Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 11

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11 A
Improvement and Enlargement of
Standardized Plant Results in
Increased Output.
With the greatly Increased production
n( the present Kuon at the Oole Motor
far company In Indianapolis, Ind., hue
noma a general linprovfment and n-
largement of tha standardised plant,
Maxwell Provides Thriller for Movies
"-" ,.':,if",.;-fw Xs
I I aft
Kvrry avallabla foot of floor paoe In tha
big factory li being utilized. The aervloe
htatlcm haa been removed to a plaoa
nearer th center of the city, and tha
building formerly occupied by thla brunch
' lm own converted Into a new and en
litreed final tent department.
The large court between the new con
'roti! structure and tha amaller brick
building occupied by the parta depart
ment, und Mock room haa bean aurfaced
with cement and will be utilized to house
. frames and other material which are
coming Into the plant by tha carload,
The arrangement of the receiving depart-
. went haa been changed to expedite the
handling of Incoming material. Schedule!
fur tha moving of matorlat through tha
plant, for ahtpplng of rara, etc., have
been worked out systematically, o that
10 delaya will be experienced anywhere
(long tFie Una.
The traffic department of the company,
which In time Ilka theae, la looked to In
retting materlala Into tha .factory on
schedule time, haa been materially In
creased. Many men are eonatantly out on
tha road, working both with the railroad
' and with tha parta producers aeelng that
ahlpmenta are made and the materlala
are not delayed along the Una,
Work nay and Main.
Fery department In the factory haa
been enlarged and strengthened. Work la
going on night and day In an effort to
supply the anormoua demand for the Cole
flight which continue to Increase day
by day.
"Thla la the bualeat year In the history
of the company," aald Leon Truynor of
the Traynor Automobile company, local
Tote repereentatve. "I have been told
by thoe who have been with the Cole
company since It Inception that they
ne never wiineaeo aucn activity a
that of the precnt year.
"Neither time nor money I being spared
by A. F. Knobloch, the new general man
ager, and hi eorp of efficiency expert
to keep tho wheel a-rolllng. The factory
la taxed to Ha utmost, and though the
big plant eemed to u previously to be
adequate to meet any condltlona that
might arlHA, there Isn't an Inch of apace
In It now that la not being utilized all
of tha time.
"Our production for March of thli year
exceeded the production of the, game
month a year ago more than four time
ever. Think of It, more than four time
a many car were produced thla March
, aa laat, and every Indication I that the
production of subsequent month will be
proportionately greater.
'"Of course, we all reallase that there
I a material shortage to contend with.
But, despite thla, the Cole company ha
launched ! biggest year of production
"a,nd every bit of 1 1 a' energy la being
directed to Increaao U every day."
The) production for the year, according
te offlclala of the Cole Motor Car com
pany, -will surpa that of any prevloua
year, despite the fact that the organisa
tion la concentrating Ita greateHt effort
on the Cole Eight model.
The moat epectaoular automobile action
jHcture yet oblainnd by a camera wn
filmed recently near Paiita Darbara, Cal.,
where the aludlo of tha American Kllm
company are located, when a Maxwell
tock touring car leaped a chiiam thirty
three feet wide and twenty-one feet deep,
It landod aafely on the other aide with
fourtenn feet to apare, the total dletance
Saxon Six Shows
20-Mile Average
On Gallon of Gas
If the preeent conteat among motor caj
owner for economy reoorda keepa up, the
auggeatJon ha been mad that a aet of
rule for the game be formulated. Thla
aeaon, aa never before, goaollne mileage
la the favorll) topic of the automobile
fan, and It 1 no longer necetry for the
motor car companie to have teat. The
owner aro doing the tenting.
Thl eprlng aeveral report from owner
have been received unollclted by the
axon Motor Car company. Tlicy come
from all part of the country and they
bear a jilitgle meaaage.
"The Baxori 'Six' average batter than
twenty mllca on a (Ingle gallon of gam-llne."
William Ooy of San Franclaco kept a
record of the mileage of hl car and alao
of Ha gaaollne conaumptlon during the
month that he wa conducting a Jitney
aervloe for vlnltora to the' ranama-Paclflo
expoaltlon. He traveled more than 11.000
mile In all kind of weather and hla
average mileage waa better than twenty
on one gallon of fuel. i-
Out In Hagamon, la., they bad a little
economy contest. It wae Juat a local
affair and varlou make of cars were
of tha flight being forty-een feet.
Three paancngnr were carried on tha
perilous-' Journey. Another retnarkablo
tribute to Maxwell sturdlnctia I rontutnud
In the fnot that none of the paaaeivger
waa Injured and the oar waa unharmed.
The oar waa driven feet on a tem
porary board Incline to give It the mo
mentum neoeaiary for Ita long leap
Included In the list. C. W. Holt, driving
a Saxon 'Six,' made a record of forty-one
mllea on two gullona of gaaollne aa hla
conaumptlon waa measured by the Judges.
Right In Una with It active effort
among ita own employe for the pro
motion of prcparodneea and the making
of loyal and efficient American citizen
I the action faken by the Palge-Detrolt
Motor Car company to organtxe a rifle
corpa from the worker In It factory.
Recently President Harry M. Jewett
addreaaed aeventy of lit department
head on the general aubject of pre
paredness and cltlxenshlp, Illustrating his
Idea with specific, fact on the present
state of thla country In the matter of
defense. The Paige company had alao
opened a citizenship bureau ao Hiat every
employe In the great factory who had
not become a naturalized citizen might
find the opportunity and the way made
easy for him.
About 200 men accepted this Invitation
and became Immensely enthuslastla over
the work that l being done at the Young
Men' Christian association.
