Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 19

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Council Bluffs
C Social Notes
i Mr. Hcott Kvanii and daughter of Mln-
Asi-mlls Minn.. fLTM the cui'ata of Mra
Evans' mother. Mm, Kiln Pltinay, at the
(Irund. Thsy cxpiv t tn yruil waver!
day In Council Bluffs.
Mis Helen OarrrMt loft Monday to r
um hir ichoiil work at Knox 'coIIwm
lifter pending the liistAr varntlnn with
her parent, Mr. and Mm. V. JI, Uiirntt.
Minn McMiuil, who hu been loan rt lt
esslatHtit at the publlo library for the
pant alx month, left Monday evening
for Tyli-r, Tex., where the goes to take
charge of the publlo library. JI"r mother,
who ha been with Mis M'.Mnnl 111
f.'oimcll ntuffe, will spend the aummor
with a ltr In the weal.. Joining her
daughter at Tyler In the fall
Mr. JoHfph V. Yotwr left last week for
AJIierln, ''nnnila,, where be will iend
In Miinmer on a raiwh. Mr. Tetior,
C.rfiierly Mien Cook, la playing
.th the )5va tana pomimny thl wrek
mid will Join Mr, eoon.
Mr mill Mr. J. VV. rurran of IrMd. S-
1), who havo t n visiting al the home
Mr. nn1 Mra M. O. Cnrrlgnn, lert
U'erltieartnv evunlriir for Wist Haden
iritms. ln1., where thoy l"'t to 'ty
unfit June 1. They will vlit Washington,
1 1. (, Mtirl New Vork heforo returning
The off lepra of the Heiiml Huffrag as
aoilatlon and the committee chnlrtiian
met for the tisuii.1 lum-tieon and 'nfer
tmm Monday at the flrand. liana were
perfected for the May day sola, the mm
niltteo reporting: that about iu) dolla of
nil size and nationalities would be ready.
Home of them are already epokan for,
the (feneral fueling teeming to be. that
with the war atlll on n" 0rmitn Im
portation problematic lt'g Jiiat a well
to d Ohrbttrna shopping along the dull
Una earlier than ever. An espMuJIy
nlMvar dlanlov ta to be In connao-
1nn With 1 he uaJ and the committee
nmmlaea a moet attraotlve eshlbtt. A
; novel and pleoalng feature of the liuieh
eon Monday waa a real "suffrage rake"
,? baked by one of the chairmen heraelf
and eaten . enthusiastically to the last
1 erumb.
Mra. William R. HewHt entertained at
an Eaater party fliiturday evening and
Sunday at her home. The evening wae
pent with name end muelc, followed by
upper. fYluea were given for Kg roll
ing, egg hunting and renin. Mlaa Car
rU Anderson carried off the honora In
i the race and erg hunting and Mr. Adolph
Jjllworth In the egg rolling. Topular
' fgtmr were the order and dinner waa
i erved to ten guesU.
V i About twenty five memhera of the
4 ii . il. cm r'ViH.Hun Tlthle achool
were entortalned at dinner Tueaday even
i Ing at the home of In. and Mra. R. C
! Wllllama, on Kldor afreet The room
i were moat attraoUvoly dee.oraUd with
: pink and white, wild plnm bloaaome be
lti uaed. rtlnner waa followed by the
regular meeting and conference.
The Mcpherson Avenue Improvement
club will meet only once month during
J the aummer and the next meeting will
be held May . the borne of Mr. and
Mr. Henry BperHng. The member are
t ell ao buay dudng the aprlng and ium
i ihi,i It haa been decided to hold
the meeting 1n the evening, until Ooto-
oer. '
fit. Paul" General golld met Ifonday
afternoon at the home of Mr. W. I
Douglaa and elected officer for the next
year. All of the officer were re-elected
tinanlmouely. They are! Prealdent, Mra,
W. 8. Stlllman, flrat vloe prealdent, Mr,
fleorg Jackaoni econd vice proeldent,
Mr. Bmmett Tlnleyj ecretary, Mr.
ieerg Alllnghara. Ilnport ahow that
the women hod a uoceaful year and
In plt of the fact that they omttted
the uaual entertainment for raUIng
money had by the payment of due and
k In other way managea to puh m
f fund neceeaary for carrying on their
ahare of church work. At the cimo ct
the fleeting refreahmente were ervd.
