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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1916)
TI1E OMAHA SUXDAV REK: APRIL 30, 191(5. XING AL OF SPAIN r in nn tlT W Tr ITT n ft m c t Car So Well Liked by Foreign , Monarcn uiai Me mcea Second Order. JXO QUIBBLING ON PRICE f or the second time within period of ihrn montha, Kin Alfonio X III of paln hii hon hi pri-fnrem1. for Amer ican built utr,mohllc, by purcheatng hi second Wlllye-Knlght touring car from the Vlllye-Ovrleiil company of Toledo, O, Thl latent order I significant In vw of th fact that only a few dayt elapd hatwaan the arrival of tha king ftratt Wlllye-Knlght and tha taatilng of limtrurtlona to duplicate tha shipment at tl.a eerlleet poaalhla moment. r Repeat orders from foreign htiyr eVirh ti Ovarland factory with elmoat fiery mall. Till In Itaelf, It la aeeerted. It not umiaua.1, aa th moderate priced tynledo product ' la aold In practically every civilised city In tha world. nd America. Leads. h quantity production rnathoda of manufacture which ara responelble for this country taking tha load In the tomohll Industry hava enabled few ft tha large American producer of high f rada cara to all tar abroad, tha price r.f which cannot be equalled by th smell Kuropesn manufacturer. Tha price feature of American built rare hi generally been behaved to I" th only raon Why foreign buyer take them In preference to their own home product. Put when one of the crowned lieade of Kumpe, ilka the king of Bpaln, buy two Wlltye-Knlghts, It I said to be quit obvious that the price ha noth ing to do with hi oholoe. Hie grant wealth would enable him to fill any num ber of garage with the highest priced rare In th world If he so desired. Performance I whet Klnf Alfonso look for In a oer end It U aaeerted that It apeak well for th ability of th Wlllye-Knlght, when a forlgn rul" nrder hi second eer of tht type. Hupmobilo Branch Managers Hold Big Meeting at Detroit The semi-annual meeting of the tiupmo ble branch end district manager wag held at the Detroit plant Jaet week, Th men from the four Hupmoblle dletrlbut Ing brenchoe end th twelve selling dla Irlcl of the eotinfry reported tejalnes. more thriving then It have been In several ereiona ana every inni' anon poinia 10 an even greater demand for ear then hae been antlolpeled, If the report from the Hupp men I e correct Indication of th biifllneee for thla geaeon, the nuuiufaa turers will not be able to meet the da mn ml by at leeet W per oent, This la the first season that no car hava been aimed by the big faotorte and very few i.ValcrH have machine on hand, o that by the middle of May It look very muoli (i, f Hi old condition will prevail in the automobile business, when It wee iwe e.'xary to order a car a month or all e'k In advance In order to eeoure It, The unuaiial pert of thla demand for au tomobile I Indicated by the Hupp buel ) r during the nine month of It pres (nt with twelve month of It lant jell ing season. Every eeotlon of th United Hietce ordering car In larger quant) t lea and the proeparlty la In all pari and In certain aectlone. From the New Tork Hupp branch, V. ft Pcrlven reporte the blggeet business In the hlatory of New Tork City and gur rounding territory. Thla section hag al ready taken more cara by aver per cent. C. H Jeffrey, Jr., from th Boaton branch, report aim liar condition and elate that New England we hvr more proaperou. From th norfhweet branch of the Hupp company at Min neapolis, H. D. Rrlggs stated that th noi'thwent waa taking more ears than ivn the earlier prediction tndloated. Thla la also the oaee with the Omaha branch which haa been recently opened I y C. H, nolllaton for the state of N'ehranka and South Dakota. This tr iltory has taken an unusual large quota of machlnea. Chandler Auto Used in the Movies mm t-eii i i mm mr-r ii. ., Barney Oldfield Likes King Car Hrney Oldfield. raea pilot, llkee the multiple c Under motor oer. He apoclfle thnt he like the eight-cylinder King, Ilia rndornement te prized by the manu facturer. tthtlleld during the recent race meat In emit hern r'HllfnritU jumped Into en right -cylinder King one day end wa o fnvomMy Impreaned with the perform 'nice of thla make of motor oer that he wrnt the fnllowlng letter! I Imr luet hern heeling one of your n w Klnun. It I soma Jh, No wonder King ha mmlc! o ,ig an Improtnlnn U' h liiind irilii t. Hi-e ytiu ar uilng riieHi'iHK That'a V. Vou know me "HA UN 1" Y Ot.IlKIEt.t' ' , lie Mail Mualtflfd. V ..iui. In an lii'llana villas ii. ulil In. i-imiii imttrova i ho limn .r siui'iiiii i I' lii Hi.. In. a I i hurt'li it..