Bringing Up Father J1L BE READY 1 MY HAIR 1 ROURKES EASILY LICK THE LINKS Ta'i Hirelings Batter Hoffman to Pulp and Have No Trouble Winning: Game, CARLISLE MAKES HOME RUN i Tii' (lemon Nohrkr rcgumerj filr p'lf fif Irlnrlr n ymtfTilay flrnnoit li) hfruiiir'rnr tli( dll'hl Mil of Mr, 'fuy Hoffman, lmr of Hi h rlly, iiir) foppln tho Utl.' tiny luittlp frnm lh lol Ufik irctn t.lnriiln, uincli in ji iMli if ncvfrfil h')iiilir liy hn haft Ihilr trH rM'rlutilty of the jr to Innf) our (ihlMrd In rinu wllhoul riir f'"niltia four hlu ( the lndnw. Tlif irt (( In 4 , Tin1 k'nirke trtlllTv In fin ulupc ? ctr'l-. Thfy mml clni'ii hll nil fitly on of Mi liltn rmnn f tlmt wlin llify )'il H'( lifin nin. Only tn nnurh hciy- Iffl dtinnrtffl on lh imlhi. V hli-h nm lillllii and lh rht y to hit. (irlf Army Rail. ' Mr. llAffmon it y tn a punk '. In i h of th flrnt thr fmm wlk1 tli firm nmn up. AnJ r'h tuilrt (tlvn th trstultoui trinporitlnn tllopl lh rret of th ty around (ht r'iny fur tnr. In th firm frurnn Hurt fot lha walk, finlth mpld and Komytha aacrlflrad, aft(r which Hldnajer Jlarty arnota a blow to crnipr, counting Joe and Earl. In th aci'ond Mania Johnny Trtart lot Hi walk. ll wont to third on Okla. homt Pft Kllduff a Iwo.haaa bit t lf and markrd on rrt Thompaon'i ii'rl fl fly, " In lh third Innln Foraylha got ha walk, krug amrlfhad and Millar earna through Mh the pinch blow to count the Tanfco ld, I'lfih la fatal mm. ftut the fifth round waa Hoffinan'i Wtrloo. umiili marttd tha fiatlvltla by hatln out a bunt, Toraytha aarrl fir' and Krug groundd out. Mlllr cam through with hla aocond pinch bio', counting Fmlthy. Manhall droppad n Txa luagurr Into lft, arndltig Miller (o arond. Miller coiintfd and Marahall went lo third on Frlrat'a two-haaa hit to right, and Mmnhall and Prleat. romped liom when Pete Kllduff mnahed a two. bt8r lo center. That ended Mr. Hnff. man, and KM I'owera. tha Central City aoulhpaw. took (ha firing Una, Fowera rtld pretty well, Rut na run waa annened during hla term In offh'a. That cam In tha aeventh when Krug walked, awlped decoiid while held the ball In hla hand, and danhed homa fn Fileat'a hit to rlgl'Y arllala II Ha Homer. Tli lowly Mnka made but threa hit off Thompaon during tha flrat tlx In liluga. Then Cecil looacned up and let them have a few runa. In tha aeventh teenaon and l-e alngled and Carllala boomed one over the right field wall for a circuit clout which mtinted threa. In tha final chapter old fllckory John eon aemtM hlnwHf at tha plate to lilt for Fowera and cracked a douhle to ''titer. Ila took third on Carllelaa In. t eld out aud counted when Klnchman lifted a narrlflce fly Into deep renter. The flourkea jilajed a bang-up gnma at the hat, hut were ritther ecentrlo In lh re'd tiklahoma I'ele Klldurf waa eapa (inlly After nmkltig threa anfira he pulled off a meat hand atop In the ninth Inning of a drive that made the lady t'tig lihly ululate with glea. It wMa "'me atnp and heat tha I'uckllng out of fuit looked like a certain hit. Today the ftumklela oicn a four-game ecrle ih lira Molnea. The game will aurt at 3 IJ h.ore: t'MAII, AH. It. It O A V. it . ... Nimtli. tr t ui i I he. rf . br'ig. if .. .. MUir. lb ... Mr.hU F'lei.t .'1, . , ., kll I .If. ,,,t, p . . 