Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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    nil-: omail sumvr bf:k: aviiUj no, mc.
$lg Convention Scheduled for First
J Part of May Through Efforts
I- of W. L Huffman.
J The Chalnin iiotur company of De
troit will ho 4 v IU deal m' nunentlon
n Omaha M .". mm 6. Tin- attendant
pt me convention will include )-al-rn
rem all rrt of th central west and,
lans are being made to make thin con
-ention an epoch In motor car cunven-
'ions. The convention wan landed
through the effoit of the local lr-nli.
fvV. U Huffman. occauee of hl eiccllcnt
Uiowing of Sale.
Omaha ahould be very proud Indeed of
At compliment which tho Chalmers Mo
or Car company hna paid lo thl eecilon
a scheduling thla convention for On ahu
natead of 8t. Ioul or Hana (;liy, it
! a virtual recognition of the prominent
Oiltlon which Omaha occupies u a dls-
ributlnc center for autnmohih a It rnk
pmaha In a clas wild t imago. Mlnne-
lpolis, Boston, Atlanta and hnllas, whl -h
ro the cities whero these com iuti,,
Lava been held thla year.
Fromlnent among tha Chalmers ofil-
'aia who will attend tha convention ore
aul Bmlth, vice president: V. H. Willis
ale manager, and W, J, Drumplcinann,
tsaistanl sale manauer. L. it. vn p,.i
an. advertising counsel for thn (iieii,.n-
Jiam Press, hi also paying a .-dt to llta
Jinaita convention and will talk nn
krtlalng. Van 1'nttrn l m Vit no at t, A
Authority In advertising circles rml hia
aig win undoubtedly carry much weight.
air. JJrumplemann, who ha uncut, thn
'at week la Omaha comnh -tlnir arm m
kient for the convention, state thnt njl j
sun moo win not m devoted 1,1 ... ,,.
lualnesa, but In addition they intend ti
WW tha dealer a "royal 'nood time "
be dealer will Le housed
SWetle. TheDreient nmi'mn oil. in.
oan'iuet Friday avenlnar. which win
Vludo a rabarat and vaudeville show
theater party la scheduled for Bitur.
ay evening. Moat of th dealer whi
tay over until- Hunday, which ha been
Mima ted aa "drive home' day.
Eastern Automobile Thieves Classed
as Cleverest of Present Day
Tha man who steals an automnhii. i.
one of tha cleverext mechanician in the
country. lie Know every maka of car
irom mo aieenng wheel to tho tires, and
there la scarcely any precaution taken
by the owner of the car to safeguard
hla property that the automobile thief
cannot beat. '
Home car owner fondly imagine Ihnt
hcn they chain the wheel 0f their car
with a fairly tl.l.-lt ateel chain they have
made It Impoaalble for any crook to
move the auto from ita
simplicity of thla safeguard mini cauae
Mi..! iy among tne motor-car erooka, for
(he ordinary ateel chain ran h n
second with the appliance that tha
uioicr thlevea carry In their outfit.
Hut moat car owners .
have made the car Immovable by merely
I'-Mng the wltrh box. It will intereat
them to know that the car thlevea have
found a way to beat thla precaution very
lly. The clever mechanician who
makei a business f aleallnir e .
!i-om wire o n. (o etllM ,Ktl(Mon
move the engine without bothering with
the . , ,t,n A Im,l)()()
kindergarten to the cr thief to con-
(ho motor without difficulty,
r;nr tt lien V u
Home cara have device. ,y which ' the
I'regently the meo bold a consultation,
imlntlng lo eome part of tho motor ma
chinery, and apparently come to the con
cludlon that the car cannot bo atartei!
with the toola at their command. Then
they hitch a ropo to the car and tow It
awny at the end of their own car. Could
anything he more elmplr ?
llriw pnn vml hAt Knelt mm Mtt thla?
