Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha 'Sun
VOL. XI.V. NO. 40.
Roosuvelt Tells U Americanism
Is on Trial and Pleads for
Stand Against the Duty
Asks Preparedness to Help the Soul
of the IJation Against Dangers
of Sloth.
CHICAGO, April 29. American
ism Is oo trial, with tbo national
character In the balance, Theodore
Roosevelt said lo a preparednestj
uppcal here tonight to, the people
living In the territory "between the
Allvghonlrt unJ the Rockies." The
former president, speaking before the
Illinois Bar association, (1Ihciihc(1
"National Duty and International
Ideals," alluding to conditions In
Mexico and In Europe, and urging In
dustrial and social as well as mili
tary preparedness,
"I ask you of tlio weat," he mild, "to
take the lend In tlio effort for robust
and virile nationalism, fit and ready to
cope with all possible dangers at homo
and abroad I auk for military pre
paredness mi an n mi to help the soul
of the nation. J ask tor It to quicken
lie national conscience, lo help the na
tional discipline, I hI( yon to pre
pare so tliut we my secure pence for
outdrive and for other; not thn peace
of cowardice nor the peace of selfishness,
but tlio peace of righteousness and of
Justice, the peace of brave men pledged
to the service of thli mighty democratic
republic, mid through that service pledged
also to the service of the world at large.
A mcrlcanfsm la on Trial,
"Our national character la in the bal
ance. Americanism la on trial. If we
produce merely the sclf-secklng, easc
lovlng, duty-shirking man, whether ho
be a mere materialist or a mere Billy
rtntlmentallst: If we produce only tho
Americanism of the grafter and the mol
lycoddle and the eafety-flrat, get-rlch-qulck,
pescc-at-any-prlca man, we will
have produced an American faithful only
to the aplrlt of the Tortei of 177S, and the
Copperhead of 1SS1, and fit only to van
ish from the earth."
Colonel Roosevelt eald ha did not a (tree
with these "propheta of gloom who have
an Id that the weat, prosperous and In
different, aecure In lta fancied aafety
because It li In the middle of the conti
nent, cares nothing of the dangers that
might befall the cities on Jho Atlantic
or, the Faclflo eoaet, earea nothing for
what haa befallen the dwehera along the
Hi p lean boundary."
"If r did," he declared, "I ehould de
pair of the republic. The weat la to a
peculiar degree the demooratlo, the In
tensely and characteristically American
aeetlon of our land. The weat produced
for the service of the whole nation Abra
ham IJncoln and Andrew Jackson, and
I know that their aplrlt la stilt the aplrlt
of her aona. I appeal to the men of the
weat to take the lead la the movement
for the genuine nationalization of our
Stands for Protection.
Discussing Industrial prepared ness,
Colonel Roosevelt eald he atood "heart
ily for protection."
"By that I mean not only protection
to American Industries and to the ma
terial Intcreata of American worklngmen,
farmera and btialneaa men," he explained,
"I also mean, and with even greater
emphasis, protection for the whole Amer
ican nation, protection for American
honor, protection for America's self-ro-spect,
protection for America's position
among the nation, protection for her
(Continued on Pa Klve, Column One.)
German Reply to
America's Note
is Now Complete
I.OMmkV, April ,Th Herllner Tais"
tdatt aaya that tiermany'a reply to the
Uteat Amerban note haa tieeil ennipletfd
and DI be ilrllvrrpil at the beiilunlnii
of next ei-k, aecnrdlng to a eiapul'-ti
frim f 'eprnbagrtt to the Ujuhanse Tele,
arapli rompaii).
Boy Repudiates His
Confession of Murder
MIi'A'il', Apitl r- t:.1r ll.ti!rnf,
rar old, mha f,.nfrn, (,,
thai ha kPle.1 Mrs Ana Mild! .tl(
hainmsr th nlsM f i, uUv re
p., tutxt lh c . . 1 1 r . !.
Tho Weather
.MI' el Itasake trtl.iUo,
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New Structures Galore Are Under
Way or Will Be Started in a
Very Short Time.
