Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 15

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Commissioner Will Introduce an
Ordinance Determining the
Maximum Charges.
City CommUsloner Butler aa-
noiince ha will Introduce next Tues
day morning an ordinance deter
mining and filing maximum ratet
wbti'b may bo charged consumers ot
electric current It la proponed to
reduce the initial lighting rate from
S to 8 centt per kilowatt hour, alter
nating current retail power rate
from 7 to 6 cenU and direct current
retail power rate from 7.7 to 6.6
Mr. Butler etatea he expecta
rnougb support la the council to
pans tbe ordinance.
The following are the rate pro
vision! aa apeclfied In tbe ordinance:
' 'l.' Vot all llaht and for all amall do-
tientlo appliance and motor for dornna
tla um, up to one boraa-powar, not to
xre4 4 cent par kilowatt hour.
2, For retail power alternating cur
rentnot to exceed I cant par kilowatt
I "or ratail power direct current not
to tuofd SVt eenta per kilowatt hour.
4. For wholal power, the price and
rti ahall not b calv or dlicrlm
Inatory and muit be available alike to
all conaumers who are willing- to meet
the raonatl oondltlona which may be
fixed in 'regard thereto: but the rvli:e
4 and rate in rpct to uch matter may
be reasonably varied and graduated to
be haed upon the time of (ervlce and
the amount of energy or power furnlalied,
and ipon uch other raonabl condi
tion aa may enter Into the actual coat
different' of production or dUtrlbutlnu,
in inch irrvlce.
The preatnt Hchtlng rat a S rent for
the flrt twenty-five kilowatt hour, t
emu for the next 126, and a graduated
rla of rite beyond that ronaumptlon,
The propoaed ordinance doe not go be
yond the maximum rate, but provide
that within lxty day from paaaaae of
the meaaur that there be filed with this
onurll for approval achedule of rat
covering clarification of eervic and
graduation of charge aa may be d
Ired to be made and atablllied by the
' ",'Ompany. ' In thl connection the ordi
nance read: "Such schedule may reas
onably graduate or block the quantities
of current and tb rate pr kilowatt
: hour may vary from block to block, AW
variation of rate must have reasonable
relation to the cost-difference of the ser-
Paction VI of the ordinance reads: "The
city council reserve the right to change,
alter, repeal, modify or substitute other
condition and rate at any time It may
think advlaable or nereiwary In the puh.
lie Intercut. Thl ordinance and Its pro
visions are not entirely regulatory in na
ture and purpose and not contractual, and
. do not constitute a grant of franchise or
street lights."
(Correspondence of the Associated Frees.)
Perils, April 24,-For years the cloth
, .. ,,. manufacturer of Franco have ten ry-
tng ruin owing to the vogue of tha rmr-
" '"' and spilt skirt. Now that women
.have Jumped to the opposite extreme and
, ,., vtnr dresses that mention) several yards
' around the ame 'manufacturer declare
' .tlit 'things have gone from bad to worse.
;,.. j ln ..ordinary tlrnea the cioih mfltm
faeturer would bo rohhlng their handa
with glee at tho change of faahlnn; as
- - It. la they greet It with ill concealed ap
"" ' " prehension.
''Our beat mill are In the hand' of
the enemy," explulnrd M. Alfred I)a
oiex, secretary of one of the big trad
era' . oommlttees, "and thorn; that are
left-to ua are ao hard at work on army
orders that they have little limn to de
vote to their ordinary trade. Thla elm
ply mean that If women will Insist in
walking about In aklrt as hlg aa bal
. Inwif, French factorlea will be unable to
keep pace with the demand."
A meeting Is to be held to ee whether
the '"union eacree," which hue been ap
plied to ryoat thing since the war begun,
, " " ran be extended In some way to contiol
llng fsahlon.
(Correspondence of the Associated I'rehs )
LKYDKN. Netherlands, April 24. -1 1 ol
1 n it, 1 ia Hie pamdlae of the boy
The extent of the etgar-smoktng habit
aiming Hutch lads is Shown by ait In
quiry Just made In the school of thla
faiiHiiis old university city.
or 'Mo boys attending tha better class
(-tio(il It w found that 64 per cent
nuinkfd-U per cent regularly and 41 rr
rent more paemmllcaUy. In the "pen.