4 , I V"ti ....? I INi'ol.N Al 1 ..... I t lli.' if 1 1 iii . 'b "1 h,,t,U r., if M,.r. .. ... I . t.i It l ill.lli'l lb H i:1 n,. (h .)l. K l'...'.ll., , I . t I . '.''l,. , l t . , p 'I ... 1 -'! i.-kri.H I' -l , , iti' ! .. ., . I . lait.d f r t'vii tn i I mill . 1 I I 4 , 1 t 4 a . t 1 i I r . . ...... a a I'l't . ft I 4 " l-.l- il. '1 t. k.4 Ilk K i l dl ; F. - I .,! ,. l .f '- .c g i . , I 4 t,ti r. , a til,. t'i, I 1,1. . -, II .i-'l, n . , I... r- t . t , , ,- ..,.) s l.,i,,!u i i , in it ii lit in i . t M. ua "'f F, I HI it- . mi", i ,. ..i I- i n.... r i M " i .. .) I ,1 i ff IM'WM il nil I . ti- vii.i. ' b. . lc Id.-, he, an li .,-il l,u 'W I I ) dl' vf .,! t M -rr- t i w II i Ml Right, i'm waitin . Standing of Teams tt MT. VKAVVK. I NAT, VKAOVK. W,l'. I.' W 1,.1'rt. Wlchllg ,,,. 2 ,7,Vi' FltMa S ,W7 Oil,!) 4 '-' .(( I, hlcago . 4 .pWT ) T"fkm ...A ,ili Itomnn 8 .O. I'cuver .,ot ITneinnail ,.a I WloUK City 4 J .ft'. 1' HI. Foul 7 .42 l.lhcoltt .,,8 3 .ftwii HioomIvii ,,4 5 .4(4 He Moth. .1 1'litnlnirgh ,fi 7 .417 Ht, ,i 'ph., I 7 I'.'.i; ,Npw York.. I 7 ,1.1 1 nl'i'ilar'i iiH, f,ouUi'V . t .'Hl'fia'in ! "i W. .Mliuieapi I A J . iN,.w Vork 6 M Cohimliua t . ..ii't liila ... J .4ITI llulllllinp'rllfl I ,j liU Hhllllirl'lll 7 ,,'". KaiiMa l'it v. 4 'i ,cc;t e'mid ,,,7 g .fiV M Fa' I ... 1 H Icll .1 B .n Tolrdo . . , ( ::i i''IHea t) .4!," M lwuke , ? " ,':: I'hriiili ifliiri 1 t) .1 v. KTi':rt i ka;i ):. I.lniolll. 4 OinNlia, . fi. ,loepli, 3; I, lilt h , 4, r Moiikh a; Moil ( My, I'tnver !: Topeka, J. N ATI' i,V A I. I.KAijl I" Frookly I.: FhtladelphlN, K Flitehifgh, :(', I'tiM IiiikiII, I. rt, liula, Chicago. 7. New Vork-f'onn, mow, A,MI?;li'AN I.ICAOI K I'elrolt HI, l.nula, b, I'hlladelphM ; aahlugtnn, 7. Montnii, t; N Voih, '! I hlrago, I. I in'lalMl, V, AMI"HI'N Af""IA'rION Kijpkhi CMy. i' loulevlle, 1, nt, faul, ft: Cnlimihiia, '. Toledo. , Mlnneai.IU, 4. Milwaukee, ,1, Indlunapnlie 4 nmea Toiler WFHTP.RN" l.KAiifi;. fiea Molnea at Omaha, t.lncoln at Hluux i lij HI. Joaeph at To'cki. Iciiver at W li hlla. NATIONAL I.PAfjrr:. Cincinnati at Fluehur., Ht. l.,oula at Chhaao, Hrooktvn at New Vork. i'hlladelphla at Hoeton. A M KM It.'.' AN l.KAOfK. Chicago at 8t. txiula, Cleveland at lielroli tloaton at Vahhiglon. New Vork at Philadelphia. Kaws Defeat Bears After Ten Innings TOPKKA. April .Topek defeated Denver in a ten-Inning game here today, f to . Kcore; rKNvr.n. Aft, it. Miller, rf 4 ft Kellher, aa, ,,,, A rt jr. n o 0 0 O. i J 0 ftpeni-er, If. 4 I Hutrhnr. I'b, .. i ,. .1 .. .. 4 .. fi ,, 1 .. 3 .. ft .. I riyer, h. ,, OHkea, cf. ... Hhlrld. Ih. ., (ilevena, C. ,. Menaer, p. Howard, p. , Reynold, P. Held 0 4 11 4 i I) 0 I) Total 37 8 10 KD II TOFEKA, a a a 4 2 H. 2 0 I A. E. Aglar. lb. ... tloodwln, 3h. , fchwellier, If. Ilanenn, rf. ... Krunaer, cf. .. I.atllmnre, Cb. Cochran. . . Monro, c t (rover, p Hall, p b 4 6 4 a 1 S Total 43 7 13 M in Two out when winning run acorcd, Hailed for Howard In fourth. I nver . .. n v 5 s ti o n Topek 2 0 1 0 0 J 3 n ft . 