Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 17

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    The Oma
VOL. XLV. NO. 40.
She's the Mascot of the Omaha A. C. A.
Calendar of Club Doings
child Conservation league, Dundee circle
Mm. Fred Elliott, Jr., hoHtess, 2:0 p. in.
Chautauqua circle, Tennyson, Mra,
Allen Koch, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Aumiclutlon of Collegiate Alumnae, vocational
guidance section, Y, W, C. A., 4:15 p, in.
Business Women' club, Y. W. (', A., 7 p m.
Society of American Widow, y, M. ('. A.,
2 p. in.
Business Girls' council, luncheon and prayer
meeting, court house, 1 1 to 2 o'clock.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, mimic sec
tion, evening musleule. Mince Fry, host
esses, S p. nt.
KuhhI r'ranchlsc society, Fling lecture, City
hull, 8 p. m.
I'. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. P., Mr. W.
II. Peaeoek. hostess, 2 p. m.
Jewish Ladles' Relief society, Lyric hr II.
230 p. nt.
Spanish War Veterans, General Lawlon auxil
iary, Memorial hull, 2:30 p. in.
Omaha Suffrage association, tea, Mra. J. C.
Front, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Honcon Woman's club, Mrs. K. C. Hodder,
llOStCSK, 2: SO p. in.
1'. K. O. S'sterhood, Chspiir K, Mra. J. F.
Wagner, hosti ,s, 1 Tr, m.
Omaha Story Teller' league, public library.
4:15 p. in.
W.'C. T. I'., West Side branch, Mm. Glenn
fiorkcr, hostess, 2 p. m.
Society of American Widow, Y. W. C. A..
8 d. tv..
W. C, T. F. of South Side, tea, Mra. G, F.
Copper, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Child Conservation league, North Side circle,
Mrs. George Adwers, hostess, 2 p. m.
W. C, T, U. of Benson, Presbyterian church,
south Omaha Woman' club, annual lunrh-
--enHti. J-oyai 1 p. m. ...
Bird Field day observed by Audubon society
and Daughters of American Revolution.
A LITTLE season of brisk spring shopping,
hurried consultations with tailor and
modiste to replenish wardrobes, that as
far as appearances are concerned, the
clubwomen should present an Impec
cable array and delegates to tbe biennial con
vention of the General Federation of Women's
dubs In New York City will be on their way. So
at leant, the clubwomen are employing the brief
week which Intervene between the closing meet
ings of their respective clubs and the great meet
ing which opens the latter part of May.
There Is a possibility that the special trains
bearing delegates from the west will stop over in
Omaha for a few bours as they did two years ago,
in which case local cluowomen, co-operating with
the Commercial club, will extend courtesies to the
vlHiting clubwomen.
Locally, the matter of clubroom holds the
limelight, so far as women's organizations are
oncerned. Tho four biggest clubs, the Woman's
dub, Fine Arts' society, Tuesday Morning Musi
cal club and tho Association of Collegiate Alum
linc, are handed together to securo a suit
able meeting place for next year. Propositions of
many sorts are being sent In, but no favorable
dc imon In any In.iianco has been reached.
Much Interest is also being displayed i (he
nvwrst department of the Omaha Woman's club.
U ii a ciai Iiik nt for the nindy of parliamentary
!., without vhidi knowledge any ambitious club
woman i' imih crl'Hi. Mrs, l-:rl F., HtanfleWI will
Iced the cls-.s and Mrs F. A, Howard will be
fi-i Tcttti j-ircHMin r Announcement of tbe dans
lO'tnn'or will be made ibittly. Tbe meeting
ul ! hi Id Tuch.l.o ultcniooiu' n.-M vet r, s
t-mating iib lb1' i urn ui topics department,
h n'li I b h il formed.
I my tHone liiai-kwt It's turt br! av on Mond.iv,
b i h v. ill iib . TM il u National Sdff rafcf it).
will rot lull forth M) tv'ru a 1 1 v it) on tbe part
tr iiS,,(h.i virrrnin-u Am iitor'w pit fmih wlil
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Little Nancy Margaret Gantt Doesn't Know It
Yet, but She Has High Honor Bestowed Upon
Her by Close Friends of Her Accomplished Mother
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Social Calendar
Lecture by Mrs. Anthony Morrill, Mrs. Walter
Page, hoHtess.