Th United Commercial Traveler will
give an Invitational dancing party Bab-
urday evening at the Orand.
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Mayne entertained
the member of the Glen Avenue Card
, cl"b at dinner Wedneaday evening. The
I after dinner hour were devoted to card
and prize were won by Mr. and Mr.
' W. S. Rlgdon. The next meeting of the
club will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mr. Rlgdon.
I Mr. and Mra. T'ltt entertained the menv
i bera of St. Paul' choir at a theater
party at the fitrnnd Wedneday evening
und later at their home In Omaha. Mr.
Pitt la director of the choir.
A group of nelghhora and friend ur
prlaed Mr. W. A. Oraff Wedneaday even
ing at hla home on Fairmont avenue,
the oceaalon being hla birthday. A five
course luncheon won nervmt. The even
ing i plea'antly fpenl with gami
and imiMr. I
The Knight of Columbua entertained
Itiforniiilly al their hall on Wedneaday
evening The eirly purt of the evening
is ilevninl to earda. after which dano
iiH4 wn fiilnyed.
An'her nf the popular hlk'h achool
i-,.!ti i,i.i. will be f;lveit rrlday evening,
;.. nt the I 4 i ' hall. Thla In the
!.- i.f the chn,. ,ii' rn fur lb year
'Mid .i k.'imI i riVc la rtpev'trd.
y !- I..illier a'lliil oftba I'lut Prraliy.
irnaii church mt Weiliiriuluy afternoon
nt (lie tmiiie of Ml .MnrKret (ironewe
$ f"r thn af 'ci ri.'i.n were Ma
ii rj. M'a Kthrrtn I'enu, Ml,
y . I t I. r an t Mi The uliira Hum
,':ihi'' eaebiii frtlliiwa-t l;y l'ie
.! y .r nn.j fri'a'iiliFn
' , family i n ' "I the ih! r
. . I .- the I - li hi I- i.-f aiI
. . i .f ih- i 'nun, -It ll.uifa Vniian
. t (he I.-1 m-'ing of l' year I
.i i . (. -f ,M' 1,. i :'ry. Mr
J i f . Iianj I in lr,irtin artitte
, . a , ! X V ' vt i t
: ,ei,i j-iiivr .in "iiai A
fi-'! iif IM t'nan .. I'rahf,
...'' Vt--..-f ,t: ,1,111 ?U. 1,111
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Members of
' .i..j' .
i i.,i
Mra. A. M. Jackaon and Mia Hire
brought hyadntha and tulip. Mr. C. B.
X,cffert tulip and Mr. Hylveater nm
of the flowering currant bloom. Mr.
Jack eon read an Interacting paper on
"tlladloll and Other Summer Blooming
Bulb." Mr. Reed wae aa!ted In enter
taining by Mr. Jcokaon. The next meet
ing of the club will be May tat the home
of Mra. Angelina Rrlnamald, whan Mra.
F, W. Dean will read a paper.
The J, K. club waa entertained Wednea
day afternoon at the home of Mra. J. W,
Hchlller. The game of "600" aWntalud
ajTiuaement and the prlxe for high score
wa won by Mr. Grove Da Bar. Mr. T.
K, Thoimt won consolation prtx and Mr.
V. W. Cramer the "out-for-ull," Lunch-
eon waa anrved after the game. Mra,
Cramer and Mr. Fred Clnueen were oiub
gueat. The next meeting will be held
May 10 at the homo of Mr. William
The C T, I. club met Wedneaday at
the home of Mr. Ouy Bolt and reorgan
ized for another aerie of mtetlnge. Mr.
Raymond Blnderaon wa elouted secre
tary. Prtzea were won by Mr. John
Jurgana, Mia Rab Young and Mra.
Oiarlet Keye. Club rueU were Mr.
Frenoe. Mr. Bert Riuacll and Mr. J.
V, Crowe. The club will be entertained
Wedneaday of next week at tho home of
Mr. Karl Crampton.
Social Affairs
of the South Side
Mr. R. Ilatbaway entertained tho
Jolly Twelve at luncheon at her home
Monday afternoon. Decoration were in
pink and white. Thoie present were J.
Pullian. Bowlcer, W. B. Routt, Rosing,
Havolaka, L. Pullian, De Lavnney, C. A.