Rullding operation arc positively
booming In Omaha, npHkles the
Firm National Rank building, with
tho steel framework almost com
pleted ; besides the Masonic temple,
with the excavation completo aol
(ho atructuro started; besides num-
i.riona apartment houses nearly com
pleted; besides the UlackHtone bo
! tel. now to bo flnlHhcd by July 1:
! besides tho Castle hotel annex,
' which Is building apace to double
the present capacity; besides the
! Ford ntsNembllng plnnl, tho glatit In
! etltutlon now nearlng ' completion;
i besides the World Herald bul'dlng,
! Jtiwt completed, and besides a score
of other substantial structures now
: going up, new ones arc dally plannel
i and everywhere new excavations
j arc being jd.iirlrd for oilier build
ings, Tho offices of the architects
arc positively abuzz with activity.
V., i. Neville has alerted the conat ruc
tion of the new atore mid office building
at Twenty-fourth and Karnam streets, a
ntriirtnrc to coot W,"00. This la to be
four stories and basement, It la to be
tliisTO feet end of brick and atone cmi
ati ni l Ion,
w (reenter? t'lnnl.
The Graham ("rcemery company at KH
Howard a'reet In plannliiif to build a
'.') phi nt l Fifteenth and Jones
streets, I'lima me now being iJiawn by
the architect. The structure is to be of
brick mill stone,
Tho Hi. Irfiiiln fluta nre to be built at
3.100 South Twr nty-nlnth street. Itlchurd
Kvcrett, architect, drew the plana, Tlila
structure la to coal between I.'.,') and
Koou. II la to bo iKxtl feet and Ju lit of
brh-k and atono.
A one-story boiler factory a to be built
nt Twentieth and Fredrick streets, The
Mcf'agun Investment company Is owner.
This plant, la to be. .'Iax'17 feet and to tost
some t,(M).
Tho Omaha Van It Murage company la
lo build a new garage to coat SN.wjO at
Bevcnleenth snd Mercy streets. This I
to he Ms 144 foot. The contract baa been
let to tho Parsons Construction company.
rtr Pumice Home.
H. Prllchett Is building a new 110,000
home In Jjundca. The construction Is of
brick and stone. It Is two stories and
Plans are In progress for a new garage
at Blxtosnth and Grant streets. This Is
to be 45 by 108 feet, end to coat IS.OiiO.
fllda are In for the Job of conatruotlng
the new apartment house for Hastings &
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.f
Verdun Fight Over,
Germans Retiring
From-that Arena
PARIS, April .-Tbe bat tie of Verdun
may now be considered as ended, accord
ing to the opinion prevailing In French
military circles. Not only the recent
French official reports, but yesterday's
German announcement, stated that noth
ing Important had developed In the Ver
dun rcslon. It la nearly two months
since tho Oorman war offtco has mado
such a statement.
Heavy ,Cierman batteries In cnnalderable
number have been withdrawn from be
fore Verdun and sent to a distant point,
whbh, Judging from the Increasing ac
tivity there, pribably Is the portion of
the lino held by the nrltlsh.
The announcement of the decoration of
General retain and other high officers
who have taken part in the balllo Is re
garded as an Indication that the French
authorities share the view that tho tank
of the defending of Verdun has been
brought to an end.
Villa Is Once More
Reported as Dead
Id, t'AHO, Tex,, April tt.-A new factor
jls believed to have been Injected Into the
I conference mw Aim ilran t mops' dlsixisl i
ill. .im tniil!it by the receipt of fresh re
! pnru tlutt ! ram-lsr n Villa la dead.
The National Capital,
tatar.U). April 311. Il.
Ike SrNSite,
Mel st me.o
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1 H" ('- i uio'UH'-e agree.! l pmh
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at-i-ropi'l)!.' f'i'l
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It is No Longer L.
Forecaster, But
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Generals Scott and Obrcgon and
Lesser Military Leaders Meet
in Juarez at Five
Formal Opening of Negotiations
Over Mexican Issue Follows
Social Amenities.
EL, PASO, Tex., April 29. Th'J
conference between llio representa
tives, of tho I'nlled states and tho d)
facto government to adjust thn mili
tary situation that has developed
since the Villa raid on Columbus was
commenced In Juarez shortly after
S o'clock this afternoon,
KL PASO, Tex., April 2. Urn
eral Alvaro Obrcgon, minister of war
of tho defaeto government, with the
chief military commanders of north
ern Mexico, made a return call of
courtesy this morning upon Majo1"
Ccnerals Scott and Kunston, prelim
inary to the first conference between
the American and Mexican militaty
officials, that Is largely to determine
the future course of the military arm
of tho I'nlled States that hus thrust
llself Into Mexican territory in pur
suit of Francisco Villa and his ban
dits. In either the green room of the famous
Ad nana Fronlcrlia or customs house lit
Juarer., Mcx,, or et some argrced place
In Kl Paso, the conferees were In readi
ness to submit their proposals snd coun
ter proposals at their flrat sesalon, and
1 1, was Minister of War Obrcgon who.
with plenary powers from First Chief
Carranxs, sounded a hopeful note wltn
Hie expression that "We should reseh o
satisfactory termination of theae nego
tiations that will meet with the approval
of our people."