7 Home run: Haneon, Three-bnie iill: Htevena. Two-baa hlta. t'cuhnin, Hutcher, Ptevena. acrlfle hit: Oaken. Hartifue flv Miller. Hnuhle plav: killher to Hutcher to Hchlidda. Stolen tiaeee: Agler. Monroe. Hall. Illta.i orf ttruver, In four Innlnge, off Hull. S In Ix tuning, off Mnnnor, 4 In threa In. nlna; off Howard, i In four and one. third hiiiihga. off l(et, i In two and twu-thlrita Innlnaa Maera nil hull (iff drover 3; off Hall. I: off Manr, I: nff Hevnoldi, J. Htruck out: iv llrnver, h, by Hull, I'v Howard, S; v Kevnohla. I. W tld nltrhca: i,ifr l.'i. I'anaed hull iHlevene, Hll bv pitched ball: HyUrover. I, by He nolila. I. t ntpltra: - Apdrraon and Foul 'ue. W l. I II I 1Kb I. 4l' OMC, Wlckr Make It I oar glrelght from I t. Jmrph. I I Wichita, hi,.. Vptii nt -wi.hit-i mm. up lion) prhind ami t,...k ha Ut Kama fioni M Ji a-'pti, makli g 11 four 3 kliaight. hrote M'HI All, It. It O A I' It n 1 1 ) I a I Toblln If , r,. rf . . ! I.. . n, i f I M ,. In II, l 'r tti.n. ?l, ,, I iHng. 'I' t I I I, i , rbh. riy, p Tma'a I r r !"M I H Ut, ! i J rt I . 4 - 4 t ..5 , I . 1 a a , II o M . n. if dill-an, it l, ,i, ( Kni,,4,,i. if i r Krll,,,, I,' H l' ,.(!? JK. I i, .,. p. ,l p 1 !- ' p f i.i a . .. l I g It ...i I M I I I I m 1 ,u i' .1-. t . 1 . ht T ... t- , . r.ia 1 Mi, V ' .1, v, i, i, i, i-ii.i,., ' -,. -i Full-, li ' an I I f i. a, ' I , I. i t " II i , ., I- I.', ' A ' ' I I 111 I, I. I'l' ( I - 1 ' I.. ,! t ,1 i t ej " i '' Is ' ' ii i i i, -' ii 4 ' ' j k , .p. I-' ..'-.l . V I I Jll 'I.i t mi ) right, 111. Intern! TT " -T- I f - r j ' JOSTA o ALL U ' SECOND-I'M R,.WT, I MY HAT ! J Qp y j-i f i H lj J COLUMBIA'S CAPTAIN IS ONE OF REAL COLLEGE STARS, CAPT. BOBBY WATT. NF.W VORK. April .-Captgln ftobhl. Watt, econd baamn and leader of th Columbia unlvcrKlly nine, I on of the, real mr of college baao ball. J,at year linbbl went through tha entire eaeon without an error In 114 chance and batted for an ayeraga of ,;i7, In th five gamea n far UN jr ha haa hat ted for ,4V and ahow no a'gn of alump Inf. tie cannot repeal big fielding rec ord, howvr, h ha made on error thl. er. hy Thomaa, I. Hit hv pitched ball: Po hy Fatteraon; Fulllvan by P'lehanny. T'm plrea Kane and Ryan. Time of game, One hour and forty minute, ftlOt'V l.ll'H I'' I w I, I. 4 M II Ilea Molnea I Knot Out In I'rey nf Ten Kramea. BIOKX CITY, April 2.Nlou City loat tha final game to I'e Molnea today, I to 0, In ten Inning. rVor: HKM Ml'UNKH, A 14, II. II. O. A. F! Hahn, If. ... Hunter, cf. , Jonea. lb. ,.,, 2b. Hartford, aa, Kivoldt, :lb. ,. Hpuhr, o. ... Hiecn, rf. ... Uaker. p, ... Total ..4 (I ., 4 1 ,. 4 .. 4 SI I BIOCN CITV, 6 ,m A P. It Coonev. ;h it ll Connolly. tl 4 Callahan, a 4 0 Uejeune, cf fi n it. W aton. If 4 0 Kane. lb. 11 0 Hmmllng, if 3 n Crneby, c 4 0 Kelly, p 3 ft Lhlngetim 1 n It. 1 3 0 1 ft 0 1 0 I 0 o. 2 3 4 1 1 A 1 9 ft 0 A, K, I ft ft TolaU , . 