I'lcV echnola tha prreentaga wax mill
Mxher, Seventy four per cent of the Udl
Indulged in lubaoeo, per rent being
teuular snudter. Coming finally to th
cli(n.ia where education la Ire, all but
a fifth ft the ynuniler itr ti he.'co
(levniaca end half their numb r rr
fc.iinr amtikora. In tl ie ailiH'!i ah
the hi In the hiflimt i'a am-'kul.
in thu ' rg J ir rtu.t ff ! ii!i-il
. 1 n, th ' (vi a ii..ia rt
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Big Banks Being
Organized in the
Philippine Isles
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
St ANILA, April 14. With the announce
ment that share of stock In the new
Philippine National bank would be put
on sal at once, the insular government
has taken It flrat (tepe In the actual
organization of the $10,000,0no bank au
thorised by the last Insular legislature,
Harvey I. Willis, the first president of
the bank, formerly secretary to the Fed
erat Ileaerv board of the national gov
ernment. Is expeoted to arrive within two
month to take over hi duties, and it la
hoped to have the bank machinery ready
for operation when ha gets to Manila,
Hamuel Ferguson, acting executive sec
retary, has been named vice prealdent
of the bank, rnd will direct It affair
In the organisation period until tha ar
rival of hi chief. William H. Anderson,
head of on of the greatest American
firms In the Islands; Leon Rosenthal, an
American of many years' residence her
ss hesd of the local agency of the
Shanghai Ufa Insurance company; Ve
nanclo Conception, former general In the
Filipino army, later a newspaper man
and now deputy chancellor of Internal
revenue; Tsodoro Yngco, perhaps the
foremoat Filipino merchant, and dncenta
Hlngaon Kncamaclon, member of the
Philippine commission since the arrival
of Governor General IlarrUen, consti
tute tha board of directors.
Of the 100,000 shares, the Insular gov
ernment la to take 101,000, the rest being
offered to the public, The government's
share Is to be paid for with SUM.Ooo, from
the insular treasury; t'M.m from the
Agricultural bank, which now la merged
with the Inaular bank; ITflO.OW from the
payment of a loan mad last year to
negro sugar planter, and the rest from
other government eource.
There was a fight In the legislature
as to tha character of the bank. One
faction wished It to b largely agrlcul.
tnral In it purpose In order that It might
sld Philippine farmers to get the moat
out of their soil. The bill, ss paaaed, was
comprnmla and really eitabllahes a
general bank, which is expected to pay
particular attention to agriculture.
1'nder the term of tha law, the bank
must be Inaugurating by August t but
there are Indications that It will open
Its doora for buatneas before that date.
Russian Women at'.;
The Front Honored
With Decorations
(Correspondence of the Associated Preas )
PjmtOORAD, April Z4 The bravery
of the woman soldier who have man-
sged to get Into the Ruaalan my is
again strikingly recalled by the decora
tion bestowed upon a Kuaalan slater of
charity. Mile. Jvanoff, and the propoaed
decoration of Tanla Kakourlne, a girl
VI years old.
Mile. Ivanoff, finding herself elote to
a company which had lost 1l Its of
ficers, placed herself at It head and
captured a hostile trench before whh'h
the troops were hesitating, Mortslly
wounded, she was, by Imperial command,
decorated with the croa of fit. Oeorg
In enamel, a dlatlnotlon to which only
officer are entitled.
TanJa, a girl with masculine name, got
into a regiment In much the same cir
cumstances and the same disguise aa her
mother Joined a Ruaalan company In the
war against Turkey In 1877. At the time
her Identity became known the girl was
In a regiment serving In GalMa. For a
long tlmo the men had concealed her sex
from the authorities. . The officer dis
covered the truth accidentally. He
wished to take the soldier as hi orderly
on account of hie good" conduct an
youth,- and had summoned, "him" to hi
quarter. He win struck by the face
and the eyes; he asked questions nd
the girl began by denying, but finally
burst inlo tears and eonfesaed. This
girl shared all the difficulties of the
eervlce Bud all the danger of battle
with the others. Her bravery ha been
the marvel of her male companions. 8he
has a pleasing appearance, a round face,
shining with health, and look well in
uniform. Tho men protect her by com
mon accord and act toward her as father
and mother with touching solicitude. She
ha Juat been propoaed for the croa and
medal of Pt. George.