CUne. E. Burke, C. Hathaway and O.
The New Century club wa entertained
by Mr. Ij. 1 Btrawhecker Thursday
afternoon at her home, 2KU A street
Mr. Qernars won flrat prize and Mr,
Cutnmlnga won econd. Twenty-five
member were praent
The Thunrday Whlat club wa enter
tained Thursday afternoon for the flrt
time since Ient started at the home of
Mr. J. 0. Robertson, 2C1J Sooth Twenty
fifth etreet
Mr. J. B. Minor will entertain the
Monday Afternoon High Five club at
her home Monday.
The Tueaday Kensington club will be
entertained Tueaday afternoon by Mr.
Albert Noe.
Mia Laura Pratt of Lincoln la the
guest of the Mlsie Oeorglnla and Adele
Da via. Mis Pratt 1 also a merrfber of
the PM Beta Phi sorority and attended
their annual banquet at the Fontenelle
Friday evening with the Mtsse Davis.
The Reglna club will entertain at Its
second annual May party Monday even
ing at the Centurion club.
Mrs. Edward Christie and grand
daughter, Loulie, will leave the first
of the week for Philadelphia to vtatt
her daughter, Mr. Oeorge levering.
Misses Arties and Helen I) renin en
tertained the Reglna club Tueaday even
ing. The evening wa epent at card.
Twenty member were present
The Win My Chum gave a auoceaaful
play Thuraday evening at the high
aohool auditorium. The play wae given
la order to ralae funde to send a girl
delegate to tha national convention of
Camp Fire girls at Cleneva, Wl., which
will take place sometime during t'i
month of July. 'Tier nrab Aanlmment"
waa thn name of tha play Tha glrla
taking part ware: 1'orU Van Hant. Mil
dred "onwy, I.oule Mathews, foal
Alawnrth, Claire MrMllllan, Marjori
Abtuilt, I'rani'l flam. Maidle Wella
hreia Wrlgbl and lloi llljlrd.
West Ambler
Social Activities
Clyde flu U rt'rn4 a wa (
trip In Vttli), U, Saturday evening.
Hairv H l1"'. '" ha visiting
re i.Mt at ,1imtir. S , rlufn.l
hem vitiitv
XI t and lf l Uran.e WalsH l iif
Uy I 1 iii,t g i Mra. Walsti e
I ' s In l la- olri
Vlr (I .i II itiD ol'l tlatn l '
Hoi ! 1 ! W-inwn'a 1 i n 'fewe
in a not a Viwiiir att'N'"i. May 4
iu Mar iin Ian- lM.e aV
in 1 fa W tsMrtv en4
i'a itna 'i h1
t'i Car sn
V J 1 ' 1 are "'' ;
- 4 1, . to ' it e v e .1- ,t 1
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V'm l't J.Kn.-m ..i-'i.. l i'n
Hi t faViy i i. a iV.ii act '
f Mr a t M' r 'tw a
if i v I a a-.! sir ! Vi
!!) i -Si.... Vlr I ant Mr
in'-i- eie ,isr ' t J - ki rm
lrie V--ii.I at V" J
T j-.-'.g MHi' I t ea laaavt.
. t sVk.ih llimn In 1 ... . Hi .fn
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Irl. W, , . t Vj 6 lit' I , .
1 1 ' ' I , I ' 1 .,-. 1 ,".. 1 -. 1 1 . 1 1 .k.
Hinton - Chase Wedding Party
t li
f . - A tr h i
It ' t f l.v
Marfar, d JYary Waffle,
Social Items
Mis Anna Welchart wa ploasanlly
entertained by a number of her achool
matea on Sunday afternoon. Those pres
ent were: Misses Madge Fry, Marie
Fllley, Mildred Chambers, Helen Morln,
Gertrude Krum, Marie Letovsky, Anna
Welchert, Mary Welrhxrt, Helen Wel
chert Messrs. Tony Adler, Elner Kwan
son, Harry Larson, Wilbur Reed, William
Adle.r, Otto Adler, Harold Raymond.
Plilletu Broderson, Kmll Adlor and Al
bert Welchert,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Klerle entertained
at luncheon Monday In honor of Mr.
and Mr. J. F. McLne of Omaha.
Rev. J. B. nutter spent the forepart
of the week at Utlca, Neb., where h
officiated at a baptism and a funeral.