Carrying away part of the machinery
aoee noi prevent ine inievee rrom towing
the enr iviv. One aura vnv to itrevent
robbery la to have the car watched. The
policeman on mat pairoi win Keep nn
eve nn it if vnit rtk milv rnlnir in mnltA
a vlalt to some office building and coming
back in a abort time. But If you keep
your car In the itreet the entire day no
one oan watch It. You are almply taking
a chance with the car thieve.
No (tafety In thalns.
One alinple safeguard la a chain on the
wheel, and that haa proven a fllmay pro
tection, for the auto thiavea lauifh at the
ordinary chain, the long-handled nippers
mat incy carry cuuing mrtrugn aieei as
easily aa paper.
The amashlnff nf I he tmrilnck Is even a
simpler way of releasing the wheel. The
onlv Cfimfrirt the nwner nl the cue ettri
carry away with him after locking the
wneei or tne car la tnat tie has placed
a. difficulty In the wmv ttt the eur
for cutting a chain or breaking a padlock
Is an action that la likely to attract at
tention even In a street where every one
la Intent upon his own biislnesn and
averse to going out of bis wsy lo pie
vent a r.AaMlhta fur llntft fuuhl utih'h
the eitr' fhieveM can enver the fiHInn ,.f
opening a padlock or culling a chain by
At the Omaha
Automobile Club
met wires from the drv ,n h... ...
r. i .1 , ... - j- i,j. npeuing a. pnoiocn or nulling a ciuun ny
io me ignition roll, thus alartlnc i friitherliiBr armind the K-hi-f.l fa tlnniuli
1110 motor Without dlffln,.!!.. I . ..
tnoy own tno car and are merely making
an cxatninaiion or remov ng inn cnal i
, - "t which me !"" ."...,".....,...
gasoline supply ran be lock-d, and this Ther are other ways of making the
Is reanrded i. . ' . .L . .. . ,. .
preparatory to alarlhig the car.
. TJ. Zulrbel. In charire nf tha KViWal
prvicn elation at Jul I'arnam street, dls-
-muter of Federal tire, has a new aerv-
plan. All Federal tires and tuhea tour..
tased from them are kept In repair free
Jt charge during the life of the guarsn-
, aucn a repairing punc-tiires In tube
id small cut In cnslnga. Mr, Zwla
l la a faclory-tnilnrd ennert and ha
atra that thl la not a new service Idea
tt waa Introduced In Mllwaukoe last
aaon, at wlitoh time It mot with great
weesa, The average motorist neglects
! give hla tire limner rare. Hinall cuts
h casing are the forerunners of rulna-
m in nj tire, the rubber being etmnly
waterproofing or protection to the
tnio, which I tha backbone of any
re. Federal users will find It a nmut
dp to avail themaelve of this ecrvlca,
men i absolutely free.
tirla Mairrrll agener.
y, D, Meoctim of Mullen, Neb., loured
i un ny auioniooiie anil returned
-ime with a contract for tho Maxwell
enfW In the Nebraska town. He was
Visitor at the downtown headquarters
mo omana Auioniooiie I'lllU In lllli
TV.,.la..lln .
a hopeless barrier In ih - . "
thief who would run off with the aland,
"or car K..r how can a ear be mv,d
when the supply f Ka-0tlr , ,,, off
Nothing e,isl,r. The motor-car thief eP.
He will, him his own supply of gasoline
111 a bucket. U'llh II, n .
,, 'iiimi or so or
Kasollne, (be automobile t f ,- ne-
gotlato a fifteen-mile run with the ear
by connecting his bucket of g,,,a rtl.
ect with the carburetor through a ril.
er.bose. The uitomoblle thief ,.
h'H Hf ,Hr frtln t)e (,Bne ftf Un fofnw
xtiillon; sufficiently tar to enable ,(,
o put. the gasollnti tank and the car In
r-gulnr rotnnilaslon and speed where lin
will lo afcty and a sale.
Hut the commonest and, therefore, th"
safest trick of the aulornoblle thief re
quire no expert mechanical knowledge.
H almply require nerve, which these
thieve posses to an unusual degree.