Proposition of Mealcena.
Minister of Wsr obrcgon, with Oen
erals Trovlno, Gutlerrex, Callea, Gavlrrt
and Fantoa, with bla civilian assistants
will submit the proposition that the
de facto government Is now ready to
take over the pursuit of the VIlMstas an I
protect the border and, therefore, the
United Btales soldiers In Mexico should
be recalled, while Generals Hcott and
Funeton'.' W -counter, It la understood,
with the propoaltlon that American
troops be disposed In certain spheres of
northern Chihuahua, there to remain
until the Carransa government ha
ahown by deed as well as word thst
there Is no longor a Vlllleta menace to
the American border slates.
Major fienersl Bcott eald that not until
he had conferred with General Obreaon
during the call of the Mexican officials
this morning would It be definitely
known whether the first conference
would be held In Juares or Kl Paso.
Tho general added that the conference
nilitlit not be held today, but Hundajr or
Mrilcau (ilven Military Welcome.
General Obregon and his party Jour
neyed from Junrex this morning to El
Pnao, At the international bridge they
were met by a troop of American cavalry
which escorted them through thronged
nt reels, guarded with Infantry, to the
railroad station, where, on tlenenU
K'Witt's private car, the Mexican officials
were welcomed. The return call was of
aomo length and tho plans for tho first
conference were discussed.
There i.i no disport bin on the part of
any of tho conferees to believe there will
be any extended negotiations, which. It
Is thought will be concluded early next
week, Tho American military representa
tives, will be In close and constant touch
with Washington and It Is there that V.
Paso believes the first news will be
made knovn of the outcome of the con
ference. General P. i;ilna t'alles, military gov
rrnor of S-inoia, and General I'eanelseo
Horrano, chief of staff of General Obre
gon, reac hed Juares today. General Cnlles
was aicoiniMiiiled by MeUrau ChiihuI
Ilcvlrr of Jiouglaa, Aria.
Independent Buys
Harper's Weekly
i:w TOHK. April ?t Harper's
tt'..,..iu ... ...... . ., ,i.. ...,
pendent corporation, it was announced j
tiers tonight, and is lo ha tnc.rri-r.rntr-1 j
In Tim Independent. The. Inilaivmlrnl la
tltt elabt vsia tU and llsn.i a Weekly
la flfl)' nlns (
A. Welsh, Local
Now Meteorologist
tnev ' tr lnajl t, " ' reera a rn-.i Itt e(
f oi l till Ilk Imsjl -.ra --aalee. eiire
f r air, o lir i r .. t ...
Hi re ail .. t .-aj .i t,
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l.-l 4,
mTsz-dx--- .V II III ' I
ii. J .- . -rXrsmm L
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but WHAT can
tsriJr:'. asass.i
Assault Near Verdun, During: Which
Flaming; Liquids were Used,
Failed, Says Paris Eeport.
PATHS, Apifl '29,'-ijAflor a violent
bombardment of French ponltlons
near Avocourt, on Illll No. 304, on
the Verdon front wet of tho Mouse,
German troops were masned for aa
assault. Tho war office report this
afternoon says this attack was pre
vented by French artillery, which
dispersed tho German troops.
"in the Argonne a aurprlse attack exe
cuted last rlht norths of TOmr Da Paris,
made it posslbln for us to clean up some
of the enemy trenches and bring back
some prisoners.
"On the left bank of Hie Mcuee yester
day at 6 o'clock In tho afteriKion Ger
man troops were manned In the com
municating trenches to tho north of Hill
No. 8"4, with the Idea of attacking our
lines. They wire at once attacked with
hand aeenades and prevented from coin
ing out and then .lb.peri.ed. Our artillery
caused tho explosion of a depot of muni
tions In the same rcKl in.