1 I : is Matted for Kelly In tenth, iea Moinea " 0 ft 0 ft ft ft 1 Hloiu Cll y 0 II ft ll 0 11 11 (i 0 ft-ft l.cft mi biie fdniu t'ltv, (i, Pea Molnea. Micrlftc hll: CiiMiibnn, Hun. ter, Kwnlda. Hailfoid Two-bitw hlli Kwoltlt, Jouei i.i, Itunler. Hlolmi bnr, Connolly Cuntiey, Ihiubln piny 1 Crnby to 1'iill'ihan. Minn k out liy Kelly, 10; bv Maker, Maee on ball; (iff Ki'llev. ; (,ff linker, i Wild plli h; Maker Hit hv pitched ball: Mv Maker, lleiilln , iiiplri'. Aiulrew and Mu. Ii 11. Time. S.ui. Des Moines Comes to City for Series of Four Combats Flr.nk tabell ami bl ir of Mimmrr from n Moine will Invade Oman today for a four-game ere with (he Itourke on lha local ml liuiin will be played Hatuidav. Nundat, M,,ndiy ami PueaOiv Monday Wilt he Indie' ,ly. All gamea win mail at t 1,1 The lineup 1 i'n ha j ril .... Mm . ... i. ui. her . Kll.lnlf ., 'iil'll Krug .... i 01 , Ihe Km. Per , M ,1 1 i,mi , I -1 ,w 11 T - i,iii. ill b 1 .-, , Soil., II ... JKif . He Mnllica I'll. I . pei',,l Tmid , Tbii.l . Nhoit . I,cri 1 nii li,i,i 1 ei - Ii pi. o I 11. ii I 11 It 1'ii, ii 1 11 ii I'n .-li I'ii- I, .tiihf'p , . , . Kiaoiet ... 1 wi'Mt ' Ilarlf.trd Ml-Ulll II lliln M.h, I If 1 1 1 111,1..., 'I'll I'.... l I. bii,- 4ruertia MiuHiUm i i ,liiii.l,it. 'i Fit V,,.l,,fiili . ... itit Kri.,ia I', d ant t-.iphv VI I .1 -, i . t 1t . , t- .., ... It It ' It H r ........ i s t til i'i ul Kir ! I I illi il-l ll-, ,,'. I I Vt I , T ' li' til l II : iiml vt n m us 4 I 4 i I it ii r v I l i. 1 1 M I I . H-ci- itt-t itaeii. I " -.'!- M Ifl-.lnf V . . , ,1 , 4,. ll .... 'ii I HI, ! h .1,1 l,li... ' . ,i I Hn t ,w , A It I , M . in . Tg , - "''" "w., .Xn! Ei "'-' " . Nnrw rvi. PtAflrt. rvc .NEARLY 0Y ' , MY CLOVEN T- on: INDIANS VICTORS 'I' Cleveland Wins, Two to One, from Chicago, Scoring; Cncidinjj: Run In Tenth, j MORTON OPPOSES WIL1IAMJ ! n,fivi:t, An, r April i..vfiui won J lit from chli agu l.idny, a 'irtug ; tha dfi lillng itiu In tow (uiiih Inning 'I'll'- ; COIiIcmI Wlia a plli'licr bill (If. hf,li Mortnii and Villlbima. I ' h allowed fh" I hltfl, nclthf-f a me h Iriif, Irl Atnifoti lill liataliiMli wIim pit, n il, Not a hit tt mud" ,ff W il i'ii, tulif there were lao out In llii II. id Th"ii Warnhagatie doul b d and , oi d on Wfvr high tinow of i'V.lir grounder, ( hli agu H. d lha i mint In tlir aluih when William ii hit and anured on alnglea by Mirphy and MiMuli, n Howard led off for clyearid with a single In thn leiilh, mi,-. I In third on Wainbagiinaa' trtltu. hit mul tiifcd when founder ihnw wide. Heme, t,ir.fKi,fti (iiiK'i'i a'' it it A K All II n 4 r rfn, If , 4 Ii (j Murph rr . I II I'lrner It I I n i t Mulllii M, 4 I I I ll geenlier. rt it n r r. 1 ,imi i 1 1 t 4 t Pmim, rf tiiih rf ,iri'l I H'rd, tti I It i n I I i.iirnl, ,- n 1 I l'i I I lleai J, inm II 4 ll 1 it 41? if l iwii. rl , 4 n I I 4 113 i..,r, I t I I 1 mi, at I '1 tw,Htk 4 0 7 1 o.lil, e' . 