Hindu Baronet Dies
at Calcutta, India
(Correspondence of the Aaaoclated Preaa.l
CALCUTTA. India. April 24.-The death
ta sniiouticei of Hlr Clilnulihal Madhavlal,
the flrat aud only mfinbcr of the Hindu
race, which eonstltutea more than half
the populiitlon of the whole Brltlah em
plre, to be created a baronet. He was
03 yrara old.
Hlr Cilnub!ml'a grandfather was the
plonwr of the cnttnn Induatry In the
province of Qujarat, atartlng the flrat
aplnnliiB mill at Abmedabgd, where there
are now fifty mill. ,
tCVrreapow'enr of the Anwlatnl Pre' )
IiNIuiN, April J4 --Children playing
on the mound which had piohahlv km
raised over lh g'r cf aiime VII1I114
leivW at Vi'i.m in (be laUnd "f lU,
on of lb IUI'f(il( gr.iiip. fe.ently rt--cinrrfil
a n imiM r i f Xli iiis r lb of lb
nlliih Crtii ny. 'l h"V t-. l li'd tif (nir
at ar ! t r "M-bi" i f a ntn r- u
dinvn t'P". small !.. h. a rmm.l.
al h(w.t ornmiit mltli a irnirai
and a tlcirni n i-f biirl-'t -.p a
mill tu llr, a pirtl m iif a broii !-Uu
! ! f It "f.i"- t (lis Hle 1 .
br.-b. a iit single U bee l !
fii a"!- ' bud be nim-l '-r ti.e
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All-Big-Gun Ship the Naval War
Machine, Asserts Prof. Abell,
Sea Fighting Architect.
(Correspondence of the Associated rreas.)
LONDON, April 11-Jlooordlng to Brlt
lah naval architect, the present war has
demonstrated conclusively that naval su
premacy rest with tha nation possessing
the greatest number of all big-gun ships.
They assert that the big gun with th
long rang 1 the dominating factor and
It I In the direction ot perfecting big
gun and perfecting the armor of ships
that their energies will be.
Tho torpedo, they contend, is of no
great account. In the armament of the
capital ship and It la doubtful whether
tlie battleahlp and battle cruiser of the
future will be fitted with torptdo tube.
All-nic-Ona Ship (he Thla;.
Prof. T. U, Abell, profi-aaor of naval
architecture at JJverpool unlveralty, as
aert that th experience of the war
have given conclmlve argument in fsvor
of th ll big-gun ship snd has fully
Juatlflod th policy which Admiral Ixiw
Flaher Initiate) In the conception of the
dreadnaught. He add that secondary
armament of battleahlp I now rendered
practically uaelraa.
In the pro-dreadnaught era, battleahlpi
were armed with twelve-lncb guns as
primary armament, nine and half and
all-Inch gun aa aecondary armament
and often a large number of smaller
weapons. The Russo-Japanrae war. how
ever, demi natrated the uaelesaneas of
thla so-called aecondary armament, ami
out of the Ruaao-Japaneae war was
evolved th dreadnaught, a heavily armed
craft mounting ten twelve-Inch and
twenty-four twelve-pounder gima.
While the all -Inch gun wa and often
I of uae In repelling attack of .torpedo
craft, with the Incresaed armament of
deetroyer and the Increased striking
rsnge of the torpedo, nme cloud la cast
upon th wladom of burdening a ship
with ali-lnch guns and th argument Ii
advanced that at a range of four miles,
which is the effective range of th mod
ern torpedo, the nix Inch weapon would
not prove very effective against s
No t'se for Torpedo Tnbra,
Prof. Abell Is emphatic regarding the
nnn-dealrablllly of fitting battleship and
battle crulaer with torpedo tubea. "No
experience In the preaent war," he says.