"Poring tho nlKl.t there wna a general
bombardment In this sector, tho fire Im Ihk
particularly nplrllcd In thn regions of
Avnneoiirt, Ksnir and Hill No. 4.
"fin the rlnht bank of the Meuso yes
terdny afternoon, sfter ft violent propsr
story artillery fire directed nualiist our
first lines, toKctbr with a cnrtnln of fire
of j,reat liitetisll y, the Germans delivered
an attack against our trenches cist or
ThUumout farm, In whbh they eniphned
flaming lln.uld.-t, I'ut down by the sin lis of
our artillery and the fire of our nm
chlua guns, tho enemy wan repdlsed with
heavy lojiM-s, At the fame hour an at
tack upon our pi-allloua belween Poita
mont and Vim also was .becked by our
fire. The remainder of the lilKht passed
In relative quiet on this pari, of the front.
"It! '.ortslno wi rrpuUed f air-nia is
eonnultei lug put) In front of the Wood
of Penal, south of nmieyr".
Root Heads Society
Of International Law
WASHINGTON, April .1 'Ilia l.i.iii
ailll'ial toeetlna of Ida Autfll i' l'lv
ef luternslliiiiul t. ali.-Hi u-l l.l.v
f,r toUtr"- eU.H m! tl. i I It'lti
ll-.i.t a iix- I---! pf '-t- t-l 'I ...-vtlii4
(I, , i,. !...(. t..i.ti Will. 1 l-M l ,!
lit t '!- b H ' ! it New luih
111 ,,o..-H Pi tl al.-e.-e ' Mi ii.t
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One Yiwr A;o Today
in the War
( i , i , ' t i . . -1
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You Want Your Beaut
1 ' i VII,
you do to a WOODPECKER ? ftjl)
Industrial Unrest is
Greatest for Years,
Says Mr. Morrison
WASHINGTON, April ti. -Hecretsry
I nana juorrison ru ine rnerican fener
ation ef Ibnr in a May day review of
tho labor situation throughout the coun
try, declared today that there was
greater inlnstrlel vnrest-Viae r has pre
vailed for several years.
"Thnre Is a greatsr unrest en this
May I than has been manifested In many
previous years," he said. "To soma this
condition Is alarming. To me It Is en
couraging, for I believe discontent Is a
sign of life -of progress. Workers ere
demanding an elicht-hour day, and I ven
ture the opinion that moat of the large
atrlkea today, either now or proepeetlve,
are because this shorter work day de
mand. "The men are agreed that long hotira
rn economical for no one. Physicians
are sareed that long hours enhsilst the
body cells, making It Impossible for theni
to function, thereby destroying men's
vitality. W orkers will continue anltallng,
oricinlxhig and striking until the eight
hour day Is assured.
"It. Is Impossible to estimate tha num
ber of workers that will be on strike
May 1, for tho reason that discontent
cannot bo tabulated or placed In statisti
cal form,"
Germans Capture
Some Russ Positions
IlKUMX, April Si.-iVIa l-oiidon.i-TNe
niptine of Itusshin positions south f
Lake .Varies, between stiinnrocje and
Stachowce, by Herman troops, together
with more than D,i) prisoners, was an
nounced by the war office today.
j Peletiatea ! lilnalrtaetiMl,
j .lACIvHu.V Miss.. April ;..- Mississippi
republicans held conventions In thn eltihl
j coiiKresMoiiiil 1 1 1 1 r I . ' t today ami elected
I linlnst rue-e.l dc!i-Kutcs to htcatf(i, tv
Msr.-eiiieul mam deb-asies rentes. -nt
I Ihieii illn'rlcts, Tlie state convention
j her., tomorrow will elei I four delegates
i St 111 I He
Little Hazel in Death Has White
Froch and Dow Denied Her in Life
Utile II.., e Is dead.
Father. a (It-setlei, mother,
strii ken with tubereul'tii. und four
ittl liriilliers and el"ter left to
iiniiiin. with no tu'if oer their
licnh, ti-i rlothing nor fiiutl but what
'Hid hearted wtmiett i-f Ihe lsHlng
N.nne ess.M i.itinii or th A ii" iie I
t b.illtl' lur piude,.