4 I I i. man, a I A I I i Morton, 0 1 4 11 T'-liHn . !!l t I T'l . ,, ti It i I., I one out when wdmnm! run jicnrcd Cleveland ,0 H i ft 1 (1 0 0 0 I S Chicago ,.,M ft 0 ft ft I (1 11 11 ft I Two-baa hit. M nmbnteniM, O'Neill, Weaver Haerlfhe hit,,: Hpeaker, Waml ?ane. riouhlc play: Collin In Weaker, lrl bii on error: Cleveland, S, Chi cago, . Hit ami earned rim off Morton, S hltr) and I rmi In ten liming; off William, It hll mid no inn In nine nd orie-lhird Ituiliifc Hit hv pIM bed ball. Hv MIIItii, Morton. MrucH mil. My Mmlmi, It; by William 1, 1 mplre: Chill, . fled ko Win gecond, NRW VortK, April 2. Momon mde it two out of three front New pmk hero to dev. winning th aecfind el"Vn Inning game of Ih erle, the genre being 3 lo i, WUh New York leading 't to In the ninth, l,wl lied the. m-n with a home run, which followed llohlllxeir buna on ball. In Ih eleven! , hlniilhg llooimr walked, took Ihltd on Holitei ilmihl nd cori th winning run on lcwi' in field mil. Heme,; H'lfiTliil Mtw r,pg ah H not ui,.i r, , 1 n ii MenrlkM. If ft I 0 (Hli.ii Ir 4 I i " .li'ivrltt, m . I I 1 I 111 ai,m-in rf 4 I I 'I 11 lln,,pe, rf . 4 I J il rilui, Sh ,, 4 t 1 IIi.i.iiupI im I I' I ,i-mi tu . ti 0 a 5 i' i-t. f.. 1 4 1 (ii iim ii, iinn iK'Uner. 4k I t 4 11 A V 11 II HY luerv. 5ti 4 t I I ! - lope. , I t 4 c ': 'Hrlcpll, c. 3 1 t 1 "UOMinilfapr.o 4 1, f I MIioIipb .... I ft ft ft (Niiiiimlir ti 17 1 Anp e .. I hKphiiii i , 1 J I ll AnnirA, 0 I icM.ili.r, ., I II ft ri Thuma 6 it ii ir.v.'ipuVr ,. t 4 i Mi Sf.llr ... 4 0 ii ii - Oie. D ,,. I 4 H Total ,, 43 12 M II 1 Tmal II I II I Matted for Carrlaan In th eighth. United for Iotiard In th eliihlh, Han for Thotna In the elahili Hatted for lei,tit,u In the eleventh, Untied for High In the eleventh Itoton ft 0 ft ft i) 0 ft ft ; n . ,1 Nw York o ft 1 ft I 0 ft 0 o ft u- 2 Two-ba hit: Nunaimiker, lloblttzell, Home rutin: , Miiiiiu, Levi in. Hlol'ii bae: ftaker hai rifle bit llliih. im. bin plav Keating to Feckliipiiuglt to Fipp, Feonnrd lo Jnnvrlti In lloilii,l, 1'lpp I UliiieKlnteil i, l'irt. bnen mi mini. New York, I Mea on luill: OH Keat ing, 4. off lnnnrd, I; off OteKg. 3 Hlta and nirneil run" tiff l.eoimiil' II hit and I run In eeveti liminii, off Oh-i-'k. 1 bit In four Inning: off Keating, 3 run Kttuck mil: My Keeling, 7: bv (.coiiard, 1, bv Orekn, 5, I mpitf Nnlliu and I'ltieci), Tiger Heel llronm, MT. I.I It 'let, Mil,, April JH - With the wore tied Hi the ninth, Hun doubled lo leri, ecorlng Hellmaii and el Htoit Ht, tiiila In n ee nw g-ime hei,, tnitny, H to il Mt, 1,1,111 forgid nl.B, lii ,c "Kill When Mui.hiip Hila hll bv Pitt he. bull, ami 1'i nit and Johttenii . 1 . . -1 1 i . I I n Irull Hid Hie ei'iite In the rmhili when Holme, balling foe In, land, ilt,e In two run with a male t ,,i ii i,iiini i., it,n nine In.lnv ll, I ol , lout, I., iiml a alngle The do, lb! ei ii, K a , una i nil in Ihe aeielith. Ht ore Mmied nt I 'a, fip. 1 1 in iiimi, Mill, I tor Niunaue in iiahti, Mailed lor i i, , I, It ll. In e,iUlll " liaite.) f,,r Mo land lit i ImIiiIi 'linn tor l"lbu, III llghajy 1'Mlorr ni lull a 'i ii it a r tn ii it t Mil. 11, , I I I ri. itit, II I t l ii I ki aiuif'i M I li I..,,., '. twain ' l.l. ,1 I I I ii , ..,. Ii, ,i o ,1 i.i. tr i a i ,i , ,i. ., . .ill i a ii W H. I I It I tl I i it, l l i i i a " if I II. ' 4 . ,. .,..,1 M 4 i'-pi,iwii a 4 ii.i.. - I 4 I i M I ..ii -a I" It I 4 Ili it ' i I e 1 I i ii f II. . i h a I . I . ! i i MAftft 5 I. -1 il ii rt i ) ii ii fc I ul,ti tl pli.iltoll I'., I.. I t 1 I ' i t v., ho il"ti ,h,,ii,,ti t'V,,., .4. It !,' l' I . ' ' - l 'I l't,M".ll, I'1' , - '.., l,l. I l I 11,1.1,1 I ,, f 1 . , . - l I I I' ( I tint. I met t'f t 1 1' f Ml. I In ' ll-li l-. . eft t t ' . l i ' I'' t i i,,i, in i.ii,,, inn,,,,. i ' I ..'