It I great Plr RxtlnaraUhlnar Statins,
Almost 300 miles of pipe, with IOO.OuO
sprinkler heads, 1 the chief reliance of
the Willys-Overland company of Toledo,
O., in fire fighting. Fires cannot be en-
II t-nrn-r-T-n t-t qr-.-mnn n,n, ... -i.r n ,i inrwi m r, mm i iii.ii.n .,
1 w ' nn TV 'a.i t III!
KW r- . mm
i u rairaeja
Power ! !
Ftw of hare the need or dfalre for
a racing car.
Thfa car la a thoroughbred every
Inch of h.
V art qultt am tent to let the "other It U just a handanmc aa ao autorno-
fellow tako hia chance at 70 milei Mle could pi
an hour whila wa spin alont
comfortably and aiffly with the
pffdometer nfftlle rrgwtfrirn 25
or 30,
But wry man want Powr in hi
autMnubile and particularly the
man who toun.
It ia tr! ta ait behind a nvHor which
rrtjHinda rattly tu atrttly tut
tht alightrtt totuh of tha throttl.
It i ti know that you nrd onlv
"alfp on" th arcrteratorand
iterj.t hill flitlrn out bka
trufn'th tul,V4td,
It lareal te that ynu tnrttmid
a s t' i of trfvt wt r whih
ai!J .iity tU vuu through tha
lieviit .t.nd fia.f "o hi(S. "
It i I ari.'w that otir automo.
bils ia aa'aun- h, aturdy,(!r(rndabta
htdr- mata -not a trtathtrout
eA'.t.'i tht wiU Uy d in hrn
tht 11 tk I rm iti
In a word, It It t vs tii fmn in i h
a rat Iht vt n vsar(f
possibly be, and easily
capable of going 60 muYa prr hour
If you dfsire ao much ept-ed. Dut
writ and last it ia made for work
-conristfttf wyrk fiy tin and day
out uori.
"Fairfitld"onert don't have tomaka
a Kilobit" or 'tlTr eicuara", 'I heir
tan are out of torn m iasion at one
aimer only when, Uiey are Ixkfd
up in the g-uage at rjiht.
And lt of all - you can readily
eauhlnh ht fact fur ourrf,
ThU cr U by m meam an "ettti.
ment". It h Itrrn put to the
irutcllinf tet of more than a full
)ar'a ts-ai ork I y thouar It of
AH that yott re I i t d It trt In towch
with the nairat Taiije lra!cf .
Let him frm hi ta I et hirn In
tMtua u-i tn men h hve in.
vr'd their tn.Miev t iht) ' 1 if
f rl I". 1 i'in I their f itte.
' for thr h fveat (plmutt
I-v thi whifa tl( I W!rr ran u'4
mk itttite.l.t ilfltte'Met
Pel-DUeit Mitf Car Cwmpany, Detroit, MiiKIan
n.nAw Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co.
$1050 !IU$ Firnim Si. Thortf Tytrr 123
through the air. Albert Thompson, one
of the film actor, who was driving the
car, said It had attained a speed of fifty
miles an hour when It left the Incline
built on the approach aide of the gulf.
A large crowd was on hand to watch the
performance and ths majority of the on
looker predicted the experiment would
end In disaster,
tlrely eliminated, but because of the ex
tenslveness of the sprinkler system no
danger Is felt of a large conflagration.
FOR $180,000 IN GOLD
Traveling over a trail atrewn with dend
bandits, horse and mules, and Infested
with rattlesnake and raven, waa the
experience of A. W. Burgei, expert mo
torcyclist, and T. J. Bixlllvan, editor for
Motorcycling, when they acted as acouts
for an auto truck train carrying supplies
and l80,ono In gold for the United fltate
soldiers at the front. The trip covered
122 mllea, 24A being on Mexican soli,
starting at El Taso. Tex., and ending at
Casaa Grande. Mexico, the t'nlted states
army base.
sV. 1 I
a-i .. , ,, J ,i: : K A,.
ISSl m '
The Packard Twin Six is master of
any situation to be met in town or
country driving.
On road, track, boulevard and moun
tain trail it has shown itself to be the
eventual powerfor all particular service.
It gives to the new Packard a rapidity
of pick-up, a range of high-gear ac
tivity, an ease of hill-climbing and a
sureness of sustained speed never be
fore combined in any motor car.
The "1-S5," uith any Open Body, $2750,f.o.b. Detroit
The "t-85" with any Open Body, tSt60, f.o.b. Detroit
Farnam and iOih Street
Ask the man who owns one
SK all the essentials
of motor car satis
faction, and the
Hupmobile furnishes them
all-flexibility, smooth-running,
power, quality, econ
omy, comfort-as only the
Hupmobile CAN furnish
them. With a free-coupon
service in addition.
F.O.B, Detroit
tarmimnrR Turmtti ca
oh oairriu .fiva
TfUR "KOt f TlM'KferJ CAR, .t
t-MMrr,KH TM tUV! (', $IJM
t. lUtsU
IValent tvrf finding tchA? ftalr for Hnprrnohf!rit. Tn
this territory the hrudn9 b bfiriR iweeleratd br
Urge nf wfipAjvr ndr? rtiflinp, mm folder are on nn
tlvRntnj:rvu!t ftwitinsj ht return of the Omahn faf
tnnr branfh fari!iti- fr filling their wants mnilv
ami quifklj. Thiw thr tahif of the Hnrmbil
franrhi?1 i KTraW livan wr. Applr for your ter
ritory if opt'n.
HupmobilcCompany of Nebraska
Fa. 'TO MY WIICUHtlJ; t"
2054 Firnam $ttU Omaha
McShanc Motor Company
rrait. MtTiiToa
2054 "m.vm Strrat, Onuha
B if
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