Ihe biete slturgle lln ' yr old
li Me ti t" 4l'lt ll i Cd-I apituil
an I bti t lue.. was pf no a'l
I u . j. i a'l lh t f f..' of asdlel
, hil-l (-. . i.dl -t end H'itaee. P"lhuu;
,,i., .!, the ban I -f Ihe (tint
.. ! r a") ' a ti ' .le I: Mi
Mc t.e P the ttiiga Ih-il'tn
M ... i . t . ...I ..i i ; t - i ..
i . ifi si f -" I ' a
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ill. n ; 4 oifa. I v. i. i
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- i at a-
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u ( a -1 I Ki t'l-txa
y Sleep
4. . . K
General Townsend'i Army Beleaj
ured in Mesopotamia Since De
cember Gives Up Fight,
LONDON, April 29. Major Gen
eral Charles. TowiiHhend, commander
of the British forces besieged at Kut-El-Aniara,
Mesopotamia, by Turkish
forces alnco last December, has sur
rendered. Thin Information was
contained In a Ilrlllsh official state
ment lsmied this afternoon.
The official statement added that
General Townshend destroyed all his
guns and munitions before surren
dering. Brooding Over Her
"Brother's Death,
Jumps Into River
Worrying over the death of her brother,
John O'Nell, who waa found dead under
a ahlpplug platform at Tenth and Har
ney atreeta, with a bullet hole In his
bend about ten dajs ago, and over do
mestlo tumbles, Mlis. Mary Part, XtTi
North Thirtieth street, lute this after
noon attempted io take her own life by
Jumping Into tlua .Missouri river near the
smi-ltlng winks.
A crowd of t'oiincll llluffs High school
students, wlio were being shown through
tho smelting works, noticing Mrs. Part's
lieeiillsr s'tlmis shindy befnio shs
stepped off the bsuk Into tn Missouri's
swirling waters, rushed to t lie srene and
rescued her,
Mie waa taken to police headquarter
and plmed under the cms f the
vtmil.l bush their moi king tonsnes an-1 In et r Join their g.iines If
j only liy w.iii. teas In taunt ber nf
; an Ml i , t (iii.-r anil bounty provl ted
i bv sttaimrr liina, alia wa lic v and
1'oie ii, iu,y (,,r ,rr .ir-iil fm-kt-.l
1 m' i era.
Ni.w thai the imI (. ml baa taken
fliiiM, lnimi. .nil. i, 'mi i,
'tpl'el n'UItt. f ie a-u'll I t I
l-i rii eoe I,. t, b's'i-i ai. at u,,i ..f t.
l.i:!r s'lU aim I-.. b.r a i.i's h .)
ti. nit ni. n-i l-iiii. . c....iiiis, -y a
t.lte- 4t..t .. tl. li. 1 1 k.. . f.
the d-lsilel ...ot H'l bat t'
In li-
el " IV. !
aa hM aakrl.
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t'.t r- v ti l: Mil. i a ...
a k I i a 4 I' . i A I ...
i.'.iiii i ui v at v ! I . i 4 a - .. . I-. r
M. t , I - .a . t" I ..
a ,,r- i, t i ii.4 i,.i.a .. r, i . ir,
' I. t cia ii. a ... . .it, 1.1.1
i -i-1'., 4--iii .il 4 . I tt .i , tt, h, ..ft e.,.
..... id-.i-i.-a t-. i.. a Hi br a-.l.
e- t la - a Ii. a t .i.ii i 41 1 . ... .i i.
l MM imn t LMHli -a fa
' la
Sti- tNrVii..r an1 TlAtni flMl. 01
wui., 4 iuwiig miu aivu.iHK p
tinue, but Soldiers Are 0e
Making; Steady
Progress. "'
. e
Center of City, Which is Held b
Sinn Feiners Was Shelled
Thursday Night.
in in.; 1 1 .
LONDON, April 29. -One dlav
patch received from Ireland this tft
ernoon snye that Huckvllle and Oraf"
ton streets, In Dublin, are In flames,
and that artillery In being used or
the houses, tho lnhahltuiifs bavlni
been removed.
LONDON, April 2U, Parts of tilt
city of Dublin are In flames, aj
Kvenlng News dispatch filed at fle
fast last night says. Street fighting
continues and there Is much looting
It Is said, but tho reinforced iiilHtar?U
Is making steady progress. Mont o"J
the shops are cloned and pBenge4t
communication Is still cut off.