-inl I b'l, I ii, n ll, .,!, i., .In ,-f I'v", 1 nd !' r ii. Iii I. i,. Hit I i ,.',,,', h'l VUiMiti ! t itiu "'i ' k mil l'i 1 1... .....u in i vi, po.i : i ."t-i - 1(11,111, ami tt t 4' I.--p ii t ek I Iwal w v ii I S' i I- I- i n .i,i , mi e-l, ti .,1,1 I i I I t It. In ll' nil H. I,,.. i , i . . ii. i ui i .i I -fi ' i" I.. . I .- ,1 i in-, a ...I 11 "' " ' ,i.-i,i: . h.d i, pint 1'- i " .., p 1. I S.l-,1. Ii- I l-'t Hi l ' l 'i w'i l !. I I'-- mil i , I vi't i-'i . , ,i , I i I'nt, i , ii in. i'',i .. i ,, .ti t i Cup. ii. a ml t-i,,! ,nSi.a '-ti I lit ,u I e ''I j I it ID Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ALL f r V ' ' rT a: y i 0 ' ha? T lauibl m 1 f r liij,viiit mid Foehling hud 1H ' I, UM ,ei If, tin llin lil.f Mi ore- (if i,r nil wAifiiirojoK. i i .i a i an ii ii a r tH M , i, I Viw-lur, rt . 4 1 9 I 1 1 1 m,i, i.i, , i it I i fiir. Ill, . 4 A 'i '. .in. rl 1 'i i I) i. vluiri 1 1 , 4 4 D $ 1 lli'l it i I , 1 D It lH'tmli-HH If 4 1 .... I' l I I it i I'llrr Hi ,, t I l) I,.l.l l 4 I 4 ' tli.n, il, , (i 4 a I I I'l- k lb,, ii I ll,.: II I f U I I'liif,. I , I I I I I I ., . , .if; It I 4 I I i ii ' I, mi, ,ii ii I it II t I) inn i ,iii,niia, i m M ti i n n ik uii. i, j a j ,D I) 'i it 'i',ii! i niiniiiiig ,, a a n .,r I I I I I 7il Tlla ... M li( II One mil whmt wlnlilna i mi acurn'l, Mulled for riinyi-r In ihe ninth, fiinii lor llemv In ii nlidh. i-, l ,. . r ,l I,,,- lii.lliu i., l,. i,,il. '"ipbiin , ii a u A a ti ii.'htngi'iii ,.,! 4M1M4 4-7 'I ii, lm.1 h 1 1 m bll.e hll Jill!' Ml, HI' I. ttl:. H'rurik, l.alme, Thren. Hloleii baaeg: rlllUlik, Mm bin on trrore Mwli illli' Oil I I'uliiidelphni, I Knaea : on (mill- Off Iminoiil, off Nnhnrn, off MiiililliiJ, , )in nH,l aarneil funa: i iff nimoiil. hiii. dud (uiih Ui four nod inn, llilid Ifililngn. off Idiehllng, K j litt and '' run In ine-fhlid liming, off , N'nhois, I lili and ii rune In eiuhl In. iiIiim Ulirec on l,i,R diii in,,,,, mi) n iiiuini nrr i ti, well, 3 blia and I run In linn Ihltd Innllig, riti'ick out' Hy ii(. inoiil, liy Naliora, ,1 by Oallln, I. I'm plrin, Cuiinnliv and Owen. Doanc Tigers Blank Wcslcyan Coyotes t M.rr, Neb , April :i-ff!pcll Tl gnim t .'yti(f rrrorlea bull, cw-h 4''hlrr g Iman Tlgr applied g roaf of wbllewaali lo r'llita g i"oyoteg grw wbt y with g 11 to- ft victory In th f rt home ,.lo,l (am ef (he geon Hay. left In Hi box for the local had lha vi- I dor at hi mercy and hi mmtwrt ru,.i.,. : ' : . fanlileB. iman grabbed four acoreg In the fleet wllh no one down gnd got .. ol her In the third. Lineup: ) lO N l', .. boater, cf, Alimey In , fib. Idlhorn, Mayer, c Wert-., If Krh, Tvl'f, rf Mh'kle, ','h, Ward, II, Hnylett, p Hll: in, wtnumAft . I'ody. in ), , lllnnman, rf. Kabm, If. F H"don, , f,', lierilon, 5h, f'ulheiliMin, il. Whittle, rf A nrleraop, (I, - K. iienton, p. Wealeyan, 4 f.rrir' fioaii, ft, Wetleyan 3 Mruck out; f'.y million, 7; br Hayleff. 