- -..I, 4 i'-"i ft a l'iiili talk, , i li.i-i iii hu'iI thai h ii t, it t Una t . i Hi l-.ili.t , . ii hi .innnanv wllH kral i : ii. ,i. i i ,.,.i. i.i wia tu tha iinni ... Hi. i liui. li Km imcii.r. think- i, i i... linn niicMiiit"raiii - .11 t,. ll.UI s i lit hi- v i r iiliin Tbli i i i-"- t 4 t li l. r. ' ,u i ,.i." I li. i imii.i I hat i.i i ..! f"r in.-! iiitii an i 1 t a'i -ii"i baa ki li inula l uia l i ' I -iM 1 in kim i i- I ; i tir.ii on Una1.! "t A mum 4m ie mi i' ." .a ee ! " r PU rl the l l " P J I wkf . 4r4 le et kj i" weue rt eewl.ei, tfl w hanh.M u k. l-s r A f ,, iM'win Ie4 el tg i.'iH -ve M it M rvi er ie H a - K U I i''l r k .tt ! W' I k'.! ire! i ii - i 'a hf e em X a ". i I.. aV & fM-mmM The "Only Olrf Company" play fplvereal Hty with a -handler Kli. from left to rla-ht; Ann Walker. Klafo Halrd. It, ,', Hrndii, ninneger. "Tb Unly tilrl Company;" Huhv AH"n nd Marlon ntinintun, pliotni(iiinh'l on tha "lot' danger ously cloae to one of (he leading cltlaens of I'nlverant ( liy's anlmel quarter, Non-Stop Car is to Help Uncle Sam The non-stop Mexwll, famou after the reiviit 82,023-rnlle grind without a single halt of the engine, has takan up a now job, It Is now an aimlllary and an Im portant one to Uncle Ham's fighting furoes along the Arlsona-Maxlco bound ary line, Shortly after the conclusion of th no- stop teet In outhm California a few week ago, Charlie Wilier, district repre sentative for the Maawell Motor Hale corporation, took th toll-scarred cham pion and started for Arliona, Etiroute the machine was an objeot of Interest everywhere and more than lived up to Its record by establishing- new Inter-olty epeed record all the way to the Mexican line. At Douglas, which Is In the western center of military activities alone; the International boundary, Miller's ride of triumph waa Interrupted. A dusty-look-Ing army officer, without any formality, state that he needed the Maiwell to trsvel to a point fifteen miles acmes the desert., Miller wasn't a bit In favor of losing his one. fit fsct, he told the officer so In a few well--hon, Arlsnna words. "All right. If you're such a poor patriot. 1 guess we'll Just have to eonflecata your meclilim," was the reply but It wee enough to make the Maswnll man some thing Ilk niad, "A poor patriot, am It Well, If that's the way you fuel, Just take Oil car, and Inside of ten minute I'll have all more Mas wells here to take you to Meiloo City and baok. Why didn't you tell roe It was for federal service In the first place," Miller we as good a hi word. In a short time a whole fleet of Max walla, none of which had seen le than 10,000 mile of Arlr,ona tage service, were car rying nine trooper at a load to th new (lamp, The no-stops champion lad tha maroh and Miller drove It juat as roughly over the desert bump a thouah It were a brand new car. Instead of one that had already een M.outj mile of travel in lea than five month, POWELL Heeiy CO? Attainment TO build a motor car of light weight, attractive appear ance and low operating cost; to equip it with every device for comfort and convenience; throughout to instill a value and character that we could be proud to endorse with our name and reputation; and to offer such a motor car at a price made possible only by scientific manufacturing and a great vol ume of business. This ideal, conceived almost thirteen years ago, has been the guiding influence in the destiny of our nstitution. Its sound ness is established by our suc cess and the great good will earned by the Maxwell car. ' i , -- i--. i Oaa kM fa ,! tea I'aawtigef R..a.ttei. , , , M KU l'etiger Tnuiliig Cet, , ftv Touting ter lnh AU VVretHer Tnpl, M Ten l'en,r C bil'tt, . , hu l'aiigti Town I'af, . . , H t u I'awviigtf t lei lift Full 'il(iiwnt, Imlik.lui li.tiW Starter siul t ight. AU I, U, U- l!ii ) MOTOR COMPANY, DETROrr. MICHIGAN A. C. W. Francis Auto Co, UtH-H I arnatn Mteel Cadillac First Car Over the New Southern Highway Bearings of Cars Aro Subjeoted to Most Severe Tests i j vine nut the route or the new Southern Netlnnal highway, from Hun 1'lego, Cal , to Washington, a Cadll!' eight re-ently mnda the S.WO mllea In twenty-elx days, The expedition