:30 A, M. Monday.
The Store for
II as many new models
of Spring Blouses that
are distinctive in design
and new as to fabric.
Tliis f-eetion of bright
colored Blouse Original
ity is moro popular than
ever this season.
A May Coat Offering
The Parasol Show
A study of the new parasols I both .VC 'v'TjV'v
chlng nd reaurirtsr. Dime Fah N5'f-Sf
ha brought forth nuntcrou novelties, SfV' V s-V
I while the raraaot but the reflen -'s, aX
embodiment of the maiter
mme Urrti, it poete
mence and individuality
careful tudy, both a to
feature and harmony with
drei vrcationi, of which it
a it.'..., .rv .
Hutf) rrtatl In litiHma.
(t.f.l.l i iin u aa on rpl- but la
M atU'IMi ' k lit mmfiim
.. uirnti Iho altipl tn4ilv tit lh all
rti fftir .4h t am ( K .uu in
Hiartu ili lii, r"l'ilil ilf mI t..
h. UHtr'l Mltt"W trw t la la h dir, t ia
II al mU lliihtTit a Ja. t m.t)i.
tla loirr U ijlil K",'rl all Ih, and irlil.i fr. h
(int iii.nt.l in' I . ! 1 1 itltia attU thai ti".(irml) mm lii.l) Um
HiitiH MiUil ftan aUhowalv mwi l ll.rirt at i li tritM l( H tlmi
..t 4 illUHa,'ll" l hia lriUtt' i( oV lm aiad. I lit, tn
ittotH. 'h tia ll, lrtt! a .tiniiHtiioa h. i lii, h H.'itl.l
Ih ltn'i I It alla li"Ut Ilia haM.lla l. an lMli-al'la a.lnin nl tlda
BANQUET Employes are the
all enjoyed the good fellowship
Mdame lemery d'Are, born Adlne da
Julienne d'Arc, died at Toulon at the ege
of i year. Madame d'Arc educated her
grandchildren and great nephews, who
are now at th front In lrralne.
He Want Ad bring tho beat reaulta.
Tho Fashion Gnfer ofllie MrddleWe.
New Dresses
That are popular in price
anil oiit-of-tlie-ordiiii'iry as
to slyle,
Awning Stripes
In Sport Skirts arc tho
Most Popular
$7.50 and $9.50.
of Timely Interest
A Special purchase by
our New York represen
tative. Mr. Robert Nicoll.
Silk Coats; $21.50
$25.00, $29.50,
Wool Coats; $16.50,
$19.50, $25.00,
These coats are the very
newest in style, the Mctrop.
oils has approved. The
quality of tailoring and fine
ness of fabrics are consist
ent with the name Thomp
son, Belden & Co.
ter art in fem- (;.vi
ufheient rrmi V . f N
v tu coinmatiU H- JLt
art in fem
become ji
m .a m . a, .
Saloonmen Must Pay
For Juckett's Death
(From a staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April . - (t-pci !al.)-The
Judgment of the district court of Dodge
county for $17,00", la affirmed In dletriet
court In an action brought by the widow
of lelbcrt h. Juckett, a !odgo county
farmer, against several saloon keeper
to recover damagee for th death of
Juckett, under the Hloeumb law.
Ten of the galoonkeepra wer In bust
ties In Fremont, one In the town of
Cedar Wuff. and one each In the town
of Nellgh, Brunswick- and Royal, In Ante
lone county.
On tiecernber J. 11 , Juckett proourd
Ibiuor In Royal and atarted for home
When the team reached home aome time
In tha night, Jockett wsa found dead
from exposure to the cold.
It waa alleged that Jockett aince 1M1
had been In the habit of visiting the dlf
ferent towns and drinking to excess,
Mis perl A. Focht, daughter ef A.
J, Focht of flldney, Ia and Mr. Iwl
I, Vanatta of Randolph, Ia were mar
rted by Rev. Charle W. Havldge at hi
residence Kat'irday noon. The bride'
brother and ulster, Mr. fred and Mis
Hulda Focbt, both of Bldney, la., accom
panied them.
A Sale of New
Spring and Summer
Wash Goods
A special felling event for
Monday, at which time wo
flfck an opportunity to how
how little attractive dresscn
need cofit.
Stocks are Complete
Prices most Reasonable
In plain color and NRurH ef
ferta, aultable for walata,
drcaana, etc. Colors ahaolutely
- fast, 25c and 30c a yard.
DIES, 3 to 40 Inches wlda.
Tory larg rango of pattcrna,
1 Dc, 25c and 30c a yard.
HOLLY HATIBTK In fl,nral nnd
ronvcnllonat dnalgna, 30 lnica
wills, flno nnd aheer, 16c a
INiiP In illk alrlpna and woven
rfferta, attrartlva pattern and
faat rnlort, 32 InrliPH 26c,
30f, i()v, feuil 60c h vard.
FOn PPnitT CI.OTMKS tha na,w
rat ami moat atrlkirm anltloi
In all tli" popular Milpp, Uo
Urach Cloth In plain nhadaa; 33
and I!8 (nrhaa wlila. 2.1c nd
3."c a yard.
Via )ut m li Nta
iut i tl. S.
tA.t ii.4 ti a, ai.iih in
al... i,ilii
JL jsfiSr. i
7n ) rk