4. Hmidrg Vager. AUTO WITH LOUD BARK APPEARSON AUTO ROAD Auto row w (lrrd ellerdr by th rrHl of a cr with loud bark. It waa a chadwhk W, which grrlved at the Aeio Clegrlng Hou and wag -cured by Mr Mrmioer Itj the at, where It. had been dipoed of by a millionaire who had th machine mad to mder with a'l the beat gc,c,eorteg. Want Ada never hlrk tblr work they will get rult, If gnythlnf will. f'.Ti for helping yourelf, flo out t- pun dee, fee Fag I'J gdvertloement. CATARRH A BLOOD DISEASE Drive It From Your System M.'u catarrh affect the tioe and throat, raining tore In the noatriU, Nioppage of alr-paage and gthrlng tn the throat, It, b been common prai.the to treat catarrh with alvea, waeheg and pray applied to the parte. Thlg mode of treatment cabnnf. give feerrmtv nent relief, and I liable to aggravat the trouble. Cutnnh cannot b ttlfle with. If Hllowed to run on It will die ee th bronchial tube, til on th lunge ami affect th elonmi h -imb-ed It I u vety eerloii dlneae. liim'l treat It i"hII, Thn one trealmvnt that ha proven etferilv In Ih treatment of Ca tarrh I rl H. H , Ih grealeat blond puri fier ami blood innln known. It relieve the can of I rilerrh by ri iiotirlehlng Ihe blond, rttiFuliig II vlgir, giving new lifn to thn ret hlnnj c,irptle am) i iiniiCailng the flow n Ihal It baa the j vitality tu throw orf thn .poii and I germ from the itwitiit. It I literally a .i,,i,, batii, mi uui kly fee I reauit I lea, hi, 'be iIIum t'PM r, Hie galbetlii III in,, ihrnal pi,,," the p,iitlU I,, pi ft i'. I a nil .ml ,i,,, ,i t . , i , 1 1 and ha II ,,. II efle.lne In the tlrnlliielil i.f lilund atfc liotui, I I'lteimi, t,ttt-i, raali, r, i.ifiil.1. Oil M (4 t vmir tlruagial If 1 ,"l li, Pit i i I adv , n will the Pelf I enm Iiir in, Atlanta- ut, It will av you JAR money to write for prlcsg on Pure California erai luintirea harreit itoreil ll miipiiiiim imrri-iff-rr.rilr-"'! r i'--"r e iri" m ayniitaa;'-la-piwiiytte'igt 1 "T"l ''"3ltJBOTn ain m H. ,",""ri" TT" vLL-FOR SAKE - WHY DIDN'T YOU SHAVC? 1 1 t j r BERRY WINNER OF THE PENTHALON Penmylvania Talwi Fetur Event t Annua) Relay Race Carnival, WON SAME THING LAST YEAR rnif.AHKU'HiA, April l,-ll,fi Herry of iba l niveriilty nf fnittyv anlg today wot) the, Frnlathb.n, m 0( tl, fBture evetitg of lbs gnnual relay nn ,.,..., . . ., , . carnival held on Kianklm fe, Ferry won Ih eyepl lam. year, Thai final point genre In the Fenlathlon wm Ferry, ft: A, Nh, llutgcr, Y,',; l" Kim kle, Feiincylvanla Iftnte, Fi, W. t'rt Igh ton, I'rrtnayltgnra, l'i; J. 'Im Whuott, fleorgenwn, 'l'i. Thi throw tit Ihe Frm four men in Iho pound lht tlitoty brokw Ih Collgit fecofd of SI fi ef, 4'4 In' h' , ftido by While lt yr, itrimry; Hi od .lump, Fftlihlon-W'oti hy Feirv, Femtrylvnla, illafanc U teei, 1' trnhe: eond, Nh, l(utr, third, Kunkle, F'titm Ivania wiaic, font ih, iirwnurgr, i.tiurK'town; rum, i reigtilou, Fnriiivl"n!. Throwing Found Weight -Won by While, yfeu, dliiu'. 