wns plsnned and ess etited by (he t-nbilllo Cnmnierclel cluh of Han Plcsn, fr a preliminary survey, or iath-fliirtln lour, over a trnnecnntln ental route whh h mill ie open to motor touilim all tiii' Mir rnuii'l When thu pew highway Is realised, It will travrrne eight talea- southern California, sntia, New Meiilro, Teaa, Arkntiens. Tennessee, Korth I'srollna a Ml Virginia, with a gulf division proponed throtish southern Texas, Louisiana, Mlsaleelppt, Alabama, fleorgla and Hunt!) Camllue Hen 1'lego will ha tha weatern terinlnus The more one seee motor truck and automobile In aervlce," aald B. U. Koe ther, general salee manager of the Hyatt Holier Hearing company, "the more one wonders at the perfection which their construction has reached. "Thla tlmusht waa brought forcibly to my mind several days ago when a great motor truck went by A large chain waa faetened around each rear wheel to give linrtliiii, end the vchhl bumping along over the pavement. I wondcreil i w briber people realised the Strain those I'lillntlrea hump eserted npmi parts of the truck mechanism, eapeclnlly the besr line ' If yii stsrt lo lliinli about It. siul will renllie how tmrlflc Hue shock are. The truck and Mm load are isrilcil up and Washington, P. C.. the eastern, I when the wheil Is passing over Hie Wlhur Mall, mngaslne writer whol,h,'! end (lin Hie ilri.ipel rtuwn sud- msde the trip In the route findini. in. I'bnly upon lh- asles anil the hearing. Illnr-. save thnt If the gnnd-roads tnov e- I l''cn though It bns eil this to cuiitend ment, now swcetilng the smith, continn-a '. "I" 'fl mcciianlem Is resdv to lo gather Impetus, It is only a urn sllnn ' work in a"tlcally every day In Die yesr." of monthe when the bad stretches will be surfaced, The nw hlrhway gives tmirlsls chenne to visit the Ornnd Canyon of Colorado, traversea stretches of desert, the copper country of Arirone, and tnkes him through the rent south. However, desert running Is made ensy for motor cats, esiieclnlly between the Imperial vslley of Cellfornla end the Colorado river. Mere engineers have devlncrt a double plenli trail for aulotnnblies, so that th motorist glide smoothly over sands that baffle pedestrlana and burros, In spite of the fact that rouie makers encountered a week or leu days of ruin, the Cedlllen made the rerun! lime of twenty-! dey for th l.tVo miles, Tlinn who mede th trip were R If llurrell, englnear In th federsl bureau of ronds; W. B, Oros. Han Diego; II, U, Taylor, who drove th esri Wilbur 1111, and Colonel Pell M, Potter, Cllflnn, Aiix, preeldent of the etouthern Nations! High way association, Thl 1 tli second path-finding lour In whloh a Cadillac eight hs rsceully figured, the other one having been the run from Chlrsgo lo Miami over the proposed Dlile blghwey, Fined for Driving Fast, Although He Is Told by Sheriff To he oidcri'd by Die sheriff and thief 1 of pnlu lo ilrlv en sutniuihlle at full 'fcl ninl In be fined Inter for speed ing Is t ln ith"r queer prcill'-ament wlih'h I'ffill M. I htime, Marmmi uvslrr In Itlrluiiond, Vs , some tliim a". ft S"enis Unit a negro sci usci) of sssuulilng , young white mini n llimulit to I"1 In ilniigiT of vlolcme from a nmu, "tone, driving Miinnorl it. w rci by the chief of police to drive l full spoed , from I'clershurg, Vs., In Hh hinonil, Va., where the negro would be held In safe keening. It Is said that Minns made the distance In lass lime than hsd ever beau known before end reports give It that he wee going t almost a mile a minute clip, The Judge In fining "tone end costs, said thst there wss no csuse for Hie car being driven at tilarh speed after srilvlng n the city, as ther was no dnnger st that lime. METZ For roomlne tha METZ airlg In tha ltfht far elagg. Then, too, tta long wheel baen, full elliptical epringg and aplral shock abenrberg give. It further parlor rar comfort, nd It bugg h road a no other light car doe. II gearlee tranmUlon la atrong, gure) and glveg you a speed for any road condition. It mahee Jerking, whao starting or changing gpeoda, Impossible.. Combine thla with Its light weight and you hava tha reagon why tirag laet longer on a METZ. It engine la one that any owner can take ear, of, aaally, In hie own garage glmpla aa can ba In construction, but speedy and powerful In operation. dearie transmission doog the work. Tha motor world ha proof of that. It make the upkeep of a METZ almost nil, and la one of the main reason 'wby tha gasoline and oil consumption of a METZ la o low. The Quality Car METZ COMPANY 2056 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug'. 