Mr. R. T. Ami of Kansa City. Mo.,
and Charles Tlet of Bloux City, la., are
the gueU of Mr. and Mr. Frank Tlet.
The Mtsse Johanasen entortalned de
lightfully Easter Sunday at an egg hunt.
A large number ef the younger folka were
present and spent a pleasant afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mtchaelson epent
Sunday at DeSota visiting relative and
i ' j
I t
in2su ,,, a
At the annual meeting of the Presby
terian Sunday school held at the rhurch
parlor Monday evening, but few change
In the officer were made. Mr. IV H.
Olmsted, teacher of the Always Faithful
ela, 1 uc.oeeded by Paul A. Haakell
and Rev. J. P. Putter, teacher of the
adult class, will act a assistant to Mr.
Batihltt. who will he the teacher. The
other officers for the oomlng year are.
R. P). Wallace, superintendent; Mrs. J.
H. flutter, assistant auperintedent ; Miss
Polly Morgan, secretsry; Milton Nelson,
assistant seoretary; Mra. W, A. Yoder,
corresponding secretary; Irving Allison,
treaeurer; tteuben lUhn, librarian, M1a
Coldle UiiMiel, organist: Mla Maude
Klerle, assistant organist.
The O. U, V. clrol of the Prashyterli.n
ebur. h entertained at a musicals at the
home nf Mra F. P, Urown, 'Itiursday
afternoon. About seventy-fHe liivlt.
thins were Issued.
Miss Mthel Khlpley, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs ,1 V. fhlptey, and Alfred C.
Ilsfisen, were married Tuesday after
nmn. Iha He t'harles favldga officiat
ing. Mr and Mra. Ilaraen wt! make
t elr hum In i"maha,
Al th Humlay evening aerv're f tha
rresl'JIellHIl ihur.h. the fnllnWlng ef-
fl,r r !' led fr the riming '
rider, Jamae C. Kindred; dona, F H
Wa'la.. r P Msrafnrt. r. H A'Ha, I'
iV ltsll and K. II l'eira-m
t. If Clmaiet, Mrs Cbarl Pari
ton. Me Paul llaakall. Mra J It but- I
tar an1 Vx Mary msi1 etwit thai
foraKit et the wes at Ce r IHuf'a m j
-'bur h butna, !
he 11. C, Itartleg ef T"a, IT,..
ta hiMIng servica at It1 CTiMs'taa
hr try etn wh lrw 't . 1 ;
each !l 9
v, l-ln It,.., I ratee ef II I Ww.1ffla f
it.. Wt.r'd will wt at ! 'Ml f
I . ka'l M e tat ae 1 1 ' 1
in- i a n n... ' i .-(. ,j. !.-., 1
i' m ! in n. ,..
wi'l t 4uaat
1 fts t aiee I i a;',.- Met i' 'i
f a t-' r-"Ms, of f i i'
'ft a tsu'sa I " Cult anU'-aiH.-t
tt fhsle ilt n ri -r 1 iy
Me F-lear I ' n sv a iii
vi -.,i, t-i h . it '. M
tn . i 1 wk I k ..!. I
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-,. ,i,t . I (' KMote.g I '
t"-l- t- . - I s, t W-
a t a f ef Mr. H git W r
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!-r j
Social Events
Mrs, E. II. llerden and daughter lert
funday, after a two weeVa' visit with
her alater, Mr. R. B. Ieater,
Mrs Kotysa ha returnod from Ht.
Joseph's Imapllal, whoio she hna been
for thai ast month,
A hiiby girl arrived at the home of
Mr, and Mr, T, R. Aylsworth Haturdiiy
U. 35. IMatlonal Bank OuIIdln09
ew laiiorei
$25.00 New Coat,, $15.00
) i!:u l' h. . al I .e ie
si' art ti ii'f "I tvf "(in in 1
I, !,,.. vt. i.f ciivett, Urg
trn i I , ' ; I n'.i I . s
al I ( -Vi ' ti i. lit t,. y i. I I ,.; (. .
i I ' I I I I r a ii
l. A. si a (m4 In
t i. u 111 i n
'! ltt v ! ., a
!.'- ."i-s-Ul ."!
$10.00 Coati at $29.50 !