31 feet, I, Inch: eeond, Krhrd, Cornell; Ihltd, Hobeil, Harvard fourth, Johnon, yr cu; fifth, Murchle, ndtri unlvrltv, ,lylln Throw, l'hiihlon-Won i Ferrv. Fennvvnl. dllnce I4fc feet. i Inch; cond, Nh; fiuigcr; third. Crelahton, Fennevlvaril; fourth. Kunkl. ' FennaVlvanla Mala, fifth, Uwhuit, 'eorg'ton Two Hundred Meter, Fn!afMnn-Won bv linrrv, FennyMnl ; eom, Nti, f(ugi; Third, Crfighton, Ferinylvnla, fourth, Kunklg, Femijlvnla Hlt, flflh, lwhurt, 'ieorgeiown, Time, ;, Folni-Kerry 3, Nh , Kunkl II, freight"!) II, ftwhurt 14. MX i mmunm, .i.n a. i wigggw a,, p , 'y-e, ,.fm!4tt4 .. . - .43.33? w ' LS ' Your New Spring Hat Should Bt Either a DUNLAPor STETSON The Standard of the Distinctive Dresser Wc are alo Showing the newest in Spring and Summer Shirts, Neckwear and Hone. Our line of Spring and Summer Under wear ia complete. Let Ua Serve You. FADDEN & BITTNER Her Grand Building, 511 South 16th St. Th Only Stort in Omaha Showing both DVNLAP and STETSON lUtt VIS BRANDY CO. rurt, SWry, Muicat an! Anjalica Win, They have iev. an1 will sell out wine cheaper than r r- -Tfffi ' I DID,' ' jir? Amortdin 4 oil' n chMiiirdoitalilu Hpilnl, M.,Iey luliiy l(Mce.Hil 0'f e olid nii-n cui-li rim :"'i yiai,ji, iblid man. 441 jrid; found, "ivi yaid V, mi .,y Fi bii uvl .iinla , Chicago, per mid. WI''""Hi. third, I rlm eion, fuuflh 'I line, '", pew woihla record, Freylou remrd, made by I'enneyl'. ni In Villi. Untitling Mop, Me-p and ,lumi-W'on by ' Hl'icr, IIIIiioIb, 4", f"'l li''i Inchea; Ivorj, 'eiiriaylvenla, ocinnd, Id-rl'ilet, I'nnnayl yanla Ihltd; Frown, ryreciir". fourth, f'ilmer, Fi-nnavlviiiU Ma'c, fifth, 44i V a rd Hurdle - I' Inn) won by Hurt, M'leronelii, William' i,Veeyn, awnnd, Tn iilnlm, lianuiouih, th'id, Whlilna, Feiiiinvltanl iie, fourth Tim, feV. l iV't M' leia, Fcnfiithbiii - Won byFeit y, Feimaylvaui ; KunHa, t'ennnylvaiiiw. Male, iierond; Crelhtim, Ferniaylvanlit, third; iewburl, OemfC iwn, fourth, Naali, Tlu'.gcia, fifth Time, 4 !!', Ani' i I' mi Cller'i chftmplnnmi'u, file- ! I1"'" M' dlev ll. e- IHr-l man mil miar- j ter mile; iK-m, half mile, Ihltd man. iiiree-'iunrierii, bit innu, line inllci V, on .y VV li mnlii, Fcnu:'' I anl'i, e'l ,, ,, . ,rUlil ,,,,,., Hammer Trow V.'mi hy M't'ormlrk, ' iiiiieii, iii imn i, .n f,,,ci ? in, he. ,, rla, lliif atd iieond. While, ryni'ii''. thud; ntin ibirid, FIHaburgh, foirin, Muri'hle, Imllana, flflh, SCUTH OMAHA COMES WITHIN ONE OF BEING WHITEWASHED l,OOAN, In,, Aptll S; -imperial Tele gram i -The Komh ld High g' hool b bull team arrived wtlh color flying W hen the hoy went home tonight, the ,,,,, Ar..a i n,. e-i.p i " " 'rft 1'"l " u'' The I touih fide boy met ih membaig tit the t Vn a b III i liool r,li,e and were defe led 3 to I, (-core; fgn ft ft I I ft ft 1 3 Wnutli Mde 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Mgttert: For logan, Wood and Hull, for Miuth Hide, Fuggl and Aridefaon, f ui il re: Foadlfer. "--- - Wl,p,,.p,p ...i ,. , BASE BALL OMAHA VS. DES MOINES April 20..7); My 1-2. HOI KKi; VAHfi Monday, My !., Ia4ig y, 0m Clld ma . M. j!'g( Seelein. Fale Majkaii-v Fro '1 St. Joaeph, Misaouri you ran buy new, ) ! i s