Junior Tuerday lirldge club, Mios Gertrude
Mel)!, hostess.
"Jiundl" duy" of Chriat Chili society.
Trio club of Georgn A, Custer corps, card
party, Mrs. T. Cablll. hostess.
Luncheon for Miss Mildred Bownpr, Miss
Martha Hale, hostess.
Orphcum party for MIhh Mildred Dowser,
given by Mr. and Mrs. li, P. Hoyer.
Luncheon for Mrs. Clydo A. Berkstrasser, the
Fontenelle, Mrs. 8. L. Tublis, hotens; and
dinner given by Dr. and Mrs. Morris II.
Dinner for Trof. Fling, given by Mr. snd Mrs.
E. W. DUon.
Sojourners' club of White Shrine, Mrs. II. G.
King, hostess,
Basket lunch party of George A. Custer corps,
Mrs, Mary MeKenna, hostess.
Menoma Chorus concert parties, Boyd theater.
Msy breakfast for Prettiest Mile Golf club,
Mrs. Glenn Smith, hostess. .
Bridge for Misses Paulino Unslgn and Helen
Hall, Mlsi Liila Houck, hostess.
Lunehnon for Mr. snd Mrs. C. A. Bei kstrasser,
Mrs, Askew Alexnndcr, hostess; and dinner
by Mrs. K, H. Wilson.
Knights of Columbus, dancing jmrty, Metro
politan hall.
Mrs. Merrill's lecture, Mrs. J. MV Dougherty.
hostess. ,
Luncheon for Miss Mildred Bowser, Mrs. W,
H, Wood, hostess.
Tea and bazar for St. Barnabas guild, 3 to B
p. m
Luncheon for Mrs. C. A. Berkstrasser, Mrs.
Harry Weller, hostess; and dinner given
by Mr, and Mrs. Henry Cox,
Omaha Woman's Golf association, the Fonte-
nelle, 2 p. m.
Dinner-dance at Fonteneil Jor .Masses pauline
Knslgn and Helen Hall, ., iVlsses Nelson,
Hamilton and Houck, hostesses. I
Lecture by Mrs, Merrill at Sacred Heart con
vent. Friday-
Lecture by Mrs, Anthony Merrill, Mrs. Fred
Hamilton, hostess,
La Mars club dance and May party, Turpln'a
House party for Mis Uarda Scott. Miss Mary
Phillippl, hostes.
Besearch club, St. Berchman's academy. 1
'Iwlulng-Macfarland wedding. All Saints'
Episcopal church, Brookline, Mass.
EASTKU week saw the closing for the se4
son of mniy clubs and societies, among
them the Subscription Dance club,
which concluded Its year Wednesday
evening at The Kontenelle with a formal
ball and supper without making any definite
plans for tho coming year. "But It Is a ear
.guess," said one of the members, "that we wDJ
show up alert and keen for another lively season)
next autumn." j1
finest begnn to brighten the calendar,' too
last week, quite warming things to life again.
Next to guests come tbe brides of the spring- and;
early summer, sharing favors In the honor affairs.
The last part of the week had a very reminiscent
social flavor with the advent of so many forme
pupils of Brownell hslC all brought together at k
luncheon. It is whirpfied that old friendship!
revived will result in a renewal of girlhood vlnlt)
itud that social interchange between towns whlclH
14 so woefully abrent from all our country except
utg the southern stairs,
A mailer of inturetii of the coming week 14
the Mmlll lecture when the delightful Chicago
guest will ipk on 'The Question of r'reedom'
Monday iiinrnitig at th home of Mrs, Walietf
I'agx, on Wun (lv "The M'tl of Fquality t
lite bom of Mr ,1, M. luiuherty, and lYId
u.ornlni Mri Fred Haniil't.ti will I... hn.itca t
llta uU en "hn IMa.'p of B-'auti "
ll'tinlln iUv" witt be held nil day .Monday tij
lti 1 In 11 i inn si- o f Hii he or children n4
t.aM4 will be 1 .'lift led from a1 1 ovef h nty ni
ititi ef Ihn iiisiriin,, mMiber of h s.nltyu
ii.unt nend lke Hut tiirrel tort that ti
l'"v (' iloei. Uietr ii" c'4 In t Ut)4 tt
I'tilei'l Hie b 'ind'.ei, ,
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