Thla trick la (he oid one of driving up
In an old auto, (hat look lko a garage
repair wagon, hllchlng a rope to Ibe car
that I to bo stolen and towing It away.
The thieve dress for the part In oil
oiiked overall. When they have selected
the car to be stolen, picking one that
la In a aide street and not likely to be
under tha eye of a policeman who may
have been tipped (o natch (be car, the
thieve come up to the ceno In their
old car, looking like the nrillnort
sent for from the garage to repair a
oar that I in trouble or lan't working
a well a It faatldlnu owner would
How They Work.
They alight from their own car and
make a great pretense of i.n,ii ,t..
car that they Intend to aplrlt away. They
riimv. me noon and enitlnle the motor.
They get out a kit of tool and tinker
for awhile with some part of the ma
chinery, If any one should happen to
be watching them or looking on from a
neighboring window all tha men do haa
the appearance of natural work bv i,.
est workmen frifni lha -i
iruq, Mil,,!..
paih of (he motor ear crook aa sleep nmi
difficult a possible. One MotorM be
lieve he has solved the thief problem
by having a slot cut In the clutch pedal
shsft. Through thl he passe u bur,
which he locks. Ho fa,r bis car line not
bet n stolen, Another way Is to remove
the rotor. Thla makes It very difficult
for any thief to steal the car, for he
would have to cany a number of rolors
to be uro of having one that would f't
that particular motor. rhlladelphla
North American.
Nation-Wide Tire
Show on This Week
During the week everyone Interealed
In automobile tire will have an oppor
tunity to tudy at first hand the complete
lino of t'nlted Htntea "balanced' tires,
A movement bus been set on foot by
the dealer who sell these tire to hold
slmultauaou shows, in order that the
motoring public may be given a definite
opportunity (o find out nxactly what
meant by "balanced."
All tha coming week Iho concern sell
ing United State tires will have apmlal
exhibition and a corpa of expert to ex
plain exactly what "balanced" means,
and how tho perfect balance between
fabric carcaa and rubber tread add to
the life of the lire.
Till nationwide movement to hold tire
show I a nroltv ariod nroof nf linm
dealer feel toward t'nlted State tire.
Victor If. Moo received another order
Haturdav for threa ninra 1farlav.rc.i'M.
nn motorcycle for lie In City Comml
loner Jardin' department Thl make
five ilarlcy-Pavldaon motorcycle that
the city engineer are ualna In their du
ties, two having been purchased earlier
in tne season,
This is your car if you
want a proven success
In the Saxon you cret licrhtness a luxurv ,1
a smoothnessa silencc-a flexibilitya power-that make
the costly quality ears of a short time since seem crude indeed.
Today there are four now Idem iu motor iftr
Light weight
High-speed motor
Vacht line body
Increased riding comfort
for all passengers
All four of these modern Idea, you find Incor
porated In the Haton.
Msht weight come from HuM iNvIkh and
Hght material. Kxpenwlvi' nickel tocl in axle,
aterlnic gear and other vital pari 1 lighter mid
atronger than ordinary carbon Mee. Vanadium
Iteel make better spring, and roducca their eight.
Faion hlgh-iHNl motor iltlgu get morn
fewer with Its h than men used lo set mt of
bigger motor.
If you geek aor-rtl th Pajun h It. Iterrntly
a stock model covered 4H mite from l.os Angelei
to Han Kranrlaco la 13 hours, beating tha "Urk"
tha Southern 1'acirtc g Ustmi ttinty 15 tutu
utea. If you eek Ninev lha Haion hai It. Tha
fliion l ela hill every here. Thla tttt I th.
lately phenomenal In II Poaer and flnihility and
lur etera will welcnma any trt tni rate tn In
vita. a ar perfectly rotilhlent lht the Hai
for power, apeed. f IrUMIlty, ai celeration hill rllmb
Pi. OUletneea, lttbtie. rtxilnesa and Comfort
will out perfnim any rr In t ric ih. Ak
be ihown.