I 1 I - i 1 i fl ii ' ' . i M . t Jtll'f I,
ii,. . tn f fine la! 'i i, r--e il .1 ,,,(.
I , lull ". I n I 11 11 h . s-"
', et. A'l beasii : t illy
'' t ,1 e . t .r'-ly tt . l-ia
I 1 t'. i. It ti 0gr,()
,t II", al . , , V'
Mt. Urag and children left last n.'
unlay for !t. Joteph, whero her mother
la quite 111.
Mine r.cnnie Clemmnna and Theodore
llertle. bith well known her, were mar
ried In Sioux City, la., last Th'traday.
Mra Art Moran haa been quite IU tha
t week.
Society Notes
In hniiur nf Hie .Vlaaes I'grwii and Mies
Narila Hcott, who are to be June hrulea,
Mra, C. II. Tlionm gave a luncheon at
hr homo last Friday
Mi s Thomas A inline of New ark, N.
J , la the gueat nf her parents, Mr. slid
Mra. J. W. Marshall.
Mlaa Marguerite Hrntt entertained at
liinclieciii lunt rialiirday In honor of the
Mlnxex I, ii, II" and June I Iron 11,
The iMiinlee elri'le of thn Child 1011
hiivullon hiiguo butt Monday with Mrs.
Allen White.
The I'imdne Woman' club met
Wednesday wUh Mr. (1. W, Wlck
rr;hiii. The Omaha chapter nf the Wimian'a
Chrlitlan Temperance union, met Wednes
duy with Mra, Ii. II. Hume.
The Happy Hollow Franoo-Helglan Rn
Ih'f society met at the home of Mr.
The Thlinhl'i club met Tuesday with
Mm. liny Hunilei land.
Mr, lli-nrgo Melntyie gave a lea
s mlhesipiy fur Mrc. Htorr llowen and
Mrs. If. If C. Weed.
Tim Nabob club gave a dance Friday
evening at Harts hall.
The Olrii', Bible clas held It laat
meeting of the aeaaon at the home of
Mia Esther Weatarfleld.
The Missionary eoolety ftf the Dundee
churoh mot Friday with Mr. W. T. Wal
ton. Dr. and Mr. Oharle CTNell Rich will
move May 1 from (lit Capitol avenue to
MO Underwood avenue.
Mr. and Mr. 1. Ii Fltagerald moved
the last week to (014 Chicago street.
Mr. Jane Chudwlck, ha returned
'ruin Chicago, whero she ha been with
Mrs. I.ewla . Reed, who ha been very
III, but I now Improving.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Cooley and rhll
ilten have returned from a visit In
liurllngton, la.
Mr, Joorg Tunnlcllffe 1 vlalttng In
'.all iilmrg, III,
The women of the Dundee church en
Exhibit and Sale
of Late Spring Styles in
last few days thousands of most fashionable garments for late Spring and Summer
wear. Entirely new styles of plain tailored and fancy suits and smart coats for all
Special Offer Monday and Tuesday 1
ir. Brand New
S45S Silk
Chiffon, Taffeta, Clro de I.orulrf and I'alllc
In ar,tv, jri'i-t'ii, .!, v, rumi nint M;t 1 IVptv
liti. tun 1 1 w .)!, nf uu h twn mv iiinttfvi'i tovt, r
IiK!il'U'if Unfl'y i i.iita witd w i, ciii'iilaf or t!irt'l kirl.
Miili t y f-r iticat nf tatlm. l.inr.l j'li'tii vt fr..v
ni!k. SutM for wniiinii niul tin!', A Hciulorful oj 'pr
.unity fur viu to I n v n fnv itilt nl thl ju ii'tv .Nctunt if IU
tertained Ue Omaha and auburUtui o-
cleiles of the Presbyterian union at
luncheon Wednesday at the church. A
priigrnni waa given In the afternoon.
Tho Mlsse Trostlor of Lincoln and
Si'Hx City were the guests last Humlay
of their slater, Mra. P. J. Whit.
In honor of the Mlasea Brown, Mra.
Carroll p. Belden and Mr. Charle C.
Pelden gave a luncheon Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Carroll Holden.
Mis. II. Hugh C. Weed and umall sons
nf ft, Iiuis are the guests of her
liiirriits, Mr. slid Mrs. Philip Potter.