6187. Road$ter or Touring Car $600 Completely Equipped, intludint. Electrk Starter and Electric tf hi y -, ,.nf,f fi .f 4sw. OUR APRIL 15TII MODEL DESIGNED AFTER THE BJIOWS $1325 F. O. B. RACINE ForS-Pancngcr Model fiiimi ..ilium in iii miiw-rmmmmmrmms'm v wiwiasssiiyisw iii)iii)iiiiiLaiiiiaji)iiiiiiiiaiiiij iui ,h a i ihuhhim iwyiii-iii iu ssisne .UHI iimiim ... ,. ,: i n' , , -Un, ..'i, n'a in.,. -.,.,;,, , ,,.. i ir ,, nun- ; u ' ' ' iHbA c 4 . ii iS- f,'""' " ' J ,mm,r' " "' " f'''' 1 .PI." '"' .. , m.j 1 1 in -in nnaiiiiiiniiii'-""'" "I-..-- .- .-i... ,.- - i . 1 257 Cars in One We now have the Mid -Year Mitchell, completed after the New York Show. Combining all the best new ideas that were shown there. Designed by experts who first compared 257 of the latest models, to embody their best in one car. Each great designer, every ea on, contribute new ideas to can. The Mitchell dciigneri contribute their ihare. At the New York Show in Jan uary all the.e new ideal appear. No one car has all of them. One designer has excelled in one fea ture, one in another, The ideal car ot the season would he a com posite car. And that's what we offer in this new-model Mitchell. The Best-Liked Ideas Some new ideas were fizzles. Some were immensely attractive. On each one our experts secured the motorists verdict. They picked out the lines which were voted the handsomest. They chose the new features which men and women liked best. Then they completed this new model to come out in the spring, and combine every hit-minute feature in body and equipment. This never was done before. This New Mtuhell, theirfote, it show in itself. It shows all the approved ideas. You will find it by far the most interesting car on exhibit. Exclusive Springs This is the only car which has the Hate cantilever springs. They offer ease of riding which was never known before. You will never believe what a difference they make until we take you over a stretch of rough road. The car ridei ruts as a boat ridei waves. This, to women, is the most appealing feature found in any car this year. 30-Year Service The Mitchell, we believe, holds the record for aervlce. Six Mitchell cars that we know of have averaged 164,372 miles each. That means over 30 years of ordi nary service. And all are running daily. The Mitchell is distinguished as being the choice of the ablest engineers. We have a long list to send on request of great engineers who huve chosen the Mitchell. The Mitchell is long, roomy, impres sive. Its wheelbaae is 127 inches. It has a power tire pump, reversible headlights, bull-bearing steering gear, gasoline primer on instrument board, and many other features whkh make this car a favor ite with men. 26 Extra Features Because John W. Hate Saves Us 20 Tbe New Mitchell ru ?6eitra features - thmgt yuii went in a car which other car fiiMi't nlfcr. Moit of these are esclusive t Mitchell. And rto rur at any price hei inure thai) fuur fit them. We invite yon to irs these eitras, Jnilfc-e fur yourself hut tmh ue myitis. Jmle li"W nun h ymt would hum it. When uti ee I'fiuf them in a single tur, w think ymi will wnt that var, Due to 10,000 Savings Th'iie nlr me peid (r out of IO.Ojh) giving inida t'f J hti W. lUls, tha eftu iriu i rijirtt. Our buildings covering 45 acres were designed by him, He has equipped them with W time-naving machines of the moat r flidrnt sort. In this model plant where every second is sved - we build !M per cent of this New Mitchell car. We luild it for helf what it would have cost in our factory of 1910. Wt build it for id percent less, we believe.. Own any other fintory could build a like cr. Th ne are the reasons f r these Tft trss, They are due to Juhn V. Ht. Any uten who sees the tu will have new retnevl f.ur fei tory efhVienvy, tarried ta the (era theft limit. Come, let us show them b ytt. Wtifc rmmmt . im4 mII4. ajkaalkM. ! I,kiu, ) .t ll't u . i ... m. I.i'w, e.iitaat tua i iv.'.'t. aa. kii.i4 ate, I t m t ' Heii ie l'4igri 1 tlii t er i li, 'a.iigrf HeUi, tM r lnMa'Mie Sl f4ew Mil, Kelt light, SUM, let. lexee Racino.Wlt. U.S.A. J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. 2048-52 Strrft Phone DougUs 138 m far wiv s -rfs w 2 lit- :lt. :ll. tu: tin