If you ,.,...r. Ita von . (t. He.ent
ffao ecanaiy test b b..-n I I t tl
tSa imnniry, and the H.i ht b. arre l 3
BHlea lo Ida iU of g., lute Hume r- i r
ur klghtr. Tb ( l.ier ' u ' .4s axres.
tt f'lira in tit r .,.iin
Six-Cylinder Saxon,
a big touring car.
A year ago tha Saxon "Six" wag tha moat ac
claimed car on the market. It represented h won
derful value then becauan It was the first glx-cyl-Inder
inr below $1,000.
This year Saion "Six" represent even greater
value than ever. It ha added features, as 3-unlt
electric starting and lighting system Timken axles
and Timken bearings throughout silent helical
bevel drive gears.
Ita genuine yacht line body Is even more hand
some. Ha powerful high-speed motor has been
further refined. Its floor board and running
boards are linoleum covered, bound.
It wheelbasa 1st 115 Inches, Its body Is roomier.
Tha touring ear accommodate five big petipln ,.
Hie roi.dster three,
Saxon "Four" Roadster
with new improvements.
Here bearing the fiavou trade mark of nun I
Ity nu lew the Stum ' r'our" lina.ltier ahuh
at I'Si embodies these new unlooked for feature
3 speed tian-iHl.nlnii; mure poeilul motor;
handsomer, larger bod; entllatlng windshield;
dlustabla pedala. It U moilern In eery hi
and n.. a ala. the t:t tUV t"HMftn
of lMMrd.m. cti will mis a treat unle.a v,.u
Ibe new rin Itnadsier In ot-en and rl"r.
tar Die
I' 0l k a ros ip A rel sue. ess
Uke ike Mog. tour rUimt ilralrf and pUe
or ordrr at 0r.
Tufieg tar ,,,,,,
ibaatUlor . . ,
IVIlkj IVU !lllr yHi. ttitd tilt
VHI M ligMiug. ,UHr III.)
iiuiv,j inn; muiui vuiiiiiuijr
. 4 . ... ) iii
fciv Lfe-- mm9um,9' V wffi'ssawwiiM . ' p g j
"iwiwwi , - t aat,,,,,,,,, , ;:J J
There'k one memher In the rluh who
even liooala in hla slumbering. The story
wa told by a elub member whri goea
regularly to church, fmya hla dues
promptly in the Automublle club, ami
! soup silently, so hi story la to be
believed. Here it l: Mrs. A, told Mr.. IJ.
that she was afraid John wa going
wrong beciiuao he said such strange
things in his sleep. Hhe said John rose
up in hla trundle bed last Huinlity night.
wiggled his finger determinedly at some
Imaginary, culprit. In crime and whispered:
"And if you are pinched, Hurry, your
eard aerve a bull."
Sen- Itnnle la Important,
Tho impnrlanee of the newly' born
George Washington highway Ilea In the
fa't that It Is the only organised tri
angular route bisecting the United KUIe
from the southeast to the northwest.
When fully organised and the route main
tained under one head, the sunny south
will he easily accessible to the ourlat of
the northweal, and vh-e. versa, tho re-
freahlng luce.,. of the Pacific const will
be enlfly reached over long-malnUlned
roads, An advantage possessed by the
(Jeorgo Washington highway not enjoyed
by other transcontinental route In their
infancy Is the fact that the entire dls
tiiiiee, traveled over roal that have
Tor years ban the beet road In their
vlclnliy, following the direction of this
highway, Kvery mile la part of some
prominent and named highway, Jt
touches every trnns-coullnanlal route of
import nice, gnes through some of the
most prosperous eltle of tho country and
give the overland traveler a gamut of
scenery ns varied aa ever enjoyed by
rWnluid the Hiillor.
I.roitina With l,ninlii Omaha.
The abundant Jlinaon-weed and the
nbl'iulloiis dandelion urn not the only
thliiK that grow In the spring, We don't
like lo cliiK'i o-irselve wllli weeds, but
wo elnilily have to when hitting on
some objective in eomparalive growth.
Thirty new member Joined the club in
, the last ten day. Thirty count 'cm!