'appear to Juatlfy It present existence;
In fact, there appear every reaaon of
dispensing with It altogether in the bat-
li-ah!p and battle crulaer." '
The profeaaor point out that originally
th torpedo was Intended for use by capi
tal hlp engaged at rloae rang. Now,
however, the range at which declalv
action are fought having ao greatly In
creased, owing to th perfecting of the
big gun snd the range finder, the action
alway take plara well outald the atrlk-tng-dlstanc
of a torpedo. Deatroyera
and light rrulaera, ' vesael outalde Ibe
capital class, will certainly retain tor
pedo :ihcs, for In act'ons between am-h
craft, the range would be well althln
the limit of he torpeiJ.'
Pntlllty of Knowleege.
"Ton can't make m believe a eolleare
education gita you anything," aald the
young man who had won two medal
for fox -trotting.
"Still I alwaya thought rolleg reilow
waa awfti) wall," replied th girl.
"N'othln' doln'l TTe got one of them
In. our office that alwaya aay 'whom'
and 'nntwlthatandln', and say, T heard
the hoee callln mm ilown toflay the
worat T ever seen. What' the uae
knowln' them kind of worda If you enn't
talk back?" --Judge.
"s j
vk ' 1 -n(fC
K1" r
HOADSTin. noro touhin(; cau, noto zjy
(Correspondence of the Asaoctatad I'rea.)
TOKIO, March !4.-Iriven to attempt
sulcld by th failure of her father on
the stork exchange and consequent pov
I I If - - '" p
III . ' ' I'l
:. 2060-64 Farnam St. Phone Dou?la 4225 r
Friday and Saturday of this week, 5th and 6th, Chalmers will entertain automobile
dealers at The Fontenelle in convention All auto dealers, interested in up-to-date
methods, intelligent salesmanship, and modern systems of conducting an automobile
sales and service store are invited to be my guests on this occasion.
You get 60 miles an hour if you wish it but always you have the instantaneoui
response of its glitter of acceleration, The pickup of the 3,400 r, p, m always puts
one in mind of a diamond, with an incomparable (lash in every facet of speed- No
engine wu ever built in roadster or touring car with a sunnier disposition.
W. L. HUFFMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., omaiia. neb.
erty a young Japanese girl recently threw
hrrwlf tn th ocenn from the topm st
cliff of the sacred tale of Enoahlma, fib
M caiiKbt and pinioned by the branch
of a giant tree which leaned out over
the !. It w nut until seventeen
hour later that her cries wore heard by
a fisherman paain In a sampan and
rpHE CADILLAC COMPANY is the largest
... producer of quality cars in the world.
Large volume, unequaled facilities of production
and "knowing how" are the factors which make
it the lowest priced high grade car in the world.
. t t There is a wealth of significance in this con
dition. The Cadillac is in very fact the standard of
the world.
engineering pre-eminence,
social pre-eminence,
unequaled V-type experience,
the enthusiastic endorsement of thousands
of owners.
mechanical construction representing the
highest type of fine manufacturing.
and 'an established record of luxury, long
life and endurance.
You KNO W that you get these qualities in
the Cadillac "Eight."
Where else can you get them?
Cadillac Company of Omaha
GEO. F. REIM. PregJdcnt
2060-64 Farnam St. Phone Douglag 4225
Quality First
she was readied, seriously but not mr
tully hurt.
Dry tinoila.
"Of mm a dlme'a worth o' dried href
an' aome cracker," aald t'nele Josh to
the young lailv In charge of tha rlblmn
Counter in a downtown atore.
"You have evidently made a mlatake
In the place." he amtltngly replied. "Thl
la a dry good tore."
"Whiii, now, I reckon I know'd that. '
b'gfiali," aald th old man. "an' ef drleo
beef an' crackers hain't dry gooda, then
I d llko to know what In tarnation ifd
call 'cm?" New York Tlmea.
Set and keep for short filler on Inatd r
to help on make-up. If
! a