Mis. flannel I Peck of lluffalo, N. V.,
funnel ly of Omaha, has arrived, to spend
the summer with Mrs. Oeorge llnaglaiul.
In honor of thalr house guest. Mi,
lillss or Diileahurg, III., ltev. and Mrs, J.
J. l.ii in pe entertained at dinner Tueaday.
Tho other guests were: Rev. and Mra,
Harry II Foster, Mr, and Mrs, E. 14
Thiunas and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. flodds.
Ilrv. and Mis. Johns have returned
from their winter sojourn In Florida.
College Notes
The freshman class of Itellevu ColJcg
look a hike Frlduy afternoon to Cutflit
Hprtnga and Motown Hollow.- They came
li 11 r "cutting" their English das to g i
an early start, but wiser counsel pie. ;
ailed and Ihoy did not leave until !
The member of thn class took their
lunch and prepared coffee and oilier
"enia" over a flrw, whh Ii Improvised 1
tnenl took the place nf their dinner, Tin.'
prty did not return until 1 o'clock.
Among those who took the hike were;
rioriilhv fiavls,
Cstherln Harrett,
Melissa I Havldann,
Elisabeth Klntner,
Ella H. Ptireell,
Ksthrvn (Jhanahan,
Eva M, Ward.
Weir Dobbin.
Mss f1rdnr,
llnlsev Noye
Walker J. Itute,
Edwin U Pi.1.
Pnrnlce MlUer,
Vlotorl Marr,
Agnus flreiman,
Ruth fierhvshlre,
I "oris Unilhurg,
Hernlce H''hlotfeldt,
liesirlca "loss,
R'Hh Htnkes.
Hint F3. Day,
Ifarrv Frwln,
perrv Johns.
Clsrwood Richard-
M ii'l.m l Fvana,
Orle I Wsbb of the claa of 1f1 sfent
the week-end et Hetlevii, II 1 Instruc
tor In Hene n the Weeping Water High
Profesaor Pn' led the rhapel servlee
Wednesday and mdiy. President Nlch
oil presided at the Monday nd Tuesday
morning service.
Professor Pnl and Peter gave a
lGtti and
iiiis aid
and Fashionable
faculty leuture-roeiui) In chapel Thur
day morning, l'loleaarir Puis read tjhaJtv
peare'a Macbeih and Professor Peters
gave n abort lecture on the play.
Three rchearaals a week of "The Mer
chant of Venice," the play which th
senior rlnsa la plimiilng to give durlnst
commencemmt week, are now being held
In Adelphlan hall. Professor Puis I
coaching the play.
Profesaor Puis, who la sponsor of (Me
freshman cliiss, accompanied the clns
on Its hike Friday afternoon to Co I 1 1
Flowers by
Parcel Post and
This Ktintrr ha drnionairgt
pr to our nntlrn Hatlsfgi'llon the
pratlli'l)llily of thn National
l lorlat plan, Vb sent out more,
flower thl yeuv than rvrr be
for and not on, tinfavoralile
roport hu ranched, u. On tho
other hand, ninny have cxpre
od grout pleasiirn ovr thn ron
dlllon of lh flower upon ar
rival at domination,
"Send clovfem
Try o on your oiil-of-tow n
John H. Bath
"TU Cartful Fhri$t"
Jf404 I'arnam Ht., Oman,
riiim rtmifflM 8000.
Dreshcr Bros.
311.17 fUliH MT
W Call Wow and Peltver.
OiU TTXH 140.
Farnom St.
$15 TadJock Suit., $29.50
riuiin'tig at) ii . J nl frum (tut
lallui. Mil il laffol, still
1 iii ! an t ivn 1 jr ii
fin n U' 11 ... 1 a4 flare
iln 1 bniiM.1 !lti hiar
lualil tir i'.t. he.), .:. el It
tiile llu !. I.I 11 I riiH
(.lain ir fnf i!it irf r.1
l. . .. I . . . . II'"'
ii i .i 'i 111 r-m 1 avMia r
i effti I t. , ,
$65 Eicluiive Suiti, $15
at a I IU , . I tf fa at tats t-i I nf
,!: Il
h a a V t Jk If !., I a '..
an I -Uv l Uie, l JJ j.'a a
l. . r , -i.l.
n.ii'H i . , ?' s,
lUli'l KHim 4H.
' el 1.1
,!- '1.. I !'
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