Name on file in the club room. Jtoubt
ing Thomaa- are iniltfd down. And if
; you come, bring a ten-dollar WillluJii
I with you, for you will be uro to Join.
Some llooaler, llelleve 1st
i J. II. Cutoff (excuse the publicity, J. H.)
j walked Into the elub room last weeg and
whlsjred he had three Indian he was
I going to make Join the club. Jfe grabbed
j three application blank and left. About
three hours later t came bark with the
Indians' aealp attached to the applica
tion blank. Gosh, If every auto club
member wa named Cutoff!
Dodge Brothers Car
Is Used as Scout
Massachusetts haa stepped to the front
In furlherlug military preparedness, not
only within Its own borders, but through
out New Ktighuid.
I.'ndor th suspie.e of the Bay lle, a
Dodge Brother ear Is now touring the
New England state gathering Informa
tion relative to the number of motor car
available for military duty, the condition
of the roads, distance by road between
points, general topography of tho region
and neh other material as would be of
advantage In th event of war and the
attempted Invasion of thl section of tho
nation by a foreign government.
Map will bo made and other data gath
ered together and turned over to tho division of the organized mllltla
(the National Ounrd of tho New England
The trip, whh-h will cover several
weeks, lias th sanction and commenda
tion of Governor At "Call of Afaasgchu
sett and Hrlgadler General C. If. Cole,
head of the military department of the
CZ---rcells ItS . rw.ll V
rtica11 r th i- always
-.-iop- . riri'" or
c,J.h'"i.',. A'e'ePed.
pun h i nf:
. 1 vl.
feferf MOTOR
l ' r.A m.trt
. Kill'" - J I S
Drcshcr Bros.
9211-17 rAHBTAM T
Our Aiitomobl). J-ns Your Door
Kv.ry Day,
UK r- - .... "a"- S" " 1
BTsT'Ii nHTTil-lTITI' sirg-'"'isa"'si''"- rTlf PYtfmiWlsMMs
Jiee Wants Ads Produce 'hii11h. This litis been proven
hy tlic rlcftdy gain tlic Want Aln Jmvo made
' i.W-i,tim.i ,,afrs.M H U.?ttiMf. -vjt. .
Roadster $593
Where are the proud ones who wouldn't get an
automobile until they could get' a real one?
Where are the brave ones who sacrificed pride
and comfort to economy?
Where are the experienced ones who drove big,
expensive cars because they couldn't get a small, in
expensive one which could give them the accustomed
Where are the comfort lovers who couldn't stand
crowding and creaky, bumpy riding?
Where are the fastidious ones who had to have
every convenience which an up-to-date automobile
They're all driving the small, light, economical
161$ Overland.
People who never owned a car
People who owned lesser cars with apology and
People who owned larger, heavier cars and
counted the cost
All have found their ideal in the small, light,'
inexpensive, roomy, comfortable, easy riding,
' powerful, completely equipped, $615 Overland.
You, too, will find in this car all that you have
, been wishing and waiting for.
And you can have your wish, but the rush is
on, so don't wait longer.
Come in and get your car.
or tell us now when you will want it.
Overland Omaha Company
J. JAMIIOsT, rraaldsst.
! is). rwraam 9U OssaJMk.
The Willyt-OvtrUnd Company, Toledo, Ohio
ft 4.
. , w ' lit
JT ii i .' 1 ? K-SV le"fl)
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p ... ... -ljjiiiiwnuia.'i.iJLiLi mii)iiMssi.W MWHIslinisW " I' I"1"" imrjr'-iin.iiwis "'
ltifti&&!ftB&1&G&&Btr&iMt9&tw&irtk$ 1 1 " 'IssKJSsI sfll iiffsMlimitt JtfsjgjjyllliiliMiUiPlis'Wii'Mli iBE"1llrV1ffr'IimSf styX9Mfl WJiSflnffHJ IVWjJ I'lffl lf sJtleSjSjSjajseJ .ifeMs? flSjBjeSSBW ftsitoJS8BsftWeWSVssSsajsj&e