"Thar Is every Indication tonight tha'
ths end Is approaching," says a dlspelcl
to tha KxclmnMo Telegraph coeipany froit
Pnblhi, timler Friday's dsts, "Trew
have been striving all day and Intermit
tent fighting has been going on to ti
disadvantage of Ilia rebels. There wli
soma shelling on Thursday night In tin
center of ihe city, which le a strong
hold of the Htm Feiners. Heversl flrei
were caused and the largest of these wi j
stilt burning Ibis mnniliig.
Tonight (Friday) thero has been a fur
ther action and It Is stated that lb
building whbh suffered principally yni
Jacobs' factory. It Is around this build
lug that some of the fiercest fighting tool,
placo Monday evening. The rebels coin '
mandei-red large supplies of food in';"
stocked the building, where they hopr.,
to hold out for some lime, Thli evening
an attsoK en the building began and Jural
now, es ths bost le resdy to depsrt froiif
Kingston, we can ses across the b;a
flames shooting tip Into the sky."
llnadreila Ilrad or Injnred.
UlNlJON, April 29,t;pwsrdi of !..
civilians nhe, the correspondent isjJt'
persons have been killed or Injured l,,
Publin, a eerrespondent it Helfast e
(Continued on Page Two, (luttm On.
Donies that Villa's j
Bandits Cross Line
In Marfa's Vicinitp
MAP, FA, Ten., April M.-There I wit
truth In the report that 6o0 Mndcam I
supposedly Villa bandlls, had crossed tint'
Amerlcsn border at I -a Jllas, nesr hair
and occupied twenty miles of trrrltijir
according to a statement made today u
t'sptiilu Fox of the Texas ftangers.
QUII'A, f'hlhuahua.Aprll 2.-fI1y
less lo Columbus, N. M., April 2l.)-'ilf'
column of American cavalrymen uns
General George A. Dodd, which for tf,,
days baa been pursuing a largo hand oj
Vlllbita under four chiefs, through th
rocky defiles of the continental dlvld-
was reported today to have returned
Its base at Miuaca. ( ' )
Tho band Is said to be practically a j
dispersed, libera of its members epj
paitiitly ho.w.DJ to tho belief that Vi'l
is I'end.
Tim CarransbtlH forces, constating a1
four tralnloads of nieu, was detraining
r-nuth "f Guerrero today and reports hare.
said they Intend co-operallng with t
American rvmmand
Colorado Water
Users Will Fight j
Nebraska Suits5
1'nIlT .MOHGAN. Colo,, April S"-Vat
users . att"r'd throughout eastern Cole
rado met bete yesterday and perfect
a preliminary otganlsution, the iurp'
of whn h vies lo sgreaj upon coteaiie
m il. -ii lespei ling tli nil bim glit t
Wt lie- . Nebraska fsrmera for tha .HsifWI
I. will. n of water flowtiig east front thai
H.mili I'latte rher ft
hi. Hon tif ftflceia and other dela te
si li I ...iiiipleicl at a inialiiig ht
lietl l it. lay, alter ll-e .Hn .isa been aile
inlilf I l. i latlfl. all. hi In lb rrigatlt
..-nipanlrs Unci,... I. Miolii fifty Wfttaa
u.ta! wit i hred l-"srrr. attota
iter g' K'ial. Jo'in h l.i. It, eute tii
n.r, and .ii..i)p i ffi ii.ts j
li altr . "iia iniera of NrLiaika fla1 tkj
a hi, a". io 4 fur t-mal i,liia with dta.
r . l-t a in. .1 OI4IM lo (ii r ma ef t- '
I t.114 lir, !,e (.,..4lf if wiial
Sr In t i-l. it - do I l. ll- 4"v tltir t'(ld
fall vi.a.ti.iair 411 I t !!!.. (nliipa.n
In ii Inn is ,!. iat .iafn laitla
1 ' -!.i.ti ii.t .ra a: p i iUla
.ii.,a i, , in
If It W.ns
Not Profitable
Itt tlV (I ti,t ., -a l!, til ,
WlMlliI n !,Ui'l!iil,
Wut.h iu liVai 1M.U, J
t ti Vim't S.a' J
ll l't Mil fjHlt ti I'ii-'ai
.nit I .ttv ii:t; u ih 1 '
litltf imrtiuatiMj I
1 in ii a .1 . ' t '
U A Vt, u J I
fiiul ut rtl fdi! lit
i t
l- a ' t Mi n . - a a i, i
' a
f 1 1. n a